the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 17th 1936 pmgb 3 ffi lyocal news grand celebration and jioldlers reunion at xirvcuiwn july 1st union jcjhurch strawberry lawn social ui-t- p- mcixinald on priday june ictli iitrawbrny fruiva under auspices w a j fieorgetowti united church nrxi tuesday evening jurm 33rd motorims we draw your attention ui ktwl iuturi udvt on puge he l- 11 w map tltat lit you uttk mr dok l- to lmignr wrinkled uimi whttui ium- um m own it i m cnjj bunion liuivr at nil drug wow is ute tltnt ti stork uji luur ouol itlti advance july jtton- fimi and plure your order with johii mcdonald kvbilr iau juiiwlay was iliiwrr and bird sunday in tlu utillvd chlirrli atnon the hwny txitutiftil jlowiri was a pltrhrr plum whkh t- ulu rare in this section 0wruwrs frl mujiu or utlirr ve- hi j will do well urld ilif near parklntc by low ituhlubed in another column uf utt issue imatili for tale cauliflower mm i mvrrul vttrletirv of ratthwuc plants fur sale at th wc h godfrey few wlpl til loarmlovn until th middle mjuly tlie uriterjlw ifictyttli- bna played u prngruh in- the prv wa liuiuuy tvculpli to tin ajhtrroiatlve kltdienre tlttr thtollrubag wrulhe preitiitedniiy rmn alteitdlnjr and tey 4tucl iteuriug it pendkt tmh 75c cleans and preses suits dresaau swagger suil 0e vuali kiki presses trousers skirls vratcrs wutbreakers at lai halle ie ims wo cmll every tuesday itinrrty fsalunlay at hllvrrs lpt- luore ieorgetnwrt 11 tone 575 lip 1 m unnuaj bakrl ntcnlc mt uwi ivrl at itaiuxi 0d ttmere aiaocia- lum will bt lirld on wmlnruday juiw 3uh ibm at um iark tn lmirix uanluiba all umat 1kj cainf frtxa vrl or lultmi kin txirtunlly iiiitiuhi to aurrid uilt imnilr and u brtns utrlr irvimli im famillrk ahui un car kaal af sau klikwood ot ualllniad will i a nf ut wtlt at onxururw i on aturday juno soui lri jilt im iiayliuf ttl ttfar ijricaa yimr iuvrnly yean kxu iau no illlaritry c i6 jlkmmt bt lurwart- uu h- um nlocta ttlvrr illoicl t rrjh1 ulr friilali ap- j4l murray aiul tirut- jtljii jatuujui wtw in ctiarbttof uw rooipauy jf uye h ton who inait tihtnaul tiny marijanl awuy n tht jj mi- eiular rnthut onrbf uvlnfc jifc lltwrt 1 fiuj ad tli rttimj wn1 aiwal ettfc 7lw unc juflc hcouuli battd by lrrmbutnii tt th jilrr cqaamand- lilh will ivr cooctit in uw pxkbuc tctmijii ki4und in norval on jriday f1ilh jun 3lh wuranetn kt prnlt jolihny knuwttwi tiw- bjy comrdlari will k nunib uf of up ilurlntf liilrrflajoh a xihtrrt rollrctbtn will bp lakrn in hm of urn 3 nilk kbakon young lamb rump roasts boneless pot roasts legs loins 29 ik- front quarters 23 c a personals mr kobe iaive oi linwhous kpenl a tw tlayi- lii nrou lau week kli mlltnibi of oornwall vlduni taith ur aikd mt- tltomaji tom mr ii o luictiaitaii uf kitchener mrnt ux week rnd willi mr and m- k 1 mofjilvray ur thaji huddy wft but wrck fui lloikfr hvxart wlxtr w tuu ttocepted to tmciuoi mr cajnbrl of crlar iwk tprnt 1 irw ilaii lam wk wllu mrs itobl uii wm lvldall u vlxlunc with i uiul ui artliur avivdall yt mi cd juiul tortu n-liw- muchflj milton vlsll- mr l mrs i ii urolbbon ovrr 11m- k erui mr fii utiuuji lu wick viul in utwi ill ubm ituutii- mr aii m 1 u rutkrlalr liuitiloii kiiciil- uu jfrrk wuh mr culrl lltttclalr im and mu iw-alhc- with lib fcuun ol 15 lb 12c pork chops cat im iw m 25c fresh hocks 10c- sweet cttvek b u t t e 2 i or 49c new potatoes no i quality leaf lettuce generous bunches bananas golden ripe texas tomatoes 4 f 25c 5c 3 23c 2- if ft slh box 6sc b m u i a s g ubkvk 1 lb ua y pork beans 3 for 19e bedpalfa sugar im hvib 485 certo 8 oz bottle 27c niooovjiyt maltone i lb tin 29c vi 24c tone 44c 79c we sell for cash phonje 28w cjjjr kucilv deliver pup food store 3 pkgs sugar crisp corn flakes 2qc 24 oz bottle peerless toinatocatsup made from seleeted tomatoes 15c 2 x i lb iiags mccormielcs soda biacuita 25c 18 oz jar heinz old fashioned pickles 25c 6j2 oz jar heing sandwich spread 19c no 2 squat tin tip top brand choice quality diced parsnips 9c 2 x i lb pkgs domestic or easiiirst shortening 25c 10 oz pkg tea- bisk and rubber fly swatter 15c sweet pickle cottage roll in piece lb 19c choice breakfast bacon in piece lb 21c fresh bologna irt piece lb 12ic 8 lb oac starting or growing maali 25e o lb chick scratch feed 25c 6 cakes comfort soap and i pkg rinso 25c twouioiie bug killer tuvl positive blight preventive 12 lb- b 40c 25 lb bit 75c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver ez53 low rail fares lolulyt vtlmx mm omi thikj i lodkd tmf tlcubi oowl oolhi tu u ka 30 ui 3 tut v mr 1 canadian national mrrcw kjriu lite wek rlrimlu la itamlllun mr 11 lwiic arul dauclluy ulut maiarrt lontf atlritdm uitf l ouurhti at oilwa ljt wwk mrr aiulmus mary ucolb- biu uf timaay aitcrtt tlk week end kith ur toivl mi rtttl ambrrtatax llv nndkji j c allou fcij dauftiilrr lultn of oitawm were wk nl yinttoni with iv and mrs mc- ajjwcr ur krr mlv dorotliy ktrr tlv- ruiiui itcv aivd mrs jaincrf oanji ainl juxu- uf indian lbsad baakt viiltwl witii mr aiwl mrs k k vountf oil uuoday mrurs jnmm and thotnax kuen- lonaul ulut agtma fclletiion kuend- txl uvc oaitl ttnunlofl mlunday at ur kiul mnl tddke oamwx knaw- burai mr artliur dwyfoot hu been uicccciul in liaising ous xeound yeajt arth twfi of twoolo unl- vnrity taking intmui dant honour in like kngluh and history oourae mr and urn jocuh inrvii and ultl um jome of bowmantrluc mcnt tlic atk cnul wiui uselr uncle and aunt- txmaa ttwonuut and jibm aiui uks aeiica khenuvn and fcttend- d live caulo i w- union itmj eitauctnenl is ajuyjullccd myrtb oorcrruiaiviter of mr mrs k galuutlver milton to mr ltert rand uiuuay 011 of utjl undaay and uu lkle jainas luitlktrford lind ay of ooorfceliwii- marriage to taka mr aiul uri jkiti c qwltaer of norviu announce uu cncactneiil bx tlvcir eldoiu lauhter mary oudya lo mr ueorcv douxbu lsmond of nerval the wedding to take pi juno 30th at bt stephen andkmn churchv itornby ttwi nutaccmrtt bt announced of marvaret dalxiel daughter of mm mcoousl uul uw uiu mr jtunerit mcdoukkii of oeoruwn onlario to ur corge aieiuinder praacr oi calcdonu ontario on of mrs rvjr and uw lau- mr david vraaer of cmkntctown tlie marrlaitt lo ike uace oil july lc georgetown take fall out of group leaders milton team weftk not oood knodcu on katuauxav imayinr uie beat ball they tuayed uiu ltwdtfifi ckonrunm amasbed out nine hits to kl ihetn four to the vultors two and to beat the aroup leaders but uaturtlay after noon- the oeontetown team w to be rbihl on balurday and t3 nd a brand of ball that to hanl to beat tn any k8ue wrucn the unas uwy first uepprd to tlte plale they uran to wallop uui ball all or the ulace tlte boys knew it was hit that counted aiul uey wentf after them tliev tooclted ksarus oflerlna for nine beautiful bits i while mcuaiui wlu iutclied hp ball for the locals wa clout kbf umra the feature of the frame was a- ititchie unale lu tlie fieewnd with ute have loaded- mcmann had iw support uf botli th inoeld and vuitltold and the boys couldnt aeetn 16 do anytiun wronl as a wuilt uiey cante oul on the long nul of a 4 t 3 honk the wame was witnessed by fair crowd itd now that theymw aa the uiililirclinib aaln they will liave lb topve the fence f back to tske in the fcapclly crowd for ute next bwdx hare it only lukes a ww then u uut th fn in food atliiu snd ret them benlnd the team w you were not at till gam you miss ed a rare tr4at if you dont want 14 taabs ajiouser treat be at like nest btpe- scor hy innlpcs georgetown to loae popur hockey star with the removal or fred crlppc from urampton nest month oeone- town llockey club will lose a popular player fred has always been muuai georgetown milton w oetnenu it brush c toletsfca tn a olements 3h nay lor if j lirush lb anderson 3b cronhi sb gilbert cf xxkard p cleoaenu loaiovo o3 p 3 0 0 0 01 d xr all u ii 1h a e rt b 34 s 4 xx lilt by baited bau x ilattixl for gilbert in uh ravorile with oeorvetowit hockey fans uul missed few nuaes with cheioead atjusd the past ferny year mf crfppa i he will take over ute busin of his father- zhe kclion that- has brompt- ed hitn uito making this decision hv ute illlieajui of hu father who con ducts a urge photographic boenmer- clsl nuslneas in lterboro and of liecesslty is retiring besides laking ovet hu fathers studio fred wul open up an uptodate portrait rturilb lie plsnh jeavlug brampton about july 1st so anyone wishing photo graphic work done is advised to get in touch with him right away we regret the loss of such a jjne player as fred ciipps as he wlli- be kreatly inissed on the georgetown lineup ills wonderful kportsmgn- shlp was shown by his popularity with friend and opponent on the ice we wish him every success in his new field of endeavor done in getting wrongs rlgtited not uut f legislation or even use elimination of cvtl lorceb but to get the mind and will of chrlj into the heart of human kind fioclal service is itcnnancnlly tauxjlu only as uiu ts accompliblicd wayer in one grtat metlsud tlirough wtjjpli we are rnabled to get oods viewpoint a msnllrln in uke lile erf our l4td kiui master there are twu forms of unbelief nri1 tliat of lite intellect cotniutmiivriy tarr aitd uuu ot tile iiearty xtrenwly cttnx- nvun tnailieulrig ilwii in uut j-iiuli- wu which litlnka in trrnu of uic posaeasivn my rattier tluui our- tills atutude of mind u- alo ulikji jcar aiul grief an jiyniittoou of un belief in our rttur in hjsviii who in ue working out of llii tovinu pur- powxi fur ull hui cliitdrn l ill mi- maiul of all huiwrt ujmf them nut bretiklig cnrni u tuxmnnuljl ills dchuiu jum uiu tliiul baxn wujj wn by iwiicf uolitg iup by ip in tvir uivu4f understand ijig una ohriicuc in our oioperauoi ilti him ui uuit hu will may bo done upon iurth uii it hi hi ihaven vocal duet by mtw uuflel and imtbrl jueptimmiilijf uiiciuuji aaid piano aelrctinuii by mtii wlty ilpeignt made delightful varaliuiu jjj ute uf- tensoonu lurograni whlti wax fol lowed by n snoial italic iwyjr tipcnl oyer ute- much aplrooiaud xip of tea vjby thrhorxr to llerbowbel ttte next meellmf in sepbmbtr week end specials iftji footwear sandal tics and 249 196 295 wliilciudc lciatlci oxfords wljlc kid tics ijidirtsgrry and wiiilr ijk oxfords crrixr solcn ludies wkilr tennis oxford 98c misses kid sjtntlil icntkcr boich 13 cltilds white sandnls 65c cliildn tim icthcr 75c simplicity puttrrrii 15c 20c 25c afiknvm xitt -ljtvfuvk- lunkkk and lvkkh mtore vrtil lt clorl jthurnday altemoon at 130 i mcbean co miont u riragaw we itkijvot au layaarvj ucoatgfnrown will be ijrld ut tli- hotuimtf mrs- tliyr rteeve arlrtu tit- v ar wis jlr uul but failed kasre ktary bam4 oaweeri at clew wunaawi by permliium of ute oiocer com- maitdlng life uxne iuhas bcotuibj ibuul will give an open air conoert in glen williams on friday june lui at 840 iun oliver collection new ugbiwg kywtraa twrfteal sat kataway tlte coiutructlon of ute ortvamcatal suvcl hijhuim kylrm in georgetown will be conjfuctfcd this week and will be offtcbilly lunted on haturday even ing june 26th jeneys awaraw majaiti thcjcraoy cow bonnie ring own ed by it- j graluun at fjoii george- lown uu been awarded a gold medal by ute canadian jersey cattle club uonnle produced jn ses days 1sjuo lh or milk b9lbc fat utui an av ace twt of 583 per cent this was lite hlglvest record made by a jeyey cow in canada in the past year on twlceadoy milking two titer cows in ute graluun herd have beet auarufd ijlver medals by uie cana dian jeney cattie club kowerti delltltine audrey a fouryeajtovj row itroduced in 305 dsja 11040 lbs milk s7 lu fat wlui an average test of sjl pry eent- solomns june 31a ti uireeyeairold in 565 days pmduced gom lbs milk u3 lbs tat vlth an average lbst of per oeut mtrawbeirty frwivaj a ttmw berry feolval will be held at tlte cedsrvaje- school for girls georgetown orj tuesday jone 33rd ut l30 pjtf- dilt under auspice of uwe wamens aisocutkai georgetown united ciiurcli a program of high cuuls entertainment will be given by ute following talent agajiawn itouse mfcxso soprano mr harry taylor baritone mr prank milne tenor mrs may jones- young and miss gwendolyn jones readers mm prank milne atjq m pianist all of hamilton georgetown pipe ttand m aueiuianoe rerrfealtmcnt booth grouiuls if weather unfavorable wlu be iteld ui the echool ail welooaa admliiion adults 36c citlidreu 16c ykeoaw htuiavial atu klsueauk anniversary boston church will be iteld on sunday june 21u at 11 aja and 7 pja 8t ttte services will be conducted by hbv n kl u h1ncuuk mju bu f hhamialft special mukic by ute choir- tburaday june 2tl garden party fw tw ctwrefc cr aaa a first class program will be given by the hariy coukkns concatky co op acumuta itefrauiment booui on ute grounds anuiuon no aku iu in caie of unfavonable weautet ute program will be riven in the church for blue coal aitd take fcdrsirdabc of the tununa- pricea lulchle eui oods7iro ward c lieaumont lb chaplin rf uenham cf luddall if mcmann p r h lutclde ab all u ii po a u 4 0 0 7 1 3 3 0 1 37 4 dm 8 summary 3 base hits anderson u bases w clemenu 1 h brush 3 maylor 1 base oil bails off mo- mann 5 off fcxmrd 1 btruck out by mcmann 7 by esard 4 umpire sed don of near toronto kjtarmt ktanblnfl piayed won milton 5 4 acton s 3 georgetown 4 3 brampton 4 0 lost 3 3 4 john mcdonald estate ptkooe 12w georgetown uajltow county judging ucsulth annotuxckd ttte annual judging competluons and achievement day for ilalton juni ors was iteld in milton on saturday the young men judged live stock at some of ilalton countys leading stock farms and later judged seeds fruits and grade cream at the milton lugh ucltool ttte young women itad on display some of ute reulbj of the two prospects in clouung and nutri tion rcpecuvcly which utcy itave been carrying on during ute paiu few monuts prise winrurs junior pumcre judging compeu lion beiiktr 1 tors jack taylor gerald graluun and jack turner beef cattle bill proftter mrlvin btorey and kmet ivvles dairy cat tie kmmett mcglbbon joltnton noe- laruls addlutn woodley slteep mar- tyn llyslop reahudd meelartds mor- ley peacock swine jack tawson and roy tovwll grain and seeds prank ctushoh cordon pislter fruit and vegetables latest wood jolin bird cream grading ckmald gates wullam boothr junior partners judging compeu- tion junior horwi grant ilellop craig reld bruce iteld beef cattle john mcnabb idonald mcnabb joe ptouetterio dairy eu ah mc- keown hugh mcdonald pred avl wards sheep walter reid maurice beatty goorge mccormack swine robert allan clarence kingston uoward qwitser grain and seed george pellettarlo pij rinehart and leslie gunny lie fruit and vegetable george urbckiin morman itiohardaoti and w t cnug itekl tie the don ald robertson trophy high boy in itors jack taylor the duncan campbell trophy high boy in beef cattle uiu proser the baronston trophy high boy tn dairy catue art mckeown the ma son knitting go trophy lilgh boy in heepuartya lleslop the thomas luakelock trophy tugh boy in swipe robert allan the hxalton seed growers associauori trophy lugh boy in grain and xd prank chishoutl the olrautcona orchards trophy high boy in fruit and vegetables george ureckon the ilalton cream and butter co twjpliy oonald oatea trln u- ottawa hlatest aggregate -core- awarded to claude mclaugh lin jack taylor bank ol nova ucotla tvophy bitertownshln oom- petluon nelaon team jack taylor grant llealop and george pwlleturfc the palermo junior farmers chal lenge cup high team coach walter lineman trip to ottawav team mmhers bob allan art mckeoww howard qwilser v uambul prosser eoo team members oearge and joe wueiterio pred kdwmrds ttte anderson trophy high club mil ton club members any tofell bill ivofciar prank czusltolm reg hee- isjvia euunett moglbbon joimslon neelartds second isuermo club third norval club cnjc ohleld higii rtovloe awarded to art mckeown girts results trip to ottawa lugh aggregata acore lobei tovell jean pisher itaael booth junior clouilng mcmabb uargaru howard neaie howard dorla perrirr muriel mitchell bupper cluvmarie black- all haael nooth plorence mclaugh lin kv cailsholm verna kingston jeukf howard helen mcoihbon lot tie tasker dorouiy urown helen cttultoim clouihtg ploienoe cart- wright mary jar betly rivas wllma ikrkdesatai peggy marsli iuu pisber mauie mcjoutte alma marsh marion insidi cmil teams demon- straton palermo juniors betty rivaa wllma henderson and ploreuce uul- lock tlupiter dubleai pulter marie lucksil pioreiuw mclaughlin clouiiiur ptoittce ckrtwright wll ma hendron tvggy marsli hila flatter winning dub poods ocotoii block and palermo juniors tie clothing palermo junlom ucotdi block palermo fcentors towiulilp team trafalgar bobel tovell hasel hooui verua kmastoiu a wtlur of lyrics for jass eomposl- uits atutouies bi a utealrical paper that 1m u itow at liberty- we caii itelp feeling uist uus is a grvtt taus- xiim and tiiuvt in sport georgetown baseball team finally hit their stride on uaturdayhut and milton took it on ute chin xorm 4 defeat- and the locale played headup manager herb ucou luul his uteir toes all the way error and plenty of lilts put cal to ute front from ute atari of ute w mcmann who hurling for the locals few lo- ooes the never hi better form and had the support oi the whole team auxj ute fans a xene of security was felt by the fans wlten harry woods took the field harry has been out of the last few gained and ha been greatly missed he is a very conuslent player in the lisneld and an excellent batter we liope harry wont have tomiss many more games uus season he has played ball with ute local nine for a number of years and has always been a favorite wiui the crowd the team goes to acioh tonight for a kclteduled game wlui uteboyi of ute western villa and we itppe utey will meet wlui the uune sueera as uwy did on saturday it is runy n ored utut alcott will itart on ute mound in ute acton gante maybe uie palling we gave ute local ball outilt ute last week or so lias done some good and we itope utey will keep up ute winning ltreak and ute enuiuiaun sjtown in ute milton fame because we uy uilngs come weeks you doitt like we dont want you to get sane und atui we uonx want you to get a big itcad wlten wo give you a little turnip ami want lo be coaxd out to the luxi game just get out lltere and itlay ball wlieutcr you win or luce wheuter you play one game tn lite season or every game you never know when your turn will cume iicxi tomorrow you might be uu hero- the scltedule for tlie local softball league will be found tn utls l titers bftinfaiwth prove quite illteivll- tng and will give uu local fans someuting to do during ute wcel tito guua are to be played in re servoir park liont full to be on hand mrs e porgrave rcta tuu ti pltclung again utl year in ute musl- ball leugur for ute bramitton ladies tomorrow night joe lou li ute detroit colored lighter and max qclimeling the germsii nuttch hsts in hew york barney marsh ute former milton pitcher l on ute ookviue lineup uila seauto actop boll learn took anouter all out of brampton on ualurday wtten utey won from ute ptower town 4 to 3 in 10 innings brampton wtto are trailing ute group made it pretty itot for acton and only luurd luck kept uteoi from winning aiter lleing up ute saore to go into ten innings rod elalluijourt ditor of ute utaunpton conervalor and who plays third base itad ute mkforturta to be knocked out wlten lie alleutped to stop a fait line drive georgetown are entering a team in the county juvenile league wlui ac- oakvllle and milton- a new scliedule lias been drawn up but space doesnt permit publishing it uus week tius team l being spon- soied by the intermediate club aiul bill ritchie will be ui manager tlte hru game will be played in oakviila net imatday nigltl all boya interest ed are asked to be at ute park thurs day nljftu for pracuce ttte local intcrmedule ball team go to brampton on saturday we liope a goodly number of fans will accompany ute team tried hsid several times titer had- always bean iiome excuse hb vuui tapplarajtce financial status lltis lima lie j determined ttcrti would be jwd mon nonthtie brusquely he elbowed hi way utrough doaetts of ulhulcanu past private desks direcuy htto tlu omca of ute ciilef executiv now look here lie began kfioke forcefully hrusltbig luade all protests ten mhtlrs later smiling scornfully ut the waiting mob he marclted out at but lus was on relief your prandfauter li u witty man he ieems to be full i originality ytts wc call him lpigrumpo iw laaiceailam cas aridity and all kuasacai tr u lake castronox stomach powder sale at maecaraaaeks drwg kure new advtetlsements itouu to knt oil uurtiock btrel oocupaiuy july 13ui aptily lu jas cudljuiuiu ocorsetown u vnliw fp kale pirc llluuui oak dining rootn tuile or sale apply lo haxia hwakl cmce- it bmlroom pnd dlnlna room furni ture 3 conuoleum nius ilaupy tliouatu nuuir odd cluiln tablcfi tu- yrank c whluiw phone 341 owmteuiwn t kteajcatow tu ttrttl six room bunualow all cort- paasuiaaahaabbaaj m save wtth safetvat your rexall store kackkule iv xbl u knulixu ilkaxtlf sajjnk tllfc ml macamla tahtirrs syetub fttus wetk nlnrwliiwus jsc 1kst aku kjth alwtss ullm ok maitkia iixkllk-is- tootii taxukif via uian1 kmlllhclllpi ivsot ulilnrktant tto bt koijlbbti tootii laktk u tlm havkbs akmkin at 5s as kllf la ywr mtt- alrknnies i awmy t 4ma4ac voue bull sun rttoha lq la ajn gin ruxs pur tk uk w a k a tawlem is a robbs drug store kllonk w dtuto tubc fcrrslfl btowr uermkoctowm a a bubbling mot tltcrev no trcaier comfort utan itlcnty of hot water la uve home and none that can be furnished more econotnlcaliy than by ute new type water heaters tney are revolution ary in what utey provide the quickness economy with which utey bring bubbling hot water to you installation costs very 1u1 see us about it- cl r muckart hatua ueaiaag tl i hi i g eleearte wlrfaag asai h7- trj gawgwhvam pjuo wanted mwdliraeed woman wants itouse- knplng position in georgelown ap ply ur william jamell acton up tcnbkkk wantco triucni will be received up to july im by the scretan of georgetown venlencer and garage just off malnjiuch scliool for five cords of body sl ready tor imnwdlate occupation muplc utine to be delivered during apply to j b- mackenzie 5 8annvtfiui of july waller t evans b- geortovn u cretan- gtmirgetown st to tuokkc conckatnktj part or parties circulating tmls nnnors about my daughter must stop nt oner or i will take action percy dillon oorurlown trucking and ourfjage i am now prepared lo do moving and general cartage of all kind prompt lervee at a reasonable price prank c whltmee phoae 1 oeorretown lbw tf addiu tonal sitort news on itage 4 w c t o tlte wctu convened for ute jtrc- vacututn nteeung priday afternoon june 13ui at ute ltame of mru a it vaniuuter ann l llirough ute klndnoss of menibrra and friiruls tiunsportauon luuj brn itrovluwl for all arul ute unuually large attendanoe tetuwd to ute up- itrecbitlon of ute opportunity of ei- joylng iho graclotu ttosiutolity of our ltrufcldent amid the lovely fcnrrouhd- ingsof iter country hotue lite devotional iterlotl uitder ute leadership of mrs deans wdji partid- italfd in by mrs- marslutll miss k mackay ultd mrs- roney ur ute se lection for humlluuon being one of liev wllliiun allens studies guided by god based on lsaltn 33 mrs p c overeitd who luul kind ly oiuyrtutvi ui ulve ute addrta of uta uftfntooii prrtiruuhj u wry utoughtitrovokhig study on lrayer as oite of ute most itecnary aiul vfaclrnt weapon in tenuurance war fare ttte speaker btremi ute lruu t the teou tawiilkl work to be heinz strained foods for babit pwss hl c carvats vgatalu rvtsw s tsmaj cva itisa tim 19 heinz mayonnaise sandwich sfread 19 salapciieau utd jar soups tomato ztili assorted fatem pa aimfcfaa vgiulu msnifs stttel bvotk omta3 calry oyuf vatuma tuu beaut cwklw wul naadus cudtm tk kuc tlietc pricci areeftective lor juiit 15tli to june 20li inclusive heinz beans fit toms to sauce llovton 5tyl baked aeahs ued tta 1 vtotlarian ued- tiui balced beams 2 lo- 29m iuv1 kj small th kidney beans sm iieinz cookad spaghetti 14 tifli tomato juice ketchup woa iu cu vu 3 a lam 14ko ilollk brunswicic sarcllnes all kid 3 t 14 kpkrial chlre frhn iora hesd lettuce 5 prekh new potatoe 5 ib 25c kvery thing in h vrajl a tad vrgrisbleh w quxly uvmi siauurj peaclies l uu w heinz pickles swul missj w msai mlaa ului clow cuw 9w4 cjiaviusu sw4 mulvirj lil kuuai jar cu aill jumlio jar 374 sl mtuj jatily jar sx sw- ulj l fanily jar 3tm ou i faniuy jar ss culi s utjuu jzu beef bologna lleinx queen olives 17mw jar 3ow ill soa dohlr beetsyeair sauce 244 hema cockte slacahomi ued tu 14 lieu shoi lar eamuf buttelr ju ucium sau 6m rtolll wokcestebsiiihe ss4 hciitz ivetli ilcd itfilu jar crii kjul iav urua freparl sal jar uusyard yjt to4 ilciua rruecaa olive oil 41 tot 23 llemi hvap sttau uolu house stablsm 244 syamdajut quality wax beaas or c dominion stores