Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 17, 1936, p. 2

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vt plate 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evaning june 17th j 936 h n f 4 summer weather and attractive wearing apparel silver are well prepared with attractive seaeonable merchandlme to nerve all naecr the folkronng is only brief list of the many seasonable articles that can be bought at silvers department store for the ladies featuring smart printed silk dresses including pique linens and- voiles avast as sorrmerfl of ladiest wliilesliocs in ties buckles straps and ox fords irgealmv sport wear featuring bathing suits slacks shorts and beach dresses for ii men we offer a splendid variety ot ipolrr suits featuring thclatrsrslyles at silvcrwyoui will findjhe largnst asstirtrnent of sport shirts and svveatcrs- the very newest jn bathing siiits and trunks a splen- did asortvnentof sporlhrousersin white and gry flan nels numerous lines of seasonable shoes in white and sport styles silvers dept store 1 where your dollar goes farther phone 376 georgetown g ll- obituary knqlliui la kgucfilax on uonday june ath jb3h to ur and c q ansdidi m son co4jfj0i iii toronto western hospi tal c thursday juno ltlh ud or benjamin ooliop djdil dearly beloved husband bt victoria ivareti aced ji yeara in mkmok1am connely in lovlnaf koamory of a dear wife hn4 toother euy con- ndy wlio passed away june nth 15- and wldle sh lie in peaceful bleep iter knemory w shall alwayakeep isver remembered fay hi and amily i jvew park by lata a new takklntc ylaw to rrulatc traffic in oeatrcelown has been pais- d by our town council and approv ed by u minister of hlshways and tike kakae appears in ibis issue of the herald- ti- lraewaslafcraine our streets has fenade necessary the pa- ln of such a hyuw both for the eonveiuence and safety of the public driver of motor and other vehicles are requested to read and ofaaerve uwiatae and by to dolnk as the council in uielr effort to rulate the trw wiui y least inconvenience to all eotieamed obituary wllxlam k anthony william k anthony hardware mer chant of ijrampttei jar tlie pat twentyalx yean died uuklenly ojt a iweart attack early uunday knomlnif he was born hi uramplon vt years no aon oi the late william anuiony and prior to opening a business in hrampton had been a merchant ortllia for live years jlurjrnlrts are hi widow formerly uls daisy wat- yaa a goal cordon of brampton two brothers j k anutony urampton dr herbert anthony hillsdale ule- lucan and two fclders lira d k uodure klkhom wuuu and urs- andrew robliuon hamilton ur anthony was a metoher of grace united church and had beei a knember of the offiaal board of the cnureh church news kehure text h tbe bkmlf they aee wuk e ai creat jdary laae tu xl kl gearxe cbaercb jtev w a o tlvompeioo hector ueoond uunday as- aer trinity hofcy ooounuruon 1 uuiulay tehool in holy cotnmur- ion u ajn ion v pjn corporate cammunioti of the sons of bt oeonte at the eleven oclock kueharist wednesday is the teat oi tha nativity of st john the b hi a1w- oaareh glew wuuasm ueoond chinday after trinity ma tins 0j0 un sunday school itlm uia caarcb hev k o uaxter luor 10 i guiulay gclvool 1 pj kvenlntf wor- jjiip riven of life rrom wluuic a cordial vclcoerte to all ualud cbareb hev p c overend ha ulnlsler qlo ujco suiuuiy advool 11 aa tile qacrament of u lords supper 7 pm onobtervtd sins kl jobu cfcarela ktewahiawm 2nd sunday after trlnjty 3 pja evcawmk and sermon by the ibat griftjn thouptan of hoty trinity ctmrcli ul hfcmllton bknjajon uoixw it ilenjamln cioudp lue resi- tfettl oi llalton county and fur forty m astt yrars a praculiofter uf uenuatry i us past levrnleen yeara in jeore- lown dlcaj after a stkurt lllneas in lite timimilu wtern llespital tbura- tfcy uit m iila esventymrearul year fturvivl are itu widow victoria alice jraren of norvl two eons norman k ul olucaku ald dr -retleric- tl of otlawu a uauchier ura clauoe u arrnaxrontf of toronto burvlvinc memberi x ute parental amity are urs uml wetxter w o ooliop- kli j- ltliip mrs mary jane lilac all of norval julin it and itobert i uollop- of tnruiiui dr ouuop wa laid to rrt will kfuunlo honours in norval uw tjualnt and pretty little vlluvv uf his nativity quiet and uitoklriilatious ill life one of ids arreal ueaurrai van tils endeavours lit be half of ids masonic anlliauons as pavt ujuuer at st- hair loogo aj jtt ajrf ullton onl uemirer of credit tode aik i ajj eonce- tuwn laat principal uf itruton cliap- ter itoyal arclisaasons sikj secretary uf the sainexrodce many hours of his very active lfe were spent on his maaonic worlt pur many years- ku earlier lire as pracutlooer he was recognised as a one horseman and ronivritnruf of beautiful j owner of a small atrtng of horses wtio will their progeny obtsl signal ikonoues ln the show rings -of- hls country and the uiuted atatea ai of ule earlier and pionesr den- of utis section uf uie country before the edocatlonal fatiilities of thd faculty of dentistry university of toronto had reached ll present high standard dr oouop was known as a most utccesatul preceptor id the many students who passed through ids lianas and on numerous occasions this was recognised by the itoyal cotlcjpj of dental surgeons some 6f live numerous students wlpi wiiom he was associated now enjoy ing uoccas and prominence in their chosen profestsbn are dr v uoore michigan ave chicago dr t p campbeu gait onl dr wal ter johnson oeceased trie pa dr d u ultcheu deceased port arthur dr p jf wiley toronto dr d morrow hauuton onl dr j ab bott erin ont as a respected and honoured dtl- hen rioral tributes from many friends bu auocistes fraternal organi sations and relatives went received col p h atul mrs deacon warren wilson oergory co dominion dental co dr j s chalkorf mr and mrs tonald karle porest hlli toronto mr and mix hewer weston dr and mrs j abbott krin mr and mrs w h armstrong mr and- mrs m o hoettger hanover mr and mrs pletcher pearen stratford mr and mrs w oreenaward mr h c hil lock mr lroy dale ko mlsan clartdge mr and mrs john d kelly credit lodge ap at am halton chapter r-am- oeorgetown mrs c qreenwood hrampton brothers and suters norval some of the outoftown attendants noticed at the services were crown attorney dick kc mr a mcnabh ur u ujqalbralth ur and mrs p pearen ur and mrs hosslyn learen milton mr kmt warren col p ll deacon mrs carberry and slster helen messrs jotui and jelt harper mr and mrs- it larle mrs orant smlui toronto ur and mrs m a arnuirong mr and mrs h hoellger mlu kauueen uagee han over mr and mm jiulland sihbald qlaude onl umehouse t unnlvcfaary servlena held tn uw untied chuidi uk sunday were well mtleiulrd uimi very icraufytng to use ifcwrd 4 maiiagenteitt ttepon oj umt uiuikiaary fh luutkj in anouier wjpron i dr liikduay tuiusrilaiul uf kbiglon llkcjil the weea end wlttt hu fattier suxl sunt uhim liuuui aitd nellie tliunaun um1 u nlshiliigaui of itrftxtu vuit- ed with un itwackluunet jtxul uar- garej uu suiaday mr aitd mix wuuon of 1runui l4kjil jjrvef l dau uua week witti ur btwl mri c oau tjtr and un mtiide aivd family of tju vujlcju mr and mrs a hill uu sunday mr altd un p cole of acton ail mi jrude vliuxi mr aiad mru lull oil sunday on sunduv mr and mrs win mit chell vualrd mr- jolui kennedy wimj wu uikcii to uueluli hohjuu iait week their report on his ouiuluioii yregrvt id uol very f avorahle wc tiilnd our liearty j cungrutuuv tioiui to iliti sleiilieiuoii family and moor jim dttvles carl scott and hairy hmcuulrst 6n uieir altaiiimeut in radio lame ah lite radios 1 ljmstioube were ustcnlng in o opjxli monday evening alid uwsminjl ly enioyed tlic prupnuri livery c- leciion eiuhe over ery blear and souudod more like prtdeyuopals uum amateurs numbed uf our townspeople att tended the special lervlocs ou sun day in acloii onlutd church wtven tire new pipe organ ks dedicated ur it maittham and miii oflve returned liome on sunday fur a lew weeks by law no 3611 pa pb livchldknii velilrle notscg of apwmlkclason tq tlus many friends relatives and acquaintances of live late dr 30ea- jamln gallon mrs gallop and fami ly wuli to acknowledge with sincere appreciation and gratituov the groat lytnpattiy klndnasls and con sliowii u us in our recent bereave- uriit and los of a dear husband and fauwr justmrabjf in jfmoymcomm new low muct is stewarttown mrs halley and aoh percy of to ronto spent monday renewing ac- quaintoced in stewarttowii mr walter hodge wlvo wsc serious ly lnjjred by a falling treuatne time ago is lowly improving in toronto qeiural hospital mlis norma smith spent tlie week end at tier liome liere we are sorry to liear tliat mnv wm loinan is tn toronto general hospi tal for treatment and hope soon to iwre of tier complete recovery mislrcrs to new nudd now noruti wlicn you wait on ttui bucu at dinner nlfatc dont sidll anytlilng norah woid no maam i wont tay canning needs v- ceto jj e c v jelly maker 14 arowax rli41t jar rubbers 1 j- 9 fruit jars in 115 fl sugafc at lowest ntkes hl i ft j freezeasy i as 8t uuy ium juice 3 io- i- 14c p iim cm starch vinegars 1 k ah puua flour o boy jam 32ox jar 21c icy wafers 19c peas 2 n 1 u- 17c hsuu tomh ketchup s to s5c floor wax 1- h i- 51c flygo lu ul kfc goj siiap uiat c h 1 p s o 1 tx 18c domestic many flowers r eaufuit sbohaau 2 1 25c salada tea 31c i 27c yellow eyed m ofaaas rw caai c ci beans r 10c all fr 2 sunlight soap 2 10c pgsoap 10 33c carrolls main street gewtfetown free delivery phone 3s7 bauinafap 1uv and urs o allien of gold klnne called art irieuds in uwf village last week un w j ktntner and son ardile of jjousevaln man hre vlutliitf witlt friends and relatives in this munlty uev urul ur porcman attended uu urlvllk b k uicnle lield at oueluli last baturday ux and ur w irwin or toronto vuited oti utinday wltli ur and ur w wylie ulis uary crawley a returned tols- fciohary from cjiina spent the week end with uev and urs jaireman uis crawley took j nart in uu xer- vce sunday tnornlntf tliewzeiuiujniuatluy toeetlntf of lw wa of uie tialunafad united church vas lield tuesday afternoon june oul at uie iuane of urs o ttiompaon tlie nreaident ur w ucjsnery in uie clialr the devotion al exercised were taken by urs ucenery urs btarrlt and urs el ucsnery gave readlnss the regular business was tra alter which a social time was enjoyed and refresh ments served the june meeting- of the uissloc circle of haulnafad cnlldd church was held at the liome of ulss heta alien uie nrefident ulss capns tlie clialr the devotional exercises were taltcr by uus canps and urt porevian lie study book by ulss norma uckechnle a report of the wuj3k convention was given by i tnoreiice sinclair ajma ucenery contributed a vocal solo and heta allen a piano tola the roll call con futed ox items oi interest about korea after transactlqjf tlie busi ness tlie meeting was closed with prayer xlerrcslunents wera served and a social time enjoyed liuelioutte united ciluhlch annivtjtkakv kehvicts oil sunday last on ihe occosjon of uie aiuilvereary wrvlces of lbe unit ed clmrch- itcv c 11 allloa of to ronto h inspiriuk messages urging new uunlecmtion and allowing the need of tflcli person to lake christ seriously lie jyiw tlie blood of jtvus chrkt cleansetli us from all sinl but we must believe this with our hearts and if we do our lives will yield him glad fcervlce ttu choir rendered special music ur vred iac- ker sane tlie solo the atranjer of aalilee and the steplienson family leave a selection oil uanday evening uie weatliair proved most favourable and a tpltn did crowd enioyed an excellent iiro- uttunme wltli itev ur overend of aeortretown s cluurmiui tlie first part was over uie radio from cplul toronto when acton friends were entertainers as come of our own utnclioase people look part in uils connection lnterea was particularly keen and much enjoyment of this radio broadcast was expressed the entertainers for uie next port came from ouelph ur mick an- tonclli was juu wonderful wlui the uanoaccordian ur irvine qplaro and daughter deluihled everyone with their excellent pliyinjr on the xylo phone ur kenneth zellerts vocal elections were oi liish order m mucli appreciated uiss ina howies elocutionist knew how to entertain in her most capable and winnlnjt way ura denver at uie piano was parti cularly efficient and uie comedian ur ttios simpson caused merrt ment and laughter uirouithout th evenlnff as lie delighted uie audience wiui his humour tie evening will laiue unecr wiui happy mmorw nwncwl nroinlses to be one of uia best and with such fine cooperation we iruu the spirit of christ may permeate and ills kingdom spread tlie pastor wlsles to uiank everyuoa wlio lias eonlributeel to the of uie work um k-tsbllt- oru tfc twww wf tirio uunitjijai cotnii j u cuiimkullimi oy uln town of innu- uiwii tiuu ai follow 1iii this byuw b tuinel tjiall incluoe u tom- u and puttlic lilahwny bvi-dim- ikwmy fjrivrway tiuare pure muiki vuultscl ar lmjj drtaimi 1 lnuidrl lor of lui by iimt k i public lut ihe ikafcviufr or vt-hlc- 1 d vrhicln snail include rnobir chlclcst irwllef tinctumi rngii ny vertjcln drawn prttrlled rf di- ii bj uny kliul of ihtwer iiiciimiiil iuur iwrnt but mil arri uf rletrlft ttt lrnm i riipnliitf atily uimmi rull luik ai uimlil to u ijirii hvuu u alio- llir utoic tnain siatlonary un w vitrei txwtpl whiii ii j obedience ul itallic rrrfuu tlims uinu xuinid ija u- unnnr itrriim ol time uuitt u srtuully qullni fur lhe iiuhomtai taking dlfccliaruiigf dasscrilfch or loudlllfl attd utifcaadliuf tarrcuttirdle x tlie member of uc police forrf iihall liftverthe duty oi if oroliiu un- p7uvulons of- tuii -hk-uw- j vvblclpi movbuf uowly hall seeji as tlorji v loutw to um curb on ue vuttt allowiib motv hwlftly mov- liuf vehicles ire passal- le uu-lr- left jtcdrjlmjup veiuojfun tdittl- lilgfiiminittoiiii or cjianehu uiclr doursc iihauuiakc iur uiui sueh movement can be made in jic- ty and rwltliout obfctrucutiif tranic iitui shall bive a visible siunal to p-r- uiiis driving ychlcki lirhlnd uicm oi uieir iiilcntioi to make juch moire- ment no vehicle sliall be allowrdtq re main ukoti or be driven uiroueh any iiittti as to blocaudc or pbstruct tranic and iu vehicle uiali be w overloaded uiat uie hqrse or llorte- or motor- power sliall be unable a move it at a ircaiotusbir rle of kpeed 0 wo vehicle sliall enter or- eencrutt frthii any ultty stable driveway or tcsraee without giving u warning slg- nal ur at a rate faster uuui a walk 7 no vehicle sliall remain hacked up to a curb except durhig actual loading or unloading from it and in jojeh case no lonser uian the actual loading or unloading required the liorse or horses attaclied to u vehicle hacked up to a curb sliall be turned at right angles to the vehicle and in uie direction in which tratuc on uie btreet is moving 8 vehicles sliall not slop on or ob- loruct crotslngs 0 no vehicle sliall stand un uie comers of street inlersectlons for distance oi twenty feet back from each comer of each interuecuiig ttreet rcocner beifttj oeflned as uie inter- sectlns right angle point of the curbs where streets are curbed or uie in tersection point of uie outer edge of udtwalk or edge of boulevard as uio case may be on ouier streets 10 no vehicle sliall stand within ten feel of a hre hydrant 11 no vehicle sliall be parke oi any bridge wiuiln uie uunicipality ii no vehicle sluul stand on any street wlierw lliere is a curb unless such vehicle is parallel to and uie wheels mid runneit uieran are more uian six indies from uie curb or hi winter as near uils as uie con ditions of uie streets permit on un curbed streets standing vehicles shall ho parallel to and as close as dr- cumstancvt and weauier conditions permit to uie dgc oi the boulevard or sidewalk as uie case may be l3 parking of veliicles sliall be allowed on john gtreol from ouelph street to ucnahb street on uie souui easterly side only 14 ihirklng vehiclos sliall be allow ed on uill iitrect from water street to ualn ulreet on uie norui-westcr- ly side only 15 parking of vehicles sliall be al lowed on wesleyan street from ualn street to uarkel street ou uie noruiwcalcrly side only ml any person in charge oi a ve hicle or u car of an electric railway and every person on any street sliall lirotuptly obey sigruus given eluier by a police otneer or by automatic or manually operated signal lights for uie punuise of dlrecung or regulating lrftfttc as licretiutfler provided and sliallcomply wlui tlie requirements of every sign symbol or mark legal ly erected or placed for uie purpose of regulating or directing tratnc 17 ttie following streets or de signated as through streets and as required by subsection la of section 18 of tlie ilghway act uie operator or driver of every vehicle sliall im mediately before entering or crossing any of uiase streets bring uie vehicle jto a full stop ualn ouelpli queen charles cuurcli nlnui line 18 any person violating any oi uie provisions of uils bylaw shall be sub ject to a penalty on conviction uiere- of in uie discretion of uie convicting advertise in tlie ileraki- it pays i rresh pork ifl n magistrate oinpt more uian ten dol lars h0o0 for uie first offence and to not more uian twentyfive dollars 3f00 for every cubseauenl ohence exclusive or costs and all such penal ties sliall be recoverable under the ontario summary conviction act llyuw number 3sa and all otlier by laws and parts oi bylaws inconsistent here wltli are liereby re- pealed 30 tills bytaw sliall take effect upon being approved by the- depart ment of public highways of uia pro vince oi ontario passed uds sficoud day of june aj ift33 s joskpii gnrnons uayor p ji iraiuuflqn clerk aiiproved uits mouj day of june ibm in pursuance or uie provisions or section io oi uie highway tratnc act a ucqulmtkn uiniler of highways special prices lor the week end at king si kltilalvlmjlinctfkv rkanll creamery butler 2 lb 47 hwrri kisklrd ttt kvamsald collage rolls 21c srial hlkic skoulrlcr lb 16c picmc t9c harttf is bull pod chops 2l b short rib roast rati ta tms- 17c r shoulder roasts lb 13c brisket or pfalc boiling beef prime rib roasts ofbeef 22t 9c roasts of veal iwwirm fend tenli i 19c stewing veal- 2 2c hamburg steak 7 lbs 25c bologna tor m pjm 15c kftcial knowcrikt shortening 2 25c frli cugkl lmicc trout for thursday u1 friday iurli haddock raicu jg it keu salmon steak 18c pineapple w v idinr 2 tins 29c s srani tomato juice art ii tiam 2 for 2sc jello 3 ptg 23c peas 5 tins 29o red rose tea vi b pa 25c tip matt syrup ls b 2a lb tin 115 salad dressing si or jar 21c 35c i b s phone 27 w m- king prompldellvcry tullly lavsis tslu using d wc are indebted to ur juhiulon lor uie following itocord and meniorici of uie cen tral purt of iqiiom and later uie village of siewurtiown- tlie brit tucr known was ttiomile cook wlwo settled mi lot 16 west in uie town jap of kbquelng in uie year 1b1g and a ur harrison on uie lot of uie wnnu number on uie oppodle aide of tlie road- three thawpuai families william tliomus and george having eltkd about uie anve tune on lota 15 eiut and wet on uie evenui con- cetiort and lot- 1c fat on uie clghui concejiioii tlieir wives vere tiiters of tlicuias cook wlio built uie ftm known lotf hoiic wludi lie occupied wlien uie stcaart brouieni jotui and luncan arrived and purcliahed tlie fumi on which uie saw mill and griit mill aere built ttie village got lli name from uie aiewart brouiem in uie year lata ttionuu cook ujd ids farm to a ur applebe wlio started a general ion on uie uiuie tlte at uie present farm houlc and uiu asfar as i know uie llrt ifiineral uoretn uie village no cjiurch being yet erected tcf- vri were lield ui farm houta and the dry cliool was uie orange hall at uie foot of uie knglkh clmrch bury in ir uround an uie hill on uie top of whlcli uiey itiirted to build a church but uie members disagreed anu finally built near the corner wncre uie llrzt lciioo lionc uas alo erected about uiu time uie wesley ucuio- dlit church purcliad one acre of land twp lotu below uu village and bulll a roughcast church and uxed uie ground for a burying place uie mains of which are uiere at uie pres ent time ttie parsonage was built near uie comer of uie applebc farm opimviie the kngllsli church and was occupied by uie ministers of uie cir cuit llll uie year 180 when uietpai- jonage was moved to georgetown game time in uie oarly fifties uie church was moved up to tlie comer and remains to uie present day as an anglican church since uie yer lftflft tlie ullage back in uie early for ties and tlftlec vas a prosperous uirlving place liavirm a number o storos uiree liotels teveral manufac turing placec a brass baiul and i four lioru stace coacli running be- i ween stewarttoun and ookvlllc over a plank road the mall was to heavy at umea it took two men to carry it lulo uie poft office ttie deixcnuauls of uie thompson iamllka will celebrute uie isoui an- ulvcruiry of the arrival of uie fuu members of uie family in ksquetang on ualurday june 30ul in george town park glen williams mrs john mcdonald leaves tm ivmrsday uie lfiui aboard uie a a aiuonla for qcouand we all wlsli bananas lummia slie oranges mediaw large fcwl al jaiad 33c doz lemons imjh bilk jl 6 urge size 19c cabbage locea beets 4c ea vlt lturs s 25c tomatoes 2 1b lettuce 5c ea potatoes new na s tilse 3 lbs 23c imriiousi tomarots anii cutlluklws a krtkial rviois carrolts limited g rc cory theatre frirjay june 19 lady of secrets an mllaf jy bly ujj nj umu jlnit su ckiunua comedy absorbine jrl fox news cartoon molly moo cow and robinson crusoe saturday june 20 the king of burlesque a brw eburtaiumeut xplu fclanrlajf wnw tiaxusr aaj comedy oui chnplei gang follies- -of-1936- i rex and rinty kobsm at 3 kaa tuesday and wtdrifcdy- june 23 nd wife versus sedretary idsyd by tbre uvvfltra cuxtt uw uyrtua lay afcj jfau isarlw comedy top hat musical jack dennys band watch our window ivojjt wkdlxv mist ckam tttttcaallb a obmfscnnohkks fresh strawberry sandac lie 2 tor 25c longs conicclioncryssw iiuiuuu hilton vackakr across canada milton july 1st 1936 al 8 pm ilst aponiiirtxl by the llalton agricultural boclity umur the ulrectkai oi urs p c auipp f lllluouohh hatetcuh oxkn cauuagkil and luirltmkntti op long ago olfitous scenes quaint old costuuma and cuk anule lvfmlixl by hilton ilruis hand will leave town llall at ijfl pjo admission admits 3fe liuo ta ckusvia lie incl tax litr a very ilaant holiday ur qiui uix art ucoil tivfent uia wttt triul at ivirt dalltoukle ur jckjili uamnont leturnad luuiif irani knaiaiul uit widay ur urul urs allan preston and duunbtin janet and ann oi toiron- ucrc uie uucisu of ur jopl llfuumont over uie week end mlv ada wiilali iln oi detroit uli ida llahner uls catherine llrutti uijw- nellie widoli and ulss kali wrijah all of kltclvener wr vuulon on uiuulay wlu ur and ura wm scott ur und urv towiiiml ivuy hilly aiul uursaret oi ilainllton wfcr lln wlui ur and ur jolm ilep- iru on uoivday mr uiul unl it 1 wwitlveripoan u i urij were recent visitors wlui ur i urs win uoott hi umiual churcli parade of u0 orauui- uxlsc toucuier with the loyal ituc ulue ijidiie ami tlie juvcnlla oainue ikdtfl- was lield on sunday ultcnukon wlun uuy atutuled dlvliut rvtre ul tin- united clmrcii ilicra a u ijjfiulltl rtiueuntiiuon of all it- uil ajul uuiuy vlsluiitf brrtli- u und uitfni tlir jola urv buiy ivreiiarins far tiulr cflrbration r uie 12ui and jurl to knarrri 0 urong ttiry will lurudc in ilnainntan ttw muulur uitvuiuj of uu trail ltaiium wui liehi annuul a camp tin- ut tlw lumu uf ura allxm icyww- woiktl un lruuy cvetilnu arttr uie iluul btudiis tudon uie boys au took jart in uaiiwm alh atnclnjf ijtncii was uturwhrds btwd the italiitrrs ivavrt ktartnl uurlr wrrnu uauml and hata alraady west two y- katnei and ust two next wldmy evnlna uicy play georgetown jcii itailitcrs ttie boys have iva liijs r callactlnif newsiapera until the kall ttie beinlannual iueun ox tlie orarute county lodce was luld in u10 town liali qlcn wuliaus oa uoiulay june aui ttus soetlns was tlve lar- btt uuit lias trvnr bean held iii klai- ton county ttia tvntyavt ueni- btrs iuneint included knora luj coun ty uaucrs and iau ushttrw of prini- ary lmlui uian has becxi known to be traent b thla oounty ou bra r woods was ui tua ehalr and 1do u uro cllltotd ilouinsoti the deputy clialr ilia guafct anakr w uu ltw oraiwl ciianlin uie uv ur uunlof of laurel who gave a lull out line on uie separate school oueatlon llie cam of waterloo cat of we- luujtan and ijpaxu tuo john qiv- rui of auelpli also ftave atldreoa ilia county lode lias decided w celebrute uie k lull hi urakiip- ton the local baseball team played uieir fin tame of uie aeaaoa cm uoiulay eveuliufl terra cotta was tlie vultlng tcatri and uwt tlnal wsore was i 5 in ravour of uixi vullors tuesday eveuuijf tlie locals wcr at liota u limehoum and uds uu olrn were uie winners hie wxiw being m to 15 ibiaixlliijiloum keeper i dklnt hit anyuilm in uie pule at churcli uuarder pufsej tocx of llahlt i 4uu-

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