j 1 the georgetown herald sixty ninth yeaur of publication the georgetown hermld wexlneaday evening june 17th 1936 150 per annum in advance 200 to u-sjv- thc georgetown hermit member if um- canadian weekly nrwyiuiii r aociallnrn cnr iirar tmue ihlleetive apfu itt lm urfdwd lime i una fcu tiut fcji hn ltijjiuee uil mull lu5o am 1 ujj ifrr and matt 613 4un lawiign jw luwila 041 l-m- tu- mger iuiwlui ily v3j pm ji setur for lonlp 0 3 pjtt rv jrngrr and mail s40 iiu j if ajw pm lwvunger und mull olq pjsi i mtger sunday 1j3 wg sfih mail uttll la m hgrt rs cug kwb mall and iiumicn- gs3 f new schedule inicuvt til may lkavk ckoiukrrown oa1ily dx turn 1155 ubi 155 pjrt 355 pm 555 pm a55 ui ii jo pjn 5 4j ajn- 855 un 11 s3 flltoi x35 pjn 4 15 pm- 645 pttu 0 15 pw kasteftw standard tiuk illneruriee plumed to all point l cahada unlud stalri and mexico r ucal aget lokks coniftxmonucv directory lafeoy oalk icg georgetown ontario oinceaoregory tueatra wdg mill bl kxlmnkttu m kjlnudon hrrtkiir uuur n4ary whue mist uortaaa uooay to leaa ofoe main umi tiouua htaejey ghavkmkn lawuencflt cook us by st k elater uaboy kxx u edward oook gordon araydoo us main bt north uramiiloa tvjrphftna itt uarold it lawrence labia lluildmg llrarantutl tblcphaaa ims clkllllli oom uoura4l to 5 kxoant thursday frank mttch ucxnhko luononmt cr iv p ii at i ul lulu chluollua m r w dmrsvtowtt tl r s pot ohm- chllini monuments poujock a ingham quotettors til caw a worth gall onl iuoct our wuk tn on commercial of all kinds we can give you satisfaction the georgetown herald kfeyi carl oorii my pmctilnir wake you ttcrvoust tktvl tlie mill wanimx to py a uikoiiiuum ii itld wlwm i ftrt herd ukd nllh ducuwjiw tt rvplkd uw tuui imiit uooruit ltd kvulotf uk tiuw i doi t cart- wluil liphu to scuflingj oboes or furniture won mar it uwr brolhers porch pain w kiajo to wear wear and wt nr cajmfe ly kooj on wood or cement doors nd m madt ih several colorn suitable for rorclk floors rrs tough special quart hawn floor gloss long kuullc aoplier vlx tte the two for 98c r h thompson co lurwkm- jhitatunx tuumltklttic u ale bud llai witter fttrnmte wok iphone 46 georgelown ov ftivg too touchy unhappy ii uip peruin witli on ab- narmallj uon utln in this rouch uorkl he can only jo his bt to louithen hl tkln tlie philosopher lontf o fauiul thai a uood way to cutv touchlnej wo lo remember umt in mani caw includinir his own vn ltieiic- mo nothina eue ttuin lnvtrtisd conceit llou often li it true that u real naoii hy tte nel jiithlihl l becaa or oir halne too rrffll on idea of our own importance our lee lnir arc hurt and ve do not tfll outelvei the trulli about u uhkh l hint ue hne been rxpeclitut more oon klerotlon more atuntion uian te drane or nrr entitled to bkskn ii f rcalcl -hxii- toy tjwn illgi h tui iniw- today 1 t n lj aijt umdl tiiikl of mliw i tuukr y ir imuri gy l lu i ai j kl liwi- limrrf ork uut i tnujl do v ur itmim i mi tul loih touiml ikink rk- v u umlrr lavuji lfrlril wrljilmrf tiki a aklt if i cu l tw hi hkr ihl knrdeii i iw r t ull mnkj itiiw4iui 41 lie immrr will dio uimi hmt autunin wiur naflutui ij urrlrt ijw uold llutbrniiy wtu jnirjilji my unin wlih tlortou- ydl itul bluk 11- x n viw vill timch it with ailvtr tlm- 1 ultrl with lvtwr lluw wlwyi winlrr vhuls bldia on my oar l1l t will ull be u irrp and j laik it now hub re- tthovc tlrm lit j ul of tlw tut will krep tf t rail prow- old like a kntdrti uv j ol uill nakt in the spring tv- duth tit be oitly a winurr i pji-ikirr- for turw blokomlntf acton ir wm k rcctiburr fcnd ton arcjilp or lloljvain uaiu aria vbjt hif wlui w bvour urs- u hilts aiul family l wltii urs k kent m r uiuj mlly of u 11 hi fad flobcrt u btewart of toronto si rtnrrly of aeuui rvcrlvod hu ilacti lor or ivdmaocy doire at recent oon ocatlon of tuionto university ac ton frlriul extend eoimratuuuorul ii t luiwlay euiht yountf tncu rm crualned at a rvlri in 81 oilea united church hamilton in connec ion with the meeting of hamilton conrrenc of uwr united church if cuiuula amonif uue young men j t3vn oamble of acton who ha cvtmpleud lils court and entered tlu mlnlary rev j k qamble arit cliaritn will be t calatoorule la t wednraday nujht employe of ic uamii knlttlnc company honored frllowemployee mia pred wuda ji nee mae zlrucet when in honor of her recent marrtagti she was pre rented on their behalf with a clock by urc it- llurt hol lowing b period of ul health that iul extended ov r uw pat two yearx and a half lana ziut sustained a etcrc fall mrs nicolas porbes pats ed away on monday june uii nt the lloipl lai in guclph lira yobe3 was before her marriage in 018 mary mcclure a duuehter of tlke late jospli mcclure and lias twdded in acton tlie moat of her life she was bom at street hie she was pcu- dacead by her huband in decern ber 150 and uuutly uer hu death r turned to make tier ivome with her brother and xuur on llower avenue tve jpreis ue uixm tiie captain of a ullinu veul was quw honing a rookie sailor regarding hu knowledke of alutu and uwr cea after repeatedly recelvlna wrong an aer in dfieratlon tie asked wheres uie mitaenmastr i don t know replied tlu aspir- inil teaman how long has it been mlxacnf erin mr mtwl mi u a mmrhmii oiu tm louiav of kinvertun mnt uindny with mr and uiu it- w hull uble tny exxme double lii uam l4iple hut good fortune llkraue lis runr double- to krtmrth uauiiews uulabuig the luck came in tike foam of an unexpeclrd litcrea- in hu live itock fwo of hb s txave prrpnt id him with twins tlw icair cmlvs are lively and are doing a well a culvert born singly alt life long wiident of vmn towinjilp suod away unexped ediy loat ttalurday night in um- person uf jultu hjuv t u alxth line tn li 7 ut year he wan uie uwi of david haner wliu came from the county of antrlnl ireland hi mother was jane mcarthur haqer of hlghbuul ahceatry rruoi llay ar- aykjilt couand hu vile peed cemid him by three oreae for many yrar thew both were membeni of erin fmtr church of chrut jolntng tn ia tor about forty one year he was a number of uo o 11z in poll ik tie- was a aiaunch conservative prtgtttful injuries which he revived hoi l lie- fefl into u knaimre spreader which lie was okeratlntf near orion proved fatal to davld wulbun oray wk died lh orovca memorial hoaplt al fvrgus ills skull was fractured umi hu itead badly lacerated my cray was working on the rarm of oeorge cox hear orion and it is thought that h suffered a weak spell lie had not beeil in good health for tome tlnu mr co wlio was near tlte house at the time of the bushap received his ond intimation that any thing was wrong when he kaw the lumea oray had been driving run ning about the field without a driver he found grays body caught in the machinery of the vehicle the in jurcd man ws at once removed to tfconpital gray is uirvlved by four brotlters and four fculers david gray his rather died leas than a week ago the deonased is the on or tlie late ur and mrs david gray advocate would you lake tolbe happy would yuu like ljve long and be tkaluiy and liapuyt of couim you wthdd iluu make a garon h play thing of your y ulh or advancing yrars- oaidening b among tlie noblct and knua dclighliul uf alt puimiiu- you will ihwl u will re move boredom uive you a good appe lite 0ieti your eyrd to oew atid man lotg beauties and pcluin4cnenla o tuilurr add yeari to your life and lv- you a new vuality and outlook on llle in geneaal it if a ivobby ox imulim that ts riot eaimrruin- ir rci a kurprtvingly xmall outlay ibri tnov grneroti and dellghuuf satlxfac tl u of mind and heart b assured j cannot be iaid ot wmr of uw oilier popuuu tiobbvs or lorraq of lecreatioik fotmoat of thecn make lutber jeraux inroad iiu uie jkfro 1 do hot iwyx give us thd juy and fcalbjacuon wv expect as a iterve tonle a iirtlrn uw inoompaxable fe uimi sladness are radbitad iran flowers and plants and eftri from va4rrtableii the nnesij eletnenta of human ciiaracter can be developed in garden it u a natural sanctuary hot only will a garden llp to fcoflen your own uperlllen but it wilt trans knit its gentle and happy influence uito ugr houseliold hd cocnmuuty milton k c king of hornby has been ucofiiful in parsing ids first year tsx- amination in medicine at toronto university at yates assessor has returned his roil which shows the population of milton to be itts a gain of 46 over the previous year the figures tor which were 173s a deficit of 13 u reported by the commute bi charge or the southern ontario hoy scout jamboree lield here recently this is to be very much re gretted indeed as the committee and the boyc all worked hard to make the jamboree a grand success the bvent will be held in oakvlile next year ttiere being no criminal caes to be lrkd at tje tejon5 or the peace here last tuesday judgw w t robb of orangevllle who presided was pre- lented wlui uie customary pair of white gloves by deputy glierlff ander ban pour applications for naturallx atlon were ioominended one ipole one dane one italian and one iiol lander after the court proceedings the applicants for naturalisation were presented by mrs k yatea mrs oeorse daaon and mrs anson mu duffee representing uie milton clian- ter of iod4- wiu ulumlnated cllisenlilp cartl bearing tlie crftut of uie order ttil lias been uie prac use for sattie time liere and uie cards leenied to be much apnrecuued by uw recipients- cluunpion towrvr tnrrrilerf uimi tjarturlc hl in vmioii aid wtrutilm j tlu- tthut li may ierii 0 u tl e writir abuvt quoted iul uil to jy yet lie lu- tarried out nutinuhi riiaiigiv ip ilulian law and uurtlre in 1 gaid to uie treaunent f bird and ouier anitnalv he tut placid rbtrif lloiu on vivlrctmui he iu- rljl organ lard ullitnul prolertlmi to u new level of tec luiiiliou mil r and t 1- u hloorlcul tilogrui hy mltth be hilltrri ui tl piliit df liiron atficy ceeut u ve r unbiruil with rent lul txl great ti ullerim hi one direction combined with romljr tulloumles hi anotlker tjmt lant time a acre in jlali lit n at- aerr uudyltig uie mcuk ued iu the jaughtrr f itkid aiiiauu ae found in tin- thief uiuglvlr lioue in luinir tlie dcuructumi of uie ajilrnaf was dond in a plub a way m tftmh poiible auid uiat uie mmn sjovemmettal regulunru iirrvallrd in all 4jir prbidpa cities tvhat auvln lxlicable leatiuo i nunpi our dumb abimabv norval to ari appreciative audience in tib r4orval lrth hall mr dickson kcnwln uie celebrated actor producer brought a varied and entertaining pro gramme last tnursday evening mr ken win wiio lias played in london wlui sir herbert tree and mrs isi trick camtibell lias worked hi every branch of uie uwatrical pro- fcaxion on thursday evening lie portruyod hevcral cliaraclcnt from bludosspeare and dickens tlie downfall of cardinal wolscy from henry vin was moat imprelv ttwi cliaracterbaoion of uydney carton uie dissolute advocate who lays down his life during uie french revolution uas well dotwi wlui mus merle nichols as goael lie brought to uie delighted audience an adaption of t1eell the play made famous by lr henry irving few bnpenonatlons and rxperi ments which hvduded the bitroduc tion of the golf ball with a brain varied uie entertauuoant miss merle nichols and mr onral allan ajhieared in a shor play tlie pact this play gave promise of a tragic trtvuiig but provtd to be uuil ing hi its conclusion tills appearance of mr dickson ken win in norval was his first ap pearance outside of toronto h4 iiunning a tour of canada in uie tercets of worthwhile drama it his wuli to bring to lha lnuui oom munltles uiat type of program which lieretofore iul only been uie privilege of raiionts of tlie large cituc fvcry enrouragement jiould be given him in uil work uumiuki one wlm luu an an interview ului italy supreme dictator says all kinds of coinmenl on mussolini s love far anlmal liave been made it is jld tliat tyronu uiough ruuilcss and destroyers of uie human peace are often tnuilc anoamly indomitably found of eal or ouier anlnuu wlmtever our opinion of muijolinl good remedies for poison jvy effecl while ulh lied imii u dh tilt tuarxk s rjilci anntjavi mtil w haituv mvskttvatlvs tlie vital tironsjly of young blood- in uie organisation was particularly ureued at the annual merting of uie taltoh liberal conscrvauv assoclk lion lield rtriday night june 6th ln uie town liall milton imjiortiiut re organisation and constitutional diang es were dbclujd in tne reporu filed by xx c martin and riroan tlie folio big ofllcrrs wcro elocted iveldent uoyd dingle hurllngton flrit vice president john irving mi ton keoond vice preakleiit mrs rvank imlleil oakville iteaiurtr lleaumont glen williams wc retary mtxgerald milton execu uvc euiuesing flrtt vice president oeome cleave trafalgar w ii imck fit majwagawcya john aulon kiel ion w a irving acton j m mac donald ilurllngton aruiur at lun georgetown o v king ull ton dr c a martin oukvtlle t w chamberf irhapi hints rot mwlltltmev the lklll and expense invohed in uie producuon of rggs culminate in the market price obtained the aim uierefore sliould be o secure uie highest prion by lireervlng their fresh lusss and quality kgga sliouk be collected at least once dally and dur ing very cold and very fearm weuuier oollccuom sliould be mode at noon and at night to aold freezing or lieaung egg should bt taken at once to a cool cellar wliere uiere is a fairly low temperartire it may be adiiuhle to n one or tao wtndous and fubril tute screens covered viti clweecjoui for ventilation and to carry off ex caklve molture or odour dirty egtfs should blened alth coarse ziul paper but not uaalied gloln- mai be removed with a little wnegar on a clean cloui wojilng eygj dctrois the protecuve coating and loaerc the trade deep roomy nfl provided for uie liens will reduce breakage clean pine uiavlngs luve nraed the bet nest material shaving focillote cleaning and form a better cujilon in the net uian hay or cut jra at uils wajin or thr ear hell are more likely to be brituc and ctntenl of poorer quality due to hair eruck- and called kraw or ilark olkn and caretul candling u ad leahlc it tlie be t prices are to be obtained ivy l w id ley uuda and uiuthward bocdrr liir majriiy of uie tiuiinu n in tolwmljig from uii- aeil ti4 irtuif oniari und aiuacrnt liuict of o i 1 t pr uuly from um luke ami hlghlaiml region wtilch lillrjrl uinim unfi 1 immi r ttagi 1 hi puinl muy be jiund growing und f u utw j of rotidluon aei or do tjiu led or 1 p4 and in ull ibi ir ni iure and uj rocky km uiwl u oiclkuuuli prevalt nt in ixioky jtuuti n- leajj ik y to dliiurbed bj man but jn ikiih that l farmed the j ijihl u etnirirftd liractfrally ui ilci lktrdir ajd j lace not reached b rultuattmi as ru poison lyy u of low buohy uiouih but u natuhe trails in leaf mould 4tml cllrnb- up feucas and qulu hlgli oil treitl h run bcax be klenu fled- ity xliti formation of lls leavna uhlouarf arratind in tiiroej after th liiallilrr tf toie of uikatrawberty unlikr traaberry icaxea tiuave of uie pouop ivy un quite kmooui and firm to i utheo willi the islitca poriiigly toothcl in tliat respect uiey uro omeliat like the loav of vlr llnia ereejier ahlch are liowever ar ranged in ih jrirlfc til uie mlflimer lilcoiuilicuoui chlslers of amali white ilpaers airlu- from the axils of uie leavu and in nmerplanu ore- followed bj- round whltlji fruits about uie hu of u wa tllesc fruits are flealiy at dfjj but later become firm and dry iu vihieh ckidltlon uiey may be icil throuulioui uie following winter ilk trrattnent mot widely reoom meiidid at uie present time u to daub thtf utfccttd kirb aiui a uiree per cent uilution of pouulxum iicrmang natt tlie oain left by upj solution dlpjiean after u time or may be re moied joaly wlui oap and water tincture of iodine has also been fouiui ucful onct the bluters have ap- pearwl all rubbing jiould be aoldod und rare taken to localise infection in nalntinl iodine round uie edges of tlu win and b ulng compreticd anked in a ivo percent solution of aluminium acetate alcoliolic uilutian ugar of had 0 to 70 per cent of rubbing alcohol 1 or any other cooling ubt lawse uch a- baking toda or lioraclc acid dilution hoth uie erudlcuilon of poison sjry und uv treatment tor polonlng are full dtumsed in the pamphlet iniiui ivy whldi may be obtained on request from the ihibllclty and ex tenion uranch of uie dominion de iiartment of agriculture ottawa pljk kxamivayiont alul it hu the urnije beautiful i the lu u hoi made wlpi kiands lijln vtiuutrd tuil green windswept and clean boneath tlie blue it i lands lira cnuiedrul anywhere sermeth ui imly or u fair th lw heavy gabird roof no noor wlui lock and key u 1 window bar jiut out uie ours um aifjr are wide and free uriu uiuugh uie night each altar oyht l but a m 6nbejuxi uver willi i iltntlv uj the temple brnw at iwjio- jwion command juu uohuigi leepi within a dream tht rtn from out uw lain and ull uie llllan grey and tdgri lift their- aivlu- vouie sky here i- ui nrlumo uf uv iraves uie lkxusc uf the blued hie magtr cent tliat hath berii spent withhl uie tangled vinea mo cnlvrr filled with tuiices rasa- rr iaung ludi kweruiras titt uie uir and ull thtt toklen gloom of it liold 1u1 no tmunuiig rar for li l hratcd and uivelh ittpx to llwiw who rntrr tie re hfm in uie evening wlai can know i ut ood himself walks to and j fro and hioiic past all mastering within thir chkiwcl ringsv wone could dcalre a taeeler choir thun uik uiat uiars and jungs till far tlu rented uuuluws creep oiul quiet darkness bringeth jeep vlmi biieard womens injttutk on wrdlie day lost uie regular mecjing of u10 george town women a itl tltule wil held at uie liome of mr- p mcnally uie preudciit mrs uuhtton being in uie chair ax tfcr opcnlnl in tlie uuol manner bus e left oier from uie previous meet ing wu trunjwted mrs il haliey uu elected 2nd vice president and ml lhutel marijiall udstant tacr- tarj treaurer an invitation to ln- rtilute member- from dr cliristie of die ontario agricultural college to be prefer t at a lunclieon hi honour of uie delegates of uie associated coun try womei of the world june isth was read several members decided to accept uie imitation and avail uiemeh cc of uie opiiortunity of licaung many noted women frost foreign countries explain ui part their organisation play in the de velopment uf better rural living another opportunity to meet the li ting delegates will be given wo- vi ei l men j in lilul members at uie lun trac teu ee jm wulj chnm lo lu at ulp jiayal voxk 1 b ijii k 1 ui l ln toronto oli june iui j nn ll tl a e bil inet- was t thl jear n the dajs for high hol entrance xamlnatlons and ic cording to thl ichedule uie cublects o be aritten are enallh gramraar wriun and comnojtlon june 34th jnflllji literal urt seocraphy and pelllng june 15lh and ariuuneuc and hl tory june 2cuj dr dcvans pills a mlauc fcnuuok uvuvae rtauutor oa tl ia f or owr tkwty years price bv dolura for uli af msrf rtuarks drag lre disposed of hour was client in games the prixe u inner being mrs geo campbell a datnl lunch falloaed closing a very pleasant afternoon iii ac k hass and makkinonck owcn kakon announcement is made by uie de- liarlmenl of game and fisheries to uie effect uiat arrangement- have been made to advance uie opening date of uie general eaon far black bo and majunangc in- ontario or- uinarily uiu eaui would tilen july 1 t but ror 10m the iljxi will be open a from caturdy june 31th tir and battery service dont gamble your life against your tires let us inspect them we are equipped to give expert tire service including vulcanizina what good is your car if it wont start how is your battery get a battery report from us no obligation tor regular bat tery inspection andit will save you a stalled car lowest prices ever in curuulii sseiberling standard service tires jsig value tor your tire dollar youltk coming to out drlvmg uaon when heat attacks urea mobt wlcjbcly ordinary vdicap tires may get you into a bod accident iude tlaruky and pailtltxll on oelborllng standard ser vice tires iucst hi uie jlow- 1 luob field thy ii give you good service long after u10 ordln ary so called cheap tire axe scrap alo see tlu uelberllng two tyeod tire uie uw uuh has two treud on btneath uu ther tlu only genuihs air oboud lira hi uie uorid gool for amaino mluuagk very a1 t selberllng itrws ur made in ult 1 u ry mwxl and every pur4 o 3as its an battery troubles are no puzzle to our men 1i your car 1 blaming its battery because it cannot get started come in and ree u vou buy a battery to start your carit all time- tlie society of auto motive i tiincer have et a standard by which you caii jcc what you are getting when you buy a battery we ine this sa l standard and can liiow you jut what it 1 ak u about it regular inspection is gladly given without obligating you in anyway 550 650 850 910 whbwjpvieavl pathfinder has the famous all weather tread finest of 1936 i ixik win re j oil will youll find no tire vuluo to equal it for tlio simple reason that the illlilimlir is actually a hi t line quality ut a bl llscoimt in price suunrkslumio 8 cukht u jltlly lbrtfj vluui fred sinclair georgetown phone 26 white rose gasoline service station main street r