Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 5, 1921, p. 4

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j- c teir orobgrtown ukrau octohfll 6th 1881 hi a pessimist i tmy mutt lico t0 ijifc iuii t what it uned to lie 11 1 j tllluk ih ilklllfj mini tlunph are tfoink to tho immi rulitim in nliiijiiofiil dom prituliom nm t im nood somehow ah thoj were when lit v an ounk rvtn 1iih1 hjmnr mi t fin am tloj iim il u hojja jim leant thntfl how it neeim to luni jim llrnunuajti ttajuhii thnt men all wm- 1mm r bu k i lien mciclintittf nil were kinder i trtthtod more than what tin do women tlidn t iwm tl mohi of iii ulilk dm l dm tcvfijunni in now wi i than it wan in timet three jim lianrfi round the mrwr utore hatml worked for iininthnor mure prom tha laflc job whore he lur out of work he noon was fired mrs jim thoutth kowr and new just to ieei her kid m ololho it s nueiti aljjjial tdo en do tto buy ktyrjepaiid feed tins bout bow bad tho prhi mouinfl i ton blinds life xmio in fret directory st qeoroes church sxihih sihhi is a m hilton wallbridqe dale barrultn solicitor eto toronto and gnoraotown ohw kinnmly hlork i hoy italo in char ot llirf morley hotchiwson dowd1no tor sale m li ml i mil h o me1r llairistri soikiim etc old p mill st mr hours m to s p m lwti wnlxoiuu bihi saturday c moat vs sofa janata magistrate davidson of toron to at a session of tbe toronto liamilton ilibway court last week lbbued a wftrninit to all dmttoribta with aweothaartfl thai it was against the law to niakt lovo on the hifthway two hatidi were required to drive an auto he totdi jjank stewart and because fnuhfuaed only one be was flood 10 about thirty other car drivers wore fined from 1 to 10 clears ra bwadtoy deputy police magistrate bart lett has gnen judgnmqt against tho tecuniseb houae london oat charged under the statutes at 1850 with selling cigars on sun daya ope of 10 was imposed thetleoibion hi to he used as the basib of a campaign said to have been directed b attorney qenorat raney against all hotels and cafes which permit their guests to purchase tobacco and ohewing gum on the sabbatb mutn sao factory cloaod the machinery under lease at the milton shoe factory which has not been id operation some time was removed by the owners last week which means we suppose that it is no longer to be used for the manufacture of footwear this is a fine factory property and with tho improve ment in the in d us trial world id the near future t b to be hoped that the factory will again be in operation affording work to hands now idle reformer nfc j r w ftqfts ihysif imi and surgeon ill street t corbel owii 1honc 22 house surgcdn greer honpiml toronto snccial aitequtm lo diseases of women a nd children and infant feeding dr t n karceuus phyaioion and suroaon uhil orlcer of health ornr uouro 1 lo 4 arid 1 to i m f b watsom tt d s j it i n ph i teaming rord touriko oar lot k nhmrlicr mjjpi irl e 200 orrw horab to ezoapt t a f l heath uda dos darttlct odln in laua stock otw door north if o nalll a caxrue factory hour a m neilson do in charfce of ch j lmd field d c the c 3radiuile oi the palnutr school ofchir prctk chiropractic fouiilain head davenport iowa u sa j office ever hourlaana drue store conatiltatlon and spinal analyala office houns tucsda a and san days 2 losjvm and 7 30to30p in inokg qibce and residence j5qw oaraei 81 h bargains in used hajchimery typeeincerjnflage mttcr 1 bhr lo- icmatinnal iranor 3hp inl i gmmkjm 1 kp it 1 mokiil mccormirk 1 ihii m ii dine drill second hand tram wnron 7fu m 11 hinder rimv renoir niw tan van ndinp plow icrnn nmtcic furrow nr home wseim snilnhlc for milk drlivcry lop biikky hloel liretl newly painlitl ami in kooil repair pneumatic lircd open hnj k newly painted tire never uncd t h hkwwh nonnl il notice to creditors in the mailer of the cbtale ol iiannah pllenlon ule nf iho viltijre of george town in thecoimlyof halton spinaier deceased in hereby k th p section 56 of the trumees act rao cliap 2i llial all irvditontand olhera having daimn or demand baihl the estate of the laid hnnjmh bllenu n spinater deceaiiej who died on or about lh day of augiial ad 1921 c money to loan i ban- a limited ntnount of funds available for firwl mnrtgaite loans on kod town and farm property these arn trunt finlh and only tin bent rlaki nf keciiritj will lie meir georgetown nilert h g barrister mfz i free shaves for 1 at your service h c bailey j electrician electric wiring and fix tures orders left in tbe hwrness shop wiu- oe promptly stttended to ri6iif3tt 7toafowiii deering farm machinery r r inteatiinttoiial tractors gasoline engines empire contralto soloist pupd of eugene feurhlmer a m chicako teacher of tbe feuchtmger method bludio murdock st rhone 77 j georgetown benj petch ijcenaed aucuonoar for haiton and peel qlenwllllama poat offle saiaa conducted aatlafadtorllr and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown heram ooee will receive protnpt attention auction sale of high grade cattle fhe undenugned has received instruc 4l the undenugned lions from john presswood to nell by public auction at lot 28 co fsqueamg on tday ootouor lit 1921 at i oolcck kharplhe following cattlk black cow 6 yra due jar durham cow 7 yra due jan 10 durham lo 5 yrs due feb 19 holstein co mar 15 jersey cow 6 yra due mar 27 jersey cow due april 2 jersey cow fresh j yra roan cow due apr 2 5 yrs dor ham heifer 16mos due may 1i blue cow 5 yra due may 9 roan cow due may 19 durham cow 4 yra due may 19 jersey cow due may 31 5 yrai itnndlc cow 7 yrs supposed to be in caff durham heif er rising 3 yrp rlue cow 3 yrs calf al side 10 spring calves above cows all milking well tbkmn 12 months credit on approved joint notes all sums of 10 and unier cash 6 per cent per annurn off for cash ren itrcii auctioneer bylaw to ba aasaadad as the result or objectioos raised by tbe deputy minister of uigbwajs the county of dal ton good roads debentures for 100 000 undor by law no 477 passed on august 25 cannot be takerg rj- fb v ii mar 17 durham heifer i over by the purchasers without the passing of an amending by law tho causo of tho trouble lies in tho net that by law no 477 applies to only three of the four tonnships viz trafalgar nelson and esq nosing and nnt to tho wholo count tho difficulty will be remedied at the county council meeting next tuesday after which the deliver of the debentures will take place baanxias potatoes at saaa stealing in the milton neighbor hood is on tbe increase and it is believed that tho attornej oen or al s department will be asked to send several detects os into the district to run down the thieves a few nights ago two moo were caught redhnnded bagging up potatoes in cuthbort lush a patch near milton at 2 oclock id tho morning tho man who discover ed the trespassers followed them to a ford car nearby which he says was filled with many bags of potatoes chicken thieves are pibo acio around carlisle and harpers corners the farmers there reporting the loss of hun t tired s of fowl they believe the btolen birds are disposed the hamilton market 31 walter t evans th1kker jjtat froporty la a ooo4 nyaua4 ha goo haalaaaa ibr aa to toll too we make a profit on the property wo sell for other folks and you make a profit by invest ing m st the rnan who sells it makos a profit too it is good bttsinesh for evcrjbodj to profijvby a transaction we know pro peri y and yoo know no auction sale farm stork bflemcits dc the undersigned baa received mslruc ions from ambrose haxcock tt lot 1 8th line eaqueimfr on moaday oeuwr lotfc 1sx1 i i o clock sharp the following florsksbay gelding i yr cows rlark jersey cow calf al side holstem cow calf al side durham grade call at side durham grade calf at md durham grade calf oct 26 durham grade calf dec it durham grade calf dec 10 mack jersey due jan ii due cow due jan 30 durham cow due f 29 durham cow due march 2 part j ey cow duo march ii bnndle cow march 1 durham grade due annl s black cow due march 24 durham grade due march i holstem cow due april 8 holstem cow due april ti jersey cow due may 5 black cow due april 27 all nod young cowa j oi nfi uttu- jersey bull 7 mos s pn s wrkshirc sow wilh 11 pigs rrrkahiie son due oct 1 llerkshire urn due oct 10 tot i th a numler of rlat k minorca hen 1 rernc and i gander 5 yoiingtteec imuliator ha i ham make iis eggs a in grain grinder nearly new number temus iouliry and all sums of 10 and under cash 12 months rndil on ap proved louit notes tta utlsok res ietcil clerk auctioneer ntbe conn or before of sit for jamen hjenton the executors of hit f the said and surnames the 7th day of ill by post prepaid jersigned solicitor aud agnes ellen i on last will and testa eased their chni then iling full part c aturc ly it any held by them and take notice that j her such last mentioned dale the said r xet utorttwill proceed lo distribute the macu of ihe said eatate among the parties entitled thereto liaving regard only to the claims of whit they shall then liave notice and that the said fxcculors will not be liable for the said assets or any port tlicreorio any person or persons of whose claim no- icc shall not have been received by them it the time of such distribution morley lulchinson dowding solicitors for lames ellenton and agues ellcnlim die laid executors of the said deceased dated nl tieorgetown tins ttth day of september ad 1921 f s near fleuor of marriage lire n see in ea ranee agent etc oaoe quooa bc pkooo 201 qeoroetowk ont junk wanted 1 am paying the highest cnah price for all kinds of junk also tildes and poultry residence opposite public behoal ob victoria street georgetown out m freeman post office box 170 phono ico palm garden lunch rooms meals served at all hours ice cream fruit confectionery a full line ot tobaccos cigars and cigarettes all phone ordeys delivered h wheatley thirty days come in today and we will give you a valet auto strop safety razor the valet auto need to ho takti econnnij with efin ipncj in to rout yoit rftrop rarttr llitor it ltrt to ho rttropitod in don t lt liij onvinco jou it does not it fomhpt nnlrnioti tdl rstrspaa lladewla awaortanwat bfoan 6 the set otker seta up to tsjw l v hourjgan tw smith butcher a pnli liunor all kmilx ot fresh and salt meats fresh trout tuesday blorval ont shoe repairing all kinds of shoe k pairing done neatly strong and promplly j a ballantines ropalr rmtory corner at king and q st near o t r stotlom dtiuocrfst onouoltown helotto cns soporotora wscosi oattora aad bunrlo 1 cars of wire fence just arrived nhich ate offering at a special price phone 101 r 8 8 thos e hewson norval ont norval hardware and garage saturday sunday chocolates 49c box to ottr customers owing to tbe am all margin oa our goods and the demands made on us by the wholesale houses we lind it nercsbayy to operate our business on a cash basis on and after november 1st our terms will bo strictly cash we believe our customers will appreciate our effort to servo them with goods at the least possible coat for cash this is tho name we hae decided on for our spet lal box whihwill be on salq saturdays onl as this name va one of our employees the following will each retoie o buggcstiuus wore very good miss m brundle brampton miss m skelton georgetown mihb a w ostrnnder ilultonvilk misa ijoy prec tens at ton mitts lore t tit bruwli milton frank hustler hoevai standard anthractte scranton coal in all i automatically screenod and loaded coal wood soleet rmmp for domcstir and thrt shtng imrponeb smithing and canno coal infactltarrj eeilhing to be found in an up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone is of jhocolntob hiiggptttcd by wo wish to thank those who took part i interest tiio have taken in it thihcotnctitioii for tho t h moorehead hampton georgetown milton acton a satisfactory stole the sale epidemic has corrupted ijbo clothing business coatn smtfl nnd trousers are marked double thotr worth and then rediittd to half if some aifvertisors ero compelled to ofltah tut the truth of thotr statements it wouldriim diem siuce it wouh force them to he honest honest values it is eohy to difttinguish betwoen our honest alties and tlione false valiift thatirjrhnt ban made our husiuesi grow iooj plo buy at this atoro beciuite thev know they get the most for tlfotr money here and certain of satisfaction the store depends upon what it does not on what it nromises to do a phone 154 blackburn the house o quality georgetown flour feed jvlills erwin goldham ground bone ground fresh every day highest prices paid for eigs we carry a full line of feed bran shorts scratch feed for hens dlatthfords ekk mash it ninkoa hens lay chops rolled oats pastry and bread flour porridge oats and grab m flour railed huj and straw b si tell ford s calf meal stock foods etc highest prices paid for oats chopping and rollins done lowest prioes w c bessey ranges heaters j a tkafct clerk township of eaqueaiot clerk jrd dinnoa court 1 the leading fire and lfe insnn co rejwracoted iiuer of marnafrv ltcensem slnrarlunn ont to aatd ohaurlaa st toawsito u a school with a splendid record when tipeootily of tiaintnic auction sale fsns stock lopkwesbi he the undersigned has received inslruc lions from mr r wbmixld to sell by public auction at lot 1 1 2nd line equcing on tmrviat totaor i3tfc ibs1 at 1 o clock sharp the following llorsn- team heavy mares bay mare h yrs brown marc 7 yrs grey mare 7 yrs- these are good horse cows white heifer calf at foot man heifer due t ime afsalc black cow calv ed two weesin1atiiir1olsteir w calf at foot red and wb le cow calf at foot- man in atf al foej part jeraey row rail b fhmt red cow calf at lwl jersey row calf at foots jersey cow due in ciober holstem ww bred june 21 itptstcin row bred m april roan nnlirrrd iff may bnndle cow bred april tjwaey cot bred may i shorthorn bull 2 12 years oumi cattt it shorthorn heifer 2 i 2 yr 3 shorthorn steers 20 months pld 2 part jersey heifer 20 months old 7 pnng calves thjt yorkshire sow orkshire sow 2 tarn worth sows orkshire sow bred september 12 7 yorkshire ptga 12 wksr 2 young orkshire aows yorkshire ptga 3 mos 6 pgs 10 wka 6 pigs 3 moai 4 pure bred berkshire sows reg 8 mos sit ear 4 breeding ewe a number of plymouth rock fowl a quant it f of cedar fence posts and anchor mh mower s ft ci mccormick mower s ft cut deenng di drill nearly ho 3ilaon engine mom ed on truck oeariy new taaws 17 months crcdil on appoved joint notes lowl ard calves to be cash no reserve 6 per cent off for rash kbi1umb ben tetch clerk aoctkmee georgetown foundry co nrr now prepared lo rcceice ordere for ranges and heaters for hmmethnte deliver visit r h thompson cos hardware store nlieie our icnioiistrntorr will inunt out tho man ad iantaes of these ranges nnd heaters see the new patent ophon fine and now i ie of niton in llaner the hen tors aie steoiall drsikncd to give a greater heat radiation and diirahitit and are msde entirel of cast iron this is demonstration week the fonndrj s miarantes goes with every range and beater yoo can hae one placed in jour home for 80 das trial entirely free georgetown foundry company sole mfcs haiton summit ran gen and r t heaters do you find yourself unable to sleep well are you irritated by trifles do small troubles look big i to you do you start at sudden noise j are you unable to concentrate ions on any one thing if so theres aomethinft wrong with yoot j nervous system these are danger signals dr miles nervine j 1 20 wilt- soothe tbe irritated and i overstrained nerve just one ortwo doses helps- natttre to restore tbein to their normal unctions gqaraliteed j safe and sure for bole la ooorktevb try t v houbiean- wat is a la georgetown backcs by mxtt gilson farm equipment ittsf action coast thats why wo sro proud to soil this dopandtblo farm aqulpmoat and rosl sorvloal thats why r rood va cuson csoj clsltsoantt uu hvlo a tntbe dhcraaj li3 la ncarcsr after vsu par uiecnscni whyp it has a wide nnd 1m pw a proat oe it it low don it m lliht orlt it will m i 1 fres fe and sll eomnucalnl puts ssxlis uadt 1- caasaa and ca4fiatw by gilson hfc co llmitod cuelph ont call awd ssohaarass daalar thomas e hewson norral ontario jmbuck butchib jways keep a cnoloe stock of use lat proobrabla in frosh and salt hoata whioh ho solla ot tko lowest possible prices cnnmla food ronrd lilensc no 9 210s get the best georgetown creamery cream wanted bring us your cream all accounts or ice must be paid at the creamery at once thbse concerned note georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwiii fe golclham main street georgetown phone no 1 madgescandy shop city dairy ice cream brick and bulk main street phone 21 4 ladies fall suitings and coats have m in mock n choiee jjot of the latest and bent in lad i or suit inn aho a ap enditl boleelion fr ladieb coato in albtyjen ctrder joiirtailored suits earlj and kot thorn before tho fall rush a hirschorn brook block a lou want insurance tf you do i am prepared to giye you insurance in any of the following first class companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual watefloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w phone 65 w roe georgetown

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