vy y si fy r- f m life flji- m l the georgeto he wednesday bvg dee 81st 1910 doing business at loss to herd owners or improve neat to dairy hard experts iigaee that a dairy cow nboulil give 6000 pounds of milk h year to show a profit not many of them do this in faot the aver age production of dairy cows in ontario last year was only 4800 lbs this looks as if tlie farmers in the province were losing money or turning good feed into manure upd fchiwin in their ftrue as wall tbeiivfo nsfcd lgm lsunwtis- factory state of affowsnould jou- tiaiiovasa remedy jb availble denmark our stongest competi- tor in dairy products in the brit- itb rnarket found ilsojif nan even worse state years ago jri- 1896 the panes organized the first cow f f eatings aebopiaitiod- vrtoh the phr iyeot- ohniprovngttieiiditjiy herds jmteanryearslater tha jndyement heft grotyn to neirly 800 anoh ociation with the repult that tne average production of dairy oows jd denmark went over tqoo lbs qf milk in the year and the amount of butter fat per cowadinore than doubled l- the department of agriculture at ottawa has endearoced for some years to improve the dairy herds in canada and their dairy commissioner after examining the workings of cow testing associa tions in europe and the united states has devised a soheme or plan for these associations in can ada wbioh for simplicity accuracy and efficiency as well as economy of operation is unequalled the primary object of cow test ing associations is to obtain re cords of the yearly produotibn of milk and butter from each individ ual oow in the herds of the mem bers and with these data as a basis by the selection of tbe best pro ducing cows for breeding purpobea to develop a strain of cows whioh will produce a large quantity of milk rich in butter fat many herd owners through the efforts of these associations have in a few years increased tbe pro duction of their jherd over 80 per cent from the same number or dows with only slightly increased need cost and practically no increase in tbe amount of attention requir ed every intelligent herd owner admits the value of records but tbe daily weighing and frequent testing of the milk is apt to become too much of a task in tbe plan of the canadian dairy commission er this difficulty is overcome by weighing and taking samples on three days in the month at inter vals of ten days the samples from each oow are kept in condition for testing by a preservative in a small bottle wbioh bears her num ber at the end of the month this composite sample obtained at six milkings is sent to the qualified tester appointed by the depart ment who makes the butterfat test for each oow enters it on the record form with the weighings and forwards the records to ottawa where the dairy commie aioners office calculate total month ly production of milk and its butter- fat content for each cow and re- tarn the record to the herd owner at the end of tbe year a report is sent bina showing just what each cow has done for twelve months no fee or assessment is required of the members of the cow test ing assooiation the only expense being for tbe necessary outfit for weighing and keeping tbe samples of milk which costs from 500 to 1000 according to the numbeiof cows and equipment isj ffr earlier in the ycara number of the youngor farmers around ner val agreed to go intofthe soheme if sufficient names were obtained on the application some twenty berd owners joined in thojjapplloa tion to tbe department and the organizer mr david j howell- of norvaf whose technical training fitted him for the work was ap pointed tester records were be gun in november and there is ev- ery prospeot of tbe assooiation be ing extended throughout the dis trict wherever the recording and testing of the herd is undertaken a great inorease of interest is shown in the dairy work on the farm and if tbe slogan of the as sociation breed feed weed is followed out there will soon bo a great improvement in production and profit for the herd owner oh yes they all do it characteristic of mrs hobb showed she differed in no way from the rett of her sex doe your wife ever that waa as far as hohba got when hia office mate noons broke lo yes she doe what do yon mean anything i dont know what par ticular feminine idiosyncrasy yon are going to ask about bnt whatever it it she does it thoy all do it well what i wae going to say every night after rapper my wife want me to reed the news to her she says thats the least i can do as she hasnt time to read anything any more well thaf all right she gets in her lttle sewing or kultting chair andthe children take up their usual ppaljtona on the floph with ttielrpatw tfotanl bhj thing or airotbir id itase ffp easy chair apd the paper ape start on oneiof the most thrilling stories be fore i get it patngraphreail she sends the eldest fw out for n lasof wa iter thentwd ocrhref line more and the iljttle ope if sent upstairs fw the scissor then the iinlmreo fetjn fnis about h paper ijolji sndvmy irrfe hreaskliraat pebpeilwher and keep op a barrage a convajtdn to get tbemstlrirliiarf outnlttltetube telling m to to- right aneiid fcttli ttie readlng ommroe rlght in the mid- he of the moit lirterefsungvpaftpf the rtideehe will get up without nwofb and go out to tbe kitchen to feeisaotne- thing she wanta tomoaftetftj to sorfie- fklpg shes fortfotenjhi if i cuill reftd in shoti ask me what im mopping for yepthey all dolt said nqtibk bnt that isnt what luokes me mart partlcnlar ufa this sometlmeh when i think she lint paying the least at tention to what rm reading i try to catch bar m quit all of a sudden and say whats the use yon dont know a word of what tin reading and blamed if she dont call me every time and cams back with the last para graph almost word for word it beat me too all do if ltd nobba bnt they the horauhe won the print of a horseshoe in soft earth will always have the pdwer to stir a young missouri soldier even if he lives long enough to forget the sounds of war i dont know yt how 1 went through a shelling on friday the 18th without getting hit writes dent law rence settles of fayette with an artil lery company of the eightyninth divi sion the bochet had been putting over a- lot of high aploatves we had been digging in at night keeping in shallow shelters all day and trusting to luck 1 know on thing however a little jeat about the superstition of the old horse shoe saved my life once on that day anyhow my sergeant and i picked out a low told in the ground fur temporary shel ter and were proceeding toward it when i saw the print of a horseshoe id a shell hole well i said as this i friday and the 18th sergeant lets sit on the old horseshoe we crept in and a minute later the low fold we bad brat started for waa blown to the winds that was one time you can bet i was not ashamed of having been superstitions art to be recovered one of the arts which must be re paired after the wnr is the art of con versation a subcommittee m tbe min istry of reconstruction might look into it it will be to small purpose tbat we have reclaimed thousands of acres achieved the citizenship of women improved the art of cooking and per formed many other unexpected feats if the genial reflection of all this and indeed the very stimulus to action is dried up or muddy the link between cookery and conversation is a notorious and not a freakish one it is tbe chefs aim to set as free for ideal pleasures we must talk st meals but we need not talk about our food we have all been doing that too long london tunes furs from the arctic cspt louts l lane a veteran of the arctic trader and miner is on his way to northern canada as an ad vance scout for a vast chain of fur supply stations to be operated by a boston arm mors than 1000000 worth of choice furs annually will be shipped to seattle wash from the companys stations and then dis tributed throughout tbe country we have 28 fur stations along the athabaaka peace and mackenzie riv ers and expect to establish 25 more said lane when he departed from the mouth of the mackenzie the furs will be shipped around point barrow to 8eattle a distance of moo miles elsies favorite hon dead minora pet racer of the late king edward the only horse that ever won a derby for the royal boose of windsor is dead in paris he died of a broken heart it was tbe kings dying request that min ora should never be sold but lord boresfords stable manager disregarded this wish and sold the magnificent stood for a song minoius now bosa was a cab driver minora stood his new job just one day then he lay down and diedt harry jones the jockey who rode him to viotory in 1900 told the story with tears in his eyas minoru was too old for brooding so a paris broker bought him and then sold liim as a oab horse can you wonder that noni old minoru wont west its a shame i tell you a shame oh whats the use this is the fate that would have overtaken grown imperial at one time tbe beet trotting stallion in canada bad riot a kindhearted veterinary who lived wof georgetown resoued biin from a jew peddler she old horse died at ft happy toldage the long arm the war has furnished many strange coincidences here is another- a young officer came home on leave and brought his flancee a piece of a shell flred by the germans hut which bad evidently been among ammunition cap tured from us be thought it would interest ber and it did for she waa able to identify it as havfhgconie from the munition works in which aba worked it interested her still more when she found her own mark on it livingstones bakery main street we wish our many customers a happy and prosperous new year vsataiiibavs sjpfeciaia cream itolls and puffs ifilled withealrearri phono 56 thtlr revenge the tanks in russia must be hav ing great fun in what wayr in hearing the russian correspond ents worry over tbe rngllsh and amer ican nanus aap since 1 1070 aa shilo 308s8couohs for sale a fine large brick bouse with all modern conveniences liotwater heating hvfin jhibno woman is owaie thnltjew lew beautiful than othr wwpen she never forgives a njgn for fabwlrjjr it too houses and lots also three acres of land with good buildings bargain for this week house and lot on churlei st on easy terms alio two grood farms in this vicinity lowest comnileiloii phono 173 aj h lane retribute agea georaelowo y msmr wfe4 i have your suit hand pressed if spotty or soiled the dry cleaning process will make it look like new alterations and repairs a specialty ask for price list j m card co next door to roneys shoe store main street georgetown the 1920 phonog before you buy any phonograph this year just you hear the brunswick all phonogrraphs in one with a brunswick in your lioino you have tbe true first aid to a happy new year you have an instrument that plays all records correctijy tbe brunswick gives yon absolutely dnrostrioted oboice of records and enables yon to play svery make ab if it had been specially designed for the brunswick this is due to the allreoord allneedle ultona this is one of the now ideas embodied in the brunswioks exclusive and perfect method of reproduction it plays all reoords infinitely better by a tnero twist of the wrist it provides tho preoise naodle tbe proper diaphram and the exaot weight for any make of reoord nothing to take off nothing to put on simplicity itself a child can adjust it the allwood oral horn the laws of acoustic prove tbat sound waves travel in ovals or circles and that thoy arc purer and sweeter when oonducted through seasoned wood this is tbe reason behind the brunswioks oxolusive all- wood oval riobn like the sounding board of a piano or violin it is built entirely of wood no metnl whntever this feature alone ac counts for much of the brunswicks pronounced superiority in tone projection tho brunswick is the pinal phonograph pind out why invest your new years money in a brunswick will place a brunswick in your homo your old model taken in exchange a small deposit frank king next door to livingstones bakery main street x okmovgtoym the best soranton qoal in all sloes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phpne 80 georgetown cbeamerv a happy new year to all wo ure busy installing of ice manufacturing plant which will have a capacity sufficient to supply the needs of the town lots know your requirements any persons want- ing apeoial contracts call at creamery highest market price thats wbat we will pay vou for your cream spot oash on delivery and we will take any quantity georgetown creamery co m saae mnnagr irliluiilton dec 20th 1019 to whom it may concern this is to certify tbat mr j roney georgetown out has placed an order with us some time ago for spring delivery for a god inany dozen pausof mens jffo- mpns arid boys shoear ithaae are all vacy fine wdifk shoija arid the ery bent that can ho diitooiucd- at thpprioe fiis order will be flhcd as quickly as possible and at the price ttrey werebqughj ire splen did value since ware order waapiaoed prices havo jnereased cbneiderablesojtbttfteybrebxcep- tidrlfti viuej-t- mlacpbprispn 3jtta- hamilton v v omeof the4b6ve prderiuns just befen received for sale only bjr j jroney the peoples shjpe mao georgetown deoembm7 1019 this- ia to certify tbat i hnvc beefi dealing with mr j roney for over t wo years and have left himovcr 800 for repairing and new boots for myself and family i never received such good satis faction from any other dealer i duncan sinclair castor i a for t and children in use for over 30 years always besra the sugnanv of i fish for choice quality salmon haddies fillets bloaters ciscoes try clifford unham phone 196 main street delcought the oonplau elsctrlo usjbt asal powar plant you can have all tho comforts of a modern home buy dulcolitrht w t evans osorawtown ontario livery and sales now open at station hotel firstclass horses and rigs for hire at reasonable prices horses always fbr sale j 0 rulledge prop phone 2s1 georgetown nu 81ovtllinb rnqnlrod standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wrigleys the greatest name in goody laid w i wrsgleys juicy fruit chewsnggijm iibiiniaiiaiiuiisiibii doublemint chewing iim o sealed tight kept right ha vour lasts to car owners now is the time your battery needs the closest attention be sure that it does not get low enough to freeze we test your battery and give you any necessary information on its care free of charge call and have your batteries tested we also store batteries either wet or dry for the winter and are capable of doing all repairs necessary to put your battery in first class condition for following season charges reasonable and work guaranteed georgetown garage c e baker proprielor phone 171 this is for you vol arc itiurvsied in the high coal ol living suppott you had to replace your bouse or the content m ol u and buy everything over gain 13 you would need double as much mortl y to do it as in september 1914 i everything has kne up the purolwu tng power of the dollar is about 47c com pared with september 1914 huilding- costs of alt kind a have nearly doubled clothing in going up every day booth itnd shoes furniture curtains car- ppvcood uel everything costs more firs i jiay dt ryy yonretiiire wopefty- aiiy niiuute vqiffflddqoo pducy iotyl wpnt buy hirvhat it wiuw fare esr aifp so you ucfiimorcinstnncf rie thing in ma world has not mcteafedl in costrmhat is lnsurance- thing iyou neednost s n short wtiat ydu most need is the cheapest thw you can- buy viptio y911 need tne- bestj ind of- protactfoit r tijo vou hvvbjt thebbk cssi no mors thanthswori6 k ihope oie how nuich atof cdver youjf require and wj mii put it on todny v ww catvawb your pqpeiandiryei yduheneeewryootepmoa v vv pbonems gcprgetowa w a bailey harness now for the good old winter time 1 call at the harness shopand see the fine assortment of bells blankets and robes and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate har ness shop repairing promptly attesmlo w a bailey main street 6e0egetowh deerinc farm machinery international traoto gasoline enstnef sharplen meobavittal milking machines carload of wire fenoing nt reasonable prices cutters and sleighs the most modern made b tbe best makers a full line of omlvsvilised boofiug etc phone 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval ont full stock of flour and feed always on hand at our elevator georgetown all kinds of grain wanted at highest prices robert noble limited norval ontario jmbuck butcher always kep a choice 8 took of the best proourehn in freh and bait meats whioh he mils at the lowest possible prices canada food board lironne no 0 2wk r get the best winter term prom january 5tb open in each of shaws schools tor onto business shorthand telegraphy and wireless write for booklet w h shaw yonge and garrard life insurance protect your wife children yourself and your business wiv policy in the great west life iv surance co tho lowest rates with the best results for particulars see w w roe reeidenae os georqetown oht canada business college college a spadloa is torontos poudlar commer cial school positions guar- teed individfi5iinstruetion enter any day mail courses geo spotton president madges candy shop a soleot lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and oannel goal in foot t carry everything to be found in an uptodate goal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown pbpnb18 all kinds of drinks served hcbailey electrician electric wiring and fix tures orders left in the haxnesa shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 georgetown all business colleges awe not alike i select a school carefully elliot yonge and charles sta toronto invites tbe pnlronage of all who dealra buperior trninlitg gut our catalogue rend our recorda then decide enter now w jelliott lrlnott bbs vfer main street phone 814 swr 73k arthur bcastell t s f college of knsto london saslsuid oholrmaster rrssmrtarian ohuroh ototftawn teacher of plano or b cornet violin and sintrjna tuition fee in any branch 6 porj termjpf 20 laatoui at my real- tlence main st georgetown or at pupil a horns mtajfob tulfsd mwwiware ira r w i hullllmttj x iim kj- t