Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 31, 1919, p. 1

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the oeor n fifty tulltd yeah of publication georgetown wednesday evening deoember 81st 1919 s150 per annum or 125 if paid in advancr the georgetown herald yj a f i 1r meat market i pumihh every wednesday evening at tha herald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application ten cimta per hue cur tlrst insertion ahd avo qttaper liiw fur clt uubse- quout frlaartlon wlnba pii4j8eiiffr jah tvarjdltent uusiilimwuirttweltt jrw to in ipoa adverliioinent without npwin- ui- rictloiis wm jjc lnnorted until forbid and charged accordlnaly advertisements will tfe changedonce eaoh moiith without eptra ohartfv chapges foy bbutmoc auveruawrieiuii t- imu be itvtheolbca iy monday even- lff -in- v v eubatrifjrioriratet orie or 12s uvpiur in advance lx tnoilli uetioj lii d- -varuse- tbj address label shown trie- datr yburaubmhptuiti bxvba ij-m- mp0rbhbiiher c x gtrilmtabl goinoisast- mail iititfb aiu passenger uj46 iim mail 710pin passenger sunday 711 pm going west mail 767 am passenger 516 pm mail 757 pm passenger sunday 1016 ain going nohth mail 510 pm going south mail 1128 aui specials for this week toronto suburban railwav dairy timetabiib am pm pm doing eabt 810 224 040 going west 866 810 789 8chdav timetable cioing isiust am pm pm pm 1081 1220 845 610 am pm going west 1040 u10 siuokfedjiam whole or half per lb srookid rolls per lb loottish rolls per lb i sid lacofifljar4p half xeo4f ftpib per lbiv bwbrsejlnriljlerlb vu i vsti wmtf lamb berlbr ix v l rfyb roast beet per lb jiyi tyhjok- rib rodst beef beribui sh-oiijcle- roast per ib i r boneless tpinglraei per lb rib boil per lb vii choice pickled pork pejt lb dry sallt per lb hamkvrb steak per lb siitihae iei lb vonl cliops per lb j loiii roast veal per lb shouluor roast veal shortening 1 lb brick 1 lb brick of lard 8 lb pail of shortening 8 lb pail of lard 20 lb pail of lard for swifts oleomargarine ulioene per lb t v 86p 83c j80 -60o- 6d t88pv v tax- 8c v26b- 28o 26o 8io 40q lapo- 25c 25c- 85c 85c 80c 88c 873 95c 105 88c 88c 88c any person requiring a dressed hog or a quarter ot beef call and we can supply you with no i quality at a reasonable price waters our wind for spec on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 pm 917 pm u8 counter cheek books at the herald st fieorqe8 church rav wm burt l th rctor sunday hviviue an cullewa matlna 11 a m kvtiuonf 7 p m sunduy school v4 u tu in buae- mant holy communion ut and iiki 8uudaya of each monln at 11a m legal 8hilt0n waulbridqe l dale barnatars goiicitora eto toronto and uoorgelown oltlue kennedy jbtlock i- roy dale in charge ot oeorv- own ohloa kings choice flour manufactured by w j campbell ltd norval was used in the bread which was awarded first prize at milton georgetown and brampton fairs try tills celebrated flour it will please ton bran and shorts at best prices w j campbell ltd norval ontario medical or j08eph moandrew phyaieian and 8uraeon medical i uluoar or health ulatrlci surgeon 0 t h oulce huura 2 to 4 and 7 10 8 p in phone 58 oulce and residence main idtroel south oppoalte preabyterlan cliuruh dental fran k r watson o d 8 m d s dentilt georgetown ont ilouis 9 a in to d p m except iliurxday afternoon ienliutry in ull lu brnnohtii ovfr bell telephone offioe s f l heath u o8 d d 8 oantlat office in lane block one door nortl- of oneill carriage factory hour- 0 a m to i p m storage battery you may put antifreez in your radiator but not in your battery why then neglect it when it plays the most important part of the car of today leave your battery with us this winter and have it in firstclass con dition next spring we keep them in wet or dry storage as the customer desires also repairing done work guaranteed batteries left at fred cook s garage will receive prompt attention chiroikactic no medlolna surgery or oltabpathy a m neil8en d c graduate of the palmer the oil- glnal school of chlroprautlo paven- jiortjojya u s a ornce ovor ilourlgana dfuz btuje coiisuttatloii and tiplnut auulyeu preo tueidaya thuradays and fcsiitur- ilayn 2 to it and 7 to 8 p m phone 160a auctioneers benj fetch litceniiod auotloneer for halton and peel gluuwiluoma post oflloa saleu conduoted aatuffactorlly and at rea aonable rates ordera loft at tli qeoigotowii herald oinco will recoly- prompt attention william maddock returned soldier xioenaad auotloneer for the conuty of halton sales of every deacriptlon handled also agent for mafftun cieum separators mill gaaollnc engines for termi write to box 1 1 or phone 17 milton ontario milton prentiss nainbkm and moton boy bldg mclilnhhy brokkklt llectriu kopnirh toronto j a tracv uleth towuahlp of bsiiuoiiliig clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life insurance os reprcnentcd istuer of marriage licensee office mill street west georgetown otboe houre wedneeday and bat- day gfternoena f s near c issuer pt marriage lioenses id- auranoe agentbtp maftdmu qnson bu phone 801 f mmssxowir d f brigden georgetown do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the foliowing firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone 206 greobgetown a happy new year to all watches oochssllverrvare col glass umbrellas while ivory touetlvare fountain pens wristlet watches a fine line from 1b1boo to 94boo willson main street next mcgibbon hotel financieil statement of the village of georgetown for year 1919 receipts taxes in arrears taxes 1919 huu school grants 8967 84 1219 6ft w 2469 80148 6171- lie 2687 1890 84 4661 160 10b7 48x7 sooo 2000 4 8799 848 60 00 60 6 00 81 14 66 5 00 gbr a0 00 00 76 p fees bents and finos- licenses vf w debeotures covered ftdbentures interest x3ewetery waterworks tidlioand schpoj grants and fees- good bdas jiud good roadb icefund main st iebentuwb nipoarsc otsajo waferteorks-exteiijiori- tv glqbfe inmnjtyrcb re sjiires mrctntb batiks january ietjl9l9 credits copstruotiob streets bdggpri8 r v 08076 0l ezpenditttre expense of mnsmelpal oenrsnest eleotion of members at coirncll 61 61 allowances salaried and commission 1919 60 printing advtg postage and stationery 899 90 ins heat light and care of buildings 652 66 street likhting 19 97 water supply and fire protection 698 68 law costs including salaries 159 10 other costs of municipal government 492 19 maintenance of fnbllo utilities operated by municipality waterworks 749 67 oonetraetiam streets bridges and parks streets mill and main strts health and okarluem board of health including salaries support of poor and other charities county end fcohool purposes public school high school county bate good roads corke loan unpaid 1918 cemetery expenses int on loans allowaooos eto public library waterworks extension 1097 78 12570 90 160 96 88 16 7588 84 8899 95 6758 92 1179 41 10000 00 150 00 487 26 628 18 1984 78 56716 25 waterworks publio school imp ii t arnold son georgetown foundry hydro electric consolidated waterworks extension henry corke co bonded and temporjr debt principle interest 8800 00 127 66 808 80 678 66 400 00 888 54 800 00 80 78 692 77 looal improvements 1099 22 425 00 118 07 811 46 95 10 80 00 1114 44 270 00 106 88 600 00 844 68 balance on hand 7171 86 8960 62 11182 00 67848 26 227 76 68076 01 assets uncollected taxes 1918 84567 uncollected taxes 1919 1474 52 uncollected water ratesgtr 460 o0 arnold sons sinking fund 1600 00 georgetown foundry mortgage 1200 00 henry corke 1475128 land and park 4000 00 buildings and furnitnre 12000 00 fire halls and appliances 2co0 00 cemetery 1100 00 waterworks 48oo0 00 advances to schools to extent of debent ures outstanding 8058 48 advances of local imp 15008 60 credit balance 227 76 105108 21 liab1xitxes arnold sons debentures 1489 66 georgetown foundry 1200 00 henry corke 1475128 waterworks 62o0 00 consolidation of floating pobts 5100 00 publio school improvement 2088 67 addition 6919 76 hydro- eleotrio street lighting local improvements waterworks extension bubplub 8058 48 409 76 16008 60 1912 68 2000 00 60088 01 l quant reeve fciosion 21 at w kenmepy troaanror r i heath clerk ntnn established 1b7 i he immense resources of oana- 1 da must be developed to increase production of wealth sufficiently to take oare of the countrys in debtedness and to stimulate a con tinuous i healthy growth tbe bank of hamilton stands behind increased production and legitimate liness enterprise bank of hamilton ccmackax manner phi wwjm y y-akri-s- riit t v i i v resolushuns oncet ther was a ittle boy what maked some resolushuns on new years day at he would stop abeinseob a noosanse he sed hed start in takin bafs without no drivin to it he aed hed go to bed at night soon as hes telled to do it ajn after this hed stick to trufe an never toll a fib he never mored jitit a filotf in bbj isislor b opijilv i bedvever takeine- coolrie box whencookbadjnssrebh fihedit he d always say at it was him took muvviara qlone aijd spill- dt hedjet the noac cat live irfpeaoe no mpreiftfl- grandas piije wif- greiise v- ded uifesteasuj iftle ftfiflk iwiricatiyllersiittlieijixvrjs whtfn slars1eat uean tbrtfes to caji hed neve hid arrie 7tahl hodriovorjlimbjoltitchcn roofs to bide his oranrxyrmtisfalhetoofs hed never take auht belie gpll puffs and stuff em in her new heants oilffa green apples no hem never steal nor monkey wif big bruvvers wheel hed clean bis teef an scrub his neck and never sulk the leastea speck when company comes an hes helped last folksll forget his naughty past these resolushnos when ho mnkod em he meaned to keep but oh he breaked em so now he says folks do not fear ill make a bran new set nox year sonool report bs uo 9 china following jb the school report for december sr iv froda morris leslie young wilfrid leslie etta hard ing jr iv riugliif clark ina camp bell sr ill robert anderson jr ill lloyd leslie elizabeth robinson bessie campbell luoy harding frod harding ii evelyn yoiinu arthur clark alex anderson donald clark florence hancock donald camp bell nellie hancock 8r pr mary anderson ellen harding pr duncan campbell eleanor macdonald earl hilts wilfrid hilts joe hancock agnes g sutherland teacher h dead or a by tu ray baker tft some up ui th- t- aesoeeeeeeeeeii4 kr tea keolars mewe- we give it results talk ask the students ask the busi ness man arrange today for jan 6th guelph business college herald bldo guelph ontario a l bouck principal announcement winter session opens january 5th 1920 brampton businesh institute coursos prepare for the best busi ness shorthand and secretarial positions train in the underlying essentials of present day biihinoss success moderate tuition foes minimum time consiiitcnt with ex acting bnsinchs ieqiiiioments register early calllwrito or plione for complete particulars c e bousfjeld prin brampton ontario notsce of application of the village of georgetown in the county of halton to tha ontario railway and bffnnlolpal board to- be ereoted into a town nndor pro visions of ths mnnioipal aot take notick tht wherens ll ap pears by the uimnssmont roll for the yenr 1919 of the vtllitfre of guorgetown in the county of halinn that the said village contains over 2000 inhabitants it is the intention of the council of the said village after throe months from lie date of this notice to npply to the ontario hallway and municipal board for the erection of the said village into a town and further take notice that the limits intended to ho included in the said town are the limits already established for tin- oald village of georgetown and that the prupoaod nntnu of tho mid town is georgetown l grant reevu dated at georgetown this 12th day of november a 0 i9i sieeieeees fcspjrrlcbt int ewer afl4cefv gifts trailed tn rernaauj ofiv sotwen doughnut jtnto iruf ruciutn and washed tbem dtrwn with tbe bast of ui hot coffee which he hat brewed himself sbdwhicb wsajnore hor than it wcoffee r tlpfoefng to the bd he toadied ala ups to tbej forehead of the wii rgirllbh foctipna wlthltatentnk jejies watched a- shaft oferljr sijollgbt daft tifioiict the window and tiebd ivlntftit- intre told kslr cohed on the pliiow raybt hopetnebtae orlines aro rle slgfcen shghtlitodbta flrnt wiilte upper teeth drew hiaiow- r ii heniiab- them and craahd the- kui wtli a pajii be did not noticei turnrag- from the bedr he reacbl to- jiord the ceitir he had just vacated and stnigrlet ttq a sbldy brown coat that had been draped over its bach prom it nail on the wall he took fraycheckered cap with ralaralned frontlhplece and pushed it back over his contmry black locks crimes panted with his hand on th knnh nf the dnor and looked back at the bed the golden hair and the ran- itght were vlelng in i contest of bril liancy something like a smile ib which hup merged with pride crept acrrms his tanned young face but it fnded inxtnntly and bis dark eyes flls- tenpd again when a backing cough from lic bed confirmed the tale told by- it ritl apnt on either cbeeli of the occupant he opened the door and stepped ont on the board sidewalk just u a hell- diver swooped down from the blue and onthed a breakfast from placid traverse buy with a vigorous sttrtda he started no his 20mlnute walk to tha exclusive harbor beach colony i wont have her this time next year unless 1 get her oat west by next fall was the trend of grimes thought as he passed the slumbering castles in which the idle wealthy of the dues ought rustication lord knows driv ing archibalds speed crnlser wonldnt bring anongh coin in two vears to do it as he skirted the cluster nf tree that sheltered the clubhouse veranda from the complexionruining morning fun and en me in sight of the archl bald palace gazing down imughtlly from a lofty bluff he was so qbttorheri id cogitation he all bat collided with ragged florldvtaaged pleasantly ro tund little man attired in blun and wearing an ornclallooklng cap on which a gold lighthouse gleamed ahoy i called the llgbtkeeper veer off or youll hit this rock of gib raltar whats the matter with yer compass me boy as they came to a halt crimes was obliged to smile away his gloom at in reflection of the beaming weather- crncked lines of the other counte nance an howa tha wife this mornlnt rattled mi the guardian of the beacon in that genuinely hearty sympathetic tone an whyfor the big nh about beglnnln the daily labor sure ol man archibald aint gettln up at no ive oclock for pleasure ipln yon cant tell me rhnt no better was grimes rueful re lotnder to the first query iui going to tnke n run nut on the bay and see if i cant make the fourth cylinder hit is it ought to bo added the boss irns tnlklnc of showing off the light ning to nouni speed demon now aint that too bad about tbe srlfe observed the llgbtkeeper real commiseration in his voice ill have me own woman run over to yer alia- it this afternoon on see if she can eh e lome o the gloom away by the way n course yon aint heard the smrtlln news from the springs thank you captain i hate to leave ber there elone nil the time what iteming news do yon mean mebbe you wouldnt call it start- lln responded the captain n broad grin manifesting bin enjoyment of the role of n herniation monger its jest the little matter o s10000 beln stole from the first natlonnl last night or early this inornln the safe was mowed open in a reglar professional manner i jest happened over to the springs at an unusual hour and theres excitement galore a thousand dollars reword has already been offered for tbe rapture of the hnrglnr dead or alive grimes started but donjt worry me boy went on the captain the first national has plenty to make good all the savins ac counts and the loss of 10000 aint goln to start no run on tho institution tbey say it looks like a oneman job tou better look sharp on the bay he might be stlckln around somewhere though it aint likely he tarried long in tbe vicinity well ive gossiped long enough gotta be mnvln on as tbe llgbtkeeper with it wave of a hand vanished behind tin- trees grimes hurried out on the archibald dock where the lightning wns moored he drew the hnnt to the landing by means of tho painter leaped aboard and stooping entered llie little cabin that sheltered the engine and crew in stormy weather when be atrnlghteaed up inside the cabin grimes looked into the hnrral of a revolver clutched in u huge hairy band a blunt of a man with bushy brown whiskers towerod hack of the weapon welcome little stranger said rhe man with the gun champing vleaooslt on a ctid of tobacco grimes grew vrhlta beneath the tan and braced himself along tbe wall of the cabin such a situation wit enough to unnerve the most veteran soldier of misadventure bow long will it take to get this here little racer inter action inquired the master of ceremonies as he strad dled a stool and waved the revolver id the direction of the slxwcyllmler mo tor manhattan landing will be our port of debarkation an we onnt get there any too quick grimes resorted to strategy clumsy sr it proved for a loophole nf escape i need gat bsfers we can iturt he tih- hi mail grinned with savage siirctioin displaying two rows of abarp uneven yellow teeth no yon dont do nothln of tha kind h announced in tones that car i hod conviction i looked loter the llttl old lank mid theres enough to iiirry us to manhattan all right an the imirk plugs is all o k and theres plenty f cylinder oil when do we start abandoning mr the present oil at- teuipts tdevajje- the laspg grimes syfueaontrie v wh -rank- uiijj spun the nipfnr it starred vj 4 ou th aeoond rrtal spluttering ex postulation until the cylinders re- ponded to the friction wartnthnnd the gas began a steady- bow artrhes- anleashed theijghtrllng from the dock and let in thfe clutch undorjthcavory eyv of his cttpfajir jur a rrnjwmeot i nespeierferwasklmmljii post sentl- nerllght ploytogtwjllkea- pf jay sdenlytiemarked the in jnjtta passenger 1 tmn studying yott- and jr senis- tvknowri jton vpqr nanj dont blippen to bei gjlmea vv grimes turnedvguick keplpitoh6 hand qn the wheel afldjs he igoked closely at tho beardttd ffce of the ojb- it seemed tbatthere wassotnething iecldedly familiar about it thafa my name he responded and yon why yon cant be big jim cole r the giant laid down his weapon and made hit way to where grimes stood the shifting of the tremendous weight caused tbe boat to rock eccentrically but grimes steadied it tbe other seized him by the band and fairly rushed it ton got it i be said heartily you and me was pals back in emeryville and we used to go to school together well of all the say and his eyes took on a tender look whatever be came of emily brewster grimes face lighted up and then rlnnded i married her be said simply now shes gat the t b ton dont say ejaculated the gi ant retiring to his former seat in or der to better ballast tbe boat why du you know that girl well tell me shout it grimes did ao koeptng the launch beaded for manhattan landing when he had finished hit ttnry the other sat dlent for several minutes looking ont the cabin window h dtrnntre unfath- mable expression on htn face pres ently he turned picked up tho revolv er and extend it hntt rtrst tword ortmet please make me ymir pruotier he laid too worth n thousand to you and it will get tier out west dont efuse do it for lrer sake ton saved my life once and and well yon didnt know it hut i loved euilly too dried vegetable value it ts by no mean- rrinln that dried regetables pohhos the same nutriment ralua as vegetables that have not been irled prof philip b hnwk of teffer- ton medical college riiilndolphln notes n science n phenomenon that was called to his attention hy charles den- iy of the war trade hoard and daniel uoreau barrlnger which suggests that ome hitherto unsuspected structural hange takes place in vegetables when they are dried it is well known that when dried vegetables are imuioraed in water for s few hoars they assure n form close ly resembling that of freuli vegetables fet if this swollen vegetable be left at room temperature for from 24 to 81 hours it returns to its dried state in ither words a fresh vegetable holds ts water much more tenaciously than loes a dried vegetable that has been mraersed in water avarice avarice begets more vices than priam did children and like priam lurvlves- them all it nturves its keeper o rurfelt those wlihsuh tiltn dead tnd makes llltn xiitinili to more mnrtl- icntiurih to lohe beavon thnn tin mnr- yr undergoes to gain it avnrlce is u passion full of paradox n nmdnesji full f method for although the miser it he most mercenary or till lielnus yet he serves the worn muster more faithfully than some chrutlnnx do the lest and will take nnihlni fi it he falls down and worhhlps the god of this world but will have neither its pomps its vanities nor hx plianure for hlstroublo he begins tu arrumulnth treasure as a means to hitpplncss and by a common but morbid n- relation be continues to nccumuiaie it as au end he lives poor to die hih and is the mere jailer of hi liu and thu turnkey of his weatb c c colton collection of grasees tbe united states bureau of plant industry has a collection of north american grasses numbering 110001 specimens the largest in the world keys to species hnve been prepnred for all tbe kinds in tbe united stilton and s manual on the suhm la now under way cecil rhodes dream realized the early completion of a tunnel un der the straits of gibraltar tvhlli in connection with the tunnel from 1 rover to calais will practically eiiinhiie nn allrail connection between rope town and london will moro than realize the dream of cecil rhodes of h iiiie-in- calrn railroad the nercrsn ry links along the barbary ennxt will lie simple matters when the intervening water have been spanned knfjliwirl is taking hold of the gibraltar lumml in n way that means tbe success or thin ictgnn fc enterprise riempletons rheumatic capsules fob rheumatlsmneubitissciatica lumbago neuralgiagout etc asure rellef- for the worst headache fis per box humanity has lacked a practical rlamthatlc remedy slacellnii hepnu portune in aivnt eearly at liutep in id clcclrlclmths and huvpl- ita to obtain rtluif yet tiitvr rcuttn aii achieved riqlit at lieutefy lining tkch tlm oomioon senaelrcntnirtit tnt compare cont and results vhtli cm otlur ireatoirnt and yoa will be ronvlntl alc ynut riruiraitit fir write tl fovotu n-m- lonutel t it u tntcrc rtt- ngand ccwi von ijiiiiir ilemptons 111 xing w torotito w mult tmywicrcoa receipt of stl solo agent for ooorgetown d j matthew druggist sad stationer v if- v l a m 3titej

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