Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1919, p. 2

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h willson undertaker and licenced embalmer matin st oorstown itomobileor hurtle- drawn menrtte phone ittfht or day 54 w or mj drummers snack imnenm crowd at qjion air convert parade and sport on saturday rirtlls marriages and heath arc charged fdrut the following rules llirttm 25r marriaeh 50c deaths 50c memor ial curds 50v he per line extra for jkmmuh died honatiian- wi pf m iir tteyjuivaoh fiwiiiis ciutrk jpcftuwawai i ri-kiiitiwkirtwi- fttilm tlw v riiifrtmfiiifitvhbnwaikli-fro-v- the gcoraclown herald the annual outing of tbe drum mers snack belli on friday mul saturday was us usual a mm rid success the orovii nl the 0ou air concert erliimtvl anything in the past history of tho snack the program was excellent and was on joyed by everybody present jonr ld friend joe williams with bis comic songs nave every iierson a good laugh mr prank oldfleldi songs wore well jiprhaiided tflo irvioivo iolps by mjsicjjelli mcghie ijd slioyvbiiifc shqwiiiub tfhjisvdrfthe fifgtoolasa tiy miss anaiulsrkpnrthifue- who possesses iiv very crch voice- sang eo lioutlit ul minradn davies presided at tlio piariii hi yarrdliymqniin chebuhin- iwjp tua h heltl 4t vijoorjndtrobsdifatnies vfv- vioiakd cierg c nmirsy a tbvit the wow iactwnjne ffii vfa f 8 thslyeah 4hd an anieri- 5 can riowsuaper suggests that after all that uidy be the bust solution i- 1 n i hon g iiwabd fehuhspi minister of lands forosts and mines states that the timbor liui- its sold a few days ago along the y north shores of the great lakes brought the highest prices ever re ceived several berths brought 20 per 1000 feet on the stump and one realized 2360 in connection with tho organ ization of tho militia forces of canada on a new and permanent basis it is proposed by the gov ernment to perpetuate the names and traditions of all tbo best known militia regiments before the war as well as tho names of regiments which rendered ilistin guished service in the war the latest plea for the ex kaiser is one to the president of france to spare the hapless inon arch because the hohenzollerns of branderbiug gave protection to the 20000 prenoh huguenots who were driven from prance in hie religious persecutions of 186c what about tho 8000000 french soldiers that bis armies slaughtered canada fhee traders are receiv ing a rude blow in the despatch that steps are being taken to re peal the american reciprocity pact with a view to raising higher the customs hetweou the united states anil canada proof is furnished every day of tbo fact that the nations of the world are adopting the method of protecting themselves against com petition canada would be speed ily ruined if it allowed itselfto be come the dumping ground of the world it ik kiht about llfloen years since the agitation for good roads wasbogun in the county of halton it was a good movement and al though there have as always been some mistakes made a groat deal of good work has been done muoh yet remains howovornnd llioofforl should eontinuo until hal ton- could boast of as good highways as can be found in any county in ontario when tho proposition was first made there were fears expressed as to the awful cost the move ment has justified itself however and although the cost has been large the advantages are many it is in order for our government to cut out some of the expenditures that are less needful arid put a lot more money into better roads rs jthe minister of education has announced several changes in the school curriculum of which the following will go into offect at once the history of the war- is to be studied in connootiiin with that of british canadian and mod ern history the arithmetic course is to be amended by the mission of contracted- method in decimals the business course is to be made more practical there is to bo a les sening of the prescribed work in art courses in physios and chemis try are simplified homowork is to be lightened these would ap pear to look in the right direction in those times of stress and change any move looking to tho making of the educatjonof the boys and girls more thorough and more praotinul will bo welcomed hs uioetyng dvllie snapkwas helt iii tlje p4miwftjvwitb wfwtjjrtaadiil- in ibwpjiiprvvilfvtffts graded by- an imiiiiiipuswu ibo hola the ifl2p gpitrfcputrfng mil georjjejtown tho proceelihi l saturday itfterndop qijened ui a costuijie prbcessidn atlho cjiitikjmjiided- by fwrgptovtr balid under the direction ofmnjpr inifit al 280 ti-njj- tliere was a big paimdo beivflpd by cluef keltli on horse consisting of georgetown ann i3lenwilliams brass bands aton bugle band local veterans and veterans from toronto guelph acton and mil ton this was followed by a good program of sports open to every body and enjoyed by all some splendid prizes were won bv the competitors a baseball match was played between georgetown and milton which caused consider able disputes as to the winner but the referee settled the matter in favour of tho home loam score be ing 16 to is all returned home in the early evening after spending an enjoy able afternoon mr precttpast jr of hamilton recently returned from overseas visited friclids in town null v icinity during the week tbo many friends of kolit skir- row an old georgetown hoy will bo pleaded to learn of his return from oversows hub arrived at his home in todiuoidey about two weeks ago and is in the nest of health x sgt norman anderson second son of mrsg r anderson former ly of georgetown and the lust one of mrs andersons throe lighting scina hariiv ril ivrieil to friauilitjih jpfi- jiytondav vtafinin tot uloejffiugijtv irforfiised oyei oujhd tsarnuiniawjilcliin f4ndel r its rpster quite it few- bfrafrjton boys norm wfiirtovfc r- seas with the 2fitli battery sccjjihi division hi june ilfi irl was witn ui itnjit jvhert- uioy cvosisedll clijii3si foi kfeiiisijaudju- iiigiual 2tk votktiwa hni vvithl ibjib batiterj wo hafe beet miisiptf i rtwiijl bn t wen t th roujh ftttf i vlrltli out abospftal vaiatipnpauner norval mr w young and family mr j huffman and miss dorothy naughton of toronto visited rela lives and friends here last week mr k harbor only son of mr george harbor reeve of redvers and who recently returned from overseas visited at the home of his uncle g hamilton mr harbor was wounded four different times while in franco tho many friends of dr john smith of windsor will be sorry to learn of his sudden death de ceased was a notod liberal in poll tics superintendent of customs since 1908 and councillor of windsor for many joars he was a cousin of mr hamilton and mrs lyons of this village triyjjl mix mm sib robeet bobdenb call to thecftnadiftp people is timely and sensibly put fearing a possible recurrence of depression at a per- ipd when nations are engaged in industrial disputing striken and lookouts as well as seniialessoxpon- rfiture he asks for a united people forji spirit of oooparafcion for ihritt and goodwill among all classes for upon these qualities will largely depend our solving tho problems and surmounting tho dangers that lie before us the premier recognizes the val- ue of unity and thrift mid ho wisely places those essentials be fore canadians at a perfoil when toi6 is llttlo heed given to ooono- inytho advice is most opporturfo happy will bo the nation that pro- fits by it f utter paper ofeheraiov fmit pranpeou hot weather has kroatly reduced tho crop of small fruits heavy rains when tree fruits were in blossom prevented proper pollen- atiou cherry and plum crops are reported light northern spies will be heaviest yielding apples reports from the niagara peninsu la are lhat poaalies which werej oxpeoted to yield heavily will oe a disappointment from 20 to 10 per cent of early ostiinatos fu tain georgbtomn pel i and 2 acton sept 23 and 24 arthur oct 7 and 8 brampton sept 19 and 20 burlington sept 30 oct 1 caledon 7 sept 23 and 24 erin oct 8 and 9 freolton oct 4 gait sept 18 and 19 milton otft 7 and 8 oakvlire sept 1820 rocuwood oct 2 and i streetiivllle sept 25 toronto aug 23 sept 6 waterdown oct i woliion sept 12 and 13 vvoodbridgi oct 10 and 11 ford oaaollne street oar plans and eastings have been completed for and two hundred men are at work rushiog to completion the new rail wavaeolino car design ed by henry ford this informa tion was given the dotroitcommon council meeting on july 21 tho new oar will materially oheapen transportation as it can be operat ed for less money than either steam or electric oars as soon as tho oar is ready it will be given a test run over the michigan central tracks from detroit to chicago in competition with- the wolverine the fastest express train on the rood it is said to bo caprible of developing a spood of os miles por hour people complain that times are not what they used to be we should say not it used to be tho law and the prophets now it is the law and profiteers a garden party under the aus pices of hornby womens insti tute at the home of wilbert mo- curdy lot 0 cop 0 trafalgar on august sth the programme will bo given by bob wilson comed ian miss olive mussel child en tertainer and dancer laidlaw quartette and oakvillo citizens band admission 25o and 16o j f ford gbairjiian military jjbcbiivber iofthe jlpdiv mnwl in- n4wwfrectmlukiiij owhisoneor veyy oxfhe aplipil otn0 m sjitejfolvut f- t r pupil o mr a green- 0etmi glcnwiluams vwithout iv doubt august lfitli and 10th will prove to hrfred let ter days in the history of glcnwil uams and ward 6 preparations for our welcome to the holdiers are proceeding smoothly the garden party on the evening of august 15th will certainly be the best that has ever been held in this vicinity the fax fun co has been seoured for the occasion this company whioh gives the en tire programme is known from coast to coast and consists of jas fax humorist will spencer comic miss jessie fax entertain er and miss louise williams mawson soprano on saturday afternoon august 10th the presen tation will be mode by general gunn cmg dso 00 mds speeches will be made by qoneral mitchell and capt t 0 wallace the final baseball game for the handsome trophy which tins been donated will bo played and athlet ic events of all kinds will be run op all roads lead to uio- glen for those two days tavtn 1 8 and am najje i c la uihy linhjs6nptipiiof norvalp 8- iltjie whole county the hopor f loading tliorcauflivlatewih thjsox- almiiation- goes to rose mcevoyj u pupil of missminnie z bennett of acton publltjcboqlian armour a pupil bf mr- r f samlersoh oakvillo p s- being second and marie mowat another pupil of acton p s being third marks of unsuccessful candidates have been forwarded to them and certificates will be- sent later to the successful ones obituary mrs jar mahalak a very respected resident of georgetown in the person of loliza- beth grace keedwell beloved wife of mr jas masalas passed away at guelph general hospital on friday july 11th 1919 deoeased was born in ionia mich in octo ber 1860 shortly after her marr iage tomr masalas they moved to limehouse until about a ycitr ago when they became residents of georgetown she is survived by her husband who remains to mourn tbo loss tlie funeral took place on saturday july 12th at sebringville junior high school entrance out of 88 candidate at this ex amination in georgetown the foll owing were successful bertha m barnes clarence ben- ham hon icstlicr bessye eileen bradley lorna campbell cheater karly kwartkarly merle m fish er lillian green loyh a green harold grconsides stephen uul- pin gertie henderson gordon m hillock j leslie huggan aileen e hume j murray laird arthur lane mary w lawspn w orr slacliosnuy lartha matchmpnt jrliidoiiatapnabei lutf hi j tcbjjvwjiiii mltojtcraifary m w moheokiii jfehen m iojm plora lytjiriim fred j neir poiothy rae ohas jt bivnkine uoti xtdiiitld btjssell joe8taii- disb mawswlndlfllinrst diqthj tfhirstoxi v t v liiijiipst tliioi in- ijandii1tfweiecliuiojraij vatbtralld srldc sifihe ontario ihvivhioi y f henrihg the ovldonccof clio r- presentativjs of douptj orllillton jmd tho tovn of cjaliville and- oeoige hogartli tli oilginyei- of the ii ujliavsfioiuiirissioi iave ii i uli n tbiiij 1 1 ijoj trif hitd iec4dd i toroittojui baniirtjigwavtqakiirwasy wiissri afl iihq lij oivjfebiiilj jhordnvquld 1 no ivpfhfji- kfr iibmqufinltoijh itoruld ttiv difll- oiiihy is to cjvjitlo the ipoitibii nujiflr of tlujtost uoirf rjjiiirtfirianco chiirges bomvieni thi county iund the fiown ttp kariug wsn-ail- jjourrbd unil atigtistzl ill order fo affordan opporu1itiy of an ant- itablo ottfenient and t up ilaui protect tht railway board from accident charges in the future terra cotta mr jas longo reports doing a rushing trade in his cheese factory here mtv and mrs g campbell of toronto have moved to our village we welcome them mr albert maynard has accept ed the position as foreman with the canada brick co mr j s plant having resigned aud which wo are sorry to learn of his romov nl from our midst we aresorry to learn that mrs 13 hayward is on the sick list wo hope soon to hear of her reoovory miss minnie mccauley of toron to is spending her holidays with her parents here berry picking is now the order of tho day a number from here took in the drummers snack garden party at georgetown on friday evening last and they all report a good time mr and mrs jno mcdonald of toronto are spending a few days in our hamlet castor i a for infants and children in use for over 30 years always bean the signature of farms for sale splendid 100 acre farm on the 8th line below georgetown 90 acres workable halanoo bush cedar btvch 2 acres orchard clay loam hoil 1 well also creek frame house 10 rooms good collar under whole of house bank barn 00x80 driving shed 00x46 hay shed 10x45 pig pen horse stable cement floors stabling for 80 head of cattle and 0 horses 2 silos school ii miles church 1 mile hornby village 1 miles rural mail and tolophono price tloboo terms arranged 100 acres 4 12 miles irom acton 90 acres workable balance bush and pasture 1 acre orchard soil sandy loam good water frame house 9 rooms good collar bank barn 08x50 with lean 20x08 with stone wall under all water in shed school milo rockwood 8i miles rtirarmail and telephone price 6800 terms arranged t uo acres 2 miles irom ibe radial 1 mile irom crewse corners 90 acrs workable balance bush and pasture 2 aaros orchard elay loam soil beautiful spring creek brick house 7 rooms good cellar bank ibarnnyvitli cement stabling water in stables- acton 84 miles rook- wood 4 miles rural mail and telephone price 8500 terms arranged stewarttown manter torn munns oftoronto was tlio guest of mr and mrs j a tracy over the week enl miss joan law son of grace hos- liiuil toronto visited at hiu- home during the week miss gertrude llanilyn of toron to is visiting her aunt mrs j a tracy ve ftrr very pleased to learn that sumo of our pupils were successful in passing their entrance examination we congratulate tlipni a woman has as little use for another woman who doesnt admire her husoand as she has for one who does itlral leaden in snmntar sohool the summer school for rural leaders was oponed at tho ontario agricultural school inouolph on monday of lust week and was no- corded a very licarty welcome by dr creelnum president of the college this in the liftli season for this school aiul tlic attendance this yimir iii at high water mark pastors teaclnib and others are present from neurly every county in western ontario and all are very cnthuniamliti regarding the advantage ol i in school among those on the stnlt of lecturers last week were prof j ij liliiinur of mcmastcr iliirersitv toronto syho had- ohiyrtre o the dayotioiial ligur each rvftifw miv john bnwtyrtlxr ttiilt wwtfivr- ed a sviueh olitprp9tfn social service rury comiiiuivrtieu afr j tjoikie-vvtuowoftheonthr- ib horticujiuril sociotyv mivj k spencer olivf tlie agriculuirill gaztti ui 3 l j vithrrwof tjoipiittr ftiso jas twb vcjy iii- 1 tejcoaf ifj addrestiftibji sbv rygroiie dv feriietbii6ilamit ijajamzoo ml wiqiini vtjti hpoikd ort- rural schools- dj j arjrihkfiehro ago whose ftpccialty is religions udifcaijiuv htin- geji sbtenrjl inistor of agrjoolvlrjp wits the chief spoaltlfr tiituadtvi pyeiringr major frel sivilth of tqiorlto was rnchitrgeof thejreoroation liours those in attendance from george- itown wererevi w l davidson and rev whc line thesrhool will continue its- sessions until friday august 1st hon h j cody minister of education is ex pected this week dr clino ac companied by his daughter miss m m cline returned to guelph on monday njinrmrjbi f hhhiumidmi ibiimiiniiiirtbl laiiiiiiimiroal ibnnrjgaj the mens store 1919 spring 1919 wo cord in ii invite you to inspect our display of ii in suitings overcoating trousering ktc for the presont sea son youll anil enough variety of patterns anil weaves to give you ample choice see our special in blue and black sorges fully guaranteed price right samples ndy for nut of town customers nfew ncscfcwer new shirt gloves and hosiery hirschorns ladies wear and tailo to the ladies ol georgetown and vicinity i appreciate the patronage ac corded to mo sinco opening in ooorgetown my business is in creasing every day and many new customers are taking advantage of my big values in ladies wear we guarantee all our goods if you are not satisfied with any pur chase in our store return same and your money will be cheerfully re funded v we have a large number of specials for this week cnll and have your choice a hirschorn greorgretown brooke block 150 acre farm on main road leading into adon the town limits just outside 85 acres workable balanoo posture rich clay loam soil stone house of 0 rooms good cellar stone woodshed driving shed 24x40 bank burn 70x80 with lean 70x10 all on stone wall stabbing f 14 head of cattle and 0 horses hon house and pig pen water in stable upd shod school i 1 mile actoii ohurohes 1 mile crdp goes wilh the farm 11 acres oats- 14 acres barley 14 acres inixpd grain about 26 load of hay price of farm including crop tll terms arranged town lots for sale in georgetown main streot north irish dry and flno elevation 8 beautiful town lots corner of duffer in and temple rd 00 fuel frontage and 120 foot deep lovely shado trees in frobt of lots price for ijuiek sain catch s500 1 splendid town lot on main st north quantity of fruit and shade trees prioe 850 1 town lot with largo barn 88x21 also hen house quantity of fruit trees a great bargain enough lumber on it to help build a houso price tor immediate sale 05oo willoughby farm agency ford the universal car there is a limit to the performance of motor cars but the ford goes on when other cars are mired the ford travels roads that other cars cannot travel the ford turns in and out and around where oth er cars are blocked the owner of a ford gets a motoring service that is only possible with a ford coupe 975 sedan 1175 closed modtflo imvn electric slnrtinjf mul lighting runabout 660 runabout wllli electric starting hd liphtliik 760 touring 690 touring with electric starting hitd lirlttin70 standardchaiibih 625 oneton truck chrjmiu s750 these priceh are f o b ford ontario ah priceh nuhjett to war tax chimger except truck anil chniih ford repair parts always on hand tyfi- osviip oiyipjiid ah tbcji arid ithjbevouitjief thd3 j now what is whi jn sjty lp and fwirfth j j georgetown phone 12s iikjhclas8 tailoring and mrns furnishings agents for stookwell henderson co dyers and cleaners toronto ibuxulfl saturday treat our real specials every saturday are attracting n great deal of attention and helping to make our summers business a record one this saturday we offer you 100 lbs of our home made peanut toffee worth 40c per lb saturday treat price 25o per lb weekend chocolates 39c a candy manufacturer the other day said that we were kclling our week knd chocolates at too low a price we do not expect to make much profit on our specials but we are determined to give our customers better service and hotter value than ever our chocolates are assorted flavont rug 50c a pa weekend special 39c pdlb t h moore head milton brampton georgetown jacksons our offering in home furnishing for august will afford an opportunity to secure some exceptional values in furniture rugs draper- eries and all house furnishing all bought before j n oneill dealer- georgetown t3 cream i wish to announce that i will be in georgetown every monday to buy cream which will be tested and- paid for at my store main st jiext to creelman bros cream is weighed- tested and paid or while you wait i was paying 5sc per lb butter fat last week call in on monday and give me a trial i am sure you will be satisfied n these good were the present advances whether or not you wish to purchase we shall be pleased to have you- visit our stores look over our offerings our goods and prices are worth investigating just opened up some splendid values in chijdrens boys and mens wear kiddies creepers rompers coveralls and overalls from 65c up boys overalls extra value at 85c up mens special values at 225 mens work shirts big value 135 up boys jerseys 40c agood showing of womens hou dresses apron dresses coverall aproi kimona aprons at 100 and up special in all linen towels at ljf all sizes of preserving kettlesn ltock no 9 galvanized wash boilejat 150 i g a whiteside msin street greorgretwil m main street ge0rgej7v t y 11 the best ir store metchay wmlloliil o ffitov htsssubzsm r finest k ii- sjffkvb

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