Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1919, p. 1

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ppfppi5ppiffif iyzkt wwwft gi the georgetown herald p1ptytuird year op publication georgetown wednesday evening july soth 1919 sl50 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald 1 pihllhw every wednesday evening at the herald povver printing office georgetown ont 4iivtiitr iiraeriloji will lie charged cur all iraniflenryavartimeinarita torel unea iosiol auvertiftirietit without bpeaiuo ill- rpvmtui wulkjnseytea ujutll forbid siirui ftamd accordingly iiiteiimiihtutvh beciimsea once cr otovbiwomitrhotjarfubimeatt ojtof mlwtm oteoy monday v-ui- a gnyeerisfab4ora u pjd ll vtvvyvw tjur allures lifte hw the dale ij1 yjiitr sufacslncivn exjiiroi i3 j u loorr piiblliher otjritimotable aoiwdbast passenger 948 ain passenger 1020 iim mail llhfl anj pumsenger 845 pui mail 028 pm puuscuger 826pm passenger sunday 711 pm goino weht passenger 757 a in mail 940 am passenger 201 pm passenger 7 450 pm passenger 001 pm mail 757 pm passenger sunday 947 pm goinonobth mail 800 nm mail fi86 pm uoino south mail 1188 am mail 800 pm toronto suburban rallwav dailv timetable am pm pm going bast 810 224 040 uoiug west 865 810 747 hwnda v timetahle going east am pm pm pm pm 1021 j2ss0 840 010 917 am pm doing west 1040 010 the greatest name be convinced counter cheek books at the herald 8t georges church rev wm burt l th reetor tiuuday service a follows matina 11 a m ttvenaoiig 7 p m buniiuy school uig m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd buudavs of each month st 11 a m legal shilton wallbrioge a dale barriitira solicitor eto toronto and georgetown office kennedy ulook jt hoy dale incharge of george uwu ullkce medical or oseph moandrew phyeielan end surgeon medical officer of health dlatrlot surgeon q x b orooe hours 2 to 4 and 7 to a p m phone 68 omce and kasldenee main street 0outh oppoalte presbyterian church optical l l plant o o oph d y 8peoiallet georgetown office next to public library satur day evening 8 to 10 pm and by ap pointment mumrmaobfl ibhiiiiiiiiiiqbi ibiiiiiiiiiiiidbi ib cnrxpuiiiuj ml ianro outing shoes the- young lady will certainly want a pitj6t our outing shades fhivsumiiief tvn if g0liiaaflotheruosrsiv ji j am incident the maiden at the organ thought leas i- sang the snreet measures of a grand old iiyrpn tienjtll j th lifted iine vv yeent bultkeset refrimnyi ejmtiyripthh dimy a wpiiry traveller paused to list a while totho itnltaowing singerb meloflj and rjej voices dear tkt bride at eightthirty and the rn- tlufjr flreman conductor and brake man en no sb corroborated ilirlr te- th pattttoaara were dlaappolnied in the cm e conducted by leatar the only qoeatlono lie usked ttpdad to estabuah more rlnuly the tact tlut thf draw waaonea toiyiiv nlsntak vii ji w44rwiaiii fo arfimielitr tdftolredtb court- i a aatlitud wjtti whit umetbe ether aid- decuea replied letter vth railroad cotppadyi wentyalia l tfeonght be aajvbn op- to fata ml idantaffcrvre ttnlry ai- court- the shoe man the home of better stipes b b otjnrnnrrm sj a rmrrttttrm a j rbrqxilngtop whoihfclii eworld may know the work tor vealoj wotf alifes lirioobaotoub influence nan charjes xi patterson teach the children to save habits are acquired early in iffe children who are taught the value of money and the habit of saving grow up into good business men and capable women the easiest way to teach children to save is to start a savings account for each child 100 each is sufficient after a child has saved another dollar to make an additional deposit he or shewill have a better appre ciation of just what a dollar stands for and how much work and self den ial i t represents th mrchant5 bank of canada eatabllahed 180x how long is five minutes bybbh wrsuow mnhnnmi ooprnaau mtmm head office montreal georgetown branch acton branch h r mmm5 manager l b shorey manager real estate my bargains in dental frank r watson d d 8- m d 8 oentlat georgetown ont hours 0 a m u b p in except 1lmraday afternoon dentistry in all itu branchea over ball talephone office f l heath ld6 do8 oentiet oftloe in lane illook one dtfpr north of oneills carrtaga saotory hours i a m o- p m chiropractic no- medlolria surgery or oateopathy a m neil8en 0 c i oiaduate ol tho palmer the orl- lllual holiool of cliiroprootlcr daven- voit iowa u b a t olllce over hotirigunu urug store cvnsulutloir bum spinal analysis w tueaduyu tliursuays and hotur- yi2ti b and 7lolpia phoni 160a auctioneers benj petch yoota auatlonoer or halton and i aionwllllama lot oolee salea luoted aatlafactorlly and at iblp ratea orders left at the wotcwn herald omce will resolve uif attention illepn- xprentiss llipjranli maclltnrrv bnokbhs ipr i blecjrlc bonaire ti5honto hpf ik i cvf hhw meat market is where you can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured lmeatsfish etc at the lowest prices any person having veal calves for sale communicate with w j patterson main street georgetown phono lvo 1 1- irabsiiitcly necery0produce tlie besi pastry v tke nobe ir brandjare the supieribr briinds of torday 1 jtytbein ii m as farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers you have been looking for to show you my list ea pobably i may have just what call me up and j will be pleased phone 16 4 greorjgetown 3 cakes of your favourite palmolive soap for 28c 6 cakes 12 cakes s8c 116 while our stock lasts no more than 1 2 cakes to one customer come early canada pond brmiil llcenso no hij7fl m mmmmiirl every boaue in the little town of ar- deola had been wiped out by a great conflagration tlint a village so in significant could be visited by a catas trophe of sufficient magnitude to war rant an application of the word con flagration nay aeem paradoxical but in view of the fact that every splinter of its tlilrtynlne buildings was con sumed in rlie blase no other won would nl therefore the newspapers of west- valla chronicled the fire that wiped out its little neighbor across the river as a great conflagration the facts although given in painful detail in toe columns of the preas the day after tt tin were brought ont more entertainingly daring the legal prpceedlnga that followed several months later the people of the late ardeola blamed he osage valley railroad for the calamity and they were so firmly convinced that the soulless corpora tion wai the cause 6f their loss that thirtyeight or them brought suit against the railroad the one ez- honw owner who did not seek redress at the bands of the court was john lester although bis home was among the first to go lester was s lawyer and had been referred to by the press on several occasion aa promising the other thirtyeight loters intrusted their case to him and in order that be might go into the battle as the legal repre sentative of the people with no inter ests other than those assumed in that capacity ha entered no claim against the railroad it waa a vary generous act indeed considering that the people he repre sented having lost their all could pay no retainer in fact the amount he could recover if any at all being en tirely problematical no promises of compensation were given tbat it was to be s bitterfight was evident the null road company not satisfied to let its legal representative at westvallat defend it sent down three of the shining- lights of the law department to assist him they were on the ground the second day after the thirtyeight petitions were filed whipping their case into shape for trial the thirtyeight petitions were iden tical with the exception of the name of the petitioner and they set forth that the osage valley railroad owned a bridge extending across the grand river from westvalla to ardeola the said bridge being a drawbridge and the ssld draw being operated and con trolled by employees of the said rail road company on the day of the are in fact at practically trie instant the fire start ed the draw of the bridge having been opened toy employees of the rail road company to mlowtbe passage of a tugboat tlam pwold by the said eon- pony became clogged and- by reason of the sam csofglng of the said draw the nreflghtlni apparatus from west valla wis delayed in reaching the scene of the tire the bridge belng the only means of communication befveen the two towna and furthermore that by reason of the abovementioned da isy the fir gained such headway that the westvalla lire department was un able to check it wnupon tae facts set forth in petitions that tits homeless inhabi tants of ardeola hoped to recover the first move of the railroads attor neys was to swore a consolidation of the petition agreeing to pay full dam ages in each individual case if they lost the cue that went to trial when latter agreed to mat propo sition the petitioners became uneasy lest they had mad a mistake in in trusting tbetr cases to the young man and when be called onlytwo wit nesses one jltlntlff to establish the fact thst the lire had occurred and the driver of the fire engwe to prove that the open draw had caused con siderable dejayand then rested his case a majority of hem were quite sure that uuyy had made ii mistake the rallroaal attorneys were tacen off their fntbruster procedure their oxpactfoltv tee the- entire nieoa- bershlp of tacb jfrthehwyreljhtaips tiles on thiitaud rbutthsy recevsred quickly and batgia calling witnesses r the onlr point they mgdo was that the draw opew only flvemibnti the jsperalor krkvtfi- postuvsly y te tlmefaadw tlmoy atfjaily pttvs5rftfj stansbnrys moat captivating haaaj r it carried conviction to the ideu adveiiitage a hurrted consultation whelaby the font railroad jawyera aqdjae result the westyaiia repreaeiitaave itated bst fly mjnueseaoahnt t i amjsatlsaed with that also- said lester dashing the remaining hopes of the thirtyeight petitioners theyf- uad counted not s little on testers argument to the jury andthey knew that it took him more than five mlat utssto get warmed up s mr stanebury was selected by the railroad attorneys to do their talking and he devoted bis five minutes to driving home the fact that the draw had been open only five mlnntaa and that five minutes was too abort a time for tbe lire to gain enough headway to be beyond the control of the ire di partment therefore the total destructlen sf tbe town must have been doe to ether causes with which the railroad cosi- psuy had no connection though ahortj it waa a splendid argumentdelivered h fttanhniwfc mmf mntlnh iimml oer mlnda of tbe jury while the railroad lawyers wort cos- gratulating their orator the eyes of the petitioners were on lester it was his turn to talk sunsbwrys mstterful argument would be picked to pieces and me laurels dragged in the dust lester rose from bis seat and with the customary if the court please and gentlemen of the jury ha ad- dressed them from his place at the table my friend of the other side with eloquence that would move an image of atone has convinced yon that the draw of their bridge waa open only five minutes and that in that abort time the are could not have gained euffldent headway to be beyond the control of the fire department when it finally reached the scene will ens of yon gentlemen kindly take eat his watch 1 the juror on the left end of the flrat raw produced a large allver time piece mew continued lester will you madly call time when my five mlnutee is up ha parted the tails of his prince albert and sat down the petitioners were psnlcstrlcken was the man mad he wss waatlng valuable time why didnt he pitch into stanaburya argument and tear it into shreds as be did the argument in the debate last year why didnt he say something but leatar settled himself comfortably in his chair closed his eyes and idly twirled his thumba the juror holding the watch low ered his hand to rest in en bis knee and the court crossed and recrossed its legs the railroad lawyers wars nettled they scented danger and put their heads together for a whispered consultation the other jurors craned their necks to see the watch the juror beldlng it looked it p the face with a puisled expression on bfa own then he put it to bis ear to see if it was runnlag the judge uncrossed bis legs anj tilted back in bis chair and lester continued to twirl his thumbs the silence became oppressive all eyes except lesters and the timing jurors were fixed on the big dock over the bench surely the jurors watch must have stopped he examined the secondhand closely to satisfy mmseu that it was turning it was moving hat so slewly that he thonght the watch mutt be runnlag down he wound it industriously and th noise magnified by the deep silence of the room resembled the clattering ratchet on a slaekingoff windlass the spectators began to get fidgety pierc ing the silence with heavy ilfhs narv one cougni and much noseblowing finally the juror called time and the court led a concert of sighs like escaping ateam letter cane teals feet now gentlemen he remarked dry ly you know how long the draw was open it li for you to decide whether or not five minutes was- long enough for the ore to get beyond control jnconsildarably less than another five minutes the jury was in with verdict for the plaintiff swarding ev ery dollar demanded thus waa afltaet golden connlcooncil milton july 22nd 1919 the council met at 10 om in aoeordaucp with call of the war- i den members present the warden in the chair nnd messrs barber bridtrimftn photyiforster granv v the jriiputes of tbe inst iiueetiiig read ondconflrmeis communietftiotm were read- as fbl lowsu f rom tne aicdnto hamiv- btfn highway commlasioinre jcjbj yihi and bronte iphjdgea and me srs phtukjrt jrtrofl 3ftofcrick y gowirdtsbmors for f tfae0ntak bailwnx aadmranlbj v 3s hw sotoflratia notifeeoliear rthavioi ttheyteltmsfl that the jntttis bridge i lock at thlfftrl f ha origin f heuseheld werde anyaae interested la the alitor of dress might had amusement for many an idle hour simply in searchlngont tbs meanings of many of the words used by droesnaakera and haoerdashj era take the simple word const tof will find that it is s dmlnutlv ot eerse or body word which wji still have la corpse and corps and m was early used la the plural at wa dp now first to indicate ah entire rai ment sad then merely the staynortmi of such a garment simllariy oe which hsaroeentjy been revived as a substitute tor the overwork walsg is merely a plural for body the terse originally being anafr of bodies en franklins advloe f ytipl be wealthy tma isavffif awili ss getting- let us than beun and doing and doing to jjhsvpijr pose orte odny is worth two ssjsaj royjii nsw iaays thst toworrow which you eaado itoaayw a make thsm tjwes even bettor if ws bir9afwfilntrr- biedvda ivrlshipw fimbtotliysopoii hops will fa rrsasiia 1 thej pianres f is the homsn race at a whole ttr- fvsndafmorel rereootinofbi8 eplairn ocknbw- ledjgernent by fialvatksh ariny of payment ofyortlon o grant mesv are mojepworth weatarcbiteitb re begistry office sir herbert ames re proposed affiliation of halton patriotic fond with cana dian patriotic fund and the sec retary of the farmers clnb re in crease of county debentures mr morden moved seconded by mr stahdish that the deputation from the navy league be heard carried judge elliott and captain boal addressed the council asking for a grant to the league m readhead moved seconded by mr irving that this council adjourn to meet at 2 pm car ried the council adjourned the oounoil resumed at 2 pm the warden in the chair mr irving presented the seventh report of tbe standing committee on printing mr morden the seyj entb on- good roads mr forster the sixth on county buildings mr readhead the seventh on roads and bridges and mr hillraer the eighth on finance ajpd special on county rate mr hillmer moved seconded by mr morden that tbe reports of the standing committees as read and presented to this council be considered in committee of the whole- carried the council went into commit tee of the whole mr forster in the chair the council resumed the war den in the chair mr forster reported reports of standing committees considered and amended mr hillmer moved seconded by mr johnston that the report of the committee of the whole be and is hereby adopted carried mr grant moved seconded by mr barber that the following be appointed high school trustees for the town of milton tor 1 2 and 8 years respectively being first ap pointment george gowling c w martin and d 8 robertson car ried mr morden moved seconded by mr elliott that the childrens shelter known as the gordon home be granted the sum of 450 towards construction and 250 to wards maintenance oheqiie made payableto c h stuart treasurer carried mr morden moved seconded by mr elliott that the warden and chojrman of bridge and good roads committee wait on the deputy minister of highways to determine the portion the department will grant for the construction of a bridge over the sixteen oreek dundas st on county provincial highway carried mr hillmer presented and read the ninth report of tbe finance committee as rend be adopted carried mr hillmer moved seconded by mr irving that leave be granted to introduce a by law to provide by assessment for the expenses of the county of halton for the cur rent financial year and tbat bylaw be now read a first time carried tbe bylaw was rend the first time y mr irving moved seconded by mr hillmer that bylaw to pro vide by assessment to meet the expenditure of the county of hal ton for tbe year 1019 be now read a seoond time in committee of the whole the warden to keep the chair carried the oounoil went into commit tee of the whole the warden in the ohoir the oounoil resumed tueywwden reported bylaw no 46s read a seoond thrie in com mittee of the whole mr readhead moved seconded by mr hillmer that bylaw no 454 given a first and seoond read ing at bvrerular meeting of this county oounoil held an tbe 22nd day of july 1019 be now read a third time and passed the warden to sign the same and tbe corporate seal be attached carried the bylaw was rood third time mr forster moved seconded by my morden that this council ad journ to moot at the oiell of the warden carried the council adjourned wauroaaded a despatch from ottawa says thnt the report frpmguclph regard- 2 m ifes w m sj ras mmm sf-

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