Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1919, p. 2

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rx 4 willson leading funeral di rector and embalmer office oppoitile menhanl itjuik oprti day and nik- omnatows oat phono m w births mariueed and deaths arc charged for at the following rails hirths 25c marriajifs 50c deaths 50c memor ial cards 50c 8c per line extra for ptwmk married hotxison vkthkuaiiai strathaird ave road hill by rev r f omier oh tseomtuiown on wednesday jinit srtt lltcjoseihiujar hn tvo aoia terolt wrv jahlvovrld t i jfoivicitikh htiarlctonnetl ovo jstir- hflodtiifcw htrxoroiijo r j srarcbmilxt silobtliit toronto on utilrdai jimi lti by rvv j boiinelt andjhnufii mary shorlim lo air jtyne marvhriienu v livo viotobiirlrli4uoitiu6iuay junt 5th iwsielia oslrandei y yi1 ijjlv j i tb georget he jftinolltfij ibjo airvlcaabeettrecdvftltoilia effect that jt ivttio intentioti of the railroad carriers to resume the issuance of through oceart bills of ladiftg via montroal nod ot her canadian sforth atlantic ports to the united kingdom france and belgium effective july 1 1910 parents should bo cautious about giving tbeir children permis sion to stay out of school every day out is a day lost to the school work- they cannot make it up they will soon be behind and want to stop school tlnd fault with the teacher say sho is partial etc when all the time the parent is to blame the hamilton conference lion gone on record in support or the observance of november 1 1 ill as armistice thanksgiving day the government at ottawa is re ceiving petitions from all parts of canada favoring this idea well have a real old peacesigning dem onstration before that but other wise the suggestion is all right if a man hah a fiftydollar pup be will look after it carefully and not let it have the run of the town day and night but with a child it is somewhat different children are often turned loose at a tender age to go where they will and do as they please people wonder where the great army of dead beats gamblers and disreputable women come from they are grown from the seed gathered at countless homes and sown broadcast upon the streets of our towns and cities there are thousands of children who are heading in that direction who as far as care is concerned are not given eiial showing with a valuable pup obituary mi8h jane anderson miss jane anderson died on saturday may hist after a long illness at the old homestoad in esquesing near milton she was a daughter of the late win r an deihon and sister of the late george r anderson she was originally a member of the church of scot land here but after the union she joined the w p church manse- wood she is survivod by two si stern misses margaret and kliza- beth both on the farm the fun eral took place hist monday in terment in evergreen cemetery rev aj3 marslinll conducted the services- champion nobles mills change hands after successfully operating the lour mills at nerval for many years the rout noble company ltd have dinkisod of their fine property to w j campbell limi ted mr cum pbel i the senior member of the linn is not altoget her a stranger in this section hav ing been connected with these same mills some 25 years ago the norval jlills are one of the most up to dale and modern plnuts for the nmmifiictiiroof high class hours itv- um country and with jjractie muwewttb yeftjra of thjiseiuvii hte inrodkcv m norvijt mills wi1l no tffhibvbe iim bpst tlutiiew llrrtl will bo pjeftsed to meet aholdf alrqns of the mil and assure tlieui fclie same tour- ecus treatbiet as tliey liaye ef- jdjeaintuq iyist they also sof- ioifctbevtnjicje of tb farmers of luiiwitltii iifltpiljjhiy htrict at- tcnhojri tfli custoiii milling nskflfijvu oss iwuxlliiig ail kinds- qf feed th ejvti1tttf r othe loat jtrade- and guaijtbtfo satisovfaoh to all- jylfp favor jjiein wijli tlmrvpatrob- f f i i w y born on iridiiy- juflo 0th tb mr and mrs o aldotis of main st a son dont forgot to come to tho big garden party at mr a mcdon alds on tho 19th under the aus pices of the upo a good pro gramme has been arranged come along with the crowd miss barbara smith has gone lo the hospital in order to havo a growth removed from hor eye mr john stokes sr is soriously ill at presont mr m cranio and miss hilson of milton spent a few days with friends in our hamlet mr and mrs john edge of tor onto havo moved to terra cotta and have taken charge ot the boarding liouso here for the can ada brick co wo welcome them back as citizenn to our hamlet miss jessie smith of chelten ham is spending a few days with friends in our hamlet the canada brick co are re pairing their kilns and are mak- ing other necessary repairs and hoie to bo able to rosume opera tions bote shortly tho flulton brick co are also busy at present during tho hot summer months our genial blnuksmith mr w g marshall has decided not to shoe horses on saturday aftornoons will patrons kindly take note of this a very hiiccohuful meeting of the u f o was hehl in mr mar shalls hull on monday evening june 2nd there was a good turn out miss cults of georgetown spout the weekend with her sister mrs w j rullidge of the town line mr tims anderson has pur chased an uptodate mclaughlin car bowling tournament a competition of scotch doubles will be held on thursday the 12th at 1 pm sharp any mcmlicr wishing to take part in same please hand in your name lo the secretary ixtfore u pm wednesday suitable prizes will be given lo winners and limners up in bolb tlrst comixtition and in the con solation series entrance 50c each school grants may be raised tyli church news st grokoka and st aibanr thinitv sunday- on sunday next holy communion will be cel ebrated in st albans church at 9 am and in st georges at 11 am a rummage sale will be hold on saturday under the auspioos of the wa from 4 to 8 pm in tho basement of the chnrch tea cukes and ioo cream will bo served norval wo extend congratulations to our esteemed citizen dr webster who is celebrating his 77th birth day today mr w dunton of toronto was the guest of norval friends over sunday mrs wheatly has gone to guolph hospital for treatment card of thanks i hereby convoy to friends and neighbors on behalf of myself and family my vory sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy extended to me during the illness and death of my beloved husband mrs noil hunter card of thanks mr and mrs wm oslrandor hereby thank their frionds and neighbors for thoir many expres sions of sympathy and kindnoss in their rooont sad bereavoment caused by tho death of thoir dear ly beloved daugbtor card of thank mr w pago and family wish to thank all kind frionds for flowers contributed and sympathy extend ed to thorn in their rooont sad boroayomont chautauqua at georgetown georgetown seems to be able to land the best for hor citizens and tho surrounding country chaut auqua to be held here again this year from june 20 july 2nd pro mises to be even better than inst year and that in saying a good ileal no one should miss it it is the biggest treat for the money it is possible to hecuie get a program and see lor yourself it fins for selunu 8tals egb the canada food board has passod a law prohibiting hie sale of any stale eggs unfit for food in nubator eggs found unfertile eggs which havo boon sot on for a few days lying in thosun are unfit for human food and any person trying to dispose of theso eggs should they be caught by the inspectors appointed by tho government arc liable lo a heavy fine ufo garden party a grand garden party under the auspices of ho- terra cotta farmers club will bo held at tho home of mr a mcdonald lot 24 sth line west chinguacousy on thursday juno 10th an excell ent programme by will j white e jules brazil canadas leading fun makers palissoro the italian piano accordionist mabel manloy- piokard soprano short addresses by messrs manning dohorty burnaby and othors refresh ments on the grounds admission 20 cents everybody welcome wm mcmillan president a mc donald secretary god save the king rod ud gun the first instalment of tho boar of silver dale by george gilbert tho woll known outdoor writer appears in bod and gun for juno this is a thrilling story of nd von tu re along the trap line anyone interested in thotimagami forest reserve would do well to read the splendid article entitled a seven day canoe trip which tells of the doings of eight red blooded young mon in north country several othor storios and articles in tho rogular departments aro inoludod in this splendid number of canadas premier sportsmons rnagazino which is now on salo rod and gun is published by w j taylor limltod woodstock ont juno is the eireus month al so the month of some onoriug af fairs that end in oirouses later ijipnt iinjntainanie of lirragr ttuii branch of thevuriicujtrin was the announcement piade jast week by the juiiiister 6f education lloii dr cody the minster made tlibt aiihucetiiqnt aftej- ho had pmjiujn- l attitude of the eiintv ouir- tlfi of hihton jiud- ontario ioyia hieir high schools- whclvicgrir-ut- fiurols beinkjjirtijrlit curiurtflsv of wiofietpupllesliave nijifle substantial giatits to hje school at oakyihe wiitiy nd- i perry ovor iunu above the iruui tfniints that are rninle bej-noisjibflfie-ffliumd- id work being done in tliese schoofs m teaching agriciltlire flic county council of ualton made an additional gnint to the oafcvillo high school of 000 in ontario county the council was asked to visit tho high schools of whitbv and port perry and after doing so mode an additional grant of 250 to each school we probably will make some modifienton of the method of grants lo schools where agriculture is taught with a view to increasing them somewhat along the lines adopted in making grants for in dustrial and technical education said dr cody glen williaras miss m k mcmastcr held un other of her popular piano recital lasl friday evening it tins no exception to previous recitals nil it proved that miss mimaster class is growing both in number and efficiency the evening was also made much more enjoynhli by the singing of miss weather spoon and the violin selection of miss elliott of toronto both of wltoin iwe great favoriles liero lucitatlonsby miss mildred klecli were very popular and the wheel er trio got their usual teception miss mcmastcr kindly donated tin proceeds ti tlir- uelurnlyl solumo furwl vrrv r- fwitt erf3 jrvdidarfyjjitift dufotf thvfiyiiw iu- ai hoarrivedlim ill tile imtidlerol takk notice- rummage salo and itomemade cooking in st georges basement saturday june 14th tea and ice cream conic and bring your friends as jlbuie in the iiddu tof the tluyit ayus jliiikissilile t iiiect hiiiiatllic jrain birl big wtcept ioii wan rendered jinn at his lioine in the evoijiilgjv mr james lcieiiiviy wlio luts poijitthjv piktjiiiont hs iiumftlu cubs rtiyf liohie4aiit tujivfeuiily w rrjovoii wis viltjlimhljsvikiig rimcmilt boojlih irj- liis 82rtf jieiuij t was afcoidfpitriiod by his i tlfo hvr6 rotuimjd after siiepdliig ti ioav rtiiy don f forrc1 xlf clijiutjvailij ut gcoigetowh 3iinesluujny uiltl wool wonted mnm now prcnaied to- buy- wool in any iilontfrty for wihiel 1 will pay the highest market price write harry kisen itox 1070 georgetown it midirammer millinery a most attractive showing of hats in the seasons latest styles milans leghorns transparent ef fects in black and colors also the ever popular panama at the misses claridge upstairs in herald block i have enlarged my shop and will keep a large box ii i led with mens womens and childrens nearly new boots anyone want ing boots at froiji boclo 1750 eat and help yourself j rouey the gold boot and home of macidioi son shoe georgetown creamery to the farmers of george town and vicinity before we bought your cream you were trusting out siders to test and weigh it we have always paid the highest market price and will continue to do so honest weight and fair treatment have won for me a largo trade and i shall endeavor to keep it by the same honest meth ods i will buy your cream every day in the week and will give you the same price as paid by any creamery in toronto i am aware an effort is being made to put me out of business by bidding you a higher price than the market price in order to get you shipping out of town but it is only temporary and to injure me that this effort is put forth stay with the old reliable firm that is here every day in the week and all year round to pay you possitively the highest market price in cash for your cream thanking you for past favors and soliciting a contin uation of same yours faithfully m saxe manager proof or the values to be hail at out special reduction sales and at all times in gc al has already been given to many of our customers wc are not endeavouring to advertise our ftvtalko stiotoniviritsi tint jjsp bugrfcvitttp ftrpivc yeitisj brotehtind enictyrt spifvitsiputiibieits wp dslwilipvrt utents 7rl v v- v our nwttpis tluitkfeliilnil icyery sii l tkotitii ivj6rii purji sutisliujioli in lie pull of mil- cintiiiie that tlioy- wrilf lilways v t como agan v wo here vwklflo rem i fid our readefs oh the profitsharing system on which we are at all timet running our ladies wear department we take huh opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage and ns for the future we feel conlldent theyll lie back again brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown q days a week q toronto winnipeg and points wert leave toronto union stn 915 pm men wed fri canadian nauonal all the way tuet thuri sat via north bay t n o cochrane thence cnr thnngk standard and tainut slp- 1 mon wed fri t vancoaver log and dining can tuea thttra sat t winnipeg tlekete and informaitlon from ttearont c n railways aseut city tleket obioea 52 king strcut eaat and union station toronto 7 jama strut narth hamilton r r u pairbairn qpa toronto canadian national railiuams illinium ma ib awnsnim ml lartttrrrrnrrjibl lammiim the mens store 1919 spring 1919 we conlialh invile yon to inspect our lislny or line suitings overctuitinii trousering hie for the present sen- sou youll liml eimiittli varielv uf tialteins anil weaves to hc ou an pie cltniee see our special in itlue ami black rs serges ftillt bnarsnteed price right samples lciiilj fur oul of tnwii customers j ahiri hosiery yt jlvy iiw vut inllaitraoif srftfvllij dapskt vvvwliq iynikl finfk m wots yhrkxnflmiti ctotlnvm vkejuw-jnajtiiiw- 1 intltivinecl1lh stfisw ji i- v i v n i- 1 n ji4mjjihlriijid itlheullayid imvpeit omrsloalirtit ucviovvriitt 1h rhjliirr1le hu fithtfrtv vsj ceoroetovft rhone 123 yjulll-claks- taljni0 and mttkk- rurnjsihncis agents for stockwell lienderson co dyers antl cleaners toronto i laoiuioiiimffil a irrritrrmmffll a mritttrrrriib oarjrmy ft saturday treat sonu- ciiiulus lire iniih nier than otlttr in isit weather tliii satiirdf- ollvr you iso lls el iir i men sultana a ivil liel ivallur suint ouile ie- rshing ki-gnliir-llli- lit saturday treat price 29o per lb weekend chocolates 35c jtisl think ot it fresh uomr-math- clurolauk lor vi- pr ih tiumv are fw ltwus in catuitla wluff yoti t att buy ntuh iiod rlnvolairs jt tins price askiirlnl hnvttis hard aiulsoh ontivi rtkiilar sic ll weeknd special 35 o per lb t h moorehead milu brampton georgetown jacksons georgetown creamery i hirschorns ladies wear children cry for fletchers castoria xcsslvnsscsnx s and tailoring the kind you havo always bought and which has been in use for over thirty years has borne the signature of and has been made tinder his per sonal supervision since its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this 411 counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience against experiment what rscastoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither oplwn morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always to the ladies ot georgetown and vicinity i appreciate the patromufo accorded to me since opening in george town my hnainoss is incriiisiiik every day and many now customers are inking advantage of my dig values in ladies wear a hirschorn sf brooke block georgetown in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought cream i wish to announce that i will be in georgetown every monday to buy cream which will be tested and paid or at my store main st next to creelman bros cream isveighed tested and paid for while you wait i was paying 60c per lb butter fat last week call in on monday and give me a trial- i am sure you will be satisfied g a whiteside main street georgetown thai lovely spring month of june is here tho june bride will he deliuhted to mud no many beautiful useful and moderate priced things for the home tho choice patterns and bountiful effects of our new drnporiob are cortitinly mire to please wilton nuns tapestry itiis congoloimi runs coiikoleiini lin oleum foltol and floor oilcloth wall papers window shades poles and curtains what a splendid i ft to a june ilrido one of our ijaborsavin kitchen cabinets in rjivinurooin furnitiiro wo have ninny vony moderate prico piecek of ran i merit wo hiiow some handsome bedroom suitim our showing of dininroom furniture is of the newest designs and is solwtod with a view to kivink hie best service furnitiiro for every room of a substantial oharucler ami at values that lire bolow present prices jacksons main street georgetown for cylinder machine for dale at stare the best in drug store merchandise the finest in drug store service j mftskli

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