Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1918, p. 3

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i matthews drug store l st patrick and v easter cards and booklets m 3 hvls kodaks- vnd srrrliw ntxi knctbiu- wiiiaov giiocotates i o j 5y 0ru38 alsid8yatiplservvi v tei rovit pvriyj stock- 4r jwowiitoioitisaiq ft personal ooo mr angus dobbleof toronto was home or ihe week ami mine adams spent two weeks io toron to attending millinery openings mr v g lyons spent the week end with til sister mrs henry main fltreet miss jean adams who has secured a position lb toronto was home for the week end trior to leaving lor toronto mlfa jean mdbbu w pisshted 7 tbttaobs of t woreliir sobday boooolwlthsa jkearjahjvhyrah arpryhobfcmu jfmpbelt made many fiends darlngbiar stay in town all o wh6mweresorryto see hor depivt- among oiosd from cot ol town who attended the fun ml of the late lit 1 l bennol last thnvaday we61 ct col i moore mr ji moore mr qbarlan waldroh mrandmre j mirttjwwi torontrt ifyl iqhhaeh flqelpn 1 vsgeorwdujxh 1 ewm butt c tbv rector shiktsy seriioo as followsf-r- matins lis t eyemobj ipjn sunday school 9 f am inbaaememt holy oqmmdnlon letjtnd hrd hundays of eaoh moith at 11 arn condensmws items baps running easter in two weeks take a tip dont lake em off yetl shall we have our usual race meet on may 24th township council will meet on moo- day next saps ronningl ja a healthy sign ol coming events spoclal bargains in dominion auto tires at barnhills norval quite a number of our farmers are busy with the sap harvest these days very few married men uke muoh atook in the dream of universal peace the lack of attention io the opening of drains on our streets has been quite not- ceable the past week while giving his wife money a westerner dropped desd its a good thing were not all like that the yonng peoples guild of knox church spent a pleasant evening at mr tiiffens home on monday the misseb adsras will bo pleased to receive their customers at their millinery rooms from now on mr reith our new constable and town caretaker has moved to town and commenced his duties on monday mr william sharp of union present- ed the hearld on saturday last with a hen egg that measured 6 in by 8 in some egg the hy 8hy ny class of the methwlbt sunday nohnol spent a social evening at the home of mr oasaidy on friday hvening last 8 khtell lamb atcm leach er of vocal and sight reading apply at mrs al watsons chapel street on tuesday evenings 2t p the mens committee report the re quired amount of s1000 rslsed for the womens palriotlo league a full list of the contributors will be published in a western town tbey arrested a man for bolng drunk in a cemetery guess the poor old chap believed in a commingling of departed spirits have just received 8 doc pairs large aiaed ladles boots from 7 down i will guarsnteo to save you 1 or more on a pair j honey the gold boot main st mr samuel trimble will bold a clearing auotion sale at lot 6 con 8 esqooaing on saturday mairh 80th foil particulars next week ben petcb auctioneer mr w j henry of hornby has purchased 100 seres in esquesing twp belonging to james m preston sale was mide by the wlllougnby farm agenoy georgetown mr h it franklin of toronto has pnrchssed j 9 acres in trafalgar twp belonging ilr oris irvine sale was made by willougbby farm agency georgetown judging by tbe way the booae is imported bone dry april 1st will not bo felt much beforo christmas timo and by careful system of rationing perhaps till april 1 1925 the board ol trade met last thurs day evening another meeting will be held tomorrow thursday evening every member is urged to be present important business mr joseph tooker has sold bis term lot 18 in tbe 4tb eon etquesing to mr angus lawson mr tuoker will bold a olearing aaption sale on tuesday marob 26th see advt in tbis issue a red cross box social will be bold under tbe auspices of tbe waterloo liter ijbeetnelulirand mrainl mrs jcatoo mk mrah mrb and mrs h n bennett mr hl bennett 8 ifcnthtt irefeciw in ilea matter of the estate of lorenzo j bennett late of the villajse of georgetown lptfue county of jialton mi deceased in ofu erchant tiu at the old stand tjie rumor thsjt ijiave dlspoiefkormy barberirjg business is notoorrert as i am still serving my customers at the old stand and will continue todo so f ihajifcall for past favors ana solicit centinuarico of tbe bamemllton a rossi broke hu arm while trimming apple tree at his home luui cllapt thot a creditors and in town ian week mr george leslie j otlicrn having claims or demands against ireasurer of esquealng bad the mlsfnn tho otato of tbo said loronao l ben- uno to fal and iractare hi riglt arm in i n0 who uc on or about tbo ooventh trreeplces he i progressing as lortoroz f as could be expected alter such a severe or hoforo the twontloth day of april to shook won three print mr arthur norrlngtonof t h moore- heads confectionery and ice cresm pari lore waa successlul in winning second and third prize at the vortex re cine contest recently held iu toronto he won 3 prizes out of four entries as foll ows first soldierb joy second mothers favorite third vlotory sundae mr norringtotr has reason to eel proud of his success as there were a great many entries from all over the oountry dr crenmi coming dr grenfell has returned irnm the 4puth to lake up his engagements wiiioh were randelled in fob owing to his ill nesb end will be in the town hhii on tuesday evening april dth the nme tickets will be used and through the kindness of mr matthew thny niny be obtained irnm him at the prutr store the committee wish it to be undentond that all the proceeds from the lecture go direct to the g run lei i labrador medical mission rex theatre wednesday episode 3 of tim fight ing trail will jqttin joe tell kloli- nrd tbe brazen with alice joyce and harry morey thursday jbcial the mp friday tbe derelick a fox picture with stuart holmes and a two prt fox film comedy saturday tbo whip a superfeaturo within a piny this picture ban been shown all over the world with great succ ess see it flt your homo town theatre thursday and saturday admission 26c and 10c psbl ajfd ualt0jt8 baroaljf stors dolotitfloofcvfoo4 foafc fpt ttte eg i- packages for 41c dominion poultry tonic reg soc for 4fc fvonpqwdesrtig flc xwrwti r mammoth house georgetown j new goods spring 1918 nejv arrivals in dress goods silks satins ribbons waist lengths white and colored muslins underwear and hosiery dress goods hosiery blaok union cashmoro iioko r0c a lovoly rango of fanoy dross goods in plain vouoj vollo with silk stripes all wool ladloa boo 78o z nerooh colors black wavy broivn groy i radios hlaekcashmoral r- punbwdana sand- kariqy bfllr stulf atic jados brbb bqaoi 4ilimtmoaiatoir jidiiiiiobwwior 8sb nimluof hm- brovn ffo st to- tjiblii waist a ploe nbsorlmoht of xotlios waists in cropo d0 obino- colors maize pink- and creaml5qo and 6m h xadloa plain slrkwhtat 8oo ana lio0 radie voile avalsts2aljpa0ri8 tjo qoahiirodat leaa titan bivlriiirioo- abontap wastr fn tyughhamuvoillo allghuy bobod blips 88 w 0 dbijimla ijoolni thoro iheynroutvorlt fo ilia nonoy 7j n r fcndiosvnpiitnat ahdrifiie joo sdfl aojir8o m jlea vcwswiioijt hleovoadoolo 760 ilostjraworsavloajvctioe m roivn caafitportosoi ystaptiqtrq60ds 86la btrlpod flarrac5otto at2o and 80o win striped elahnolctto b 8o 80 jh sttlpodflnuriclorto atisisc 86 whlto pinqolotto atao 4 800 v 28 mwhito flannalottojtt aaoi new cvrxtalh ftkjs jlxst aj4ve4irodwa4nnota wbttorjtvoyj j piaborfl8s8flj8oftn00 1 j iwmws-0-vs- 1 alarilosqrtiuflnt ot olnfjbdjil in v jjottprnsaua colors at 2fo ivoitfi 2bs indlgobtuoprints a oljci i news fyriwsrincs largo attfolr of aepfsifurnlshlrij to imnq lnoludtobtlehi 80ok flawivaii ctal asfran at dorxrearand 8 weatow notice is hereby given pursuant to sootlon fto of tbo trubtees aot b8o solid by post prepaid or delivered to tho undorhlgnou solioltors for jamlma bonnott tho kxooutor of tbo last will and tohtnniont of tho said deceased tholr chrfsttan namos and surname first iddrorsos nq dosorlptlons tho full par- tloulnrs in writing of their claims a statciuont of thplr nccounts and tho na ture of the aoourlty if any bold by thorn and talto notice that after euoh last mentioned date tho sold exooutor will proceed to distribute tho assets or tho said decoasod among tho parties entitl ed thoroto having regard only to tho olalms of which it shall then have no- tlco and that tho said executor will not ho uablo for tho said assots or any part thereof to any person or porsons of whoso claim notice shall not have beon extra spring bargains for immediate sale quick action always wins make your inspection now trilnttiou sh1lton wallbridob a dale solioltors for tho said exooutor dated at georgetown this elovonth day of march a d- 1018 208 8t dr bennett laid to reu the funeral of the lain dr l l benn ett which was held on thursday inst won largely attended the service which a very impressive was conducted hy de reaseda psstor kevj trnax assisted by rev r k cameron and hev j cllne the pall hearers were meeaer f s near major orant win barber john ballantlne ltcol moore w h ham ilton there were many beautiful floral tributes from the following the family sir john and lady eaton toronto mr a a ollroy mr and mrs tuoker mr and mrs 8 wllaon mr and mrs w j ounn mr and mrs h f unawnrth winnipeg mr j j cunningham wing- ham mr ii t arnold and family mi mathew kelly liielpb mr and mr w arnold mr and mrs ueo brown mr and mrs roy arnold heorgntown con servative association hardware dspt t eaton co winnipeg hardware dept t eaton co saskatoon a letter of condolence was also receivod from tho georgetown high school board of which deceased was a valued member for a number of yearb farm with stock and implements ready equipped going at a bargain two mares 5 years and 15 years rospeotiyely 20 breeding ewelambb 8ix head of cattle four yearlings rising two two yearlings one brood sow 25 hens singe oomb bond island reds bindor seed drill mower cultivator plough souffler heavy waggon market wagrou set bob sleighs forks chains tools eto two sets of harrows bar- roooivo7ihy itvrtbotitneof suou dtii i nesses quantitvof wood and sixty oodarpostb some hay fifty bush- wwi oatgj 26 jj buokwdeat somo ryo 100 aoresofland 15 aoren workable balanoe pasture two aoros swamp 80 apple trees throe pear trees boil sandy loam plenty of water two springs and a pond frame bouse nine rooms and oellnr 2 framo barnes ono 80x54 and an other 20x72 churob miles kural mail and phono hydro eloctrio on the line aoton two thousand people 1 i miles good raods prinp 4120 2120 oash payment for stock and farm balanoe arranged on a mortgage for nine years at six por oent and for one year at c por cent immediate possession croat snap 146 acres nassagaweya township halton county 80 acres workable balanoe timber and pasture 2 aoros orobard rough oast house of 10 rooms bank barn driving shed hen houso sohool and churob one mile prioe 80000 very good buildings come back to erin for a bargain siook and graid farm of 200 aores half mile from pgawtlviamb erin village 5 miles 180 aores wqrk- p p rln8 house 8 tomar- 85 acres acton five minute close to town station sohool find elootiio road on good stone road 75 acres workable balance pasture and busli 1 aero orchard brick houso 9 rooms bank barn 05x70 pig pen hen housodriviig houso sklo im plement shed prioe 7500 a country home of 80 acres rer city oeatlemea tea minute walk from aoton a town of sooo people five minutes walk to dodial ten minutes walk to grand trunk sta tion 50 sores 48 workable balanoe grass and swamp ono aore or chard soil sandy loam solid briok bouse of 8 rooms bath room eleotrio light bank barn 40x75 good stabling implement shod hog pen good hen house silo prioe 0000 splendid opportunity mcbean co etowri gibbens outrate cash and carry grocery silo inre lard ibs lb pails per lb domevtfc shortening in 8 or 51b pail per lb rose brand salmon tall tins iscb uahbiitboleanser 2ti slo 20o 19c 9c do 2 iu 1 hoe polish per tin jello all flavors 3 pkgs 27c mcdonalds tobbaoco 3 plugs 27o ithilndxer coffee large tins soo iliolce clllornla prunes sib for ufio lux 8iligs for s4o hest flaked wheat 21b for 5o i uk ittlee odes large box 2flo fresh ground coffee per lb 82a try our oatmeal cracker per pkg 18o mnow drift hour in 24 lb bags i1b0 california seeded raisins 2 lb 27c frl in 1 lb tins each 84o choice flavoring extractb 8 bottles 27c ii a brand margarine per lb 3fie kellogseorn flakes three packages 85c fresh egaa per dorr 5o 8h redded wheat per packages lie finest canned peaohea per tin white beans 2 11 for 8 lb best japan 20o 20c rice for sic bvrup in qt bottle soo uriffens seedless large pkgs 2 for 26c wo will pay cash for butler and eggs j j gibbens phonb 160 lane block georgetown ary society on tbnrsday evening marob 28th at waterloo sobool accommod ation for horses 2t pattersons epooial aale of smoked rolli and side bacon is attracting many householders this week better get your share at tbe price before tbey re all sold pattersons moat market for the first timo we understand wby girls wear snob highheeled shoes they walk on their heels throngb tho water holes on tho streets and never wet their feet tbe- man goea in over hla boot tops tbere will be a meeting held at the borne of mies peiroe gnelpb st on tbur- dey afternoon at 380 to discuss plans for tbe annoa bale for tbe grenfell medical minion of labrador all interested will be most welcome tbe womens institute are having grocery shower anyone who will do nate anything in the line of groceries wll please leave them at tbefiomes of ltber mis m near or mrs j onoll on tuesday march 20th pattersons meat market w os washscsvvjnhg30sjeyhp w j awillougfhbk real estate geobgetown travellers oant talk me cheap trash io boots i go right to tbe factory and pick out what soils me into buying tbe for ay gives me tbe advantage on otbar shoe men i took more prises al different shows for making new boots than any other man in ontario go la it any wond er i can do you a good cheap job on re pairing save your money by buying new boots from me a i sew any rips free that happen io tbero and wye 80 to 40 kir cant on tbe dollar j roney tbe pro- nlonal at tbe gold boot wain st card op thanks bor convey my sincere thanks to ii my friends the rebecca end orion 100 jf fcodges for tbe kind sympathy extended to me in my sad bereavement mused by tbe death of my mother and brother vvm j mcklnood on saturday lost ol m b in oeorge list of new prices by inaugurating tne cash and carry system we are now able to give our customers the choicest meats canned goods etc at the following prices bees sorloin btcali round steak hamburg steak bump roaei porter houso roast rib roast tblok rib roast shoulder boast bib boil stewing boof bonelosa stewing boof sauaago visaii loin of boast sbouldor boast old prioe new prioo 840 80c 80o 28a 22c 200 27o 24o 85o 82a 27c 340 28a 280 2oo 220 22o soo 22o 20o 2o 220 22o 200 bsb 840 88a 80a boo 88o 80c 84o 2o soo excellent bargains may be had in lan ds fn the vicinity of georgetown also in town and 0ity property inquiries are solicited and will receive prompt attention e a benham real estate georgetown h lum income tax forms are now available returns must be filed on or before 31st march tie dominion income war tax act requires you to fill n one or more ef the five special forms provided before 31st march 1918 in order to assist the public to understand just what is required of them information on each form is given below read carefully then get three copies of the form that fits your case and fill them in answer all questions fully and accurately for making false statements penalty of 10000 or six months imprisonment or both is provided individuals all persons unmarried and all widows or widowers without dependent children whoso income is 1500 a year or more must fill in form tl all other persona whose income is 3000 or more use the same form where any income is derived from dividends list amounts received from canadian and foreign securities separarely fill in pages 1 2 and 3 only do not mark on page 4 partnerships as such need not file returns but the individuals forming the part nerships must corporations and joint stock companies no matter how created or organized shall pay the normal tax on income exceeding 3000 use form t3 giving particulars of income also attach a financial atatement under deductions show in detail amounts paid to patriotic fund and canadian red cross or other approved war funds trustees executors administrators of estates arid assl of in of the distribution of income from all estates handled mui distributed a separate form must bo filled in for each employers must use form t4 to give names and amounts of sslaries bonuses commissions and other remuneration paid to oil employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the aggregate to 1000 or over corporation lists of shareholders on form ts corporationa shall give a statement of all bonuses and dividends paid to shareholders residing in canada during 1917 stating to whom paid and the amounts jtlaures in every case are to nrigi7 incomerail sgvur i f w fa the case of forma tl and t2 keep one copy of the filled in form and file the other two with the inspector of taxation for your district in the caae of t3 t4 and t5 keep one copy and ftlo the other two with the commissioner of taxation dept of finance ottawa farms may be obtained frern the district litspeetora at taxation and from the fart- masters at all leading centres ees use form ts full particulars shown as well as details of amounts l m llib ii 0 the tmerlmn rev petutt must it paid on all ultere and documents forwarded by matt io inspector of taxation department of finance ottawa canada inspector of taxation berkeley g lowe customs building hamilton ontario new advertisements horses ror sale good working toiiin for knlo cheap apply to ii ii ucartwoll or sale or rent two houses in ooiimj viv ron-n- iiinily situated watir i elect it itirht ouinttnt ihllar applv kruinanui lopimio joiihbb view hiixrlo 2llrl lltp chops lara por lb pomostla shortening 200 lbs smoked rolls whole or half wore 88 and 87 now 84c 200 lbs side bacon was 48 and boo now 44o slab or half soo oanb of corn at 22o each 800 oans of poas at 17a oaob 800 oan of tomatoos 22a oaob soo oans buuflour salmon 21a oaob and all otlior goods in our lino reduced accordingly c w j patterson mtttwtrgtorgfitowa tfi t t ji r iiatim phone no r j- tel hardwood floors cost less than carpets it is cheaper to lay haidwood floors in a house than to buy carpets for it whats more tho hardwood floors will last a uforime ere much easier to keep clean and in every respect will return you dividends of pleasure on your mvostment wes beaver brand hardwood flooring it i thoroughly kite dried aecumtely machined per- recrly matched andguaranteed to last a lifetune aik any person who has hardwood floors in bis bouse whether he would go baclt to the old softwood floors and carpets the answer will convince you that it pays to buy hardwood floors j b mackenzie zjmffytfmktll mid scton library furniture of merit sootional uoolt ruktw i cut oak fuiiio finish 8 book sect ions top and base sploiuliil vnluo library tnblo jt onli fliilxh 28 x 44 enn ho usod as hall tablo or an extra in any room iniioh below vnluo library tabic 2i x 80 ji cut oak polinlioil ii vory usoful slzo splon- dld valuo wasto iapor hhhiioi il cut oak fuiiio finish a special design ston- qt out oak lent hor noat a handy and usoful artlolu for any- iiorc llbrmy tnblo ii x 42 iil cut oak pollwhoil confalne 4 nmnazluo hiici- vuk an oxooptloiml jood valuo at hagazlna stands qt cut oak funic finish kiioivos big valuo at 1500 1200 975 350 350 2200 525 jardlnom- btanas t cut oak iodchliils oak finish olialm jt out oak tapestry upholstorod loather nnllil oak s 278 240 07s 080 87s for value be convinced by seeing our new lines of laceu embroideries and veilings a splendid new line of handkerchiefs fine quality dainty and moderate in price tliroo tins of llo slioo or ntovo polish agood lloo tooth druah for extra valuo in hair and oloth brush wo still iiavo a limited ijuautlty of fins and hairpins at handy ammonia 4 for 86o 20a soo 00 2so jack sons main street i georgeipw maid wanted itoljablo lioiikomniil mi wthhlntf fron- inij cooking oi- riwntpln kvonlng froo good wajitim apply to mih frank j harbor main kt jlutr position wanted young tndy krfldtmto of hlnw hiisl- ncpfl holinolfl dcainb position an fttno- prophor good rofrtmoir apply htno- itrnpher cure of humid oliee tf watch round bmflll flilvor watih owor rnfiyjiave rnimo by culling at hortild ofhce and pay ing forndvt tf apartment ror rent over hank of llitmilton nil convoti encea apply on tlio prfinirwri housekeeper wanted a gnod worldiik hounokuepkr 36 to 40 years of ngo to tikt rhittyo of farm licrno good wareu and toi hotne for flnlmbla prion apply t krd h an cock ii k no 1 chelionlunii or bt hiriilrl 0stf beautiful home for sale hilnnted onmnlnt inmifidintoly notth of i tit oolid hrictf nx utihfite fthindiuinn 4 lolrinh inihnuin purl- 4ir living room dining room j vnry ittrire hcjutio iialu and kitciien flood filar wrrn air limiting h ndotiio tlwit rio fixlurofi lot rorituiiih ulmtit fonrfifilii of an net nift hizcd uwnn goo1 nrh- nrd llnituiningflitimt 75 inrp ihigugnrden to nuke a quick ettlt ihu dtnirrtlin jiome h beinu iiffttrcd hi n very njodfrutti price house may bo seen at any tliu- mrs ivl dennett reeves vacuum cleaner the idives vncnm cleaner is t lie only hsni itlianer niniiiifuetnrid that willdo i hi work und lo it eusy a cliilt can operate it it tnkes the place oftlie nionnt slid earpit uweeper and clms the sin uork as the niot expensive eledtfio oloacers kiiinisbed with nn extra nozlo for cleaulnif upholstered furniture ami mat- iressoii oomplete price sofio po b oash with the order sold with fi two year uuiirantec uescriptlva all culurs on applinilhii agents wanted good commlmlm 1 id mivtty hi l disnlbiior for onlsrlo fi0oiomt lons haired muck oolllo dnrwlili enn umbls red sbmitnyes answers to the m sanilv finder nlesso ehmmd in v w jilfem vfy v c vii nj atilyii v twfamwffwwlt itt t wi fit lithftmitlllfflmwiwlrm i ww

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