Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1918, p. 2

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w h wlllsojj leading fdneeal direct- ob and embalm eb bssldsiieai obc opp mrcbanu bank opao dy aod nlirbi qoboetqwh omt phone 64 births marriages aud deaths in chars ed for at the following rates births 26c marriages 60c deaths 60c v died mckinnon in georgetown on ratnnlsy march lolb 1018 surah jane islie relict of the late faiquahar mckinnon aged 68 year ootarsw in esqueaing on monday lift- oh 18tvjl8iajmanqcfottr y town council wepnebba eve3 mak20tb 1918 captain bailis 6ritlusvasrt fov eteiufleritrkjcfciinse maj ubt waiia djlririgwa tjitee iibiitfts y4a i euth mtfrfj citefriln j y ynhyiintgtafatxis tljitt loj y iteovo ileartwoll in tho chair and conn olllorn cook bush speight and barclay present minutes of previous mooting read and oonflrmod communications wore read from out ta porcha rubber co re lire how town clork davis of brampton mr c b dayfoot ankod council to try and prevent water from street running ou bis proporty mr harding complain ed of injuries receivod by falling on tbd sidewalk moved by rush socondod by coolt that mr george beaumont bo paid 500 per month as collector of hydro ratch for the vluago of olenwilliamarrqarrlod for year of king cooper resigned carrlcjt moyod h speight socondod by par- clay that the do tax be two dollars for tjjfefjrst dog and three dollars for iliq sooont owned by samo perecmadil four dollars tor tbpflfs fcomln don uml sjx k jkbldhsss of jplm jn cajila awirtl6 o lowirtfr- thbusanrts- of 4ollus wwbb iiosyihpatliy willf tliem if- liyarcv ruiriecl for it has long 1bci suspected that itn uigli price oupples wasnot so much v due to shortageus to manipulation on tlio part of the buyer dr j w 8 mccullough provin cial officer of health has expressed himself as opposed to the proposal that people in cities and towns should keep pigs in their back yards as a part of the fod production campaign mr mccullough point ed out that no municipality had the right to pass a bylaw permitting it without the consent of the provinc ial health authorities and he had no intention of allowing it i if if merchants bank buys property the prince albert hotel property has lhen aro uired by the merchants bank of canada and plans are now being prepar ed fop the erection thereon of a modsrn hank buildine in keeping with i he wide ly extended patronage which has been awarded to i his old and reliable institn tio in ibis district the local branch of the merchants bank was opened in 1015 and the growth of the business has ex- reeded hie fondest hones of the officials i hen in charge this business has been developed by efficient management nud the rendering of every possible service reasonable accommodation to the gbbab avpblrjtcdajswoc htpu1 swov foowoo60u- r twturagq of tqmraotown or the iar lbwidrt a biry oi tl0t injflacb r dollars jpt srjcorid owned hjj ionic par v l jo fxrstruqtod te ampndtbydaaqiordlpgiyvcrrla oit hw iinlv- utintnnartvcnml ivrk high school board the high school board met march 71b present mr willonghby chairman mr o b dayfoot rev mr cameron and dr watson accounts were passed as follows hydro electric wiring school 163 84 light for february l 89 john ford wood 8 00 w kennedy 83 42 d j mattlrew rv7r s3 ib q o brown woac 20 00 jas lackey i 00 j a henderson wood 32 00 united typewriter go 3 78 mcdonald wlllson fixtures 63 00 w o aihouy 127 04 john mm jock wood 24 00 a letter from mr lackey was read ask ing that iili salary be made f 66 per month on mptfon of messrs cameron and da- toofcf mr lackey was given 66 for the printer months and 60 for the summer months the board then reorganized for the year on motion of messrs cameron and wil- lough by mrc b dayfoot was appoint ed cbiiirman for the ensuing year dr watson and rev cameron were appoint ed ipr supply committee and dr bennett mrwillougbuy and mr hutt tor proper ty committee the second tuesday was son and thartho clork v amondfcbatyjavaiaprd hilbvedbv bubh 8cteqriathyc6ik that mr w w grandy be aurolnfed high school trmjteo to flu vacaboy canned by the death of dtl l bonnttt jfoyed by cook seconded by speight that tbifolldwlng accounts bo iiald i agnpsepunsurjancov rv7 munlctpaj world asnessmdnr notes j v 8 26 actonfress presb adc- 2 2o cranston novolcy adyertfsiug f3o dog tag- 8 64 j harding team 7 days tluiw in hydrants 26 2s jmoody thawing hydrants 16 20 j morrison brass mfg coi wa torworks buppllcs 6 75 j mcdonald cool 3 20 c b dayfoot for boiler b 00 carried moved by bush seconded by cook that this conncil do now adjourn car ried svia church news preach services in the holy cross there will be service in holy cross charob sunday at 8 oclock barnsr palm sunday the pastor will morning and evening audience room strangers and visitors welcome the bvpii will have a musical and social evening next monday thursday evening meetings will be resumed next week metiiomsj oor younbtffbrbhlppers league will irastik good tear with this month a large number have earned merit by faith tnl attendance cottage prayer meeting at the home of mr boland on thursday evening the pastors subjects for next sunday will be morning tho greatest hour kvening will therebe any stars in my crown appointed tbe regular meeting night limehouse a very successful junior reliof social was held at the borne of mr and mrs jas niokell lost thursday evening a large number were present despite the bad condition of tbe roads the meet- ing broke up in the woe small hours ol the morning and everyone reported a very pleasant evening we are pleased to report that john lane who has been ccriooaly ill is slowly getting belter we all wish you a speedy recovery jack a large number attended tbe regular meeting of the guild on sunday evening scenes from the early life of christ wore put on the screen with tbe aid of tbe new projection lantern and a very pleas ant and profitable evening was spent high school following are the results of examinat ions recently held form iv honors mildred mckay pass myrtle mckinney clara brown douglas gowdy muriel haines and mar- garet wileoneqnal stuart fisher form iii pass amy mcdonald bea trice beaumont warner freure form iimatrioulation honors john by an form ii normal entrance pass- gladys morgan islay scott edith owens form i honors flndlay alien pass fleanor beaumont bert thomp son and em in mathuw equal jack thompson fred oroft jobn mcmaster sarah early irene sinclair pearl beetey joan annandale edgar mckinnon merle bnck alice williamson gladys sykea military news bftt john long wsb home or over sunday mr and mrs john shepherd of stew- rttown have received word from their two soldier sons henry and john who are now iu england convaleoing fron wounds received some time ago both are feeling splendid johnnie has reo eived a medal from his battaion for win ning first in the middle weight boxing contest at the sports held in france in august 1017 they send kind regards to all old frelnds at home wit ley oamp surry eng feb 14 1018 to tbe broth ron or lol 245 dear broth ren it is with great pleasure i write you these few lines hoping they will find you all in tbe best of health as this leaves all the georgetown boys here at present i received your dandy packed box this morning and ail the contents wero in perfect condition 1 cannot ex press my thanks in words but i can rb sare yon it was highly appreciated not only because of all the good things in it but it goes to show we have not been for gotten by our good brethren bo many miles away i can assure you i am proud to belong to tbe l ol 245 there is no the fyjama gqhtest the pyjama contest under the ausploes 01 tire patriotic ieague from march lkt to march j8th was a great success reve before in the town has work been ttkenhoid ol nr to til injrty qddtff8cl6uey everybody jiro had fteejnbuav olarhing cutos tii eevjng prthe three srefeltt eoontlog tli time from rtiifob ihecodwat was forriitd ill ih finish thoogtilirod iorgotaodut beiogthred soeratuye aa the rtiinltj nine hundred wem inadcrvpyjamsjare pll- edhjgb ready tohe shipped lb our jp- ndfaq hospitals in france ohdeuglaril giving cdmlbrt to nine hnndnid tmve boys who are ligbiin odr haltlei at the root therewere wstfyds ohlannel- efte 5400 bnttons not counting button holes and 1200 yds of tope need the women extend tbeiv slhcjere thanks to the men a committee and all men coo- trlbotors for trie gift of 81000 to help fay for all this material used thongb the contest was a very friendly one there bab always to be a winning side the captains and committees are as follows capt mrs h p lawscm com mrs fj barber mrs fleck mm mnthow miss mccaul miss rub ton mrs pircy coffen mrs fergnson output of p jmab 300 oapt mrs 0 c roe com mrs hb henderson mrs mcbean mrs cook mrs j kennedy miss peirce mrs t mckay mrs cofien miss laweon out put of pyjamas 610 mrs allen pever- aux was highest in contest making 20 pr for mrs koeb side convenor of cutting committee mrs oliver mckay mrs j m moore miss ljndsay mrs w wilron mrs mcmill an mrsr- allen mrs oontts mrs orr tho shamrock tea at the oloseoflhe contest was loth a aocial and financial success including all sales and teafj23- 60 was ralirrdtteaw300 candy and nrtwer booth 11010 homemade cook ing booth 20 00 and sale of bird houses 2425 thanks to mr oliver mckay lor making and mr jcs ruddy for painting convenor for tea mrs o- c mckay com miss j wetherald miss a mc- leod miss hottle lawson mies elma hohertson miss drina robertson miss a bradley mies n roe miss k barter mire harrison mies ethel cook miij marjorio clark mies ruth jermyn miss e arnold a sincere and hearty vote of thanks on bohalf of the patriotic league is extended to all who helped to mako the contest and tea 6uch a decided success for spring cleaning the stroflg knei sssksssssssis5isrsssssslsss ossssmss the mens store better organization in the world than the i faave met many i the boys over here we meet them l6l i bave met many friends among obituary sabaii jank lbsub after an illness of just one week caus ed by grief for the loss of her son neil who died on march 8th sarah jane leg lie relict of the late farquahar mckin- nob passed away at her home here on satoruay march 16th deceased was born at orangeville 64 years ago and for a number of years lived in alllston some fifteen years ego she came to qlenwil llama thence to- georgetown where she baa resided for tho past five years to mourn the logs of a loving mother she leaves three eons and three daughters 1 h mckinnon austin oregon j a mc klnnon calgary alta w j mckinnon mrs willett mrs mark clark george town and mrs w davison glenwil- hams tbe funeral took place on monday afternoon to greenwood cemetery the service being conducted by rev w burt the pall bearers were vv o anthony a blackburn v ewins 8 nevlns q arnold and h livingston floral offerings were contributed at follows wreaths- family officers and membeifl orion lodge ioof mr w j hawkins markdale sprays beboecs verdum lodge no 184 georgetown mrs hammond and miss erwlo bramp ton mr and mrs j beaumont mrs l front and mr and mrs m clark glen williams mr and mrs j oostlgjirjanil mr and mrs robt maw georgetown norval everybody sround here is getting ready for greater production this spring a patriotic estter concert will be given under tho auspices of tbe girls khaki club fall paiticulars and dale next issue have you received your summons yet every place we go and they are always a true friend i will never forget the true brothers of no 246 for the kindness they have showon to mo and my people at home since i have been a member of your true order i wish the lodge and all the brothers tho best of luck and sne- cets again i will express my thanks to you all word came through tbe division yes terday that tbe whole of the division was to be broken up at once and all the battalions to be sent to france in drafts a draft of 200 men out of each battalion is leaving here for france this week 200 of oar men are leaving on friday a and b co are going to reinforce the 102nd ball in france and o and d co are go ing to reinforce the 116th batt i guess matt of tbe georgetown boys will go to the 116th bsttm they are in d co we expect a draft will leavo here about every wosk now for awhile there are not many of tbe georgetown boys on tbe first draft i would have been with it bat i did not have my six day draft leave was to have gone on my last pass tomor row but all passess have been cancelled for tbe present i expect we will get our pan next week and then we will be ready for tbe next draft we are all anxious to get over there and take up our place in tbe firing line and do our best we have been in training for a long time so it is lime we were there i guess there will be a final drljethls spring to decide the war one way or another old frilzle will get h this summer i think be will tefcl kind of sick before it is over i bear you have heon having a very serious winter over there we have not bad mnob buow hero bat we made up for it in rain i guess i will bave to ring off for this time as i want to get this let ter uff in tbe first mail i will be a pri vate in the rear rank noxt time i write aa all noos will have to revert to go over the battalion we go to will have their own ncot end officers but we should worry as a pte is far the best off over bore will send you my new ad- dreis as soon as i got to know it 1 will tins off with love and bst wishes to all i am at ever your brother anil friend fred armstrong credit auction of farm stgck implements tho undersigned has beon instructed by jos turkiir to soil by public auction nt lot 18 con 4 township of esqncslng on tuesday march j6tb at ono oclock sharp the following horses wiijoii hoimi rising yrs brown borso aged colt rising 1 year cattle grado durham cow duo july 7 holsteln due time of sale hol- stoin holfer duo juno 14th holfltoln belf er due sept 6th holstein helfor duo nov 26th jersey heifer duo aug 12 grado durham holfer duo bopt 16 black heifer duo nov a grado durham holfor due sept 16 grado durham holfor duo nov 18 jersey hoifor 1 yoar 2 grado steors 1 year shorthorn bull is mos oil giblo or registration 1 doz plymouth rocks about 400 bush mandsohenrl barley implements doering binder 6 ft cut doorlng mowor 6 ft out massoy- harrls drill 11 hoes now masseyharrls dlso 14 disc massoyhaxris hay rake 10 ft wido doorlng cultivator stedl land roller doorlng spring tooth drag peter hamilton soufflor now no 1 verity plow new waggon box no 21 wilkin son plow lumber waggon 8 in tiro mar kot waggon 2 boats top buggy polo and shafts cuttor sot iron harrows set hob sleighs road cart hay rack long ladder chatham fanning mill with bagger ex tension ladder stone boat clover tablo pen harvoster coal oil stovo 2 burners grind btone sot hoavy harnoss hool chains sot long tug harnoss root pul- por sot slnglo harness grass seeder range stovo burns coal or wood a quantity of household furniture terms foul and grain and all sums of ho 00 and under cash over that a- mount 0 months credit on approved notes fivo per cont per annum off for cash w a wilson benj petoh clork auotloneor ringworm- scalp sores if you want spoedy ddd prescription 8i not groabv or messy it washes tho scnlp and tho reliof is instant it today on our guarantee holp try tho lo oasy to apply try l v hotjrioan druggist georgetown gibbefs raisin bread one loaf served on your table will be more convincing than a whole page of talk every loaf backs up our word you try a loaf today 10c oibbms corner bakery b v cibbens wanted wanted to purchost a good serviceable one- hotjr8e plouoh anyone having nre to dispose of pleaw cotim- unloate with j brandford oollogn view 20lh 3 2 tp wood ror sale i have a large quantity of wood suit able for summer fuel cut in 12 to 38 inch lengths split and delivered apply j brentford college view 20th 3 4 tp for sale baby carriage apply to r ouaig emery hu town it mr lip e i have just received n car of the best wire fencing ob tainable which i am prepared to sell at a most reasonable price let iis fill yoir order 80x3 plain auto tiros giininntoed 8l00 miles kog 20 for 10ao onch also ttihtti etc th0s e hewson norval phone lfllr13 ontaiio second annual seed fair and stock judging course under tho ausplcof of hal ton county board of agriculture and farmers clubs a fair grounds milton monday march 25th judging competition for young men in boof cattlo and hoavy uoraoa tuo prlzo is a cup donated by the milton farmon clubn oats early oath lato bnrloy 0 rowed spring wboat 1001 doanh totatoos early potatooh lato allhko hod clover 1 opon to hal ton county farmers in particular farmors from adjoining conn ti en may enter 2 entry foo of ten ccnth for oach exhibit tiraiu must bo at tho agricul ture hall by clevon oclock on tho morning of march 2ftth 8 in oats flarloy and whoat ono bag of grain intirt bo shown in peas beans and potatoes 1 buhol must bo shown in clovor and alsllco 1 huhhol 1 qraln may ho expressed prepaid to milton in caro of a l mcnabb and it will bo expressed back or sold if tho ownor wishos r kxhlbltor should state the numbor of bushel of saod ho has for sale and the price per bushel it uiiuht ho advantageous for farmers having seed fur sale to bring a load to the fair and dispose of it ou that day j p griffin a h monabd w f strong pros board of agriculturo sec board of agrlculturo dlst representative ize libt 1st and 8rd tl00 7so 50c 100 750 80c 100 7o 80c 100 7jio 80c 100 ko 100 75c 60c 10j 750 60c 100 75c 60c 100 75c 50c 100- 7flo 50c rules in spito of tho fact that owiuj totlie war british woollens liavo advanced greatly in price aud tuiorti nil over canada have itien compelled to raise prices wo will iontirme to mako liltio and mack bergi scotch andkuglinh tweed tuid worsteds at lricea vantage bt th prices i jjf allwrml goods 8rjc as we fthjsvifliiikat proswit will h 60 1 per cent liigiicr ir tub spring botow c fl offeredinail linos f stens wjjjarljptir btdclt- inige ftn4 tiiust b icdvjdjsd lus bftmjvni8ysaor8a welnyiie jrou to oall andbo oonvinccd millxr co- qeor phone 126 ills rii llll the home of good- groceries 1 0 ecessary farm equipment more and more the ford car is looked upon by progressive farmers as neces sary farm equipment the same as tho plow the hayrake tho drill the mower the narrow and other labor and timesaving machinery a farmer with a ford car can dispense with one or two of his horses and make the trips to town railway station croamery or to the neigh bours in onethird tho timo in fact there is no farm mnchino made that will save tho busy farmer and his bury wilo no much valuable time as a ford and it s so easy to tnuo care of far easier tluin a horse no bod to mue or hay and oatu to fret no harnessing and unharnessing and no stables to clean the ford practically takes care of itself ask any farmer who qwns a ford if he would ever again try to get along without it his answer will hasten your decision to own one i salmon in lb tins at 20 it 80 85o salmon in j lb tins at hi 15 1h jo 23 a 6o pork roans plain von 20c lor 3 guuus porlt lioarm in tomato fiance rctf 20c 2 for 80o holnz fork deans in touirttou bailee at ir 23o 30o porlt uosns in tomato sauce regular ide 3 for 27c spaiihotto in tins at 152080 sour 1loltloh plain mustard 15 20 111 a 31a swoot pickles plain mustard 20 3 40a tomatoo catsup por bottle 10 15 5 30 a 85o raspboriy strawberry black currant pencil plum jam per jar lo 80o peaches plum piuoapplo per tin 2qo right goods at jiiglit prices let us haj your ordci and be convinced a m grandy the pure food store plione 7 cic the universal car touring runabout coupe 595 sedan 970 575 chassis 535 770 oneton truck 750 b ford ont j n oneill dealer georgetown m all cash store 1918 hurry money saved is money made groceky department everything fresh and neat the most possible value for your money come and see us today dont miss this chance of goods cheap t adm7scof phone 43 geobgetown main and mil streets 4r9 ti fine hiqhcla88 tailoring 4no mens furnishings agents lor stockwell henderson a co dyr and clennotrt toronto w lets send you tne herald only 125 in advance adams coyi march 1918 1 unknown today in any line of goods is prices being reduced everything ishiglier nud still higher we are just through our yearly stoc ktrkin and we have many articles iu our big store you need and yon can get them while they last at less than cost prices today im spring wallpapek nothing vill alter the appearance of a room quicker than wall pap er nor will anything add a more pleasing air of comfort to the home than rooms whose walls have been beautified with wall paper of pica sing design pe- our stock j we have patterns at all prices i lift k iibsi iutiivayiiii wvfei

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