Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 16, 1918, p. 1

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-wr- top- r j- is the georgetown herald fiftyfirst year of pubu 1cat10n georgetown wednesday evening january 16 1918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance tfle gefltewn herald u rvblobmd bvbbt wkdicssday evehurg at th pbottlkgowipe fjoe fflli months 6 cantata advance label show the data jotti ivr l- joants yfe line idsjc lajartlonv liit ftl l ftanejeotadvorussineats anv j sjud jv9aifcto6hf liwrtttobtb- wltfaant spbotfle sni iubadnrted until tbrbf hjbdioeordlntry c yovjaiino wttlwd axtra ohariv otajnmsj for ofetract advatianenui stoat b a the afllcs y mondayirtotai j m moore ir arjl ai tmblm oura bast fmmogar 9s0am fateenger 1100 a an w1 1189 a rv 846 pm all 71pm sons wasr jjajl 757 an mail bmam jftmiw j 08 pm srr-jl5s- atraoat omit fjseaiajar going west 0bjam wssenger going east 885 p m oonrajraara gtajanger monday only 750 am 620pm aouia soura ii 1005 am passanapr friday on lyj 7 80 a ro l no sbowtlllag required ti iranton la all sice 1 60al abtomatioally- screened and jloidadi -v- select ixunp ov domestic and threshing porpoeee smithing and 0nnr coal in fact i carry torvthlrij to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald aaorgtowa phone 12 j w kennedy i rubber boots inorrjei to qfabt a ipw priced vtr handle none sftdiqirv tljey onload in jury to v- tli store that sells thin onroclfejs fie btr rths best oflaia bert v v m -f- t the shoe jwmn the home of better shoes a compnrfvon a german military critic said that robert k lee wns america ji ablest oldler but when cti atmr qtuk 30totsrdte indeed tfwav gbpd isflldlor hatbobold thtlbtarulri jpt lbmberabarr was n military -tjluii- jer for wblci lie waa liot responsible tiioodlaer in all4nicrlc warawbo dia tliemctbtjruioglincidiicand fob- plg wur lleuodlcftarikiliirftjsie wj tilroart tiwtok to country a rtit ntt slejdpolr fjtstqsridtyo col- onsts tiiioautflrttri4tiinroo twglcatd rljuridapba fodgerj- ilr ji rtivliisnefc io te ybngliltbtlflnilrohrueahjotne latu fordlnneic gat lbchpqrfbtrjilpeedlnirt the wiy home ijb dxiifnlped rtipiic sheepv lajiiyjrievnlvtafomorvivodni lag and ket 10 or wteen daya mrs 76ingnn8bonl ferreutly clapped two blistered bmolwnds wbait a providence aba cried dovoutlx c must tike the a veil dnys jobnl tbe cook has just loftl- ito kindly estdlps atnniiow wlthmrirmtiifci blessings oer sleeping baber j r tborfema sonieibldghn tbelr doief grace tbatspsakaiai tlol sibbathftet asep- on at peaks itit ir llt fiiiil liiml siw rjnr no imhrittlmi tit nnthlnu qnumtutl ictie w tripina lie aiiisi from lerrncev vimiovtifertjtwiswiav tl ioibonaier hnfidkeiwiethoii rni0 8ni otrivsintotisliilt ahtoi especially in onrtcoriier somtweufy minutes after tn train hud left tlie turipnl toil arnold jnroe bnc ii iid i down lphle- lilft vupfnre pad r-ic- lmjod rim jii ifjii fiiceisbfv toronto muburbah railway daily tzsutaua am oolo east 810 flwlng wt a n pn 170 pm 040 sunday tims tabu rxr am pm pm pm going esai 1020 1250 416 810 going west 1040 010 dircgtory steal hilton wallbbidjub a dale barristers solieltoia ste toaoarb asp qsosostowb office kennedy block le boy dale in charge of georgetown offlor l wtdital dr joseph mcawdrew poytloiin and sorgson medlosl offloer of health ilisiriotmargeon g t b office bonrs 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm phone 68 office and residence main 81 soatb oppoalto presbytsrisn obnxob wrojrrrtlr 7 ki sfefliotaa t r sargerr or oateopatby a m vbttibvit do gradutt of rrhe jpainajr uui original school of oblropneue xraran- jkrtiowa 0a oaootajwamfoida shoe store i imiiiron and spinal anslysls free h xhttra and sat s to 6 a 7 to 8pm pbomi 150 gphegl hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and pj limbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring therefore it is necessary for you to have your mounting or bridge properly adjusted so that the lens will be held in proper relationship to eye which we will be pleased to do for you without charge our service helps you to obtain the best results from your glasses home ground cornmsal clean up tbfeold cuffee grinder or buy a new ono aud grind your own com ment for grlddlerukes muffins and bread if you do not uko bread made of carnmeal mono use some wheat dour flitb it since bnme ground corn meal does not keep long it la better to buy whole corn by tbo bushel and grind for meal ua needed the filvrbre8ed fafry abstf of w while alfthe echoes sf forgotten- seem joiptejttovuuiova sweetness to 1 i- speech l qrd- toothers as joey pas wltbr slow- limed trar their itrmbllog bands oling gently to yooths strength sweet mojfjerjit ss theypats one sees seslg old gsrdsn wallas bid roses snd old loves beecner the oentnry ttaeleartiitgoanr tbaoi w s- r ubofils j tyorttvwp iter ilflrei owner of a quihepr klorfes muius xl di not 1 iw iis v imlii i with 0iu ktricv tji yiv 7 i lv vvij- rsro ttw jjefce ajltnoti n t not an eoenomlst are yon practicing food economyt i tried it out but it didnt work what was the trouble my husband simply refused to eat the cold fried egc that waa left oral from the day bofore to days story its uses pop tell me one thing whnt is it sonr is the line that ships h to no tbo s wh th laug tho waabr phone 26 georgetown onl jtiiiiwmsasssaivtsiwwyswc arthur bcastell lom inttlmo- i teacher of ptano organ oomilvtounand r singing sejibsl twssoblasoopsr tsrm r0 isuoas t my rssiasnos thsta bk osorsotowd or st psplls bon pianot tuned -c- wci plant optomel geofgetown 159 office nextto library l l plaiit jul hut george wn eyesight specialist laas eyes eyeglasses offl to library phond 199 tor appointment if ijv- qtutm ffunk b wat805 dd8 mds dehtiot ont hoorsi bs0 am to nv jbenaatry totfltlta branchef orerbaiili of hamilton r l heath ld8 dd8 dentist offloe tolane blpok one door aortb of omeills carriage factory hours 9 ajn to bjuni ob l l bbkneit dentist ofseeat residence mam st north first toom vtot atu bridge phone 142 georgetown if- ii is qutttontm bbnj pbtob aorticiiaeyi haltonand peel ejmwlulama post office sales eon- doeted satialactoruy and at reasonable wenhon rsoeire prompt wa1sttngw lbe agent in baliontfonnlr to bsuaa fbdjt and 0a- lorlnf fall -and- winter good pay ezolnalve territory ulpinentr res of ibeoholoestnorsery kloelddlngnew varieties oootrollsd hqdiome iintodsta eellldg ntwfil splendid canadian to offer eostomera we are aant on reejnert to ap- or pnyabman of nnr pow torafeney terma to hi ntlgsey co r 0ntvia ib j m buck butcher aeorgetowo always baa on hand tbe finest of beef pork 8au8aoe boiogna- etc home cured ham8 bacon lamb veal m susoa arurrcd plain ouvku hsintz iwiit sioklte in bulk paidup capital 9 7000000 reserve fund and undivided profits 1 7431999 total deposits 92109079 total assets 191180588 a good bet a hundredtoone shot do yon know that never in the past hundred years have the opportunities offered wago earners been so entirely in their favor and do yon further know that it may be another hundred years be fore similar conditions prevail a hundred years is a long time to wait so tbe wise man or woman will take advantage of tbe favorable obances within their reaon to make the present last the only way to do this is by pat ting aside in the savings bank a small portion of today s good look remember this oannot last tor ever 1 a good chances are in the preseihv thoae who depemqpoa fnture ohanoos are betting against themselves and this la generally a very bad bet 1 1 t x safety deposit boxes to rent g w grandy manager georgetown branch learn shorthand jcclarke tf make suorcliutw it pays to attend tbo tobokto out tonga sndcbsrle sfa toronto all gradnates and scores of oar grad uates of tbe pastyoar have secured good positions and still tbo demand mjar beyond our supply write for catalogue enter say tlrao w x elmoit prlncjpoi contraot do aumoa mteblpa ilowrrsalliiljw- -n- rri pttefpdisf in this 5 cans of peasfof 6 cans of corn s 6 cans of tomatoes 114 119 fresh salmon by the fish 17c lb beef sold by the quarter at loweet possible price fortfxtra good valnesbn frfflaysand saturdaya ground bone for chickens any peffwa having veal calves for sale pleaie pjwaf 0wteijis 4m0st uasy earn 50 to 100 a month the demand for stenographers has never been so great as it is today by utilising your spare time evon- rngs young people may qualify for highlypaid positions as stenographers or private secretaries witbshort hours pleasant work and splendid opportuni ties for advancement jointhe class being formed the kiss stealer he was very adroit in hit thefts by t a illtchel j ift fiils arfernm vcttslait k i s toot pleased bhn ls9rrfjshsve eiypyed that ht should lavo ujoii lfijoijtitpoi it rather tban 6neaninilttmgu robbery ifwhs thu fucttjiiitbe find cihrlcd ofit ids tfchanie without hnrlug liliii detect id ud woiniprya that kuty made u uieritton of the- sloluii vjss inrtn verj yqurib and delloato ll iltfbt feel abuslied ut commanlcntlugsucb n thing to a youljg mvin when the journey nns ended nnd tom left ills cbarge at the door of her school be looked scrutinizing into her eyos to see if bo could detect any evidence of ber suspecting him she returned his gnse with a childlike sim plicity that reassured him and he left her feeling very comfortable the railroad hke everything clso is a development the unit rnlls were strap iron on wooden honinn tbo first car wus n stiigptomli thou several stagecoaches together mounted on wheels then ciiuiii the piixiuiiker car of tho prerient dny only tiithh xmaller when thoso cars were pulled hrroujrb a tunnel tbo pnswongers wero left in total darkness lnloil tbo lliihllng of railway ctirs pakuliig thrniikli tunuels 1b a feature of recent years yin trill rrmf to re- moro your nrt n little for georgetown fall partloulars bv applying to j o clarke 8s5 college street toronto choice fruit call and soo us this week and secure aomo of our oholoe goods a ebstivo fruit specialist main street georgetown mail contract tmklsd randan sddrehsd to tho ppimler oawrsj will lw received ai oltnira until noon onlrrldaythormb janusiy isis for tbe eon vuvnesov hli majosiyi malls a on proponed wnok fm nrouoiod oontrjiot my look forms ofttnhmmiy be ob- n obtqu of qskvlljo trsfslgsr of lbs pot oltlcio iuiioclor a bullisrhind 1oit oolos inipsator pastpmu intpsctors offlo toronto do mi ail contract wieftm pt offlmln rem lbs ier informs- lontract msy rnaytfce ou briwa hbp turn to college for his ritiplin bo was nhkcd if lie would ewe irlrl who was going- in thexiiiic illrec- tlon to hoiirillnb helmut 1oin didnt like being burdonud with the euro of a little irlrl but he couldnt vory well decline wbon lie siiw tils charge bo didnt mind taking euro of her so much as he had tliotikbt bo would lucy atwood wus fourteen years old but tall enough for n girl of sixteen she was very doiiiure mid iippeuntt to bo ntterly devoid of vuiumrxiitlonnl pow ers ilcr protector having reached tbe advanced ngo to hen of eighteen probnbly lllled ber with mirb nwo us to preruut coiiversntloii wltb mini but if mbw atwood was limguo tied ebo wns very pretty there 1h nettling more dolfcnte to a young ninn espe- dully than a pair of plnlc eurnl lips lucys complexion won as soft aud downy as n peach and ber lips were n combination of beautiful curves tom couldnt keep his even oo tliem mo was young 11 nd a sophomore ii eollege a combination that win occur hut onco in a minis ufa ills tlmughlx his ar guments therefore were hopbomorle i liuvo iiouii burdened with the euro of n tongue tied kid wltlibut rcoui- penso it boboovort uie to ionic out fop my own rvwnrd i demt know any payment that would suit mo better than just line gtihh of hmho lips in hnlf an hour well net to the riniuel it requires throe uiliiutoh for a train to go through it and onu run do n grunt deal in turoomiiiutos tills was tho biils of a plan tom formed ilefore reaeliluk tbe tunuol bo would go into auoilior ear ii ret noting the exact position of his charge as soon us tho train plunged into dark ness bo would reenter tuiiko bis way to where lucy sat lako the kiss and retire some time after tho train had emerged into the light be would go back to bis soat yawn talio up a nowspaper and begin to read as if unconscious of anything ovontful hav ing happened it tyis a vory pretty scheme but moro tempting to n youngster of eight een than to 11 full iitdgod ninn thoro wns one thing about ii bowover that tom didnt like jtlio lild had boon placed in his euro nnd bo didnt con sider 11 quite lionomblo to avail hlm- lolf of tbehltuutlnu to hike what didnt belong to hlin hut tin- more criminal tbe act tho morn honor attached to bolng found out the moro attractive the scheme tom sat looking sideways at those lips before ivbleli- every vostlgo of honor faded nevertheless ns the train approached the tunnel bis courage be gun 10 full him whnt 1111 awful tblng for ho- in do hut how nlcol sup pose girl should mr renin and some ono should grub lilni tbo very ihouthi gave him tho shivers but he was at an age niniu tbo greutar tbe risk the fmuiloftio temptation he fell and great wns tbo fall thereof ho bad often linen through the tun nel and knew the approaches well goine ten minutes before the train reached it ho told his ctiargo that he would go into the smoking car for a wlillo ir she didnt mluil sitting nlone she said she didnt anil tuui having noted that ihu seal wns tbo third one from tho door on tho right left tbe car lie didnt smoke fearing that tin odor of tobacco would give bin 11 way he sat looking nut through a window i prey lonuniopmis emotions when the train filtered the tunnol tiimiiioiiiiik 11 ii his resolution be bm rled into the ear he hud loft nud count ed tho catsiuii tbo right by putting 0 liaiiiliii uarli till lie cftiuo lo the seat rcdmiid koldlng uiey in blsurms ho look ibo desired kiss tliero was a unoithereil cry followed in a ant p0- nieiits by the sound of nu oponlng nnd ilofliiik door tnenno- other than the riiiiihortliohiifn uttv dnylllflv eame uimltl soveral lijakbiikerii wiu mit no1ricyjoawii one june morning when tbe trees tbo flowers and especially tbe roses were in bloom a young man who bad been invited to spend a week end at the country plnce of a friend sauntered out on tbe veranda in neffllgeo summer costume plucked a rose snlffad it put it in tho buttonhole of his flannel coat descended the steps and strolled about tho grounds having examined the tennis court tbe stables nnd other fea tures of the place be sauntered toward a hedge which was just the height to enable htm to look over it in tbo ad joining grounds was a pagoda in tbo pngndn a4wihhihek ami hr thu ham mock a feminine flirure but whether tbe lady was old middle aged or young be could not see he thought he would like to satisfy lilmiolf on mils point walking back and forth along the hedgo be looked for an opening at length finding n place where lite hedge was thinner than at others nail sloop ing be wormed his way throuib though when be retnlnd the othr side bis costumo wns somewhat llilrnngid brushing oft the illrt anil straighten- ing tbo bang of his ru tiling lie saun tered toward the papula there was no movement of the llnre in the bam jnoek null the inoii4itt ir lim auriu he fancied the occupant might he asleep ho bad no titisliisj in thu ifroiinds but he wns a venturesome follow wlib no end of resource nnd assurance and bad an excuse ready in ense he mot any one- liritwlug giadimllv nearer to the pagoda he finally reached a point near enough for film to see a ludy asleop in the hummock sbo was young- about twenty and fair to look upon kilo seemed to be sleeping so soundly tint tbo yuiing man drow nvnmr even to the steps of tbe pagoda then wns something in the fueo of tho sleeper flint seemed familiar to lilm ii thonghr that he bad seen her before then rlint lie had not vibrating between iticsc two opin ions at lust deciding bat ho had not ono fenttire especially charmed hlin tbe indy bud n very kfssahlo mouth for a young ninn to stand looking at a yotiug lady asleep with a klssuble mouth is dangerous not so dangerous to tbe young lady as the young man for there is eortnlnly no harm in ono being kissed who doesnt know of tbo fact but tbo young mini taking that which does not belong to hlin is llablo to tbo consequences of tils rush jjet then suppose he indy is awakened by he procossl such n contingency would nnttirnlly sfrlko rerror into any sensi tive man the watcher drow nearer and nearor on tiptoe till he reached tbe hummock thon bending oyer the sleeper in ono of the alternate risings and bondings finally lightly touched the lips with his the sleeper slunibored on ot a mus cle twjtcbed the young man was tempted to tako another but suddenly tbo abyss on which he stood occurred to him and turning he tiptoed away to the oponlng of the hedgo nnd passed through then ho hegau to wondor at tbe rocklessnoss the folly tbe awful- noss of whnt ho had dono whence untlod bis scarf at dressing for dinner that sanieorcnjiig he missed a stlcjcpln surmounted with a horse shoe that be hud worn during tho day he wondered how and where ho bad lost it then ho remembered working bis wuy through the bedgoi hd must hove dropped it tliero ho wns tempt ed to go out and look for it but be had htiroly time to dross for dinner so ho must noodsjjut off the search till morn ing when ho went down to dinner whom should ha see but ibo girl he had kissed in tho hammock lie was seized with n torribla fright but on being present ed to iier she gnvo no evidence what ever of over having seen met or hoard of him before he was assigned to her for n dinner companion and by the tltno tboy were seated nt table ho hud regained enough of his equanimity to remark that it had boon a very hot day that bo hoped it would ho cooler tomorrow nnd tiint he feared i lie sum- raor would be nn oppressive otw however hie indy iniido it easy for bin by being agreeable nud be gradu ally forgot that if sbo know how liy had robbed liar she would despise him after dinner the company strolled out on to the veranda and sjicut the even ing undor the moonlight ninhl the fra grance of roses tio thief of tbo kiss qullo recovered ffom itny qualms of conscience nud wus glad he hail done it especially since the girl had no awakened on monday the young man took an early train n tbe city when the pusl mini arrived during the afternoon ijo brought n small package addressed to thomas arnold icsq opening it the recipient took mil a bund kerchief in ono oortlff of wlileh were his i ii wills add a stlrltplu with 11 horseshoe mount ing arnold sunk down in n ritnlr with n innim he saw it nil when lie lint kissed the girl in lie funnel sbo hiirfsiirilrllcil lis liniidkeriblof from his pockrtbo bud sljue gniwn to lilti mtilgijyti ijnjinftbf bs hiir kiseiijiiprmp jmigs tefjmp odvvrmg jtjiproljifik prilrmi yrlfb- an unoulbrqwtritifi4 jfitahr hose teajtcss llmfiiir ircmtitasplaojc with crdaefll llcfnseelpwaa pnrn- ing and ertormrfuv ciouiht of black sraokjj rolled tip kilo alio sky suddenly the train swept by a amr- tersectfbnfartirrhst lay uko orgreat whito square between the bwstllng- deyricks and the ook oll itttio farmhouse wns surrtnihttcitliy a cot- tonwood grove two men with a team at work stacks of grain and alfalfa and a herd qf quiet cattle completed tho picture look onn of the travelers ex claimed isnt that qucerl tbnt must be a dry section f a man across the aisle who over heard spoke up on tbo contrary that quarter is perhaps the richest oil innd in the field see that one derrick close by tho housot it wns n gimtter and ran more than eight hundred barrels a day philip ross his wlfo and two sons llvo on tho while form ns it is callod when tho gusher wus struck itoss oldor son rushed into tho house with the nows ross nnd his wife were there fnthor bo cried the oilmen say its the biggest drill in tho state i we can lease the wholo furm for a mil lion 1 hurrah i the father calmly looked at the eon what of it what of it i wo are hchl we can go to new york or chicago and live without working a iive without working sold ross what sort of life is ttmt they say ihlllp ross brought his linnd down nn the kitchen tnble where ho sat snd said tall in duncnn that is the younger son nuiicnn came in and the family sat there together i let tbe oilmen drill to test our fnrm because yon boys nnkd it said itosi tbe result will glvo us a mil lion without n mroko of work but it v roll n- quint lining hu uoflt oldest bank in 8psln england has been the hanking no tlon of tho world for many years nail lon don until vory recently wns tbe worlds financial center thnt honor for more than a year has devolved npoii now fork the first bank in knglnnt wns established by francis child n london goldsmith who died october 4 1718 this pioneer financial institution was opened in 1008 and n nunibor of rival goldsmiths soon opened similar con cerns tho mint in tho tower of ton- don had been the depositary for the cash of the merchants until charles i seized the money ns n loan then the traders began to deposit their ensh with goldsmiths in lombnrd streot the first bank in tbo world vn estab lished in italy in 808 by lombard jews tho oldest existing bnnkls tho bank of barcelona spain which was founded in 1401 1 useful as a snake little peter is a good boy ns well as a boy of great originality in bis no tions but ho has the serious fault of being extremely forgetful one day nftor having gone on nn errand nnd forgotten what ho was sent for be ex claimed bitterly to bis sister oh dear i wish i wus a snake you wish you veraa snake 1 said bis sister horrified yes and a great long one as much as six feet long why wbntfor peter so i could tie knots in myself to make me remember things social- vaudeville id dearly love tto goffnto society but i dont know bow to make conver sation conversation what you want is a good monologue lt i sffl us for lifes reul iniks it hns already spoiled iieores of our neighbors ns yoa nnil mother know right well i think oo much or you boys to let you grow up with money younever renlly earn ed we ore healthy nnd dolly work is 0 joy wo cant afford to be rich ho turned to his wlfo and saldi jnnot thank god that we ore able toj work and do not want to live without it and the wlfo and the boys bowed their heads while the sturdy old scotchman prayed tho oilmen woro frantic ot his re fusal to solj or lease they offered fabulous prices tboy tliroutened nnd tried to scare him into yielding but the white farm is still there and ross pnd bis wlfo nnd sons nro working on it happily surrounded by tho forest of rigs and the black stretch of ruined prairie soil tho train wns naaln pnsslne through i tho tangle of derricks and block soli hut in the memory of thu two travel- crs tho whlto farm dwelt a picture of rare conscience nnl conviction and resistance to tho prevalent desire to innko n fortune nnd live without work ing there is no renl life without work ing when will americans ieorn thnt lesson and bo content to llvo and work on the white farm i tm itab 1 ii 4 si si i- llod and gun the january number ol rod and onn with its list ol contents dapiotlns outdoor hie makes a special appsl to the sports man among the contributors to this number ore bpnnyoastle dale h o had don jf a sbsw edward t martin qonrgolt ballon r6bort pane lincoln afid many btfiere tiie usual difr raentsere well maintained under lbs trap department appears a wrlteunj0f the grand international touronnneot at stjtbwjs recently wblla ti ionnal sloiconwljniian hustraied reportof

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