Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1967, p. 8

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f7 wtmtitoi- furniture is in demand find a buyer for yours with a want ad iwtht gordon onvndjin on gordon nee virginia ktbr- tone an hapm to a the birth of their daughter ka ren anna at guelph general hospital february 8 1967 weight ids tongat zwdbruecken wett germany on february 2 1967 tp corporal ronald l and mrs kmgw a daughter weight 5 lbs 15 oev a wee aitter for dawn and sharon cpl king was for merly from nasssgaweya and has served with nato wett germany for the past two and a half years taillbhbr garry and jane taioefer wish to announce the birth of their son steven paul on february 6 1967 at guelph general hospital f0h1ale 40 te e ovv price w ffcona tsmmo iis main st n lasmto portable sewing machine- sews mends dams all attach ments 3 years old blue 165 cal 8334298 lasum fireplace and stove wood any length also tree removal and trimming phone 8772031 la35378 trophies for all snorts see samples in our store plus large catalogue selection discounted prices at sports comer la33383 trophies see our samples and catalogues or choose lea ther gifts from our buxton stock at sports corner la33363 5 vthicun for sale rfotiifcr deal on a better car youd better call herb jobb 8776471 or 8776461 phillipschrysler dodge ltd 373 guelph street georgetown 5a27tf marriages buttocks stooitdale the marriage between bever ley julia stockdale of cooks- ville and michael george mat tocks of acton took place on saturday february 11 1967 at st johns anglican church di xie deaths baker lynn b suddenly as a result of a motor accid ent on saturday february 11 1967 lynn b baker of ra 3 campbeltville aged 48 years be loved husband of amy morrow dear father of keith of van couver loved son of the late arthur and mrs baker brother of keith baker bom of lon- 1 blue thistle baby carriage ladys black leather snow boots site 514 like new boys 3piece green winter outfit size 4 all in good condition phone 853- 2127 133384 new useo tractor tires kelly springfield all sizes tow prices example 8 x 24 36 plus s5 changed on your farm mil ton tire and radiator service 191 mill st milton 8780711 16atf large glossy prints of acton free press staff photos 5x7 size si 8 x 10 size 125 phis tax cash must accompany or der enquire now at free press office or dills stationery 56 mill st e private memorial service was held at the rumley shoe maker funeral home acton on monday at 2 pan cremation at riverside crematorium b ir memoriams graham in loving memory of dear husband who passed away february 18 1954 thoughts today memories for- always remembered mary 33481 cards otthaiks i automatic zigzag sewing machine including walnut con sole this machine does embroi dery buttonholes sews on but tons darns and hems all with out attachments this machine can be made portable too 56 cash or 17 per month for eight months use your old machine as down payment write box 317 acton free press ia34366 february clearance at phillips chryslerdodge classihed advertising rates toa ai van aavm ate fa pbumw than aw u ww v 4w cmav ajgai 8jlagjmnfnnw gfeibxannvamnnej ggggagaji fajgft gttgftb gaugagxagja mm msssmtsssm i v1zl al t35s3h jjmewit anewm gar mmm benwst co m in m dt toatomakt u aha is pm mm f van rtmummkrm nflmm tthvaabw i hums g m4 mat mm i sm tmnsr aarnk wt m duii atinawt as tun at b phone 8332010 or 2030 the acton free prats wednesday february 15 167 help wanted housbkbbpbr to live in a period of 2 or 3 weeks phone 8534113 8a33j63 1957 pontiac convertible lie 582s7k only 15000 1959 eosel 4door sedan h35966 only 29800 lie workers feature work pants that are twice as strong and durable as regular cotton at no extra cost the answrr is- vrh fortrel terylene sow cotton i would like to thank relativ es and friends for flowers and cards while i was a patient in hospital 33372 mrs theo papillon i would like to thank all my relatives friends and neighbors for their flowers many cards and kind enquiries while i was a patient in st josephs hospi tal guelph and since returning mrs s braida a33480 coming everts the robert little school pre sents the annual operetta vim s pinafore february 22 and 23 in the school auditorium 8 pjn admission 50c a34340 leuchre and penny sale eden milk hall saturday february 18 at 815 lunch provided ad mission 50c womens institute centennial committee a33369 the legion ladies auxiliary branch 197 will hold their fall bazaar at the legion hall sat urday october 21 from 2j0 to 5 pa everybody welcome a33361 for only 59 1960 envoy deluxe 4door se dan lie hi2071 only 37900 i960 mercury 4door hardtop lie 601731 only 54900 couple lie at nielsens clothing i la33 2 produce for sale apples mcintosh cortlands and delicious bring your own containers roy bousfield 878- 6355 2m22587 5 vehicles for sale acton junior fanners banquet and dance february 17 we regret that banquet tickets are all sold dance at ballinafad hall at 9 pan melodaires orch estra eve welcome a33379 euchre agricultural hau fair grounds milton wed nesday april 5 at 815 pm s by halton agricultur al society euchre and door pri ses lunch provided admission 75c e welcome b412757 saturday february 18 830 pjbu st valentines great lo ver through the centuries dance fancy dress optional brookviue hau jolly millers band brookviue a4g0g0 priz es refreshments nassagawcya nei association for ont ario heart band bt26s6 for sale mhlups 21 television 8533414 la33367 blonde bedroom suite in good condition phone 8534198 ia33453 12 x 15 foa p rug to dear at flj8 acton home fur- la334s5 february sale of good used cars ready for the road 1966 ford custom 500 4 door sedan v8 390 motor auto matic lie h10285 1965 ford galaxie 500 4 door sedan v8 352 motor auto matic lie hi 1100 1964 pontiac parisicnne con vertible v8 automatic power steering power brakes power top radio lie l86482 1962 mercury 2door hardtop v8 automatic power brakes power steering radio lie h4062 1962 pontiac laurcntian stat ion wagon v8 automatic power steering radio lie 997mx 1962 ford galaxie 4door sedan v8 automatic radio lie 69920a- 1962 ford galaxie 4door sedan v8 automatic lie h9261 top allowance for your 59 to 62 model tradeins buy now before spring prices go up see drive and buy at thompson motors acton ltd main st n acton your friendly ford dealer 533 1961 corvair h34710 only 39600 1961 chev bel air sedan lie hi 3496 only 79700 1962 angua coacnjjc 514102 only 38800 1962 envoy station wagon lie 51303x 1 only 64800 1964 rambler 770 2door hard top v8 engine lie 17u6h only 129900 phillips chrysler dodge limited no 7 highway georgetown 8776481 rawleigh business now op en in halton county trade well established excellent opportu nity full time write rawlelgh dept bl 11189 4005 richelieu st st henry montreal 8a33360 15 personal corns callouses prompt relief from painful corns and callouses with lloyds corn and callous salve 98c at acton pharmacy and all druggists 15a333s8 woman to work part time in downtown store apply in writing giving full particulars as to qualifications and previ ous experience write p baajxtiheok railing hair dandruff 318 acton free press 8a3348pj or uxlfi wth lanex new lanolin scalp treatment 1 irvioii 1kb nurtiitknilnf try icamint for wonderful r m 98c and 175 at acton pharmacy and all drugguts baynbs farm animal service up to isa for fresh tlsabled cows or horses top prices for old horses call guelph 1224061 collect license 4mp47 64c67 24 hour service 16a29tf gibsons dead stock service 1500 for large animals 5c a lb for old healthy horses at our fergus plant we can let you know cause of death call fergus collect 8432240 8434319 lie no 7frc67 604mv47 i6a30tr robert nixon speaker at nominations tonight art nina la asp to btoat agstt wad trim ha apaaka at the halloa baat liberal cams uon miahag hi oakvfha the be li to theridaag named to mr party top pro- vtnelal post fk january two 29yearold v oakvul eounelllor wlll and appjabit gouaga pvanch teacher rflfrtn tkuor hava an n their intantlona to seek the party no in halloa east 17 real e8tate certified garage mechanic diesel and gasoline engines ex- perience with off highway equip ment preferred should be trouble shooter and mainten ance man call acton 8532230 8b33373 salesman wanted with car to represent one of the oldest feed companies position offers sales training plan salary and commission life insurance me dical and surgical plan hospital ization write giving age phone number and full particulars to po box 4333 station c lon don ont 8a3325l empire 45722 easy terms with iac purchase plan 5a33 wanted standing birch and soft maple to be cut for cord wood phone 8534201 7a33356 ride to toronto daily kip ling area arriving 730 ajn lea ving 4 pjn phone 8532705 and leave message 7a33375 private party wishes to buy home in acton or vicinity sub stantial down payment phone 8530986 after 5 pjn 7a33377 male help wanted inspector an assembly and metal parts manufacturer in the georgetown area requires a floor inspector applicants must have a basic knowledge of inspection be able to make layouts read and under stand blueprints and inspection instruments must have at least 2 years high school education hospital medical and life in surance paid for by the comp any apply personnel dept standard products georgetown limited 346 guelph street georgetown ontario 8b33 satisfaction or money back 225 jar at acton pharmacy and all druggists i5a333s9 warts an herbal remedy unsightly warts on hands face feet permanently remov ed within 3 to 5 weeks with deightons waffhremover not an acid harmless to healthy skin at acton pharmacy and all druggists i5a34 16 services reliable radio and tv ser vice antenna installations us ed tv for sale call first line television 8531057 anytime refrigeration industrial and commercial sates and ser vice reliable and efflrirnt king refrigeration campbeuville ulster 42228 16atf paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses lie no 73rp67 97c67 call operator ask for zenith 97950 16a tf walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cows and horses 24 hour service lie nos 133p 208c42 waterdown mu 91044 16atf private sale for good clean country liv ing 5 to 10 acres of scenic home property with stream and large frontages low down pay ment reasonable terms 10 min utes drive from georgetown phone georgetown 8773796 17w1 jack holmes real estate broker acton 8531650 m church street 4 l next to telephone building 17c41 snow halton peel trust savings co t 9 employment wanted will baby sit in own home 5 days a week phone 8531934 9a33482 acton auto body extends 24hour towufjjt service during the day call acton auto body 8531870 after hours phone 853- 1545 or 8531870 16a36362 floor refinishxng we now have a modern sender and edger we will refuiish your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the job yourself 3 b frank phone 8532040 47 frederick st s acton 16atf kitchener upholstery ex pert reiphoistering refinlshing and repairing of all kinds of fur niture for free estimates call main variety phone 850411 acton 16atf chain saw custom work reasonable rates rockwood 8564201 experienced woman will care for child in my own home monday to friday phone 853- 2964 9a33357 16a33 experienced woman would like to baby sit children in my own home central loca tion close to school phone 853- 2324 9s387 11 lost or strayed a ride to georgetown arriv ing between 7 and 8 pjm ne delrex subdivision starting mondav phone 8530236 7a33488 cash from collector for old knives guns medals postcards and glass box 316 acton free press 7a33 help wanted licenced operator for u yard backhoe machine apply civiero construction phone 853- 1646 8b34374 woman for full rime restaur ant work steady employment also high school girl or lady for saturday and sunday work ap ply reliable snack bar 853- 257a 8a33486 set of lower dentures on february 8 in vicinity of legion hall finder please phone 853- 1647 ila33368 13 for rent 3 rooms available april 1st phone 8532774 after 6 pjn 13a34376 furnished room s10 week ly home at the end of iga parking lot m conway after 8 pjn 13a33371 14 wanted to rent house or apartment prefer ably with garage 2 attults re quired before end march phone 8532753 14a33j26 house or apartment for couple occupancy by march 1 acton rockwood area reply box 319 acton free press 14a3339 house or apartment prefer ably with garage 2 adults re quired before end march box 315 acton free press 14a31326 ed mcmullen contractor plastering cement work chimneys and fireplaces exterior stucco plastering repairs phone acton 8531818 british motor repairs guetphs exclusive british car garage located corner of yarmouth and suffolk streets austin morris mg austin healy rileywolseley phone 8249500 guelph 16a30 plowing and removal norm turner 8531529 16a33 20 auction sales alregis auction sales residential agricultural industrial alfred r spence auctioneer glen williams 8773306 20atf real estate department 22 main street north brampton ontario 915900 modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow in acton with family size living room and kitchen has large recreation room with attractive extras bar arranged for a refrigera tor and tv patio aluminum storms and screens you could enjoy this well located home at this reasonable price call today business opportunity to operate your own summer business jn a progressive jiak twotar trash estimated 250 damage was caused in a twocar accident tuesday feb 7 at 6 pm in vestigated by cons nick far- ion a 1965 rambler driven by nancy gordon 17 328 peel st received 125 damage and a 1966 ford driven by rink vlletslra 19 210 churchill rd received another 125 damage to the left rront render business a pkoffssi dihktohy medical or d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow river u entrance river 6t acton ont phone 8530341 by appointment dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 34 wellington st acton ont afternoons by appointment closed wed at sat evenings phone 8531240 dr t b moore dr c hutchison dr d w van der bent physicians and surgeons 9 mill street west acton ontario phone 8532180 by appointment dental dr l a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st b office hours 9 am to 6 pjn closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 drcedricdey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 ton county town excellent lo cation on main highway for further information contact gar lacey 86 charles st georgetown phone 8779500 17a33 chiropractic donald j armstrong dc chiropractor xray 448 woolwich street phone guelph 8227721 architect donald e skinner barch mjullc 17a miu street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 if in 1967 you are thinking of having a household dispersal or complete farm sale call chris a schouten licensed auctioneer tel 8782576 collect sales conducted anywhere 20b35tf call irving roofing for roofing eavestroughing aluminum siding reroofing our specialty carpentry work of all kinds phone 8786020 or 8784303 milton free estimates all work guaranteed 16atf tree removal and service fully insured cedar bush wanted for arrangement call formosa landscaping phone 8783263 m2sf 17 real estate new listing 3 bedroom home near town centre 4piecc bath attached garage asking 14900 full price country home brand new 3 bedroom brick bungalow good size kitchen with plenty of cupboards din ing area large living room 4- piece bath full basement oil furnace on lot 100 x 300 6 mi les from 401 asking 18900 full price with 4500 down to one mortgage sydney k lamb realtor 1 miu street east acton 8531030 member canadian ontario and orangeville and district real estate boards 17a33 thexstest way to sell your real estate at fair market value preferred attention when you authorize us to sell your property as your exclusive representative you are first in tine when we show real estate to the qualified buyers we loc ate through advertising and per sonal sales contacts acti sal effort we share your desire to sell he property quickly at the best price obtainable we use our ex perience information and facil ities to advertise your property effectively and io close the sale the businesslike way when you give us an exclusive listing you get all trie- benefits of professional real estate sales manship based on experience knowhow and uptothemin ute market facts call us today your realtor is an expert ho sees studies and sells many homes and other properties ev ery year call us and count on us g alec johnson realtor 8 mill street east acton phone 8532086 r j 17a33 optometrists arthur a johnson od and james p johnson od 54 mill street east phone 8532950 res 8784678 office hours wednesday and saturday funeral director emafeer phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluates 30 chapel street e georgetown telephone 8772864 apprais1n0 and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and over 50 years ha ie t1m mutual ufa robert shait v j rx m w fm i

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