Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1966, p. 2

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2 the acton free press th october 20 1966 nurses county at stalemate after county council meeting continued from pijjo our orlii putposthl ilu csiihlish- ment ml u tjioup liom ilio coun ty to meet with the muses group to achieve settlement he- warned the count the nurses in halton aie not n frphnler group hi hme the full mippoit or the piolession- ttliivfocution 1 view will great alwm a ion i labial ion 1111- ong muses hi ihe rniiike he elclail latvi mi shmpo ex plained the rruimeieil noises association luul promised es- ciilulinei siippoil to the llillmt group he delnuil to iiuluiie the loim oi extent this siippoil might take dopimrce c menef ques tioned mi sfiaipo on how the counts could negotiate towwd settlement when the muses hmi lesipned mr sharpc suptsesieil dinel my ivpieseninihes u settle the piohlem it is esv to settle ii ou uipromh tne tuble with u desire to settle he nmlntnln etl mr shnrpe declined to suite on what terms the nurses would return lo unk both sides el into a teitaln imiihini ol hue savins he noiul reeve j gilluulkr suwaested th muses should have been mute iwuo ol the piesent siil m sehedole mid pelonnel pnl mes mi shiipe pointed owl no inuiei how good the in ihvv was it was uiuvel at h the implovei and imposed on the noises the nurses want a voice in hi living at the settle ment he stressed he notetl the purpose ol n voiles live bui- laining ngivement would he 1200 hudget for ys men three new members inducted ys mens club piesident bill nelles eondiiltid the elub in an active and olleo upuui inns session last week in the business session the budget pi the s mens veai was presented ind uiepted it called loi puneels to pio- duie 1200 ami lecommemled disbursement ol sstw to the y board 200 tut minor spoils hockcv 100 loi y gvm equip ment 50 loi student st holm ship grants plus scxciil othei commtinitv proiects y man pat mckcnnc du- ccteel his indiillion team to ie ceive brian smith bam ku k- ness and bimn oiterhein into the club the voting nun now being inducted will be a disiuut asset lo the y the eoniinunitn and the club the ys men consented to sponsoi a niiimlil iuet pio- giiiu in the high sihiiol audi loiium on dec 1 it was agiced to plwe a vviluh on the war seivke monioual in ixspeel loi v s men who seived thin louiiiiv in time ol need the ihih iceoplcil the dut to sponsoi and tissist the uni- t pi piogiam on halloween night vohmteeis will like caie ol the mga oil ue doling the a iiunys this is an mneased aitivitv due lo ihe largej gioups taking advantoge ol an expanded and popular piogiun in the v v s men ihieied i lapped hooted anil whistled as the icieived and uiepteil an mvi lation to meet llu anon lions at in euk date aeton will not soon reioxei liom ihe lions gieat uulisiietion y board buys equipment backs expansion scheme lul h da weikdin exening nul all ila satin ila s tlieie is a lull schedule ol ilhiehion again it the ymca clubipe sissions and spoils periods ue wellat tend id progimi siipenisois cul chadboume and pete law sun guelph reiieit ion louise situl enls uv in iliuge ot niylillv and weekend sessions during the nionihls hoiul meetiiig il was ijireed to pio mix iilditional equipment loi the which had been request ed b the prim siipei isoi it was also learned the v s mens club is willuip to provide members to help with otlue supervision members olun teenng iniluded bairs kukinss fd leatherland bi im smith and r it haul coe charges laid after accident constat sisk rariou ot the acton opp detachment laid i charge of having no dnirs permi and i artless driing ag amsi an alton vomh tollowing an accident lasi fi ula evening a car owned b william stra iners oung stieei whiih wis parked in his drixcwax at the rear of the house received an estimated s0 dimipc alter bi ing noled in an alident with a car driven bv jloberi row sell aclon r the sevond er was repirlid to have maee a lelt turn onto vrelhngton slivci oft quetn si a ihe time the strulhus iar was damaged the propel t lotninitlee was aiithoned to obtain estimates ioi upan ol ihe heating svs tern which is madeqiuite at pii sent repairs to the eavis hough at the reu ol the build ing were also appioved a proposal by town ioiimil to ixnovate the trunl ol the build ing to iiiiliuli the ironl hallwiv and room presenllv used toi ihe lihi ir in oidei to expand town otlue tuihtics met with bond appixnil tieasurer elmei smith re- poited the hbiaiv ixni had been paid to date a donation ot s00 had been ixseiveil troni the s men s club and lees from mem bei ships to date amounted to 212 during the report trom the piogram supervisors menibus iiiitud the inteiest in the y piogiam is keen xm saturdn aitinduue at i lasses had gixu iv iiureased itendins the metting wire ihm in in g mikenie ue chairman c l rognvaldson siiiiux william vilson fin aiue ihaiiman phil elliott tui siirei flmer smijh pivigram di iistor walter dubois ptoperi shairman jake vanderkoov and s men s president and board upresentative william nelles victoria newton wins scholarship acton high sihool gradu he victoria newton is winner ol the 100 scholarship given an nuallx b rhe iniversitv wo mens club ol million and disi rul the award is given to the girl graduate with the highest marks who continues her edu cation at umxersitv vtckv newton is presenllv at the university ol waterloo presentation will be made at commeneement november 4 the club has several aclon members including miss joan baiber of the scholarship com mittee this is the first time an ai ton student has won the award since it was instituted several veers ago announcement was made at the last meeting ol the club at the home of mis f d thomp son in milton speaker on the alms and operation of the can adten federation ot university women was mrs t a goudge of toronto vice president for ontario west first mi nurses unlets underway first aid tourses being run bv acton st john ambulance brigadi have otgun and nine adults are taking the training because i sonic women having other commitments in the eve ning with guides and brownus r afternoon course began this xveek as well the cadet corps has been sticngthened bv 16 new mem birs and the voungsters are busv taking training under the leadership ot mrs george har grave and mrs eddie heffcr nan trairung penods are eaih vondav evening in the meeting oom in the town hall st io get ti heiitj eionoiuie deal and second lo piovide liu inoix- tllivilvo loininunliiitlun keferrliik lo the i ei eit meet ings bv the wtit dens sjieilnl cummitteo with ihe muses pe- putv reev alan dmv ohseived theiv didnt appear to be any suicess til sohiliou mi shaipe epoiud he undei siood ihe lommiitee attempted lo impose theii solution iilhei than bar gain il had been indicated ho was not weliouie itu the ills iiisslons lu- uiiied weive w itiului pointed out the louniv ijulni have aov lull suit adwsni piesent loi the lis ciissions eithei wnnlen hlnion suyncsteil thai il the inures vveie still vvxnklng loi the tleolth unit ihev toiiui insist on lolletttve union the legislation thai penult ted nuuv lilpalilles to pievent esluhlish menl loi bai gaining units had been h pealed mi siihiyh pointed out icill luation is not tin onlv basis on whuh lollcilivc haicjalning tan taki pliuc he nottil ihe muses had i hosen lo sik xoluniiii leiogmlion lathei than icillfl intlon uiidei ihimiiluu kelal ions dining the ixview ol eomniil lee icpoi is mciuhci s appioved those ol meetings with the nuis es and endoiseil the plan to ail veitise loi piiblu heillh musts olleinig pieleieiue lo those who wete loi met eniiloees committee oi adjustment approves minor variances cross country runners from acton district high school have been lackino up an enviable record against other schools lo dale this term trout iow left to right are brian binnle bob andrews and bill nicolak second row left to hi 11 illiiln right are jim slaven gordon dawe and jack irwin third row iftfl to right aie mark hurst gary kflly tearhrr conrh brut o andrews boh waller paul cooper and allan wkfnle five applications loi niiniu vnilunien vne appioved mon tuv niolii bv the commit ne ol iiililislintill a sisili one was piiillallv nppiomil ami id- ii t 1 i i till illsli in li il lo nlli i plans loi a ciuicu nut sithniil ki tlls iii lllvvii c ii jk 11 i iii nils llllill all apidliallon liom s ai liail i llllll ii loi will like in lul itiiiiagi was appiuuel willi mi olii lions liom siiiionihling it hide ills siil ni vvluii was pus till u l lie iiuillng in iepiimnl the thiiuli and inluumd llu eoiiiinltlic ii vvas llu iiiluillon in build in in iwr n ilu e lit ii it iu palish liill ami in ikt a liulil t mi inn nil willow si an iipillenlon 1 1 tun i mi ike slv s6 iujvli si in tucl a gaiage six lecl inilll llu loi line mas liu in il down lull i sli- lot iiiliillct 1 1 1 m i n in 2 n was yi mil il mil llu appllianl askctl iii cllllslllll iimivllii llu puliis ill yiligt lii k lliilll llu liom il lilt hulls mils iv is tlpoi til bv ml slltkcsln ullo pioni is il in milium in w pi ins in llu inun t li i k mi tin mi s luk di ml in lylihuis ol lilt appllt ml ivi 1 1 pit si hi nul tppinviil lilt sltlt lul i n i iiu hill en it ol lilt opinion lilt llllillllt llxlslll lotalion loi lilt cf il tit litiiiltl tin nil llu li in iv loin iipplleullonit linn i a nirli in nul i i mult il lot niiniu c iii lilies iii lnla in i tkl lit w stihthvisiiin in it ijipmvi il cvllli mil or nhi i linns i ik hi si iii ilinli wt lul i ill plan 11 h ti n i mii mil i loi i in i ilitt in iiu nil si ll k i s nil ihe i list side ol 02 i eel ill ihe limit mil u led at the leui i lu set null ipplliallon wis liu lul iii plan m an nflstn tint tin 1 vailunte in the iisi side ni si in ii imnl in i ho lei t ai the real and is in i mi hi vwsl slid in ihe in in llu lliiiil uppllmiion lioin a cyinsliiii lion tequesl- itl it seveiance nl lots i and 2 plan mil nuasniliicj his it el hv 64 let i nioie oi less to he added lo liu plan ftoi his fourth iippliiiilliin ie litslctl a sfieiaiue ol lols i ainl 2 plm 6v iiumsiiiiiiij i0s it el h m i el limit oi less lo in- atttlttl in lil 10 plan fih hit liiitl in ipicslioii is lniil liu ketl triitl k iniiitil bflilnd pmpei llis iivvncd hv mr mid mis kenneth i rvei nnd mi iiud mii john cieiisev province grants manor 137404 finnge km viip annoiui tt il ind iv lllll a cinque tin hn7 4040 in u jt i iv ol llilion has bi i n si nt in llu iimill heimliei inilll llu mi ill shi til inhlit wt llii t is a iliiid p iv itit ill ill pmviiie ril ill lit nn in- i ipilil tnsl nl llu tdtliiinii l llillnn nil tit iilil vtuiui in vllllnn tile onlurlo ynvei iimenl has t onl i ihiilfil a tnl il til 4k0i7 in iilt nil 1 1 it ai iiiigiiiienl vc i ii ieii ilu i nvuit slini s one liill llu lul il cost ol lilt- pin t i i is h ie li is i slim ili l in be 51 4m 1h0 burning gun powder at maple rock top arl havves this wetk was 21 with rav post taking the lionois wavne leieislon had 20 ami i inn toulson 20 liul widikll 1 and ixivc lohnson is rani id moose meal can kill the enthusiasm ol even the mosi uliiil hiintii but tluie is no it son loi a eaiiiss in spoil il ti is pi ope i lv handled the following aie lie e tied lo lulil diess the niiil is in 20 liet ol one hall inch iopi i shup hunting knili to t ie lit tliess the niiitst a whetstone a light block anil tackle a plas tie oi cloth bag to hold the edible inn n ds a shup axi oi hatchet a small toboggan il there is snow eoxeiing tin gmund square vaixl ol clean i ig oi toweling lo clean the bodv i iv i iv ol iicss mood anil a butihei s saw oi eaipenteis saw field diissmg the moose bleed the moose while it is still warm lo do this place il so the heid is downhill whin possible cut into ihe slight cav ilv al the base ol the neck anil sivcr the mam blood vessels bv a crosswise cut deep into the neck when opening the bodv cavilv avoid cutting the intestines this can be done b making the i it si cut through the skin and thin muscles ol the uppei abdomen lust back ol the bieast boiii lilt the skin aiourid the ml enough to insert two lingeis ol oiu i ue hand into the bodv cavilv then keeping the cut ting edge ol the knile up and between the lingers slit the skin down to and round the anil opening the two finger guide assures that the stomach and in lestines are not cut when the abdominal cavitv is opened out cut the membram separating the upper and low it bodv lavttv trom the nbs split ting the breast bone part of the was lowaid rhe neck makes it easier to cut ligaments blood vessels esophagus tube liom mouth to stomach and wind pipe when removing the innards trom the boclv be sut e sou don t rupture the bladdn l lean thi bodv well wipe the inside ol tht bodv cicitv will ith a clean tin cloth oi sponge to git rid of execss blood and loose tissue don i use water unless paunch oi intestines are badlv shot up c ut shot awav all nu at al lie n il all that is blond shot i bv most o lilt sllllllc llisieici c ii nut in mouse nit il is nut in in uli iu hi mulling tie iiv ol e ll elessncss in illessinc iuliiic lo cool piniiipllx and i lioiotighlv tn blond i loin a shot wounel spi calling along the iiu mbi me be l wee n i hi muscles if hie distance lo t imp oi means ol tiauspoi t iluin is loo 1 11 lo skid llu i u e issi out whole il in iv be nciissaiv to iu ii lei ihe animal in ill is ease i an should be taken in culling auuind the hind legs not lo touch the musk gland ii the weathei is cool enough maximum tempi iitiu c si di glees oi below llu moose niav hi hung liom a lice head down with a slick in against the sides ol the imniils boilv nxttv to hold ii open so an cm ciililali 1 llu inside it h s mill enough and the me it kept out ol the sun no spoiling should t ikt place the be si linimuit is to allow the meat lo hang in a cool place loi a week tobieik down muscle libn making the meal ictldcl if the temperatures lie above so degiees transport the meal as qinckw as possible to a lock ei plant ti home lietci halton toniil council has vetoed a den hunting season loi this lall tbcv ilaim sinn no bunting is allowitl south ol highwnv 5 too minx hunleis liom the sou thi in towns ol oak villi and biuhnglon convei ge nu the not the in section ol the countv as a tesult hunleis aie too plenlilul and piopcitv dam ige extensive peel counlx has also refused to allow a season this uill eight othei southern ontanocounties liive voted tin a dicr season this fall organize scout troop again ijiiv scout gioups will lie nl gainid again in aclon illti tn ubsiiiu nl nvti a tu he 111 v de vl les ll is iii e ii up ptiinlcd se oil i mislti willi loin i lcc i and kevin oinov is assistants loiliglll rilliisdav liovs in itiested in siouling will illeuil in iiiiiodiii lion night with uv istlition nixt link ll is ix pillnl lo oiguiie loin pal i ols w rt li livi smuts in eii h to be gin with muling nights loi scouts will he iveiv thuisdav due to the fact lhc ho siouls an ust oiganiing the iiiriual apple day has been post poned until late in noveinoct in acton in order lo give the j a chance to gel establish ed at mcmaster on sunday evening the rev kltelllc mcmlllliv spoke lt a gioup nl anglican stueleiils at c illti hill v house al mimaslel umvclsitv lie spuke on icilc ions language and llu philoso pineal problems invoked then s a line column this iieek on high school spoits written bv one ol the teiehers we expect to include othei news f i om the school us well as spoi ts m i his column slim and trim registration tues oct 25 2 pm thurs oct 27 7 pm at ymca caroline flower garden shop compiete uni of nursy stock gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers now is the time to plant your evergreens and shrubs fertilize and seed your lawns u buy and plant now top sis quality kwrm low met ah varioti fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 8532980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 00 a m til dark visit us today i 2 mlle watt of acton south swo of highway clinic monday october 24 acton legion auditorium hours of clinic afternoon 2 pm to 5 pm evening 630 pm to 930 pm give that others may live if you are a regular donor youll be expected if not make this a first time royal canadian legion branch 197 judy welch schools of modelling and charm canadas largest and finest chain will be conducting classes for the next two weeks in acton at rendezv beauty salon lucilir boucher miss 1 oi onto 1966 juclv welch d aim el elizabeth toss miss outdoors 1966 juclv welch trained anne wright afiei 4 tv v1icici jiuli yvcleli tiaintcl judy welch i one of canadas leading models offers you proven training in modflling and development of emininf charm thit ensures you of potse and confidence judy welch arcliuried as one of canada i ten best dressed womn 15 u lonurr aai- toronto who also represented canada in the miss world contest held in london england also lrnnrd miss world i964 carol joan crawford why don t you take advantage of judy welch 5 secrets for beauty and success step into a new life proven judy welch training will help you e become more attractive get a bolter job with high pay e be more popular and have more fun e have more confidence and poiie be a model or look like one judy welch could lead you to a modelling career enquire at your free interview fall classes now forming free interviews to be conducted on october 25 in acton call rendezvous beauty shop 81 mill street acton tel 8532060 courses for ages 12 to 60 preteens housewives e teens career girls subjects available diet health nutrition skin car figure streamlining makeup wardrobe a acceiaorie social postures hair care hand care walking ft posture sandra dumkel jiuh weleh graduate tranc1s gagnon brforx shy jnd unsure after poised and confident through judv welch training judy welch located in toronto hamilton r charm schools r model agency r modelling schools ottawa kitchener london 1- fi

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