gftlui- sjiji li tf ouaci lead them restore light cnib eye bank of darkness sight through in conjunction with acton lions club donor clinics will be held saturday afternoon october 22 and 29 from 1 to 6 pm in the customs office at the new post office building the purpose of these donor clinics is to provide the citizens of acton and district with the opportunity of signing a donor card that will upon death make the eyes available to the eye bank of canada for corneal transplants and lab work in vi mkyyy- v aft his worship mayor les duby is shown hexigiiing the first donor card at this clinic with murray harrison chairman of the eye bank campaign in acton looking on i your legacy in sight many hundreds of canadians cannot now enjoy the miracle of complete sight because ofa cloudy condition ofthe exterior surface of the eye which markedly re duces vision medical science has perfected a way by which light and thus perfect sight can be brought to these visually handicapped people the clouded surface which really is part of the eye called the cornea can be removed and replaced with clear material from one eye to another this is called corneal graft or transplant and has been successfully done scores of times the new cornea grows into the once blind eye and in fact becomes part of it it is just like having a pane of frosted glass re placed with a clear one the supply of corneae must come from healthy human eyes that very recently have been removed often as a result of an accident to another part of the eye a few years ago it was discovered that eyes from a recently deceased person could also be usedfo provide material for corneal transplants in order to use the eyes of a recently deceased person they must be removed as soon after death as possible not longer than six hours to help in the fight to restore sight the canadian national institute for the blind has set up an organization called the eye bank of canada with divisions now operating from coast to coast working with some of the most skilled medical eye specialists in the country the cnib makes arrangements for eyes no longer useful to one person to be used to help restore sight in another hospitals have been given special containers in which to carefully pack the eyes for their speedy trip to the eye bank for examination if the eye is satisfactory for sight saving it is again rushed to an eye specialist perhaps in another area who has been alerted by telephone to pre pare his patient for surgery that may result in new sight the clear cornea is remov ed from the donor eye and transplanted into the eye of the waiting patient who now stands a better than ever chance of seeing again perhaps even better than he has ever seen before checking the eyes before sending on to surgeons is an important part of the eye bank service using the healthy cornea from eyes pledged by thoughtful donors surgeons replace diseased cells in the patients cornea and thus enable him to see once more the eye bank established by the canadian national institute for the blind ten years ago has enabled 1000 canadians to regain their sight donor cards and information will be available at the donor clinics imfasf print in mock ifttfrs namf sirfft city dat p please comple te his c ird detach and mail to the address on the reverse side il shows that you have expressed the wish o leave vour wyes for restora- lion ol sight ind will he kepi on permanent file a patient with one eye already restored to seeing through the eye bank service enjoys the pleasures of reading while his second eye is recovering the eye bank is one of the prevention services of the canadian national institute for the blind eye bank of canada ontario division sponsored by th dpqirtment of ophthalmology university of toronto and the canadian national institute for the blind 102 davview ave toronto 17 out 4k5ka44 at ihe time of death please notify above immediately in the interest of the cnib eye bank this page is sponsored by the following civic minded merchants acton box mfg co no 7 hwy e 531641 ab super market 9 mill st e 8530075 acton pharmacy 2 main st n 8531620 actqn bowling lanes 10 main st n 8534170 acton jersey dairy main st n 8530441 acton red a white store 197 queen st e 8534990 the cameo shoppe 25 mill b 8534100 canadian tire corporation 130 mill st e 8531060 custom cleaners 8531180 5 main st n dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e 8530150 dills stationery 56 mill st e 8532030 earls bakery 32 miu st 8531 290 open 9 am to 9 pmtuet to sat l the family store 29 mill st e 8531851 i 1 grants motors 25 quoen st e 8532930 goy cartage limited no 7 hwy west 8532320 gordon hardware limited 22 mill st e 8532720 the holland shop 71 mill st e 8530950 hintons 5c to 100 store mill st e acton ont herbs delivery 8532423 hotchens bakery 11 willow st 8530710 iga foods main st n acton ont g alec johnson real estate 8 mill st e 8532086 lakeview discount centre main st n 8531190 sydney k lamb realtor 1 mill st e 8531030 lovell bros 77 mill st e 8532240 j b mackenzie son ltd 12 church st 8531660 morris pharmacy harold g morris phmb prop 31 mill st e 8534131 newtons 5c to 10o store 5 mill st e 8534667 please sign this card and show it to your next-of- kin and doctor and keep it where it may be found quickly instructions to nextofkip nearest rela- live guardian or person lawtully in charge of the hotly of the deceased immediately on my death please sign ihe consent form on the reverse side and give il to my doctor or hospital authority dale signature of donor paul nielsens clothing 3739 mill st e 8532280 pauls sunoco service queen st e 8532730 jack ridley cartage limited 44 eastern ave 8534730 reliable taxi and snack bar 9 main st s 85305 102570 a l riemer equipment co 7 mill st w 8534640 symon hardware 43 mill st e 8531730 thompson motors acton ltd 45 main st n 8532370 tyler transport ltd trucks chartered coaches 8531550 wiles bus depot 18 mill st e 85326o0 leonard adams proa f l wright homo or souim protection 20 whbwr s 8534730