mill main lights promised among the many visitors at acton fair renewing friend- ships and visiting friends and relatives were from guelph mr and mrs j j stewart mr and mrs h m reid mrs hector guthrie mrs willinm mclaughlinr mr and mrs calvin sprowl- mr and mrs ben wallace from toronto mr and mrs john wesno and kathy mr and mrs mac sinclair arid baby gina mr and mrs morris si visiting with mr and mrs vic morris here mr and mrs w d robertson mr and mrs frank macphcrsoii mrs edna snyder and miss campbell miss martha orr mr and mrs george barbcau and daughter gail mrs margaret kirkhajn mr and mrs ed solman mr and mrs frank browning mr and mrs charles matlhews with grandson bill matthews and friend victor gomez mioses and anne lindsay mrs j windeler margaret harri son and family from georgetown mr and mrs bill somcrvillc and family mrs perle barber mr and mrs wilmer walkins ol shelbume mr and mrs wm walkins and family oakvillc from alliston mr and mrs a hufnagcl don mufnagel and mrs humcston mr and mrs h burns mr and mrs w fields and fa mily clarksbn mr and mrs roy kirkness kim and david brampton mrs stella adam- son gait mrs joseph johnson and miss laura scott waterloo mr and mrs gordon currie milton imrs orr erin mr and mrs wm near kitchener mrs wilfred macdonald streelsville mr and mis jam es mann brampton mrs char lotte macdonald hamilton mrs campbell currie gait mr and mrs frank terry owen sound mr and mrs frank cooper and trevor st catharines mrs harry fisher kingston mr and mrs don black and john thorndale mr and mrs allan leish- man and lamily huntsville mr and mis jmkdohcfty unci fu- milv brantford mr and mrs crawford douglas wingham mrs f williamson gait mr and mrs jim dills and family milton fair day guests ol mr and mrs david dills renewing ac quaintance with deputv minisler of highways cam menab were members of the stewart and brown families who know him years ago when thev all lived in acton all from toronto they were mr and mrs roy brown marguerite stewart miss ber tha brown mr ern brown miss zella mccartjiey miss elsie stewart mr and mrs bob stewart mr and mrs bill sin clair marv stewart mr aiid mrs geoige stewart vvith lr mcnart came mr and mrs d mamon ol toronto mr carlm hansen has re turned honiclmm hospital mr and mrsttloyd lorbes ol detroit visited friends in town lost week mr and mrs henry pevciu and mrs e n harrop islmg ton attended the funeral in hi- milton ol their cousin the late austin carly friends will he sorry to learn mi lied salt is a patilnl in guelph general hospital v umehouse wa has booth at acton fair mrs cumniings and mis herrmann and family ol kn- chester visited the nohle and meredith tamilicsoti saturday stephen spiter celebrated his eighth birthday vilh 10 guestj all his party on saturday little joe and i isa spitcr had ionsillectoipiesin hospital in georgetown on tuesday the wa had a succeslul sale in their booth at acton fall fair on saturday they held their regular meeting in xhc church on luosdas evening aiul they planned net weeks tnl supper mrs douglas scott was bos less tor an artcx denuinslrjlion by mis young ot port credit on monday mrs kirkpatiick and mis 1 noble were liniebouso delegates to the annual wi convention in guelph on monday and tues day congratulations to mr and mrs keith mcdonald on the ar rival of a little daughter a week ago mr fred cleave underwent surgery in guelph general hos pital this week bill reed has returned to wa lotloo university lor his sec ond term mr and mrs c v iang and linda orangcville visited on sunday with mr and mrs j s reed and family mr and mrs gordon mackav ol toronto spenf fair day with mrs anna smith and wannetla smith mrs anna r miller willow st has been a patient in guelph general hospital where she underwent surgery last week friends and neighbors will be pleased to learn mrs hannah r miller is home from guelph general hospital where she un derwent surgery representing acton womens institute mrs k dodds miss variolic hall and mrs fred anderson attended the institute convention in guelph others irorn the area attended as well as delegates from their branch es haltons warden and actons reeve h ii hhilon is in ger many this week and travelling into sweden as part ol his study tour of regional government ospringe mrs dynglas c price has been a patient in guelph gen eral hospital this week the two girls who arrived in acton last week from india rosa and suie chen enjoyed their lirst fair their indian costumes added even more col or to the event they expect to start working soon in guelph vfk and mrs william cor i ield rom binbank california were recent visitors with mr and imrs george angell and mr and mrs robert angell mrs cortield is- llu- lonner beltv art- miss jill hurst is returning lei london today alter spending two weeks with her parents mr anil mis joe hurst arthur st she begins her second year in i ononis physical education at middlesex college university ol western ontario on monday and will be living in the new womens resilience delaware mall mr and mrs bill wilson have returned i rum a three week motoring trip to los ang eles calilornia where they vi sited with their daughter susan anil son inlaw foil en route they visited zion national park utah gland canyon arizona mesa verde national parkcol orado spent some time in las vegas nevada and also visited many other places ol interest visitors shower wedding fair in news from district friends are sorry to learn miss emma baldie was moved to guelph hospital last week mr and mrs j ii newmark and daughter of west richlicld ohio spent the weekend with the lormers parents mr anil mrs b newmark 2ml line congratulations to mi ami mrs b j covle nee marv elia belli mann who were married in toronto on saturday the bride is a daughter ul mr and mrs william mann who have a farm on the 2nd line miss hael webb ol suilt sic marie is holidaying with her sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs dan winter miss webb fins retired from the leaching profession miss bonna weeks has return ed to her studies at alma col lege st thomas mr howard black was a sue cesslul exhibitor at alton fail with a number ol his ponies mr and mrs arnold sun lei ol niagara falls visited on sun day with the lormeis mother mrs g suntei d g and mrs robertson ami brian attended a shower on saturday evening at the home ol mrs lleiinler guelph lor their niece karen cuter ol stratlord whose marriage to stan smith is an event ol oc tober i mrs ada lambert ol kink- wood has been visiting with her sister mrs- m jackson on sat nrdav both spent the dr with mr and mrs william donald son at waldemar ebenezer study niake plans at ucw meeting mrs malcolm mollat pres ident ol ebeneer ucyv open ed their recent meeting with a verse smile the lonveners lor the evening were mrs keith moore and mrs trousdale since the latter is coul ined to hospital with a hroken hip liir place was taken by mrs leeinaii an inteixstin program was prepared from the adult study hook jesus christ anil the christian lile the quotations ileal with bow clnfsl entered into lile as a real person the cruel world into which christ was horn the price lor entering llu- kingdom ol god is no cheap the pernia- iiaricc ol the kingdom jesus as healer c s lewis said christian be havior is iuel icclivc in tbi- world because we dont think ol the nevt jesus is i he eternal contemporary those taking part besides mi s i eeinaii anil mrs moore vveii mis mut lav havvvaril mrs ait diamond mrs john lleiuv mrs earl ward and mrs art norrisli tvvcnlv one ladies answered the roll call with a verse con taining the word laith continued from page one news to council whose lost word had been that i he town would have to provide the lights themselves engineering has been done lor reconstruction on highways 7 and 25 he said and const ruc tion can be expected in ihe not loo distant inline while ihe approximate dales are known he pointed on that they must be approved bv the legislature before work begins iimisl compliment the coun cil ol acton and ihe municipal ollicials lor the excellent work they have been doing and are iloiug in updating the si reel systems in acton and i am par ticularly pleased with the work thai has been done on the con nect inn link oueen and young widening work such as ibis is relatively painless to municipal ities since the department ol highways in its inlinite gener osity pays per cent of the cost whereas so per cent is our subsidy for normal street con struction as llallons mif pulled on his pipe mr menab continued ol course as you know as a civil servant i cannot and do not express my opinions on poli tics there is nothing however in my oath thai i have ever tak en which denies ine the right to pa tribute to ihe energy george kerr puis forth taking care ol problems in his riding as a mailer ol lacl on occasions he gels a little overlv insistent in demanding immeiliale alien- lion li ihcprohtems ol his con stituents i do however apprec iate ihe integrity he puts into his work the last time he was at aclon lair he got in a light with his cousin pete mcnah he said going on lo bring smiles to the laces ol longtime residents by recalling his early lile on bower ave 1 1 p moore frank skin ny mcintosh bis own uncle neil mcnah windy holmes ami teacher miss m 7 bennett and many more who have passed lioin ihe scene but none the less added color lo lllis grand old town prouse chairs jail committee brampton mayor russell prouse has been elected chair man ol the special liveman committee ol mallon and peel councillors who are overseeing construction ol the new region al jail the two counljis will share jf u indications al he- lirst meet- ing were that the jail would h constructed in the eastern por tion ol llallon county although a del mite site has yet to he chos en three peel councillors reeve gordon gallagher ol burling ton and reeve william coulter ol nassagaweya are on the jail committee thev met a week ago lo lay plans lor the regional detention centre which is ex pected to cost over 2000000 the provincial government is assisting with const ruction cost it will i eat u re both maximum alul minimum security sections and is described as a whole new concept ill penal retoiin in stitutions its not too early oui complete selection is ready for you 6 display books to choose from as cards as warm as sincere and as friendly as a handshake j mow is a cjood line to bcot the holiday crowd in selecting your persona christmas cards visit us soon for outstanding values in fine personal christmas cards dills stationery i ivmember as a child follow ing aclon citizens bund and ihe the- culirhumpian parade and i parlieul ally reiiicinber abby defoivst and how he used lo decorate his wagon and horses which he used vvheiriilischargiiig ihe very necessary services for ihe eiliens rf this town prior to our having a sewage system after this affair i leave lor toronto get packed anil llv lo lnglund on a business trip lo morrow while there 1 will lie seeing my sister margaret who has lived there since im and i trust iliit i can lake lo her gooil wishes from many ol ihe people who will remember her when we llvcifiii aclon or when we lived in toronto and ire- qucnlly visited acton lie also expected lo see wed nesday yesterday in london his cousin colin mcnnlv pele nassau and his wile and cousin rita anil her husnind dr de hi iivn o caliloi nia all ol w limn pinpoint area for real estate al a recent meeting ol ihe ontario association ol real ins tate hoards in toronto il was decided thai aclon area tioin ihe lilllt line ol ksiiiesing west lo the ihiril line ol nassaga weva with highway 101 as the southern boundary will he in the jurisdictional area ol the i angeville and district real is talc board there was no sel jurisdiction al area helore now members ol oilier real eslale hoards i all list in thisaiia hut are leipiireil lo charge rales as sel by ihe orangcville board milloit will likely come under ihe oakvillc hoard al some inline date ai ion md milton could possibly be sponsored bv orangeville as a separa h svd lamb of aclon is pivsi dent ol the orangcville hoard are holidaying there at the same time a recent aclon resi- dent bis aiiiu mrs nell menab now makes her home in calil oi n in with l be de univiis living rvkpoualblv for he ad ministration ol a department which employs llmk people anil has a budget of approximately 10000000000 puis me in the position 1 leel ol lultv reiogiii ing ihe ride an adequate mad syvtein lakes in the economic development ihe educational and the social wellbeing of our province although i may he slightly biased i cannot think ol a more important laeloi lo our continued wellbeing anil ihe vitality of our irovincii whil vvaleivvlys were original ly and railways were at ihe itirn ol the century highways now plav ihe same role anil he- cause ol their llexihililv ami the llexihililv they provide bli the moving ol various ipyes ol goods and people the role our road system is playing is i am sun- von will agree more ini- porlnnl ihan ihe earlier lorins ol transportation however with rltdng cosis the increased- motor vehicle reg istration anil population explo sion we must explore ami use lothe best our ahiliiv all hindis ol transportation this llicjelorr is the reason ihe pro vincial government is undertak ing a oinniulei rail experi- meiil and why we nuisl not al low ihe various modes ol trans portation lo run in competition with one another but rather work together and hi- planned together so lllit in the cud the most economic and el icclivc oveiall serviie can be provided lo ihe people ol this province ihe demands on ihe lax dol lar lor education well are health highways elc are such thai all levels ot government anil this includes iiiiniicipalll ies even lo the level ol lown ships must wo together and avoid duplication wherever pos sible -tho-actorrfroe-prosst-thuridnyt-scptombor- rt9a6 baha is favor teaching of religion in schools only a handlul ol people at- tended a public meeting spon sored by ihe canadian hahai association in the couuiiunilv centre monday evening lo hear catherine mcmillan ol hurling ion speak on religion in lliepuh lie schools results ol a recent siiiavv in alton i iiiembeis ol ihe italia i world lailh ol llolinokc show ed 14 pel i cnl of pilose ipies honed lelt thai some kind ol iiligion should he laughl in ihe school sm per cent believed some knowledge ol tilhii heliel s should he ilk hided in ihe ionise 70 pel cent believed all major leligious should be laughl including tin islinulv sixty six per lent ol those ipietloiieil till iihglon should be sllcssed mole ill ihe home 4s pel i cnl believed ii should have inoie lilipui lniii ill llu si hool curriculum and si pel i cm believed llu- sunday si huols were doing a good job miss mcmillan a mm lingloii teacher m a italia i iiieuibei spukelo the group eiuphasiiiig ill it il religion was liken oil the school i inn ulion il would ire very dill iculj lo gel il huk on again observances ol sin h leslhals as christmas and las ler would be loi bidileii lew people realized ibis she said llu- speaker lelt schools must leach religion noi as al picsenl hill lo show its inllucinc on llu coin se ol hisloiy she sllcssed ihe hisloi v ol leligion irom ihe lime ol abiiham picking out iiiiitlenls lo show when spiritu al eiilies peiislictl mankind look steps baikwud when lluy lloiujshcd miiik ii nl did alsii adv mi ing with euh new in no testation nl dolls lllllh miss mcmillan advociled a wider course ol sluilv in the schools one wliiib would iii- hice all religions ol llu- world hahais believe ihe voiie ol god is heard in eveiy religion mil evyivoiie would lienelll lioin a knowledge ol itiiddhisin hindu ism iiitlaism and oilier uiajor leligious beliels a sliorl iiu slion ieiitid hd lovveil j 7 fair parade continued lioin iageone koss lake hiding school en tiled a group ol ciglil i iding horses including some ac ton aita i tile i s ihe piuade wan iihoul an hour i lie iiuiviiig oil 1 1 in tin- sla linn hul like the iled ilpei iliew even more people oui as il progressed iillons i loi ked lo ihe pal k ill lis wake hiuge in route proveil ml salllacloi v i losing a inior llillli lie up file l ollti will likely level i next year huk lo ihe mill main ine nulling down to the park al kno t lunch fudges allri wauls niiued the ahimers loi hi- t if lals enlcied ihe illlls lllsl inowilles sii olid ioldeli age lull lluiil and at loll til chili loin ih iloiul voting w iimei s lot lusl tleioialed doll buggies well- niniv palleison m ai i c la muslie ludv siovue saudi a iillei son and suulia meei hail frlcyilcs hroughl i ah pi i s lor danny la mai she fiuv sciiyiie lolin watson legiiiv tlloiiison iuv meecfiui m kenneth ihoiupsoii llesl dei ol lied liuwlcs nam edwcie ilildeu liv 1 a l lies lvilill lolul siuvne shei i v meei ham iihhi willi oil and dennis manes h alton cooperative medical care plan pays all surglcul operations -a- doctors culls paid from first visit a confinements anaesthetists services xrays k also maor medical yeurly plan drags individual or employee groups may enrol at any lime of the year riwised ratfs monthly s575 single monthly 1150 couple monthly 1325 family payable quarterly or yeurly haltom coop medical services 143 muln street box 474 milton dlul 8789712 please send me inf actuation no obligation faille address halton west progressive conservative association notice of organizational meeting for the new provincial riding consisting of the towns of burlington and acton and township of nassagaweya and that part of esquesing north of and including lots 23 adoption of constitution election of officers i the estaminet burlington all welcome sept 26 1966 8 pm ntrm bhmcmib steak f rc v 6a bomtuss r0um0 or m roftst i i porurhoust mm extra specials canada dry ginger ale 26oz bottle table rite canadas hnest quality rid or blue brand kf 5 100 granulated white sugar 10 69 canada no 1 grade butter quantity limited get yours now at this low price i thi mini grade will increase 2c per lb next week 56 mill sf acton phone 8532030