Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1966, p. 13

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b4 the acton free press thursday may 26 1966 spilling fivepins at acton bowling lanes group insurance plan will cover ministers acton mixed may 20 it was puffs all the way as far as the acton mixed playoffs was concerned puffs enjoyed a 212 pin advantage over the second place tiger cats after the previous weeks first three games and were nev er headed coming up with games of 100740609163 for a to- ital of 3030 which added to their previous total of 2846 for the grand total of 5876 easily took care of mascots 5428 beatles 51j82 tigercats 5133 bees 4878 and spees 4611 hitting the triple and single plateaus m the puffs win were frank dalev 733 316 fred landry 689 rose winter 215 d6t thompson 203 charlcne gough 238 other good triples and singles on the nights play were joe pietrangeh 639 303 vcrna aibic 631 ray liz- otte 661 312 marie tizzard 206 clint taylor 208221 andy conway 209 vince thornton 234 edna dobbie 203 art nightin gale 222 buanirae 250 pete taylor 224 and garnet winter 228 so to the tngercats who were winners of the regular schedule and to pulfs winners of the playotfs congratulations and to the rest ot the league better luck net season teen n under may 21 iroquois safely held onto their lead established m the first two game block and racked up games of 660645 to bring then lour game total to 2839 which gave them the cham pionship bv 415 pins over the second place finishers mo hawks mohawks 2424 total was 123 pins ahead of siout 2301 and the siouxs total was 30 puis better than the blackftets 2331 scoie senecas made a hid to win the consolation roll from hurons when the suited olt with a 529 roll as against hui on s 471 but the huions rallied in the fourth and final game with a 600 score to senecas 557 final pinfall being hurons 2061 senecas 1952 a standout in the roll came in the consolation when in the final game colin price came up with a neat 205 game lor ilhe winning hurons making the top ten loi the final hmo thisscasunweie tom pettit 158148 1306 cohn piice 84205 289 garvprce 135152 287 pat dunne 144142 286 dave pink 98177 275 john churchill 154112 266 debbie storey 123142 265 lairy de forest 139 144 251 lynda mai ns 131107 238 wade knight 107128 235 headpin hilites veina arbic wound up being a double winner on the award scene hei 631 ti iple acounted lor the ab supermarket ouch- ei and her 242 single won the ledgers 1ga ouchei fiank dale with a 316 single can walk- around in a new pair ol socks by ken hulford liom nielsens clothing with the teennunders it was tom pettit robbie elleibv patiicia sampson and cindv n o i r l s bowling best over their average to win the bottled reticshnients ol sevenup remharts and co cacola speaking ol the teen nunders the thanks ol yours truly jnd cei tainh all the kids go to supervisor ivy mai tin as sistant supervisoi and coach jackie palmer coaches tinnie masales mary daley chester lewandowski and rod mceach- ern toi giving unstintingly ot then tune and elloit on satui- clav moi nings to tcacb the oungsteis the ludimcnts ol the licpm game and so kind heai ts and gentle people this wiuls the end ol anotliet bowi- m season it goes without say ing that we enjoyed everv min ute ol it we yicauously shale in the bowlers triumphs und so i rows we reioice in then stnkes and spaies and gioan in sympathy yith then headpms and bloyy s but it all makes up loi that jziantl game ol bowling the greatest pai ticipatiun spoil on the noi th ameiican contin ent and so lor the final time until ye leopen september the second aclios anngos and good night daly city approval foi the setting up of a group insurance plan cover ing ministers yvas given bv the presbvteiy of biampton of the presbvtenan church in canada at its meeting a knox chinch oakville on tuesday may 17 unlike most yoikeis minis teis aie lesponsible loi then pulpits whenever they ait ab sent whether for illness oi oth cryyise except on vacation this insurance plan is intended to assist in meeting this or other expenses caused bv the illness ol a ministei or to pi oxide a lump sum loi expenses in the event ol his death many con giegations aie beai ing the ex pense ol this insuiance to as sist then mnustei at this meeting plans xxeie laid also loi an exchange ol pulpits by mnusteis xxhicli should lull he cement i elation ships m this newest piesbueiy ol the church it was lepoited by the- thus tion education onvcnci re r 1 duneanson streetsville that a successlul liiauguial piesby tei lal young peoples rally was held in noryal on api il 3 xwtli 120 young people attending liom 13 ol the 20 pastoial chaises ol the picsbvlciv rev r d dun eanson ol noival a loimei 1 is sionaiv in bntish guuin i spoke on the llienic whit is youi visum the following pie sin ten y i ps executive was elected and installed president ehabolli ex ans hopedale oakxille x lee piesident gary mceachcin ac ton secictaix doiis robinson calmphcllxilli tieasuiei david hailcx gcoigetown missions coinener donald young geoigetoxvn worship comciici shu ley ella canipbellxille pub tion authority whose foundation is planning to open the school with the equipment used in oneroom schools at the turn of the century cvca foundation photo by joan rollings walter huxley left and norman mcmahon stand in front of union school section 15 erin and east garafraxa townships mr huxley was a pupil at this school and mr mcmahon is superintendent for the credit valley conserva- operated 65 years model oneroom schoo credit authority project on decerned 26 1900 w h nodwell was host at a meeting to lorm a school bond loi in ion school section is eim and east garaliaxa townships in noxembei 1965 the school xis closed and the pupils mox e d by bus to marsxille consolidate j school the school will not to piivatc owneiship remain as anexampli c b- sold but xx 1 11 i the tin mer xxaxs ol education th cic dit vallex conscixation uthoi- itx foundation will open it jj am with all the equipment used in 1900 during the 6s xells that the school opeiated thicc c u i i lions ol some families uecxcd their elementarx education im der its ieol history has eh uu cd the xxoild sccciil tunes m these veais but aiouud the ea tuvxnships and aiouud xxoild mistilgk nicliiinics reluin to this one mom s m the- i own 1 nie ol i i in last gaialiaxa u the i ill ml uul giielph last e u altei ill lion hied elleel 111 the llleclleal pio lessioll when the school upund it h id 21 pupils bx 1434 this hid dwindled to ii the iceoid bonk stales that mis s wilkinson leslgllld in i line l43 md miss 1 dn i medonilil duiieldk x is ell i is teaellel i 11111 1 11 lilies xv hie ll 11 e is cttieled oci uul oei tlimiuil 1 lie xt ls lllcllldc ulixlel wheel el nuelwell smith dxel k 11 1 hompson hioyii hicse he lamilx n lines still leine in thu couillllinitles ot tile ilea miss donna mux is the list teaellel n tile school and went to miisxille w 1 1 1 he i pup is i 1st ei e lllhc 1 1 he 1 eeol 1 hiuiks iploteel llele e 1 e pes eleel bx miss 1 iw lllci tlkell iii m ii s llle en it to the public it xx ill coin plimeiit the i oundatioii i ui n ol the centmx i ai ill iceeiltlv acquuccl liom vvaltel huxiex robeit i llaidx chaiimau ot the foundation his piuehased elesk stoxe and all the ileees su pai iphei nalia which xxas loiuul in i school dm nij those eai 1 eais storage time with stopps cleaners in the milton plaza guaranteed fur and garment storage for free pickup call 8782972 it is the wile ui ion i l i he 1 i u i tut ituin to equip tk jiuul as it u is in ljoll and samuel huxley xx is ilu lust seelctaix loi tills school bond and the tnistcss xveie h nodwell chaiiuiin a ixei on and a dxe i i he siu w is bought liom rube it kn i loi sms and the school opened in i 01 with miss f mi 1 iiiiii i 1 thel out lined at s t the xiar taietaking tin the lust vear cost tin taypiscis si i in lh2 mr huxliv mu mi sihiwcii vlianid pi lees uul miss 1 liiinnl leeeixiel a l im to y pilling tlu xiuv u xx is the policy ol the boiiil to line pupils to look altei the i nnue and sweep out the sehool il tei huxlex whose- tathei le mained on the school bond un til isi4 ixnicinkis thit he ie ceixcd nine cents pel dax lot this ob xxheii he wciil to school leaehcis dm ing tlu sc- xe us boaided at ne n bx i unis uul manx ol tlu n n minted in the distiut bx p2s the sine had risen to si xxi x i e u tlu highest salitx to elite pud t i miss mice millov ot hillsbtii n in lic john smith was iveiul secretary tor the school tieiaid mr smith who still lives within a mile ol the school bee une chairman in 121 and ieiiiaiiu1 in this position until 1 one of the tetehet s in foji was archie mckinnon dr mc kinnon resigned as head ot houiexvood sanitonum ucar wtlsomt wagon infernitlonil wit dw 5 000 hosteuei hit mor ttwi ttiirty years upiriinca in mitring good will in busmiis and community iifa for nor infoimi- tie about eicomei jvagoa rholle sssld4- 1 1 omi i t vcl ir te s n i iimihs lo lit x i on i 1 weill s itp tf in pres i i jlrcjdc l i fill out e o ip 111 i 11 e i- tv xx r s ell i -ll- xln l i 1 1 1 to yeton direct from factory to home owners aluminum doors windows siding awnings stationary rollup or foldup authorized distributors car ports for kaiser aluminum 20 year guarantee siding any size tailored to suit your needs terms to suit your budget patio enclosures now is tho time to get our estimates for free estimates phone collect for representative no obligation 8450318 you can deal with complete confidence with this long established 1947 oakville company federal industries of canada foot of forsyth street oakville 8450318 licitv convene david leggatt knox oakullc- lelloxvship con vener carson smiley hopedale oakville plans for the licensing and ordination ol vietoi tuineistu dent numstei of gland vallev and south lulliei on weducs day june 15 xxeie laid publication ol a piesbxlciy news bulletin by the publicity committee convened by rev j k l mecoix n milton was agieed upon anel rex a ii me kenie acton leporled on the progiess ol the geneial asscm blx s lexision ol the hxmnal i he hook ol liaise it is planned to chop out unused lixnuis and mibstitutc inejie model ii ones with suitable tunes loi use to both xoun people anil oldci menibei s school teacher receives degree robe 1 1 little public school teaellel douglis copeland le ccucd his biehcloi ol alts tie rjuc liom the univeisily ol wa tei loo on monday mav 23 he has taken an extension eouise ovel a pcnod ol veais majoi lu in psychology his xx lie who is also a ro bell little teaelicl xxas among those who attended the giajlu alion ccieinoin on the hohdax annual inspection st john brigades the annual inspection of st john ambulance bi igades ol the hallon peel aiea xxas held pi i- dav mav 1 in nelson common ux centre bui lington attended bv about 200 the bngade compnsing limn hers 1 1 out eton milton md tieoitictiiix n uncle i divisional supciintcndent geoige ii u- gi ic ol acton numbeicd ab cut 10 cacicts from the aoloii iioii nndei cadet divisional supciintcndent mis hairaic die acton votingstcis icccix ed spec nl commend it ion lluv xxeie t tie only gloup ol cadets in the inspection in the inspecting pai tv eie chailcs jcll kms aiea supciin teiulnit hamilton tom seki ue i ot ik e i hamilton di jim es aiea suigeon hamilton and mis taiilex piovmcial musing ol i ice i toionlo receiving th s ilnte wis bi ig riovd rcn ol oikville mla geoige keii and the deputy mavoi ol bu 1 ington iieic in attendance the pnaele was under the command ol corps stall ol c ei goellrex coleman ol poi t cicilit robeit hait is coins st ill ollicei llle noith ilalton st lilin ihicide incmheis demonsti ii d in iceuleilt xxith examiniloii dussiiies and lianspoi tatlon easter seals top million the treasurer of the ontario society for crippled children george e mara of toronto an nounced today that the 1966 easter seal campaign objective has been reached thanks to the faithful and considerate support of more than 400000 contribu tors in ontario in ontano we have the fin est progiam of care and treat ment of crippled children that is available stated mr mara he added the advancements in the held ol rehabilitation and the inci eased number of physi cally handicapped children each xcar has meant a continual rise at linancial needs we are de lighted to icport that 1966 eas ter seal funds will again enable the ontario society lor ci ippled childien and its affiliated 230 service clubs to piovidc the help that must be given to the moie than 16000 crippled child- ten in the province il like s as nianv as 11011 ikiix iclu 1 1 pails to build a pas senjici iui accoidlng to eiigi heels relax abouf your boat safecos boatowners policy pulls you out of troubles like thid because preferred risk skippers are covered against all risks except for a few standard exclusions on land or water call or visit us today for full details and you free 40page safe boating guidai dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e phone 8530150 acton ont safeco insurance residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 costs 7441 accumulative 6 guaranteed certificates 1000 costs 744 ask for folder your local trust company halton peel trust i savings company 252 aadin street 8782834 lorne skuce mgr milton msbst the safe clean low- cost way to have all the hot water you want when you want it the new twoelement electric water heater kxcn hci usr f mitlics m ho sure of all the hot wtti i the vll cwr n rd with mm new fast ret ovcry clcc- trtr yx iu 1 hi it r two miormostatii a nntrollrrl rlemrnts alternate auto- m itic ill to pro virlr- maximum service at minimum cost there 1 a sie and capacity to suit your household needs why not enjoy tkis lowcostconvenience call us and get the facts j for more information call acton hydro electric 3 tloln st n commission acton ont 8532410

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