rf asv ims eightythird year no 25 acton ontario wednesday december 18th 1957 sacond sad ion the twelve days of christmas i guide td the bert boot fir chi7jton i i fl fvj a- y anonymous on tht in day of chrutmai my inn love sent to mt partrtdf tn a rar tree on tht second day of christmas my tiue love sent to m two turtledove and a partridge tn a pear trt on tht third day of chrtatmai my trut lovt sent to mt thrtt lrfwh hens two turtledoves and a partrtdf in a ptar iree on iht fourth day of ctiriatma my true vovt ant to mt four calling bird thr french htna two turtle doves and a partridge in a ptar trt on tht fifth day of christmas my trut tovt atnt to mt flirt gold ring four calling mrda uiree fist haas two turtledove and a partridge la a ptar tree on tht alith day of christmas my trut lov atnt to mt at g atat alay- tnf flvt gold ringe four caning bird thrtt french hens two turtledoves and a partridge in a ptar trtt on the seventh day of christmas my trut lovt atnt to mt seven warn aswlmnilng els gees slaying ftvt gold rings four calling birds thrtt french hens two turtledovsa and a partridge tn a ptar trtt on tht eighth day of christmas my trut love atnt to mt tight maid amtlfclng atvtn aw ana aswtmming sis gaaat alaytng flvt gold ringavfour calling birds thrtt french htna two turtledoves and a partridge tn a ptar trtt on tht ninth day of christmas my trut lovt atnt to mt nln ladies danc tug tight malda anillklng seven awana aawtmmtng alx geeae alaytng flvt gold ting four calling bird thrtt frtnch htna two turtledoves and a partrtdgt in a ptar trtt on tht ttnth day of christmas my tnit lovt sent to mt trn lord aleap- ing nine ladles dancing tight malda milking seven iwim aswtmming six geese alaylng five gold rings four railing bird thire rrmrh hens two turtledoves mnd a partridge tn a pear tree on the lew nth day of christmas my true love sent to mt eleven pipers piping ten lords alraptng nine ladlra danring right maids amilklng arvtn mi amimmtng mm geese alaytng tt gold rings four railing birds thrtt i- rrnrh hens two turtledoves and a partridge in a per trtt on tht twelfth day f chrlatmaa my trut lovt atnt to ma twelve drum mer drumming eleven pipers piping ten lord altaping nint ladles dene- ing tight malda amllklng atvtn rwtai ajtwlmmlng atx gttat alaytng flvt gold ring four calling btrda thrtt frtnch htna two turtledoves and a partndga in a ptar tree anas reeognlaad around tha world u caw of tha t oramaat modem authorities child car and training dr bala schick juottd aa aaytaa that santa cuoa uttla rad riding hood and on- derslla not to mention ptaocchlo and wlajuthapooh art good for children chlldrta uht to believe it makes chrlatmaa a lot mora citing to ballevt that toya cama from tha north pole rather than a dtpartmtnt atort thty want to learn and thty want to bt ltd ntvtr forget that claaalc remark of tht child in tht progrtaaive arhool what muit i do today that 1 want to do there u no better way to awak en a child interest in booka than by reading aloud in tht home start with poetry tht rhythmic rhyming unas and airy ailoatnta versa appeal laatlaeutraly to chil dren nursery rhyme and fairy ulaa are ihraluahla aa prtpari horn far an appractauoa of utara tur m later ufa following laa uat ef beat hooka for children aalactad by clark klanaird httrary rtvttwar of tha haw york jountalamartcan in coaaultauon with tha chlldrtn a book council and othar authorities there art recommendation for each aga group tht tltlt apptara ft rat followed by the author or illustrator and the publisher in tha u 8 ptrnna whoat community dota not havt a boohahop usually can order by mall through book departments of larg department tort most of tht 1trtton art avauablt la foreign editions in va rloua languag- abc bmmv ckim gt4e a vrrsrf christ mat 0hny the first oolitm counting book ltttu alo tat ill fir toot umdrune night br fort ckrisfmaj fvjjrt nrw butt prlrr rabbi f 8lg gone txrrtrf btor of little btatk 5mbt for children under bix wanda gag jtaata wilcox smith wji and nicola tilllan moor lola lanifcl llardle gramatky ludwlg lltmelmana arthur rachham risa btakow lltatrla rotter christina noaaettl helen fjanntrman coward uccann oaford unw trt llarcourt bract simon ft schuaur oxford unlv prtaa iutnam simon ft schuattr lipplnrott harper warns marmlllan viking prrta for nilldren six seven and elulft 100 tlatt o bartholomew cabblat the bnqhth ratty tales qol4m tkchonmry te f tltlt tiflr that comid ummp uuomt mission self thm oafuy l4 firrs v f mm ta tmhtu m trip r4 nprr of hmmrttn run poo mnd the dragomi fitnrv of btbtr the atory o vrtlnm tht story pormi old mnd nru tmlr from onmm tuynty on bmlloont fht tht vul trrt wihmk ftp fooh dr stuaa joseph jacob ed klltn w walpola watty piper jamta thurbtr lo follu kdward anthony mogtr duvolatn kat c ret n way c s forester jean dt drunhos munro ltaf urn colt ed wanda gag william rent du boll taro yaahlma a a mltna vanguard trrta putnam hlmon ft rrhusttr imatt ft munk itsttotirt lit act hi ribnrr s ttaubleuay knopf ys arna i it tie drown itandom huns viking pre as world pub co coward mrcann vlktng press viking prtaa dutton family rresry of chudrtn btoritt r hsslratrt trruary t calmrrat ilteralar antflolooiea paulina ruah evana doubled y ed margarti b groaatt ft dunlap martignonl ed a fin modtrn collection of rhymaa and potm for tha young of all agaa u c nujtr ditd and annotated by walter da la mar with decoration by warren chappell a- a knopf inch a good guidebook for pmranla uachar and llbrarlana in aulllvatlo f hudraa rtaftliig hablu ts rfla fr ik fatmlag by phyllla fw- ar johh day co it ha ay ef amairy at tha booh ratad taara 1 a i tsce7etectxtetecteietee7e twonomineesqualify h s holden ootomfttlst tyes exaanlneo glasses fitteo 7 deuout si ouilph rhoni taylar 37150 municipalities gain by new legislation i nut il ist l net in lh llu drci inlier i 1067 which ha rxiatix be tin mplovablc and tin i m1 vilku timmplovrd m ion m ill ik irxiltshnl llcrarirr nn uncniplomhl person will be t ligiblt or iiumtanci under thi iidminml- riium fif thi respective municipal ltiis juibjoct to the cstablixhfd standard for granting assistance tins hus been midt ossiblc b iht unnoiinrcd int ntn n i f ftdiml governmi nt a k llu 2th of nimmjxr nt t t- i tlpr uiwl i c nl it nit t movi tht as k i nnl llirt hold prov istnn it i undiil i thai iht n urrnnt mi nl w li i rump ffecllvt jinuui 1 lis i in thr mrsnlnik out u o i tt flinl f i l lii j tht nm nu ijvtlttit s t fit t tivt rmlirr i 1b7 1 mnnicitl ciuitrihutioris in rmpiimtnt uimt mrr uitl in dind li ptr t nt t what with st nick and tha holiday saaton fatt approaching why not relax from tha huttia and buttla with a friend ly bowling game open bowling dec 23rd to jan 4th acton bowling lanes mamfton 111 mmi ut tmttrtt ci mctcry i tti niil riiinir hiiu and in irkt r a mm displ in stuck wm c allan prop 61 ouaan si w brampton khop rhonc cl 1 his rr cl i ictl bcp tom nicol rtin brmaiatmi gt 1 sxk television to give inside look at liberal convention in january pi 11 c 4jttl lllui hit in imr ill ltd t to lr in f i im timm in ctmii1 the t h i it inr of m- inj fnr i him m pil it ic il iwtrlv in fiminttv ttpmlnn in- itiul philofctiphy uf goirn- unrniiloid pcrsuns a new ar- r mgt nu nt hich will come into ffihl n jjnuaiy 1 lttta will rr- miu in tin k intitutinns mcriv ni nio prtivincutl uvcrnrntnl vma incr owing tu the vrlng slanlirxij hirh have to be con- v dt ntl the bals tif pimtnts to lh st institutions arc nuw being i irrtulh revirtd pttirnts who jrr discharged from tb anjlorm and rcguiri tftt r itn lalloui met i hnr been up li th t timta a total charge upon tu municipalities provision is bt nt in tde to i imbume ihc mun- ptl it s 1 1 the extent o bo per rt nt of tht cost of this urn of it during these puticnts pentads f ro em i net nimumtinn now umli r wny with tht ci1c art ainittl tt ttltvimiiu the actual dt libcrulinnii of th he fctilutioni commillee duiing tht i ib ral pirtv nutmnil conven tion here january h 10 the contntlnn lielonm entirely lo tht dtlrcaus frtmi the arious pro tnees and fedirul constlluenc- len uuurun mactamsh q c national liberal jitlt r ition chair man said they are the ones who will ehtte the nw party it ader and tht y art 1mi the tint a w ho will present ihe resolutions which will dt tcrmine the i iberal iirly s ap proach to national and local pro- bit mi another feature of tht cnnvrn lion will be making urm utailahlc for rirlijuics to put forward resnlu lions f om the convention floor it self one quart r tf the total time donna vkhirh the thne day conven turn will sil mr mactavish said after 11 nominated hllln on f riday eveninu dec- t nlk r 6 a second nominati m iiutlnik whs held in iht rrin town hall in order to fill tht vacancy on the st botil b wrd and ho c ommivtiiin 1u twit n iht houm of 7 imi 8 p in nomination f r the ibov n nimtioned off ice i wrrt atcepted bv the villatte cleik greta dick insoh tht followink wei nomlnai d for sthoo nnrd mm p 0su li- in oswald cuftithx mrs co don wi i ii j mcfnery o cil chimtmrri jime scotl mtl wni mund ii ror hydro ctmnnisslonrr um ilailtv h i harris h c mw han and auburn wright at the fini hou- of declaration osw id griffiths qualified to com plete the school hoard and auburn wrirhi for ihe hydro commistion ictctctetctctctctctctctctetfftctetctctctctctctc christmas giving i tmt a kurprba gui la the kkddlrv sucklno nar ova or more mt oar malak b mmnal vlaatara hluutr i track can cu rrltl mmdt in england tot the man- who smokes a fine pipe quality pjpe tobaccos fine cigars cigarettes tobacco pouch cigarette hcxders electric razors cigarette lighters lighter fluids boxed chocolates choit dihbandnr kenoka ont icimthc social wtlfrc socict formed hrrc mnrr than 60 iart ugo haj disbanded ticcaui thrr agcnaki have ukt n ocr iu work ii waa rmexl to j protect both anlmata and people a bflendid gift fob tuc dwcmiminatng iiotit roe tue tuilv good ruend fob tilt loval employee and ro a we1xliked roms acton billiards murray hood prop comw mill and main has bet n nt aido fnr rebolnuons from the floor we liehevr thai no larty can truly represent all sec lions of the country units repres entatives of rch section are allow ed to make their opinions known toreceivechain after 100 years oakvime oakvilles mayor bus ntit liad a chain of office in a hundred vears mayor william anderson drew nttetition to this fact at mondays council meeting w hen hr prtaduc- ed a specimen chain of the sot he th might oakvllle ought to have something simple difniflted ornate but not gaudy we should start the next 100 ytars with a chain he said and wc should have engraved on 11 the names if all the mayors who have served oakvllle during the last hundred years the matter is receiving the con stderation of council one receives ok another turned down oakvlllrokville council on monday night gave permission to the impe tal oil company to er ect a service station at the dun das street and 0th line intersect ion and turned down citie ser vice oil company s apphrat i n for permission to build a service nat ion on kerr street north the reason imperial oils ap plication was dated november 11 the bylaw against addilonal ser vice stations in oak vi lie was pass ed on november 1 the applicat- ion from cities service vai dated dj ixcembcr 3 lul mitilday aldehni dc cp albert edward richmond wh celebrated his 06la birthday here was borr m grey county onl and farmed at cold lake alu for 30 years be fore moving to this disl let 3 shows niohuy 7 ami v pm y mat ivrv satusdav jfjul trlutshisat 3 days- dec is30ai loving you 1 hvispresu5 montuis dsc 2394 brawoht satfc by papular rquaail the k agttiu lat j