Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 10

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page ten the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 17 1955 personal notes of actonians visiting outoftown point and of visitors in acton hbrnes real estate mr and mrs frank cook of to ronto visited acton relatives and friends over the weekend mr and mrs frank browning of toronto visited on the weekend with mr and mrs g a dills here friencls in glehlea gathered at mrs george haggetts home for a shower wednesday evening of last week mr and mrs carl stephens patsy and paula of alliston visited on sunday with mr and mrs harry murray and family mrs w wolfe entertained the wives of the acton vs men at her home during the international presidents dinner in the y satur day evening mr and mrs hector guthrie and mr wright of toronto and mrs n lambert of acton spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs earl lambent acton mr and mrs william kilty and mrs blanche brooks of toronto visited acton relations over the weekend mr and mrs h e sutcliffe miss shirley sutcliffe and mr alan hen ry dearborn mich spent the weekend with friends and relatives here mr and mrs steve guest of to- ronto visited on tuesday with the formers mother mrs thetford and mr and mrs allison mr guest has accepted a position with ther-royal- ite oil co ltd caigaryvalberta mr and mrs guest leave tbjsweek- end for calgary visiting with mr and mrs john kingsbury are her daughter mrs lloyd mcdougald mr mcbougald and their three children beth lois tend malcolm from carievale sask atchewan mr modougedd has sold the stock on his farm out west and the family is planning to stay in the east now acton i friends were very sorry to learn that mrs vic rumley was brought from whitney to guelph i i general hospital by ambulance after sudbury were in town on the week- acci although to close an estate four and threequarter acres of land comfortable 1 floor plan dwelling 3 bedrooms living room and kitchen stove heav water un der pressure attached garage- hen house 48x16 located 1 mile west of crewsons corners must be sold full price 450000 with 200000 down for further information con tact john bowman 28 church st acton phone an m frank pbeuville reatt5state phone ofllton atk 8m46 a182 her scalp was lacerated by a bullet she was not seriously injured mr and mrs rumley moved from ac- end for the ys mens dinner and visited friends here mr gray is a former acton y secretary miss clara cook rji who is ton to guelph not long agp now taking special studies at the sick childrens hospital in toronto in preparation to biking over sup ervision of pediatrics at guejlph general hospital will be at her home in acton for the weekend juniors hear walter linham the acton junior institute and acton junior farmers met at the home of secretarytreasurer bill price on wednesday november 9 walter linham council member of esquesing township for five years and deputyreeve the last two years was guest speaker he outlined council work of both township and county council mr linham point ed out that the parliamentary pro cedure of council was slightly dif ferent to that used in other organ izations as all resolutions were made in writing he stated the township council has the duty of hiring the clerk of the township the assessor assistant assessor as well as various other duties county council is made up of reeves and deputy reeves of the dif ferent municipalities and at the january meeting each year select from their number a warden who has the distinction and honor of be ing the jfirst citizen of the county for that particular year county coun cil is somewhat different from clearing auction sale of reg jerseys tractor and farm equipment feed and poultry supplies the property of s o pembxjcfon lot 8 first line erin township on tuesday november b9 at 1 oclock ter g a19 frank pefrcth auctioneer notice of proposed bylaw to eatablwi highway between main street and elisabeth drive take notice that the follow ing proposed bylaw will be con sidered by the council of the town of acton at its meeting on monday the 21st day of november 195 ail persons claiming to be prejudicially affected may apply to be heard by the council at the council chambers in the town hall acton on monday the 21st day of novem ber 1955 at 8 oclock pm proposed bylaw a bylaw to establish a highway between main street and elizabeth drive town of acton bylaw no bowen bortolotti brokers 5 room semidetached brick re- ently recoatedt in masonry fin ish insulated heavy duty wiring sun room conveniently located in acton to shopping school and transportation f u 1 1 m ff price for quick salevl choice building lots residential and commercial with in town limits also a good select ion of highway- locations east west and south of acton jack holmes phone sttn 84 chareh bt acton a19 free press want for quick results rates no charge for announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in mcmoriam 50c plus 10c per line for verses article tor sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash mc box no to this office 19c additional coming eventsg- 10c per count fine 50c minimum cards of thnw boc billing charge of 15c added to all accounts if not paid until after insertion and added for each bill rendered latest time for insertion 1 pjn wednesday births marriages deaths etc tborn a byjtaw to establish a highway between main street and elizabeth township council as this courtcii i 5 shown on registered plan looks after county affairs such as number 603 county roads and county grants i whereas the lands hereinafter from the 18 members of county wc by council various committ are set m n n aicuuuraf cjf before the council agricu tural comtruttee of county of the town of acton enacts council this particular committee as follows- irlr an that rtn parcel or tract of rives recommendations to council land and premises situate lying pertaining to agriculture and also and being in the town of acton in the junior farmers the county of haltou more partic- mr linham was introduced by ularly described as follows that past county president don mat- is to say thews and thanked by vicepresi dent jack marshall kathleen stanley president of the junior institute presided and jack marshall vicepresident in the ab sence of president bill somerville all and singular that cer tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of acton county of hal- ton and being composed of part of lot number one hundred and ten u 10 registered plan number 227 in the said town of acton and which said parcel or tract may be more particularly described as fol lows that is to say commencing at a stake plant ed in the- northwesterly limit of mai street said stake being dist- ant tltcreht twentvscven feet six inches 27 6 sutheasterlv the under5imt h j from the northeast angle of said insmietion torn has reccved l l numb oneundred and ten james morrison clearing auction sale in twp of nassagaweya of livestock tractor implements hay grain etc rockwood 4 ibedroom home 1300000 full price solid stone residence 7 splendid rooms in cluding 27 living room with fire place gunroom and 3 verandahs forced air heating with oil sit uated oh 2 acre lot in centre of village with bus and train ser vice 1230000 brick and stucco home in residential section of village 7 large rooms forced hot water heating with oil all modern con veniences lot 70x271 both hard and soft water on pressure 10500009 room home including 3 room separate apartment lends itself to income sufficient to pay expenses situated on 1 acre lot on highway in village every convenience including 3 piece bath oil furnace large living room with fireplace 980000 new brick bungalow at tractively decorated on nice lot with side drive this home has everything 430000 neat 4 room bungalow on lot 66x132 both hard and soft water in house taxes only 56 easy terms this is an econom ical house jones the reverend and mrs evan h jones announce the birth of their son lloyd harris at st josephs hospital guelph on tuesday november 15 buck mr and mrs robert buck are happy to announce die birth of their daughter frances suz anne at guelph general hospit al on thursday november 10 1965 both doing fine haul mr and mrs w hall rjr 2 erin wish to announce the birth of their little daughter constance premature at the nursing home on sunday nov ember 13 1055 baby passed away mother doing fine modonald mr and mrs a mc donald ltmehouse are very happy to announce the birth of brenda diane at the nursing home on november 16 a little sister for jacqueline and norman mother and baby just fine died smith at the toronto general hospital on tuesday november 15 in her 98th year addie urana smith beloved wife of the late peter arthur smith and dear mother of miss pearl e smith of acton mrs w a sibbert eva and mrs j m mcdonald zina both of toronto resting at her late residence 75 main st s- acton where the fun eral service will be held on friday afternoon at 2 oclock interment fairview cemetery acton coming events st albans guild baraar and tea november 19 2 jo 5 pm parish h 8182 acton high school commence mentexercises friday november 1 at 815 pin public school aud itorium in memoriam acton 350000 5 room semidetached h in ftctniy lot 50x100 a working mans opportunity contact john l kingshott broker harris st rockwood phone 177 or 48j a a19 elliott in memory ofmr geo elliott who passed away novem ber 22 1953 asleep in gods beautiful garden away from sorrow and pain a19 wife and family cards of thanks the family of the late wm dodds would like to thank friends and neighbors reverend armstrong dr kenney the pallbearers and all others for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement this will always bo remembered a19 euchre and dance lit stewart- town hall friday december 2 at 8j0 pm under auspices of acton agricultural society good prizes catholic womens league annual bazaar tea sale of homemade baking and candy saturday dec ember 3 st josephs church hall a193 acton womens institute will hold an afternoon euchre at the home of mrs james wilds main st s on wednesday november 23 at 2 oclock good prizes lunch admission 39c a19 esquesing township federation of agriculture annual meeting monday november 21 in stewart- town hall 8jd- special speaker and slides of pakistan lunch served no admission b19 the ladies aid of the christian reformed church will hold a ba zaar and tea on friday december 2 at 730 pm in the yjjca to support the building fund for the new church everyboy welcome a192 mrs eileen buckner cluaim london england with a group of acton children and mrs r mo- ran at the piano will present a lecture demonstration music and movement friday december 2 78 pm si- albans parish hall admission 50c proceeds for re tarded children- a19 a meeting at the acton home and school association will be held in the public school auditorium on monday evening november 21 at 815 sharp a speaker from the can adian cancer association will show films and give an interesting talk a teacher will discuss modern teaching methods and miss laugh- lin will play the piano all wel come a182 attention all fanners the an nual meeting of nassagaweya fed eration of agriculture november 22 at brookville hall ray her- gott director of field services for ofa is guest speaker and will show the flip chart come prepar ed to take part in discussion short program by local artists election of directors for 1956 ladies please provide lunch b242 for sale for sale cement phone 68 u19 salzvgrey bany iug phone 52 after 7 a19 for sale white enamel bath tub with fittings phon 304 w a19 for sale boys bicycle in good condition 20 phone 709w a19 for sale pair boys skates with high back size 4 phone 214m a19 for sale motorola car radio 1 year old 13 frederick st phone 523w a19 for sale acme cook stove vath water front only 2 years old phone 201 r a19 for sale girls pink 3piece winter coat set fur trimmed side 3x phone 483j a19 for sale ladys mouton coat size 1618 good condition reason able phone 432j a19 for sale 7 weanling pigs 9- weeks old 8 weanling pigs 8 weeks old jack marshall o19 for sale 25 bags of pile set cement stan robinson rr 2 rockrwood milton tr 89157 a19 for sale white skates size 4 skates size 5 and 13 40 nash good condition phone 542m or 92 main n a19 wanted wanted companion house keeper for elderly lady phone tr 73672 georgetown a19 wanted privattf party would like to buy small mortgage call vi 31689 or write box 303 oak- vllle t b halton poultry prod ucts poultry and eggs wanted poultry custom picked cleaned and cut up phone milton tr 84401 wanted man for maintenance work also truck driver must have chauffeurs license apply baxter laboratories of canada limited anton a19 rawleigh business now open in acton georgetown and milton trade well established excellent opportunity full time write at once rawleighs dept klll189 montreal pq a deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or elmlra mohawk 95584 gordon young looted at deadstock service 500 each for desd or disabled horses or cows old horse8 4e lb for prompt service phone collect freeltoii 22r23 or hannon 203j steve peconl for sale duo therm power air oil burner complete with 100 gal tank copper pipe and fittings phone 769w a18 authorized electrolux sales and service dealer for free demonstration call omar parker rockwood 90r4 atf iowlloi actoil clearing auction sale in acton furniture and household effects to selllby public auction at his farm lot 20 con 7 situated on nas sagaweya and esquesing town lines 5 miles south of acton on saturday november 19 nio then south th irtyeight dc- grees fiftyone minutes west 38 degrees 51 w one hundred and fortyone feet seven inchc u41 7 to a point thence south fifteen degrees commencing at 100 oclock shad f minutes west s 15 de- the following re 57 w one hundred and hogs and poultrv york sow with 9 young pigs at side 7 the undersigned have received instructions from geo murray to sell by public auction at his residence near the a p green fire brick co on saturday november 26 commencing at 1 oclock the fol low ing dlmmg room dining room suite consisting of a round extens- ioirls5ietburretrchinarcabmcr twentynine feet two quarter inches c129 and one- jto a jhritty shoau 18 weanling pigs 65 p hybrid yearlings hens- 8 ton ofi thence south fiftyone degrees minutesj west s 51 decrees bus of threi s choice mixed hav 800 u heavy mixed grain 3 w four hundred and eleven tractor and implements feot fo onequarter inches ferguson tractor in good condit- i more or less to a stake ion floury bissell drag cultivator p n the northwesterly ferguson pullev dump rake- frost dol of lot number one hun- and wood binder 6 ft cut mccor- dr iun mick mower 5 ft cut massev harris hay loader cockshutt man ure spreader massev harris 13- run seed drill steel land roller plows4 harrows flat hay rack otaco rubber tire farm wa gon farm truck wagon disc har row 2 riteway milking units lou- d car for a wo track 1 fu of new hay fork rope 130 ft of hay fork rope 75 ft of tripj rope- hay fork pulleys fanning mill high beam scales scuffler 4 bunch- esr of shingles massev jrrr grinder 4 rolls of snow fence massey harris clover reaper cows part hereford and short horn cow due about time of sale- roan cow frash in oct with calf at foot grey cow due jan 1 part hereford cow milking bred may 3 red cow milking bred mav 6 grey cow milking bred july 2 red cow milking bred june 1 red cow moking bred june 25 young cattle 1 steers 10 months old red heifer 11 months court of revision take notice that the court of revision for appeals against the 1955 assessement of the town of acton will be held in the council chambers at the town hall acton at the hour of 1000 am thursnov241955 a182 j mcgeachie clerk town of acton notice re voting on grant to band and voting oa erection of a municip al building or buildings at an approximate ost of 200wmmm nassagaw township and summer calves pure bred slorthorn bun 2 tears- old household furnttijrf combination china cabinet and buffet table chairs round extens- i tab and many other articles terms cash settlement with clerk on day of amla a no reserve as faxitf is sjold h a oauoon auct li kcmmam clerk thence south fortythree de grees fiftyone minutes east s 43 degrees 51 ei and being along the said northwesterlv boundtv sixtysix feet three inches 66- 3i to a point thence north fiftyone degrees three minutes east cn 51 degrees- 3 ej four hun and twentv- six reet six inches 426 6 to a i springs snrsprmg mattress dress p i i er ad wash stand toilet set 7 north fifteen degrees i shaving case steamer trunk white fifty seven minutes east n 15 de- enamel single bed complete leather seated chairs- studio couch good as new arm chairs morris chair electric clock antique clocks tloor and table lamps wilton rug sniail table pcacstal fern bowi lusireware china tea set fancy plates trayi vases etc silver sug- ur bowl and spoon holder fancy glassware pitchers candlesticks tea set for 5 doilies linens table mats living room xewcombe pi ano in good condition t library table end table book ends pair wicker chairs carved hall rack w with mirror antique love seat with on mondatt 5th december chairs to match hall mirror card i at the following places table books antique stereoscope polling subdivision no 1 comp- and views curtains drapes rugs take notice that the follow ing questions v ill be submitted to the electors of the town of acton qualified to vote on money by laws at the annual election to be held on december 5 1955 are you in favor of the payment of an annual grant of onehalf of a mill on the vihole rateable prop erty in the town of acton for the support and aid of a civilian band or bands of music in acton yes no are you in favor of the munic ipality of the town of actbn er ecting a municipal building or building ineluding library and fire hall at an approximate cost of 200000 00 and borrowing money upon debentures for such purpose yes no j mcgeachie clerk a-18-3- town of acton for sale northern spy apples at the farm please supply contain ers f o hunter norval at no 10 sideroad between ashgrove and norval a182 for sale sweetest turnips this side of heaven 100 bushel 50c half bushel 10c apiece for as many as you like delivery on sat urday c e cutrts phone 198wl4 a19 for sale many models of dl- uminum storm doors and windows also awnings and canopies porch and stair railings priced to fit any pocketbook for free estimates phone 385j a183 milking machine sales and ser vice surge milkers vacuum pumps dairy cleaners sanitizers and milk- stone removers good used milkers of several makes for sale call hor ace tomlinson first line west brampton phone 1872 af dead antmals km 500 each for dead or disabled cows and horses old hor8e8 se lb one of ou trucks passes your district daily call bel wood collect 23rll 24 hou son our service george gib- 5 atf opportunity knocks we need a representative to ser vice established clientele in george town and surroundings guaranteed line of household necessities cos metics full or part time basis ask for more details familex dept 3 station c montreal a19 i lost and found strayed to the farm of har vey bridgman lot 28 con 4 nassa gaweya 3 jersey heifers phone 115r21 rockrwood a19 we have no watch dog sa come and steal one of these guaranteed used cars 1954 ford sedan 1953 ford sedan 1950 pontiac club coupe 1949 pontiac automatic transmission 1949 pontiac sedan 1948 chev club coupe many others to choose from your pontiac bolck dealer garner motors acton phone 452 or 440 b19 nominations for reeve and four councillors for the municipality of nassagaweya and three trustees for school area no 1 in the municip ality of nassagaweya monday november 28 1955 at the township hall brookville at 1 oclock pjtn i in the event oi a poll being de- of power machinery farm iraple- manded the balloting will be held ments hay grain dairy eqoip- 1955 ment and furniture etc clearing auction sale found team of horses one black one white on saturday at the farm of roy johnston rr 1 ac ton owner may have same by paying expenses 331j4 acton a19 lost hound female pup height 13 ht shoulder white and black mostly white muzzle white head and ears brown ears tipped with white last seen monday november 14 on 6th line near limehouse an- swers t nam o lulu phon rnd kentner kentners dnugstore georgetown tr 72632 a19 for rent for rent 2 or 3 rooms hot water and bath phone 432j a19 for rent three bedroom house in acton 100 a month ap ply box 42 free press a173 for rent3 rooms bathroom hot water 30 month no objection to children 92 agnes st acton for rent i roomed apartment modern cupboards private ent rance tile floors throughout phone 66 or 250 a19 for rent 3 room selfcontain ed apartment heated builtin cup boards hot and cold water sup plied phone 365j a19 town of acton btimuiytsirtn nominations miscellaneous piano instruction in and popular phone 368 classical a-17-8- day care for children any age monday to friday 129 roseford terrace gienlca subdivision a19 received pictures electric radio- weeds re pairtv bedrooms white finish bed room suite with double bed springs and mattress and dresser wicker rocker feather ticks dark finish bedroom suite with double bed in compliance with the municipal act a meeting of the electors of acton will be held in the s57 e one hundred and thirtysix feet eight and one- quarter inches c136 8v to a point thence north thirtyeight de crees fiftyone minutes east n 38 degrees 5r e and being alone the northwesterly limit of lot num ber one hundred and thirteen u13 one hundred and twentv feet one and onehalf inches u20- 1 hv mte or less to a point in fe nprthwesterly limit of main street thence north fortvfour de- dresier coal oil be he uijsss 12 w nine minuteswest n 44 de grees 9 w ind being along the said limit of main street sixtysix feet six inches 66 6 more or less to the place of beginning m hereby established as a high way read a first time tbjs 14th dsv of october 1988 read a second time this 24th day of october 19s5 a194 j mtgbachb cleric sheets pillows bed clothing cush ions lino scat r kitchen furntture mc- clary rane acme electric stove electric 2 plate vacuum cleaner electrictoaster porcelain top table arborite top table pine table percolators tea pots kitchen cook ing utensils of all kinds cups saucers plates jars crocks garden tools lawn mower rakes hoes shovels rubber hose step ladder garden shears brooms b saws ham etc terms on furntture cash oh day of sale no articles to be removed till settled for no reserve as the owner is sell ing the home and giving up house keeping you will be pleased with the goods offered for sal hznoley ah elliott r auctioneers phone 19r3 rockwood or tr 80233 muton- the undersigned have rising lots 110 inclusive across the instruction from township in the orange- hall wilfred thompson xjt 22 to sell bv public auction at his j i fj vvi rr i fa iot on the 9th line of traf- shwsie councirroom bosl 1 jiv 11 ville cyril elliott dro jsss vjfse 19 polling subdivision no 3 camp- horses ato harness 1 r lots 2g 83 across the towlpej mare aged 1 perchertn ship at knatchbuu hall knatch- eeldlng aged about- 1700 lbs bull a h diamond djto i apiece set of double harness sad- l w mcmtllan cleekj odd collars bells etc nag nov 12 imjth suffering from backaches rheumatic pain sciatica lumbago l over if you let rumacaps help i you to relief ask your druggist a2 mayor reeve deputy and six councillors 3 c school estimates gladly furnished wall- trustees and 2 public utilities paper samples and paint available commissioners i job l urge or oosmaij b the tax collector will be m tne i town hall on friday november 25th 1955 from 730 to 830 pm for the purpose of nominating eeve deputy reeve and council- school trustees and public township haltprtorto nominat- i t jn8 fm tableland ions to issue tax certificates k whue ensmev j utilities commissioners for the us iodd chairs ssnall cook stove with ua w wr t recervoir and warming closet wood i tify bed threequarter size single t 2 wood leigh bed with springs 2 p f 5sjif tirin mattresses steel bed three- at the hour of ten clock n quarter sue 3 dressers 1 with ex tra large mirror electric hand dainted tsble lamp odd wash ands pine flour chest large pine frank phone 377w acton 1 main st s a- 1921 commercial and domest ic upholstering add looks ind comfort with skilled restyling your furniture can be handsome ai new again low cost call us one week service phone 88 acop atf kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for as little as 99 rt- finighingalioratgscleane indnv paired for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one weeks service i tf- monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and tnarxers i a good display in stock wm c allan prep 6b queen st w bresnpten shop phone uioj res 313 rep yom nicol jwjaif btem 603w the morning and continuing until seven oclock in the afternoon of the same day at the following plac es that is to say rdl tllil wltvta fnlesas board double barrel shotgun and j mr- other small household effects terms cash settlement with clerk on dyjfsale 1 no reserve as farm is sold i proprietor is giving up fanning and hit well known herd of regist- ered holsteins will be sold at -hays- ward no 4 assessors room j ssdes arenndec 1sv hindley and elliott auctioneers george currfe clerk i b242 deputy returning officer ward no 2 council chambers town ball with esther taylor as deputy returning officer ward no 3 engineers room town hall with harriet helwig as deputy returning officer t clraaunct auction skit town hall with annie anderson as- deputy returning officer j mcgeachie a183 returning officer h s3 reg suffolk sheep 15graaw saffolks trac and p f intents fanaltere bto the property at whjliam cromar lot 16 8th une esquesing ship 1 mile south of georgetosm bn saturday mo v bl framk psnrokx t rl

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