Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1955, p. 1

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id a aiirnintt liia eightieth yearno 34 acton ontario thursday february i 7th 1955 ten pages sixcents 4 wcasutg tsukhd never miforettes and natives as had as youthful and exhuberant a band of buccaneers it did when robert louis stevensons famous adventure too to t s of ac pu sc tu a w e to p before packed houses in both performances m o the cast in the colorful operet- stafl pholo ta is shown in this free press photo taken atthe dress rehearsal monday afternoon a p were c for mo roles i g pupil not sh provided songs and dances before the operetta electronic ftmsfi fbrnner storey qloye bldirig machines are in operation again this week in the buffding formerly owned and operated by thie storey glove co but they arc not making gloves radio arid television components tethenew product of s g- smallwood ltd kitchener latest industrial addition to acton first machines are in operation- this week on the fourth floor other machinery is arriving daily and it is expected the- whole four- fjpors of this bulldipg will be in production in the near future stanley g small woodestablished this business in kitchener nine years ago under his direction the firm grew until- it is presently em ploying nearly 150 in the kitchener plant this growth forced a larger building to meet production de mands for themtems manufactured there and sold across canada to in dustries and manufacturing con cerns marketing electronic equip ment and appliances employne nta film on currency shown to y5 men a film money in yajur pocket was shown at the regular meeting of- the acton ys mena club tart thursday it traced canadian cur rency from- its designing making arid distribution to its final burning the swimming instruction pro gram now underway was consider ed tlje ys men provide trans- portation and insist on returning the children to their homes plans were made to attend an interclub meeting with guelph in march and a charter night for a vsj si i couptelira with a tauaaiiliis rear a sofoet tree toggl th wrong way u aphnten a twetorey house an the caaapbeuvtue just east of the village an taeaday afternoon mr and mrs william tuner were in the tiauat at the time watentng noikn cutting the tree noticing it pitch toward their haaae they escaped to a back kitchen which was na caught in the f the heavy ash tree about tour feet acnaa mt the butt the of the largest that district residents could recall having the impact of the falling tree broke two windows ta the nelgh- ef james deparest a few yards away from the demellsh- mr and mrs tamer stayed with their daughter mrs dan mclean in caaapbettvule following the accident the tree was being removed since installation of hydra requir ed catting t same limbs and it was decided to remove the whale tree alfred turner was cutting the tree with a chain saw for the owner mt the property w p gamble mt guetah mr and mrs turner have ured ta the aoaae far approximately mr jurner wvs rcc tram a heart ailment that had him to his home only ne side wall of the ta hack nf the urn wruaagc to prevent titer remained with the balance of iebrla a amau leanto at the the store waa removed from another puc debenture seen to rhit transformers up to par la o adequate facilities to put at par the towns existing hydro system foreshadows another puc debenture issue members learned at a meeting last week with hhpc hamilton of fice- representatives who were in vited to hear the actoyi commiss ions financial woes to the last debenture issue the rtrtpc allowed some 1200 for transformer expense this figure was necessarily exceeded last year bybver wo per cent itwas point ed out and was the main reason behind thursday nights meeting the hydro spokesman t scott admitted the transformer allow ance on the debenture had been whittled in order to minimize the debt ori the shoulders of the mun icipality at the same time he ob served it was apparently u drop in the bucket- to what should have been spent on transformers chairman f g oekes said a tot al of about s6000 had to be paid out for transformers program to becttfy an outline of a program designed to bring the transformer situation up to par was presented next at the ouueu it was emphasized the program was prepared on the bas is of a survey over the existing hydro system and did not include provisions for expansion such as will be required in the four new subdivisions and in actons newly annexed area before d cliff the second rep resentative outlined the particul ars of the survey mr scott re marked that to implement the pro gram it would mean frankly a further debenture issue the towns present kva capac ity is quite inadequate mr cliff began and as a result the custom- ers are hot getting first class ser vice at present there are about 948 kvas in the distribution sys tems capacity he said and added an increase of 735 kvas would be necessary to bring the system to an adequate capacity of 1700 need about sutt nine new transformer installat ions would be nece and 3 transformers would have to be re- connected and reinstalled he con tinued here he reviewed particul ar installation locations and made recommendations on possible strength revisions spine 22 new transformers would be required approximately 12300 would be required for this program he said and underscored that this figure was only a tentative estimate which excluded any expansion costs and only allowed for the-rec- tfying of the present systems strength continued on page five treasure island packs schools auditorium full for two nights a chest full of treasure fwas found right on the stage of the public school auditorium this week in fact it was found twice once on tuesday and once on wednes day when the school presented its operetta treasure island the auditorium was filled both nights as most appreciative aud iences enjoyed the rollicking songs admired the outstandingly good costumes appl the solos and chuckled at the plot the hero of the story jim haw kins tfas played by denis gib bons on both evenings tuesday ruth jones and wednesday norma cunningham played the part of his mother the innkeeper her inn was the scene of altern- ate gatherings of pirates the bad guys and townsfolk the good guys main pirates were old sea dog bob coxe tuesday and wayne ridley wednesday black dog waynelwilson and dav peal pew don emmerson wee willie david grahame and danny holm es long john silver jack pasma and jim lindsay ben gunn wil- lard halladay and paul elliott dick roy dunk israel brian mc- cristau ixrvsjfi4- dr livesay vtiasptayed by laurie duby and roger lambert squire trelawney by robert park t er and eddie mcmullen captain smollett by don cook and dale woodburri navoh a native of treasure island was arthur wood the main characters were back ed on stage by a colorful assembl age of villagers pirates sailors and in one impressive tableau by young natives of v treasure island in grass skirts several dances provided contrast during the show a smart sailors hornpipe was coached by mrs j calder especially colorful was the spanish dance in vivid tumes dancers were ena waller joan courtney and alan fetterly altogether 276 youngsters part icipated jn the show c taylor was master of cerem onies on tuesday evening and wes wolfe on wednesday the pro gram began with a delightful little dance by kindergarten students followed by songs and dances by grade two students grade one students made a hit with their square dance the junior choir sang with solos i wonder what ill be when i am big some day settings on the stage were good particularly for act two on board ship when realistic waves were officers elected by acton juniors the a junior- farmers held their regula meeting at the home biburtoxoh weahesclay febru ary 0 the junior institute held their annual meeting mrs g so- rherville presiding over the elect ion of officers they are past pres ident anne mclaughlin presid ent marion porte vicepresident doris thompson secretarytreasur er ida archibald district director kathleen stanley the junior farmers had j e whitelock to preside over theiral- ection which resulted as fotwws past president charlie thompson president bfll somerville vice- president jack marshall secretary- treasurer bill price press report er mac sprowl directors spike scott ron tyler calvin sprowl don matthews i at the joint meeting the group saw a few more of mac sprowls pictures on his recent trip jack marshall followed this with a quiz on different kinds of apples tb tests here tub week patch teste fortb de are betag carried out at acton public school where nil pupim and teachers are tak ing advantage mt the control ptogiam for louury ae out lined by dr archie bull hojl in the accompanying report children who should show a reaction to the teat are given l f examination a reaction 1 mwao pointed out however may only indicate the child ha at one time been la contact with tho tv germ but baa thrown it off p on the backdrop the costumes which aroused much comment were made by a group of mothers under the direct ion of mrs w wolfe makeup was done by bruce shoemaker and r r parker r miss barnard the music teacher directed the youngsters in their an nual presentation- miss potter played the piano during the oper etta mrs turner played for trie songs and dances that preceded it susan wilson came in front of the colorful curtain to introduce the operetta tuesday- evening grace clough spoke to the crowd wednesday honor memory of devoted member the senior auxiliary w3is of knox church met thursday feb ruary 10 at the home of mrs h mainprize mill st the first vice- president mri ew smith pres iding the meeting opened with a brief period of silence in tribute to the memory of mrs e e barr who had been a devoted member devotions were in charge ormrsv armstrong and mrs j allison mrs mainprize had charge of the studj and gave a wealth of infor mation on india and its two fold need food for body and food for tho soul ah were asked to attend the worlds day of prayer to be held in the baptist church mrs paul rumball hgme on furlough from japan is to be guest speaker at the spring thankoffering meeting after the business perioi all re mained for a social half hour p morrow cowufy health unh wages war on tb starts program in schools halton countys health unit direc- children in the county and you will this rate today we could i tuberculin testing program is an at- dr archie f bull presented a understand that it js a gteat task toi expect sqtpeople todie in the conn- j mpr nh thw rtihrr aftivr a wrnr le ihis number artd it wjll rejuiretty each year from this disease now i es a child with a positive skin test a good deal of time it is however however the death rate is only 64 j has at some time been exposed to quite appropriate that we should this amount of control has been tuberculosis spend some time in the control of achieved in just over 50 years in u the disease tuberculosis rsprreanhe fact that we have no v ho xraylng each very specific method of jtreaung the ivx ch and aso memb of his family some of these active acton juniors jake semifinal series a junior farmers swept the first three out oi live game series in the junior farmers hockey playoffs and now goes on to meet norval the final game with pal ermo was played monday in mil- ton when the north defeated the south 5-3- jack marshall the acton goalie was sparkling the game was close in the first two periods with the score 22 at the end ofthettirst arid 33 at the end of the second then don mc- kenzie turned oh the steam to wham two more counters into the palermo nets the last when the palermo goalie had been pulled out of the play actons scorers were somerville mcxenzie j currie rmckenzie wheeler somervjue mckenzie mckenzie currie scott mcken zie somervillej there were no penalties until the last frame when richardson and d currie copped two and somerville another two acton marshall scott l thom pson deblau wheeler mckenzie tsbmerville d currie f currie tyler hemsley c- thompson m sprowlc sprowl palermo lillyeropd viyjan flippance price richardson k vivian l vivian pegg marshall gredr pelletterio t- tasker it was pointed out the former storey glove plant a substantial brick building was available and metrthcsrexpansion tequlisenrentst present plans are to use the top floor for winding operations with the general assembly of parts on the third floor second floor will be used for inspection and testing on the basement floor will be machine work and heavyequipment employment will be available foi female help and opportunities foi men in the engineering department and machine shop it was learned this week young men will be re quired to train as technicians pro- fuction manager paul heinbuck is now at the acton plant and names are being taken for an employment list as positions become available here and equipment installed announcement held certain employees will transfer from kitchener however many- with- homes in that city will not be desirous of leaving it was pointed out a former local resident ted harrop office manager will be coming back to his home town with the move j m duvall is the chief engineer this addition to actons industry is a boost to employment here the requirements for both- male and female help will compensate for certain employment lost when the storey glove co jceased operations last march an opportunity to ac quire new skills will also be opened up for local young men and women official announcement of the move has been held until operations were rpady to st th new in hew club in north toronto later this month dustry now a reality and not a pro mise for the future has a scope which will become a growing factor from now on in actons industrial life lentative approval for school addition clerk j mcgeachie has received a letter giving tentative approval to the issuing of de for the three room addition to acton high school the letter from the municipal board now allows thehigh scho61 board to engage architects to prepare sketch plans for the addition before any tenders are called or detailed plans prepared further approval must be received from the department of education and also on the detailed plans it is hoped that all these matters can be cleared so that ah early start on the three room addition may be made to have it ready for oc cupancy when schools re-open- for the term jn september some cause happiness wherever they gothers whenever they go asks cons of fluoridation fluoridation of water has def initely been proven to cut down tooth decay dr harold leib told acton rbtarians tuesday at their regular meeting he touched on the controversial subject during hisffiddress during national health weeka he declared that the addition of odium fluoride to water will do a tremendous amount in the pre vention of tooth decay some com munities have if naturally in wa- ter he pointed out the chemical impregnates itself in the enamel and makes it harder cutting down decay there was initially a great pro test in brantford he recalled many complained of bad taste and strange illnesses only to learn that the fluoridation had not yet begun in the past nine years there tooth decay has been reduc ed 60 per cent in the two to five age group in the united states 980 towns and cities have fluoridation in canada moose jaw saskatoon moncton and brantford have added fluorides in the water the dental and medical assoc- iations have approved fluoridation he added if the town of acton ia ev a dr leib de he hopes everyone will study it before committing himself againtt if dr leib says that canada spends more on national health per capita than the united states and is one of the healthiest countries in the world dr leib was introduced by fred wright and thanked by h kin- read johnny goy outlined the work ahead for the easter seal campaign and fred wright announced the 50th anniversary of rotary meeting next week with a special speaker enjoy ladies night atjhe highlands a busload of ys men the- wives friends and members of the ladles auxiliary travelled from acton to the highlands gait for the annual ladles might on sat urday altogether 42 enjoyed the evening of dancing lome masters a new member was welcomed the band played one number specially for the club the entire busload stopped at a restaurant on the way home for a snack proposed jszxso budget before members of county council last week and also briefed the council lors on one major aspect of the units work detection and preven tion of tuberculosis j in a prepared statement released tb is at present our most im- disea vuuurcw- jm a nigner aeaw rate m nature of jhe units tjb control ot communicable disease l is proje which will b started this estimated that it is at the present time costing the people of halton yonrand gave some statistics on ih- pejj8ejbcejnd rlrath rate of extracts from dr bulls report followi we have already commenced pabcrculin testing of all public achobl children ta the county we antveabdoost lovooo primary acjwol years the disease will have almost disappeared it is hdwevert still present with us and is causing dis- over 100000 per year tblttfrfng adeath provide care and welfare for people suffering from this disease this- amount is being spent each year in spite of the great improvement in the control of the dheate in 1900 the death rate from tu berculosis was 160 per 100000 if fwo years ago during our chest survey over 17000 adults were xr rayed- in this number eight active rates were found it is probable that we nave ah additional eight active cases ia the more than 17000 adults who were not xrayed tbe portant communicable disease- lt t j rt- casetmay be found they fran then drrbull ouaitodtheti any t nrisxpeebroswtn another so successful treated so wil no longer be a source to other members of the jcomhiua tty i u- r the county tuberculosis as- sociatioii is cooperating in this pro ject by paying for the cost of the tuberculin test material the furr ther control of this disease whsch wul be provided by this program will in turn save tfce communities a great deal pf money iffik i sput smashb home of mr and mrs willlarn tomer new phototaken ininutesafw the iiiige tree crashed through rhehpuee wbiayiiitioodfttm napr rowly rnlssed death the tree wax being felled v nseielrernenh of hydro lioetnteotw tuesday rum 2c5i m w3mmm

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