i can never ust fathom how it happens eirery year we start getting christmas conscious an november we plan to do all the shopping early get our greetings away in ample time to facilitate the work of the post 6ffice in fact we get ready to do all the christmas chores iust as we urge other folks to do themearly then something happens in those mid weeks between late november and christmas and those weeks have disappeared and we are right smack up a week or ten days before christmas with pre cious few of our plans carried out and into those final hectic days when decisions cannot be fore stalled and the facts of christmas have to be fac ed or new years will be here before we know it it wasnt always thus we can readily recall when those weeks from november to december 25th seemed the slowest of all the year if you are over 50 you will have similar recollections of those tedious days that had to expire before christmas came we hope others are in the dilemma with us we ve got a hundred and one things to do in the next week we know exactly how many shop ping days there are we know today is the 16th of december and we know how to subtract 16 from 25 our new years resolution will be the same as those of past years that in 1955 it wont happen this way city mud the headlines of toronto dailies last week were really the laughing stock of most other centres in view of the fact that royalty has visit ed that city and a great many other celebrities have on invitation been guests of toronto the scandal of public expenditure on entertainment is to say the least comical most people wilt re alize that city hall expenditures were a mere drop in the bucket and that most of the entertainment must have been provided by funds not included in the municipal tax bills there was another shameful furore only last summer when a royal visitor was invited to open the c n e and then a great cry arose over the share of the expenses to be incurred it is a bit significant that the c n e turned over a cosy sur plus to the city treasury after this year s event those who visit toronto know full well that any entertainment there is paid for out of ones own pocket the recent grey cup game added a nice fat amount to the coffers of city business places from the pockets of visitors wonder to us is that so many people visit to ronto when the city provides so little and makes such a fuss over the meagre hospitality provided hurricane hazel cannot be held entirely respons ible for the surplus of mud that has been thrown around toronto this year revenue or health whether you are a farmer or engaged in some other occupation in canada the plight of our surplus of wheat butter cheese milk meat etc and other food products is of vital concern to all of us the products of the farm are all good nourishing food things that our bodies require we as a small population in canada cannot begin to eat all that the land produces for years we ve been faithful eating each day a whole wheat bis cuit each morning the surplus o wheat s bigger than when we started we enoy butter and cheese but we haven t made a dent in the sur plus stocks ahead of us thinking of the example set by premier men des france of france n us ng m ik as a beverage instead of liquor we believe real proqress could be made in assisting the dairy industry if milk were substituted for intoxicat ng beverages at all functions it would be a lot cheaper we be lieve and leave no bad effects from over indulg ence it would bu id a fine manhood and wo manhood if the homes had more milk bottles and fewer beer bottles there would be no motor accidents from drinking if our beverage was milk to change the dnnk ng habits of a people will take time m ik wouldn t be palatable if serv ed under the same conditions that exist in many beverage rooms but then going to a milk bar would enable the drinkers to eliminate the cost of a baby sitter the whole family could go along the possibilities are so numerous for the good of all canadians we wonder why the idea originated in france and not in canada here s an opportunity for canadian government leaders to set a new trend in better drinking habits for can adians of course there wont be any tax re venue from the sale of milk as a beverage perhaps canadians havent reached the stage where france is now with its problem of drinking wines and liquor but we are coming along rapid ly and education of our social drinking habits is long overdue who wants to manage the other day we read an expressed opinion from one of the odd million authorities that management should provide security for all workers and relieve them of any anxiety from sickness loss or other causes in so doing the worker would be able to concentrate mom on his work and society would benefit v recently the trades and labor congress of canada officers put before the st laurent cabinet 48 pages of requests demands and deploring summarized it appears that the congress wants more government spending and a reduction of taxes its a nice package weve ust heard recently of municipal affairs in several centres taxes are high and still fail to satisfy public demands members of council and boards spend many hours in an effort to solve the problem of how to spend more and collect ess taxes i the question is how long will we be able to secure leaders and folks who will strive to meet all the demands up in hespeler a strike has been averted by offering employees a share of profits perhaps that will be the new approach share of profits and losses sharing in happiness and troubles management would also share in the security program too and be allowed to concen trate on its ob j more public expenditure with less taxation is nice to ponder whether it be at the federal provincial or municipal level a good education to see both viewpoints on this question is to ac cept public office a few years in such a position of responsibility gives a very chanqed idea of management maybe we have too many mex penenced authorities expressing opinions year around work don t imagine we are going to completely solve the problem of seasonal unemployment this winter but says the financial post don t write cff the long term effects of present planning either a start has been made and with the necessary cooperation ottawa is confident that substantial progress can be made in relieving this national headache we could of course insist if we were to dis regard the cost entirely that alt government con struction be restricted to the winter months the cost would be vastly more man that of similar work done m the summer and we could ajso be sure that some of it would have to be done over again it ust rsn t possible to carry out economic i ally certain types of construction everywhere in canada when the temperature is well below zero on the other hand there are obs including i nteror construction that can be carried out ust as well m the winter t me as in summer there are purchases which mean employment at the pont of production that can be made just as eas ly n december as m june ottawa has made a start in planning and al j locating such work and buying m ts var ous gov ernmenf departments provincial governments j and private industry have been asked to follow a similar policy but this is something that will take t me it cannot be planned and carried out overn ght and f ve are realstc we will not expect it to be car r ed out overnight an regardless of expense tons of plum pudding a treat in store for travellers on can adian national railways trains during the christmas and new year holiday is being prepared above by chef romeo charest the plum pudding made from a famous century old recipe will be served in all cnr dining cars between december ib and january 3 to top off turkey dinners dressed with cranberry sauce and all the trimmings chef charest spends more than a week just pre paring the tremendous quantities of plum pudding needed n w a one vote victory in oakville last week mayor lachlan mcarthur retained his of fice for 1955 by one jurt one vote when electors cast 1 111 ballots for him and 1 110 for his opponent william anderson the defeated candidate 3 undecided about ask uir for a recount on basis of a clajm three declared supporters of his were refused voles although pro perly entered on the voters list the hospital question in bronte last week voters turned down the question put to them deal utg wrth expense or a 40000 sha- in the proposed oakville trafalgar memorial hospital in oakville and trafalgar township however there was a big margin ot agreement with tht need for the addition from ratepayers over 2000 000 from levy and to be raised bv subscrip tion is needed for the expansion hockey in milton in milton the increasing number of youngsters anxious to phv mi hockey this winter necessitated council granting added free ice turn last year the rotarv club sponsored 10 teams p l robertson ltd sponsored a juvenile team and it was noted by the champion these same groups arc prepared to con tribute again this year toward minor hockey little interest in bnrllngton in burlington little interest was taken by the voters in the munict pal election last week onh 778 vo ts were cast out of a possible 4575 tht gazette rtports in listing the names of six out of seven candidal ts elected the same paper neglects to sa whit officts the wtrt run ning to fill but presumably it is for council strike goes on in oikille ford of canada s tvo months old strike goes doleedt on while the compnnj workers sup plurs and dt iters are suffering rroun aining losses not to men ctrtun ri till establishments c nti rs hi i il populated b ford fumilit chr tmas is moving ni er and the outlook for i 1 rh ldren i get i ng bltakcr the good old days may have seemed better back in 1934 ran u ton of the free tnm f tharatay dmwmr 11 mm this week the free press present its annual shopping edition of 11 pin it contains special advertise ments a christmas story by mrs clarke whose chronicles of ginger farm appears each week the let ten written to santa claua and other feature the making of lee at tne arena set a record for speed thuraday morning last the ground was no quite frozen hard on monday night there was a perfect sheet of the practice thanks to municipal officers macpheraoa and mills monday saw the faithful shiver ing on the sidelines watching the first turnout for the year trying for the position ot goalkeeper are jack qreer fred kentner roy denny and carney byrne looks back in 1904 fraaa uw bam at law free nait tfcaraaay deeraaber is um ii is expected the rink witj be open in about a week the fire men flooded it on monday evening sleighs and cutters were out on monday for the first time an uananal romantic marriage united a couple of nasaagaweya young people last week a blush ing maiden had promised her hand and heart to a prosperous young yeoman and the nuptial bonds were to be sealed this week the bridal trousseau was well advanced and one of actons stylish tailors had the order for the groom wedding outfit last wednesday another enterprising swain came along and made love to the betrothed and on the principle that a bird in hand is worth wo in the bush when the question was popped she said yea again the pair immediately hied erin traetsr fire in erin firemen were called out r a short exercise last week when a summons for help came from the farm of cecil gibson whose tractor had taken fire the blaze was ex tinguished with chemicals before serious damage resulted the advo cate advises mass production in georgtown mass production on some 600 homes east of the town in the recently annexed 1 000 acres is expected to begin next spring a huge farm houst will be taken over january by rex heslop s office crews hislop is the developer of the huge bite of properly which is pected to hold industrial and commercial expansion as well as itw hoims fverythlng but the patient in milton list wttk i prominent rchitect speaking to tht rotary club of thit town lold his aud nee hospitals ire designed on the bisis that puts everjthing bu tht pitunt care on a production imp plin nowaday the speaktr added the emphasis in hospital building us on efficiency not arti tic structure 50 per cent vote in bronte in bronte 50 per cent of the vot ers turned out to elect men to coun cil ind puc as wtll as turn down permission to be taxed or a 40 000 share in the planned oakville tra falgar memorial hospital addition some 227 voted no and 187 voted ves the clerk counted a total of 106 spoiled ballots afte the elec tion like a choice between the first two themselves to guelph ostensibly to with jack having the heavy end of 1 wls me big winter fair but in re- the choice a uke upon themselves the to raise some club funds a group vows which bind for life they are of old time shinny players have the talk of the township now agreed to play a benefit game to- t night wind and wither midnlsht on dte of the pioneers of erin township in the person of thomas mccutcheon passed to his reward deceased was born in erin township in 1830 he and his wife were members of the disciples church at everton a case of diptheria developed in the home of mr w thompson last week the youngest child died on monday and a couple of others are now suffering the public library board has de cided to make an addition to the library of new and popular books the present month special atten tion being given to the selection of the latest books on nature studies science and art and general litera ture the books will be stamped with a rubber stamp showing them to be government property goodeve and co is waiting for you to come and see christmas goods the best time is early in the morning or directly after dinner waist goods by the yard a nice held in the town hall last friday present for sister mother or lady evening music was supplied by the friend bed spreads beauties at sod busters orchestra with e pac 2 each pillow shams doyleys ker as floor manager neckties no old and shoddy goods curlers are lookng about for but the latest creations candles brooms the housewives may be from ordinary mixed to the most missing this article any day now expensive ban bans 10c to 25c box permitting the managers of the opposing sides are joe kentner and j m mcdonald and here is the list of prospects who think they can still handle a hockey stick and stand up on skates harry statham dr e j nelson harry holmes james smith frank mcintosh ed ryder lawrence williams t b rumley w d talbot cam leish man ben baylisa john morton george king dr a j buchanan dr p w pearen jack chapman eli masters al kirkness and h i g fraser reeve thetford will face off the puck and minute walters will chase the bad actors to the penalty box the editor of the free press was honored by being asked to play on the team but was thankful it was the same night as the warden s dinner in burlington the usual splendid attendance was accorded the 34th annual ball and supper of acton fire brigade rilled jan busy drillers calgarj cpt a total of inti mtural gns wlh wen in the four wes ern provir vorrhwrst terntor e frorr to no 11 it works out t completions dailj busy shipping cimpbellton n b cp hipping traffc n this li tie pot is on the upgrade fortwst vessels cleared th eir nc udinr ihr e 000tc nner nk rg hn pulp and papt ind th r g n ctvistil ind fore jn pe 15 professional directory and travellers guide medical legal or w g c kenney physician and sargeaa office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 1h dr d a garrett physician and surgeon comer of willow and river sts entrance rivor street acton ontario phone ts dental at the li artmt 3te phbb ttar onli paper fer published in acton fo rdid in srsnd p ihlished eerv thursdai at sfi m m f art n ont mimkr of the udil bureau of circula i n ihi cttw md the omar o quebec d ision of the a adirtisnc ratts on requtst subscriptions pa ah i n ajsiiid k so in canada j3 so in the i nited states i nihs si w single copies 6 authorised as second c iiss mill post offitv department ot lua published bv the dill printlnf and publishing co limited g a dills editor in chief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 united church of canada acton ontario a frifndt y church rev e a carrey ra bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlaa o m latnpard atom organist and choir leader mndai december 19th 1954 10 im sun in school as the i on j l t nc w sh sub jci i- he same c u trv 00 p m fmnnt tt rhp f in w th nativi oir i h mis m i ir tirol cut for thf wttk st alban s church antllean mi dfofmbfr 11 presbyterian church in canada knox c hlrch acton rlv robert h armstrong ma bd mlnuter sunda dfx embfr 1th 194 christmas sundav im chu s ih i hi e g ft srrv ce dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office- leishman block mill st office houm 9 am to 6 pm x ray telephone 148 dr h lffib dental surgeon office- corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 8 p m telephone 19 acton c f leatherland barrister a solicitor naury office hours 1000 am 12 00 ajn i 00 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone rea 131 acton lever hoskin chartered accountant successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldr 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 gerald a candler chartered aecantamt monday to friday 7 9 p m saturday from 9am 27 acton blvd phono 561 acton veterinary mlbt ellaneou8 rumley funeral home heated am balance phone 699 n rht or day serving the community for 46 vears travellers guide f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ao acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary harfeona m- brxikville ontario i i hont milton ls9r21 real estate and instjatancm gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaatbannd 638 a m 8 sfi a m 11 33 an 30s pm 0 pm 633 pm is pm blo 13 pm west bound 102 am 12s2 pm 257 p n- 1527 pm 1 2 pm 9 12 pir i 11 32 pm 1 12 a m sun to k1 except nmdar and hoi f l wright 20 w ibur st acton ontario phone 93 appraiser real eaute anal dav w r bracken real estate inaaraaea thone 2fl actoa 1 1st vour farms business or houo t saturdav i days s indav and hoi th 1 t lr baptist church acton h hi la pi l m r t a r r canadian national railways standard tim eaatbaand fanl ties in uc ring a purchase for ve ir property e ii ashman p re m 146 42 r r 1 cim be v t salesman da ntbbnd 1 to bkwr c chora corrrr and 00 pm anntjal candle 1 iohting and carol ser vtce th- tor of chnstmi in word and song amid sof and clotting candlel ght m ntm1 dft fmb ii l4 1p0o i m s ndn scho i 1 00 a m morn nu ser cc 00 pm epninj worship 8 15 pm by pit i wednesday 00 mwon band 8 00 prayer meeting i t s p s 1fl b f bfan limited real estate and tmarane and mon n dai pxeep sundi 848 a 6s5 pm tacopt pm turdav only 2 t p m sunday it 9 43 am tflagstopt sunday it fiver at guelph 7 08 pm ilv except sat and sun flag p acton 610 pin i r h elliott fl bower avenue hilton phone- ms complete real estate service covering halton county t7c ou racdiuet