jaob two the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 11 ibm 16 from 3000 ther is reportedly a great deal of unernploy- ment how much depends on who is making the statements this month there are 16 obs going tc be open for applicants the opening is coming up on november 26th to be exact from actons population of 3 000 the sixteen positions will be filled of course not all of these 3000 are ehg ibte you have to be over 2 1 years of age and be a householder or tenant on that basis perhaps the field narrows down to 700 qualified for the positions these 16 positions are part time work they won t interfere much with your regular vocation some of them have an allowance attached to them some of them bring their reward in other ways in spite of the employment situation it will likely be difficult to get those positions filled this month the obs we refer to are for mayor reeve deputy reeve six members of council three members of the public school board and fcur members of the public utilities commission they are important positions acton needs plenty of applicants for these obs by filling one of them you can do your community a real service you ii do yourself a real service too by serving on one of these boards getting an understanding of the affairs of your town better start now thinking about these 16 obs in acton two weeks from tomorrow night ap plications will be received at the town hall are checked against the eligible list and must be folded in such a manner that the initials of the returning officer are visible when the ballot is cast apparently that isnt the unions idea of a secret ballot in ihe picture wo saw ballots were being marked at a long table anyone could look over a voters shoulder to see how he voted two voters were attempting to put their ballots in the box at the same time that s what the picture showed anyway if that is a secret ballot we wonder what ihe kind is that is used in other elections we do not think ordinary election procedure has any un necessary precautions for secrecy but then of course we are not eligible to vote in union elec tions and if the eligible voters are satisfied with their secret ballot that is their business only brief power halt before homes converted to 60 cycles thirtysix years ago today is remembrance day thirty six years ago world war 1 was finished since then we ve had another world conflict in our reading this week we came across the following letter which was circulated several years ago john crown was a veteran of world war i here is the letter my name is john crown i am a paraplegic at halloran general hospital my physical wounds are very small in comparison with my spiritual wounds i have come back from death to a world that i no longer care for i who have been engaged in the great struggle to save the world from tyranny and having seen my com rades die for this cause can find no peace in the world or in my country having lived close todeath for two years the reasons why there is no peace seem infinitesi mally flimsy russia wants the dardanelles yugo slavia wants trieste the moslems want india labor wants more wages capital wants more pro fit smith wants to pass the car in front of him junior wants more spending money to these i say is it necessary to kill and crip ple human beings for these petty gains any one who thinks a human body is so cheap that it can be traded for a tract of land a piece of silver or a few minutes of times should be forced to lis ten to the moans of the dying night and day for the rest of his life all the troubles of the world originate in the common man the selfish and greedy ways of nations are ust the ways of each individual man multiplied a hundredfold when the morals of the common man drop so do the morals of the nat ons of the world as long as our nd v dual morals rema n at a low ebb so w ii be the world unt i each of us stops hoqcpng the road w th his car stops f ght ng over the seat on the bus str argu ng over who s go nq to cu the grass there will be no peace n the world if man w shes peace aga n he must temen bef the deat commandment love tt v ne ghbor a thself for the love of god secret ballotting there i been a lot of talk recently n ihe da ly p ess aboit the vot ng held tv ui ons f nally after pressu e one un on that s on str ke n to ronto hed a secret bal ot anh the result vas cf course an endorsation of the str ke one of the daily papers carr ed a p ch re cf the en rect ster mg their secret vote the only vot ng we have done has been at nunicpal or elections for prov nc l or federal cand dates only one voter s allowed m the booth where the ballot s marked the ballets signs and signs there are so many signs these days not only along our streets and highways but elsewhere that they are not ohly apt to be confusing but their very number makes them often disregarded drive along a city street at night and often it is difficult to distinguish a traffic signal light among the multicolored electric signs that are blazing way ontario highways are not nearly as clut tered with advertising signs as those across the border and motorists appreciate this action which keeps our natural scenery visible then there are the signs men at work it doesn t necessarily follow that in the zone indicat ed men are working there is a fine distinction between signs men at work and men work ing sometimes these signs are left on the road long after the ob is completed another sign has made its appearance which may or may not be meaningless speed trap in operation this sign is an admission that some motorists do not heed the sign beside it stating the speed limit to be 30 miles an hour the point is does it mean anything is there a trap in operation if its electrically controlled is the power on or off or is it ust a piece of garden hose thrown across the pavement to give addi tional warning there are cases we have known where the apparatus consists of nothing but warning signs how impressive are all these signs in these days of higher powered motof cars perhaps we don t need so many of them if only they were backed up with the message they give changeover day in acton i i most her and cxltnslve pre partition nnct planning hove been kiting on for weeks til acton hotnes it is estimated that hydro crem will hnvc to con vert some 700 washing machine 470 refrigerators and 300 record players in addition sorm 700 clocki and fans will cither bo al tcrcd or exchanged for now models the clock and fan depot la at st joseph a church thousands of other items will be altered in stores offices far tories and other premise huh numerically on hydro itals an fluorescent light units which will lose their wcycle flicker when the switch is mndc lo 60 cycles ontario hydro i a w manby service centre in islington will serve as base for changeover work in the acton area tho postal od dress of the frequency standard isatlon office nt this centre 1 po box 270 postal station s toron to 18 for service and information cm tnmers in the aeton area have been aiked to cnll trlanglc 7 2233 at georgetown and their cill will be routed through on a direct line to the chingeovcr office in islington radio contact with well equipped trucks right in the conversion areas kill be able to provide fast and fficlent servicing of customers equipment coaperatlon important r saunders aiid cust mir co opemti n plnv a bi part in smooth functioning of chng mosl important to hydro is ihit aime responsible pirton in home to admit technicians on cut da if a home is found unoc upied hydro is forced to cut off the power suppl in order to pn vent possible damigi to customers eager to grab connected 29eycle appliances when ihi fo-cyile- frequency is iwllch e on t liangoover day for cinlomer gi la unilt rway enrly in the morn lug when ontario hydro tech n i ilnm vlylt all liomt s and business premises in the district being htnntlardlxed and insure that all frequency sensitive appliances are disconnected work is then lx gun onjhe actual alteration of these apiuancea and by 10 am when the power in the strict lines hs switched from 29 to 00 cycles the technicians will generally have already made the changeovt r on smaller items such as record playt rs the 10 am switch in the street line involves only a brief inter ruptlon in power service to the home the 36cycle power la dis connected and within so minutes sometimes in leas than a minute the new 60cycle current is switch ed on for the first time and goes into the house at this hightr frc quency this means that except during the brief cutoff period the cus bom or can make normal use throughout the day of the lights and of nil otht r equipment not af fected by the change in frequency such as stoves without timing di vices toasters and so on all in one day generally all frequency sens live equipment in iht home will have been convtrted to 60cycles within one day most equipment too 1 1 altered right on the premist s in certain cas however some hptsof ipplimcts must bt rcmov id to hydro stand irdiritioi work shops where this may cause in ennvtmtnci hvdro makes very tffort to supply i replncemt nt i n loan while that of the customer is at the workshop n w fouth up on the mountain milton it was reported con siructi on is continuing on the erec tion of a pcrrmncnt television relay tower on milton mountain on top of the towers 195 feet will be an extension to hold huge dis that pick up the video beam for boost ing strength of transmission to re cciving sets miles away electronics firm in in georgetown an amtricin electronics firm his taken op ion on a 10acrc pronertv m the town nd has indicated plans of building small but ittractive plint in a pre dominate residential nrea it is expected the firm will employ about 30 skilled or semi skilled workers when operations beg n babies in bronte in bronte population during thi pst year increased bj about 42 percent a district paper reports i the good old days may have seemed better back in 1934 from the na af ike frc rrssa of tharaday navember 1114 official word was received this morning of the appointment by the civil service administration of mr wm g mlddleton of acton to the position of custom officer sue ceeding mr r m mcdonald who retired owing to 111 health he is a returned soldier with a number if yers of service overseas to his credit his experience and training with the canadian national rail ways make the duties somewhat familiar and his ability for the position should make him a very capable and efficient official friends are pleased that the office will be filled by a citizen of aeton with such splendid qualifications for the position electricity users in twentyseven municipalities in ontario will re ceive power at a saving of from 70 to 80 cents monthly as a result of the new power rates approved by the hydroelectric power com mission the annual migration of tran sients bound nowhere are making slopovers in cvr increasing num bits here nights on tuesday eight wirt lodged at the town hall i 111 tt racy is increas ng in canadi but only in proportion to the in crease m population snmi of tin boyi and mm of hock wood c mid hallow in id far somt f iht f i ilunls cirri 1 back in 1904 from the lane af ins free fie at thkrwby notsmber ii ifm a quiet but very pretty weddlnc was solemnized yesterday afternoon at the home of mr and mrs abram stauffer when their only daughter miss ella was joined in holy wed lock to mr william cooper mer chant tailor rev 3 c wilson wa the officiating clergyman the bride- presented a very handsome ap pearance in her bridal robes the young couple were the recipient of many beautiful tokens of friend ship and esteem since coming to acton half a dozen years ago mr cooper ha been one of our meet successful businessmen the coups commence life together in thetin cozy brick home on main st under happy auspices and their many friends unite in extending the most cordial congratulations at the general election last thursday thi people of canada again endorsed the iurler govern ment with an increased majority halton s representative mr d hen d rson had a majority of 130 total acti n for h nderson 17t ia 114 out ntti gs itor w mlows sum not fit foi out r minded cilii nt ut 1m h id ar oil drum thrust through uk w n dow of a rcmdt rici an old car minus its wheels left on tht mu walk a coupk of old r ga 1 ft ir tb sidewalk section of tht br lt i well as other pranks the milton pressed brick com pny has resumed operations at it plant this reducing the number of tn uitmploycd there tli coicirt to b k ven by acton corntt rinl tuwdjy will hive a pn gram 11 will enjoy a few of in numbtrs ire ivi s response rin u lam f ntbvtn cornet n i tt r im si by mason and i ik s lti n g m where the- iltid hi join act n quartette m sirgs irsh sw 11 and major f s inpkn i ftind if h jtn and imi 1 s ni id ii ls charms bar d this ffort should have the uj p rt of c tut n g n rally tin fifty sixth jnr ta mutng of the acton brinch of the bible sotiety as hell in tht baptist ihurch wedniday the officers for tht coming year were elected follows prtsident william brown vice irea fred eastwood sc a t brown ipecial vote of thanks was fetti on the shoulders of council men and businessmen over lh a plication of a resident to build posh motel on the lakcshore seems planning board and township coun ci have batted the proposal back and forth until it applicant and observers are getting short of breath relocates in georgetown in georgetown i casualty of hur ricane hazel a woodbndge store t lings compan will reportedly localt in part of thi sprawling prov ncial pnrx r premises popular 1 known as the lower mill fleven men ar to follow the firm from its former home ind in time 50 will be employed the herald gures an embarraaslng spot in oakville frantic efforts by the towns fathers to save their post hockey boys are ak ng mad to mr brown for very cotn- physical exercise by playing basket prthtnsivt reports and supervision ball in the arena of the work of the society rather interested recently to read a press re port that the ontario government officials were giving the nod to assist building more subways in toronto if the federal authorities would help fin ancially too of course building the new sub ways was a means of relieving unemployment which had it is said reached an emergency state we have no objection to toronto having as many subways as they can pay for but when it comes to spending provincial or federal funds for the relief of unemployment we must bear m m nd that the whole of the province and the whole do m nton are conti butors to these funds there isn t a munic pality in the whole province that couldn t make local improvements that are essen tat to ts welfare f the funds or a portion can be secured from the prov ncial or federal treasures so i ne up your needs get your muncpal piograms read and get n and get your share lefore lorontq puts the whole works n another ibway tnere are a lot more th ngs in ontar o tl at are needed wren t comes to shar ng the wealth to wh ch all make a contr but on toronto s not suffer no from unemployment more than many other centres tak ng a look around the whole s tuat on s a b t exaggerated motor cars amusements tetev s on sets and the expend ture for ntox cat ng i quor woud nd cafe that the s uat on has t t gt tened many belts yet 1 1 at y school no matter how poorly d sc pi n ei there are 5 udents who pass the r exam na ons and make good progress because thev wan tr do so and opoperate w th the teachers nsead of fool ng n the r t me pembroke onl stand a d observer lo make the ll the fastest for library 8j groans s ot the district ir- snorcd up usl whc ucc habitants now number 778 an in crease by 530 over the same period in 1953 one part of the publish ed report observes there are lots of babies in bronte fivehan puc oat in oakville lart week town coun- c 1 turned a collective thumb down on the suggestion ratepajcrs be ask to vole on a five man puc question this election time l cal bus ness m nds in the town were known to be backing the proposal but with irguments of too un w ld n cr iicism o f r ind such like counc ors t i x h tht sight the federal powers that be agreed to an offer bj council for another site free if the demoli tion order was stayed on the build ing then got the embarrassed ad mission from oakville that there just wasnt a site available for a new post office co operative financing in burlington expanding popul i tion there and in kelson township ha prodded counc 1 membt rs to th nk in terms of co opera ve ser ccs ind f initios whn no sib n order o ae her and there lat 1 vertun n this d inct has ci mi n f n disci ns f tt i p ihl c tapping the treasury irj h rh wed hi jinks m inn eiv i f n professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney physician and burgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton ofrice phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary psibu office hou saturdays offici 22 s 10 do an 100 pn by appoint actov i 12 00 an i 500 pro mt nt only rts 1s1 dental dr a j buchanan dental surf eon offce irishman block mill si office hours bam lo 6 pm x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental knrgeon offici corner mill and frederick streets office hours b m to 6 p nx tfi ethone 19 acton veterinary muddle oxer a motel b i 1 t it n i t n ievfr hoskin chartered accountant jr skins m iixrdv 13h 1 u lit m ml 1g 5eraid a candler harlerrd arrounlint f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox avi acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm vrtrrlnary burgeons of fin br ks ilu ontario i lm milt in 165r21 mis h i aneoi h victor r1imiey s son funfral home runrral home heated ambnlam 1 1ot i i r djy s r r x th r i in ly for 10 nats hp atth5 ouvf m iavpard tm rmt teacher of piano studio i niled hnrrh thurwuyi 1 i rk t if ih p n- 29s kf4i fstatf am inkl kancb travellers guide gray coach lines f i wright appraiser real iute and united church of canada rton ontario a fhifnpi chlrt h rev f urrey ba bd mir par- b presbyterian church in canada knox 111 r ii acton rl rohtrt m vrmstront m r i minister stir artmt 3frpp jlrphb the only paper erer pa bl imbed la aeton founded m 1s3 and published ever thursday at 58 mill st e acton onl member of the audit bureau of circula ti ns the c a and the ontarioquebec division of the t w a advents n rate on request subscriptions pa able in advance 2 50 in canada 3 so in the united states k m nths 11 so minnie copies 6c authorized as second aa mall post offer department ottawa pabltehed by lie dilb prinung and pablbalng co united g a dilk editor tn chief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 hlwo m ljmprd ufm oman v- and cho r i tdtr sivda novembfr m h 9m 10 a t m nig w ci p re i -nb- net da s- e x p i ev er ng w r t- p uid n 1 mn n pciu v 1 acr f e phr no charg off r slvd soemhrr 4 1ts i h 1 d i ev r v e uan w c tc a s thev that m t up n be i r ti r t enct 1 t thought for the w eek tw re n nothing the body suf pt ttat he soul nut v pro t bv george mrrediu bapttst church 4cton rn h l p- pi a i b v p r vw i vofbfr h 1 oil r sjndjv sc st albans church anktlran rev eiar h joe b a t ertor sbwt vovember ih 1954 22 d sudav afe tn v 1954 h ills i 1 we acton lnarince t attttound 11 im mvflam 11 33 an w r bpackfn rt pm 0 33 pm rral fatale inanrmnro m pti n fl actoss hnl bound 1 1 v r frr t f lr or hous an v i n s p rr h v r ir ir u 1 u qui n rr 9 12 pn fa t t n i ing a purchase fat jr pr pr y f 11 afthmas at rlay s ndv and bol r r 1 cmnre v r canadian national railways standard tun bur daj b rc i m p f bfan umitfd real ertal and lmnranco b3 mill st acton phone ms wetlboond n- 9 00 a ti h t cotnmumor iaoo a m church school 1100 ajn beginners class 4 15 pjn hory baptism 00 pm evening prayer wedne di m s 8 00 paver meet bt ft day p m erp or t- sv- and mo- o- v 128 diiw excep surdar 8 48 a ti 6m pm farop 9 pm situ dav on t i27 pm sunday baid 3 9 m psrstop sunday or f ter st gie ph 08 pjn goup di it except sit rd sun fijm bfl a gjelph636pro r h elliott real estou lorr avenue phone rrpretert ng i godi ram broker m tor phore 349 npletr real estate servlc vrnrjr ha ion county ih ou facilities j r holmes m church street phone 108m representini j t bfcatw tsrsula broker