Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1954, p. 1

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ht jvttm sttt ft eightieth year no 1 1 acton ontario thursday september 9th 1954 ten pages six cents acton game shy of league title as hamburg beaten acton continued to pile up points deapite the fact ttiat the team was short three ot ii regular men when they beat new hamburg 11 for the second lime last sat urday conditions wen perfect and both teams settled to the game almost at once five minutes after the start of the game aeons centre forward allen had to lenvi the field because of an injury sustain ed in the previous week s tlmi he was unable to return wilson usually a defensive plav er but moved to thi forwnrd line because of the shortage scored ac ton i firt goal it was from a cor ner kick taken bv bottom ley thi bull dropped right in thi mldrlli and hill just put his heid ti it t i knock it into thi net p1a continued nt i fisl pin but tu ifher tutni icemd ihh 1 finlh thi movi ihv slirtd two penh hhou ii was i difrrtiil slirv aft r tt inlrvil hmvivr with acton pi i ing in ilismburu s goal mouth rik l fmmll ih kick off it ttl- wits n agun who scored with i hard ht which passed wid of nam 1 mil wen into thi lop corni r five mitiiius latt r sm dema madt i thru with n long ehil thil ih goal k dldu t set until it ind pass d him hamburg reined to pick up i bit itl thi- tim ind acton was hard put to keep them mil a penaltv was called when the ball struck davies iijind but the shol went wldi of tin upright this wns thi second nm misled tht first called for no appinnt ruwn went liigh over thi bar minute- alter thi pctialh innlhcr free kick was giv en thi- urm oulsld thi rnalv arci simon rune in to takt it and it win a lovth shot which despil cildcrs valiant divi jum srrnpi d inid the pmt need one victory aclon prewd hard ift r thi and ll paid off wlien sutton took on of th mini rorm r kicks thi bill inn high r med t vii drop pint front of tin noil when t swerved and pass d right ovir nn- s hi ad into hi net labor day visitors to anon wen miny hul tt doubtful if iny a inre tli in tin group if kitchener strvia club repr jeiirihvs a i o im ot iv ln us 111 covered wiqon to diillt ncm aaiyoi tylt i ih i beribhonod scroll wis to take part in the mayors and hu vi s roni mntcli in w iterloo county ntxt month at ion s mayot is shown here rnvecl in ii more unusunl convey rhov in i t hnui tliii hindsome miiyor s i ii ilkncji ill horn up in lest it tin int rn ilioiirtl plowmc icceptincj llit thfillcnqi stalled on tracks car hit by train riim ih at whin in i rosmiig mondiv nigh mrs lsst groot of rr mof flit w is rushxi tu in ipli niji hospittl in siiiouhjcoihliliiil tin t 11 in whulrshi w is ndim wii stunk bv n pr pnssi ng i tiuin rti t u wns stullni mi ih lint k it miff it win n hi nun hit it mi nruil in n i fruitu i ffnrl l push thi tin fi inn tin ti icks but wil li n lllll to so hi iiigm vv hull sin ishtii th halton at the ex i omnrtlng in the ana d inn natlnniil tvhlbltlon classes in i toronto last week halton dairy i men ramr off with some prliet in th heavy competition the com plcte rem i li of the activities of the local breedera are featured ihl i week in the regulur farm nmt column appearing on page six pul id i hi r d fr n mrs ih old wagon truck monday highlights it ding in m old fishmnd pio nur w igini thru gt ntlimn n wslrn luls kmr d ailni tr ts ind ii ilt ii hi n fun t mi of ii i gun il th i iwn ti ill munhi facts incomplete ask adjournment tin r w l not nonet 1 id n rn nil in gut tph pnlni court li fndii ind sp lulors stun on sni on hi slips is tt vrli si w ill lit miii old iinlw i w ri i f ii it 1 ill inn w i hu ll ld t ippi ir in fori m il slrm tt rt fi i i pnlimitmi hi mm n i initir niaisliiighli t h irgt mi ih d illi of gil rg hdw nd hii dii h ii idd t ihu of two inn t liiltlrt ii who hndv w is fc iml on th umnn lim ihiumii i iikton nd if 11 ii nmiii 2a it i i inln th with 10 n t fl t sraori scortd thi lust fioil 1 i i ior h v positioned in frnit acton tein k to me l th i i them of ih tw beii k dutchm ms wh ch o if actons i orious thus tim tru will hni won their division of ih smith rn ontino iniii md timed ih n pollnu in th pla offs aclon cnlder schipptr hil nohn dixies soike dibit bit lomlc smedcm i wilson sutton new hamburg v najiil whit- fit id bcrnecher zander o nik el schleussner fisrhei ii izr busrli froes simon ischleichir schnidcr mcnacm view town budget as fairly close il mtitriii if iht munmpl md i n roporl on at ton to ih nd of inn if this mnr drew th emu m nl u tin sdn night s rouni il in ting tint most d pirtmnl ir tu knit furh tli t hidg 1 budgittd rixonu fir tin n siobhho wlul 1 iiun id i t h il rexniu ofl8 82sll isslild f p nditurcs during iht simt pt n ul ir mud is hirhir linn rixitun it 180 283-10- hul this does ni iucisvirtlv refltcl in nis slit of finmcts tvtun rimiui ligs such i iius mil grints ire considered ind i irlx scheduled xp uses art t ikeii into nccount stud i i atton nnxoi 1 1 ll i i ill nt t pi w in th m i ilis t ih inlrnntiiiikil plowing m it t o tnln r di v n hi h rl 1 ii ki mi i i si i w unu will lis tiim if ii i i i t mm in out nt i wn- i iiin iliiiln l ill ill- tli h il it mi is if is f nil 1 inn wilh ih mill of th town nl a tan n inln d u th top i a crowd u f nil rist t w n p oph w ilt u d tin lim f e n m om mil i tin id w igoi trnndl ii iw iv nun nl up ih stt1 i liltl t w ilih wddnik pir x 1 ix st a linns iluirch a ii t ini1 tnuk with i lnidi in himminn whit lmghmg groom ind tw flow r lirl in bin took ixtr thi spot buhl th v i t i m ulni l k i h coimilit in i kn i i f d with tin nl i in tu of jini 750 pupils fill classrooms high school found too small highest enrolment recorded tuesday tut winy morning nt i nm rttiriuil from klndirgarttn o upper school rcturni d to iht ir studies in artton the totnl of ac lord ins at school m i qimrti rs of a thousand is thi highi st it hus txir h in throtighoui nil iht grudc with nnl in t xn ptfun in gradt givt nd hi ji i tht i iii with s pupil iiiitmi i jobs m ii hui ih llpp du high school needs room and teacher actons new high school which opened tinndny morning hnd the inrgtal reglntralion ever and wan found inadiintt lo mtit the pres ent high sdionl needs of atton and district ont hundrid and lxt ix pup- llx rtgistcrtd on tuesday morning 13 mnn thim a yeir ago nud nec- iisltil s tht t n gaging of in nd- dlli ml ineher it will ilso be 7 btiui htl nth idmirtl n w b i fxceed surrey new rector o si albans annlican rhurrli acton and st lolii s lurch rorkwoor rev ivm h joncb ba i th will iry in h n hk nit lin tmtn firtl his will 1 d u ifl i id i i i it f i 1 f i the t hoi il olfumlly ot lobrr qn nb hulks here i xpanh- prwnt in ago i xtiiiliti b ill m in i ht n cintli s w i ri c unit in tilt r w r sftll jnipil kbl grndt s d thi k nd t rtur was i marktd gin i fn ah new car and truck in headon crash ni mi it i snturdu i vi ni hu ming i- mnde ovi i i strike halls desks pupil- foind on tu slij morn- il ih it iinise4 lnjond contiol of thi board hid miuli it imitowthle to gel down in tin fill urm 1m- miiulil sink hi hilu d dtliv- ij of disks and t hair toi the t lihsrooms it is expicted dellwry will in rrndr th 1 isl of ihit wick hnu s w lm h w t u shipped by n tninsp rt from toronto between f tueidnj and thuriday of lat week lfll l rivid il i 10 am on tuesday morrving and boys pi n d tht m in ihe niom iflt r unpicking ind tupnnls b il d1i ry beyond tli liv tin comijt 1 on iild hi till pni il one mpl lass of furnishingi iectrii work by nit tin unlv mi- tv ecle power it hst friday r immintf m in 1 ill it it pirib 1 instill il clin iii s not in i c ill ui di irkid will ndni unll oct a thin uiin 1 tin nii nd h broil r dm tld sli w irt i of kurnk fk infnrm lion ii pmlii i irr ion h idjouni r li ifl th tin 1 n usl uikl t i h 11 liirmkh tin couru ii nild sn w rt tthn sptnt ii n tin cm dim arm w i ri si l pr mini il polm m hirii of biuu i desirtir frorr unit ii i ondim ht i turn i vi r 1 memh r cf tb provn i rp md t ikn li inndim for u rm ikiinnj it i ai ii till k ndi ri irb i in gi id w n gndi fou wa tours garden following meeting c w m i- mthoukh ihu ned sewer work halt irritates councillors if i moon b bt a it irninc prnmplk t wi tin fir 1 nmr it ihi publn mil for ovr 100 pup 1 thic in 21 new pupih w ht hive mm m to town ind 87 in kindcrgnrtcn i h 1 ont of the first mnb of the t b i school eir wis a u from thi tli b j mr- ii iwthi b rlok and be i li nd lighting of the building in il unfinishfd dthv of the lull i il in ill itiims his- been n pi obi m ihri ughout hit liiillding f tlu schn t buji route hampered the irchilmls messrs birnett ind ruder i n it ihe school last thin da j md conft rreri with con- trictors in liem that requlr d ad- justmtnl thi building wis found it fictorj on this inspection and will viiom the avengt for first in- spictum of building wi rk his bten progressing on seeding md landscaping the big ftnee which surround the electr c convert r will be removed in early novembtr ai soon a power in ac lon is chingtd over to 60 ccle the bus route to acton school could no be completed along the nded to fr ne town line since two ho is having for bridgis on this- road are in the toronto she his course of construction until these of ac i thi home n tut sd iv afl r the muting op n in od i nd pnj r tht is inswirtd b harvest ilional in ri d wis tiki n h burns md miss f ftt- 1 bn t hitepars in warrm grm annt th onh nnnoved niinnv th confusion and incommutiu m that in i wlurt stwtr t mensioii is uterniiilx st irt ill imi stopping tmstliv nigbi immlurs of mi paintid thin own vu ws smripithctu t thos of irit n clrov rtsid bill it th sani tun icknow lt th r w is lnn t could b loi ea th irnl in n nincil lirnti h this kv iuo iskt d for bv th iimii mtelnj in th gil entrant i i gc shul 2 wil not tik sps- ttion w s d fnd upon t ins m i fnu f itinj or rentvd mlt tli cil we pip iivini i in short instill wc11 h 1 isod fnm mm pmls imltssth tmnmikstxtn u tn post s u i comniniation f u this pntmn th town undt r in tirms of tht con trict k not responsible for this ob litit on tt wis noted it wis furthr pointed out thu th contractor w h ctased work in mid aumis iftti th minei niltsd th irr n crov soil too soggv for fur thti lib insnlhtion his no idvisec thi ngineer or th town if ht s pul led off th jot bonding i nnpn notified council hwiud u i cop of i let l fron th turiiutr outlining th ptiicuiirs o this ind previous vvirk sippikts and stnt to th i ndint oimparv w huh backed ili niict txnd rs ulimnub imcluded n uhinj until dttinit pro to it deceit d i tht font if th mil discussion nn nibers n would b prepared nl of tht cost f vv prop rt town i ngmi ir k it simmons w is nithri7dt port his m tdtd office itpupn tut ind supplus it t cost no tt txctnd 400 ouikilloi a irwin snug sttd thil kildtiind rowing wild m v irious ims should i cut town f m m in a k rkin ss t ild council gencril wted cutting i t b tirr td i uhh short h nuildiiu rnuts mtth ds of issui ind checkint pieciu i piss regular aeeonnta th follow inj gt nt ral icctnmts totillmj 1 fifil 411 win pasmd for i skm or wednesdaj nd the hurch 1 unch v s usmted bv trid bv mrs rars are repaired the pupils will be vint in pieced up either at balllnafad or future along vo 7 higrwaj mason 1- mm illtir old b und i of illo pik stritt lmp shull tific of t mniri sun t posi rid i bid bv ni t rvof h it eel ind filed nl ik itknneleelmel ismss otics from tht township of ng ind th cilv of h imilton vipteei icciunis for pivnunl from hospitils for indig nt patient in ind irtid i i me tin mxi ik if th ndustml eommitlee ih r prisnntivts- of th ixpart n pirn i ind d open n to orill new well ikj m i w i thori t rui tll dnlur fir th old tht points stlglted as coiiniil idjourntd it th uu usinllv irl ho ii of o 30 i m pirmissiorr wi muii th s m n s club iowinj cumc llo- wuck riqiitst t bold i siit in iht irena councillor lindsav w is assunei thai th ptodln of snfttv shots about act ui in recim divs 0 tv nipt from th hawkers and ped die bjlaw mcfiehtrn cirig 60 80 b cklts ignv ktti th acton fri pn ss 1171 acton woodcrafts ms urd n h irdw in c93 j b miekmzie c m nt nno ndrsn iduii wldmj 3s no v i tilbot no thompson moiors iccount 4216 an tli mv litth tow mr hrk fluid 400 minsiil ntllis r inctor lihoo s iiwson c i td ifi can gen elic floodlight 42 is f g tir7wtll sharpening 3 50 bell ttltphoni co 21 70 ont proi police salaries 917 46 k f be in lid premium so 09 sewer a ceo ant cm johns mam lib co ltd pip 12 60 ii vildhiu mr ci bcnoolroom leaves i npn nd mr r lhank a rrtirn first day of class lnd surprisi entertainment or f d v of school wv the rr of former c1tst om dow a vote of tfrs mason he lunch td tht ladie iss tow 1 tll nictye w i s s id to corp i beh nd a rrljld in m t 1 iiiful d lhlia p of garden fl un d two ires it tht public wire cut to make room i p imbula ing house charptd w th h 1 m jig shnhas tremblav of ki che ncr was f ned 75 and coss ar i bis licentt w is ispended for dt i court m acton wednesdai h struck an acton man on man s on august 7 and was picked u bv police in- wilton delegates attend labor day meeting a representatives of the guelph i presbjterv young peoples mies in- t7 meilellan ind jim greer of arlon ilundid the labor day c unci met ng for the snod of kingun and toronto last weele- nd rei r armstrong of knox church acton acted as dean of thi ramp th counc 1 meeting w is held at highlands lodge hcklty valley near orangeville rev armstrong waj nominated as honorary president of the syn od elections will be held on thanksgiving week end at the con vention in oshawa funpacked midway is feature of acton fall fair next week f to miare mdpualk t osl mm r r tilt told ni mb rs tint f i mil i me tin f th pol i etmmitte with th district inspec t regard mj impnnen en of pohc f flit tacilllies it vis suiristsd th fi n offio m th t wn hill b dividd int gcmnl md print quirurs nw heitin ceiuipmtnt ot i the main i tictu n cu s jnimi fal fai- u be hud r fdi stpumtm- 1- irtr si in s tn s w b it i in pji si t dw i p an r- v o m b i tv i d is u n r i ir e d ano i f it i i ih h lira h it at li i f 1 i bint i c i pl e u k n i v i i i v y- mud til bu i r pi m n o dot kev bacebill whici r fi nigh p vd 1 ea com 1 vii bu t f dmk 1 dj mti ind i i acretd t revisions n ns kd f bi th btard 1 d on disposal plant area ii n c i- wi n he i nn hi m popu a- r hr rtmb 1 be aro he- h r rhtf is a repea pe- riir t ee1 ems oad ac t- ki b u fai book c ition abou tne fa perused di 1 iou ge haitons holstein herd placed second m herd competition behind peel at the canadian national e h t on les week ind ndual an mals ihown in th s staff photograph of the herd taken after the jndic are iefi o gh aaed bui th rd j f t ible streetsville best uddered female murphy topv rscve s and reserve g champion o harold cooper palermo junior yearling bull s w h robison rr 1 geocgetcwn three vearcld n milk thud tovell bros palermo junior ass of 4c 1 5t gordon sinclair r r 1 burlington senior heifer calf class of 40 first tom wc- gee norval

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