Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1951, p. 2

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the acton free press thuhsday may lilt 105e were road famous aclon is well known for its roads evatywhore we moot people out of town and mention acton ihoyflndtiomorcommonfton our road scwerago installation it no small task and calls for a littlt tolerance which acton citizens have been giving but we are beginning to think thaf acton has better roads than before the sewerage installation driving through neighbouring communities that started the ob long before this municipality we find th6 roads in much worso condition paving on the main streets will bo under way hcnly mill st the crushed stone on the side streets has given the roads a fine top that will when com plctoly packed in leave an excellent surface the main street has been left with not too heavy a coating of stone because of plans to re surface and the possibility of cutting the road down in some places some water services are to before the pavincj and there should be no cause to disrupt the pavement for some years out of the temporarily bad roads comes one bright thing a lot more people know where acton is seldom do you meet onyone who hos been through the town lately that doesn t re member it think of the surprise they will get when they breeze through on a new pavement when they breeze through on a new pavement we sincerely hope that when the roads are re placed motorists will continue to drive carefully through acton having the some regard for our safety as they have had for their own comfort and their car breakage acton is well known in spite of or despite the roads up up up longwiith other things on the upward dol lor climb postal rates took a ump recently there had been a large deficit in operating costs and so rates jumped we agree they should patiently we have also hoped for an improve ment in service not local but in those places where mail is seemingly forgotten protests have been coming to our office regularly protesting the arrival of the home town paper toronto resi dents receive their issue o the paper on a range of from fr day which is f ne to the following wednesday wh ch is terridie this s by no mean d local problem the papers leae oj c r tor the town post office anc leave t on tne same train each week yet tne city fou oo t get their paper until somet me t o io g weel we affc no hit or y newspaper in the coun try effedec by th irregular service either weerty newspaper across canada are finding it an important problem the canadian weekly newspapers assoc dtion has been delving into it but no results as yet if you art one of the readers who is being effected by late delivery in the cities or other centres feel free to let us know about it do al low reasonable time for delivery but if the day of arrival of your paper is irregular there must be something seriously wrong in the postal delivery an increase in price i usually to retain ser vice or odd to it we do wish that the postal rate increase- would do one of these thing canadas major industry traffic was heavy over the week end on highways this is usl another of the heralds of a coming holiday season when cars busc and trains carry people on tht ir annual week or two of summer v ication with summer vacation come the season of tourists this to canadian is on important con sideration since the tourist industry i one of canada s resources visitors from south of the border will be dashing along our highways eat ing in our restaurants and hotel and generally contributing to the employment of canadians in the tourist industry canadians in gener il bem f ifted from tht expenditure of some 260 000 us dollar in 1 950 this amount spent by tourist from the united states was a decrease of 8 000 000 over o corresponding 1919 period no longer do ust big fistf attract the united states visitor it tike court sy pit is int comfortable accommodation ind extr i it r vices to make the vacation in canada a successful one this town is not famous as a tourist lesort it probably never will be still tht tourist industry in canada is an important contribution to the life of this community indirectly the american people constitute our major travel market and more of them were in canada last year than ever before canada is important to us and wo mutt help her development and growth by making amen jean travellers and holidayers feel welcome in our community and our country broken bodies this morninq 1500 canadian men and wo- men didnt start work they didnt punch in at the factory toko their trucks out on the road greet the rich farmland or gb down the mine shaft they were indusrlal accident victims yes terday besides thosemndustnal accidents there are motor fatalities and accidents injuring pedei tnans and passengers this year road accidents have been on the increase they have every year they climb and climb until this year there has been many more and they climb sharper and steeper a motorist need only attend several car accidents before they realize the grim reality awaiting them when they take a car on the high ways it is faf from pleasant to see broken bodies severely damaged or their life snuffed out com pletely new cars in which are combined tnechanical skills of men ore no pretty sight with their grills smashed windshields broken and sitting on their top where they rolled in the ditch r any policeman ambulance driver or reporter will tell you a bloody story of cars and their accidents but how many would listen how many motorists know the danger they are toying with when they push their foot further on the accelerator most accidents don t ust happen they have a reason and that reason is quite often careless ness it isn t just the careless people that suffer in an accident the innocent careful driver is often involved incleed often killed summer is here and the traffic is increasing tourists will be roaming across and to the north of canada every motorist should add to the beauty and attractiveness of this country by driv ing carefully from another weekly paper we gleaned the following motorists prayer give it some careful thought grant me a steady hand and watchful eye that no one may be hurt when i pass by thou gavest life i pray-no- act of mine may take away or mar that gift of thine guard those dear lord who bear me com pany from roadway dangers and calamity teach me to use my car for others need nor miss through undue haste or love speed the beauties of this world that thus 1 may with joy and courtesy go on my way just a second deari let me get it in befohe vou take it out the good old days may have seemed better j backjn 1901 taken from thi jssui of the free press of thursday may 30 jin of remember others this is 0 very active interesting kind of world most of us have so many things to do and a great many more things that we are plan ning to do when we have the time and opportun ity our very activity keeps us so busy that there are a great many people who are shut out from the normal type of life by being shut in to re mind us of these folk and to urge us to do some thing for them the first sunday in june is set aside annually as shut ins day who are the shut ins there is little need to ask for every community has them folk who are shut m through age disability and various types of illness not only are they confined to the house hospitals or other institutions but many cannot even leave their beds they ail are com pelled to lead a restricted life and some of them readily admit that only the kindness of friends and the consideration of visitors enables them to remain normal in their thinking and attitude to hie on the other hand there ore some who have won such a spiritual victory over their a ling bodies that they are a source of insp ration to all who visit them the mother of one of britain s st itesmen spent nearly half a century m bed ancf to her bedside came the elite of the land to be inspired by her couraqe opt mism and un jelf ijhness plan to make sunday june 3rcf the day in which you show at least two shut ins that you c ire it uuld be through flowers a gift or a letter or a personal visit in which you contribute a little pleasantness but above all don t forget them until ru xt year when shut ins day again reminds you mi j b mickcnit his the con tnct for remodelling and impio inr dublin school the ounn folks it mr boird mores- hid quite i dlsplij of fire works on tht inwn on the nijht of victorn div mi j d mckpi his disponed of his druj md slihoncrv business to mr f k brown lite of chicipo the pin ameicnn mcnirerie ind circus isits acton on sundi the 8th of june the tents will be pitched on fhnns field on queen strict ncirthegtr stition the finishing touches ire bi in put on the guerne co s m w store in the wnrren block mr w wil ker painter is pitting in somi of hisibet work ind the plici will bi most attracts e when computed m utek th introduction of thi orchestri into tht knox church sundt school in pril his given thi r ice i i st md htirtimss m the singing which wis hi r t lfori lick inf i mi ssrs t stithnm- ind son hit i fine new sodi fountim u hich commands- idmirition mr chirks holnus lefi on mon di to tike i pirmimnt sitmtior i is night igent n weston mr mum mcdonald who his i bem it southimpton the pnst cou i pit of nrs his ritumcd home i and is jmplnjed with the acton tinning company j on thursdi the nening trim i nn off tht trick jut ifnr cros j sing thi bridge wist of tht switch it gi i gt tow n it w is n port d thit ont pissi ngi r hid his u i brokt n but imong the s or i icht hundred pisse mm rs on b iri not on i nciiwd even so serious in injurv ilthough m mv- w t rt sh ikt n up back in 1931 from the istue of the free prcs of thursday may 28th 1931 tton legion is will rtpris mtid it tht monstir rillv htld it bnmpton list fndi etmng mr ipd mrs j s diidson of wmnipij min cime to aeon this wetk ind mr diwdson is pitting icquimtid with his duties is mm igt r of the bink of montrnl spundid prognmme wis pro idid b the pupils it the fmpire di conct rt w hen the lode prestnted pri7i to the school pu pits y fine wis dedicitcd ind pre st n ed to the town sir hirr- brittun first member of pirlnmmt for acton enfjind mide i delightful isit to acton this wn k he w is thl guest of jurist ind mrs moore it moore croft during i visit to the schools he iddrcvsscd the scholars the bowling md ttnnis ton wis officnlu opt ru d on widnes d i wnmj ui h acton citizen bind n i tti dance t i niiitinj if tht is on mil nnmbtrs of th oung ptopli guild it knox church rt mr binnit wis pn tnttd with i pul pt m w n f rt m tht nnmbtrs of th exst if the pli ricin 1 presented undt r tht tu pices of tht guild fittttrii aujurrlf uf d attain acton ontario a fiuendlv church parsonage 20 bower avenue phone fll rev e a jcurrey ii a b 10 minister xjummud orcnnlst njnd choir lender mim o lxmtmu4 atxijhu choir r sunday june3rd 1931 10 00 im sunday school 1100 im mdypinr worship sub jeu thi doctrine of prov ldcnce god overrules con tinuinr the series what w believe 7 00 pm evening worship sub ject no 5 in serin what christianity la tioiintif for the week whntevtr mnkes men rood chrisiinns imkci them rood citiz tns dnnlcl webster xttptlist fihiirrh acton sunday3une3rd 10 1011 im sunday school 1130 im nnd 7 30 pm he gib son dr of stouffvilk f2 10 p m communion ukdnesdnv b30 pner meeting friday 4 00 pm mission band 8 30 pm bypu jlrmbiitrriati blittrrli in buttaba kjox cuvlult acton hkv hohfkt it ahmftromof m a tf n mlnlntrr sunday june 3rd 19v 10 00 im sunday school 1100 imidlvinc wornlilp 7 00 pm divine worship all are welcome t albattii cltrrt anxllcatt kftoi kv w o luikn ba sunday june 3rd trinity ii 19il 10 00 a m sunday school 1115 am holy communion be dinners cuikr the newly con firmed torether with pirentk- nnd friends will rtcine com munion it this ser ico mr george a elliott i lcadintf lim- of r v llbtr preacher 7 00 pm fenink prayer a welcome auralti you professional directory and travellers guide mfdical miscfllvwfous dr w g c kenney riijilclan and sureon isucctsior to dr j a mcnnen offict in smon block mill st acton office thone 70 rrsidence church st phone 150 the victor b ruaaley funeral home fonrral ilomr healed antbuluim phone 30 niht or day strain iht communis for 45 ytars dr d a garrett rhblclan and surcton cprntr of willow and rucr su fntnnce ilucr street acton ontnno thone 23 ee care by appointment wm c milligan r o optometrut tnd 3rd wednesdays of tjie- mnn h 2pm to 0 pm it mill st residence of a t brown pk isc ttkphone 3s5j inflation danger needs mass attack editorial notes tht international track fair opened in toron to this wttr the fourth fair plays an important part in keeping trans atlantic channels of foreign tr id open to canada gftj your census taker with a smile dnd ready information rather thn a sigh at being bothered with all this nonsense his is oh im portant job in keeping track of you to present a true picture of the community the area and the country whole centres transferred here a proposil to trinsfir v holt mmmunitit s from rntiino cm i di ts littlt tnlhvimimn fu nl tht in mini post thjs countr mtv md iv t ds mon people but tht pi ictu d proble m tf tttmj md st ttlttif them tun must b rttojnuid tdl t ilk md f uit sehtnus wont lit ip in bod iin if mith pi tetie il pioblim i ti insoi t itibn in irki ts uui housing could ll sokid vmiii ni iss nutrition the rt v mild still nmuri tin ire a n itionul pioblim of ni ik iii tlu si rt pi inttd lummunitu- ri jll c in idl in in the p ist u hc had some unf rtun ite expernncis in absorb ihl or timii t ibsorb into our n itlori il lift coriinuinitie s ia here iriimiki hits f 1 1 m lie eoiitlti bit tied in solid bltkf this mimtjbu ni in th it it t ikt t tin ruuiinnns loni r to idipt th inselii tu tht cui idi in w i uf lift md ire itt i 1 st i f lirik l illk pi ij1 mis 1xktoks imivh tu sin trtl di t ssi d i nu n cum in to uie librai of tlie new lojk aeadetm of mtdicini md nskeel to set photographs nf will known ntw yoi k doctors when tht libi in in product d tht pictures tht lulus bprt id tlu m out on tht table mid subjttltd tht in tu an t huuslil exaininatioii at lent ui otic uomun tuinod to htr companion apd said dteisucly i like his looka best he s the one 1 m filing to m one third of the people of cana di carr life insurance policies at hist another third of us are dtpen dent on such policies for support in time of need four million cmidnns hae sa mo account- in the chartered b inks m the countr and man tht usands hi e put the ir sa ms intt bonds mortkiles nd smitlir tcuritles tens eif thousands at us irt liinl tn pt nsions inmutits or tithe i fii d income s th it can t be in eit is tinu thi ettt of li ihj risi i 11 tht tottlur tn n uti tht kit it m ij nt tf tin niidiin i i i 1 ml will bi mined if in fl hi n is u wnl to fet t ut of h ind hi tin r mii lni i ut e ur mi n t into ltisuritki tr 1 1 rids or mitim preferred slot ks j m i nmt nt innuilits ir into tin b ink tr twn t em lni hidtli i n unlit tin mutiess nifi itit n c u t ik t from mi md it w ill un li s nu thine is done to chi t k it th d ii ir u id t n i u if i w ith onl u tint in pur th isuik i ow i r t il i th t nl sun w i it te ni infl itit n i ru m r to le t it ul st irti d if wi would ill re due i our pur ch ist s is pruts rise lu i nh what wi u ill mid tnd cm p iv foi it fr inline from iskinj tlu 1 1 vi i nm nt t r ust w ils e r t suppoi t pnci tr lo subbidi costs to inmimns insist n lch i i nnii nts p n inj ill ordm ir hi 1 m inv i tr rtl n irv p nd tuns js possibli ul if current iivinui if wi would uit uun t ill pnhtiti inn who promise u si rnethtnt for nothmi er who pn mist to spend mono fur us or t rebuilt the currencn so that thtri will ilw is bt plent for everyone if wi would do all these things wi iiiikiii be able tn hold our mom v at its present v ilut and prevent fur- the r infl ition f ye tint or vont dispiplint our si v is to this extent nobody clbc can save in the rural scene dr a j buchanan dental snrjreon office li ishmin block mill st office hours 9 n in to 6 p m r tfllphonf 148 ftfrivary dr george a sirrs dental surgeon mill st corner frederick acton otfice hours 9 00 a nx to t 30 pm tlllphone 19 c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary public office 22 phone res 151 actov b d young b vsc c l young dvm etrrlnary surjreon off i e brookwlle ontario phi nl milton mcr4 f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon office md residence knox ave acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines lever hoskin chartered ccountants successors to jenkins and iiardv 1305 metropolitan bide 44 ictorn st toronto eil 9131 wjuoughby fara4 agency largest ind oldest mhc in c m nil held offict 360 bay st toronto phone empire 3oc04 get rti town lupresentativc tom hrukon i jhonr crorcrtown z32w r dayhaht saving time cociies leave actov east bound ib 3j am 58 am 1123 a m k pm 503pm 633pm 83 i m bl0 5i p m u est bound 10 1 i m 12 52 p m 2 pjn i p m 7 27 p m 9 12 p m 113 i ri ii am ibun to kitchenar- i nlv i dnl except sundiv and holi das b s iturdiv sunday and holl- d i canadian national railways sftindord tirrit wright real estate and insurance i i w right n n w right 20 wilbur si mudonnellst at ti n ont gin u h ont phi ru ll plu m 4is aujtors ftcjltor insurors milliter pprilsil institute t f c in ut i mm t t is ui h md di tr u t it it rst it 1 urd mi n trs cm 1 h ind distru t in utiiut ki i t stt itu n n lv nl d x hi n f j s ii kamt bound i i m dulv t pt suo- i 4 m 7 10 p m sunday it p m daiu excipt bun- r jm r it gierke town 9 02 am 1 i r at geortft tow n 10 ib westbound i h eteit sund i md mon- i t i m sunt and monday i oh im d i 1 eu pt iun- s 4h i m u u p m 44 p m- i pt s i irui sun s 4tj p m j i s mure i onlv 1 j6 pin- 1 iv nh 84 1 i in flir4top- i v nlv rlvir al guelph 7 05 an aviator bi comes an ace after he destroys five one my planes the acton free press ti r on i fj r tn publish d in acion i il 1 i i i ti i il 1 mi i si lui lllltal i aulhurlird j srrtmd uv mill poll xflrr llriurlmrnt huu founded in 1 675 urinbrr audit llurrau irruullon w n and onurlo ourbrr ih itlun wm iadvanmng ratas on rqui subscription in advance 3 50 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 monlht 1 50 simglo copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 1

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