age eight the acton free press thuhsday may 8th 194t i chronicles ol j ginger farm i written nuly i th aecea fww pwm by i owkndoune f olakkk mttbfel9ll whjit worn vir will do i wns talking lth ft liulc old lady ovr ho who said thnt her hiuulitpn afton wished she would ge a permanent wave bui 1 lonl think i could hit thnt lone she snjd and why would you i hfkod anyone with aofl wnvy hair like your tloonnt need a permanent oh hut i pul it up in curlers ovstpy night uhn knid and laughed w m hurprlne imagine olghtyodd nnd all thnt patience but then the little oldjadytold mgolxttcrdncatic nnlfl a friend of hem still wean her hnlr in ringlets and puts it up hcnylf cvoiy night anil mnkes it into curls every dn and thnt little lnd is 07 the foiegning wan w rltten sntur- rtn thin morn inn monrjnv morning rrttrttrrtpmttttnurh line udnking- of little old indies either with ur without rurls rut the thought did rrojvb m mind thnt i could write n pretty good ilorv on what does n fnrmwife do thnt n citjwife doesn t have to if you get what i merin orrnncl unnkto rtny would supply a pretti good nnswer to i hut notation street corner toutics the next time a man stop you mi tlte xtfeot and without bolngi asked undertake to toll you what ls wrong with the government the democratic ytm arid the way community f- folnrnr run take a good look at him- then try to recall what constructive part he lias played in th towni af fair t chances arc for tho fellow u m tj po you wont bo able to credit hbjn with a ulntrle achievement before the last lew ion ho had some stlntf- ins things toay about th tow council then in office but ho made 4 ho name sort ot comment after th present council took over and he made thorn in street corner convors- ntlori or to a croup of cronies on the pout office steps tho pin cos thlm citizen chooses to do his talking arc significant ns he maintains hie knowledge of public affairs l second to none ills inter est is no doubt commendable but hi efforts are not effective therein lie a lesson for the rest of us wlththencuryoar which may be a smooth and prosperous one or could be a troublesome and difficult one let us all to the best ot our ability co operate with those in authority we have placed them in positions of res ponsibility and now wo need to glv them our support constructive criticism is one thing indian chintzes shown xndlnn chlntxos now on display in one of the textile kallohe of the tloy- nl ontario museum were selected from thq late hnrfy wearn magnif icent collection of painted and printed textile cotton fabric feuch a these with their exotic dculgn in bay col ours applied by a combination of pnlhtr and renutdyelng foreran our chlntxe of today even the namo chlnu come from a hindu wprd meaning kpotted of variegated i although their origin goes back t j very ancient tlmo in xndlalt wa not i uhtll the 17th century that iboy were i imported in largo quantities to eur- i ope their populhrlty grew to such i proportions thnt they became a very important item in the trade of the arlous east india companies be- kldes those ot purely indian design there ace others designed to please the taste of the country to which they were exported some contain tulip and other flowers as seen in dutch flower paintings others have dainty floral sprays so popular in france in thnbthccntuf y the tnillan tree pattern appears in many variations on large panels for draperies while other daintier designs were intended at dress fabrics all of them contain u wealth of detnll which should be a source of inspiration to the designer first i should tell iu thnt hon boh is nway for the weekend i hei e didnt seem any ionium why he should not go the wenther being w hnt it s made getting on the innci impossih and of nurht n fnimnr must nlwnvi tnke his holldns in bnd wenlhcr no bnnking in the sun fin him sunnv dns nre wrrking tlnjs so pnrtner nnd i mil the htvres were here tn ouiuikes sundn wns uneventful nnd of course wet monrinv morning wn- even wotlei so we did not feel in nnj pnituuliir msh of coins we knew thnt tun 11 up onlj attended to oui thnr s tht alone would provide us w i h en i ugh wmk jot most of the dnv bui on a farm yuu can never till live minutis nfter he tuid gone to tht barn pnrtner wns iwi k ngnln call tin vet he snid to mi thnt red lie i fox is having tiouhle put some on to boil nnd then v oll hni belter come t the bmu so i called the i nnd i rathe i fnny t p him nut f bed howevei and there in always a place for it but the hnhlt of nagglhg fault and- 1 ing nnd destructive criticism which some people think expresses good cu- izcnnhip h just tlie reverse study conditions at home and fis thor nilcldtheosejljncqnlnctjirid the more you know of conditions and handicaps the better for you and oryeuirreprecontatlva loyalty ijl egtf lnsi under domini in itrgutittlottk sut- vortel ity prnvlntlnl irglmlnttoti to cover the field of purely provhulil juiudlrtlmi it is rwult d thnt nil egg mught nnd koii in canndnhttitt w handled on n linsl of grit he all grading i according to the caundlitit standard kgg rndeu and is done only in uoglktored kgg trading station u with the single exception thnt a pro- din er may grade his own eggu for sale it is the function of the ninff of the poultry froduttit iiupedlon kervke omlnlon depart merit f agricxiittitv- to heek m umiivtu grading station hwjuillnu graded returns to producers to ilutk the grmllng of eggu n s in whotesnlo nnd retail rhnnneln nnd to innpert and fuaio ginde certlflcate for eggs moving in cnrlotn lutwen provinccn or to pxhrt mnrkets the fact tht cnnntln ttns a omjiletely ratnhluhod svstem or egg grading nnd egg mnrk- etlng n ally facilitated the shlpmcnl of eggf to brltnin duilng the war and since- then to enjoy putting others in the wrong is even worse than to enjoy wrongdoing men enn only ns fnst ns their humility will let them furnaces vacnumcieaneichedced may 12th to lhth 1947 save your kumacw vti infofvnavtlott ri it it 1 ai ton lhoiii mrlkl clarkes taxi iltomit an cottktkouh ti hour hkrvu k contult uh for rnteh local st nut of town phone 65 we liavff imlnl rnteu for wed dings nnd funeral you cant afford to buy a new cbceietfleu if you have an old one your present nulte can be re- upholitteced to compare favor ably with new one added variety of material dick the upholsterer photic 87 one b two wob servtee a fine thing tt u use it right her at home in nil our community ansocl ntlons wilhout freedom of thought there rnn he no such thing ns w mom nd no such thing as public hbertv with out freedom of speech which is the light of everv man ns fir ns b it he does not hurt or i ontrol the light of nn ibei and this is the onlv check it ought to suffer nnd the only bounds it ought to know fmnkhn went to the hnrn willi the hot water he wiu turning up the lane naturnll 1 thougm m servuts could now be dispensed will j3ut nolln vtt took one look at tht heifer nnd tiled me don i go nway mi- t lnrk4 it will tnke thite of us fir this jub betttr equipment for better farming now thnt ngritulturnl equipmt nt is becoming moie nvmlnhle mnnv cnn- ndinn rnrmers nre plnnning to pur- rhne rlectricnl tnrirmcrrim tlrn sepuntors refrigerntion pumps motois milking machines or to instal lighting jienting and wnttr sv stems they know thnt improved tqulp- ment makes fnrming more punant and more profitable too don t let the lnck of rendv t nsh prevent vou from getting vour share of modern fhrm mnrhim rv distuss the necessnrv tinnntlng with mr claton manngei of the bnnk of s thnt was thnt nnd then wus nothing for it hut to foiget mj nat- rurnncqutamishness nt what might he 1 1 quired of me at long hint tht heifer was dellveied of a uilf h it tin cnlf was dead it wius too ban hut it touldn t lie helted it wn ju- tun of those things an abnormal i nth wll h will happen tulnsionalk in tht best of well ngulnted hamyaid families but it tbrt vv the whole tln tiff athtdult w t win lalt with hit nulk late with hit thoits late with t il shipping moniieal ou will find lie ims tirsthund knowledge fjbetavnier s pi olili ms jind is nnxious to help vol modernise jour fnrm nnd onjiv the comforts nnd protlis that come from uit reased production a t imelv fnrm improv emen t loan from the b of m hns tielrwd mnnj n fanner mnkt his fa mi n better i irm aiound in tht mud didn t hi lp tiling t all bui hie othi lit lit mlt- wime not woiivmj we have seei al tl l an bt ing iiiistd foi vtl 1 hev an taken back to then ipot litis twin i iln foi a nit il hut tin r si ol the unit tliev an kept tied up 1 idnw hi- m lint k ind foi t h is it tiiiu knhlv good i vihisi 1 i an as tin u lln inius nf tluist talvtts is sonu thing o miivel at ii w anvtliiiik s oiiik mlwo sttnnr mie mot mug pti l- t i was inkitiv mi hul to it pisn u i 1 look iiioilii i t t ithei t k im rn ntlv i in tid 1an l u n vou t an t ui si p ii v u i but on m t ii t i in i ti a m ti tn ti ti u i v i to t il ii l l 1 i a i i it ti m ii 1 t i w t li ii ii i ii i tt lit d tl tl il vt ti til i it must in mi ii d i i n v i l ii i i i un v i i u tn ui i i v r t i u- i riesstrhii- miiltiphcation is whit nur ilirvllfu tti l n tllk stt irr is hi t hum ii 11 ii vs it lust i of ttn i itu u it i 1 mis llolllll s s 1 i v lliliol ii it i i is ii e re u lour semce aluats vanwyck cleaners brizlistl947actoiiw to be held at acton october 3rd and 4th 1947 rules 1 all work done b pupils and certified b teacher 2 all woik done since 191fi fair 1 grades accepted op stindlng june 1017 1 1 imif ot t work hooks to ench grnde schootchiiduens work kindenoarten scctlqn 601 modelling subject selected in plast icine from n nurso- rhmc 50 50 so fifii freehnnd cutout mounted to iep- resent something i ftftw on the wny to school 50 clilss project mtu il our cnrdcn grade i 603 work book completed 50 30 so 20 20 eh matyr toliri nnd hilcrtvbrlt book 50 60i print siniit parf 106 the jiutrrel r 10 0 gofi crnon drnslnk onountctt animal 50 10 20 g07 rrcchnnd cutout doll mounted r 30 20 cl prjert n prfo of art b g different pupils or chart hcnltn poodb or poster on soft ftules grade ii b08 work book 50 35 20 609 print script porc 221 50 35 20 610 crmon dinwinc fruit r 15 20 611 freehand pnper cutting mounted to repiomnt t knme r 11 20 clas exhibit circus p or nurser rhmc iltaiik iii g12 work book 50 35 20 g13 print script page 17 50 35 20 fih crayon diauinp flower 10 11 20 g15 freehand paper cutting mounted dolls fuiliture 10 11 20 gig collection or 10 tree iaes press ed mounted nnmiil 75 50 35 class exhibit original tlluitrntlon of stor fiom rentier or illustra tion of social studies topic 617 work book 618 print script pace 223 611 untlnp piike 221 ojo ivn f in u oraoe iv 50 10 50 fio 15 35 15 nf health or 20 20 20 20 l i i 1 ills l i t tl i 1 v ill i i tl 1 1 ill k j il i ill i ii i i i u i 1 i ull i i si ii ill i iss iii is i til 1 ll i j i i m i 1 j is i 1 im i i i 111 ik il i ii i h i i r 1 i i i i t t i i 1 i i m i 1 it i 1 ins 1 1 s l 1 k i lls i i 1 i tl i isi i in h ii ii liuii th ek i hi in tu n n in 1 n t i l i li ii tit in 1 n n r tli uh i i 1 li in i m ill li 1 k i s lis t mm 1 h s nun miu ui i l ii li i it ii s th ti a pi hs it s 1 iin i i l uid i i km ttllt n ivl vn a iolsi t stn in i i of i un ulnn pure tiled registered siuil iliwn iiinu was receiilw hhnijmd li new zeal ind on nrrial there tti rami wen sold lv auction t an average pi uv of about j510 thi- is the snuon fur new permanents brattiflh sfw cktmr ami oil afs at mohj katf ikicfs sitcml lncx- for children up to 12 ears pal4 beauty salon cton 215 c spi in ht ul attj cold im rvimunimits 621 poster illusiation snfet kill 50 35 20 622 col i tun s cm il si eds m unted ii d minli d 71 50 v 11 g21 bookl t iuhjit m it ctrd from soiuil stud course 75 50 35 clnss fstitt i ii nis ni iiton iinti sin nnd air ot how animals pnpir fin ntt r or animal tracks giiadk v 21 wmk book 10 15 20 621 pi ml s npt pm 221 k 11 20 620 wntini pii 2 vi 11 20 t27 simi o ill iv it 1 t nlnr 2s m ip of mislflll i stns iptal mi s i ist 1 it rs 50 11 20 620 lull ti in f 111 i ud n unwers pi i s d iiiniiiiti il n im 1 i in clin mi nt il 1 ii 611 p iiiitmu- ni i iss 0 j 11 l2 hunt i d mtil lli im 10 31 20 class 1 sluliit i i ild lit ni otlr land of i s li i in ii itmlk m isl 1 wnk i 1 50 11 20 t wilt in vi 1 20 sputiw t i n s s o il 20 m ip f mill pi ii s i in ll 1 s ij it i it i ist il in is id 15 20 t m ill iluiii lumi in l i id ui tut liitt 10 11 0 sni i-ir-r-m- o li 20- 10 15 ml 11 10 11 k 1 50 11 s 71 10 11 0 a 10 31 it ulsfxr it inn 50 11 vi t ill i is llll l 11 i li n 1- wi iiounti d mil ti i i 1 ml wik i s in il n ljban bas 75 1 slilhll ii illl mm 1 im li i i d i loth i i ti rii wt f i i n list nrr mi on wik n k ki oil w nt ii 1 in 2 i ii stain 1 i i iss w in t oil illustiiitiiii t s n ii in hist ni l 1 ll t n n s kn is m iint1 and 1 n mi d mx m p nurtl ii r i i 1 1 n isiiiln t i i livs h i it mur il s 35 50 50 olied or postei ml 50 in nliiin 11 11 15 xi 11 17 20 20 20 20 20 isvt wmk ii i k tsll m l miiplld note i k tsll wntini iai ii tv pain ti post r ts17 ioll tliii of 20 ill mints mimiiitsi and nam si 61k itelit 1 map of hi tish isl s 659 w ood l oil lion ot 21 or mount d nnd num si f l irtoons or ilistoii stor canadian ktlkit v v v 50 15 15 a 13 75 35 20 20 20 20 50 20 gg0 srrnphook on canncln 75 50 35 class pnhiblt mural on some part of social studies i nurse or class collection of inset ts leaves etc hetvixo 12 m vkars 663 661 665 666 gg7 dress d doll dolls sweater nnd cnp knitted dish cloth knitted childs apron linnd llnished clothes pin bnk embroidered 667aknltled neck si nrf 75 10 50 50 10 ilkis it 1tveaiw gg8 chair set crocheted 71 669 pair of pillow cases 71 670 crosssthcli embroidered 75 g71 darning on stocking 10 672 pullon sweater 71 cuz ivntltiidaulllcaltbmonclpaulm 311 10 50 15 15 15 15 10 50 50 15 50 671 noety enpel ornament g75 school dress washable 50 75 15 50 35 35 20 20 20 20 35 d5 20 35 5 20 35 class exhibits are noncompetitive enili exhibit will be riven 2 mamiiai t hoys 12m ye fill household mis raduet gig an us artlle g77 a lawn ornament 67h book pnds 67t lea pot stand 6k0 bird house spi if name for built 6h1 faim gate made to the srale to mlull 1 ft 6s2 ilohln laft displn homecrafts 501 quilt cotton pi ced 502 quilt applique 5k1 quilt fnnci qultlnk km quilt iu e1 and applique 501 bedpread crocheted oi knlttd 507 afrhnn knitted 508 afnnn crni titled 500 run brnldd wool 510 run blind d rijon 511 tine flooi ling hook d i lu kiwi is hand li inni 1 l pillow cas s mbtodeid pillow t asi s 1 i trimtind pillow clls s m id fiom jiltiill tllks 2 i lion low is mlnollt toil 2usl inwls diffi i nt d sicns i on h s i i h i ti i nun i p is 71 71 71 71 112 111 lit 111 116 lis 110 1 iludkis ch st rll id s t r int d liesl rh 11 s t mhrnldi i 1 llndk i p w 1 sinn it inni up 1 liui tl iliiiji i i i i kn ttini b u simpi nr linn i in i in 1 i tl j l i 1 i s l i mil 1 mi u u i i 1 i i i i n it i i i i il li u in ii il i nil i i n im i i si oo 1 00 1 00 1 mi 1 00 1 110 1 on 1 1x1 1 on l no 1 10 1 no 1 no 1 iki 1 on 1 on 1 no 1 00 1 on 1 no 1 mi 1 mi 1 no 1 no 15 11 71 75 75 75 75 75 75 i i 73 75 75 71 71 71 iii in i r ii us 1 ill l ill i 1 i i i i i l 1 1 1 i lit i i r m i i 1111 sa n ns i i 1 1 s i 1 in i ll i s til 111 i 11 s is nil 111 ii lsl i- m ii 71 75 7 i f- 1 i i 111 k i vs 111 i 1 ii i 11 s i i s kllllt 1 11 men- stiiliss s entr 11 s rt in i r ii il ill 1 il i s kinit i i im t ii 1 k i 117 hnl s l i j t i ii no i mil i i i t ii i i s m it i s 1 sn i lu 1 1 o l it r ik i i wo f il i ill s in ss i m a in ii i 1 i r s skirt i in i tl 1 si ii s i nits i i n m n s iii it r 1 i ii s i it irmi 1 k i it 1 sum tl inn nil fr iiil s it 11 in ifl illl 1 til s i in i ik in i i tr i n 1 1 llii i r i mt 1 stuff 1 i 1 bt st s ii s 11 i r itll 1 ir iiiiks in i i r i i i i i ml i 1 ml lis ii i2sl lb i i tt in m slki i us w ii k ii i ii i til iii st tut s 1 id 2 ml 1st u 1st alu ii s 1st lis in i i m u nd s2i j2ji nd jl in lsl nilu s2 5 vs 00 1 no 1 ml 2 j 1 l xiegillgllslm