y auflltjrwo the acton free press thursday junk ittli t cstftf- actoti sfrrr jlrrmj a talk i j taur ata 0lww u 44m tubftrtirtuf iatu uatttaj m atutjl u4 4jtm umu w u m uiwii u t4m4 advutujnu atia- muu j i- to uikw tawaa hjlaf alt win w 1 tirci y ft wt jiliiui la u a ta mul4i ll it 1 aal um fc- a la a dtitmt awlta krwa4ur ual l tana jttmmat i t4iil la ou jmu ruim4 t tw fim ht iitt alt at i jiiluf md ua mta at mmtlmt alatalv u vilum u as u e hmi ta u mwf4 mt im rrw i- ui uaiuip ail ik mlit mm mkk uitmmil ta au4 cr ta al4 tt uii m im tww rw r awb 4tlaai aur njujk kj1- tiuhiunu- tuuul aa4 canada u79 neil monda in dominion la anj tho actcim- ninth animcrvatv of confederation retting near the fmr acore on anniversary oicationn there arc many thingithit might be tailed to attention there arc many axhiccmcius of the past tht hie given rioiv to canadians and made an impression on world af fair not the leam of these is the record canadian established in the last world mar not only on the lighting front but in production of materials hut jo the day of a young country it is the forward look that counts canadians are not as a rule pioplc ho brk bout themvelvcx but it is well to keep in mind that canada i nearly as large a the continent of hur on and that british columbia the third largest pro vince is three times the sue of great britain and ireland it might be well to remember that the 1nnd area of canada is ukuoo square miles greater thnn the land area of continental united states we could go on if space permitted and tell about canadas lum bering natural resources and manufacturing and h r war record and it might bo ell if these fats were presented more often tht point we want to make is that canadians on 0 hc hia aeventymnih birthday have no need on their i history and accomplishments to take a back scat to i xndtrtuv arc the fanuly martr who auas has any countr we would not like to sec a bostrul q anj hm i u may rc hc ohcr mcm people but we do think that too often we art apt to i of hc fjm1 o rnn f mi ajfm ha qu rc ccept the inferior attitude when others tell of ther he p mdumr bo mcn and min1rcmcn accomplishments ok o scc hcy bfo ronr inmcad u the seventnne ears hac seen much progress hcrc hc bccn uronrcd tnc poililuim ui the xears that follow wu see raur a sutcsman cunnr humln blttcrnc delay gives canadians a chance to prepare for the task ahead by doing some careful longrange plan ning changes are on the way developments that will transform the face of the countryside and alter the a of life of thousand of canadians war brought to canada greater induetnalization flian ho had ever before seen in her history in peacetime the new industrial machine can turn out material to make work easier and living more pleas ant push bat the frontiers aad release great natur al wealth in the north and northwest some po t- war projects already arc under way 1 ran uimda air line has started lonstruition if i an ports tadio hraion and other fanlitic for n j ti 111011 ul its uivun lkcnsts hae been iuucj 1 lot st crl pi i alcl nned air rtue llighua vliparimcnis are driving new roads through mn hums and imptotittg csisting trafiii annus stni 111 w tow t silts mc being built man lomniutiitks both large and miimii ii rtalicd that tlu itl be caught in this miuli oi piogrcs and ait woiking on plans to meet thr thai mg vonditioiis but other tiae not hern si f ij looking and now is the tune to siait otlur ir the quut little ton of to day mi late to moi- iu a piohlrtn which confounds large cit punnrt the high tost of it development in many sett ions to 01 thin towns might tonsidrr the joint stud of suth regional probunis as housing mdum f im i anj himikvn locution paiks reti ational mil tics highms and airport latation i nt 1 lligt m planning in this time of transition mu help to toriett some of the mistakes which arose from haphazard dttlnpment in the past it is tcrt am to uuidc construction activity of the immediate future into a pattern of direct adantagct the com munitus lonuriicd and indirect benefit to all cinadi i j llou the world moe m j the uoild today cannot move on while it shut tics back and forth between a myriad of false alter natives at home it seems ou must cither spank or spoil your children you must cither grin anj bear it or hie oursclf to the divorce court in 1 is dumry labor must either take strike action or no action management must either put tabor in its place or lose its on place politically you must ti ther be left or right communal or fascist whib in world affair- ou must cither hold the edge of power or take it in the neck some men and nations liking nnthtr exinni try the middle course of compromise and get no i where fast but a few arc lenrmng a heltcr a a third allcrnntitc that wa is chanc11 j lake the child ou arc tempted to spank or spoil inmcud of doing either tr change try bthuwng differently oursell and ou uill find the child be ihnsiiig dilferently learn to su no to oursel i more frequently and ou wont have to say no so hildren the follow hat ou do not mcn mrmuviam iomun qt cf wstr damasa la big wiulftx tra shortly for th ivruvtan country wlrv lha fran- rtrsn ordrr will otm a fts raualon erntrv ratter ibrrn will ba flrat trrfret of tlv anvaxon vu arat mork ornninc ham bo whlrh would youall ralb- r br a euliisiun or an aaplostoait mm a uibtimi naf rally samlm how oumt mud wrll in m ollllon or you u in an rxplualtui wbara la yout in canada progress in this new cm and greatest of countries with its unbounded opportunities c are in a world again where wars hac the scars of war arc not deep in this land and for this wc should gic thanks rut canada must and will take a place in the world affairs of the future and the leadership must be for greater orld unit and a brotherhood not narrowesj b countr borders o using it world statesmen too can change it is when we change to something better than we wcic not when we stand out for extremes or fall for compromise that deadlocks arc broken and the world nioes on kimtokial mtt not the canadian wi the canadian broadcasting corporation has re cently announced that it intends to take oxer the wave length of radio station cfkb and to build a new fiftvthousandwatt transmitter in toronto for atatton cjbg the kev station of the cbcs domin ion network wc are not thoroughly conversant ith the deal but wc like thousands opftthcr canadians do not like this take oer attitude of cuc for cr cfrb has rendered a service to radio listeners in this district jf mcrnorv scrcs us right a better service in tho- carlv das than cbc provided the station as somewhat of a pioneer in this field and we like manv others do not like the attitude of cbc backed hv our license fees putting a pnate station out of a position u nas netd ttstao much ij r the btr stick mvle to suit canadians which if allow 1 ed to continue will threaten our whole freedom there are manv other reasons why the change should not be made in view of present acute short ages of matcnuk and change that arc coming rap idly in present da radio equipment it is not reas onable or sensible for cbc to proceed nh making theaeehanges now and forcing other stations to 1 make their alterations to meet the situation rado j fees may be coming in well these davs and cbc mav have plenty of funds but it is certainly unfair that t the power given the commission should be used in auch a manner ve believe most sincerely in free dom of the pressn in these days it is also m the inter ests of democracy that we retahj freedom of the air some people are so broad minded evcrv thing slips through canadas hirthdav next mondav and a legal holi da for nil canadians u the road between acton and milton is easier to ride these davs but the highway department can not takeall the credit tor the improvement not itkeh for the next two months that there will be much complaint about a cool summer and m all probability the coal situation won t seem so serious the interest tn a countv assessor is not nearlv as kii llllltiumitlli uppiifltnitnt n y t lk youll enjoy our orange pekoe blend cat aim wm r bracken mkai rxtatc buokkk flrr and automhit inhuranrv hfl llrallh nd arddrnt imuninc 0 tw wutmj ufr atturkjtcw at jtit i ij1h mi tlnt l w ik ibhk ui tin ihonk 2f alton ont before the ihinte uin made or t the change beipr ntije- ihe home kron tri hemes ire mating the jesertvon the lanul menu lc- f a problem thee diixs and from no on manv other fruit mil follo right throurh the season taro fi planning our towns s shortages ot labor and materialsf coupled with strikes ind industrial unrest are delaying the onset of the longawaited reconstruction period but the b the time this isitue reaches our readers the ncs goad or bad from the rudijet will be 4cnon ta relier n looked for by all now that the war is over and government expenditure should besharply decreased the taxpayers across the country may think that all these discussions in parliament about the govern ments huge financial appropriations are dry but will change their views when they dnh out how they are going to be soaked roland man news carrolls turran 47 ouves pineapple jc tbawftclkll savoy pectin loc raflfot aovklem chicken 49 rrostt mix a x paper 7 flakes i uikllb walnuts sic oof inn vallvt otabi wax eams i 11m wirra clkanskb a nn ac msiai ruwn foods hake your own syutfi rrjjuroarwcourtunx x unua uv uluuis- iupei iudi wuasa raurr jab iuuiu i m raurr jaks t cekto uquid nccnn n as a ta i white imi voumi a 1 w rg coasa worn doom iu lm iiucii aibd ekd n i pabd doo raob a no aaa kdlooot uun hakes in im obaknura njuuta iu ahwiww dimmtb mn rot m camp cams uw n 171 4 autsmouaii hoauawax icabnu tntavj 5c 10c ttkiiiiniioknimj umri mpw uta n tjaj ry kwlt aoi 14 p i m wmu fcili sod r m auanu tm paw 4ma a ky atwa aw 0w aj b a4 frys cocoa la 3sc firm green cabbage lb california limes siie2u fresh leamington cauliftower large heads each juicy california obanges siie 28s doi strawbeirlw cherries tomatoes watermelon special weekend prices for 15c 42c business directory marwui uk w g c kenney uinuur 10 or j a univ otlvm u kymoa blortc m1u itlm amoa ohu hw h gr llm rill cjtn ik 1 a gakhett tytliilf mmd b iltlrk hlrtl artoa kunitvrly ir ntvjfi otflca i iimii j3h lttllm ml ukntal 1i a j i1uc1iahan i luaut hatim om uuinu llloik mill bitm ortr hour 9 mm to 4 pal x hay a i 1kikimionk 1u ll luke a sikhs ikrmul hura mill mint cfnrr fridrlk aetaa otil iiuuib ooi in u s30 pja u 1111 ln it la rtiai i li aiiii 11 and it a altlln rartuur mttd lteiwlr kmimtf puui iuum of miii ijcnar i itrglitrr tt lllrttk krrrlfftk dmui imtvo ii ituam kmiiimi iu langdon av1sworth buruirv ulrilui eu oniii aitun uomr llullulnf it martntyr ayuoorth da a11xin umum iltar raaam iuj orvlwnorffory ttwatr builds ihon hmv livbr iioskin aari14 afjaaualaau u tvuuri iu jinuim4 a iiauur i3ta strlroikjlltan llldff 41 vlctorl si luiuntu kl vl1l tcrruisauv ii i young vs bvbc wirlmry hurt offlr urotikvlll ontrto lhonr milton 146 r 4 h uakls vs bvsc vvtraary hurffmi offlr anil ittftlurnrv knox avnu arton ihtin 130 rral rmtate uillouguby farm agency ijirurbt nd oldctt ancy in rl 1i1 oflic knt umf toroato rmirgrlown ltvrwnuuv tn llwtma rka tiratowa taa time tables ray coach lines loachks ueave acton 4 i1a1uciit ravino time kamibatamd xr11 am bt4a am 0j4 ia 11 m am alkf pm 1 36 pjn p m 0 06 p m hi 111 pjn moth urn vll 11 am 230 ull x5 11 p m 733 pnt b33 pjv x9 23 im yll 38 p m i to stratford to london b sundays and holidays only x dally axrvpt sundays and ttolft- daya to kitchener i i canadian national railways mtaniiard timk oini kat dall rxrrpt sunday 6 00 am- 0 w m fi vi p m sundny only 8ll p m litl klrr at eoruvtown 10 ix pm t iolns rst ual txcfpt mondnj 1 17 am monti- onl ljoo a m dally excp sumiav in n m fi v p m 7 35 p m snlunla onl 1 1 pm fler guelph tinii exfifhi saiurflxy anfi sunfl wj p m concrete blocks manufactured by cheltenham con crete products harvey walters sole agent phone acton 87 blocka manufactured to meet flte toronto bylaw specif leaf font a s