i the acton pftee prbss ttanaoxy juhs at ims tbc week at ottawa ottawa cp rrj health tutwitu are tunuaf their stieai- laa t tvxr ad trtkrittt two dls- uim tor hlct tkere u no known curs tma pfeee government plan toriiiite imtunrr to wmrch into tfce esu of tturmtm dttruf cslderjton of health and welfare derartntent flmilm health ffisus- oaxton told the com ik favornmonl will provide rant lor those who wth to do such tsaeirrh work and tn addition hop to establish wuwllis to train r- wareh werkar for the b ha umted that oqo0t canadian utter ffm arthritis while cancer clauaaduv live of on out of tvtry eight canadians ii hoped to rail in th aaar futur a malting of those in trted tn cancer reeaarrh el which the fields of aruvltj of th various organisation which are interested in caacar will be defined as wall as they ran ba without setting tham in straight jackets wt can raally uy that we ere ujulertaking a program of work in cancer by one means or another which wall mobilise all th resource that can b reohillmd within canada to aaa to it that we do everything pos sible to find th reuse and cure ofl csutcer ha added ih rasaarrh probably villi net be undertaken by th government li- setr mr claiton ssld but will ba dona at universities and auiatid through national keiearrh council tlw number of person qualiflrd to do competent medical research in canada u definitely limited and the government jmllry would be to aaa that thow reasonably qualified to do research work sot the asslttanre nt r l ssary to enable them to do it tha minister mad the statement after appeals for concentration on aatarrh work from all tides of he commons all ot whkth itreued the naad for canadian scientists keeping abreast of s irnttaii in other coun- predsj owr by sana tor t a crarar of majulaba farmar reeourcss mltt- utar under whoa department im nugrstlon matters fall the housing situation and tha world shipping shortage are pxpactad to delay any largescale immigration for soma urn however tha com mon 1aat w heard twapaoaouaoa mertts on immigrauon which taka place in the near futura reaouroas minister glen announrad that relat ive of canadians will ba allowed to anur tha dominion from foreign countrlas provided thalr housing and support csji be guaranteed by thalr canadian relative- such person will probably not ba allowed to coma to canada until the and of th year after canadian serviceman snd thalr dependants have been returned agriculture minister ardiner said the government will shortly awngjuftce a plan under which some 4 ouo polish soldiers wll be brought to canada to work in th sugar beet industry and replace irman prtsonrofwar now being returned to the united king dom uanth iianumavh chmiut cimonton tc an unnamed veteran of italy and northwest eur ope li giving rehabilitation officer a bit o concern he wants to ba trained as a hangman administrat ors said it is difficult to find where ha could be apprenticed in alberta the word research in noticeably inrrss rl use in the commons this session it reflects an increased ins pect whkh canadians feel for scient ific work aimed at improving the lot of mankind curing lis ills and smoothing out its problem the word has figured prominently in practically every discussion on fed ora departmental expenditure during consideration of agriculture department est imates for example reeearch was urged to combat crop deaes and irtsecu which cause crop fail urea members stressed the im portance of studies which would pro- due diss see reiltting crops increase food production and eliminate the ti- sects and disease whkh attack plants and anlmala higher pay and greater clxajonq auction sale ay udo accmronrn jekhevr thyvktt plant nkw powch arm fxilillurnt faum imp1jc- mknth hormkh v our hi i irk plflh and pouutrv the undersigned has been instruct ed by diouinh to sell b public auction at lot 2h 6th con rquelng on no high way between teorgetown and acton on ttrjuav jtve hth at 100 o clock dht machinery mccormlck deerlng y armall h tractor on rubber new in 1945 massey harris 6 combine with all attachments new in ims mccormlck deering hammer mill new in 1943 mccormlck deering tractor disc new in 1043 mccorm lck dealing tractor plough new in ims mccormlck deering tractor mower new in 1m5 mccormlck deering cultivator row crop attach ments new in ims mccormlck deering hay loader new in ims mccormlck deering side delivery rake new in 1m5 mccormlck deer ing manure spreader new in 1m5 freeman manure ioader new in 1m6 mccormlck deering tractor i cultivator new in ima mccormlck i deering aubher tired wagon new in i ims mccormlck oeertng 13dlse fer tilizer drill new in ims mccormlck deering 3rctlon harrow new in ims mccormlck dealing hay rake new in ims cockshutt i ft- oh tsath dlnder new in 1m3 tractor crosa cut saw kansas tractor saw mccormlck derlng mower 3h ft cut massev harris wnlklhg plow new in ims 3wheel trailer with rack new in ims 1 rolls of new 4 rolls of new si eel encouragement for sclentuti who un dertake this work was urged by poultry and hog fence members and promised by agrlcult- new 9 wire fence 4 sire minister gardiner cat boh sleighs and rack team ur minuter uarqiner vufflerlvtooth cultivator truck beat eaample of the rewarch con- wagon root pulper klectric fenc aciousness now coming to he fore- 1 rr ideal incubator new garden front l the national research coun- cultivator new tll itself it will he maintained on its jfrsfy cattifm reg accred- greotlyepnded wartime basis he- construction mlnlstrr how told an approving house of commons last week in 1030 when thenar started the ouncil had one larexlaborntor and a staff of about vk men its eaie time establishment will include lh laboratories with a staff of appro lmately 1300 ubmu learned dur ing the war will be ut into prartior and the councils lntkiiatones stnt- chlng all atroxa the count i- will shk solution to the vtblemt of the area in which the are icnslcd rather than at a central inrmirntnr in ot tawa ihoukiintli of mlhv imh ftont the problem area apprtival of an giant lor re- aearch 1s priutnall a f ort coni in- iluslon tn the i ommons if shore la any criticism t sui h grants it gener ally is that the are not hlh enough this altitude common to nil parties is just another of the t haitkt in at titude evidenced since the war during the 30a the accent was on rutting down expenditures and re search work requiring long hours of tedious work whuh roitucei1 ionip- aralively tew islble results was gen erally considered a field in which ex- least objection however the war produced man thing through steppedup research medical supplie huch as blood plas ma and penicillin saved 1ea re search worked the bugs out of pro duction which won the war and canadians found to their surprise that their own scientists and research man were among the beatso much that they shared development of the wars bi secret and responstblllt the atomic bomb now it la being realised that these ittfjn to whom canada owe such a debt are being paid much less than dentists of other countries- the general demand is to increase their psfy before they teak more remun erative field in other countries tha question of immigration has been raised frequently in the senate this session and much interact at tache to the report which a senate awumlstlon now studying tha- mat- jawuljnmke the committee to itrd jeres inclurtlni iresh cows and heifer bred beveral vaccinated heifers ount calves 1 hull 14 months and the herd sire queenswn oxford sultnna volunteer 10042 hred hy t a rowland and sons brampton sire droadvlew sultan volunteer whose dam oxford sultan s u nie ha a 2 ear record of 42l lbs nf milk nmt v4 lb nf fat his dam standards mnuv makl 2nd has n re cord or 11479 lbs or milk and 03 1m of fnt thd 1 a herd of big strong high nrdrluflnu cows and were pur- fhnvsl ax n hrrd from howard flrnff of alton dair and fi hniicai- kjimpmrm fnlrbnnk morse fiiw le power plant 110 oltx tooil wnlts new in 1m 6 can mccormlck deering milk cooler new in l4fi wood unit milking machine oom ph te new in 104 mc irmkk deer- tng j units milkir new tn lmfi troh fian milk cooler new in 1041 ren frew klectilc cream soiarator new s h p lirtu kerrlgetatlon unit cem leerlc trlnder ne in 1ua horsks rlack r p team of l elding 4 and 5 ears old weir manned c p colt 2 vr gp flllv 1 r harnkss new set or brass mounted llreei hlng harneas j new scotch collars yohkshirk puis sow and 12 pigs 1 weeks old sow due lime or le 7 sow breeding date given day pnmurevyou1dn w fowu- j50 yearling white leg horn hent no reaerve as mr dlgglns is giving up farming eerthlng to be settled for on da or sale terms cash frank petoi auctioneer a w benton clerk b47j selffeeders for bacon hogs the practice of selffeeding farm anlmala la coming into more general use under this system a continuous n lead- lejtept before tha an imal enabling them to eat whan they want and in whatever quantity they desire thus gutng the smaller weak er plgsa better chance it eliminate in competition and fighting that take place at a trough say h e wilson dominion esperlmental stat ion lacombe aha the advantage claimed for the self are that h save labor and nsurea satisfactory gain being made with the least waste of feewtth both growing pig and old sow which are being fattened it i not so well ad apted for feeding brood sows or any kind of breeding stock that should be kept on tag than a full ration a selffeeder to be entirely satis factory must be so arranged that the contents will feed into th troughs without any stoppage caud by the blocking of the meal tn th hopper i lie tyie of self feeder used with suceee at the lacombe experimental station is provided with a movable board secured with thumb wi the board enabling th flow of feed to be regulated accurately it u neces sary to regulate this board according to the kind of the feed used and to make frequent inspection to see if the feed supply is sufficient and the feeder prorly adjusted a up on th edge of the trough has been found an advantage in preventing waste expert meental results et lacombe indicate thai th self feeder when used in connection with a properly balanced grain ration will not only save labor but will give greater gains and produce the gains with a grain requirement which is not out of lint with that rfxjulred by handfeeding ilasad on a sevenyear average of re sults comparing self feeding with hand feeding it ha taken h er cent more grain to produce 100 pound in crease in life weight when the self- feeder was used than when hand- feeding was practiced on the other hand slffd pig made 19 per cent higher dally gains than those hand fco proving conclusively the poaalb lht of preparing hogs for market at a much earlier date when a srlf- freder is ued self fed hog also in variably showed more uniformity of slxe and more even fleshing than those hand fed and on the average conformed a closely to bacon stand ards as did the hand ted hogs a well bred bacon type hog fed a welt bal anced ration will grade well on the rail in th packing plant even thought it may have ben fed from a self- feeder officer have ou leaned th deck and polished the hrnss sailor yes air and ive swept the horizon with my binoculars miniature horses find good market amuum auaibasi brilaif pftv ejoresi perfect ptftto duncan 8 c cp w a alaa- inloar local horse- ha pro duced a perfect miniature saddle horse under 11 hand in height which i in great demand home 30 of th ponle have been sold in the united hi ate mucrea crowned three generations of breading with palomino arabian and shetland strains with tin result that hi golden plrrto have the stam ina endurance and look of full stsed thoroughbred my lifelong ambition has been to produce a saddle horse the sis of the shetland vyalsh or dartmoor ponies without th defect which put them out of favor he said he pointed to senator flash first stallion of the new strain with xlop lug shoulder short back and long belly line good withers and long pasterns which cushion the rider it is a sleek chestnut and white pinto reaching little higher than hi elbow visiting american breeders had valued senator plash in tha thous and of dollar and mar in the new strain which he had sold for a few hundred dollar could not be bought bark at any price expect new wkkd killeks kor lawns during recent m nth there has been considerable interest in tha am azing new weed killer commonly known a 2 4 d there u no doubt that thla is the mo l promising sel ective weed killer yet developed for mary lawn weed urh a dandelions plantain and several other broad leaved turf weed undoubtedly new preparation even better than those bast d on 2 4 d will oon be produc ed any of the 2 4d products on the market may be used and it is recommended that the manufacturer recommendations and warning be followed very closely say j if bojce dlvlilon ot forage plant central kxpetimental farm ottawa w hat is often overlooked in using wlettlve weed killers is that it 1 uxelexs to kill the weed in a lawn unleu steps sre taken to make de lrable bpecles of grasses grow in th spot where the weeds are killed if the bar areax are not taken aver very quickly by the grass they pro vide admirable seed bed for more weeds and eventually the lawn may be weedier than it was before the weed killer was used a dense vig orous growth of grass on the other hand discourages the encroachment of weeds the development feuch a turf depends on following suitable cultural practice such as fertilization in some dases liming seeding with adapted ecle watering and mow ing salada tkftv the only remedy for hunger is food 1 buy and use less bread flour and other wheat products heat cheese and eoos subs titute veoetables nturr and rtsh where possible gd keep tour home stocks low but only enough ror immediate requirements tha moat uicubi way in which w can und in ciaaaad bollc ahipmanb of wheat meat cheese ml efegs to naady ooun triaa u through th can dun govarnnicdt lood doard thaaa lncrsaaad bulk ahlpmants can only ba mad providing w raduoa our own consump tion kara mr9 ufa im portant way by which m can mava ffraatar quantities o lood avail able for aiport ft avoid all waste o orow a victory oar den aoain this year plant more this ttme it you can s donate any meat coupons you can spare enouire at your local ration board jf now you can plan a trip for yourself and your family and know that via canadian national comfort and pleasure will be yours every mite of the way genial courteous canadian national service will confirm the wisdom of your train travel plan hi cm hil plan yout tup your canadian national ticket office is ready to help to discuss your itinerary to furnish infor mation about the place you plan to visit theyll arrange tickets reservations get you all prepared to step on board anil go canaoian national w s h 1b ill tst iiiisi bvslvslil m isav t tat t0t1 v r y w h tvr e r c a n a d a