rmtt the acton free press thukhday aiitii iiu tui suji artuu 3frri rraa mv- ni tvlar otww avul j ue isi ceo umcuprkw att w hi ti turn fm aaiu- hub ai i ta sv ollwlloo ttu tin iltmo advtsttalnu batk- ev aruic al fttsftt utm iiui li t sai sar sur totav touua j lsi irttf j ca dhtlihwal u laoawatm to vottlae fcr aba aslr ataa to 4u nv ha h sbj mmf w mmd vt ml w f t r sastut uil aa ita twa vr va mf si to ia oaaa a ar tact uuwa4m u atlot dlu1 uli- nlavsumu- eavsaolii a iiiimm oa arton nwb iu hoard of trade looking over the man cxchanrcs huh conic l our deak each week we find that once ariin boards of trade are becoming active those communities hich allowed these nrgenuations to become defunct are organum new boards ot trade it would ap pear aston should if it is gome to keep pasi revive the organization here true the community is muling alone nnil ne all the industries are busy c have no emptv fadoiy buildings houses arc starter than hens teeth and it might teem that there was not an immediate need to better ourselves bui it s an old saving that no community stands still the go forward or back ward from a retail standpoint it might be argued that atoro hours arc regulated by law more roods can te told thin can be procured and so on but there arc other ways in which a board of trade can be a great aatct to acton it is not in the old problems that c need to be complacent it is the town with the cit iieni with new ideas new horuons that goes ahead of the general profession and keeps ahead acton needs a revival ot its board of trade there it work for citizens to acomplish in such an organir tion there is o to be found in such work when itt interest is the advancement if the communit as whale the war is over and post war problems are to be dealt with wanted job kor heroes iroof ttuu cuarx- caw lte clara stamp out cancer la the slogan headlining the april campaign for funds under auspice of the unt ario lancer treatment and research foundation the ontario campaign is part of a continent wide drive to attack this second greatest scourge of hum amty fveiy i i t c die a e leading medical authorities and the minister f health for ontario hon russell t kelley have lately stated emphatically that cancer can be cured providing it is taken under treatment in its eaily stages the present campaign therefore is being undertaken for two purpose to educate the publu in a way that they will come forward to reveal incip ient cases and to raise funds to establish treatment ventres where i ases may have early and active treatment the other dav an elderly gentleman tame in o our office and told us that for years he had suffeiej with earner with two of his brothers the diseaso had proven fatal he himself had undcrgom several siuorssful operations tie was quite active and mi lerested in the l ampaign lor research to find a cure lor cancer he said to us uu through the pa er can do so much to help in thia great work i wish i could do more our caller was over ninet years of age c thought his message over and are glad lo pass it on lo our readers hecause you can help too in fighting this grat scourge by taking your don ation now to any branch of any bank do it now perhaps we should tell our readers too that our visitor maintained that the food we cat has in his opinion considerable effect on our health and he advised reading of the eleventh chapter of leviticus the fact remains anccr can be cured it is up lo our da and generation to wipe it out it won t do vou anv harm to read the chapter and like your don aion to the fund h will do you a lot of good toaartj slep halton i ounlv t ouneil in our opinion look 11 lorward step last week when decision was reached lo inaugurate jt ounty he ilth unit iart of its i i gram cost were outlined in the proceedings ie ported to our readers of ouiltv ouneil the part that appeals to most of us is the co orj ination of elfuit on hcallh and the phcc finallv con ceded this mt st important part of ihe human lile we do not anticipate that operation of the unit will perform anv immediate miracle in the geneial hcnllli if haltomuns there have been man agencies it work lor years lo seek health improvement x t d i icel that the program on a ount scale will be more effective and show marked improvement over a long 1 term it is well if the new plan when inaugurated is i not judged too harshl during its earl stages i lit c will be errors of trial in its formative stage that will he rectified as n goes along it will cost as all public services cost and as all public monies are laiscd paid for by taxation but its first figures do not seem un reasonable lor such a broad sccviec i it s a forward step it s success will be establish i ed bv those who administer it too often public service docs not measure up to that given h private enterprise too often it is lacking the aggressiveness tnd desire to render service me trust the new plan will miss this pitfall rrry or hencthui winnipkx cp tt anything consaa of tn ugguon from raturn d sarvusaman r a datc wuutlpag may baeoma known aa ttur city with a bench in avary cornar dagg bro- poaaa that tha nubile tmprovamanta rnnimlttafgvajum a lo option to for a nimbany that woild tat lelt mann mil and 1 ouu brni hra on city treata kkoiumon dkehhino gown tflllonto clt private martin hand waa home on laava from hla army unit eating brvakfasl in ida ilrissalntf gown wtian flamaa bruka out in a hall aliuv in tha aussva fend tlaatroyarf wara hit complata run of unlfurma and civilian elottvaa now wimiorlngwiirrirtha inrwnt allimlal lile importing hack in draaa lni gtiwn realestate insurance ocean steamship tickets insukanck now it the lime to renew your insurance and bring it up to date values of profiertiea and content have increased insurance rale on fire have decreased end new benefits added real ehtatk we have a number yt dwellings for tab some are owner occupied and immediate potteaaion i given oihert for investment some choice farm fer sale large and small acreage v ur ruithrr lnf rmatli n apply to f l wright kkaltoit and inhuranck llionr 95 n a rv atv 11 la 13 in a few weeks thousands of ex servicemen anj women will be free from univcrsitv work for ti- tummcr after completing their lirst vcar of stucv tince stepping out of uniform for many of them the eight month univcrsitv term has been a irving time re adiustment to a life of stud after vcars of more active life and the nee easily of planning a future in highlv competitive fields have been constant concerns to them some of these voung men and women living awa from home or with families to keep have been under the added strain of rinding housing aceommod ition and living within government allotments now thev must stck ohs to keep them thioi the summer and provide a backlog of funds to 1 plement their educational grants throueb the in univcrsitv vcar canadian cmplovers sh uu be ge ci un wit jobs as u matter ol hard headed bisnuss if t r n other reason ihtst v ttrans arc the st 11 brains canadi possesses thcv have v uth th nuieklv matured sense of responsibility war bnn kditor1al notes to nn now is cood luav ind the t isttr stuson it 1 well that statutorv hohdas havt been set lorth and now that the war is over that lirst holidiiv if summer mo mth returns to the list again anv plan o deal with dclinqilene u cnilcl must tc hi me centred kights md duties of tar tnts must not be overborne bv external maclnncrv ne matter bow benevolent kelowna b c i cour- e ike the new trend forfnorciniphissincaii ida domini n hav is to be i innda inv and wc he t he lllcwcd t design he eurselves is t ailldlllls it s ill vigils of lrowlh in at e nhood 11 j lul in ur place in thi hi t sh i mpire and cxtraordinrtv trinmg in mnv dalts ijid e ialtics trev need lobs during the summer when the r government rrants stop if the whole veterans cduc- gtton plan is not to bog down through their discour igcmcnt or financial inability to earrv on true they can report themselves unemployed and receive an allowance from the government but it is a sort of dole and poor treatment for heroes apart altogether from the financial side of it theto young people need 0bt because thev must be made to teel that they are wanted that there is a place for them in the civilian world they left to fiht fer their country some young men who were fearless in the fight ing shrink from civilian life no greater iob can be done for their morale than to fit them into an occup- atwn for the summer and tend them back to univer sity in the fall with their rear dissipated moat will have to find iob in the citte but can ada town villages and farm can give many a summer of useful occupation near their home and a ley up toward the future it crs ind distithnters wh urc jan fwar inerchand sing programs on tbe is sllniffuih thai in si of rtvi billion in wartime slvillgs will be used to purchase civilian geiods art in fir 1 rude iwaktning sits borbts maganic a recent survey indicates that more than ml per cent of such savings arc in the hands of persons with over s5 uk annual income a group which constitutes only o per cent of the total population families with less than 000 income vcarlv 7i per cent of the population have accumulated only 7 per cent ol wartime savings unless production is halted again by strikes or material shortages there is every possibility that automobileswill be available on the open market without need for priority certificate b the end of july for the first time in five years that is the in formed guess of government officials who are ad ministering the vehicle control order although they admit they are still keeping their fingers crossed when they discuss the future the current coal strike labor disputes in one or more of the canadian automobile plants or temporary shortage of some vital component could change the picture overnight fcffcftbfs imtu cfbclau baltcd peanuts crape juice r te aamfcaataaaa v it c aaeav maxwell house coffee 4 tv vacuum pack tiw olvease ro lie dipfoam rso xe womurtt 1 lie itmriuih u via aea jutmrrtamlt but r catxmeyra jkllo custard wa niwroar nurn n nuttut ektavact tta jujcis bideei 7 a is hoe pouau to tace old dutch clkaniu lata itllmiiool seeds ii colllimt0c flm em i c cebeal aac 1 ks c c 111 peas t i1 tiij seriithc 1 tea ooloew tip tea a 44c haw cauoiraewn tea k j f tc l oum dandee tea 3sc f ex udi v aomaa rx around m fav7 a fi i coffee 19ct3sc f j grape fruit v juice i hawks rxoa fresh kontuvkv qreen beans lb crisp green celery hearts large bundle wresh tcxas spinach 2 lb dutch set onions for vplanting lb fresh cauliflower rhubarb aaparartm cucumber a lettuce special webnd prieea bueinesg directory medical dh w o c kenney pkytuaa kwj surjna ihuccssaaur to or j a uexlvaal ome in ajymea block miu btrwm acton offtaa pkaasa h illlmi i it ur h o joyce hiraalar l uilria yiyrililaa aa auriaca om nal door to llall taluaaii cac mill and main slrata lay ol night uk 1 a garrett tbltafcui aasi ta4arlck htrr i aeton surmrrly lr nelson a ufflo nfnia llena xih id eitstnoe m dental dr a j buchanan daataj bacrtwaai olriea latcthmaji ulork ulll stlssm osicw hour a am lo aav x kay wes rkltpiione iu uh georfe a sirrs iwitlaj nurgwaai mill str4l lontei sfarrttll aelob llflte llpuii vi 0u a in lo 3u pjat iu i 1iionl 111 nraiai c t ueatiii 11 am it a acion llarrlalar and hallrllnr nclacry hiwk i laauar of marnaa laraitars jlugulrar of lllrllia n ainagvs imatlit thfuw xi limtac itj j langdon aylsworth i barrlalora halkiura e4e i oltli aa i aelull i mllmr lleol tltig k mactnlyra albvcorth bjk j acton obloa ikastra kaauaatcw iiaj iorsatown rwgury thfatr build g rttene khw lever 4 iiobkin ctusrtarad aocioualajila sjutewaor lo jcmumt iiah11y 13u0 malrooolllan illelg 44 vlelorl st toronto tig unt itook keeping arcotwtlaur ieraonal lncoava tax u m timbers lurmirly of the it c a llos 107 lrorgctown oat vi7tuunabv 11 d young vs bvsc atarlaeary hurgaaai orflea uroukvllla ontario 1 liunr milton iter b oakhb v s b vic l alarlnary hurcaaai ejltle- anel levililance knua avanu a ton 1hona 130 ucau khtatc m1lloughby farm agency 1 ltrutil and olelftl agency in c ii ail olfltr krnl uldg toronto i e r hrpraaantatlva torn llavvaoav ikom law ut i iiin- jt 41anarj inauranrca vm k bracken acton ont time tables kv l ovtll unris e uae 11is iut actxn raathound vfll n -mb- ii i i in in tnr- i m 5 11 pm 6 3c l m hit 11 pm ueausotuul atn ti a 111 ll it a m 335 pjn 1 i i m ti pm bs3 pjac u m yll js cim i to stratford a to london rtundavt and holidays only xdaily except sundaya and da a y- to kitchener hah- canadian national railways oatac waa watt dally except sunday 001 sja a3j8 pm 7 4b pm b 1108 ajn m am flyar gtorntown s pm flyar cualph cteu pjn oalxi ataat dally excpt sunday s4s 0 sb am jtjp pji s- flyer gualph j5 pj gaorasbtown 9j5 pjn a saturday only ti monday only e except saturday and sunday dvsunday only i njsk riytr