Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1945, p. 5

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v ihtmmur april nth ims the acton free press vacotnvr a wra 8 turnar toronto vfalm acta frundi tax ttturaday tlr j h smith o gall and kit- ehanar vtaltad aetna trwadl thla lln mna snjxur o toronto vlalt- ad whk mra ju symoa during- ua ur and mra ualwoad bardan s hlllaburg vtaltad with mra nalaon f mum an sunday mra gordon rognvaldaon marilyn and dllll apanl lha waakand with ralatlvaa in toronto mra dorothy rognvaldum of tur onto vtaltad mr and lira cordon ragnvaldaon thu wttli oorp p poolltt and corp alrrad ford ol camp mordan ullad in arton ovar tha ivaakand mr and mr v ii humify and bob vlallad laat wak with mr and mra p a mrlan at tilbury mr and mra john lambart llaat- tlira and john mra r w iloiaaa and allan vlallad mr and mia i arl iau at oakvllla on sunday many irleoda haia- ragral that mr w j mrtlltrhaon arton la iii and la now in hi joarph a lloapltal tualph lor traatmant prior to an operation all wlah for him a prompt racovary utchftgte mmt9kmttd taw rvlaaitly church a butv a waxtot voaawbv ju glb mkataaaa parana auaaar avaaiua kunpay april isth i5 1ioo ant morning worahlp sartnon tnara ra no athaiau in roa holaa 12 15 pmomrrh school 7 00 pin fvanlng worarlp harmon tra vhnlalry of tha 1 nronaplruoua worahlp tha lord in tha baauty of llollnaaa- kvarybody walroma urmtttturimti fflburcrj in tfajtalia knox ciivatcil aotom mcv roaaavkm11aoalsonalaau fjgfa ailar manaawlllow straat strnday aiku 13th ims 1 1 iaj am mornlm worahlp tha aarmon will ha praachagj by tha llav oiarlaa llandaraon da of knoa cdllaga lna harramant of llapltam will ha admlnlatarad 3 oo p m tha sundayjtrhool and junior blhta iuaa 1l pro kvanlng worahlp sar- mon jraua wat thy that wall tlion tha lrd shall ttanaw tkatr mranflth engagements mr and mra arthur i lilt of uma houaa wlah to announra tra angaga mant of thalr aldaat daughtar gwan- dolyn nanry to allan william cordon it cat klngatnn aon of mr and mra william gordon of itorkwood tha wadding to taka plar tha aarly part of may in t imehouaa praaby- tartan churrh meeting op knox yoiinu peoples held on monday the regular meeting of knox v 1 s u held on rieday ilabe ho sell read tie scripture and cladya price led tn prwyer phlua uou read the loptc on john alv in members aae to attend 1 spring tally in waterloo campbellville i he rtiijar meeting of the w i m held at the home of miss sadie tlut k edncsda afternoon the preaidanl mra cameron agnew look harie hull call u answered hy pajment of membership fee for the riming enr xtr crawford read a letter from pr luack of hli trip to celon mrs cameron aknaw and xlra llouaon luih ere named a commit tee to attend a meeting at the diatrtct cooperatke on april jt mlaa helen agnew ga e two piano ael ret i on flection of offlcem uere aa folloua hon presidents mr j k mahbn mra h i uh president mr cam eron agnew ut ice preaulent mlaa jane held jnd vice president mra creorge llarrli secretary treasurer mlaa sadie buck asa t secretary treaiurer mra eo inglla district director mra ii i uah branch imr- kctora mr charlea klne mra mal- ln hood mr leorce black war work conenerj mra jjimea mahon finance committee mr mehln hood mr dna wilson mrs chaa king mra nelson how ant pre and publlciu mra george inglls i unch conxenrr mra tom hllson planlita i mrs i lod crawford mrs walter j ferrler audltnr mm n m mclaren j me jalip ramphail stantllnf cfttx ovurrtt f am xltttai hir tfarltfr sunday apkila lmh ims th marond sunday after lailfr 10 oo am turch school 1100 a ma- holy uchartst and ser iion thi tood shepherd 7 00 p m fvrtona and sermon a lulanced morality all y p a a invited to joint young paopwa me ling in st albans parish hall wad evening april lhth hk pm program and lunch vaptut etnirrli attton xv w is watxju 1cm5 this week by ratank wnxm sunday aphii pth lion am morning srrvtc 1315 pm sunday school 7 00 p m kvetilng servlre auction sale in lllr viiul or alixn or rsm ur ani lll hrilolad art1i i j lln un lerlneil lias risehed in ntriuliont from l u maelmknaij to sell liy public aiution at the home of i mo mas wafson mill st arton on hatf april litis at one otlock the following 1 hit trie washing machine lenity jomlnon late model 1 seeing ma chtne 1 met trie hangetle tudhope 1 davenport lied 1 quehrc kiu hen hange i sanltar ot 1 refriger ator ice vi it- cpjutt a piece wicker porch suite 1 bettroom suite and mattre 1 llurfet dining table nnd fi chair in fumed oak i ax minster hug t10 1 congoleum hug 9x10s olhrr small pieces of ijnoleum i console table 2 fnd table 4 other table 1 card table 1 fxtenslon table and 6 l hairs 1 kitchen table small cupboard 1 hocking chair 2 odd chair 1 up- holnteresl chair i secretary 1 hall hack 1 floor 1amp i bridge ump 1 doirn quart sealem 2 wash tuba 1 copper boiler v ft garden hose dure and other article tfhms cash ho 11ndley auctioneer i- u u right clerk toronto cl th contantioua quaatlon ol rallgioua aduratlon in oatmrio public and aacondary arhoou cam in for tmiglhy dlaruaaloa at tha mario educational aasoctatoq con tenlloa here a motion that rallgioua education be ramovad from tha course of study was dafaaied a tie trustaaa and ratepayer aartlon coittmandad tha deparimedt of education for intro duct ion of religious atudle w f i last do of toronto precipitated tha dlaruaaion with tha tharge that ra llglon tlbght in the achoola vlulatea the rellglous liberty of teat her par enta pupils raletayers and trustea in a speech to mem her of ihe ath- ollc tducatlun onference dr a all house chief dlrtor of edutallon for tl a province gave raaasuranca that ontario s athool system would nevrr be used for regimentation or creation of mass mind ontario achoola would be uaed to tea b tit young iteopla to think as a basis for decision and for a tum but not to prestrllae for i hem what they shall think an advisory committee i aa approv ed establishment of prisoner of war labor ramp lmuulhcin onlarli at a meeting in sltmoe nt ilia torn mlttee approveil a wage rata of two i hints of the current farm wage i ale plus transportation with a suggested hourly wage of 13 cents approved slles for labor amp are longlun windham centre and ian meyer with possibly another camp to serve the st rhomaa area kach camp will accommodate iv prisoner rouw of not le than five to guard will lie available for farm work and farm worker will be recruited only from the ranks of mercrant aaa men and not frm combatant troop wagea for a work day from seven am until su pm will be turned over to the receiver general of canada after local coat are met and placed in the prlaoner4f war resolving fund rnd applied to the coat of pow camp administration fifty cent dally will be aredlled to each man to he uaed in the camp canteen i- uur u c a r can so amphibian formrrl uwm in anil submarine pat rols will uueit thi lr attmllon next month to an ontario fort it eit the olnnt wilt tn used to mprny tl i fcprin i hudworm an in sex t wlilh lias infiktetl more han 200000 muare miles of ontario bushlanil llie new lim ttclde popularly known as dim will be used in the camlnltn thiough ihe cooperation of the lands and forctts department of the provlnca nnd the united state government uhhh will supply 40 ton of dm most of the insettlclda will i spray ed on h0000 wioded acre of ihe nl- lkon area but joo acre of algonquin patk will he treated along with 2 000 acre in the kahonga area of quelvec harry llelanger 10 was playing cops and traffic on a downtown slreet in toronto recently directing traffic and getting the situation generally snarled up a pnsslng motorist quel honed belanger s authority belanger said he was an ucmp officer the pavtlng motorist identified himself as brig d c draper toronto chief of police nonplussed bclnnger was fined 25 for impersonating a police officer trusses ahdamhaaj traaaaa and bop kxmoit1v ptttcd alex stewart ltd jt mltta agriculture and canadian induatry mra j campball mra wm mrlwtt historical itaaaarch mra r- uoil crawford mra mphin hood i mlaa jane held home tconomlca i mra cfknta harrla cloxenahlp mrm i caorga illack stxlal walfara mra don martin a aoclal half hour fol- lorl lth mra wm mclaran mra edna wllaon mra tom jlllaon and mra haa king aartng lunch mra wm ttobcrta antartalnad in ronor of her daughter baarlay who calibrated her aecond blrthda on thurada i camnbem llle st dax id churrh choir rnt to ebeheiar united church to a tupiwr on wadneaday avanlnj i knd fumlihed tha program for tha atantng tte choir au directed by murraj mcrhall j ueut crawford vahon jimcjf- york toronto and mra mahon apent the weekend at the home of mr and mra edward mhon word haa been received by mr and i mra llllam mcuaran that their aon peter haa arrived at bombay india pte murca mahon haa bean trana- ferred to bebert nova scotia mra murray mahon apent weekend with mr and mra jamaa mahon mra- jamaa dick ii living wtth har- huaband at st hyacinth quebec omar vanalckla of tha meterolog- ical bureau of malton ipent tha waak- and at hla home mlaa eleanor mclaren ipent tha weekend at home mttt grace mclaughlin norval waa a midweak visitor of mlaa ouva- mahon i aagua kauuar at oaargaa fxtaare raj ooalph gregory theatre fluda april is something for the bos thhnlcilor with carmen mir anda mtcrael oshea colored sermce ipetal dll boata cartort moue and the plratea chapter t adenlurea of smiling jkik satthdal arnil u maunee at s ever since venus- itoaa hunter ann saage one msterious night cheater morrta janta carter fo newa v monday aprh 1 together again jmrena dunne charlea boyer corned delectuo detec- tlvea cartodn sadie hauklna daj technicolor boon irish eyes are smiling georgetown furlough uetldlng tf note was held in irvkme united chun h toronto when suh i leut nursing sister dar l hratrlrr smit b ihe bride at arold mcclennan i leut j arm x i h c n v n a mitred cantata b maundi r olivet to lakary was r ndeml b the comhtntm choir of ceorgetoun i nktetl georgetown baptist knox prtsbterian and st eorges angtl- tan churcher on thurjulay evening matxh th in the itnlted church ak the fourth of the community holy week service the church waa crowded to capnclt to hear thl beau tiful music o splendidly presented under the conductor mis lnda halton school pupils visit the county council continued from pas lake back what thay have learned to their fellow student in hi closing remark mr howttt said l rarely enter a arkool without raallxlnf that tturre may be praaent among tlte pupils some future great nvantor a dvemliey of parliament a great doc tor or eveh a piinve minister your part at preftent la to learn all you can to prepare you for your plac in life when you study you are learn ing to think learning to live your own life learning to make tha right use of that freedom for whit h men are fighting and dying o thai freedom may rtinllnue to h your lor lhat reason i would urge you to lake a lasting intereat in your govern ments itrmemher the gieat imng in lift la not to make a fortune but to leave the plaie in whhh you live i little better than you found it mrs m s i etllt deputy reeve of nrlftoii township moved a vole of thanks to mr howttt for his splendid address she also urged the loys and glru present to leuieintker they would soon he ihe reknblble men and wo turn of lo morrow and it might le ihrlr resfmnslhlllty to lake part in mtinh lal county provln isl or even fednsl affalis as i tk at the gtlli hrrr today said mrs i ettlt 1 am glad for yeur sake l at i am lolng a llltl pioneer work in the munlrlaal field i hope i rosy ron llnue in this work for a hide while el but that is something no on can retell it is as easy to im put out of office as in it on u many knotka in this work but don t forget hoys and girls every knotk is a hoatat apd mistakes can be very profitable i an only add lhat if i shall have been an inspiration for anyone to follow in my footstep i shall feel myself well repaid mr norman craig then voiced a hearty vote of thanks to the ladles of tie mountain union institute or the splendid luncheon they had pro vlded and also to the entertainers who had added so much to the enjoyment of the day i- ollowlng ihe lum heon the stu dents wi re divided into four groui and taken on a tour of inspertlon of the goal or as muili of ll as lould lie seen from the outside the meals work and rtrn ls given tht prlsoneia were explained to them by the overnor mr alvin e4mtng miss m ii i- trul hrgulrar of deeda undertook tin illffh ult task of ax i ltlnlng to the youngsters tha why and wherefore of ht r off he showing thtm llhialratlonn of h w prowrty dietls wrn tabulatiml and lllel x i lalnlng that ivi i y di etl was tcl tired with a stamp even to the lour and minute of its recelvm iteturning to thr ctxim ii t handle r ihe sludinls were pn wnt while rou tine tu nines was underway also during the aftirnoon they were ad dressed hy judge munro and rown attorney v i dick both of whom i x plained how the various courts of i be county wore oerated nnd for what puriiosc mr dkk also gave a detailed description with lllustrat ion of the system of finger printing some of the regular business of the day was as follows a somewhat heat ed rtlst usslon took place w hen the road committee recommended that the road running through stewart town be paved the following motion carried by one vote moved by l 1 fllmer and cleave that the seven th i ine ami part of no 17 aldaroad connecting stewarttown and george town lie paved moved by w robertson and j m mcdonald that ten prizes rnnglng from 10 down to 1 be given for the tveat essays submitted by any pupil attending to day under the title our ilt to the count council fssaya to he not more than 100 word and to be aent to the county clerk not later than may 15 carried a hy law w pasaodjt appointing printing m county bulldlnga m13 county iloada b1m8s education htjjw lloapltl account 401 to ounriradjoumad to meat on may- hlh milton mr v i ollroy tendered his realg- niatlon as a member of tha high s hool hoard a letter of appreciat ion was to be written expressing tha appreciation of the work done by mr illroy on the hoard a request for a letter approving of a iil ken killing plant to ba built in mlllon was received pils raquaat was granted following is the interim report of ip hsd os campaign cash in hank a1 tat ash on band flduo pledges fjslno making a total of tvam i anadlan hamplon dotsthe tklck llray chicks have dona wall for olhsra why not for you 100 live delivery guar ant ead just h l me know what you want 1ko brown nerrml in a ion saturday aflemoona and i- veiling only executors saijfi or r abm ntoot aj nanaaeonm tha undaralfnad haa raeajvad 1a- structions from tha kxacutora of th kauu af william ubouumubom tale of tha township of erin la tha ounty of wellington farmer da ceastvf to sell by fvhim aiunon at his jala residence on lot r 13 aaa 14 in ih 1st conrassjov of tht town- slip of frtn situated on king a high way j4 midway between hprtnf and k vert on on tt kmi1av april it i mi ommenctng at 2 p m iiohhks 1 brown mare about t ars old hlws 1 dark ted shorthorn bull atkhit 1 months old 1 grry cow brwl decemlker hh im 1 red w breet january khh w 1 ed lulfer bred vrhruary loth ltmv 1 black heifer 1 pslr taltle alatut ih montha ld 1 elves 1lf 4 i yorkahlr how h hunwt sllrfl 17 ilrrsler grade kvvea i ihitrr ham imp1 rmrnis massey harris no 4 it hoe setad drill spring tooth cul tivator set of 4 set hon hariow kleury 2 i i w massey harris drum hay leader massey harrla mower foot tut hraiitford mower set of si lm wagon and ilo muggy detn- of rale c ulter 1 horse iwtr aa nglnr intrrpatlrn1 harvaalar orn party h fikt hinder 1 year old with si raf farrier and heavy duty fore arilag for trator or horaea in hist rlast ondltlon international msrvnlrr ompany w v tf arlor in al rorwlltii n nearly new 1 internat ional llarvfor f mt any 4 sertlon spilnu im ii drag rulllvalnr 1 pot ato tradrr 1 new fgi2 ilroodar ii llavf hain v huitielt of mixed rfaln ihtms ash on day of sale ii hoy hindi ry auctioneer hiet haphf i irrk jj tf muticau rrwirammfa monday aprii 16ui ii hllaup in tlir oamrm sumn 1 copellla hallet by delihes 2 caprlii vlennols by kretslar 1 mlgnon hy krelslt r nevln 4 hondlno hy kreiahr 3 sur prise symphony by itaynvn fl spinning song by mlndelaaohn 7 i ii lude by itnt hinaninolt halph oung and companv as county auditors lniurnne wns renew et with the ceneral actulent insurance company for the amount of 414 2x a tlnnl decision was reached with regnrd to the oveim as booklet to advertise halton county when it was moved b c illllmer and c cleave thai the tender for printing 5000 booklets from davis- leaaon ba ac cepted ot 975 the l nder of the en graver for plates at 410 sales tax extra in both casts and also the price stewart atcm mr kenneth har- j of tie feirls advertising for 160 be riwin was organist and mix martian t cook pianist ccrgetow n council hod a late mcettng with several important ittms on the agenda it was dtnlded to re surface- queen street which will coat in the neighborhood of 3 000 repair accepted alao hiat the color of the tover be green and the design x as per sample submitted and that extra copies outside of these may be sokl to the prov nce of ontario at cast letter from paul a vlsher rop t imvz in v p naw i ntlnn the federation of agrlcc work on mill street in the port otflca m wh o lw nurb district add a proposed newaysldewalk on king street are among the im provements planned tht year in town council took the initial step to wards a sewage system when ihe clerk was instructed to- contact an nguieerlng firm nnd ask arepreaanu tl to meet with council in the near future and discus the matter in answer to aprjevou application for a permit to uchae a town truck a letter from ottawa u read refusing permission for this and pointing out that mr bob lane tha present garbage collector had juit recently purchased a new truck for t purpose and the town va ade quately aervlcau at present herald hentth service ked that the colny counclt appoint a representatle to addris a public meeting on april 23 to explain just how far the county council has gone in its henlth sen ice plans it i expected that this meet- will also be addressed by the provin- clal minister of health mr j m mcdonald was appointed to represent the council it was moed by mr btggar sec onded by wra robertson tha c v hlllmer and n gilbert be the repre sentatives of the halton county coun cil of the childrens aid society for 1043 carried accounts passed were s follow finance 9 90323 for drugs cosmetics soaps and sundries shop at coopers drug store louis phiupcf cake mike up 69e don juan lipmick 110 don juan rouge 75 don juan face powder soe vasfune hair tonic 50e and oe woodbury s facial soap 3 for 23c airwjck 9sc khovah health salts 29c and 79c en0s fruit salt s9c and 98e dodds kidney pills 43e formaldehyde laoz bottle 35c ceres an 1110 pablum 45e j 8t j baby talc 28e55e j 4r j baby oil goe 110 menens baby oil 59c 120 wampoles extract sim phospholecthin 100 neochem1cal food u5 145 chasesnervfjpqqg goe 150 cigarettes and tobacco prescriptions cakefuixy compount ho y fubu develoraid 48 hogr serviea

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