Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1945, p. 1

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v hht 2uti jfrtt ts i seventieth year no 41 acton ontario thursday april 12th ims eight homeprint pagea free coat lord barnby cuest at good will banquet here lmi 22 of ttetu worte ct4v hntm wfttli muufcafbt ot un wi caabhbw coffpanuon the n hn of colwuvc rwc acrhbualrxeynou of utktrtoff wh u cooperative wtiiw t4w th r4 will dinner to celebrate tht compwtloa of th collective bar- ftlln attwmmnl between uocal 23 of th titll workers organising oommjtu a4 tre wool combing corporation of canada was an event unique in many ways on speaker said he doubted if any acreement n canada had been made with th same good feeling that had carried through the nagotutlng of this agtaamral t thar was nobility and industrial head rank and ala of workers and labor representative gathered around the banquet tables in the town llall saturday evening iortt and lady barnby were the special guest of ire occasion the meal was arranged and served by the ladles aid of knox church and was most appetizing and satisfying mr luiroy rollsm esecutlve officer of the ccu was the presiding toast master and man in charge following the serving of supper following the toast to the king there was an op portunity ghen for getting acquaint d mrs maude robinson proposed the toast to the wool combing corporat ion and said ihli processing n the primary factor in the production of wool which lent itself to so many useful and beautiful purposes in replying to the toast mr h markon general manager reteed the little more than five years since his first visiting art on he described the remodelling of the old tannery building the agreement for acquir ing the factory was signed in august 1m0 and in december itmo the first wool lops wenp turned out he paid tribute to troa who haavaccompiwh ed this record during these years there had been fso persons on the records as emploee it was inter eating to note that no 1 rmploee was now serving ocrea as a tlmel t good m mako suggested that to tpr robt hi kg in no i emplnee a cablegram of greet ing he sent to him orrsea with the canadian force the sugkcsl i received heart endorse t ion mr markon paid tribute lo t he understanding and fairness of the repreentatles who had negotiated the collective bargaining agreement speaking nf the future he said the rail for more production had come after the war it would be difficult ot maintain the plant at lis present tempo it would require the joint effort of management and labor to have the industry here exist and pros per the tat to the central ontario industrial relations institute was responded to by mr s carslrfe he pointed out that when interest op posed to each other decided to battle it out both were usually destroyed in tl arr e present agree ment there had happllj been reason ableness on both sides and the result was a sound industrial document he congratulated mr robinson on the manner in whlth negotiations had been carried out mr millard proposed n toast to the r f res of 1- r skull fractuml when railway tie struck john ford struck on the head by a railway tie while a carload of the heavy timbers were being unloaded from a railway coal car at the beerdjnore co- plant on tuesday morning john ford an employee sustained a fractured skull he was rushed by ambulance to the guelphteneral hospital after re reiving first aid by dr krnney he was in a semi conscious condition at the time but later report from the 1 capita are that his condition is lm proving and it hoped he will re cover he car when was unloaded over the side striking- him on the head plans for vday service in acton when word comes in view of the rapid progress being made these day and the very prob able observance of v day almost any historical itelfns feature meeting acton imtitutt the april meeting of the acton womn s institute was held at the home of mrs w mcarthur with time now it u deemed advisable to mrs lappln presiding the topic of remind al lof the plans made last the month historical research was october for a community service on ronvened by mrs robt van norman that day in acton land provided an excellent program the service is to b held in th- w m it art the mnltn ntrr united church at 11 a m 3 p m or 8 lr not matter of years hut a state pm accordlpg to the time vday it ot mln1 mrm w b read two announced i selections of jgmr uet a poem the old shaving mug and the id arrive on saturday 1j nlgh sh if word after 3pm instead of a service hat urday evening it will be held on sun day afternoon aspiiai are mat nit com ovlng and it u hoped ver tape mr ford ws bear th le of the heay tie w fo fred turner addressed meeting of the i o d e halton school pupils guests ol county council tuesday housing problem brings all buildings as t living quarters following the singing of old illack joe the guest speaker mrs wm owdy was introduced and she gave an interesting talk un the early days of umehouse and the old lime kilns site reviewed several interesting events in the early das of rsquestng towns ip displaying old relic trea mured by the family mrs itoht vannorman ondu led a ijulz contest ort the present con venlences our grandmother missed hs for sme form of houalnf tha which provided smau rewards lor cur ow ronuructed on crea- rcct answers the guying of old 7 time photos wii an added attraction to fatally meet the need for llv- wllh three having the same number m quarter for employees of the a lurky draw gave mrs i kdmore k ponding mr jack robinson said the big task wna to tench labor and man agement to work together on the stage of life we must he interna tlonal in our outlook and he urged the building of lndutr in canada tree from national racial or rvlljrlousj prejudices mr ii 0 uojes pntked a tout to local tj and complimented the workers on the cooperation glen to management in the past and ured that the same spirit continue mr harry parks president of toca 22 in responding to the oait aid that sound relationships between employers and employees had plajed a prominent part in the past and- it was the hope of the new local that a continuance of such good relationship should be in the future guest of the evening was lord barnby cbo cbkmbo preit dent of the wool combing corpor ation of canada he- reviewed brief ms lifetime association with the wool and textile industry and paid tribute to his father who had seen that hli experience was gained in a practical vmy he afao paid tribute to his a- sociatea in the acton industry mr biggin and mr markon and the co operation given them by mr boyes and mr walker in getting the plant in operation so quickly he recalled that he had known tha markon famlry uirouca thim fnruoiund tht- ttsttn from tmooio dortormd ni en of hu flnt bill of goods aoldwu to mr uarkona rmndtathar v pram hl wld yoartanc in indua- iry lo4 baraby wm aui- that thr continued on pf row th unit n rrgular nwllnt ot lh iuk r hla hrallh ot ivvonahlrr chapter i o d e met at mr ltr smith thr r8nt i mrm j c matthews rimrt a the war srvlc convenor mr m i j altcnu jll shroeder reported on the number ot t presented lo mrs a 1111 whose allllllfll vlhll ol son haa joined the nsy the har wai set twir r the guest of the evrnlng was fly ing officer fred turner who has just returned from overseas he spoke of fighter command ilane and the type of work they do his talk was enjoyed by everyone tre evening closed with tea being served by the hostess pte herhert price reported to re improvin now word has been received by his wife here ttal ite herbert price prevloua ly reported dangerously iii was mak ing favorable progress and was nuw listed as seriously 111 i arrived tuck in england from the fighting front hy plane on april ird and mrs irlce received this encouraging word correct last thursday jowdy the prlte mrs james hobble many friends will hope with her and moved a vote of appre in ion lo thou memhervjf the family that the good no j assisted with tre program progress will continue and he will i mn r anderson gnve a abort e port in the ulitrkt director mnet ih housing problem in acton has teen a vllsl one fur some urn with i kio peojjle employed in acton 1iduk- irlea a ion the shortage of buildings i been a handicap to acton s various industries many of which have been engaged on wartime production hy way of gelling a prartltal an wrr o the solution of proper homes iteardmore a co arr now building a four roomed houm with itathroqm mils experiments unit v ill give some answers to cost the prlzm offerd for ewayt oavut conlraa for 5000 c6im ot iki ovtesrm bao41m awftfaw att coat of nfcgrfy 17 oj utroafflt kuwaruown u to u iaved to corffhown for tbe third year in succession class students from the public schools in th county were the guest of halton county council at a regular mmion of council held in the ourt house in milton on tuesday there were jo hoi and v girls at hie morning tesslfn council pro tedlngs were opened tty repeal lag the lord 1 rayer minute of tha l meeting were read followed by rommunlratlons tt n followed type ot house required and provide rm of h uudmlui th warden t ri fly wflromed the young guests snd introduced to them by name snd being converted into sleeping durmolnrle and quart t rs for men hie ituarter will b mupled by m wtomers to acton who t oriie to replace the farmer rwork en inghevdln mlionreentiy milking wh n tip f v m for some time two huies have been plain for the spring district annual to be held in campbellvtlle this year ilie roll rail was responded lo by several menit rs con i rlbullng a w rll tested recipe donations were voted rtei to the uwal war servlc league and hoc i vi sd to tiring in workers who reilde ist of acton and in uelph and at ol who muld no wrurr llv in acton on many other occasslons the he lrl7 trip iinsovedea7h year hy ll r ttalloit w i jhoulnj problem la aeton all of each member ot 1h sevrral vlhllorh were prmnt from tresrent street wh ererted by lhli kl wor llro thou crcrn tiuelph honored tjuenl it of r anil dublin hranrhe also i lany and owned hy ihem for hkal ladle lb olal k ron nul now early 11 are vened hy mr wlldrrpln aumed by v n present oc upnl who mr j wild mr mddo mr bave fine home and plendld rdna anderson and tte holes k vw lot hom detb hju lunrh including the mtery the ejierlmentl home now under i ipenny rke ilonated hy mr vannor nlruillon i iink bulll in this i- lublin mr wl hu mny re vl retrial of chartjc refunds fine on one of the charges hidden penny a vote of npprrcla tlnn wnn ijlvfn i hi hot ss for her kind hoi itnllty nnd tht use of hi r home members and visitors attended mat k r lottge on monday evi nln h was thr occasion of the annual vislt of the district ivputv trand master who this yeav is lit wor llro 1 r reen of uelph after the degm mekiiiip u a work of the evening was complete ftlcrviija v a the brethren assembleil in the lym iuest sitcaker at of thq ym a for the banquet i unite w m s meetinc2 ttep full junreruirt been dmel hie tor an enlargement here atinn nwiln n hundred new nmm meet not only l mr present ritual n bill to care for the workers in municipality council at j o clock council adjourned for lunch when county officials members of the county council and their guests made their way to the t nlted hurch sunday school rooms where r most dellgrtful lunch wa served by members of the mountain union w i and was equally enjoyed by adults and children alike a short ptogram followed the toast to the king was proposed by the warden dr p h heslop two particularly pleasing musical numbers were given by a trio mrs mclellan miss krtna anderson and mis mar- jorte pawsun ar panted at use piano by miss margaret masted mr j m mcdonald iteeve of acton ikii ihen called upon to introduce th guent tpesker mr has howltt i i s for halton county mr howltt prefaced hit excellent address by ii lualratlni in fact what he had wlt- neioed trat morning he said that a he came through the town the fire siren watled its warning immedi ately there wns a mad ruh of people at the scene of the tire and on their artn industries unfortunately way to the fire taking up space get- ih rt are no renlrimt builder in the ting in the way doing nothing at town and over the fast few years the nil inn was hepfu in f a t they building construction has lagged until were juat looking on hut fortun- mtioui situation u now fared a henderson lnarvtrlal ot charge agalnil ihi aclon creamery beard at milton on j toammamer j m steel the th fast r thnnk offering meeting m 4 monday the charge of failure tc keep w orth mf4stf of w 1mxrp flf w ombn s missionary society i ta iwn sufficient records made by the price i rft qp h torfc m klnr fo of hr hlirrn waj hr ln raiwates and and trade board wai dismissed and n tmt lo tnr sunday school on tuefclay wllhuinh sciiomrshii tte line ordered relumed with cost 1ri propomrd by w nro wm on the other charge of selling but- miwwon w j m mcdonald ter in toronto without first obtain among the class of graduates from v j cnldwrll prenlrilng hie devotional period was taken i ithout first obtain- proposim hr oa1 to ivdge by mrs s held arul mrs ii n wil- knox college on ruesday evening for ing coupons and also a shortage of i h n resieonded to by ut wor son mrs c i poole or moffat con- the prcsbvtcrian ministry was chas ouihins the manager mr anderson tre cases were first pleaded guilty heard in weeks ago before magistrate wood liffe br t i- ores n police court ton sze i m- ddre dro reen reed w joshury d ml dorothy slm- o j rlhutis n splendid solo nnd mrs a d hi ndrnvon of nassagawea son j and the late mr henderson the need for the m mbers to assist in 1 rnons n line duett mr henderson was also winner of robbery in aclon foiled and police make quick arrest r hahllltallon of those men who re the members of kjiox society and the jane m illilop no 1 scholarship romlns hack from thouar nnd also to number from jjmchouic were for third year tudents he will aa rem mber those who will never come ptesent mr a v koshury intro- to mllon held for a year before or- oack he stnte1 that there had been duccd tjie kuet imnker for the een- rtlnatlon acton and dlatrlrt friend jl rnd uodge and 2713 lxytce of mr mcklllop thlnl vice prel- extend congratulation on hla grdu mason upprewed by the dictator dent of the dominion board of wo ntlon and scholarship award vet felt that masonry would return inn s missionary society who rave to these countries lie urged that y impressive address on chrlst- masonrj not become a production line ln rekinse to the need of local national and world community which was very mu h enjoved heartyvote of thank wairlvan for turning out masons but that each candldate should be given time to understand the work and amhltlons or free masonry nd tiot he hurrledhmia molouop for hr splendid ad through the degree work he urged dress also j o the soloists that the portal of masonry be gunrd ed a little closnr his talk on secrecy most inspiring he stated that jtaa than an hour after breakin one of trio wan arreuted fat brampton an attempted robbery in acton valunhre out early saturday morning rullvd in a or mrn hr wild chse to ilrampton through the flf or mfn k m llrnniptnn streeln nerr imll llrcu f fl m gi wor 4f it- huppfinihirpntkhfn stot before one of the young culprit i onu h mo of keeplngl kctintfkkft nfcl as captured nnd the other two e 8crrp wnpn pn lo t keep- caped itev a v fosbury closed the meet ing with prayer i unch was served and a social lime wai spent irrmtest in cricket shown ry number erin council set amount for fire brigades in district council cottfuderlnir adtiumlt of eaubluhlitff school are for erin tie council of r rln township met a number of acton residents hae m hlllshurg on april ird all the about a m saturd morning the j h tul ielrt t nlrml 7 m wpfe nr the h i n r ekii but methods of its teach otlp of thp kthnpit edthuslasu it mr pelded he has made inquirj rhe following resolutions were window in the door of b d itachlin s clot ring store wav kicked in mr kachlln who resides in tre apart mrn t aboe the fctore was jiut retiring and i neart an wai ing are the secrets of maonr ennnot be full known by prying ees but only by those who hate it in their the breakin set off a burglar alarm ha immediately telephoned provincial constable ra mason nnd chief har rop the w ouldbe burglars however j h boulton and found that equipment could be moved and tarried secured for n club here ix tncre are i that patrolmen take down and store a sufficient number interested in the all snow fence in their divisions re- tine old game fortj ears ago or port number of rolls and are ordered more it was popular in acton and nul to lend any for private use that is hy it is in ire form we have therp raxr bn c mncp thbt time that the council and road super- a meeting has been arranged fotutendent be a committee to inspect all become better men masonry know that man is curious and a seeker after the truth it in were frightened off befort- the en- i p d l ewnlne eight oclock m road- and bridge in th township i kt hiiimi ht lm secretarj spoke briefly ai did the council chamber to discuss the cred the building by some oung people on jhe street and were con- rev major field district chaplain situation was intercepted north of brampton and chased through the town at ugh speed finally a deadend street was reached constable art savag of brampton arrested kenneth kulina aged iawlucnapermanent address tha other two tfscaped- and while tha chase lasted for some tint they have eluded nolle thus far ttev car driven was a 1041 bulck badly wracked when ditched the arratt was mad lea than 45 minute titer th attempted robbery and pol io cirtalnly acted quickly in triaklnc of campbell lodge campbellvtlle ver wor bro john kenncy of ouelph a lifelong member of walker ieodge who has been a mason for 65 years was called on for a few words wor bro chasx darby very ably proposed the toast to the ladles who had prepared th banquet for the occasion bro chris swackhamer the can float of th evening also apok briefly th junior wardens toast pro- pod by broj chat laatherland brought ut venins to doe victory club quilt auctioned for s50 to toronto buyer entrince to the store could be made xh wpuld enable the the trio drova off in their sloln car 1 nchra to get wmethlng out of but the llcesse number wis secud i mnlln hey mtt by mr raehlln and also by hartley among the tiitors to voice their coles and fred crewson who also i appreciation of the reception accord- not i ned chief harrop l em by walker lodge were w provincial constable mason follow- bro thompson master of credit ed the trio to brampton where police lob georgetown w bro feath- had already been notlftaif th ettrton niaster ofst oair lodge milton w bro ron carnal master the woodslde victory club hekl their social evening at the home mrs frank swackhamer on friday evening the winners for the euchre were mrs delta bllton and mr frank freeman for croklnole mrs stewart russell and mr stanley swackhamer th ladies served a dainty lunch and a pleasant evening was enjoyed this utile club also tad a booth at mr c w swackhamer sale which realized a nlc sum for th bed cross five of thalr number mad a quilt and had u auctioned off mr jack fraser of toronto wai th buyer at the price of 150 on tuesday april 10th they held their regular meeting at the jom of mr blnnle when quilt wag quilted rind plana for their euchr and danc war mad a donation ot 2300 was mad to if vou are interested ln i hiltiburg horse show that council pay a maximum of 12300 to any organised fir brigade who respond to call and assist in fighting fires in erin townarlp and that the clerks of acton georgetown erin village and hlllsburg be notified of the action taken 1 accounts were ordered paid as fol lows thos bennle was refunded 500 error in 1s44 dog- tax general ac counts to the amount of 3408 war paid adam and clifford were paid 70 00 for sheep destroyed by dogs and damac to flock gordon jack son for 3 tripe inspecting 400 r- llei accounts of 18566 were passed and ordered paid snow removal ac count for th roads of th townslup amounted tpxst00o and was paid other road account totalling oa89 wefv received and paid the council is contliurlng th ad visability of forming th township into an area for school pu council adjourned to znt at hiluburg on mbfiday may ttfev airly there were other an able body of mrn who k exactly what they were doing they were the rtrerneftt t ruined effii lent men who soon took control of the situation in th world today said mr how it i w are experiencing the greatest fire of all time the whole of civilization is on fire and you girls and hoys her to day are entering upon the great est crucial time in history but for tunately there are a few brave lead er who are able to take control mr howltt tren congratulated those responsible for h ringing the members of the council and children of the county together at this tlm this is living vital education at its best proving beyond a doubt that all education is not derived from books education is also derived from llf how much clearer is your idea of county council procedure today than if your teachers had merely dictated note to you and then asked jou to writo a composition on the work of the county council mr howltt then warned the children not to regard their day out as only one of enter- tertalnment and fun but rather to remember that they had been chosen v si representative of their schools and as such it is their responsibility to continued on pag five coming event- aurmt o sla cm rtt bf olkr ci awlt st htl r tsaraw rt sot hn tfllfc wimimmw iswst lit mt ouncmmi at mc- scout mother euchr and qndt draw in pariah hall tuesday april 17th at 8 30 lunch served euchre and social evening at lome school friday april istk auspices of junior red cross quilt draw lunch served tre legion blngoa will be held la the town hal each wednesday bv- stead of ln the legion hall as far erly dance brookviue hall- monday april 16th stewart elliotts qrchatra j auspices nutaiaweya w l adatlet j ion 40c booth proceeds war wortt lecion dance in acton town hall saturday april 14th harvey nanera orchestra admission 80c come sot ana help build a bunarialhal or use boyt doat mis ute acton junior laraa en annual dane with rue crllw tons orchestra hvactea toarts bas en thursday april utav n ti 1 oclock aouassos bte 4 asffi iswafcmsijjiiigbtfribwj k

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