j thurstox november lh 1m3 the acton free press page seven on sentry oo lwt night i paused on mntry bo and harkerted to the winds that hlo the west wind cams and seemej to coma back my pan lettyau may dla coma back to canada loving shore laava you bahlnd the aeons of war i turned and patuad i smelt tha beast a vila wind blew from tha taptonlc east i shuddered aa i felt iti breath it atank of blood and innocenta death i turned again and on the western breeze i amelled ai of old the flower and tree i thought of mother and loved ono dear i awora aloud and fouaht back a tear my heart ached ao my throat grew i ionized for homo far from tho fight but on that cruel east wind came the desperate cry son of canada keep fnlth or we mint dlo yea well keep faith although wo loniz for home hear ye in toklo berlin and rome the sword of justice by men of the will blast forever your tyrnnny tho blood of our fnthors win not shod woll frtp the living and nvengo tho byn canadian soldier ovorsons twenty years ago fraanth issue t tha free press of thursday november lbui ims the sunday school lesson sunday novlssjob the cvor welcome indian summer is passing toronto hockey league is taking stops to organise an ontario ladles hockoy association nndlnvltos acton ladles hockey club to unite the manitoba free press celebrat ed its fiftieth anniversary this week two graduates from tint actoh fan pans mitchell cobhnn and robert e holmes have been valued membors of the wlnnlpog namesake for many years ackon cltliens fittingly celebrated the fifth armistice day with services at the soldiers momorinl ond in st albnns ptiurch mr r l gregory is hnvlnchnothcr theatre built to add to his chnln of throe this one la to he located in oakvllle nnd will cost in the neigh borhood at 25 000 christina currle wife of m e turner lot 12 concession 3 esqueslng died suddenly monday morning nl her home shi- was seized with u spoil of heart trouble to whih she succumbed in n few minutes the memorial committpp presented the council with n cheque for sj2115 this money will provide for perpetunl upkeep of the monument things that mar familt ufe golden toxt bear ye one an others burdens nnd so fulfill the law of christ gal g2 lesson text gen 273035 matt 531 12 luke121315 exposition i the sin of selfish ness in the house of isaac gen 27 3035 whenever covetouanoss unholy ambition and pride deceit nnd subtle ty editor the home its pence nnd se curity ore runed in the preceding vorses m this chapter we have the record of jncobs duplicity practiced at the behest of rabekah his mother it turned brother against brother esnu tried to obtnln again the birth right that he hod sold he wns too irtc to get the blessing that went with it his fnther nlmed to give it to him but had given it to another fsnu cried with n great and bitter cry but his tears did him no good he hod despised his bjrthrlght for n mess of pottnge and when he would hnvr inherited the blessing he wns rejected hob 12 17 though tncob had used deception esnu hnd real ly no one to blnmc but himself bit heads that there is any christian thing for them to do toward other theothlca of christianity are just splendid for tho other fellow jesus refuted the office of arbitrator it la not hla to tell the other man what to do but to state principles of action for tha man he faces he uttered a needed warning never more needed than take heed and keep yourselves from all covetousness covetousness is desire to get more the poor may be as covetous aa the rich the itch ing for more is a thing thnt creeps so subtly and silently in our lives and ruins them thnt we need to keep our cyes open for it we must keep our selves from it in ail forms ond there are many the bible classes covet ousness with the vilest vices 1 cor 510 11 610 eph 53 5 old rain barrel beauty producer in grandmas day she was no ugly duckling in her youth and her descendants neednt worry about re stricted beauty aids by betty clarke mnybe tho horse nnd buggy days me coming bnck mnbc restrictions will tnke rome of your beauty pro ducts who enres even so you tor tenrs will not bring bnck whut wont bo nn ugly duckling ornndmn foolish notion hns thrown owny ho did get n lomlng but not the bloa sing he would hnve hnd if he hnd properly esteemed his birthright very naturally csnu hntcd jncob be cnuse of the blensink he considered jncob hnd stolon his hhtred was nnturnl hut it wns not justifiable he complained bitterly thnt jncoh hnd supplanted him twice thnt ho hnd taken nwny his birthright and his blessing but in point of fnct he himself hnd sold his birthright which ho did not npproclnto but despised ch 25 34 whnt n vv retched mens rohoknn hnd made of their home life h her pnrtlnllty nnd her deceit esnu plnn ning his brothers denth longing for his fathers dontb thnt ho might rnrrj out his plans nnd jnrob soon to flee nwnv to n foreign innd whore re- wns a beauty nnd she never hoard about- priorities in her romnntlc days she whipped up most of her bonuty preparations rirltf in the kitchen the fnclnl mnsk which kept grand mothers skin lovely nnd smooth sounds like tho morning porridge she balled n hnndful of ontmcnl in wnter nnd whencool enough spread ii on her fnce other times she bent up the white of nn egg nnd lnthorod her fnce with it no she didnt have blackheads once in a while she put n hin laer of cream on her fnce and held her head over n bnsln of boiling wnter to lot the stenm re move impurities plnrh of rorax the good old inin barrel wns n help fltt gvrttmnt afttbmd pull cohfaal in httnd wwh kern- tkya military ofxhwltlon faed by ii u gordon canadian phhw staff writer attempts of the deposed russian premier a f kerensky to oppose soviet usurptlon of power with mlll- tarjt force on led 25 years ar tci than a week nfter n i coin i lenin nnd leon trouky assumed control cos sack troops who alone remained loyal to kerensky were decisively defented nenr petrogrnd nov 13 1917 nnd their lender fled from russia then began the soviet struggle to administer the vast country and pre vent economic collapse the coup detnt of november 7 brought work ers soldlars and peasants flocking to the rod ba7mptthroughout the coun try but motxfiiroacl opposition from industrial lenders nnd flnnnclcrs the stirring events of the previous bix months had seen the disintegra tion of russias army as a fighting force nnd the futile attempts to main tain some form of constitutional authority following tho abdication of emperor nicholas ii but the undercurrent of revolu tionary opinion fosteoed by soviet propaganda for peace gnthered mo mentum and when lenin seized power the soviets were the onlv strong political force in a social structure whose disruption was nenr- iy complete the new rulers set out immediately to fulfil tho promises which hnd won them populnr support pamd drastic decree on nov 8 the soviet government decreed thnt nil innd belonged to those who worked it without rent or other payment throe dnys inter n unlversnl eighthour dny was insti tuted and control of factory soviets over industry wns estnblished bv suc cessive decrees during the following two months immedintcl after taking aver the affnlrs jsuujlloie talking dojrs hair woollies went coast indians lined them yearn ago and experts are dtacwwinp it now ottawa cp1 a golden nge for punsters in midi the linlr of the dog thnt bit you nnil iiork could be used in endless vnrlntlon is nn elu sive prospei t in home ottnw n offices at the moment it is nil rood clean to grandmothers flawless complex- ion too she vvouldn t think of wash- i of commissar of foreign beknh would never see him ngnln linn her tender skin with hnrd wnter i trotzky wirelessed nn invitation to the time never enme when she cnr- if no rnin wnter were available she nil the belligerent powers to conclude rled out her phin 1 will send nnd used n pinch of horn to soften hit immedlnte nrmlstlce tho allied fell h thee vrnm hence v some hnrd wnter grandmothers bath rovernmonts protested unsuccessful- liave nttempted to defend the mnduct iwns flcd with n cupfull of corn- iv nnd eah in december n truce of reheknh nnd jncob but the bible stnrcb some of the stagi vlnrs of signed within the flermnn lines the dn put crushed strawberries in i be forerunner of thetrontv of their hnth wnter winn she rot suntnjjncd which wnsn 1 often she blenlhed the tnn qhd fnckles with trutterroilk sliced rucumhers sonked in skim milk or n does not require thnt we defend the conduct of its diameters even of the hest one of thi mnrks of the divine oririn or tin- bible is thnt it pictures its heroes just ns thi v nre mnn is alums n fnilure except ns transform- i il nnd sustnined b gods rrnce ii tin tvil of divorce mntt 11 a brestiitovsk slpned mnrch 3 1918 on the home front burrcnis classes nt first stunned bv the rnpid turn of events turned to snhotnre in nn cf fort to wreck the new rortmc when dnsh of lemon juice in fresh milk r trorrnd finnncinl powers refused were nlso her stnndhvs for blenchlnr cooperation lenin brourht nbout if t hlonm in rmnrimn s cheeks nation of the hnnks soon times and trains take tilings easy with old iceland visiting canadian in wnriimc ulster finds prtmtive heap ing side by side with the modern tractor iiv alan randal canadian press staff writer ballykelly northern ireland cp the gunrd moved slowly down the tralti- and said but five minutes wan way or the other means nnwthln in this country he sevmed nbout right there wns no- telling whether tho train would reach a port in northern irelnnd on time or not nobody except a pas senger here and there seemed to enre much 4 bnllykclly isnt much of a pi nee its about ns big ns meclcllnnds cros sing on tho rod hlver in mnnltobn which mennsn twoby four station n cluster of two or throe houses nnd lots of spnee but its good for n 20- minute trnln stop on thisrun from one port in northern irelnnd to another port in northern iielnnd they ennt be nflm- ed for security reasons it is almost ns thouch tho engineer conspired to block eer level crossing for 10 or 20 minutes there is n level crossing at bnllkelly which may account for tys importance every new start menns 200 or 100 ynrds of bricking up first furl in bcaree however in nn islnnd feeling tho pinch of wnrtlme conl shortngc nnd where some trnlnsfn the south nre burning wood nnd turf this must be considered solid comfort even if it is on tho chill side in the unhealed com partment you rldo for more than two hours nlong the const through nently- hedgod groen fields nnd tld squares of stooked grain with whitewashed cottages before ou see your first donkoy he k a gre pot bellied little fellow munching in tho i field those fields of count antrim nnd count londonderry seem to hnve more stock in them than even the fields of tho great farm belt of the english midlands jquhvn i s ell cultivated hut as ffouhgot fnrther north it gels mote rugged with outcropping of sheer rock at bnllkelltn on i ouph fnvle tho sen runs in on the right nnd the hills hm up on the left hek of the firm an old lnd shiwlod and ob iousl n grandmother mnnrk w ith n linlr girl on the station platform shu i as puturesquo ns liis rnnmothm s nre supposed to be 1 he shi wl is stll the ttnttonnl gnrb of the poor in ilr- innd north or south in one fel1 rt tractor draws a rnck full of grnln towards a fnem ynrd for stacking that is the new in this country right next door you still hnve the oldn farmer cutting his grnln with n scythe while hla wo mon bind it into shenvesby hnnd german war plant severely damaged london cp air ministry news service reported thnt while photographs tnken nfter the 1000- bomber rnld on cologne showed thnt the humboldt deutz engineering works hnd boon dnmnged it is now known thnt dnmngo to the plant wn far more extensive than nt first thought a depot nt bremen hns received no spare parts for dlesel engines from the humholrtt dout7 fart or v since cologne wns nttnclted mm 10 an nrmy depot in cologne wns also hit nnd mote tlrnti looo spme lorr on- giner were elf her destnned or dam aged outlook fayorable kr aussie crops ottawa cp growth condi tions of the 104213 australian wheat tropnre continuing very favorably fi cderlck pnlmer cnnndlnn tvad commissioner in melbourne snld in a report received hero by the depart ment fif trade nnd commerce the tedernl cabinet hns approved n plnn for pnyment of the equivalent of 70 cents cnnndlnn per bushel nt country sidings on the first 3000 bushels with nn advance of approximately 35 cents per bushol less freight nnd handling chnrges ngnlnst any balance to be pooled and pnld for ns disposed of lie snld button pomhiiicr london cd wllllnm john stone tobblrt remembers tho bother ho used to hnve shining buttons in the inst war so now while ho op erates hlscohbllrig business he also shlnev service mens- buttons a com plete set for two shillings department of labour national war labour board general order the dominion bureau of statistics has found thnt the coat of living index number for october 1 1942 is 1178 adjusted index 1169 as compared with the cost of living index number for july 2 1942 o 1179 adjusted index 117 the wartime wages control order p c 5963 provides in section 48 iv the amount of the bonus shall not be dunged unlets the cost ol living index number has changed one whole point or more since the last general order ol the board requiring an increase or decrease in the amount thereof the index number not having changed by one whole point or more since july 2 1942 pursuant to the provisions of p c 5963 as stated the national war labour board orders that the terms of its general order dated august 4 1942 shall continue to apply for the period november 15 1942 to february 15 1943 subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a war labour board for authorization of payment of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a board may determine to be fair nnd reasonable under the provisions of the order humphrey mitchell chairmonrnatlonal war labour board ottawa canndn november 4 1942 in thesp words our lord took i nsnl nnturnl ii ns next to tt she nfter lnnuiilos wore nntlonnlized nnrt ntion to tin- rase ulthvhlch jews impk spruhhwl hor rho ks to nonr decree after nnother followed ns ol his dn dlvorred their wlvts he hlusji with hot untcr nnd de inred it to h dlstlnctk a vloin- tlon of tlitj seventh eommnndment supli divorces except for the cnuse cloth of fornlrntion were n complete disrp- cnrd for the sntredness of mnrrinre ns nn office instituted bv clod mntt ii fit wh is divorce ever necessary hut ns 11 consequence of sin itnsh unpnimedltnted mnrrinses often end in hppnrntion young people should he tnught the importance of n wise ash- the rovernment turned to centrnlln- slie dirin t need rouge lion oatmeal hands i nntlonnllzntlon of industries wns crnndmothci a hnnds were kept legalized in december nnd was nt j libwhite this wnv everv time mie est nppied to meet opposition bvln- vvnshed her hnnds she dried them dividual enterprises or groups six thoroughlj bv plunging her hnnds i months inter nil industrinl and ram- into n bowl of drv ontmcnl if thev merclnl undertakings were c nadi 1editrsv4sw4ji ajv armx- declared fun with the bare possblllt that j hnrt wf out preparation for poodles tollies old english sheep i ninrrlape a piudent wife is from rings and some other woolu tpes l ipro 19 14 11 10u mlrht evontuall be mllod on to ield i mpn nn to 1p j 0 cod in their l nr was kept ilvnn h dall brush- new 1 1 lack ilrown and blue hose happened to ho tho least hit rough she scrubbed hum well with tow s ream ere in her hair she was proud of her trow nine klor too while the didn t shampoo often as the modern riii does her the propert of tho state conies blackout with stocking their lonts for letor informed souri es w tin most dis tinct l did hot vlsh to bo quoted admit ted t he had heanl from 1 hi united kinitdnm that dor s lullr wns beliik used i make tloth und that it might soon lo otnlluhto to tailors thi reports of those who bad trio 1 the dog cloth were said to 1m enthus iastic an indkatlon of whnt might ik ex pected said one uuthorlt wns the comment in an article in mon s merchandising dlseuiwlng the use of dog hoir for uothmaking this piece concluded now here is man s best friend w ming to mm to the rescue again with all tho stlc re strictions in whnt better wa sould we obtain a durg suit youre dog gone right serlousl officials agreed that the canadian wool situation could tc compared with that of tho united kingdom with the vast bulk of wool own 1uiuhviifli titus 1 s- clod is as much displeased with sinful mar riages as he is with divorces it is nil n revelation of tin misery and in- ing her hhampoo was a ouple of eggs whipped to a froth and iht ruhlxd into the roots of h r hair iuit taused bv hln oui sav lour w ould amend t hi sot lal evil of divorce bv making us 1 1 sponslhle for one anotlu t li is against his will for human helngs to treat that which he regards as sat not js erj acre red in a light wnv mon nnd women nre not to ih the chattels of clrcum- starue those vho led others into temptation nnd to srn leave themlrr il or ekirose them to it nre gulttv as if thev cqmmitttd the sin itself ips so lfi18 the home is to be pro- tecd ngnlnst dissolution bv prim ipl es of righteousness their wives as the mnjusmtwiteat to britisli acre of course but returning canadian tells about it make ttieir debut this autumn in nniiotin hoe witstntpec cp r s honking of w innipog genernt secrtar of the national council of the young wen s christian assotintion returned from n two months visit oversea with a men are to love i storv of whent fields in england that love themselves uielded 80 buhek to the acre retiulroments tmiortml across dang erous seas an substuutos would i nm im3tevi unt christian grace be verv wehome i tlmt i nnd keeps revenme the national museum of canudn w hen offered a home nnd famih delving into historical tmikground nto established on the ideals of rev could provide the informntlon that if orvncr towanl tin lord and tow aid cnnnillnns snn to weni dogtloth m other will not fall into th wns thev would slpiptv h following n u mrighteousnes nor reap th ancient tndinn mstom a wooll- poisonous fruit of tmquitv ut hnlithl dog was raised bv indians of ohilst tn rtiiveti m verv homo and jhe frnsi r uiver tu ita in utltuh co tuition of divone nei nr nnse lumbln it wns shear d like n sheep ui i lu follv of co etousnesii and its hair mi veil with the wool of 1 uke ltls the wild mountain gout foi tin wm a njrth in tht trowd d sired i lug of blankets tumke uipitnl of lesu jiumuntv h as late s 1s4s tin uttisi paul j thought thrtwii had tome to g t cpln ins broth r to di hi ih was surr leph s 25 the nre to regard their of course he said evei aire wives as a svmbol of the redeemed does not hnve such a high ield the nnd chaste bride of christ tsph 5 irrgent wheat fit ids in england are tl 1m wives nre to have reverence ow ned bv the king some of the deer toward their hushnnd tl pot 3 1fi on the rovnl estate having been kil- rut tt also follows that husbands j ttu kane depirtetl an indian won win nlng wh1 with a shorn dog in background hen- uurter bab tneh a new coat ilimpke tvrlirm the gobbler thnt graces the tabli at christmas will pisibablv run n little heavier this ear poultry ex perts have been urging turkey grow- i other people would onlv do the chru r tp but a better finished bird on ah thing toward me is their con that hrv brother great iv mjedet itsus toothing nnd julhortrv it w as sho fctd at lu brother imit- tuisness and wns surprised to find tu was guilt v rof the same sin tn dtsir- thg hlsbrothtr to divide thnt pis brother was in not dividing people are man v ho see nothing in the rev llglon of chi 1st but n means of lin ing their own pockets soh if tht led and the land converted for farm purposes mr hosking said he said i rops in g neral were t ieptionnllv fine thu venr the potato t rop was the best in venr nnd thtrt wire 1- niost enough sugni bets norf grow n to tnkt tare of tivilian mids mr iloftktiig found thnt tht vounger petiple had adapted thmn suts to the tempo of wartime uf even ihtttr than tht oldt r at the iutbm ak of fhe war disruption of normal familv lift hnd tnused nn n ttsi of 0 jhi untjii jum nih di lliuiuetuv but tins ha it n largt 1 t uinti tatted h the outh si rvife t t ibhsbtm h i mnt sh uontd rdiuation m hoktiif sji 1 wmt t phii nnd phi fom m t leadt m were ttmttd ion i i tnt well hi re iljs gu is prepnu for a hlntkout on logs hoavv bint k invon slot kings yirt the newest things- on tht hoiserv frpnt shattered and hlitztd thiso man months b the disjipea ranee of silks and nvlons shortages of lot- ions temperamental quirks of raons an alert designer told me si months ago that heavv hliitk dark brown anduaiv blue stockings would giuce the most fashionable legs he- fore long and here they are she felt that nakedlooking legs looked wrong with wartime clothes the new opaque stockings made their debut before a goggle eed i fashion press at a retont holtv toitv soiree fthevcome in block browni nnd nav and believe it or not have a slimming effect on the legs i he look exacttv like the heavv silk vih kings of vore and help to prove the tradition of the stot king industrv that ifs fashions go in twits of 20 vers shaw sav wife didnt sa it sur of heef june in writer salad troph up vnin und he wont haw it vlsltlnu tdltors nt a tnnk brlijndedcnionstrotlo 1 rrnli- alxiut in tluiv limtj- humls nnd mitrvpllrd at tin- vvu thc couli nigotioli- any kind of rough ti rrnin ihrn mrn wire part of a purty of canadian editors who recently visited gtial britain nt the invitation of theonadlnn government rv ue to itinttnui fehjiona lines ilon th u rn i om0 t i a vorv l 1 1l stat to h swallowed n il is 1 1 1 rt a 1 shnw s n j ml i lo t ok r i t nth iepojted bt intrjf sha ns mlv ig that m rs v is de inred unit to hnvt said with r fr- more -rmal- cafrs i omjon rtpi nutms tne pnst i ntt to her fnmnu- husband nt home 1 alvvavs put beef juloe into his salad and he never knows it shaw adds i had dlftlrult in pre fix markt slant cr but it never enters their mg the total to 1337 1 months 1100 british restauranti venting two iiliibs who cooked for me covernmentowned have been from suing the papers in whlh it equipped bv the food mlnulrv bring dhe stor appeared and it wilt in furiates my consort the railway and the war by thurttan topham canadas stupendous uwr effort nxkc increasiaq demndsoa canavdimt iransportcvtton and the railua are nou purchisinq huqe qunti1ica of supplies tuid equipment to keep ferrurollinq for thetax bill paid bu fhe cnr iasirtqu year federal munici pal and 5cxlea taxes uou1d build mot1haa 5000 uxirkers rvomes undrrthewartiiruhouslnq plan in 1941 trie c n r purchmcd qexxu to the maine of i0o million dollardtb ptufor this the rajiujau hd lo haul lootonsol freiqhi 9 billion milcjequivwlenl to looo round trips btucotlutoilh ard the rloott 00 the cnr i the ordi railumj in north america which ofaswhertcsashlp kxuldlnq ytitth t turninq out ntvl uesls vrii t ndcarqojhiponcothe iis btqqttt ntantblq raiiucuurjoto s5 lluu