Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1942, p. 6

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if rei srx the acton free press thim ocnneitvind iwa mllhhihahwlluuhltlllllhailhltltll g- nserting his crowhnr under i the warped oduo of the hoc ond rontor rnll wnrd stov- ons i en n oil on the pry end with hln whole wolkht the rnll rronnlng gave under the promuro wnrd rent ed n moment hey wnrd n voice echoed hol lowly nnnlmit the interior of the furnnre within which- wnrd wns worklnc he looked townrdn the op- nlnc nnd unw joe cnmons hond ntlrkjnft throukh you in there yes the other lifted his sturdy hiwly through the nnrrow opening nnd plumblod hlr wuy nlcing the interior of the furnnre it wns about fifty feet loni nnd wns ukimi for rnrhonl jnp ntitomohiu putts 1 ho wnlln nnd celling were nutilt to wlthhtnivl im rifle hent i he nlr wns muntv nnd stuffy ii s still worm in here joe wiped persplrntton off his fnro i though they turned the lunl off two days ngo to let her cool t they did onl it tnkvit longer than hint renlly to cool nn electric carbonizing furnnre hints conittnntly kept rolnr nt two thousand doicrees fahrenheit it enn ret plenty hot ntcnln thourhjiwi rouple houim toe shook his blorttl hend i d hnte to be in it when it does whnfs on your mind wnrd nnk- whnt do you think t juat re ported thnt punch proas ns finished nnd came to help you complete this you whnj words dnrk brows knitted into n frown why those main bearing enps hnvent boon re placed joes eyes opened wide youre- right v h oxclnlmed nnd h rrlodly left the furnnceto put the enps in place before the mnchlne started wnrd shook his hend in n few minutes joe wns hack nnd the two worked together replac ing the wnrped rnlla the job wnn almost completed by the time tbev heard the lunch whistle blow dimly through the henvy furnncc wnlls when the finished ontlng their lunches joe looked nt how nbout taking n wnlk i wnnt to go down to the hardware store and get a new wrench cant wnrd replied imuul tnklng thnt correspondence course in drnftsmnnshlp ive got- to stud this noon bo7ymi certainly drlvryourself he crumpled up his lunch pnhrs nnd put them in his lunch box wh dont you lenrn just one trnde thor ough you re always wasting your time on something unnecessnr to- linvttto he home different kind of noise thore was a purelod frown on joes face well tho noises out thore are all loud trrogulnr noumllng noises if we could got some regular sound someone might hoar steves prob ably nenr tho furnace opening right now wnrd crawled ovor to his repnlr kit the leather wns hot to his toiuli pulling it open ho took out n short crowbhr bnck at the door ngnin lie lifted it inhnrlnusly nhnvle his head tho im k of nlr wns beginning to tell on then ns tho snme pnnli kytnoughtu j m previously he woukminve had rushed through their hends thoy no trouble lifting tho hnr now it stnrtod yelling nnd pounding with took thp will pnwer nnd strength their fists on the furnnco door nnd nt hl command wnlls to attract nttentlnn i throwing the weight of his whole rive minutes inter they sal back nwl lnto tu biow ho tlnngwl it ngnlnst tho motnl throe times in quit k kiircoshlon he followed this h three more fhnwnout clnngs then tho three ciuit k ones ngnin thi muscles in his arms nnd bfttk bulged nnd rippled through his sonked shirt ns ho st ruined nnrl tugged ho i open ted tin pattern over nnd over inntlng linking ho wnntod to iult but ho knw thnt he must tint give in if ho did nil wns lost in n u us minute s he wns exhnust- d from tho rxertinn hero follow j tin sum i bout he gawped i loe grnhb d tho crowhnr nnd on 1 tinned the bent three shoit lungs 1 throi ilawnout three slioi t word hnjnel something wns but rung i in gr nsi on his over alls wnsutniting to smoulder loe lifted tho bni above his hend laboriously his brand shoulders sngged he finished the inst of one of tin slgnnl series nnd wink hnck exhnusted ward knew thnt he should get up nnd replnce him- tho signals must go on he struggled for hrenth the hent wns unbear able ho knew that the end of con sciousness wns now only a few min utes nwny he looked over nt toe who had not moved well joe at least we tried jot did not answer wnrd closed his eyes r suddcnu wnrd fe a rush of cold nlr he wns nwnro of his wet clothes ngnlnst his body hi strained to op n his eyes nnd finnll succeeded the doors of tho furnnce hnd swung open steve mikullk his eyes bulging and his strong he whiskered jnw dropping nt whnt h saw wns storing in at thorn a look of indescribable horror hat upon his fnce good night steve exclaimed wnrd closed his eyes ngnin he felt himself losing consciousness two hours later he came to in th ompan hospital a nurse smiled watcirthat poise it means control xhnusted the whirring of machin es the loud i nt tat tat of the presses tho tjattei of hammers on hollers nnd the hissing of stonm compros- were too much competition for tholj feeble voices through tho henvy me- tnllk wnlls dimly each renlled thffl nil thv pounding nnd yelling in tho world mild not meet tho eomi tltlon of the noisy fmtnr mm hlnery wnrd shudden d h know they hnd to do something nnd do it quick ly come on loo i ol s gi l going f whntll wi do rirst thing is to got to the other ond of t hi furnni t hi nd w fit re thoy feed ii ou moan the ii opt n it i don t know all i know lb thnt itll ho opi nod fiom tho other end when it is open d cmt on lots go with tho nld of their ftnshllghts the two mnde theii wnv to tin other ond of the furnnco- where the pound ed some more there wns no reply suddenly loe stopped do you feel it getting wnrmer maybe its just from our pound ing wnrd guessed not dnrlng to be lieve differently they pnused a second to find out there wns no doubt it wns getting wnrmor it is joes vol eo wns pitched high with excitement it is theyve turned on the furpnee the jilr is thinner too tho hent is using up the oxygen we wont he able to breathe for a brief second wnrd felt ns though he were going to pieces i hen the feeling pnssed pnnlc wouldnt do them nny good if they were to be saved it would hnve to be through cnlm cool thinking joe kept tnlklng loudly his voice was utmost n shriek nnd his words were gibberish therowns only one thing to do wnrd dhttt he reach ed over nnd gnve toe n resounding smnck with his open hnnd ncross the fnce joe stopped tnlklng ydldntwanlto dothatl wnrd said hut i had to wove got to get out of here nnd i can t let you get panicky thais all right joe muttoiod i m nlp right now scorching nlr wns starting to emerge from tho electric c ondults which fed hent to the furnnco the atmosphere vfrns becoming hot and some doh and dont that show jitft how youre getting along bv ractc martin hnve ou ever thought how close- 1 poise ik linked to courtesy if you are well poised your tongue doesnt clatter on lnceksnntl like a metronome until everyone around ou is fatigued you do not interrupt other peoples conversation you do not reply to a poppet re mark with n hottir nnswer twisting a hnndkerc hit f plning with the silvi r nt tnhlo or aay of tho other jittering hnhlts thnt get on peonjes nors an not nmong nur faults you inn sit quietly without fid gctlng in the drnwlngroom or tin tho thentrf you enn smoke a tigniilh without that constnnt m rvousnoss clipping of iishos which mnkos so num sniokois hard to bear you nn ciuii tly ignore soon hum hplllod lljt nddnt on oui froe k s thnt the spilhrs discomfort ih minl- mled in fat t our sc if out ml u suit in a i onsldi i at ion fur ollu is w hi h nltrikts and keep fiitnds wartime hobbies sacred milchers f profipccl of rafdfl and nuckoulk iivefl indias officials def inite problem niw pkmii cp the freedom of the sncrihl tows of indlnjins been rationed it s the war fjovernmont nulhorltloh wotklnr out nn aftp orgnnlntlon in propnrn tion foi invnsion wont her whlc h ttu s nt tho end of the mnnttoons in october hnve mnde thohoid de cision to restrain them frnrtend of being allowed to meander at will the sne rod animals hme hi on oitli nech hobliled within fko minutes or a taid warning in the event the mo made dnngernuv h wounds thi will ho destroed i hi m oifbrs mc parthulntly vital in asnimi proincc nn tho northwest ft onttc r sine e l he sm rod ri d c nt t u i lit 1 1 otitmimhor inhnbltnnts nnd could c rend a crlllcal sltuntion b a slnmpode hlarkout problem auitliji offii inls hnve nimkiil nut i poi uill dnngoioiis an ns iji which tin hiuud liivs nro tot hidden to wnndii i his still hnsn t soked tin pntiiw of how to in i nt pi fim i tiling e r the honsts in n hllli knot om lining individual luis sujc si i i unit the hensls eitlnr hi pnintc u with luminous pnlnt or provided with inll lights scientists hnve boon ordered to ronflne nnlmnls soiuroly some dnng- erous reptiloi have been destroyed nnd some nnlmnls have boon sold to t reuses so far as inn bo harned no spoclnl provision hns boon made foccobrns in custody of itinerant snnke chnrm- c rs i he turlinncl chnrmors nro con trol perhaps h plnylng tholi flutes n bit louder during nir rnlds jr ilkailtmii on hkait iii iina mont cp monlnnas onl hi at meal ntiction in hiktoiv to- c entl brought less than mediocre pi lc os iioliso wlvis bi only an nv- i rngo of 17 cents n jutund for the men fhe watcher 83 she flags bomber can sll up all nlftht on duly and like it tinfflfch woman sayn sxm1and hnglnnd cp n e art don t moan much to mm e t c o sin h h1 but is registered as a fin gufinl and hns linen nn a rp volunti 1 1 on hi i street for months loo old at hp him snld rub bish i inn sll up tho whole night on iut nnd think nothing of it within h nsoii i would not mind how often 1 till dutlf s lie i j4ls to look out for fire homhs nnd mil if her warden if nny ate dropped 3yzfey2m a ea were going to need so many things when the war ends dn its draftsmanship last week i dr ward tried to take a deep it was blue printing before you were hrenth it wns pnirrful he couldn t getting thnt furnace tender steve j seem to nuck enough nlr into his c oa mikullk to tench you tho morse wh you oven took n night school course in music appreciation once ward tried to explain i like those thlngs hesicles ou can never tell when the 11 come in hnnd well i 11 he seeing you toe bond ed for the faolnr entrance wheivjie returned wanl wnpagnin tn tho interior of tin electric nr- bontzer what are mi doing in there joe asked through the opening cleaning up ward paused in his wocr just long enough to repl ihovll bo using this furnace to- ln we i an t lene our tools here thnt s right tot shoved ids hiwutahtiul llirmifti tho dcyji ipd lungs loo coughed wnrd suddenly felt diy nnd he knew that if they didnt get idr soon thej would suffo cate perspiration started to pour in or his eos nnd filled them with salt niolstuie he gasped tnch of fort to bnnthe seemed frulth ss it wouldn t he long now he heard n clic k nnd looked to wards tht doors llt were opening ttie push p dforward an inch then stopped lot i ook t loes head rolled tn the direction arc was poipting riie just opened it to iet out the gas ward explained suppose we c an push k ope n tho rest ef tin wi loi state d wenrih push togothei wi trawled in i reported the furnae e as finish d the hlond voutb said but i lorgot nbout the tools you would well i w ould ha e reniemthred in time hi gathered ins tools to get her nnd put them in their leather kit hugs in hnnd tho two hoadc d for the furnace openug 1 lie wen n lew feet nw n w hen ward veiled he fore them the- ehn trkalh oiwrkt ed doors wen slow i v coming to itether to cut off their exit ward dnippeel his kit and clashed torwnnl throwing his hod against the closing door but their weight vlus the pnssun of tin i urrent bringing them together eteovd hun back with n dull thud tin door catch snapped hearing the snap lo started ell ing to nttrnc t alt ntioti hu k tiu eel the furnnce was untie ardtuit lde he ond anl weiv lockic1 in n furnace wlnrtlie tunt would if turned on at nlnnvst an moment m ithtn stvernl hours its intt nor j would reach red hent 1 he sluuililn t have km ked it until w told them to lot muftend through darknemi ou maid u told tin superintend out tht job was flnlklud dldn t vou m ou ttilnk tbev 11 turn it on i jo nsktnl after a moment i 1 suppose the will wanl s voice ling fot us to lie h wat tonsc ilverynilnultiiisfur- v u nice unr operating enaut the conp the onlv klnd7i71wispmuito juue at 111m imif c allecl the doc tor the doc tor felt his pulse nnd took his temperature lhe 11 be all right after a rest he said and went out ward looked nrnund toe w ns watching him from the ndjoinlng bed tuess steve got m message just in time we couldn t hnve insted much longer joes eves narrowed message what message i he regular telegraphic call for help ward informed him ou and i were tnpping out nn sos against thnt furnncc wnll i figured steves t mined ear would cnteli tho sound ou menn to snv wo were using t hat morse c odi vou lenrncd from stevi n cnujiti of weeks ago i hat snme morse code i wns wnst- ing m time lenrning before i stnrt- ed s rnnrtdnifrstnnnship icm shook bis singed head douht- fullv and to think i said vou wen wasting voqr time then ns though he had mnde up his mind to some thing distnsteful he turned to wnrd once more when does that music appreciation course stnrt ngnin nt night school i m thlnkln g 1 hot tor start wnsting mv time too ii s too honv v mavhe if we i an gel il open loe iu sitnted come on wnrd insisted tluow ing his broad shoulders against the door inspired b his cxnnjnlt loe joined him the straltn d an 1 struggjid hut the ha ton doot would not budge i fxhausted and perspn m th j d nipped to the ground nnd dtank in tin air that was c opting through tti i opening hih tin huh track elicit 1 ondon ft im maj paul par not permit them to get out it at least i bur in tommaiui ol a fltld regiment gave them icspitt from suffocation i of the ucal artlllerv has tnen ward knew that this wi onl tern nwardenl tin m for his action after porarv as the heat hctann strong iihovtn n inmmand from n junior of- major bes junior and in- the mc twuh cane of mistaken ldentit but ii silencvd machine gun pottts things that we hard to get now every day almost we find that something else is getting scarce so often we are told theyre not making it any more factories are making guns instead- of ploughs tanks instead of tractora planes and shells instead of stoves and beds well have to replace so many things when the war ends things we cant buy now honey invested in victory bonds will provide the task to buy them dsnow in one lump mm with money we have saved there i no aafer investment no better way to protect our aaving farm folk can payi for victory bonds in another convenient way by using the produce for victory ticket by simply signing a victory or we can buy bonds and pay for them through our bonks in monthly instalments as the instalments come due the bank win charge them to our accounts who buy produce from you to send all or part of the proceeds to the war finance committee to buy victory bonds for you ask your local war finance worker for drtuiu im it vwuilit tisi up tht nwkn oiut in i milt- thrmiui w ronn of tin puiuhtnir ma 01 i hint nntl thi pnuntlkni of red hoi u atiil mule hi heart tlirouklt the iruik im hlurtml wlhnk hkiltn wnim uiitihiit htm illiu ttrnnso lhoukh runnfnk through lit mind tin lrnn of tin smutllon imprt i r n s how tt hnpvt i luisk wit- fulling ff battlttu id on intti 11 last and british troops win fiuhtini lhi aition that onublid thtm ti tin uk out of tin nnla to tn i lb a i hi major drovt up in his minors nnd a sulmltim of tin t att orkshiroj ui klmimu thinking it was om of tmi id htm painfull 7 mikullk own liattalion s mrrtir shouti1 fo prnhnhlx no mnn than thnt del inni to damn will go and sdinii a nwav fiom joi ot nil lv- wlllni mathino sun iiost holding up bt plu- was in am lvl 111 tills ward toons udsarni without invitation wantid to lallirh ii t rnrhur i hiirjid tin jtost in his what a victory bond is look at a dollar bill a dollar bill is like a bond its a promise to pay to the man who has it you get bills when you sell things and pay them out when you buy things a victory bond is a bill intended to be saved when ypuvkeep a 10000 victory bond for a year you receive an additional 300 3 interest buy all the victory bonds you can lenxl money to canada to help to win the war save your bonds to have money for things youll need when the war ends nattonml wmr ftnmrw commit suti ieiilx 1 turned timnrtt lp i w tot nn ide u iee turned tetwunln hun hun tent mm h rm kti out thttt f i om t ito mm himr ttnd t in pound jtum mottfj htvr i i htmif of boln htfurd wuuu uommnni irrii t und viumttt the nyie hin klin in turning w ht r th suhnltei n wax maj lurtiur miufu j huvt done thnt hut the mihultf in not tftot iu iiu tt mnjoi told him to dnmn will iliutj nnotliit post whith hnd esp m d up h thim antn the major tmii tnt etne t iem nnd tiirrumteiut t v i

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