pace two the apton free press thursday octobeh 22nd 1042 ruhliahed every thursday at acton ofltarte sunscuiption ratestaooper ear i united stle joe aililll oeal single coplee ic nplh olil and i new draetee ehould be len when chaise ol adilreaa la requeued cancbllations- we llnd that meet il oar tu1 crlbere nreler eulncelptlone in cae life to remit before plrlloo whit sub clntionwltl not be crrltd in arrears oer en jj period jet untee we ere notllle1 lo cancel e aaaume the aubacriher lshee the eervirc continued advertising bateson application and aa llen in varintta column headinoe allhniiuh every precaution will be taken to avoid error the i rce freia accepte aitvertlelna in ii a columns on the undemanding that it will not be liable tor any error in any aiwerlliemcnl pllltlnhrl hereimilrr unleie a pro i f nch advertisement refuelled in wrlllnh ly the ndvrrllirr and returned to the i ree prrt liulneaa offuc duly tinned by the advertiser and willi ucb error or corrc ti na plainly noted in writlns therein and in that caee ii nn error eo holed ia not corrected tiy ttie i ree praia ita liability eliall not eicred inch a proportion ol the entire cl ot turd advertisement ae the pace occu sled by the noted error beara to the whole apace occupied y eucb advertiiement r abhop rmis fiitor telfpiiones- edltorial and duiineaa office realdence their newspapers and tbey redilyjkcome to the con clusion that if a product or a firm is not worthy of advert iing then it ahlhrdlybe worthy of patron iirc brampton conservator v should wfe complain never things arc rcttnir a bit tougher for us but wo should not complain in norway for instance they live on rrcy bread of mixed flour poor margarine cods roe occasional sardines ersatz coffee or tea substitute with saccharine jjj iifre of milk per adult per day so devotded of fat as to bepopularly called doubly purified salt fish five or six days a week when fresh fish comes in german lorries appear at the wharf an3 off goestlic whole catch in a icstnurnnt to ret a boiled potato you have to hand in a raw one of cqunt size lemonade without sugar made with crystal iozchrcs some workmen thought themselves lucky to have mustard on their bread so xhy should we whine bowman vinestaiesman i v itellh on sheep a farmer subscriber to the dundalk herald in a the weeuil ottawa stwully wrlttai for ytui acton ptm pmm by nv iatdhhiikb canadian imu huff writrr torphlolnr of tlit ferry stonmrhlp cfirlbmi ixtwpcn novn stntln nrnl nowfuin1lnjirt wllh 17 dpnil hmurlit tho wtr to crinndnit clrtorntpp in grimmer nnd ulnruor fnjhlnnufn nny prmloimi kinking it wns tlip rtpntrftt nnnountptl mnrlnc li winter of the wnr in jcnnnil- inn conslnl wnorb wjpmnn nntl chal dron wore nmonr thaws uhtpff nnvy minister mq rinnnlfl in n btnlomont on tho inns of tin cnrlhou until if nny thing wwn nrrdnd to prove the hideous of nii7i wnr- fnro uurcly this is it now of this i i nosier in cnbot strnlt cnm only n few hours nftor word ihnt n morthnntmnn hnd won torpedoed off metis bench que i i i the kouth shoroe of tht st ijiurolhrp letter to that newspaper tells how he raised sheep n qucc c without any damage from predatory dogs here isjiiis wns furtlnmip the river thnn the preventative method employed when the sheep nny previous sulimnrlno nttnek were on pasture he put open bells the kind farmers used to wear on their horses on every fourth or fifth sheep on straps around their necks this he says serves a threefold purpose first dors dont like noise second the owner will hear the bells and hurry to protect the sheep thirdly bells tend to keep the sheep together this he states was my experience and i never had any trouble with dogs in view of the large amounts paid out for sheep damages in this district the experience of this dundalk farmer should be of interest to sheep taiscrs and township councils hanover post v it must be done arnin monday right across canada men went into action on the home front to urge all to subscribe to canadas third vtctory loan with an objective or s75b 000000 some mathematician has worked it out that this amount will build 2 208 ram tanks and 55 corvettes for the navy pay the training costs for the air force tor five months build j97 lancastcrs tor britain pay canadas munition bill for 73 days and maintain 300000 soldiers overseas for eight weeks it will readily be seen from this that the loan only meets part of the cost of war taxes meet about half of wars costs it takes loans to make up the balance if loans fall short it means that some part of the fighting forces must suffer acton and district is asked to subscribe 150000 thats an increase of 15000 over the last loan ob jective but that is not all he local story last loan the northern half of nassagaweya was includ ed in actons district this tunc nassagaweya is a unit itself which all adds up to an increased objec tive of the amount raised there in the last loan its going to take a great effort its going to mean that every subscriberwill have to do better than ever before but acton has never failed to meet meet any war objective placed upon it with the same united effort of everyone doing their jit- most that objective will again be achieved make jour investment in victory the bigrest you possibly can for without victory your eery possession is useless v mn eerj success attend it v s citizens uho have missed the band in acton will a mar conccss ca has bccn era apprec tire effort of m charles mason and a the offa ojpgns boa of e war organization forttrton whlch has rcrnov the export lic ense requirements for commercial shipments to con signees in canada and labrador under canadian control editorial notes we cannot close our eyes to the possibility of some plants having to fold up donald gordon chairman wartime prices and trade board v nothing motters now but victory yes youp dollars or all the bonds or your home or any posses sions depend on viatory best to put everything in for victory at three per cent its no sacrifice v piles of leaves are being dtsposed of these days and children and grownups too should be cautious in burning them that the fire once started is not left unattended until it is entirely out before being left v victory over the nazis is not three to five years away as some people in high positions suggest but much nearer if the allies display ordinary military capacity w r plewman toronto daily star in his column the war reviewed v there is more than twice as much cosh in the pockets of the average canadian now than before the war on the basis of august figures for circu lating media in the hands of the public preparediby the dominion bureau of statistics and charted in ottawa of bos to torin another group anon the will also commend the action council in lending encouragement to tht project for oer seventy cars acton had a band but man municipalities find themselves hn similar circum htancts to da and a local organization is just one of the irs casualties an order of the dominion government has de- there arc just two thoughts of caution for the creed that all alcohol is tarbe converted into expjo band one is that onl v through much pcactice andsives speaking of course strictly from hearsay steady attentioa to the task will the bov become t e understand that some of the stuff doesn t need to bandsman and acton have this junior band the he converted to produce all the effects of an explos- other thought is for the public don t expect a band ion smiths falls record news too soon or don t expect tou muchlromthebtfy s y thcv are eager and anxious but it does require tim and constant rehearsal band work is interesting premier t i- hepburn is never so huppv as and a splendjd communitv service ftr bovs to cfe- uhun ht s pending the daylights out ot something vote their spare time thtv will get a lot of eniov on thp unmix of thoao tnknn prison ers by the jnpantwi when tho colony wan forced to lurrejider inat de- tfmlior morottri pxp hnrtly nnnilnb tluhtenlnp manpower kltuntlon vvn hrnuuht to tho fore with on announcement by prime minuter mnckonzlc klnit hint the kovernment linn nclojited n benefit policy for curtailing production of gold tnlnen l he dtntement mentioned roll mlnen which ilo not proiture sub- ntnntlnl iinntltle ntv minimis or metnlh essential for vt il purposes z nnd this tnken to menn thntmlnis u tilth produce base nielnts n0 well ns ktild u iii not he nf ferted curtailment ot gold mine prodm- tlon is only pnrt of the plelure hem- evxir mr kings statefiient tironilly mentioned the need of rtirtntling non- vvnr industries n slip forshndowed previously by cfilolt m lllllo direc tor of nntlnilnl selective sorvlce and other top racking government men plnns lodlvert ml non men nnd wo men n month into wnr industry nre just about completed wnr plants ro- nulre nt lens jfmkki workers n monfh nnd army requirements under tho drnft jilmi nre running 20 000 n month ills memui hint workers must he moved from nonessentlnl to essenllnl industries nnd hint womnn- lifiuer must he harnessed toit fnr grenter extent tlinn now amimi am vftkilanh ionixin icp i lie i vergrowlng haf itnnoiiikes men lieiwi en 12 nnd r will hi mtepteri for grfiuniudutleh nnr lliotiminfls are needi d ns ntrcrnft tmnils nuitor ilrlvers liarhern cnhhl- eis iinilmui nl orderlies rxvelve senmen were lost nnd 18 res cued the nrmy wns prominently in the news with the return to cnnndn inst week of some of the heroes of the dieppe raid mnny of thewvrtnspltal enses they received n rousing wel come on arrival in montrenl on the political side nf the picture observers expect two quebec tiy elee- tlnns to he held nov 30 to show what quebec thinks of mr kings recent appointments of fruucj hspcnklng cabinet ministers nnd also quebecs opinion of thc bloc pnpulnire cqn- ndlen pnrty newlyformed hy mnx- ime rnymnnd m v for bcnuhnrnnis- lnprnlrle one hi election is in chnrlevolx saguenny where mme pierre cns- grnln widely known feminist lender is running ns ilbernl cnndldnte the sent wns held hy her husband hon pierre cnsgrnln prior lo hlr appoint ment to the bench the other is in montrenl outre- mont vacated hy deputy spenkc r thnmns vlen of the house of com mens ore ills levatfon to the s nnte mnj gen i j loficerhe newlv- nppointed minister of nntional wnr services now without n sent in com mons is em ted lo run there if mnxime jtnymond enters enndi dates in these constituent lti it will be the first test of the stnngth of his new movement a third election will he in id lb same dny in winnipeg norlhcenln the sent vncnted by the hnth of i s woodsworth inteccf lender study groups of conservntlvi s in constituencies nil neross cnnndn niv working on resolutions nn 1 sugges tlons for the forthcoming nntional convention of the party in winnliicu in december locnl associations were asked to estnhush such groups lo formulnte suggestions for the partys plntform nt the suggestion of hi hon arthur meighen nntional tend er hong kong uau after long months of wnitlng of ficial informntion beenme nvailnble business directory medical dr w- o c kenney physician and rurgnati succcuor to dr j a mcnhntn office in symtth block mill strut acton orflaa rttnne id hesldnnee chureli st phsna i 0 dr chas d shortt physician uitl bargeon successor to dr e j nelfouv rrderleb bttrmtrpiionas m offlco hours 200 to 4 00 pjn too to 8 30 pm sundays by appointment olily dr wm g cullen lmcc physlrlan and fttiraenn offlco hours 24 and 79 pm sundnys by appointment mill street nonr frederick street telephone 128 drs stevenson wagner campitemaiixe ont phone milton z15rt after 10 p m milton 2v office hours 89 nm 13 pm 78 pm sundnys by appointment only l dental dr t h wylie of toronto inking chnrge of dr buchanans practice for 4ho duration for the present office llsnm d evra to ii pm every thursday friday and saturday office telephone 148 dr hugh s austin dental surfteen mill street corner frederick acton office hours 910am to 5 10 p m evenings by appointment telephone id leoal c f leatherland b a nsrrlater and solicitor notary publl issue r of mnrrlnge ilci nses keglstrnr of ijirths marrlngcs deaths acton oftloe 22 ihnnns icesldenee 1si ijtui can jfelp decide there la nol enotufl power for oar war induairiea and fttr oar homes the nee of eleelrirllv in ear homes mail be reduced must take aeeond place if we are lo keep oar war planla woritfna at full apeed cafeaa yoa cut year aciarer coaaumjaalon by el fasst taatrnfr ae eeal ycaave aal aswfiat eeiouah the department of munitions and supply llmmru c d uuwk wlalwe kenneth m langdon itarrlster hollrltor noury public offlci t i orgi town fn gory i hi ntre build acton ov r i seynui k s cafa for appolntmi nts ptione acton flav or i org tow n k8 olriet liours alton i in silny and 1 hursdny 1 10 i m to i hi p m even- ink on r ou st vktehlnanv b d young vs b vsc veterinary surgeon office brookvllle ontnrlo phoni milton 1 10r4 ment out of their effort and provide a lot of enjoy ment for others a start has been made xe ure everv bov to stick to it no matter what the discouragement we when he first came into oflice he jumped on th eftttmcrcd banks and the power barons a few i v ears later when there wns another election to win i 1 e deserted the left md issailcd the ci o and the communists now he is going to bmitg in collective urge everv citizen to lend all the support to the hovs gaining legislation legalize the communists and possible v i pen a second i ra i press trout bless his heart newmarket juanftjratnst failure it would be going too lir to sav that i business which advertises in the newspipcr is hound lo sue eted and is saleguarded against railuie but ligures do show that the business which does not use news paper advertising is more likelv to be a failure thin c- success the newspapers hive an appeal to the c irv of toronto will save si to7 a quarter in lower costs due to reduced lighting through power miiserv ition iceording lo mavor lrcdnibov in keeping with the conscrv iiioij program toronto his lire idv taken i oi i imps out ot scrviee oi hid their ittage reduced hie estimated saving is for i great m iissj ji t the people which cannot be equalled three month period ending dec- m for a full vetr by any otjjtjr advertising medium for they are read he saving is estimated at 7l 7s of course if tor and studiethn he home and the advertising columns onto gets the saving passed on in this wav every are as etgerly scanned as arc those devoted to news the people have been educated by ung vears of c periencc to took for the announcement of wide awake merchants and manufacturing concerns in ilher niuiieipalitv will be treated the sim- x ith i reduction of over m per cent in street lighting acton should nuke quite a imle saving during the i year irt power charge f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon offlci nnd pi sldi nn knox avenue acton phoni no athtidnekrh frank petch auetinnt er and ileprraentatlve om- tnerrlal i ife aaaiirait e o pimm ill hailea street eornetowa kussrll johnson tti otced auctioneer foithia- dlatrirt i it j an tnnrrtitrk vwdian national uaiiways fuiiie kant i miw it sim in h i ii m i iil i it sunla vi n m imiii imii surnlnv 4 ih p m siirn1i onl s li p m b lt r nl iirk inwn 1 p m h k r nt hi lh h- pm fxilllk t j nt t r uiii i uiil i suii ti s n a m s iliif d i nl p m 1 i i il t t u- v n ft i v t it t in 1 sun 1 iv 1 p ni i t i t 1 1 s it ii in sun i i t p m iii v j 1 s n 1 t p m mill 1 1 1 1 ii u pin uw ovch lines i hi i i v mn t elmiiind t vl i t n rn is p m t f is ru t p m silin l i p m i ii 1 nttinil 1 i i 1 l n m t i i i r- m 3 01 a i i j t i r m ui i a ui iu ian i i h t sundnv nnj hull- start the bond fire sal sun and itol to kite 1 en r only lo stratford only