face eight the acton free press thursday august th 1942 motlcl l urtlu ifanwonj dath i falmrttd la ihb html wltlurtt clan wmltlod fiw pmtry born mainprise at st jomphi hm- plul guelph ontario on saturday auhut lit ims to private and mm elrrlur malnprlm neo doria bolten a son bristow at the mount hamilton hoapltal onfriday july 31it 1042 to mr bmymtm kitchener brutow nee helen mann the sift of a urn robert jameo in memokiam sagaskie in loving memory of my mother who niuicd nwny auruit 1 th 1937 quickly and unexpectedly camo the call her hidden death urprlud us all we have lott but god hath trained one of the best this world contained ever remombercd by frank and daughterinlaw sagaskie in lovlnn memory of my dearmother annie snkmklo who panned away august 6th 1937 five years have passed and rone since one we loved so well i was taken from our homo on bnrth with jesus christ to dwell the tlowcrs we place upon her bravo may wither and decay but the love for her who sleeps be neath shall never fade away ever remembered by jiey daughter and soninlaw mary and bill 3w acton fnir just six weeks from friday and saturday sugar and ten are rationed see special announcement on page two of this issue soma if the locnf fishermen are getting some fair sized bass in fairy lake these days wnr savings certificates con now be purchnsed at the post office and at the local banks word has- been jrecclved by his parents here ohthesle3irrlvnl over seas of ptc john mchugh the plants 6t mason knitting co and force electric products arc closed this week while the staff enjoy a holiday the farm labor emergency help operated in acton requires that far mers shall provide the transportation to and from the farm bevernres such as ten and coffee are controlled by dominion order bilt intoxicating beverages and milk come under provincial control c get in fuel about fifty cub leaders ore tak- inprthccoursentbluc springs scout reserve this week this year many of the cub leaders ore young women acton fair on friday ond satur day september 18th and 19th a fine opportunity for those from out of town to come back for the week end we hope to publish a revised list of nil the men from acton and dis trict in active service next ueek or the week following if you hnvent sent in correctlonsor additions please attend to it now twilight of all the world worked out for air pilots by woman income tax official supply now in sizes available canadians who heat with coal arc urged by the con administrator wartime prlcea and trado board to accept delivery of any suitable slie or combination of size and not a supply in their blna as soon as deal ers can provuiolt in the operations of u s anthra cite mines controller mcg stew art points out there are produced in varying proportions nbout eight dif ferent sizes of coal of which egg stove nut and pea are generally used in domestic heoung at present there is a scarcity of stove size and mnny householders are faced with the prospect of doing without it people should take advnntagc of the available supply of other sizes the administrator soys and use whatever size their dealer can supply at the present time pea coal is most easily obtained from the mines it gives economlcnl heating and can be used by itself or in combl nation with other sizes accordingly the administrator advises coal consumers not to wait for any particular klnit or size of conl ask the ndvlee of your conl merchant or importer he suggests they know the market condition and can advise what size will suit your particular equipment and which can be delivered promptly accept delivery of nny suitable size or com bination of sizes it is vitally import ant to canadians that they have their supply of fuel in the bins before winter begins take advnntagc of the tuppl and sizes of coal nolv available nnd avoid the hardship that i shnrtagaof coal is bound to bring do not through neglect or rn re leanness moke fuel rationing necessary in canada weekly war continued from- eage one dig minefields for warneeded scheelite ores germany had it to make tung sten tipped armorpiercing bulled and canada seek ing it for allied cause by dent hodgson canadian prww staff writer winnipeg cp canadian geol ogists seeking to fill pressing needs of the dominion department of munitions nnd supply ore intensify ing n countrywide search for schee- llte p tu o uhlch has become one of the most strategic rocks o the war tungsten formerly used forglec- trlc lamp filaments is used in peace time to harden the tips of cutting tools in war it has become a vital itlloy for armorplating and for armor piercing projectiles reliable reports say the germans who had amassed large quantities of the min eral before the war were able to penetrate british tanks with tung stentipped machine gun bullets in the first battle of ubyn the name tungsten is derived from two swedish words meaning henv stone and was originally ap plied to the ore scheelite a light- colored rock with n wny lustre vnryingm shnde from yellow to brown or gre scheelite is n soft rock but tungsten used ns an nllov remarkable armoi piercing qualities with sleel carl produce a bullet with et undlsiowred in other ullnvs china hod it print jim l supplies of the world s a woman ruined to tompule the m forme i came from china time of unset and sunrlse and the t rth hoi tiering the burma duration of twilight in an pat t of the when japanese inwiiion cut off world is one of the mnn who hae supplies from eastern chinese port i taken oei mens work in tin itritish j continued to flow down the burma overseas airwns corporation the um luui vka exported fiom indo- 1 emptn s men hunt air serile china i i hese supplies are now tut liefoie tlu wai slu was an liuonu n and hi allies have hat to dis- ta affinal ltwln the onl woman nnir m slhiui i roniputm she rmkons out unions oilm deposits aie found 111 alls nwingtsot alt speed and height an i i portugal bolivia and latin more diffuult still in iks n lelnble amenta and tin united mates wftod anahsis lieiilh in an abandoned nnne in th women in also lit ing used bv tin w initial states v geologists corporation with outstanding siittt ss i f u mat ls heiievetl jo he th- as map diaughtsnuii a job uhiininr s tieposit on the on- great skill and ntuuutv iventv nt lul t a must look lor hei them in tin opeialions department w n upplx hnu piepaud betwet n them suite acaitltul deposits of stlutliti au wai biokt ou nofewi than uxt tnm in canada hut irua i in apecinl maps itrtirimartvhcoor poralious aiuralt taptains ln canada hlis one ujj piodunug stheehte in britih one must stop back tfie execu tion of this task means the prrwrvn tlon of our country the destruction of the hated enemy nnd n runrnnttv of victory stalins moments of personal inter vention are generally f chosen with grat core nnd july 30 wn undoubt edly a time when the premier was convinced that the hod army could mntch the enemys depleting strength russian tncticinns nrc now lenrnlng to combat the newly- introduced methods of german warfare new re serves are at hand and the propnred lines of defence have been reached typically disregarding the terrific cost of life the german high com mand continues to pour overwhelm ing reserve forces into the fight south of rostov by tuesday nine days after the f nil of rostov the nazi war machine had steam ralle red fifty miles south to salsk nnd 100 miles southeast to kushcevka one uncon firmed german bulletin clnimed the capture of voroshilocsk 180 miles to the southeast at thnt time the fluc tuating line of battle seemed roughly 140 miles north of the rich russian oil fields at maikop the russian high command con- codes thnt germnrv forces continue to pour ncrobsttte won in jhe tslm- lynnsk sector but in the bottle of liecbwm 80 mftcs northwest of stalingrad marshal semeon tlmb- shonkor strengthened lines swept n round germnn flanks to completely sever their communications the russlnn nrmy has redoubled its ef forts nnd rallies round the battle cry ne shngu nnzad jtfot one step back in the fmr ewt japanese snbornc reinforcements were reported moving down the const of new guinea on august 4 thus bol stering the troops which were land ing in the gonnbunn nren july 22 nnd constituting n greater threat to the united notions outpost at port moresby 120 miles away the allies definitely hold the upper hand in nlr attacks a japanese cargo ship has been fired nnd beach ed 150 miles north of guna and bombs were rained on nipponese headquarters barracks ond troop positions nt linchunn klangsi prov ince simultaneously chinese troops encircled the city nnd reached its west nnd south gates india has renewed its clamor for complete freedom nnd independence sir stafford crlpps britains emis sary to indias millions cnrrled to theminst mnreha proposni-to-crrnte- n new indian union which shall constitute n dominion nssoclnted with t he- u n ited kingriotrrnnd oth erdbnv inlons bv a common allegiance to the crown the mission failed mohandas k gandhi powerful na tionalist lender now hns threatened britnin with a largescnle civil dis obedience campaign unless immediate independence ls granted in an ef fort to clear up a statement in which he allegedlv proposed appeasement to japan ghandi said tuesdav he favored negotiations with the nip ponese to plend with them to free chlnn or else count on the stubborn resistance of indins millions this plowgirl meanttrtorkeep up her charm runs a farm and works at it and figures women should be just lovely when the boys come home- boston fcpj woman need be none the less charming biyauso she is working on the farm in the fac tory or in a hardboiled business world so thinks margery wilson author of the woman you want to be who runs a farm in con necticut with one hnnd n charm school with the other in discussing women nnd the war miss wilson issues a warning the greatest dnnger in ml thu to women is in forgetting why our boys nre fighting why we are taking their places or working alongside of men in industry nnd farming we mgst re member they nre fighting for us we must remember that when it is nil over they wnnt to come back and find the lovely indies thv left behind not mechanized robots it is up to wo men to work hnrd nt staying femin ine keeping their beauty nnd charm ns rhcy do at filling their jobs what man lake man dislikes nothing more than n womnn without grace nnd femin ity one who hns assumed mannish characteristics in speech nnd nction the test of n woman in this crisis is to remain rompletely n w omnn her grentcst contribution will be in keeping her femlninltv miss wilson is not onlv tnlklng she prnctlces what she prenches while she livas in n comfortable cool fieldstone house on 55 acres in connecticut it takes manual labor to moke the farm produce what she needs a big pnrt of thnt work is done by miss wilson herself yes the woman who has taught hundreds of thousands the meaning of charm she plows her gardens with n small tractor digs and pulls out weeds with hnnds thnt nre soft nnd prettv and sprays her fruit trees against in sects this is no easy jot its hard work and the orily help she has is one elderly man oil for protrcuan clad in her work clothes miss wil son doesnt- forget thnt her hnnds fnce nnd hnir need more care thnn ever to keep them lovely she coats her fnce arms nnd hnnds w ith oil using no mokenp except lipstick when shes farming nnd wears ennvns gloves to protect her hands she buys them bv the doen pnirs emphnsliing the importance of breathing s she oernslonnllv i patriots of by mtavjo lo cp men women a children marched to police headquar ters singing the hnrsolllnfse when they were arrested on vichy admiral darin ns visit to the french harbor town of st malo he was called rotter nnd traitor by the crowds nazi crime increases moscow cp crime is on the increase in germnny according to a stockholm dlspntch publication of crime statistics is forbidden in ger- manv and only a small proportion of crime is reported in the nnl press ml cimjlesky- optometrifit will be in acton on monday august 10 anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or head ache should not mlts the oppor tunity of consulting this eye sight specialist appointments may be made with mr a t brown druggist office flours 6a6 sum ull rt 446 pjw datd- stops her work to reln ling down under a tree to stretch for a few minutes a must on her heautv list is plcntv of cool water or fruit juice miss wilson recommends that everv womnn should have a know ledge of nutrition- she should studv vitamin charts and lenrn the vnlue of food it doesnt cost nny more to ent for beauty as well as for appetite thats how she stnvs chnrming flown on the farm airwomen perform numerous duties four hundred warships added to empires navies since war began mou than 00 warships have been j added to the naval fleets of the lint- i isb lmpire suite war began it is cits- i i lost d in tlu- new edition of iimii righting ships tin ai know edged authoritv on all tlu naies of the world names an given of bat tit ships ft uikiatt tairieis jj tiuis- ers i minelavt is t- d sttm ers 2 j subiuai ine 1j slnops n lorvetlts and 17 othet naval vtsstls w hit i weu not lompletid attlu outbrew of wai in addition to thes 7j do- stioveis 7 sutmini iiis is mtiusww im s m mi vtttes and 17 haw lei v h ie had tht n nana s published in i onm tlon w ith u in ship ek in lintain s ntuinal savings campaign janes fighting ships also will- atlt ntion to iln surpris dltllai womens auxiliary air force now has 100000 member londoncp the women auilinrv air force a mi uggling in fant whtn hitler went marching into poland now is lthkkh strong an 1 litee vears it telehrj rated its tnrt luiiiv w ith a paradt of umk waaf s mm in their blue uniforms m i hndon ihev mint lied past air commandant i it fusiskorbt s v bo was on hand for the first publit appeal am tf tin a a v at a defetit rall m london jul lh whtn it was dt tided th should lit uniformi i as t tit v au to tlav an hlef maislwtl sn c hailt portal was tht am w ho dt t idt rl iln a a f should wtai iiiul instt ad id khaki w orn l tht unit n s l n koiti w lot b iijiiii d in tlu fiit it at at lusl in sliow how tit a a i- liasrown u had onl ti tiadt hen it w a oriinit d and l hwie nie also woim n imhiiects who walk out ilesigns tor fa toi-e- lenstons voung girls in ovemlls wb p long das helping tti siup and overhaul aeio engines a i propelleis irneets telt printer opratois motoi traiispoi t tinveis naff a ilerks in tht co i point ion s fiutoru s w men im working on fabi u beiu h fit tings suhasm mbl of proptdijr ami aero tngmis viewing stripping and cleaning and t n baluw ing propel lers plm t has ttfm n found fti in u i a d vomen b giv ing them ji job whu h enablts them to taki tmn off foi itonieitit tlulit s one of them now working as a sioiekeepor seldom meets hei husband fot more than a few minutes as he is on night dutv as a toiil mini i hut th do not mind because the like doing war work in thivmornlngitoak moa for columbia anothei bill th lai from sufiuient it is tstimalttl the in nova sniallsale stotia putjeets for her diiuinds dominion s muni tinre tons oftht jnv husbani the as- and in evening he cooks one for me the meni ot warship building in theijut ish nonunions espetiallv canada win re sloops torvettes jind mine- sw fju is have bt en lommg off tin stoiks in number limit earned of be fore the wai several destrovers it i- ieiodednti also in hand m lnv- pe thipvaids i no less impulsive aie the collated particulars of enemv losse sinte vmir ihgan ctrmanv has lost the bat tleship bismaik the armored ship admirn traf sho the truist is illluiher kailsruhe koln konigsb ig leipzig jl de-flrov- ers it torpttio boats nearlv all the 7l submarines built before the wm nnd tibout hh otliei warships itnlv hivtvlostthphmtleship conte dt cavour 11 truiners j7 dostroet a torpetlo boats 1 j uhmarims an 1 27 other vokelii while japan s lttsses tlon with gold mines lin several u lo u of april iiuludel the mmes in northern ontario and-njue- 1 twttleshlp huruna 15 eruiwrs is nbrai tf fium liuindt i ufg tti 6 linns intluslrii oi il in miuilloliii fmrlx flvnsio an li ul iiiihimis ciismmtil in ill llfiir killion uiki m tlu- miuthwtit stctlin o tin- promiu- is ihini r amiiuml h dominion jml puimnlal k- nlucbi- in tin- hop- of striking 1 ihtl mimiiii inoiikh lo van iroiu tinn moilirn nulhkl ol pioptlni for llu- on is in nuiiiis or 1 fluoiosinl limp w in li an ili-tt-imliu- auntlv uhetlur 01 not a iiikimi k worh mlnjiik bohihllto w ufivn founil in 1 onjuni ti i kittlotuil thaitini toi aiuinii rlmr tai oit al si a air commandant iithi-i- lmlx u as in t ik ninksoftht oip n s ol unti kistiii- in foto and na- a lompain oniniandir in in a i s m lu- llu ijaal urn oimd iron iii 4 o 11i air fori onipaiu s nf tlu- a 1 s- in id iitltll oiu- of tlu- lilsl a ak riuils is itid iin dm of kiiknld siollatal sh is a ll ai old dlr 1 d s admit ot kim kohfit and una th iutn hi itt 1 1 a apld r im i 1111 mo iikiih ne thin inspnl h its fanipu nt out nnil foutthl 11 i nun wo-wltl-li-lmv- or lu i uv dl ijsulmmriiwfcrfw mm uks for jiars now nn- produlnn ll rnrrurs and srnn otlur vu- it in small quantities i ul good shoes fok ioitng and old t tu rtttnr btdrrachun acton more wool is needed 1 for canadas war effort cooperate in ontarios effort to produce more wool help increase the size and number of ontario sheep flocks producing more wool to clothe canadas fighting forces and her civil population is a vital task which deserves the earnest consider ation of every ontario farmer a brief study of the wool production of north america and of world conditions occasioned by the war reveals an alarming situation that calls for straight thinking and jtjrthright speaking lurtfc amrici wmi prafetim 1941 nw amarkm wmi cmsmhm 1m1 canada t 19200000 lbs canadn 109000000 lbs united states 455000000 lbs united states 977000000 lbs total 474200000 lbs total t 1086000000 lbs deficit 611800000 lbs you can sec that with shipping space at a premium and with ever merchantman a target for enemy submarines the situation is indeed critical more wool must be produced at home and its up to ontario farmers to help produce it the ontario department of agriculture is working to e fleet an increase of 29 in this province to do this all present flocks must be kept and in addition 110000 ewe lambs from the 1942 crop must be kept on the farm if every present flock owner kept three ewes from this crop most of the increase would be obtained but since many sheep owners cannot accommodate any more animals the department is asking ontario farmers to establish 1000 new flocks which will absorb all surplus ewe lambs your agricultural representative will be able to put you in touch with men who have lambs for sale or men who wish to purchase them in establishing 1000 new flocks it is intended that expansion take place by counties in proportion to the present sheep population youwll ue what expansion must be accomplished in your county in the lists bclowr altnion cateookv a 1 afofi ftockw par townthtp rtfjuwrd drorr carlrtoo duflann durham gy haatinc huron lambton lanark manitoulin mtddumt ontario rainy rlvaf rrnfrrw simcor vklnrw wjlumrt york category d 2 afort flock par tomrttirtp fttqunvd frnnimac hal4imand halt on fori perth prtrrboro caf eqorv c mii nik pmf ins leofna lincoln mmkov nlpii nnrlhumlwma 0lnr parry sound ptrvh1 pr inr kiw mi dt ruih11 rlorniont sudbury tent it k amine thunrlrr day wvlland the ram policy any fanner starting a new flock of 15 ewe lambs or more may secure a ram for two years on loan from the dominion government conduit you aoricuitural repreumtatlvi for complete information about securing ewet ewe umb or rams or about an pari ou can playjn help in p canada produce more wool consult yttur tount ajricuhuml kepre- tentaitve or w p wation live slock branch lepl of agriculture town to hon p m dewan minister w r reek deputy minister ontario department of agriculture n 18ton fijjlitiiiir machinr for tlu- i iiitrtj nation- no tunlur hi liu i ll nn- nu i iil- i o 1 i inks i i blls ur ixlns nisimtiih fr piuow ngir mnlims m tin mmr frtnr tuix iiiiukiii s villi nunc liik lilt producwl in miu iuiintlllpii riifviiuilim un lnrnnir tank l n in unire or thr kuilnn runt whir sovui mllltar uxiurt him di s f tbod tlw canadian tank n higlilj etfrctlm it l nn lbtui marhlnr n i ltli dlisfl mo a i lufilinnunl f i llllluh44t ay th u btiut imuding and ttnxellink ut hi mllr ht hour oor rtlffliull lirniin 1 lie ikmi in ormourpllid rkitid and uilild urd rotar turret mn bt oinirated irthfr b hand nr vkttrlcul control