Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1942, p. 6

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taokstt the acton free press i iiiiiimmy auotjht nth 1w2 how wartime bermuda aids defense ol empire atmcue no tt by lliuih itftiaual the position of bermuda- makee it extremely imporunt it u the only group of islands in art that part o the western atlantic ahout sflo mllm from florida about 670 from new york and 730 from halifax the outer weil indies are about the name dist ance avvay it is aa though bermuda it the centre one tssmtclrcle of roast line from porto fllco to nova scotia if thai aroup of islands helonced to germany or any other of the axis powers it would make a most diffi cult situation for all the atlantic coastline of north america the old seafarers who picked up all these odd bit of land for he british empire did us a great service bermuda used to he a favorite bangout for pirates and i suspect that some of the smaller islnnds mi he named after pirates though that may be incorrect but names like morgan s island raise suspicions and gilbert island leaves some thing to the imagination it is for tunate thnt it isnt in the hands of the pirates of today a ear or more ago while the intled states was still uneaslk neti- trak britain made a deal exchanging aome so old destroyers for a chain of naval bases on british terrltorv ber muda is one of the most important there is alread a great british naval base there and prohabl has been one for veiirs the darrell s island base where the clipper lands is real- 1 an imperlnl airways base when i was in bermuda before the unljed states had come officially into the var there seemed to be few if nn british nnvnl units at bermudn but there were plenty of american naval vessels alrcnd at work apparently convoying shipping dosevp of an aircraft carrier the most interesting of those ships was an aircraft carrier of the inrgest tpe these are probahlv thr most alunble ships in the world todn in all navies japan has counted heavily on them for many of her successes some of the british aircraft carriers notable the illustrious and the ark royal the latter now sunk became particularly famous it will be air craft carriers whch will troutlnrcel in attacks on japan and the retaklng of the pacific islands one of the most important features of the recent batucwgstofmldwn island in tho pncific was that japan lost two or thr name still ahmvtnff ihrmtsh the uilnt i helew thnt lovely hln hii tine been sunk by n enemy torpedo tit centre 6f vnmmrhlf there li on feature of ilermuda in wartime of which 1hmr i wild but it u decidedly important it li the klnffpln of the british eemwrshlp ter- lce all nlr mnll lot ten passed through nrrnyijln nnd ml were read hy the censor- there miiny of the intern that went b boat were nlso taken thwatf bermuda bo they could he censored the kxi amhlon unloaded haff of mnll for hour ob vious juht to be rend and sent on or detroed pnsslhl on recallthat enrl in th war our war that in before the united states expected to ret into it there were tome complaints became the mall har were taken away from the clipper and letters held until read t 1ast fall an friction passed in october it untni only the letters which came under the scrutiny of the censors but nil the passenger on the excamblon as well most of the censors are ulrl they occup the two lamest hotels tn ham ilton the bermudlana and the prin cess oblousl there are hundreds of them one estimate being 800 thev hae added one more problem in former times those two hotels were open onl part of the ear and they stored up targe quantities of drinking water now the are used the ear nround and water u just thnt much more scarce some ofthe censors are men but most are w omen the are chosen for what the know particularly for the languages the spank and write but also for their knowledge of for eign countries and enem cities a number as i saw personally write reernl languages in shorthand nnd thnt is quite an accomplishment shortl before i wns in bermuda life mngazlne sent n photographer to1 bermuda and he was nble to get past tht secrecj that surrounds the work of the censors nnd take pictures of them he had some most attractive oung indies in bathing suits stand ing on dilng boardu nnd pictures o thnt tpe the ones i saw were mostly be tween 10 nnd w not particular beautiful but certnlnl intelligent most of them nre tinierslt gradu ates mnn nre from rich families ispecialh those who hae travelled their work is hard and most import ant nnd most of them probn grew the week at ottawa b0lly written ut th aetau itrm fiftm hy bv jack whxiamk cfetuuuatt ivem ftuff writer three of these ships when i was in bermudn in sep tember i snw one american aircraft carrier jit n dlstnnce returning nt the end or october by boat the kx cnmblon passed close beside one of l bese ships w hlle arriv ing and de parting pictures of niter nft carriers are familiar to most readers the ship has a broad flat deck from w hlch planes go and to which tht return man planes were huddled close to gether on one end of the flight deck some of them with one wing folded up in the air to sae storage spate the dt ck lelow w at open nt t h hides nnd man more plnnes could be seen stoted there these plnnts nre ritfcmll ihi ftlpht hevk b elixntors to the the through mined llarhnr bt rmudu bnsn t een attack d e t b plam or ship nnd i annot sax nmthlnt nbout the dt femes but it is no secret that tht entrant rent sound is mint d 1 lit tambion was nt t off astern tip of tht islands h a little pilot honi 1 tn pilot jxoed to u n nefcro tht tnwit was n lit latt nnd it wus gtttmg ntnrlv dark i in re wns komt doxibt whether it wiuld be ihiksibb to ilmk in hamilton night inking a ship through a nun must bt on of the worlds most itiiifc wtuimtions om site tis or kernl hundred ptrstms art ndnnfct red we stmvd with of nung luioimann on th fttck ifmt watttum the progress it wtis tuitt dark lt fnr tht boat kt in nmonfc tht mines it nutted wt n inml uthv appaxnjjvuiict is no straight courw thrtugh tht deftms but it winds f u id and tht group upjter tired of bermuda long ngo shipping prohlems of the allied na tions had sharp repercussions in can adian homes this week with the in troduction of severe coupon ratlonlnn of tea and coffee ucptaclnjr the honor system whlnh called for a voluntary reduction of onehalf in consumption of ten nnd onequartei in the consumption of coffee the wartime prices and prnde board announced an immediate ou- pon rationing system nllnwlng ench person one ounce of tea or four ounces of coffeo a week at a conference in ottawa ijibor minister mitt hell nnd klrtt m utile director of nntlonnl selettlvo sericfs discussed with newspaper i publishers the growing seriousness of canadas manpower supply i tightened control over new em- plojment dismissals and resignations is anticipated within a few weeks as part of a widespread persuasive policy to channel more men nnd women into essentlnl war industries although the plan is basically voluntary it pro vides teeth for enforcement by the nn tlonnl selective service organization it was reported now that parliament hns adjourn- td until next lanuarx subject to re tail in theulntprlm if an emergency mnues such nctlon necessary one mntter likely to recerve enily cabinet conslderat ion is n proposal by t he prairie provinces for cmergenc debt legislation to replace provincial leg islation recently declnred ultra lres the proposal has been submitted to justice minister st laurent but consideration b the government hn been delnvcd bv finance minister ils- le tngngexl in guiding budget legfs lation through the commons communist party lustlte minister st laurent is like l to gie early attention to the per plexing problem of the communist pnrt of cnnndn nnd whethir the ex isting hnn on tht orgnnintlnn should hi lifted tht problem nns tossed into the inp of parliament when a common committee recommended removnl of the ban on the pnrtv and six other organizations considered illegal but parliament avoided debate on the con tentious topic nlthnugh ccf mem- he rs of commons naked mr st lau rent whnt would be done about it the justice minister told the house enters service of adopted land fedmonton cp ihth first great war her husband was a major- general nnd the was a lieutenant and this war finds her a rain in uniform tills time with iter two sons ho fought side by side with her husband in tho auslroukranlan army in the loinumh campaign against huts i a shms mn shakevlch sreyhalred is a vnemher of the alhertn womens service corps and this month is going on active service with the canadian womens army corps she wns a lieutenant in the austrian nrmy and is an expert horsewoman hci elmtnn john is a radio teclmlclaitmnstructor in the hoynl canadian air force in eastern can- ada a ounger son ldw nrdrbua intjm- ber of the lmm oiletn nnd is walling for the tiny when his age wlll permit him to join the lltaf ttte railway and the war ay thuttuth tophstm theirwork requires speed and i n telllgeiwe it i claimed thnt letters taken fwm one clipper are rend for the nextone two dnsnnter tliere ma be several hundred thousand let ters in a single mail those who nre tring fo get secrets through will use nil kinds of ingenultv nnd the censors must be too smnrt for them of the letters thnt i sent bnck b nir mail while in england two bits wen eit out i should hnve know p better than to mention either ns they were about locations of nircrnft fac tories nnd places of important e coming bnck to new york on the re fuget ship fxcnmbion i had a thnnce to watth nnother job done h tht itnsors co ojrerntlng with tin tkonl navy aft r t the efflt- nnd it is uiul thnt enenn submarint mn bet into a hnrbtr b following n surfate stnp that i u tng pitoitnl tn i don trlnk that tould in dtne tn dermudn unless the sub attached tt rlf to the i udder of the ship nnd then it would never get out again it was a dlrlv night tn latf october tx weeks before bermuda had nen so pan hrl that prlng w nter fioiu malm wns bring sold for one dollar a btitile ntw the ratnv vawn had nmvet nnd nn ml conunuttuslv nnd ttenvih thett wn ntfcnifunn tllk to mark the pmsngr through t hi mine fteld 1 he xcnmblon would pu k up tme of them wjith her senr bllghtt and t r tllrectlv towards it the n stop until tlu nt xt stuk was found and turning in thnt direction mov t iht ad ngatn h wa a slow pnhtwt but at last u i nsti btwtth tht two ro k thnt mark the entrnnee to hamilton harbor and tied up at the wharf wwre six weeks earlier i had seen one of the canadian national line of lady boat painted in battleship grey but with the brass letters of leniv of the secret service went nwn up in tn estimation tin canadian editors had mnnv privilt ges i was advised to wait un tit i returned to cnnndn btfore doing nnv w rlttng so t ben w ould ik no t ensuring of w hat i w rote but i had notes und photographs nnd man other things whlth would normal l raise doubts in tht mind of a ton stnntious m nsor e were all warn cd that when we got to bt rmuttn im vtnd tlu rt ai h of the british coun til censorship would lie strict to ovtrtonu that diffitultv we submit ted our stuff to a ct nsor in london who gathe red it all into a bng and htalec1 it up with staling wux nnd official st als and red tape hint wns n hint to btimudn to pasji it all un om ned as tt turned out thnt was unnetts 1 snrv i host mhple nt be rmudu not onl had the nanus of evervom on board but they knew -xomethmg- nboul evervone i he canadian the dismissed with n wnve of the hnnd we tould go on shore for the night if we wished tt was raining and we nil found it more intensting to stav on board and watth proceeding the- european passngem were kvmp k1liki in pail horbury englnnd cp col emll wllllnm pickering mnmlxir of parliament for dewsbury from i01h- 22 was killed when he fell from his horse t go ernment w ou give most careful consideration to the report but he personnllj opposed nny action which could be interpreted as n bles sing b the house of commons on the communist pnrtv which ts still illegal in the unite states as to conscription as the third session of canadas 10th parliament neared an end con scription for ovtrsens service remain ed the most important subject to re celve consideration in one of the long est pnrlinmentnr sessions onrbcord the amendment to the nntlonatjpe- sources mobilization act opening the wnv for oversens conscription passed ihe senate bv a a2 1 vote after a three tia dt hatt prime minkur m king hns giwn nskurnntt thnt ovtrsens con script ion will not be introduced until a vote of tnfidn hns been jnken mr ilslev during the wie4t tnbled supple mentnrv estimntes of 2s 15 ttxt bringing tht totnlqestinintt s for the venr of 4st ml 0t ijtrgeilt ittm in tht supple me rttar estimates was 5jj050 0ck for wheat nrcnge ductlon pnvmtnts nnd administration 1 lousing aiwifttsutce tlie suuplementarv tstimntts mnd prov ision if or nat ionnl housing lonns to t ncourage c onstrut tion of small imrmanent bonus in conge stent lotnll- tits nnd ti conversion of inrge nsl- units to npnrtmtnt houst s munitions mlnisitr llowe also an nounced thnt l nrtmie housing ltd govt rnmpnt tomptmv w hit h hns un- dt rtnkt n large housing projects in ureas congested because of the ton- struttihn of new wnt tndustrits i provide oaslstanct for otht r pw ded munlt tpolltles j finance minister ilslev rttord hre aking budgt t was nndt eff tive through nmt ndnittits to the income tax att fxivss profits tax act nnd suttession duties lax act the amendments bring these acts in line i with the proosnls outlined b mr taken to tables apart and questioned wf w m r h pn hls budkot at length iht questioners knew the j jun various langungs and the countries nellout s nt rwn iavs debatink i and thr landmarks fverthlng m th r f ch j sir lvman taken down in shorthand du on the canadian expedition to an immense amount of valuable hong kong the debate was based information must be gained in that on n motion h tfownnl 1nin ccon heckeni up tn results of f ancouver south calling for reor knniation of the dtftnte department in e f fen i a motion of tentun thi motion was d f ittti 1t tl wa thi bombing on tivilinn moral on the reasons for oini to the i niteti states 1 hev knew mnnv of the an sw t r b fore hand n t douht some valuable tip were uivmmi ctn to the ani 1 1 an authority a- we ii as i i 1 tv brltnh ovfrnnu nt inrnmrrv hns nt hi nun in out en emus don t mntrol tht i routes extipt thosv in the wst rn pnttfu tht v cannot t he k up on pvople who an travelling front om part of tlu fmplre to anotlur or between the allied nation it must be something of a handicap roostfk mwtvt mho t p a roost r fount in th w re v of nybrnuh xiipplv dump nir roma h is im rt adptcl ns a mascot in a smith aftunn med ital tinssing still ion th hint 7ut te en nit knnmed i p nfier maj i tn i p de lllers a south afrit an i c mmander rz- ijc ir ha cwted a dtttrid for orlttn wcond qmwwr pmofity cftrtildfamelecjraiah contrarticai incrcwlncj their facliriiej hioc lit pacuiti fru5 t pkao of iida 0jr effovi i ttturu- 1 lrtckrukdmihsltcnhahilvsisluhass kiumasubrwuiiowrtlme cmimuii ulmtuttm hudmuurt uh hup ihcmmmi oikhualh ferry pilar tvio ineneaca inchiitnet mlloaqa of ttt cmtadlxn wmioiim tcl4tvuto uttce me siarr of mc uuv uould circle mo qlobc 3j times waf bmitoh1lwmmqhle 1kwr repwlitfl uouiuj vu toko nva crtlloted ohlcc8lnmllltahjj mri4tohuqhout c teethe ex rwdhlous f uftf tnaasgtfo mroducfd bvptetviuilan naftattsj 1vfditftlk t4at cnw3ilte simuftttmou oxthsjvm 96mituf anew service at your bank and at your post office you can now buy wnr savings certificates for immediate delivery through thr rtwopcration of yaurjocl nnk pot obirf or trust company j you can now buy war sating certificate in the moat convenient way you gel delitery when you pay your money just state the size of certificate you want and it will be registered in your namr theae are guaranteed inrrst- menta at 400 for 500 800 for 1000 2000 for 00 fvou can also exchange 16 war saringa stamps for a 500 certificate mtubt at tax mm iidomaui kmtttfo wan swthg6 nifticdtes srft

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