Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1942, p. 4

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rjgt roim the acton pree bre8s tiiuimo atmuhtjimi hmj neighborhood news intamtun umtm contenting otttt cnlw and commiuiiuw in wfckfc llany of our ttmdtrt mn inttmtted j eden mills mr anil mr k yollgmly and mr stanley ynllbhtly i mr mr foutir nil or toronto vliltwl on sun- ln in llir homit of mr unci mrs jamin wllnon mr fowler ang a goln nt uii irnlna lorvloo of the pn tirlnn church which wa very much nnprpolntm mr unrt mn fiiwrtr mcphall and utile daushter of sudhury vlaltvrt tn the homp of thr former parontu mr nnd mrn onrdon mrphall mlu aoorolnii mllrhrll of arton l holldnylnc in thp honw of hr couln thp mlno belly nnd jmn mclean dr and m frd c of ku chener tnent the weekend holiday in the home of hli mother mn w m croft mr nnd mm robert croft nnd famllv who have been spending the fiatt two week 1n the same hnmp have roturnedto their hornet tn tor onto mlu lendn entertained a num ber of her young friend at attrthday party on monday afternoon jassagawea snrrnment prvlem were heu tn thr eheneier united church ut junda with thp rev ii w plckera- cill conducting the aervlce a cahlpgrnm waa received hv geo 1 wilson on tucdnj telling of the anfe arrival of his ion tpr john t wllann overseas mr nnd mm wm diamond of guelph visited with relative nnd friend in nnitiiagnwcya over the weekend mr bprt night inutile of ornngevlllr visited with mr nnd mrs arthur nightingale of knntchhull over thr weekend nnd civlr holiday rev arid mr r w plrkersgllt arc having their holldna during the next two weeks mr c a darby of knntchhull vis ited with mr nnd mrs i ogle robert son of boverle for n few dnvs inst week mr nnd mrs logic robertson of beverlv visited with mr nnd mrs d moffat on sundny mihs fredn harris of arton spent a few dnvs inst week ulth mr d moffnt limehouse cedarvale mr and mn j ltenle marjnrlo and norman and minn fiadle hill of tvironto vlnlted with friend here on sunday mtur oi mn fine of toronto upon the weekend with her parent mr and mm thiimjw fine mr robert sim of toronto nnd mli flora of 1onn tlramh llted at their home here omiu flennm orlffln ent mtinrtsj with mr and mr harold mrljiren of georgetown mlu tteta smith of toronto pent the weekend at her home here mr bert jame of nnnal vtlteil sumt with friend here mr and mrs auitln miiu nnd son doujlaa of toronto vulted on sun- da with mr and mra w llender- aon and other frlenl everton mrs n black mrs kruger nnd miss uils black of it or k wood miss nnhsrctiit of tusllnch were nwfiiir visitors nt the home of mrs james black nnd fimll miss mabel mrleod is attending camp this week at normandnle mr nnd mrs archlr parker nnd daughter of toronto spent monday at the home of the formers parents mr nnd mrs d h pnrker weekend nnd sundnv visitors nt the home or mr nnd mrs percy trelenven were mrs george cuff nni miss morris of toronto mrs henr poster nnd son vernon nnd mrs bob trelenven of guelph mr nnd mrs j p benhnm nnd fnml hpint sundnv afternoon in at ton mrs norman mcuod nnd bnhv attended a wedding or n girl friend in st cnthnrlncs on snturdnv misses glennn nnd marie pnrker of at ton nre holldning nt the home of their grandparents mr nnd mrs d h pnrker mr and mrs john mrcuttheon mr t d mrculcheon nnd son robert nttended the mccutchpon reunlon on mondnv nt the home of mr m mr cuttheon of oiprlnge mr nnd mrs john alton received n jouor from enblnndfrom7thelrion albert telling them of his promotion to ijnte corporal master allan ellerbj has been holi daying with the downes famllv in guelph mr nnd mrs k follett received the sad news a week ngo that his sis ter mrs loves hnd passed nwn while holldnvlng nt baltuim ljike mrs xontild orant nnd daughter of windsor sient n few dnvs with her untie mr w a unne inst week mrs g sutherland allan nnd anne nre hntidavjng with hei mother mrv eniese nt grand bend mr nnd mrs wilfred robinson nnd r rant of guelph visited mr a ijint on sundnv mrs kobinsnn temalning for n few dns tb hill famlu nre having a uiiks biilidnw at 1 hornlo and other north ern hvlnts r extend svmpnthv to mr nnd mrs robert stonv and faniiu of loronto w lu nre well known in this i omnium tv snturdnv last thev re ceived the mid news that ttwtr son pllotoffitnt i orne storev hnd lost bis life during air oerntims over viermnnv h had prek iouslv been listed as mlsslne mr and mrs bud inmettou and son are spending a week with his lnrent- on the 4th line lbe ivmpnthv of this tommunih is extendetl to mr andrew minn and on wilfrid in the imssing of mrs a m mtno on snturdnv morning folr flowing n lengthv illness mr and mrs lames noble of lhell nham penl the weekentl with the mendltlim mrs ionnellv and v untie mrs h mrtfi ann mcjrediux-sptjnt- the holulav wiekend in llmchouse mi loan mtclennun of stewart town t hobdnvtng with the kltk fmtru ks congratuluttoik to mt and mrs m shellhiurne on jlhe arrival of n bnbv girl on mondnv morning mlsse- iunm nnd mrs polkinghorne tif rorvmto have l wen v kiting miss ivens niul mr ate orton miss mclllan of ornngevllle wns a well time guet of rev and mrs atton the past few dajs mr nnd mrs wnlter gibson of new brunswiik nre visiting nlntlves in this vicinltv ut present mr and mrs i nokes of loronto spent the week end with ii hearings miss meltm hearing returned to tor onto with them for holidavs mr ami mrs stan coulsm and children of milton wen wnktnd visitors with mi and mrs j and famllv georgetown dretiyweflning wa quietly nl emnlied on saturday july lhlh at 4 pm in st aeorgea angllean chureh when rev woo thomp- ton united in marriage lonn mnud daughter of mr la rale nnd the late mr oslo of capo cove tnpo qfie and kriuard jone nn of the late mr anil mn llama jonea of wlnrlnn nniigln mapleaden who hns twen emplopd at provincial l ltd for the past pouple of yean enlisted in iho ucaf on july lfllh as a linnitamnn lie is popil nl lloik- illffe ont hotig wa n vnlueil mem- lurnf the lnrne srols hand nnd hns aited as ha fiietun foi ht now ibttnlil rockwood cm- llolldn paasisl off iuletl here and visitors noticed weie mr frnost hamilton of poionlo mr leslie howell of toronto ml and mrs harvey ijworly of toronto mlx kdllh itnyre it n of toronto miss kiln hamilton of hamilton mr nnd mrs robert niehnn and mi mil keenan of vlnelnnd mr charles harris of nlnrnm fnll miss ooiim mllotto mr nnd mrs v ruthrle and bnhy of ouelph wpsipj harris raf of toronto and frlrnd of ha penl n few dns with t he rormera moiiier mn annie hnrrl lnt week pie j crlsprn of nlaffnrn fnll wn home n few dnv lnt week mr ii j b ijndlev of luelph wn among those who pint clvle holiday here master charlie pollork of torpljlo vlsltod his aunt mhui c campbell over the weekend mr nnd mn russell penrt have returned home nftei a fortnight s visit with friend in vlnelnnd mr hldon ijimbert spent the week end nnd hnllrinv with friend in lon don ontnrlo mlks isabel robeitsnn inteu of the publl n hool ktaff left lard i hutsda for tin ir new home in toronlo little llella how lit who has been holldnvlng with her unilo and mint mr nnd mrs oswald mindows has returneil to liei home in oiulph mrs s wnrnei of toronlo is visit inn mrs james meadows for a i ouple of week mr and mis chai les lhatiher with members of the famllv spent sunda in cuelph with mr nnd mis i orne thntnipr miss annie jolllffc hwnt a da with f in toronlo inst w w m s of the united chun h her words attk music melisnnile taliln lieireio wns born in snntlngo chill studied nil in hiussel and ill is loin oil cnnada wllh franils led i iompnny ln aulunin emeus i wo venr ngo hnd her find radio audit inn nt loi- nnto less than two monlhs ngo made her nelwoik debul two days inter senoilln cuerierns dellghlful volie hns ndded n spanish note piquant nnd vlvndnus to the current cuc muslenl piesentntlon serenntn the progrnmme inesents lntln am- erlrnn mush mondays nt 1 p m rot fiom toronlo under the dlrei- hon of isldor si hermnn oakville milton ftftenn initd from hterh -l-r- robertson mnnufnilmlng cnmpnny here wont out to w m siiilts fnrm nenr the town inst monday evening nnd stooged his wheal as he was iii nnd iinnliln in do so finnk ilenninre windsor wns given ii slxniimlll sentome when he appealed before- mnglstrnte v miiinomild in pollie i ouii bete on july jjnd nfter n weeks remand he pleaded gullly n week ngo to n llllltge of bleaklng and entellng hie nffli e of 1 f tliegory lenmlngtnn june hli henmore wns senium cd to six inonlllh two weeks ngo fill the thefl iii lliirllngloii i lie seiitemes will run lout in tent ahmjt k o loi k monday night a drlvei less iinipe slatted fiom in fionl of milmnalds iainge i ousted down main s slruek a nit turned and i nine to a halt when it tinshed info hobell vnnfleels bullae nevl in mel- n4fellrage inuhlllg i oiisldeinhle excitement it i m uffje jd owrjel of the mr whih he at flisi thoiikht was nlolen when he tame out of the garage with some oil to put into the engine and found ii gone i he i nr wns only slightly damaged cliiun plan burlington tbl held their mnnthtv meeting inst week in the sundnv hi hool room wth n good attendance plnns vv ere made for a joint picnic in august of nil the circles of the wms as guests a number of rotkwood people nt tended the memorial sen loo nt me kee s cemeterv on sundnv miss mnrion powers rn spent n few dnvs at home inst week congratulations to mr nnd mrs john lnvertv inee muriel howell on the occasion of their mnrrlnge inst snturdnv much regret was felt in rockuood during the weekend regarding the sudden death of mr tames ko k r vv h loading hnv who passed awnv at guelph general hospitnl liist frlduv w here he liad lluid been removed from the home of hi son lohn in at ton mtally injured when hit b a tin while stnndlng nt n neighbors door on saturday night miss fhnenre wllsnn m nf rnndnll si died two hours inter in the hamilton f cnornl ilniipllnl at a meeting on frldny of palermo public sthool trustees it wns decided to build n new sthool to replace the one seveielv dnmiigt d during the storm or lul 17 i he inof was blown off ami walls were i ijiped off during tin gnle oon mnvnaid and arnold rlttlih both of ioionlo were fined 1 and mists on thaigts of speeding through oakville at i miles an houi in fore magimiate k matponald in t oiirt heie prldav reg poolt also of 1 01 onto was finnl 10 and osls foi going tliiougli at id miles an imiu ri i ordstar erin mt onto and mrs rent vv t d lohn poison of lor 1 h funeral took plat e mandav actiunintnntts with fiom the johnstone a uumlev fun- fi lends here over the holidnv mr nnt mrs jleddes mr and mrs i ibwitt loiift antl bilht si rent sundnv with the balu ntine fnnuh mrs bailev miss i ols uallth and mr alt riddle toronto visitdwith mrs mihinev and girls suturdnv und i sudden passing on dnughtc sundav tin mondnv thev motoitd to nret of toronto two sons nsngn as did mrs moonrv tthelv ene and uorrulnt and enjovtd th ilnv at the heath mr nnd mrs alt milne are holl dnvlng w rth the intter s msii r mrs nov ills at preunt trnl home atton with rev t ward i in hinge of the erv u e nnd intei- mt nt vmis in rockwood cemetery i the pnlllienrers were messrs fred smithi a j uliot chns lhatiher i j a little chns h harris and albert shultis he leaves to mourn his i mnrg- i iphn of mr robfil balle of vnntouvei hc is iiolldnvlng with his brotlur mr wm baile iifitl mrs unile veinon pnvldson was j tlnrk nf t n todon tow nsh t p nt a spot j is i meeting of caledon township count 11 ml dtorge pavis suffered a frat tuntfsiiikul on jul 16th this wns n most unfortunnte ncclilent and will keep mr iavls from his activities on the fnrm for some time on dnesdnv evening of last wtek alton and frin staged n hem fit game for norman cohurn who suf fered a fractured ankle in the mon dnv night game tjrln ngnln had the best of an 1h f moh i heir t f forts inked s jt hi which wns later pri st nltal ui norman pouglas robinson sufferid n nast injurv to his right leg tnrlv inst wtek the burst s nitivi d forward sudih nlv and i hi birth of the wagon threw him off bnliint e and the tine of the folk struck him in the h g infllt ting i nnstv wound he is quite rttovind and hiu k on the jbb atlvwnte good shoes wit vulinti anirm ooireeuy kllud ii i raci1mn aelmi leaders mlta lloxol bodkin of the entail r hoot fenc hlng htnff has ieturmtl home from armstiong ii whorte she wiih an ex hnnge fetiehet for the past year a lotnt rehldetlt is serving n six mnnthn term foi mm niiptort of his wife and family lb was given work and would not stav mi the job chief smith was the toiuplnlnitrtt the iturltngton wnter onvmilihlon have awartttd the lender foi huld ing a nt w toed shed in lack cihhlm 1 he work will be tommontod at a vii early date 1 he building will roht 110 and will he built whete the old out now stands no 12 platoon fidm burlington has 17 nun out ff jt at amp width shows that v4jn if it c annot b hruughl iii to full stitngth tin buys tluniselvis ait ktn it is slihinlv hoped t hat w lit u i in c om bat k manv nioi i from ituillngton nnd ls lilt t will join this ptatoon an ii y in old i ondon out inn w ho hml si t out on a slghlsi eillg tout on his hi ce ins lot ntmtln the town last i hursdayr iy burlington politt t lib f lit smith repmivd i lit voungshi outtuitid a papi r rmiti in i ondon and left that ptate july jl to set the iountr h was r turned to his piuenis in ltntlon aitle iikank in spkkcii ijommin kij prlmi minister chun hills last hroadnisl saved niggliswnde dislritt i0ooo galloiih of wnli i i in district wnti r hoard says t nnsumplion practb ally stopped dur ing the premiers nddn ss hitntist ev eryone was listt ning niyni in quality and price it iavh to iii iv thjc hkmt nabob mi j kiwvvoii coffee ict the mcwt out of your cof fin ration line nahoii u pk 27 i ii pki 49 flowerdale oivank pkkok t moricudh to the ounce nfore knjoyment in drinking in the tib red i1aj j- a cocoa is not rationed lit iv a nlirimv now lliikr cofoa h tin 7 nellhiin cotoa j lb pin q illvs kta j hi ilnnl iivvnii h a hi tin nr i this wkkkkm illlahiis li il hunk i or mima i is li it tlaiki i jq il a iii s d ii haski i cq waiiiimijon mill qcj aniiioii jscjqc iuaii niiin a- cr ta s 35 39 45 49 1 1 1 m i iu jlmqms o fu hiln u iheksk ii 39c barrs a new improved 1942 edition of this valuable budgeting booklet ballinafai atton nnd flwvn or paris ont as rll as three hi oi hers rotter t of ion don ont lohn of acton and wllhnm in kotkwootl his wife predecensed him some m v enrs ago the inte mr locker was famlllnr with kork- mr loe cook oiester shaw and woods tarlv dnvs and nt one time lark ilawvnrd of toronto nnd morlev atton ttf fergus viiilted their nspt tivt home over the holldav mrs mttunev is visiting in 1 oionto this week worked for the late tohn h hnrns mr teo h ptjutn mrs f i hos- king nnd ions brute and wavne spent inst weelcat nsaga bench mi nnd mrs murdo munrojinj dmitrrmnrgarerof hamilttm nr tuiupvint tloir summer home atat- ed inst link hv mrs robertson and laughter miss i robertson miss marion f dav r n bride- elet t of next snturdnv was guest of home snturdnv after- mr ruv hodglns who has be n spt ntltng t t ouple of w eeks v ilt- ing at the homi of mr nnd mrs irvine left on wednesdnv for his i home in dot rait i mr and mrs wtllinm hilts of tor- onto spt nt the witkind and holldav nt the lrome of his brother henrv nnd with ntht i futntth in tht district miss bent rue iilrov of guelph sp nt tht wtk nd and holldav nt the homi or mrs cole mrs i nssidv rt turned home to ciin iph on mondnv afttr spending a utks tiohdnvs at tin home of he i mtitbt r mrs m cob nnd hi r lrthn r jnhntzolt- 0 mdgetinq btfc acton kkv john ohtrom ha mlnlaur hiindavr alhitwtutli ii ix n m thunli morvli la is p m suuilny si ihmii mmiilny 7 ki ii m iivimj wn ml mihitlnu nt llm tmiiti of mr m hold inu h 4 p m choir praitliii a wklctjmk to all knltjrii flljurrli i flanaas anlau orturta riw vrluulljichurrli iikv a walttdtt imuthitv ita hh mlnuur 1nrkiiuue ilowr avmma sunday alfitlmt fit ll imj 1 1 ihi ii in ihn hunilay hiliiml will lllivi iiiiiiui nf llm norvul ljil put rtiurch hchmil no irvnnttiix sorvlro onto mill worihlp kvnrytuuly wnlcomo llrritlittifrlith knox iliiull auton irv ioiiiikh tiiomfion ii a mlillatxr mnnwi willow htrinl siindav alhitlst hill ill lihu n m suuilny sclioul 1hh n in miirnlnu vyiimlilii ltv n siiviiinoii or ioiiillo no kviinlnu nitvii i always wklcomk v i vuittt ojhurrl- hi ivil m- dnolamified small advertisements akrrlurmrin tinur tlili 1in v ll willi oflrr up im n wollu a tllliin wot u i rr wfi ii tflkli ir n i j immnv ili adwr tliriitno ihiniin mi iiatur jji a tut vf w i 1 j 1 i 4 f rm wf vor c attik warru several in ut of yniing tattle want- id to buy 7k in hik1 llm apply i uin wiiiim y it it j lto kvvotvl tkkmi1kn kxtkitminatkii without fumigation no unplciii ant odtiin j liber imtnonally or mn i rial mippthd citarntihtd remjiu id iihonahh t hargi h box 10 kiih pin ss stove anii imlnatk kkpaikm kliellne folnlleh klrehrlrk mnkeh ptifett ami ladling job three yeri giiarantte inie bunt hupidhd and inatuilld- iojw v savaik atlon trmikhn wantri itntlern nre retiientid ftir oimtrui- tlon of uhi miiare ynrdn of ienint kldewalk in acton to he omphtett tiy si pit nib r ioth sp c iflt ntlonn for work inn h w t ured on niiptlni tion to the undi ridgnt d itmlerm to he in tiefure r pm augliht llth the lowi xt or any tinier not in ewmrlly iitt ptid c b a aihkrijvni f it rk i misj fvelvu mtmrc of hamilton i mrs tlntended foi uist week mr nnd mrs 1 kennedv and bnbv of loronto visited on kridnv at tht homi of her sister mrs i region mr and mis a portet orttet ton v tutted ttenll wth mr and i lionor at h mrs attn rt ksv i noon among those who inututtd at wns held mrs hnllam ilford nntl voum tioussenu tta vsere mrs i rev i hilv son rant of st homns ur spnding j nrd mrs j a utile mrs c n few dnvs with ht r tarent mr und d mtknv of toronto nlsomnt n ni tht weekend ith mis kim nt 1 in mnple miks tvils mlti hell hns m ured a ihmiuon m lortinto quiti it liumlnr from inn attt nl tt tht civu hohdnv itlebintion tn t t orgetow n miv t lma bradb in svending n ttitli in loronto reent visitoni with tht fllrrbvr und mr k stnrti included mr and mr r burr bruee nnd donnje and mr j nil mrx p mi adams and erald nnd mn fitzgerald maureen and arlene of toronto mr godon follett and mlm mar lon gllhert an holidaying with hl parent thu wek mr and mrs stott of loronto visit ed on sundnv at tht homi of mr an 1 mra uvlte miss tain i and miss mane ounw are visiting friends in binmpton this wtlu ih iulv nueting of tbt v m s n ednt sxiav nft moon at tht homi of mrs a mt kav with the president mis r warm in tbt luiir i hi ibvutional leni ing t thurston of roronto mn fred dnv exert is s ver tondtutid hv m mix ilurtlev mr nnd mrs jone mr cett dnv misses r hnnnn m hilts nnd mrs y shortill i h loronto vutiled mvernl dnv last ivnnls ii watson studv book was tnkn hv mlscs lvdia iek with mrs j n mtmvnev previous to removing to atton in s nnd i he suh t f christian mr ami mr 1 ivandoni nnd 1 mr nnd mrs mejvtn tl w anlsbip hv mrs y t sbortill honn buin and mis ponvthv simmons mrs i i tvans of i ironto wi r ttmptrnril r siding in part of whkiml visitor at tin nunm mr milrov s house i hi monthlv ial g ith r m ijf il i t ongnitulation to pt mmer an 1 two m mm gradt lasses of the nun mrs mutnpri t nee pons boltoni on the arrival of iy oii at st joseph hospital tuetph- on 3iaiut 1st and mrs iouguts iatteron ituvit n vlsnd nr reghon on sur amilv li aetin of trllut i reghttn mrs i hirgf boltop and bui nr spending n wm k n iiion iwtitzu bi a b mis stjuirt ot- uimmiti iv vimiin her sister mry attrwi at th paj muuige mr morlev alton witt indv inend toronto visited mi of feigus npnt the wkend wihil tn hohdnv hi iarent here master keith hamilton has re mr hnvwnrd bet tie muite and i turned home from his holiday with kthelvenw moonev motord to tor mrs k b waller ahd familv in unto on friday kingston distrut ovar 10000 people hnv wnttn asking for a copy of our budget booklet more than ever before there ta urgent need for careful personal family budgeting thia new edition of the booklet helps you with financial problems ere u ted by wartime taxee and other it contains uvmaat laferwiatte mm new lsii lamas mm4 mm pale err sta ralee far aaweeesfirf euniim pmmim f w4st 1f mfua mm smmttm aeraeae hasr far mmr rewaa demands on iicme it give you valuable hinta on money matters and ita a handy pocket memo book too only a limited num bcr are vailame if you want one please send the coupon promptly and youll receive a copy free township fifnswmwr a sams of iandk op ar- itkaits optaxfss i o it oln e is heri b glvi n that the list of binds fot mile for arn am f is in ihi lownshlp of nn giiwvo in tin er im j bus been piipantl and t opfi h i ht n or mny lw bad at tin offltc of the iimnfthlp i i reasurer that sin h list has lie n ipiibllslod in th ontario rnilh on in jlth dav of rul limj and unlet the arrears of tnxi x and i osts as shown on stub lint an piildlni or lx fort m ii t lor k in the nftt rnoon or ihurmlnv noviioimt ioi im- th ireasurer of tli lownshlp of nnssn gawevn will prui ei to sill b puhlk an hon the said innda or such kirtlon tin rt of ns mav h nei t ssarv nt the said hour of z i o rlork in the nffw- noon on the until 11 h ilny of novern- im r phj nt the council chnmlwr in tie iownshli hnti nt tlrookviue in tin said i oa ntblp of nnsmignwiyn ollted at the offiee of the i rill sun r of the lownshlp of nnsuigii wimiiths with dny of july llfcu jamhs va mokiai treasurer pownihip tit nanangnwe i 1 i3 noti to creditor in the matur ot the kmtmt ot janet tlnimrwr1atnfievhiafenr artou in the iounty of llajtun llitov irrasrsl fridav rv nine in f mr nni mr dnv st ihkii was h 1 1 lulv list iv imi mrs n ridl r mrs ii rh alb n if bnllinnrnd who bis n m i guelph hospital for n tonsil op rut ion is ntnvulesi ing nt tn home or mrs eorge rouetl mr and mrs wm hilts of rwonto spent the weektn1 wtth mr and mrs j h htlts irta amtnrtn taf aurr company iis hint trl tit oto tttni plfm n r ropy of vrt iwkt btuttlm to i s hnv ing lalms agnintt t lie i r if inn t hnmun inte f trvmenfrrnntn th tounry i ill n uhim s who duil on or himxii tt fifth dnv nf iul llare retpjlr el in nrl iirth ulars nnd prtmif t r r f t tl underslicned sfilicltnr b ftir tbt ntmi ilfis of aukut ll mien tit nsstto will tm diktrdiutl wn ink tl parlies legallv entltlt tin r to i n inc regard nnu to itn bums ulmli hni have n filt is nffrisnid tursuant 1o srition m i ti r 1 r s o 117 iut j it i lwentv ll irtl di if t a r 1 h- h i r viiimi asi atton on tnrn m h unr for th i- et titort ioktuvi a imf actorv ht tarn ttmam h staj kfr f i t a t m ontario i 1 howard graff representative w t patterson ro kprrlallat in rtkml ortftpurt 111 wyndiiam itt olxlml rhmmm iim compluly equlpfmd oblcn balow mhr shov slor u x

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