pact sex the acton free press thursday way 7th 1942 being trailed by gestapo ill lisbon is not pleasant till b the letb of m aerl or torit about m trip to london and return taken by a sroup of canadian bowpapamrin ma the invitation of th british oovrrn- mr it u written by hugh tvmphn who rpretntd thi canadian wwkly nwpnr awwxuuon and th iitoru m written xrlualvaly forth uwltly nrwbpaprr of csanada ill never forget the nlfht we i ft ireland behind nntl lew away toward portugal in tho lnrgest icaplane i evei saw the rood fchlp beruuk which inter became famous whm it cnirltd win ton churchill bai k omi tin atlantic from bniimiiln to brit mri we loft the peactful lit 1 1 vilhuv of ariare in south rn ireland nhout un otlock on rldny night ri iv ng by bus along the wlndinj wnlbri roads through a couple nmr tln hamhts nnd down ont- list hill to the sencoast once ninin time was n hurt ltd session in the little custom house though no harkm open od for inspection one more cnliv wan mnde in our pnfsports and we filed out on the pier and down a hhnky gnngplnnk to the launrh it all nwmod strange to mo that nlrht there i was in ireland uheie i had never expected to b boh n 1 us on the hills lights shone in u few houses not exactly what up had become accustomed to durlnr a month in england where everything uould have been black on the pier n powerful searchlight swung nround picking out at times the shape of the bir vvlnrcd bont out on the estunrv throwing u blnek shadow on he cliff behind until it looked hkn two hhlps- one gri nnd one black ne inunrh had pone out vut uil- mall nnd i climbed into another with n dozen follow passengers one or two loads hud nlrendv gone aboard i he bny was iourii and our inunrh umt out beyond the s nplane drift ing back past it the rrew mis i d the rope thrown fiom the plum and tried ngnin tin secoyid time the had better luck nnd wi climbed nbo irri the bir flout which is a part of tie bod of the plane nnd down through the nnrrou door i he interior looked fnmihnr ih wns another boelnr plane similar io the clippers bv which i had cross d the atlantic rome wnks hefote i un the pnttern on tin tnptsttv thai m tin walls was i lu same but thisws a inti i model and larger ihert were no berths for tin i s tigers that night i here wnsni 10 m for them we weie packi d in i o rlosclv nnd wc tat up all tnhliii i tin tomfprtablc suits afti i wt n fiom tin water tfii i win no lu i t either the plum was t lly do npposit the unfn ndt e mst i rami nlwavs in tlanri i ft m n ix raiders nntl the ml safe wa t u was in the rial k and v t n that w i not too mi ft as u nil it uie 1 s we sat sprawled aiound in all s rt- nf queer shapes trvint to si and having some sue cess at thit aboard thr berwick i don t think pan ammmn n xxavx would have tried to tl a ih per on it night like that i in wa mrr hirh and tin vy 1 was off shor tombs inxldo it high wall provided an odd touch twice the ship circled the city lotting htlrht nnd en me down on the river tvohlrie n pan american clipper pre paring to leave in n f e w hours how nice it would be i thought to irnnste r from one plnne to the othe i without even bollw ring to go nhore hut wartime travel nt that en in puiopi i isbon ji one of tin most romantic hits in tin world at pre r nt it a a poor maj ninc thnt linsn t harl some toij d aline- with li bon an i lis re fill s its spie tin nninn ctstnpo an i suth t k i he re has in e n a whole ems of moving piclun s about w hon suihnronf mjld in i isbon 1 in i adv has plins nnd affe t t l ours 1 he ft m rnl mh a st i ms io lie thnt nnvtbmj ran imp- pen in i ishon i inlnvn that is liue anvtlunu an happi n mnn mil mosi of il dm s imppt n sonif of the thin s that ha happeni d ai prolnhl moi e f v itinf than anv thine tin in ti m write is have pi oduc eel hut nlas some of the tru slor must h k pt se c n t untuftftfr the war i didn t si e much of i isbon the i rst ttmv i was then but on the re turn trip i snw far too much and i io not enre if i nevet sec portural nrain fven when pe arc comon again i think i would decline nn invitation lisbon afur dark on the enstwnrd trip the short stn in i isbon nnd suburhs hr id some excitement hut it was pleasant i ht clipper arrived after dark m llrat impression of the thrus hiver was that it consisted of ncres of mud lints 1 he tide must hnvo been low that nirht and the hiirht searchlirhts un the plnne nnd on the shore shone on ihe mud as the clipper circled nrnunl in conrchof its nnchorarc thelrlp to shore was over a lonr pier that ended in the cust ims office tin rt ihe british mhnssy people picked us up supplied us with ph nt of i scu rlov the rmtuusf mono nd jie ihe tai di ive r dm t tions w in it io take us 1 here followed a wild tni ri lo through the nanow streets of 1 isbon and out to i storll it was far mew cxcitlnr nnd undoubti dl more din fterous than the clipper tilp nuosb the broad atlantic hut we arrived breathless at the rstonl palncn tb fimst hotel in portural it is this hotel ou s in some of the movu ilujt jwi a midnfrht dinner in tin nuilnilii nt dininr room elonr w iih the week al ottawa spocjally written for tbo acton rvoe iraa by rv maiujaret tcckrb canmdian krm htaff writr i hat mndt it necessnr to ro awny out into the tstuarv and tamownd the land with tin ship jaininr h ikht fast tnourh to char the ranrt of low hills bemdis tin plane hud n he aw load rhrte tlm s tin captain tri d before hr ftnallv lifted off the waves and into the air lnih time lu weni farther out into the open tut an i sat nt tin little window and loi k id out nt the waves tin die el be von anvthlnr 1 hud known on th in u fore i eould set two of the fo r hurt motors nnd tin lonr wmr with a rrttn liht out mm the lii lb waves splashed up ovet tin window when the moters speeded up lw t tin utinsum so hlb tluv came un ovei tin winr tip nbseinint he kiitn uuhx ihtn w tuin i t iwnns land and there was i ude t rou mi i eould feil tin lap slun of the win on the ihittom ef tin sh h wm it sn violent nnd tlnnllx dlsnpiharinn eiul wt wt rt in the nit 1 in it at ship eniud lowain tin soutli un wiiir tt hl t in 1 all the inwtioi lights went ut p wn imiow httl lnsl ihij s h w i lbnuikh th eui is ik li it x 1 im n k foi lil mjj i i k out minutts hit i itut w t i oi tin e in lithous s nu 1 th in mi shinhi on i i i thr sett n n ii i iiumi i ut i u t f i h i an it us ljlwui frmti tht ir 1 ish n as m e n ti mi un i i f in u the mosi he iiiltful i 1 h h iwnk ui nvt w i tin m t wt tht laus uii jut b f tt ihe sun ianu up ove ii ml i i i t 1 slum e 1 lu mil not ol loiiiitl s tjuitt mount iinou- uj spot- hie trcw of the clipper the n t f w hours sh i p and awav ajiln in the e u v nu mint daiknes to lintri tin nirjoit that is ust d bv british dutih eifrmanand it than phnes ando io i npland v j seven oajh in keirtucal on tin rt urn trtp i pent srcn lavs in i ishon wlinh v is ihoul h ino misuv ii wis mid o tohe i wh n uiiumn siijnis wen iniiifinik with lilt clipper si he d tilts t hist it v nu d i miht h ive to wit t n il i s t i a pi u e on a c hpptr tin n it w i- more de limit it milhl in hue wttks as it his sinltf turned out it mirhi lt nevtr a promln ry c itt uhan who returned a few wt ks later had to ro bv wnv of aft it i uriil and trinidad to ret out of i is b n i in citv is full of pt oph trv qul or sanil ofl hawa cp hie nprlng house- th iminj ntmosphtr pervade ottnwn this week as houko of commotis memlw rs clear up odrin nml ends of the hdliitlve kcheylule on the floor of the houre nnd plvo various phtutom of wnrtlmi lefklntion a thnrourh air inp- in committee the poll thai swt plnp out of cor nt rs tttnrled last week when the pnr linmentnrlanu returned from uil l ct s thnt took them bni k to their own t onstltue ntles for tin manpower pleh isite held apill 27 when tiny re sumtd r sslons nt the apltnl the pt oplt had rolled up a majority of more than a million vote i on tin af hrmatke side of the plebiscite que s ition art you in favor of releaiinr tin rqvernmi nt from any obllratfon t j nrohine- out of any pnst commitments iistrletlnr tin nuihods of lalslnj me n for mihtnry service iheic is much speculation as tti what effect the vote will have on canada s manpower mobilization plnn the rinv after the plebiscite vote conservative house leadf r han son urped an immediate statement of rovernment polity untonflimed reports around pnrlia mint hill said a caucus of liberal membem would pyobnbly be called to discuss rovcrnment nctlon but chief government whip w h inylor re mnlned non committal as to when the cnucut will be called probr war cent meanwhile a committee of ji m ru bers of the house of commons has been set up to examine rovcrnment war expenditures i he committee which prime minister mackenzie kins assured would nouho limltoel iro- stricted in its scope was set up april 10 after a heated two rinv riebntt 1 in tin house of commons dunnr the discussion c i john ston ni bow river chari t d that some war industries im lu hnr per haps the three larrcst plants in can ada t trucks and simllnr equipment we re de llbornteh slow- inr down pioduclion war indus tnes he went on were deliberately held backi b tht rovcrnment ihe war expenditures committee wns rt established on the same basis ns last session f wnr services min ister l horson supported the inve stl rition nnd surresteel full inqulrv into the opt rntlons of tin department of mr ilsloy snltl thnt deduct ions in in roie nnd xces profits tnx on imj inlontfr only would lw pe rmlttt ri up to n mnxlmum of 5 000 to nth m r son or corporation ihe hmtllfit uni on crtnada s rail wnys when the 1 rnns cnnndii ah wnyi re port wrtu nnd ivefore the rail way and khlpplnr commlttte of the houw munitions mlnktt r c howe told the committee any pro pojuri private competition for the i c a wtfuld not be likely to rue ive government approval committal avtltr i members of the house of cemimnns don t sleep in tluse sprlnr mm nines 1hev ret up nnd ro tb committee medinrs riilrtem se pnrnle commit tis an mietlnr this wn k om is studying proposed inn i th to soldleriln the pniuir era e uurit r c baiimnnshi of it mm- donald 1 ibual m mlu r foi hi ant ford titv anotlur is inve stimithir the hnndlinr of ennte n runils t lit pioflts the eanttens mak in i tin it i and overseas thioiiih st lliiijj sup lit s to tin ilrhilhr fon s other committti an studvittr r e onti ut tion and n e stnblisbnn nt in tin potuvar ve arc rndio broadi istmn and vocational triininr i invisihlr tank crtwh krilmn b the trainload in the niriii i anks an now beinr t an n d h invimbli cqutcslu bnlaln s ports on hpttial wapons in trainlouts of jl at a time production is so arrnnp d that hate lien of tin m nie rewlv at nifht when thtv are loarii el on tin trains and sent to tin jmrts bv spec i il routts sej as to arrive there in tin dark 1 be result is thnt vc r few ptoph in britain bavt an mklltir of this invisible tnffn i lu new re e tank or 11 it waon on which two in ivv vilfiitiins iau l lie carried is i spicinl ftitur ot tht si lank runs wlnrt unit snot a loadiiil dot i i ump is u the tanks nn if in ct ss u v abonrri tluni tlvts woil i tin railw av op i iti ns t j tonjuntlion with ih u 1 1 t tanks allow the full the nulwav r uif t io h u t s t uit with tl inrjii links tht re an nlv mc lu s to sp in id but limb out in i is in offi ulth o for canata save tomelhing regularly because you xlrengthen cobadat might for war you helpfinaneepurehases in canada for our allies you form the habit of thrift that safeguards your future you open for yourself fho door to opportunity and you smooth the path for postwar readjustments money in the bank gives you a comforting sense of security o eijft the chartered banks op canada munitions nnd supptv an import tnt announcement w is made last week to cannria s mlnlnr men by fmnnce minister lisle v he told the housrof commons nn 1 hurs dnv tint inconn and cxttss profits tnx concessions will be provided in the i1 1thurirct to encourage iios pec lint for important base nutals nee dt d for tin war effort t unpstt n mini im se nnd aluminum wen name d is some of the essential mi tals adlans it rt ts tin votir nerves in t few day s j i lie avenirii da i iberdade is lb main street of i isbon the nnme ns vou mav guess means avenue of ubertv it stretches north and south up a broad vallev bctvwen i isbon uu ihi it it n hills i h avcquiil is i mattt r of lift must it ave be fort and di ith 1 he in on of the most bututkul in nil tin tlum a plae c on tht clippt i wns no to bt minsund in nure dollars then though it cost ovti 500 wtstbouncb so i stnvtd in i ishon with seven otlur cnnndlans an as tin divs t rm ins r t thi world i don l doubt it w ide dow n t nch side is a broad rondwnv in tht ctntre is a four lane higlmav in between tin outer strips a net tht centrt are gardens with palm trees and edible chestnuts and passed slowlv our pliht bt t arm so benches to sit on under thrpnlm nnd desptrati that wt nlurmdnt last on or tin trnss ht rt and then arc a rt rultt ship part of n t arjo oil sidewalk caft s when everv thing tan tork s bishop iltnlsnn puts it h had to drink from ice cream sodas as i hav und i ishon is ht auliful and strong cofft t to much strontii fiom tin air so is tin n st of poi t i things tht roadway circles around ku tint i had sun from the pi in mnnv monuments or fountmns with i- 1 m tht ground parts of the capital gohmsh swimming in tin wnters and in an htniitlful an i ivtithinj is nil the sidewalks art of mosaic inhn stuij but unrtei itsi tun si it k lit t u ptttes of io mnrhh 1 iboi ri r then lurks dingei e n in tnuilv tnld bvlmnri inla paid rmtvt ls nl nn thtn strolls and tlowtis ill i linn now tht w h i full of tiling r nml tntri 1- n tt in t tim il i n i k in l imtl t i un w i n u 1 ni in 1 m nut lit i in 1 ish n i 1 i limit iv t mull brnik i uh 10 n 1 tn vint rn an mnnv out if nj lml un it r t li st r 1 1 wuitim lul s t 111 it wt im i i i i olu f in s 1 n fi m s w ik titl i xi n k m t in up u till a n it tl ui i ui i w u i 1 1 is i u k il nu tin n tl m t t r- i ui i d is wi 1 1 h k but th histoiv of tin rt for thost w i iriliiiili i i n an 1 4tv n th v i tin hn 1 i ist fin inik i n kn ik lit i l ii i 1 tl u1- tv11i n hi tlsl i i il tss irn t ut u in 1 tun mt i our li t j h it hi achtujirtrnt of tin m h w mil tit th h t t i f ii i i lit n n t il t t t t iisim 1 il i i ii i t i n n lommt n 1 1 i m i in vn t rn m f rt ik iifi n 1 nt i ui i a us n w nml i nit 1 rrlnv zt inrgir touui in sn on the mhinti m stl liltlt villi n shivs ut a f w stt mi i taw it s 1 in u in i jui- 1 si nil th tunjilj nsort at tin m nth tt t rivu and linn 1 ishon s t n mmi il hills a mw airpott wus b inu t utlt oulhidi the tltv with luuil m dt i n ixiadh it ailing lo it m t ntinsi t i 4l nai tow lam s of tin it it si if an orlentul oemeterv with uttu id u l d stn iinu tf tiaffu on tin roidwnvs it ttu si oil f islu n d stn r t ns with t 1 1 n m u s t is t rv ft w i n is i rn vt r s iw s minx nt ns on un stitt t mvw in it i nil m tils u nn tlx nii irs nu it o it 1 ri 1 h ilf t ni i ii t i si f i is vm n an ni mosi ii an n it ni it v wui i i it i r i i x v iv t u 1 nu il u 1 it inii j 1 x n a u ti b ml tuf vt nt 1 i h in it n i xx nn n j iv n in i ur with t iski l i i t e i t nt ui m 1 i t b il m i i tl wns mu ui i s i i i rim 1 t m uu t i i m i ix t ni f ui x u k i i vsk is w l h t in 1 i ui li 1 u us at un ii nu on v t viiiiu be r ma- of the canadi ke dia heart t of cy vou s r cro u g u i m i ni u fclmhxd ihttuv i k l till stll 1 t i s tl i i kit k iff 11 t stli ct i i tl i in in siij u 1 in k i lt i nu ml 1 i t mil 1 1 iu 1 thai mt in i u i n il t i i t t n i i i mini unit ilk in all i ilvtntut tu i l the lisk t sh n ui a n m it mmtiinti n wt si t i im t n at i wilt n l t the v i t nn it x i li w in i u t ti vti i ni it n t i i j j nil i aiul nt nn in win n i a ht s she ut m ni jilt du vml xi saw ih uad f tl st ii i i i u in un h r j rt s io in l lust u e i ul too oft n hi nun m i f i jlva iani utis in i ktjl a tlost xxalih on tin ulit nn othm k s to wast i hs aoj left runs vo i v ten raft tfc of oi uk xi t xmixhn hbukjl xrtkks phone 151 r 122 wtossrtemj ooo