r notices of births bfarrlaasm and deaths ar bbmrted la tbl eotntan without chart la vvmohani notices joe and loc per uso additional tat poetry born sagaskie on april 11th 1042 nt sceno street acton to mr and mrs frank snrnskli a riaughtf r mnry itohlnn emmtson at tha mntornlly homo guijph street acton on fcritlny april mth 1m2 to mr nnd mm horn rt r m rson n elnllkhtl r dorothy mnp kuiaeiirln south porcuplnt fim- trnl tlospltnl south porcupine out oh april kiln 194j u mr nnd mm 1dwnrdc lhuwu ii of rlmmlnu ont irc iinhtl hruct or acton it win tdwnrd nruc- mccatxum mrntit mrs victor mecnllum jr nee binmco vloln phlnni y 41 frnncln avtnue hum- bur liny toronto nro hnppy to nri- nouncc the nrrlvnl of their daugh ter dlnttn jonn on wednesday april 22nd 1042 nt the strnthconn private hohpltttl toronto med cajtbeftt suddenly nt her resi dence cnrnpbollvllle ontario on tuondny april 28 1042 jessie mc- pholl widow of the intc dr g b cnrbtrt in hcrtsth year im memoriam wansbroogh in lovlnit memory of mabelle wnhnbroilrh who passed nwny lo be with god mny 5lh 1042 good nllht beloved but not fnrt- uell ever remembered by husband betlv and donald t ahdfliai april shouers were n bit uenree this enr somi folk mn be iunh flshinp to morrow ernmoin township voted ik os nnd 05 no on monday april yet nnd trees nrc coming out in lonf and bunli flowers nro nl- moiit over thc vote oh we picblbcltc in rockwood on monday was 283 yea and 18 no mr nnd mm geo bnrnib have purchased the house of mn vitkcrs on queen street one citizen reported bhovclllnr snow this april nnd ten days intir cultlnc his lnwn chances in bus timetables nre ef fectlvt to morrow to meet with the new10 tntlepeed limit ijhubarb from the gnrden pnfch is now on tlu fnmll mmu rather touch on the sunai ration iimprrnturis of up in ihl elrhlhs hnve htmn i njovod nlrnd this sprlnp ii fc bin pjorlous dbitudchj mrs g n powfcrs mrs gordon n annn frnco pow ers of 364 ytlftv mnot h wnteiloo died ruddtnly nt her inlo residence on april 12th myh powiw wfih bom nt cnnlm hill durham county she ww n former mtmlwr of rnox prtshyttrlnn church in acton she hi survived by hdr hubbnnd one won corporal clnrk n powoni dentnl corpi it c a r nt trenton one dnukhur june ellznboth wmorloo nnd one uiaor mm a a somorvhifc toronto interment took plnct in orono cemetery britain busy sporting posts for 5000000 fifty thousand bein seen every week by officiate in woman- power roundup in old land london cp five thounnnd wo men in brltnln nre belnj plneed in unr jobs every dny ns the problem of manpower bccoms increnalncly the problem of womnnpowor five million uomen hnve nctunlly been rcrlktered under the nntlonni service act onequnrtor of them hnve nlrendy been interviewed nnd i0 000 nre holnp interviewed weekly registration of women from 20 to 11 is ported to be completed by hint m nnwhtlf the government plans in holster girls from 1g to 19 thus pi stntinj n complete picture of britain womnnpowor under the nntiannl service act nil women be tween the ages of 20 nnd 51 nrc liable to labor conscription the may chnoae interviews nre conducted by n board composed usunlly of ilve wo men hundreds of lnbor exchnnges irtbrltnlr ir the rcglstrrmt-hnirdo- clded on one of the uniformed ner- vlces she jllli out nn nppllcntlon form if she chooses nn industry she enn either nttend n government train ing centre or be assigned directly to employment more thnn 10 per cent of the wo men prefer the uniformed services the order of preference being the women i auvllinry air force wa af s he women s roynl nnvnl sirvice wrrn s nnd the auxiliary irritnrlnl service ats approxl- a rrnsh fin on victoria avenue riivi tin i ire brliil n run inm sn- turdn when it threatened nonrby dwellings lo da is tlu lant dn of doe lib i rtv in alton in morrow and riht throiilh tlu summi r vnui doj must ht kpt tied up for the hem fit of thosi who can not ki in clurlnr dntlme the frt press offin is nien tir rridn enlnk from 7 to 0 o clock it mi nihil not oei 10 on tlu hmhwa tomorrow nnd hertufttr mofltj tphwo vhlinhlm v4luhive hann spi i d matcl another 10 per cent ehooie industry 10 per cent sell ct civil de ft nee ot licit nre undecided and are ciw n ndvu i and nsk d to retyi n oft 1 1 n wet k or so pliost jciinlnr the sorlces nre us unllv inllumcid b th fnct that their fathers hrotlurs or frit nds an al i tatk srinc with the nimed forces id to eonform with tlu m w limit llit mam r asons listed b those un willing to join tlu strvices nre n dk like for uniforms nnd the inck of tut dnm ourt of apih al i in mnjoritx of ounrt r rii is do not nuntt h n inj t h ii homt s and sonu of ih m wtltomi the adwntute of indf pi ndt nt lift howtver with tin r lustration of older kioups new p ms hnv nrlst n whhh fot uu lirst timt tmii h tlu wtminn who has nindt worl lit i curur and who has to hk nt assot mtions eatifulh d vtloptd om x a lone 1 1 rlotl of time inter uittirs luirtdlt siuh cast s wjth sp clnl snipath seaman iierl dron tells about port in iulralia fcontlnutd from pnjv one fide net t haw in our flghtlntf wr- vlttj hni not lit n mliplnctd in fnlt i hdleve thai thlf v ar will nee tht end of the war with a declnlve v e tnrj for the xllus an lone ns tlu onec nt home keep- their chins up and inhtond of rhow- iiir n lonn face nnd lamenting about how bnd thlnr look nnd wty unll hihow them i know t lmxe hnd re vtimb but as et i y that the unr hnw not lookid bnd for u nnd it ban neti hten ro bnd thnt it couldn i be worue and now i ronlly mudi close i forwarded you n bunlie of newspnperkvhlch i hnd collected in vnrlous pnrts of the world nnd thoiirht they might be interesting to you yours sincerely h v dhon a b reclaims wastes in washup watef knprliwh girl chemist says her plan will help women in war and peace london cp one of the proudest of brltnins unr work girls is jonn ilnrwood 18 enr old student of mct- nllurgicnl chemlitry who hns helped in the discovery of n compound which reclnims fats for industrial use from wnhhlng up unter so effective is the process thnt more thnn 1 r pounds of fat n month enn be reclaimed from nrm utensils from ench camp of 1 000 men jenn be ucves her discov erles w ill do moi e tbnn juit help the wnr they will nld women in unr or pence by simplify ing domestic clcnnlng nnd will nko ellmlnnte industrial wnstc we hnve perfected n process for reclaiming residue in potted mont jars the pretty chemistry worker told hewspnpermcn by our dls covery 12 000 jars enn be trcnted ench nnd four tons tjf fnts nrc recov ered weekly notice re public health commt nclnc on the fifteenth dn of mn a thorough inspection of all prtmises tt liars i tc within the ihltlt lilt uisi s ait it rem d to tht hardship comniitti t for arbittntlon sin h t as s tif thost wonun who have rt sj onsthhtit s for a wulowtd mother oi infu m pan nts lntt r u wt is hnt distent n tl that -ohhiwfhltfv- a wil lw mnd sptcial nttt ntif n w ill he gut n to nssun out suit toilets nn propcrk tuantt i hoe must be teanttl prior to tht ahoe dntt and thorotighlv dis inft t ti d toi tills purpost t hloude of hmt is retommtnded it is efftc tue and tm ti nsue itavts or othtr rnkinrs from lawns should not bt it ft on the stitttt an i tihhish not hurnt i should he plat id in sultnhl contnint rs for rtmonl h tht rnrhiim colhrtor tvtn if hum ed tht asht s should lit plnctd in con taint rs foi rtmovnl h the colltctor n r uarrop munkipnl officer actm nl nd 1112 h 1 weekly war commentary tics of i it nth work t lit nnd fu 1 and raw matt rlnl ihortnith in addition to the havoc wrought by british ijomb hi tallntoiy nttncku by the germnn i uftwnffi hnvt uu n f t w antl far bt twt tn lait it v4 nil ptisom win kll- h d nnd bnndrt dti mmh lioim h i apill 21 in an nttntk on n muth wt tirn fiij jihii town i he germans identlfltd the st t ne jbf tlu ir nttnek as fveter beautiful cntludrnl eltv mid uny lutween plymouth nnd bristol ntlc naxl uktew ruksinn rcpotts indlcnto thnt tied army troops from the baltic to the blnck sen continue to hold the inltln tlve bnttlegrounds hnve been churn ed into qiingmlroh by the spring thnw but by sudden thrusts nt vulneinhlc points soviet troops nro believed to be upsetting gcrmnny a offensl plnni a soviet communique nt the week end declared russlnn troops klllel tnor thnn 1 000 germnns in 48 hours fighting in the nren around 1 enln- rnd on the contrnl front thev rtormed ncrois n river to enpture n nnzl held vlllnge nnd then repulsed counter jutneks by invnden in flicting henvy lossei the fiormnns nt inst reports still held khmkov big industrial city in the ponets bnsln but the russlnns report ed they hnd overrun stmt epic heights in the crimen from which the nn7ii could ohserve hod army tosi tions oer n ulde nren threat to mantlauy i icrtc fighting rneed nt the wet t nd within 100 milts of mnndnlny ilnt t nitetl nntlons hnse for the bnttle of burmn in their swei p to the north the jnpnnese threnten to turn the chinese held left flank nnd a british communique said terselv it is fairly fleni thnt the jnpnnese drive hns made progress front line repoits snid the outnum bered chinese were fighting stubborn ly around taunggyl hopong nnd shwengynung in nn nttempt to hnlt the penetration a further ndvnnce would give the invnders commnnd of ronds running into mnndnlny nnd l4ishlo jnpnnese bombers were also reported stepping up their attacks on mnndnlny in the northern nppronches to aus trnlin allied airmen continue to nt tnck jnpnnese bnses on new gulnen nnd new britain four attacks in five days were mnde inst week on rnbnul cnpltnl of new britain which the nipponese nre attempting to turn into n big bnse foi operntions in this area jnpnnese planes made sevcinl at tncks on darwin nnd other points in northern australia over the uttk end but allied lighters provtd mort thnn n mntch for them the imnd t rs lost 18 planes in three days this week united nations bombers raidt d lapaju se shipping nt knvhnt veblths fnr mil numb ring tht brit kh antl chinisti dt ft nd m i iuhio tlu gatewny to giiltm nnd maiulnlny 110 mlh distant art the hmt hlg alllttl basts in burma 11k lapanitt nit movlnf with all npi t d in an effotl to coniph u the ennqut t of the coiinliy liefor tlu mny mon i oon kiowh up operntions change b loejlioxi from ship tosnip for farm products ilu room nt tlu acton lown hall for tht at ton and mtinitv wat st rvitt it aj m w ill ht opt n onl on thnt until nilltl d wtiintn with thlldnn art tht most mist liih f all iattlorits om i bor ha nt rt t ntl it poi tt d that i t niiniiin t- it s in ha kindk a wonuin with j t hildi n hnd just stilt lit in 1 n s a pu tint ol ont j til nail a a nilkjiian nl jim su t i t n i iillautl and ii w nu n i nit ii m all soi i il ixwiiil lw tn in thu d nrrhr- pelago 00 milts northtast of aus iralia nnd em my installations nt talsi in the solomon islands a tap nntst transport was sunk nt knvient hitler worried hit tt r was given suprt me power b the kt ichstag follow ing nn nddrcs in the german fuehrer opjisunday in which in luliaved anxitty ovci con ditions on tht home front he admit ted that a catastrophe had narrow l tttn tverltd on the lasttrn front durinl tlu winttr nnd insttnd of nn nounfuil a summi r offtnsive filainst the i ussians spokt of preparations for ntt wipttrs tnmpalgn nuadnh hacon igxpori aided by new system of portable he frijrerator equikimcnt for transport ottawa cp agriculture dtpnrt ment offlclnls hnve reported the sue ctrsfut outcome of experiments in portable refrigeration equipment to facilitnte the movement of essential hncon supplies to tho united king dom a report of the agricultural sup piles bonrd snld thnt in tho spring of 1911 the british ministry af food asked the canadian bneon bonrd to glve- urgent consideration to the pos sihlllty of farwnrdlng canadian bncon in ortllnnrv unrefrlpei ntod stornge the numbei of ships with refrler ntid holds uni limited nnd the vol ume of bncon nnd other perlshnhh produc ts moving to brltnln wns on tti increnst transfer fqtilpment ilu bncon bonrd nnd the nntlonni heieareh council drew up plnns for n ml rntlnp ordlnnry stoinge spnee on men bant vesst is by portnhte rt frigt rntlon equipment instnlletl be tween decks a hold of vi 000 cubic rt enpac ity w ns equipped with port aide refnperntion in n vessel provided for the purpose by the trnnsport of tlrlals in tins hold was placed 100 tons of bncon nnd the n mnlnder wns fill d with cheese so spoilnge of the cargo might be riduced should the exptri ment fnll thebneon wni received in iheun ited kingdom in genornllv good con ditlon but certain alterations were mnde in the installation for the net shipment on the second trin shipment nbout 1 000 tons of bncon was forwarded in a vessel with the portnble rt frlger ntlon equipment nnd the british iiuthoritiis enhh d congrntulntlons on the result w hich frt ntlv imprt sst d nit conct i nt d on n thltd test run tht ship wns lost saving itesulted i he boaid sjiid that tlu t pt rl mints had shown the tost of the in stnllation was less thnn tin saving in ratis standard cold morili aeninst tt mpniniilv lefrlgeiatetl for th amount of mattiinl tairitd on th oai s the tlorlal t quit ment mn lit canntllan army i iiliuiui mr a dills r ditor and puhlislit i i hi at toil fii vrt uu iiu rile nil riinmj limit tin pant 1 1 hit n motitlm lntt i lift tin rhon s of can adn 1 hn 1 re pre un hns connlmi nllv nppennd in my mnll it hns been i priithss sonne of t heei antl lntt i lit to mi u rich r every condition and tirrum tanu nntl my rngllsti ft lend dtlljht in receiving myxoid issues mm i acknowledge this most gen i rous gift from the home town nlnnj with the vnrlous comfoits tt re celveel from time to time while in acton england on leave i picked up vnrlous souvenirs this booklet given to me by the borouph llbrnrlnn mny prove of lnteiest to the folks nbout acton all good wishes to you nnd yoipt with continued success for the acton free press the soldiers news i et ter from home slneerelv yours ptt norman gibson ixhiu k iano lui- i ondon cp hit women s ijind im to nu i f iirnit ri intriimtd tlo- mands tor its hi rvh t s plana to dt uhh kk pn si nt ttw n of 25qoo lutiiais srak riouman l ondon c p at ro farmt i wil liam slvvtr of woithlnr i mted by in 1lfi1 ors as om of bijtnlu s be t i low nn n hi stilt trmlpcs is milt a in in the furiows vo vrouerft organ il ion wool xf iin oiifcr to ytur hftiblfrcd wnrehourc no 1 wcflton ontario tull sflllimonl mnylmum prices nld rrownr immodlntf k nn rtcoipt nnd rncllnr of clip ohliiln uukn nntl tuln through iaim ijivkstock ti1i hfkh or difot from tavaiman f oopfiiativk v ml 1rou flf i imitfi 217 il mtrrct torontn i jp i iidn nti run ms lioni xiiitl ukuluu jvuton ai ul 1 till i st lit m 111 i iii i ill i i nil ol i ik i i 1 i i ulishlt sli i n m nilin in i m ni wliil nn i 1 i 1- ms anil 1 i 1 illni il id l ul i i i i nn i 11 urn moid m ui i intl nl i nil t i ti mfits ron oi 4n okf j i i dti a buildings r of i ontai lo ci i i p it ndt rs a i h r ss d to tit und tsijiitd an i uiiiim i itniii f i nl w 11 i i ivt d unt 1 1m il ls i ihurmlav mo t 1m f r ii sii j 1 f al an i tt k i m ii i m tut n bu 1 lin tl i ugh out tl i invln rot ii in 1 i 1 i s 1 1 iii 1 nu nn 1 it n il i i i it u hi in il n ui t m nl i i ii m 11 1 1 ix tl t i an 1dniilhu i of t if 1 lilt m i t tt i ill i k n li 11 in h u v 1 ml i u im ti i it ii 111 s l t km c hut i m stt rd l and tht l ii lnu hi- mini i i t mdu ti i p jprr toi thr jun ft i i ul t nda t vt n tt n nu bit liiv sill s i it t i havi ti nutsttasts uni i a spli ndld aiisw i tt tin lit u si ti hinii all sultst upti in in aitvaiui don t mivs a i op iiur 1 om a i i 1 i ok at ttu lain i now a b 1mi lhon has kuullv to vmlltlttl tht ethtm lopus nf ntws iuixrs fiom aiunis nnintiu- w in n tu has ixs n ui tin last ft w months uuy i nnit fni jvuauuulu upland and india hrttiun toilet ts 1 mr 000 tpnh in ine month in i 1 1 ti loolhh ti ms ilu t tiis hiuni ust luiiv klllv stiu i month tin lo al auth f i ut bntain bavt i ii d i ms oi w isu i a i f i muni liii i luif list tt old quantitv wasamnsm t i i inj t th publti how th industi turns tlu dustm ui s ilttjnto atumunttion in tlu it winj it u n hot r vol nt rtin it into a tin k f i n l itii- r in i udl i ill i i i n 1 tl till il i i t i nu l nt ii i i in il 1 ii 1 1 ml iwi 11 i ii mij il i i i u 1 1 u 1 m 1 i 1 i i ont 1 n i i i i 1 i il n ii i unt u h i i n i i hill iii a 1 i i r uu n 1 i n tnirntal 1 n l n mlj i lift ill i i 1 lit i 1 1 1 i in ii i t in i i x n i n i n 1 i n i h i j u in i i i s ii nit t 1 n 1 n n i v m ful i i j i t ilu mi lu ilu i i i m u iv ll it i tl 1111 f i tif t 1 i in ii i 1 ul i ii ink i in i 1 i it i i i il 1 t ill i t ii n ut il i ii m i isl i t f 1 ul h v tl t i d u 10 ti nt f tl t ui uni f tl i n hr i utuur bund lc 111 3 h n inili t r tl in nati mil i ailwav c bii m md its mnstltut nt nil uit- un n 1 ti nnllv m ir m ttl is i nn ilmi m 1 nit t i st h rl t d nun n of i an id i u tin af it nu nti m i h n is ani a ititifud iletiu ii it iiiiiflt ni ik m in udd an i nl su h s ini ill s t lls n mar unit t i i th imi fulfilm ni of tl tttpnp i tak in am conn tin s thnt ii it it r ft nrs dislurhanres in ft rmanv nnd is taking mi isure to dt al with them in s me tpinrttis it is bthtvtd trman militnrv nuth oritus imi dtsalr umvilh his strati jr in tht ni st i ution tt ttu war uid hit it i ni i t i innnuil s m s rl fa i urj auotla anil it hv t 1 it k n is i if ith i y it i u in i ps ii t nil ns l m it i ii i i i nitm ni fuum tm ur ttniuii-i- transfiind f i nm ont boat to anotlu i flint kl ind im ortnn i onsidt ration in wirtimn vvhen boats- nmetimes hnve to be shiftid f i om tht nortu atlnnlit to stunt olht r roult s a itsulf of th t p i unt nts tin british mmistrv of ar i r msport has- air td fitted s uni vtsstls witli this joitnll rt frjle iat on t qiupm nl and i ins fnrilur installations rspionadl in di hi in dublin icp vi lie poh t siiiili td anthtnv dt i rj s houst i dtttitivt found a i i t olo and irntl to pla it it wouldnt lav and insidt it hi id rijri trrt pap w i np hirer m ssalt s wi ittt n t n tl t m it t r wa stnttnttd to stvtn v irs impnson nu nt spring and summer new ijinth nnd drimmncrlals o krirhtcn the homo printslapge as sortment patterns 25c 35c curtains- tuscan ra1 on nets 125 295 sockees vnnet of shades 25c girls print dresses new styles 1 00 o 10 simplicity patterns new styles curtain nets marquisettes several color combinations smart patterns 25c print dresses several qiuililiefl smnrt styles new patterns 125 269 mens wear v ork shoes large range 275 525 every pnir junranteid overalls several qunlillex 165 250 trk gloves 2tic to l2 i mkrkar spiln nml siiitimir t llits c nmblnn tlons- sfprn ninniits tic to 1 0 u nitk socks tttton o ils 2c lo hle pair work pants denim cottonadeif woven coltons 150 295 shirts plain thamhrah woven stripeo 100 150 nnnrm nhji iwtions one ielfvir a dttv no rd r unth r si0ft mp lu ueliv- frml our ijellvt r i- vcrj morninc ftir 11110 aiii elliott bros phone ih cton ii 1 1 i i ntj iin rs w i 1 1 an slu om 5 iahs a llatman lono iti s i in s s it t j for j uii hatin in u tlu tnu v a id y mursliam tarl ii ii is tkatl h roni tu tinu tu liis1 tuiaim llail h wr vnnt in souhi afrua si rt t wnt with him eomitiinth ivu pt foi oiu m m n dn hohdnv out til 1 tsl in ioiik i airibo ml on iimti tiivtlopt is tiausf rnud into i iartridlt wad u old 1 tt rs hmu a bo tt 1 old iailn1ts i hooks a nu ilu sh 11 ont aim r in of wastt ipt r ni ik lib wn-diirs- for nfli kit midia brtii kuiis i wis nms n 1 m it tars u k i s i uus 1 oninn nun imd ttitinaiv nfttts an all mm umiij in tlu it ammunition tlu n suits oi uutain s i it oui di ivt b i 1 1 t m ntml- k ii i r stllitjh h ii tin nt f 1 ut h ui iks ottawa m i it good shoes 1 oh jol no and oij crretly i iltod u d rachl1n acton i i in 1 v il 1 ii i h 1 n ii n in i i i nu iii m i i m i k i i kiiu i i i 1 i i i ii il i nil i i n li nl i i i i i i il ill ii ii r ui ii i i i i hi i i m i i fl ui i ill i l i in i i if n 1 ii i n ii i t ii 1 i i i j k 111 i m i 1 i 1 llll tv ii 1 iii i k i i i i i ml i i 1 in u v i ili mi 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 tl il 1 iii cmi i 1 tl i i i iii ni 1 1 1 1 ini ii i ii ii r i limi ll ii illn k 11 i i l mil rti h on hithnnri snm rh hrtt n l hi i iii i in n i il ml i i i ir l i ts h it ii i i in ins i tl i 1 i t i 1 i i i in s in i i iw r j 1 1 i in ly in nit i i i i i i i 1- i i in ti u k il i i n hi in it i will ii il t n i iii in vaislis in lu link tl 1 imk n i nil it sh i 1 ill i i n i i roil ii i ul i ritual xittibtlmi t i l ii k i u 1 it i iii i i 1 ii it i ii ii 41 ii h i i i ii i ii i l i mi uitl in ni i s till ti it i hum i 1t ii il k i i i l u t ink hi i su iu j uitraft llii i i h mi i n ill i mil i n ji in tt is i nun in ll krnit if ii silunliin in uuinii illi j i in iiuiutirs art islimil 1 tu nunilhi un urn triu nntl 7 mm v iv i 1 1 i w ki j i i i i i i ii i ii i n t i if tl v it i fl rl l i ii tlti ili nl u it i 111 i i l t t i i it i i i ml tl ji m t s in i i i i ii li in llll i s ii ii 1 in m in sii llll 11 i 11 hi s ii i i i 1 ii t n 1 i i i 11 i in i i iii ii i t n ii n i i mllll ik 1 111 f ii i l v t lit hi i un i ml m iiii iili vti ink 11 u t m 1 si i i i 1 ill ii i f t nn ii ti ii t mnrtttmm in nn nr tim hr hn all t n s ti t i ii ii kl i nmii i fin l i l i llk s f nl ii kl m m i iii it k i i k i i i i n i n i n ii i 1 in ii nut mi i i ll f ii 1 i i i i i i ii i 1 1 i 1 r s l i i r ti k l i int i 1 li i i k i n li lut is 11 i 11 ikl 11 k i i iii 1 i ii til f i mi i i i it irn ii if in l ll iii i si rs tl i in is i s j l nk mi i ii il li i n lit i i m m hi i ml in 1 net ik ii lull i i ii i l i 1 ii i i 11 i in n i nin t nlltlikt or ii n 1 ii imilin it illln i inlfnll i imkn nllii ll l 111 i t i f i i 1 i 111 1 illn still inn is k nt i iii su i ii ii tl 1 1 1 n i is iki in 11 miii s i it t1 ii lit 1 t al kins hi