Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1942, p. 3

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thursday january 10th 1943 the acton free prbs page thrkb menu eplnts may i ottor a suggestion to my readers who are acattfttd over tho united states canada and many nearby islands no matter where you are start the new year by serving at least one now surprise dish each wek youll be delighted at tho re action among your visiting friends as well as in your own fnmlly circle tasty navel oranges are obtainable everywhere for tho noxt few months this healthful vitamin c- rilled fruit is a wonderful alkalinereaction bal ancer at any time but try it in one of the new recipes below and you will be delighted upside down orange ilmm loaf 1 lbs lean nork shoulder ground 14 lbs smoked ham ground 1m cups m 2 eggs beaten 1 cup cracker crumbs or 1 cups soft bread crumbs 14 teaspoon pepper combine all ingredients in order given oraug ola m cup butter h cup sugar 1 jttf 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons sifted all-purpose- flour teaspoon baking powder aklngaodi u teaspoon salt u cup orange juice v pound pitted dates b cup orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 1 cup crushed corn flnkoa cream butter and grndunlly blend in augdr beat in egg sift dry in- gredlents togetlier anl add to huttot mixture alternately with cup orange juice mix well after each ad dition spread in greased shallow pan about 8 x 12inch size cook dates with la cup ornngo juice stir ring occasionally to form n thick smooth paste cool slightly ndd the grated orange peel tlon sprend ovei tho unbaked mixture in the pnn nnd cover with crushed cornflakes bake in a hot oven 400 degrees f about flotoas minutes or until lightly- browned cool in pan cut into squares makes 24 squares baked dainties for winter what is better thnn a good hot baked dish on n winter dinner tabic us a buttered baking dish if you wish or use a casserole if you fce particularly highbrow about your christmas gift whats the differ ence anyhow and suppose you decide upon baked llmu of some kind use dried llmu youll find recipes for both below cooked dried limns by the way may be procured in cons at any uptotheminute store they are de licious when merely heated and n little butter or other season inn added and supordollclous when served a haked lima puree baked lima luree j cups cookod dried limbs 114 cupful milk 1 mlncod onion 114 cupfuls broad crumbs 1 egg slightly beaten vt teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon peeper hub lima through n coarse sieve scald the milk ndd onion bread crumbs eggs pureed limns nnd sea sonings turn into a bhtred baking dish and bake in a modern to oven mo degrees f until firm in centre about 20 minutes baked kjinas 2 cups dried llmas 4 cup diced salt pork 4 cup minced onion 1 cup diced carrots 2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons butter sonk llmas overnight or from fl to 8 hours in water to cover then drain put salt pork in n heavy frying pan nnd cook 5 min ad onions and carrots and cook until brown add to the llmas and mix well nnd turn into a casserole add water then brenk butter into bits and place on top of llmas cover nnd bako in a modorate oven 3fi0 degrees f until tender about 3 hours chronicles oi ginger farm um r written hpocujltr tor z the aston free pram by 1 gwendoline p glakkk mtmt cookvefl are a wholesome treat children welcome for lunch if tho you nun tors had a vote cook- lea uould hend the list of dollcaclos for the school lunch basket its easy to keep the cookie jar full if you mnko use of this magically failure proof recipe made with sweetened condensed milk these cookies nro full of minornlrlch fruits nnd if you costar them with whole wheat brend sandwiches n vncuum bottle of mnlt- ed milk nnd an ornnge or apple ou hnvo a wcllroundod lunch dints suro to encourage rosy chocks when you pack the lunch box oh oull win extra applause if you tuck in a few extra cookies ns n trcnt for friends magle macaroons i cup- 7i oz enn sweetened con densed milk 1 cups shredded coconut 1 tenupoqn vnnllln optlonnl 1 cup flnelj chopped dates dried uruncsaraprlcau mk sweetened condensed milk nnd coconut add vnnllln if desired add cither dates prunes or apricots which- hnvo been finely chopped drop by spoonfuls in greased baking sheet nbout 1 inch npnrt bake in mod erate oven t50 degrees f 10 min utes or until delicate brown remove from pnn nt once makes nbout 30 chocolate malted milk 2 ahlespoons sweetened condensed milk 2 teaspoons chocolate malted milk a cup water thoroughly blend sweetened con densed milk nnd malted milk add wnter gradually bent with beater serves 1 open fall groen christmas and then winter- and what a winter subzero weather for n week an1 a biting wind that found every crack nnd crovlco in the house and these old country houses let me tell you are almost impossible to heat against high cold winds some of course nrc worse than others neighbors re port having had plants frozen even in rooms where a fire was burning all night and all day my plants were all rlght but the sink pipe froze solid and isnt thawed out yet every onco in o while someone of us will forget anl empty tho wash basin in the sink and then have tho trouble of mopping up tho wnter ngnln fun nily enough nelthor of the pumps froze at nil some of our neighbors say they have never known their houses to be so cold but ours was not quite as bnd as it has been some other cold spells which isnt to sny it was hot as n memento i hnvo a fine hatch of chil blains to carry around and n a means to got rid of them i nm wondering which of two remedies to adopt to run nut in tin snow with hnrn fcrf the weekat ottawa specially written for the acton fro press by bv alan harvey canadian pre staff writer ottawa cp the green cham ber of tho louse of commons may be come the scene of one of tho most important political assemblies of tlia war when the 10 pa of or to rub mustard ointment on the soro spots both remedies i know are good but i think ill choose the lino of lenst resistance and try the mustard ointment we have a casunlty in the house no it isnt partner or young john or myself its n hen a perfectly good hen inylng one egg every other dny i was this way on the second sub zero morning partner went to gather eggs and found n hen hnnglng by one foot from a laying box when jump ing out of the nest she hnd evidently caught her claw in n crack in tho box nnd of course hnd no menns of get ting free pnrtncr hrought her to the house and we found her foot was hndly frozen so i put biddy in n box covered her up nnd kept her close beside the stove for severnl hours tlie foot gradually t hawed out but then we found the flesh was torn the whole foot badly swollen no thnt biddy couldnt put it to the ground maybe i had better kill her said partner no dont kill her i begged shes such a nice looking biddy and shes bright enough i believe she may got better so i did my best to keep biddv warm and comfortable and several times a day i spread papers on the porch floor and took her out of the box so that she might feed and ex ercise the foot certainly looked pretty bad on the accond nnd i began to have my doubts as to whether it would get better but now i see definite signs of improvement biddy can put her foot to the ground incidentally she needs more watching because now she has got to the hop ping around stage she isnt content to stny where i put her in fact to day tine flew up on to the porch table she has also inid three eggs so i nm thinking my cnsunlty mny eventually be returned to the henhouse whj bother- what s a hen worth these dns is thnt wlint you siitl well she isn t worth rv much i must ndmit but thnt isnt the point i hen uns the poor biddy hurt nnd suffering nnd it wemed onl decent to do what one could to help her and then ngnln uh destroy n good health bird bei nuse she is injun d when the chances arc a little care is all that is needed to make her well ngnln rust is hnwng n fine time tluse dnys i think he is of the opinion thnt cold snaps are rather a good iden general he has his sleeping quarters outside but while the weather was so old partner took pity on him nnd let him sta in the wood shed at night last frldn i venture out on the rond for the first time this erk ami tin first thing 1 hud lo canada since confederation opens its third session next thursday foremost nriiong major topics for discussion and posslblo pronounce ment on policy is mnnpowor still tho question of greatest wartime interest to canadians and one which the gov ernment has been studying intensive ly in tho last few months projected as tho measure most like ly lo bo put into effect in this field perhaps soon after parliament as sembles i a program calling for ox tended application of tho compulsory principle in the natlonnl resources mobilization act and embodying a greater degree of selectivity re sponsible cabinet mombers luivo made clear in public speech on thnt tho gov ernment is planning some form of selective service government program whether such a program would ex tend the compulsory principle to in clude service overseas is known only to those framing government policy the present administration in pledged never to ennct a measure conscript ing canadians for service outside the dominion but some observers feel the course of tho war and n growing pressure for such policy may justify n departure from tho pledge against conscription given before nnd immed iately after tho war started in sep tember lolfl glamor girls of hollywood will rfbld on whatever tho decision the question of conscription for service nhroad is generally expected to be raised by opposing mombers some indication of the conservative party stand wns given by its now lender rt hon arthur melghen when he snld in tor onto nt the weekend can you exaggerate the nbsunllty of bringing in conscription to train men to servo where the wnr ennnot howon nnd lenvlng to sweet will to the cnprlce of the potentlnl soldier the whole duty of service where nlono the wnr must bo fought nnd must be won mr melghen k brondenst contnlned nn nppenl for natlonnl government nnd n declnrntlon thnt the connervn- llve pnrly is prepared to shnre the bunions of office me melghen la seckingclectlon to- the house of commons in tho york south byelection feb 0 two cnblnet ministers also seek election feb 0 labor minister michel and justice minister st laurent war financing another important issue for tho forthcoming session will bo war fin ancing it is expected flnnnce min ister ilslcy will request a precedent- shattering wnr appropriation far in excess or the 1300000000 voted for the fiscal year ending mnrch 31 fiscal measures involving further taxation and further curbs on private spending also are forecast some indication of the extent to which canadians will be asked to as sist in war financing wns given when flnnnce minister haley annouccd thnt canadas second victory loan starting next month will be for 5600000000 the first victory loan inst juno had tho snme objective nnd ensh subscrip tions totalled 170 058950 under an orderincouncll lssuod by fisheries minister mlchnud persons of japnnesc origin nro forbidden further issue of fishing licenses must not fish in cnnndlnn waters or serve on cnnndlnn fishing bonts more de tails of government policy in dealing with npproxlmntel 25 000 jopnnt so living in cnnndn nre expected shortly from two branches of the cnnnd lnn nrnu d forces meanwhile enme indications of growing strength air minister power announced total en listed strength of the royal canndlnn air force at the end of 1911 wns niqrethml10au0q and in hollfj d minister rautontol an in- admiring his smart njew uniform for suuam m11mi an why shsauah tkay this ajvaiua sictar t 4k sw ml dress ikauy 4 to issued u casuullaa swlrs skew ht tka wudfss yean wan ul wear wit ida kara days raust ta mr a thsmsvwatwcfcw while tkey wait far the nfrmsry yrsauly at m urn aisw to aluaded u tta gtru are takhtg a d uk at uttar aakahtr dressed hmh wha u wearing khaki iaakel mad trars f at mr ahaea la kuek leather a kkskl shirt aj ealur awl a m w tl waals that titular kw arsa a twatar stick rkefetort vaikac u tstek an atasruy asular ids ua vkaa ha tk a4kar to wto mv u years ag t issue f the rw aauam la ssosssua to toto safety to ttattle drtos will eealtaitt to to war tor trtuasy hgkttof- aiavafcu chuuuftiam ajsay hkoto dovwistince the enr tctthe corner for khs nnd nir coming back i met uust i stopped opened the tnr door nnd rust rnirl hounded in nbso- lutel wild with jo and tht n lu got uoirfed with so m windows to see through with two front pnw on the windshield he looked throurh the front window then he jumped to the back seat nnd looked first from the side window an then from the rear turning in at the lane he saw partner nt the hirp nnd set up such n harking he almost doafemd me partn laug when he nw him hut he wasnl sure giving rust n ride was really n good iden you nun kae started something now he said lhe horneu penh nnd johnn dont seem to mind he cold weather either when partner turns tlum out to drink nnd exercise they have one grand time but they have their own ideas about exercise they stand formal press conference 6700 men joined the army in december alone nn increased recruiting rnte he at- trtbutodto the canndlnn stand nt hong kong united states entry into the wnr nnd nn intensified recruiting campaign the deft nre department unnoune- ed the winnipeg orenndiers nnd kong gnrnson rigipients will be re- onstitutcd in the canadian activei armv rectiving n inforcemtnti thit will fit thim for othjr halt s nt home or nbrond quit 1 1 for n ftw nilnutts t nt h om s hind ovu tht othtrs ntnk then perth takes n bill ut johnnv nnd the fun it on hoofs iv in the nlr hinds tcss bntk nnd forth the nunt ngnln pnrrv nnd bite bite and pnrrv ngnln johnnv gallop to the wnier trough twnro he mp wars advent may play mob with makeup and hair- do but they may change even for iletiet hv ftobbln coons hollywood cp the war nl- ready is taking tentative pot sliots ns uio movies symbol tho glamor girl but dont worry tito little ladys defences nre strong and shell como through just as neatly colffured just as uppeallngly swnthed juat ns girl ishly voluptuous as over or as the movie censor will allow she might even undorgo n start ling change for the bettor as her men and halrdresseivr nnd wardrobe boh i ndt hescenes creators mnkeup designers face wnrcrented shortages of certain materials tho glamor igirl just might get away from tho holly wood stereotyping machine which mnkos her and- her ulsters look alike toothpick hairpins hairdressers already nre learning that toothpicks mnko a fair substi tute for hairpins theyre beginning to think nbout soaps too many shampoos have cocoanut oil bases and cocoanut oil comos mnlnly from 4 the philippines where people are busy on other matters now hair iac which comes from bavarfa also is not coming this laco is the only material which blends per fectly with the skin its the base of wigs and so far all substitutes look ph6aey in close up much of the hair used in wigs has come from japan to be hleached nnd dyed to ho colors needrd once hair came from franc belgium nnd other european coun tries but thnt stopped some time ngo the wnrdrohe department where people whip up croat ions for stars to wear nre going to hnvo to struggle along without some of their pot ma terials even wood is n likely scarc ity maybe llast in inles of manhattan rita hay- worth wears a silver lame gown wlilth it is said mny ho the last of the typo on tho screen such metal cloths nre obviously doomed for the duration on holiday inn mnrjorle reynolds had a goldbended gown which couldnt be duplicated tho heads were from czechoslovakia and there werent nnymoro around well use what wo can get is the dehlgnlng motto some of them were cheered by american invention which already hns substituted for formerly imported fabrics and theyre all re signed to the absence of silk nnd silk stockings lymington england cp two soldiers were killed and seven injured when an army truck struck a tele graph pole co by bus ruses leave acton for toronto for london 9 01 li m 0 s3 ub 1i1 nm 223 pa 2 00 pm brlgpm 1s1 pm 8 oh pm 1 51 p m h if p m n 5 51 it m n ii 01 m n dnlly ox sun b sun a iiol ciutcrn stnmliirc time tlftkeu ktld informfttioa fct harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines drink pirch li thtrt bitlnc nnd fight ing until jolinn is ihnifd nun ihus it pews on until purtmr cornn alone tnkts hnth horn s hv tholr hnltrs un t loatu tlicm flrm to drink nnd then to the imrn ooch horse unlklng ulth hind down soul dejtmidl njipaivnllj nhntutoly incklnr in hp nnil spirit prcuy good itor lho liormv carrolls 0seaeanm mmm f g soap lltuhulrlng oh i package ctaiaif r cahftfiuhs 1 9i 24 65 kirks castile tr 5 urt 4c old dlltcll cleanser tl hoc brasso or sil vo 13c zzc ayfaaer apple sauce 2 kellogg b b is bvl feci fit lgox tint allbran r 20 lynn valley lima beans loaf cheese lb sii 8090 prunes ib ivory flakes ok soap rrfakas clatkat last longer chlpso kleenex pkl snow x 2r 3 w loc loc x5c 29c noo a mouth 1 soap for utt uaj1 g 13c mm bright peaches dessert for all occasions lsos tim 25 globe l dessert a i pears 1 ibox tin 17 sodas old hickory pb 26 corn syrup xse 53e corn starch d iib toe domestic skrtnl lipk 19c soups rjftuu sis s3e masters dag biscuits s i sc i chrutua fruitloaf k 25 m hceetout pot barley wheatlets ci cake flour mp- l- onarchflour ilu 84 madeira cake ciu- wb ie romatt 11d w drt pewjr junket 11 llb bar 39 juicy navel oranges good size doz 28c large seedless grapefruit also freah r onloiw svirrchjcneidnf 5 new texvs qforl ft carrots lanre uuncbttjl lvc choice cranberries pound 25c we reserve the right to limit quantities of all goads to family requirements fruit and vbobtabue prices good tux haturdav mo i it ovlvi carrolls

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