3iyj jvftimjffrwlrriiih i jiunriijay octonkitm loan till infi iiauvkktklt w l rif llle orilflulds i linir li stored uwuy i ui mil high dark rafters in n ur low in go uml play w 1 n lie nrrhard ivi- lulped with it ourselves inmrvid in pots and jura ii mm more ruplmarda shelves iijiun both ml anil yellow pple inline y damson cheese iorl- of iurrtn anil spiers n unit i vi ryonr you plemw i in winter when we peep in in- ruphnitrd nrnr ihr stair mietlnn think that summer riully ruuglit in tlie re i ttielma coombs ufe membership cer tificate irctriilrd to robert p khaiiki by llbr i rlriula in manitoba the older residents of this community will remember mr robert j slunks who spent hb early life at llmchousc and rrmoi ed to manitoba many yearn ago as ii teacher and a lay preacher lie has accomplished much good during lib limu uil- kvldence of appreciation of till- uir manifested on ilia occasion uf iiii ninetieth birthday by ida friends ut uittiulr mid daly in september at the sunday service in the united church in- wus presented with a life membership in the bible society an we glean frum the hi vers gazette lle hislop jjlcjteon or oak river fittingly okc or mr olianks work and splendid influence the following ad dress was rend by mrs o o harvey arier which mr than alrey made- the presentation dear mr shanks your many friends wish to con gratulate you on liaving reached your ninetieth birthday wo littve ap preciated your cental presence in our midst and wc rejoice wlui you in tlie splendid heal tli which you have en- joyed and in the keenness or your faculties not many men of ninety yearn of age ure teaching bible classes and not many at such an ago can be culled upon at any time to conduct a iervicc and preach a sermon- tile presence of your beautiful christian hie in our milk i la a vital influence ilium nuuxy uvea ior many yearn you have unfold ed unto us the teachings of the wurd- rmt u ure member of uie bible society us a token of the joy which is ours in seeing you reach tlie celebration or your ninetieth birthday sinned on behalf of your many friends tliaa w alrey mrs o o ilarvey john a dyer mr shanks expressed bis grautude at uie honor conferred upon him in woll chosen words 1 t a 5 y m1 rw cll an fjillfjjsci i ycopntk tftibswffi feln en 76rah h sto m 0 tnj near the lire m ahicrful sits an old man nald and tearful he in dreaming of the days of lonn ad and in fanry he ii roaming wlh hb sweetheart in the loam inn t when he spoke the words that set her checks nglou dy the brook down in the meadow jr the willows gentle shadow there they planned their future happl- ncrji one day when the sun set in lui nplendor then lib voice prew oft and tender and he ccntly took her in lib armi u nay chorun when the hnrvcm daji arc over jeikilf dear and tht aunlclued flowcn bloom nealh cky so clear you mil keep the word you rald thati the time wo two nhnll wed when the harvest dayn are over jcasle dear now the arc once briflht li dylnu ai he clli there wiflly nljhlilh for hb fancy tokei hlni down a country lane pant the old iidloolhouie hes atrqlllna and he hcam the church be i la tolllnb as he knccli beside hbi durllnsn trravc again all in white he itently fleepliic all in black lien mttly wrcplnff fur tlie one ho waa to be hb wife come day put dcntli took him there to erect her tiie wedding day ncveit came gome qf iia remember when one of our brtflht farmers llvlnn on jib farm variety of news hllhway crash in trafalgar cullblan between her husbands auto mobile and a motor cox driven by william crapncr or goodwood resulted in severe head and body injuries to mrs ii ilascmuin or oakvllle on sunday the anuh uhlch occurred at the junction af u jide road with bevenui line trafalgar 1uwtiahlp threw both cara on their ldci in the ditch the car driven by cropper itruclc uiat operated by mr llnscrmun accordlna to chief canstahlo kerr other pctxons rldlnb in the auto mobiles at the time escaped with cc rate hea and a nhaldna up anotlirr pedestrian injured en lufhway one nion iicdcatrlan or the port credit dbtrlct tell u victim to the automobile while uulktnti oq the hlflhway it la be lieved lollowlrm tlie dlficovcry shortly after c oclock monday night of james armstrong may wood qondens lylnff in the ditch at the tide or the centre road suffering from severe scalp wounds and leg fractures armo trans was in a dazed and almost helplem condition when found by maxwell liasscll of the centre iload and uai unable to state what luul imp- pencd to him he claimed to have lost hb memory from a period when ho hud been ualklng alonff the side of highway from work at tlie factory of the t st law rence starch company lib injuries mre given attention by dr l b llrulcy and ho was removed to st joseph hoipilal toronto armstrong is a married man and is about 30 years of ace president and secretaries please note beginning of the fall season brings with it renewed activity an the part of tlie various societies and organlxatlons which have to a certain extent been dormant during the cummer houdays is the desire ot tns pssi pbesj to give these ucthltlcs recognition and publicity through its columns but it is impossible that the reporting stair attend tnem all the ossblunteof the ofltclals especially the pre ldfiit und secretaries is respccu fully invited brier reports or their meetings elections or officers etc would be greatly appreciated as they arc events or ncuu xuluc in uio community ufe it 43 not netcwiry that uie report be writ ten thuuuh thb b preferred but if notes of uhll took place arc tent in we will arrutige the story names of uiose talcing prominent parts diould be given wlui initials clearly nows for the current weeks lioue ahould be handed in or phoned to the vukt rtss office not later than tuesday evening the pssi ibesi phone number b 174 tnforoinr the highway traffic act illottlng instructions from uws de- parumnt of highways uie provincial trulllc olllcr- mid tlie municipal con- j tables uir enforcing urlcuy um provisions of the hljhuay trafllc aqt tluwc autuiril days dining the week uiere have conlo bclure polite magbtrote moore chargm for pii ding reckless driving using upot- ilghlt one light in front no tall light not uutiiii drivers licenses racing on pavtiiiint uir ttlthout lights on high way uiliitulx petting partlca it b no hurclihli on motorists lo liavc ju provblon- of tlie act enforced ttiofj who drive cms mujt and ijwuld make up their mind- to observe faithfully the pruvlsluii or i he act in all rccpccu thee niulatloils are enacted tor the oarety of inotorbls themselves and the general public ulio have occasion to bs on the iilghttujs of tlie province caic- lessne or lugllgence and peutstcnt vluhition the luw are costly and in- wlth one or two exceptions if guilty to ah these charges put hi und the hues and cni1 ithin a mile of acton had just such an experience us the poet descrlbci he loved hb jennie with a true and over- lasting love her demle uas a great blow to him and he remained faithful to thb first and only love after ten yearn of loneliness he too passed uwuy i have always liked to reflect that there was a happy reunion in uie home ubovr i can remember more than once yea a doicn times seeing thb young farmer friend af mine come into the village from uie old farm turn in past the old nchoalhousc on main street go past the old presbyterian church and into the old graveyard in the rcur and pause at jennies grave for it uai there 6 ho was burled plnally death took him there to greet hex and in heaven above hed urcct her when he himself passed over such events in real life an among the pathcuc experiences uint come to us they have always seemed to be acred to inc i revere the memory of the iwo whom i refer to harvest time and autumn there b something pathetic about the end of the harvest lime and the advent of autumn thb ls a theme which attracts utmost every poet and poems galore with putho mid thankiulncaa sadness und incourugement sighs tor days that are pist us their themes the last loud oi the harvest generally goes in with a sort of solemn thanks giving mid the thoughts of all harmon- llh the uuluinn dujs und the winter time to come thb li how one poet cypresses hb thoughts of the end of the days of the hurvest and the autumn days which urc here autumn the summer has gone and the aulumii b here and the flowers ure strewing their euruily bier a dreamy mist oer the woodland swims while latlle the nil la from tnc wlrdy limbs prom bough to bough the soulrrclt run at the noise of the hunter a echoing gun and the partridge illet where my foo step heaves the rustling drift of withered leaves the flocks pursue their southern flight some all the day and some all ih night and up from uie uooded marshes come the sound of the pheasants featli drum on the highest bough the mourner c bits in his funeral suit of woe all nature mourns und my spirit grieves at the nobc of my feel in the withering leaves i sigh for the davs hut have passed when my life like the years had its season of may when the world was all sunshine and beauty mid truth and the dews bullied my feet in the alloy ol youth of lluwrni mm ftecyird invariably had hi her lower garden which occupied u property where ilnlmmnrt block and the wonderland iheutre now stand well heavy drutlghti werr made mum thb flue gurden for its uttrucllve pro- diirb if llowrrn and fruits unit foliage und ut albans unit harvest home wun held in u very attractive netting roune in addition to mm uecords con tributions the irlilii nml orchards the furmrrs nf the congregation were druwn upon for generouu gifts of fruit und vcgctablrs and grain in the straw and these added to the artistic lwnuly and the nymbnllc siiggesllvenenn of the deeoratinuii thlti wan actons flmt harvest home church mrvirr with niuumn decora linns hut many an attractive and pmutahlr harvest home service has been held here through the intervening yeurs all the churches- have rrom time lo time lirld harvest home cervices with nil liable de corations of autumn fruits grain flowers vegetables and these have ben attrac tive and impressive but only st albann has kept up the interesting custom year after yar i like the hit and liveliness and tlie thankful spirit and religious fervor the following old- time harvest carol wrillcnby gerard moultrie in 1b07 come forth came forth brave reapers 1 and bear your sheaves wlui you we come to thank our master that master good and true we toll wo plant we water our labors never cease but jood alone is master who glveth uie increase we now in team and labor we reap in joy and iltrcngth we tread our pathway weeping good seed wo bear at length our mouth b filled with laughter our tongue is filled with mirth the harvest is or heaven the labor wan of earth the lord of life callh to us came gather in your wheat but when you keep your harvest one thing do not forget there comes another harvest for which no mortal delves there i am harvest- master tlie sheaves are you yourselves to see the seed grow riper within the bending ear at last uirough heavens bright portal the guardian angels sweep and nay the wheat is ready alve lord the word to reap and thin the word b given oo forth and reap uie com the field so white with harvest upon their harvest mom a forth my angel reapers and in your bosoms bear tlie sheaves to my full gamer and store uie harvest there o joyl o life forever 3bs8gssg2stx then my heurt felt its wings and no bird f the ky lowirs mure joyous evltablr tlie plia has in 1 1 paid too boon a storj i mtctul llf l thoukhl oldi the tor tea wlilf h attemhd in youui u i mm you thin for jour told or a politician who in mveved by a fear of being i t hun he is runs unit at an afternoon or private reasons lie had was i r oss questioned by a ii who wbhed to know his rrtalu point- uie she said laughingly i ri ally finding out what not you ought to be frank i ure gray und ly ut i assure you my he interposed hastily suiik than i but youth b u fable i fur my foolnti ps withering leave and i sigh for the tin at morn came down from tlie hill ut the sound of tlie luin of when drugging the rake i followed uiem on while they tossed the light oheuvea with their humbler about nd bi auty deeelvi uhen the rtuper through the field iihiled i ru hut stubblis ton iiudi the muiu now the uplands of life while myfikutei a withering leave buy during bure- puth ol o endless harvlioittiu a harvesthome whose pleasure no blight no storms alloy a blest abode a feat of god i a paradise of joy well say ive done a lot of thinking of uie old days while ive been writing this oldtlmc letter for uie week ho one thought leads to another i had no idea when i began to recall incidents about the poem when tnc harvest days arc over and my lovcrfrlcnd of long ago that it would take me through all these harvest home services rollow- lng the harvests tor fifty five years well theyve been prontable thoughts to me i hope you will all find them such to you proilinition and the boot leg g ell one of the charges against prohibi tion b that it produced uie bootlegger that charge b unfair a bootlegger b a man who b willing to break the laws of hu country for hb own profit the existence of tha kind of man goes back to a cause what produced him not uie absence drhiklng facilities certainly i it b far more likely uiat he b a product of uie barroom for liquor mokes more crlmln- ab than anything else and he b ob viously handlnglovc wlui uie trade seeing that thb fellow b willing to make money by breaking the uwb wc may admit that prohibition has given him a prontable opportunity supposing however that door to wealth were dau by the return of the licenced liquor seller would that do away with the boot legger as a bootlegger it might but menace to society it would leave him whero he is he could still peddle dope there b no reason to expect uiat the lack of one way of breaking uie law would be to change him into a decent lawabiding citizen is the eighteenth amendment wholly to blame for giving the bootlegger tils opportunity that amendment gives him no opportunity at all with those who obey the law he must find a patron who la willing to break the law by cell ing alcoholic drinks how is h that so many people are breaking thb law for that is uie most serious factor in the present situation was it prohibition uiat gave these people the habit of using strong drink prohibition lo blame because that habit has so strong a hold on them uiat they will rather break the law uian break themselves of it how docs it happen that thousands who arc otherwise good cltlxcns ore violating thb amendment the liquor trade produced the boot leggers patron why lay the blame on prohlulllu when these two conspire to break the luw enicot english in ameri can weekly menu hints uxjitkeil for now tl novel bulxi hfumhou id and kiitglhmi juice t liy tluy kturrluy haw j qu in 2 cups blond oranc 13 cup lemon juice 1 cup sugar 1 cup heavy cream j clip powdered sugar j tablespoon vanilla rvw grains nail 23 cup nut meals mix fruit julcen and sugar and strain mixture into a onepint ice cream mold whip cream add pnwdrred sugar vanil la colt and nut meals cut lit fine pieces and pour over uie first mixture until mold b full to overflowing cover with buttered paper then wlui cover of mold pack in ice and salt using two parts ice to one part salt and let stand three hours unmold and cut in nllccs for serving dried macaroon crumbs may lie used in place of nutmeats lemon junket in pnune whip 1 package lemon junket 1 cups stewed prunes 1 pint milk white 1 egg sugar put uie ntewed p rones through a coarse sieve into a large bowl sweeten to taste add the while of egg and beat wlui wire whisk 10 minutes pill tall dessert glosses half full dissolve uie junket powder in the slightly warmed milk and pour carefully into glasses holding a spoon flat over uie whip to catch the milk as it b poured in tills careful pouring will keep the whip from float ing let set in warm room until firm orate a utue nutmeg over top chill orange pinwheelq 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup flour it teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter 13 cup milk 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoon orange juice orated orange rind ulx and sift flour baking powder and salt rub in one tablespoon butler or other shortening and mobten to a dough wlui milk roll uiin spread with uie remaining butter sprinkle wlui sugar mixed wlui orange juice and rind and roll up like a jelly roll cut in slices and place cut side up in buttered muffin pans sprinkle with remaining sugar and bake in a hot oven when small and dainty these arc good for afternoon salmon salad cnqdcttks can of talmon 3 hardboiled eigtf 1 cup finelyminced celery 1 large white potato boiled and cooled sprinkle well with paprika and add a bit of onion juice mix well wlui just enough french dressing to form into croquettes roll each cronuette in finelyground nut meats and serve on lettuce leaves with salmon dressing mode from 1 cup of salmon robbed uirough a colander into a plain mayonnaise dressing pork chops salsa con chili chops garlic clove tomatoes canned or fresh chill powder purchase pork chops threefourth inch thick bruise uie end of a garlic clove and rub over each chop sprinkle w the salt roll each chop in flour and brown in hot fat in sklllcl when browned on both sides add conned or crushed tomatoes to cover with from one to two teaspoons of chili rlowder one teaspoon lo four chops cover and simmer one hour weekly fashion hint will tell you what to hate hate hypocrby hate cant hate intolerance oppression injustlre pharisaism hate uiem us chrbt hated ulcm with a deep abiding oodllkc hatred p w ilobert- tlr lant willi peluli the luuit swullow lie mimnier a gum willi dead mens l light and uur of sight the prcn for fll poet who wrotw the ubove- intro duces quite a wall throughout hl lines und fulli to put in the gludiicu and thanksgh ing of full burns und plenty ry where ubutil the furm hakvehi home candidly i like the spirit honu with nil ili jujs or i belter than he uioi i ui of uiiiumn l have ulvwij emphasis phrnd uhui liu t by tin angllim cli b hon now gm t hiiim- ervlre if harvest nk fulness thoughts dnilnd the nd of har- thelr way bi home acton this wn cull llguie it out ago this fall mn tlu in ucv mr tipti my mind to tin nrit hurvest albjiia church lunl uu mur us i out ilftyilvo ycaru uuli meiord was 1 help of iii uhut i icullh sowing klu cloveb during the last few ycurj an experi ment has been conducted at uie cap rouge quebec experimental station to compare the seeding of red clover by broadcasting wlui seeding u hi rows the soil on which the experiment was made is u suudy loam of raulcr pour quality but in good tilth and it b leprcuentallvc of a large proportion of the territory covered by uie cap rogue station he averuge results uf five years show that for every 100 pounds of seed pro duced when sown broadcast and uie li it i rop wan cut for hay there w 1uj wiuii sown in drllb twentyfour in ches apurt 133 when sown in drllu twelve indus upurt und 137 when sown broadcast und the first crop cut for seed as the main point however is the tm uuit profit it b luterebllng to note that the acre value of the products were kspecllvely i0j 110 when sown broadcast und the first crop was cut tor hay 65 00 whui sown broudcast and the first crop ui cut for seed 151 id when sown in drills twenty- four in c lira apart the ruthcr high vale of the flrst crop of hay ill 13 even ufter costs of making it aro deducted glvei the advantages to the ilrst method according to this experiment the must lirulltuble wuy would be to sow broad- unci cut the ilnt crop for hay lyer for a dlitrlct like that around cap ltougr wherr the season b short it m be remembered that uie first cut ting nliould be made around uie middle of jluna for u it u deluyed until uie lour leuihi full bloom it will geil- t tally not allow time fur a setd crop to utleiwuidj protierly malum 3 1 fi ue pmtof alt puckujc tlcuu perlb 55 per lb 609 tgct new fouest reserves two more forest reserves have been es- tablbhcd in british columbia for uie perpetual rgowlng of timber these rcscrveo hove been named morlce forest and redonda porest morlce forest contains approximately 035 square miles and occupies the watershed of morlce river lying just cast of uie caeca do mountains and about 135 miles south- cost of prince rupert- ucdonda forest hju an area of about sixtyfive square miles and comprises the whole of the western bland of uie redonda islands at perpetual growing of umber thee areas are now reserved from all use or occupancy by any person and cannot be sold leased or disposed of in any way tnc re are fine stands of timber upon both reserves during id37 there was added 437000 acres to the provincial forests and uie total area now under reserve for thb purpose is c4d50q0 acres modlmi cikls hcolk tint little model for the growing girl designed for school da a and gen eral wear is smartly fashioned of nnntcil wool chsllu the novel clos ing and square ucel arc htnilud with emit raiting binding which hirutiutcs he smart hues of he frock imupi ol buttons down the front commute a trim touch of ilor tbcj arc at tractive vilien matehtng the binding in jersey or tweed the frock i also practical while flannel or even iuig- tiam are ccmallj iliifaunrv i or afternoon orcasmm lie frock i j ik hindi of vebct or irepc dc ci clearing auction sale farm stock and implements the undersigned has been instructed y frank smith to tell by public aucuon at lot 27 7th line on no 7 highway on thursday octoheu 25 1028 at one oclock the following iioltses drown horse 11 years old drown marc 14 yearn aid cattle jersey ucirer 3 years milking well jersey cow due time of sale illack jersey cow due december 17 orcy jersey cow fresh jersey due january lfi guernsey cow fresh 3 roan heifers 16 and 18 montlis old 1 steer 1 heifer 7 months old sheep 10 sheep 1 young ram pios 6 pigs almost ready for mar ket sow due october 10 implements masscyhartb binder 5 foot cut hay rake 3cccuon harrows plow poublefurrow plow wheclbarrou cuiuvator scufllcr noxun seed drill masscyharrts cream separator market wagon heavy wagon and hay rack top buggy set bobsleighs new 3 45- hallon barrels 3 sledge hammers 13 and 14 lbs porks bhoveb crowbura cream can and other articles harness bet team harness set single harness 2 collars hay and potatoes a quantity of good alfolfo hay 33 b0 potatoes terms 13000 and under cash over that amount 0 mftithn credit on approv ed joint notes discount for rush pat pigs hay ond pototoco to he cash no reserv as my leave lla fspired ben fetch auctioneer v a wilson clerk liluitm 1 1 ut illi j llllimili 1 1 1 luiuuilliliim smart davt1mh tkock stvlish ul tlw young girl and tin ron too will lw delighted frock it i designed afler the lalest par i nan models aiul witliil is not tlie lean hit dilhrult ht make ai illus trated it is nude of hue kasln with a iimtrustuik fcitiu collar hut wool dull ii nndamihmsa rlntli enter or tlaiinel as well as canton crfpe are aim rxirllriil as well as up to live imiiule sjjnri i lie diagonal losing and the kijtu of the iilikouji over tlie pirating at tile lelt sideol the tkirt arc uolewoilli stle features of tliii clue frock every man past 40 should make this test for amaslnx and lasting relief irqia middle are allmenls that cailuf dally annoyance and sap vital force no longer need men near or past the prime ft life put up with lliusc painful and often embarrassing conditions brotiglit on by overworked shiggtah kid neys jllodder weakness and prwitrate oland trouble with their dbuenalnit lymptorub of lameiiena pains in buck ind down through groins scanty but fre quent and burning urination oettlnf- unnighln nervous irritability and lock of force because a ten day tent of dr boutliworuis urataus will convince uie most skcpucal of the value of this ipeclal treatment for uielr particular case amasing tesumony or physicians and era gives convincing proof of the power of ultatabu to restore health and multitude of alarming symptoms seem to quickly disappear and you tee and feel a truly genuine improvement often with in two or uirec duyu no more back- clies im mure imln no more cuibarrusn- iient or aettlngupnlghu i now slern soundly and get up in the morning full or pen uuuiks to uhataiwi while new to the general public the wondrous value or uuatahu has been uuiroughly proven by nearly 40 years ol buccesulul us in uie private practice of dr ii llouthworth and now any good di uggul will supply them on u guaranue of satuactlon or money back try ullatauu today i did you ever stop to think ly hmson it wa1te sluiwncc oulahiinm tliat eole buy and what they iniy lrnciiil upon the advcrliseiiiriil they read a luisinesb concern that wishes attrae- spend no hiixiness exists in the minds of the pnltlie hilled it is eonstantlv telling them liavc for sale that to attract busiiies must make itself live to those who have money to what the hat wax- in proven lieeau piality iopular well advirtised i demand tlii fact i prov en iieeause iiality is selling in reate oliime ev erv car al- tlial e procnt luisi tent ailvertis s and assure ii mainlaiiis fut ire iiu1 ixlt luiv that r jor well advertised mcrcliandisc therefore better to sell lle that liniiicss concern- real extent ly tin ire judged to tliev j umili iter sale that it advertised line fuel localh nlwavh hehl to in stock and adv carrv well rlisc llial that micccsslu the fiiealeil asset have misincsm concerns ire m coiiiiiiiuiitv can lrouli tlie printed pae d crtisin through t tlie best cheapest and surest wav isincss concerns to tell who thc are here lliev arc and what they liavc for let the free press help you to success by spreading your store news iiiisiiiisiiaifhiiaiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiijirjiifiriifiiiiiii biililiin ml