lt jrtmt nt lmn thuiuiday oovouvm i 10 j iclmi itominikk tvui whin ovr tin school the dim imuilii rule anil ii thii world iiinin nuuuhlyn i iimillit immi mi nt the ioniii im iirrrtril tiv my flrolllrol my riiiiny lohvled licoltliul my plirmr- tailed wnifkln iliueol tlnii uiwii friit mi mutter wlinl oipdiii hy niy ncoiiiiiii now lint to in- dominie wml fiend tin mull folic dottyn ilut i jiint millie mi luillk the uhlle ujhui my whlniny hrnltliiil my ijowiikii furiy fjcltlii my stubborn lovln ijcotllro itir minn the iirlnd in left inhind and i urn wl my mrotllrol and ln miielliee iihould mm day tli e a rnnljit henrtrenilln thochtloot i uidua icri my huttuibcn wlmil my namely tlixiulcol my iirmicln valiant tlrnltleo my llikwtailtnpplrr fjcottleitl tac linnkn anil briun id skirl thy pralw my aln wee tyke my tliottkol harold wllliiril aleiifon tlfk sunday school lesson for siinoav hhhuu 7 chnend ievnti time ir fierlpluro miiutiui- i fcph 4 1110 goldei actu j 11 lin 111- oolden text wo lire il- vunkmaii hip creiilei in iiin kt jimiii or ui vnrki which and ofoir prepared tlm hi pfejlll1 rfiould wulk in ihrni lupli tlonul itciidlnit- dnit g0 ilcatth hcrvlco of the canadian medical association siupccthtp tubcrciilohbi porhapn to moat pernonn a iiiisplclon of tubcrculojiln mrnno coindi nntihim the ralslnff of blood mid piiln in hip chest these arc- indeed niuns f tuberculoids jllood iiplttinit ahoultl nlwnyn be consider ed as due to tuberculoids until it in prov ed otherwise wc may nay that tho person who ralsea nomc blood early in ihe-fjimaiw- la fortunate bacauw thla frluhtenn him and sends him to hla pliy- nlclan however the nlunn mentioned above arc what occur when tho dlneanc in well anlnblujicd and what wu ntiould know aro tho olfinfl and symptoms that occur earlier tlmn thin it lo not our jntcnuon to attempt to describe all tho carilcfltinbnii which wquld make one auspicious of tubercul osis but rather to point out one or two of the commoncnt which should be known to all and tho presence of which nhould send thorn to thrlr physician for examination to find out whether or not there in any actual disease the most important of these early sus picious otunn la the most dlftlcult to define it in chronic fatigue undue fa tigue causing the indlvlduul to tiro canlly the person who flndo that he is rasularly tired from work which usually does not fatloiic him that ho is tired very afternoon that everything iv an ortoctj fchouhftirtv a mnulcol any roufch las tins over six wee kit flhould simaent medical examination ii thoec two slcnn were connldcrcd by all as dancer signals which would turn them towards their doctors office there would bo fewer canes of tuberculosis that are far advanced when the physician first sees them not everyone with these symptoms has tuberculosis but some have nnd the only way in which one can protect htm- ralf lo by huvlnn a thorough medical examination to ascertain the cause in tiny particular cane and if it is luecrcu- lajlfl to secure early treatment which offora the best chance for cure qucstlanb concerning health addremed to the canadian medical association id colleffo dtreot toronto will be answered by lotter questions as to dlaaiiosls and treatment will noi be answered kxtemally or inunihlly ii is good when applied externally by brult rub- blna dr thomas eclectrlc oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue touching the cent of the trouble and im mediately affording relief administered internally it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will relieve affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organi try it and be convinced twcntv ykaits ago from the luue of the free press or thursday october s 100b mr j g dcacan school inspector visited the schools here this week mrs albert early has hold her farm on uie 10th line ecnucliiii for 10075 many farmers arc now busy with their potato crop it is turning out well and the quality la superior messrs charles and william bcott hac purchased the thomas somervlllc farm on tho fourth line enqueuing mr t p watklns lot 31 conccunlor 1 lqucslng will sell his farm stock by auction next monday the students of the upocr school of the school spent saturday after noon on becchnutting expedition upon their return they were entertained by mrs ii ii wordcn mill street after being in the painter and decora- tars hands for about two months williams bus appeared on the street on tuesday morning in a gay coat of crimson and gold it certainly looks more attractive than whon it came new from tho shops three years ago the work of repainting is highly creditable to mr j g ruddy georgetown evangelistic services will commence in the methodist church about sunday october 36 mr and mrs asa gordon of ottawa will assist the pastor in these services a ashing party comprising councillor c o speight and messrs w btark w qayers and r sinclair returned home last friday after spending a week fishing in the waters of the oeorglan day and notawasauga itlver in the vicinity of new lowell numerous friends in town were favored wlli a dlvlijon of the spoil mrs sydney smith and mr allan m bmlth arrived home from their trip to a real drltatn and the continent on thursday of last week die esqucslng fall fair held in acton last tuesday and wcdncndny wan favor- n with ideal autumn weather and a record bro a king crowd uxpert judges for the live block agalnguvc satisfaction lliero never was a finer dlipluy of drusji- ed fowl at the fair the entries for butter gave a collection almost equal to 11 at win at toronto the collection of picture ost cards gave evidence of the wondcvful variety of thl popular fad mis anna maddock iniuk a very fine display of hnnri- painted rlilnn which cmiununded general udmlratlon for the not the exhibition hull iuos lighted with eleclrtclty upd the rontriutt of former jeuiu when sitmky coll oil lamps u lined was ntriklng i ho mjthodbt bun- day school orchestra of eleven piece provided the music tho ninny friends of mm wllhon vlf if the rector of qi albanu church met on monday ewnlng ut the home of ml moore wilbur blieet to wvloomc her and tier little win lionel home ifui sojourn of urc ths in the old j country the text ilnpulurd tt 1 it piuil i le wu- now on htn third mldonary journey utiirtlni out firin antloeh if my i in the hone from whlrh nil of itli mlwloiirtry ntfiprlim luul 0rlidiiatil he hriil uv lulled the lhu chuichou luilch ha had on his ftrnl mliilonary jounley eitnbllfhed in i ulhern guliitlii iroiiluinr4yntrn etc then had travelled wtslwuril throuilh a in minor niilll ho cinni to the of the aiocan sen the nynagogui kphisiiii ephenii was at thin time the mint important city of aula minor mnport located ut the mouth of little ilvei cnyiitit it iwipulitlion was c umpired liirnely of ionian grcclts life of the fphentan people was nreatly influenced liowover by native asiatic nnd ulo oriental ideals thrrc wan conldernble jewish populntlon t temple of icphcilan diana orn artemis wns one of tho hoven wonders of the ancient world ispilrnlan artemis bore no real reremhlance to the goddess who was called artemis by the orccks and diana by the romans but was really hie asiatic ifathcraoddeci who wal wornhipped in varloitij places under vari ous names including cyhrlc demelcr and coroa j 0 some were hardened and dlsobed- some grew obstinate in unbrllcf nnlihl 1 tlln lit nil i ienl weymouth the wnyurhat is the gospel the multitude tho congrega tion of the synagogue lie departed following his custom when met by bigotcdnpponllkm he- turned from tho jewn to the gentiles separated the dlsclplpn took with him those who had accepted hln teachings reaching dally conducting dally discussions tho lchnol of tyrannus tyrannus wafl probnbaly a acntlle who made hli liv ing by keeping a school of philosophy dummclow it la likely that tyrannus had been converted to christianity 10 all they that dwelt in asia heard the word of the lord using tyrannus lecture hall ns hln headquarters paul conducted or supervised missionary ac tivities throughout the province of asia likely including- the ojtlea of milctun- pcrpanwwh him i finr a iluuwliiilil mrdlclnr they that are acquainted wltli the uurllng properties of dr thomas eclectrlc oil in the treat ment of many allmenti would not be without it in the hoiim it li truly a hmisehold medicine nnd as it is effective in dealing with many ordinary com- plulnts it it an inrxpuiilve medicine tu kiep it at hmid iu the rail for it mny iiimr miwl iinexpeiudly tirielphlar lfl confessing a- proof of rcpent- lomaglcal urts the use of magic formularies inqantntlonn and exorcisms was n result of oriental influences fifty thousand pieces of silver in pur chasing power this sum was the equiva lent of about fifty thousand dollar- in ic currency of today eph 4- 11 evangelists missionaries tho titles listed in this verse refer not uch to grades of office as to different forms of christian activities with u view to fitting his people for the work af the ministry and so for building up the body of the christ twentieth century new testament ministering service the body of christ the church 13 a fullgrown man complete manhood the measure of tho stuturc jf the fulness of christ fully developed manhood according to christs standard ic an christ ik the head all the diverse members of the body each per forming ila proper function are united to a perfect whole lesson tliemrs the light that failed pliny a roman contemporary of paul called ephesus the light or asia the desig nation was not well chosen ita referred not only to the citys wealth and pros perity but ulso to its intellectual social nlvd religious preeminence f among the leading cities of the empire liu the light that ephesus nhed upon th- focial und religious world was like the light of the will -o- the- wisp it emanated from a monies and it led lolka into the depth of filth into the darkness of this illumination paul and others brought the true light of the gospel ifj message of gods grace in christ wi first of all a power unto salvation an3 inado iuj way by pcnonnl moral regenera tion our lesson narrative 141 makej very clear the moral clfcct proceeding from christianity and its victory ovjr superstition ignorance and deceit again and again in the history of christianity this pure light of the goipcl hru been dimmed and changed to durk- thosc who should have kept it bright and visible by precept and example have extinguished tho flame altogether individual christian docs this when falls to let his light so shine before men that they may sec his good works and glorify the father churches change thctr light into darkness when they cense to seek and to save those who are lost and they do it when they compromise the forces of unrighteousness in community or state when religion collides with business in the city of ephesus the principles of clulstlunlty soon interfered with the business of some people their business built u k n idolatry or humbuggery new religion upset their financial prosperity a grout outcry went up from them they succeeded in inflaming the e ne nil public to the iioinl where chris tianity wns opposed and christians were persecuted there are men today who favor chrhtlunlty only so lung as 11 does not touch their business it makes hem wince becaunc they know in their heart uf hearts that tomc of their busl- mti practices are wrong they could not be squared with the ooultn rule ilui ale unlkorlal participation in all all such methods is contrary to the nudern social interpretation u ae i pel ilut some otherwine good people do nut like lo hae the gopel principles pplled m dlreitly to euryday life like th- faiivitmnlllv of epilogs they make it unciinifnruible for preacher mitt teachers uhie pleas for rlghteoumiev disturb lhilr tourers of revenue if iuch pro uti were heeded the light of the gospel mould hi tiwullowtd up f darknev orgunled llelllun we ie in a time of gieiit outcry uiiulnit orgunlred rellglin jeuon are heard to uy that they be- mev- in religion hut not in orgauireil r llglon it li like asking for the moon id demand religion without onrnnlui- llim here is a plrlure of chrlntitmlty ut lis riirllihl stage less than a genera tion utter the crucifixion we find no lea ihim live chuues of chinch workers nailieit and tilher catiiloglies were loniier oigiuiljitlnn had thus come be- eiiue it uui inevitable it is not enough to iiavi power one needs besides a lever throuith which tu exert his power to the lirgest tulvuntjiki organlaitolrt is imply the liver by w hieli we serk to inke ciulstlan power more elleetlve it is luviited with no danger so long r it li looked upon us a meaiii and not iv mi end in itself lor lurthcr duruisliii filing noising tri more good than a row of medals pinned on them is the value thrc young lads from tlir bickwoodn of ontario will derive from a wonderful week iiient in toronto tlirso three boys lire itrne thlbnijlt aged 14 years french- r nnd ian from ramsay oeorge icinirton a little 6ycaroid indian of wy- inj john paul paquelte frenchcnrvdlnn omiilur nged 10 years they are ardct pupils of the canniilan pncjflc ktllway travelling ichool car and nrc up betimes each morning to attend the school on wheels the week it spends in each month on a siding ui thelinletlan of the north their teacher mr mcnally fchose three boyo to spend a week hi toronto and the canadian national exhibition an guest of premier frrguon the boyo o hie entrance cliuis of the normal school und tlin cniitidlan puuino rallwayy bewildered by all lit saw young oeorge kingston ocarccly spoke although he 1- learning english rapidly nnd even the smallest thing h- saw brought a shy smile- he had never been upmahj until lie boarded the train that brought him to tho city und the lnrrcit bndy of people he had seen together at one lime wns 30 he wan intensely lnlorested in niirmn and elevators nnd his pockets were stuffed with a correction of mechanical toys he has not yet muntercd up enough courage to talk onatelcphonc and when lie saw a paradoof cadets in tholr bright rod tunics it was difficult to- hold him buck the two older boys were most interested in aeroplanes and the animals they saw ut the exhibition auto is self steering the heading of this article i not intended to mislead the high power sedan pictured above is all of that nnd more us the steering wheel acts only as a front wheel brake nnd nil four wheels are fixed perlwpu the most remarkable fact in count ctlon with this linndw me automobile ivlhnt it wan turned out just as it appears from the canadian 1achlc locomotive works ut angus there you have it the wheels are flanged wilh rubber insulation between the steel tires supplementary lights comply with lullwny regulations there are staffs for the regulation ilut n p lionij ind i bumper canadian pacific engineers will use till car for inspection un itkolkillt to terms lack of ordinary courtesy is one of nifis1 troublesome things a traveller can encounter nnd it would be well perhaps if nil travellers were us pleas antly persistent in imlsting upon liicir lghts as the man in this story which fs taken from everywhere a commercial traveller wanted to now if tho train was into und ventured to ink the operator in the ticketoffice dnwnuw rcplliyj tin- gentleman or lie keys meaning probably i dont know but i um told it is an hour unvl hair late persisted the traveller imll- g you mrely can loll me if that is true wuwnawnntliawnboutut replied the the knight or the sounding board turn ing the back of ills head to the qucstlon- r but it is highly desirable that i hould know said the gatherer of orders still more pleasantly i can make three hiilnem culls in that hour and u half und still huve fifteen minutes margin dont you think you hud bclur find out for me it will take you only a minute or two you know flnoti nothln replied lie lightning manipulator probably meunlng find out nothing and lie beim reading the ndverthemeni columns of u dally piihr paying no nine attention to his question er thl 1 n eomuiliclal us well as u railroad teligniphoiritv asked the truwlkr mill tu the blumksl tones yah 1 1 piled uie operator iiieuiilni netil wu- liulf lliiou ote a in nnd lis inone lo pay foi 11 air lambonfi 1irmnkss to see ourselves as others sec us would undoubtedly be instructive but much might be gained nlso if wo could now nnd then hear ourselves as others hear us my dear said mr lamson in a somewhat irritated tone i wish you would speak to martha about the way she slams doors it is exceedingly an- noylng to feci as if a hurricane had ushered guests into my study and her passage from the diningroom to the kitchen is unnecessarily noisy ive spoken to her a great many times about it au id mrs lumson meekly ilut not with sufficient firmness my dear said her husband now i will peak to martha on the subject myself just us i did about the papers on niv titudytublc i have had no trouble since that time mis lnmson smiled but said nothing later in the morning as she sat in her rocra sewing she heard her inubanua voice addressing martha in the hall bc- iou martha he said deprecating ly did did it ever occur to you how easily doors slim if one isnt very careful nnd what u disagreeable noise they make sure and i should say it did boit loudly assented martha and the way they slip out of a bodys hands is awful thats what it is borrl portieres la the things to have mr lamson and save all throublc nnd a patent slow spring on the outside door sorr im only a i like but i has my nervrs and it jars em awful when you und mrs lumson me posing in iuid out though 1vo nlvrr poke u worrd nlxitit it before sorr for 1 know my plice well well maltha ill sec what can lie done said mr lumson mildly ill what be doi word ount t liter in a class hy iiimslii once i tried that stunt or inert niy vocabulary bi iramlng liiite words a day lluutfvuu umlu out after u weik or io nobody knew 1 wus talking about vhi i hih ll ihiowu on the haracur i he 1111 1 i l ephimit by un lllev iii to tin t hi el round lu hev i wl it kn v 1 if it tin- unit u thl ilnueh hut u w ill oh did or pi 11 ul ttu y h of it ephesus wl milte from then eluneli wotkeis w did tie ha hi um 11 id wl ut wore their di ties no l 111 lit lu eiuluio die ujiany id irn n lifoi lilltuib i i eiint 11 ielalmil ulvliig full sound id liue my utiod ides uiuii i euii feur replied the iilmul ipulhlrliuily you imu j d back u mliuile umrulor lend it o line 111 mk you rorr said martha dwii mind how much bettlier oil you i- ilu jon kept jour pajmrs in that iniwit iorr same u i made bold to ax v n to teul of thut clutter always our table sorr ytui yet it had slipped my mind that i ii uur ideu said nultutlou abruptly id tomustonh kllymhh h u eomniiiit to ry that makers of iiiotiiiiiuiiits imvii lltllo rrgurd for ihu iruui mon limb nul hum limy urn wilimtlmeil rulltxi llllt tliougli our uootl idilo of the tie inr ted is ueiinmlly miui proprly emtthmibrd thortt urn yuuiy insluiireii in wliieh u tplrlt of frank newt kmn ui huvd luuuuird tho village pootu whoie ixrvlcrh aro no much in demand on mortuary occasions in vermont remetery uncording to an exchange one mny read tlm following epitaph which certainly does not err on the rlihl uf flattery ilrrc lies in sllrncn miiji araliella young who on the 3lrt or mny ilegnn to hold her tqnffiic and here is a qiiartraln never before in print of n curiously nlmllnr imixirt here lies the body of ilannnli tliurlier onco slfo talkod and nona could curb her three hunhiinrlb had rlve all are ifend thry died of rnrnchr so tis said in the inmn ryral cemetery where thu last outspoken epitaph to found visitors kimetlmca pause to wijllc at the in- genuous grief of a widower wlioso ehangj or mood in the concluding couplet wu iwrluipn quite unintentional in memory of oumin olovef my wife moat tnm and kind though i should marry ten times over her like i shall not find grammatical eorrectneu 1b perhaps too much to ask of uie unprofessional muse moter and rhyme are hard task masters and while a man in intent upon minding them he is almost to be pard- dnned for using a little too much of that very convenient article known as poetic licence in a case like the following therefore we may praise uie smnotn- ness of the vcrao rather uiom laugh at the ruggedneas of uie grammilljcal con- atyiicuonr pause good friend and drop a tear tlic body of john pratt la here think of the day when you will be undrr the cod an deep as me the nmntcnr pool is troubled not onjy by the trammels of meter and rliyni but by the narrow space in which he tr obliged to work it u impossible to say everything- in four linen and as a oon- nqucncc much must be uft to uie under standing of uie reader bo it was no doubt wlui uie author of uie following ileneaui this atone lies william net- in the river he was drowned a squall came up his boat upset ills body was never found tons of finer quality aro unchanged in price an avalanche of the cheaper grades has made possible a slight reduction in that class of tea- salada tea a tea cz finer quality as n vermifuge nn effective prepara tion is mother araves worm extermin ator and it ca b gi to uie most detic4itirnttawlthfrttarriitlury tpaaumtfym l brl cry for time tables at actom nadian n 2olno wt mimday only 1041 dully except hundny ytltairt dully oxcept ihiiiduy 1041 mw dally noflpt hundny lw dally nxcvpt ilunilay cotvw dully ckcpl oundjiy qnpxt colito kat miiniuyottlyr tjipht jilly exrept hundny 70 ilkn daily except hiinday iihium dnlly ixoept tlilliilay saf th dully oxeept hiinilny illpb dully except illiliiuy flis pw- casfotla mothkr pleleliers castoru is a pleasant iiannlesr substi tute for castor oil paregoric teething drops anil soothing syrups prepared for infants in arms and children all ages to avoid imitations always loolcfor the signature of cisx7tkjjta proven directions on each pscltjpc physicians everywhere recommend il kvfuy heason foh shock a man who was golfing on a gcotch ccurce and playing very badly too was it rome pains to impress upon his caddie hnt he usually showed much better form after talcing twelve to one hale lie nld defensive y uint he had accom- llrhcd it in four uie previous day i wliatl exclaimed the coddle itn true said the player with my hlrd i lay dead on the green aye said the youpgster wlui nur- prlne no doubt i wnong nunmea in a email scotuh town there had been n mimical recital uint afternoon at he tcwn hall by n wellknown edln- jtirch planlct tli audience mid uie performer had departed and the carc- alccr was loclctng up whn the telephone jell rang hello cold a voice lo that uw town hall aye has mr uruce ferguson been then this afternoon aye did he play bach awn wl ye mon this la a town hall no a fitba field i a long journey urlttan dudd railroad magnate of chicago told a railroad story at a dlack- blone banquet once upon a time he said there was a railroad about seven miles long that was notorious for its bumps and dirt and dllatoiincss a train on uils railroad pulled in at tile terminus ono morning late as usual and a man said as he brushed uie cinders off hi- clothes well thank goodness the wont part of my journey la over qoln far said uie conductor cochin china sold the man edal national guockns company limited wholesale djiirlbutora m otv ttese new features increase chewier r uguln it tsu pi- r mnilly t train n ihould it uiiilint itnllroiul will yuii 1 it 1 linihirtuut thut i nnd your operator here re- j f ucft- to inftijni uie uxik here imwl rxiluinud the op- eiuloi ignoring hl neupupur mid every- tiling ilc imept the traveller i really wlnh you wouldnt lnnltt on wmllng thli i think i niiiht b iomrfthut lu the v rung ami i i bu iiur pnitton 1 euu unci out loi i on in two minute- v- i tlioucht miiiipn ou couldj tipllrd tli- oilier klutuliig the money ui 11 pirtkil uiul pulling on lln- in iut 1 mil- of tln dm in uhuh h ui- joliiiill by mmiil bjhuiilu- vlile liu- iipenitm filrl iiuud itifoiiuiiion j what alllloltirv ilfiir iuld lln- in in liter inter in u i huve been thinking how il it would be to liave wft liang- iiiiie of the doom and as for mil door it need1 one of those ilui prlugi i notice it seems in- little dllllculty in regard to wc ucrc npeuklng tiiui morning h- eully obviated in thin wuy n mm lauison smiled but uir for her millie rtiu did not state jlikbrd by i ring man of he henveiily ji riiulini uf vshlih are paved with pn in inltriipiil l- iiii- ym iiuoiinu truiii tin funu tin- buttery ienirti free u wild wjlcb nalu tuot- iiiui hw iii4iouu kai wlilla alio hh- ulicil luiuillitllr auan4 ca a dhj iuiiiiliailiaa wll illillilma i ii till of tttaiavaicbaa dloaa bbululalffh imiui aala via law uulllaa uluui kulcloaa baxlar agetiey begitered u3i uitn date slra futu uuxl jt 19 not to be won dered at that the new chrp biers m and u ore everywhere being received with cordiality unusual even co chrysler chrysler in one itroke leti than five yean aso captured the etyle nerfarmance and value leadership of the industry jthat superi ority has been strengthened by each succeed intj step until the newest chryslers represent the highest expression to date of chryslers new sltiidertwftlcjhromlumtlatctl radi ator hornio iiiti tij tvith cowl moulding new airuinjj fendertj nov bowltyfe headlamps new archedwindow silhouette with hood panels harmonizins in design new stveepina reardeck lines in coupe and roadster ccunterweizhted 7bearins crankshaft new chryslerdesigned gasoline tank shield power slued pickup that outchrysler even chrysler and all these are added to numberless developments which clirysler owners have enjoyed for years and years and which have contributed to chrysler sat isfaction and tony life 3 the public acceptance of these remarkable develop- nwcltrydcr75 priest royal ssdan 1085i 2panr cwijfcf uvlth rufibu ual il9j5 lloujtter with ruttuos sol 201 oj tout slxn 2t40icrwsjan2l40iqmivttibucoup 220tj 5f3iiftit sfdrtjarj phastm 233 7pasiir standard iiuuim 2421 can- vdft ihu dw 2020 jy fululallomt lim ha style and engineering leadership remarkable enclneerinc and manufacturinc genius consider for example in the new chrysler w and 65 these new elements in performance and in the style that today restyles all motor cars new sihwrdoiue highcompression en nine using any gasoline new liffhtatffion internalexpanding hy draulic 4whecl brakes with stiueakless moulded brake lining new longer chassis rubber shock insulators in place of metal shackles newcype shock absorbers duplex channel frame on 75 sixply fullballoon tires on 7v new thermos ta ticallynron trolled integral radiator shutters on 75 ments pioneered and perfected by chry sler never more clearly shown than n the acclaim of the new 75 and 65 proves that the style and performance dominance of the uu to mobile industry belongs ejearly to clirytlcr new chrvtlrr 65 irices utmueji coup 132si rihuuler wiiji rwtnwe irul jusoj idoor sedan si 360 taurine car 1370 4door cjun l4fo coupe i ilji rumble teat s14m all prictt f u j uuulsiir uirio intituling tdiidortl fiulary iiiiiiirnl jrxight und ilxes txtm ii ifirrl cairu- canaihan national kijfctuic ttawvwayj cffrcuvtf atxi is dally 7jl54n dally 0j15 sbj dally 1155 aw dally 155 p4h dally i 355 pjrt dally 555 xn dally 75pjl dally i- d65 pm dally 133 u eulbmlaj dally except sunday 800lnt dally fl51 aa daily 0 ji suit dally mvl dally 137 pa dally 3 xi ym daily 8j7dm dally 7j7pm- dally 01 pjn dally j luspitt xt ynalmal utu utrt ana su culr avuu prelfiht delivered by special exprc frelttht prelflht picked up at any wa- drtft in toronto travetaj i leave acton for uie went 835- o m 1010 a m 1140 a m 1 10 p m 340 p nu 410 p m p10 p m b10 p m and 1310 p m leave acton for georgetown norval brampton toronto 820 a m 1005 a m 11j5 a dl 105 p m sj5 p m 5j5 p m 7j5 p m 005 p m and 10j5 p m ilavat huptiat 6rvlee guelphs complete optical establishment out of town patrons especially appreciate our lens surface grind ing equipment which enables us to compute uuuuc required mollis in uie city not uie tuoreat we might have in stock but to your- exact prescription we oprat tke only lend stir grtndluff moebliufy ht uu dulhet a d savage optanietrut aaj acatturaetmrus otolcuu riuwu 1u1w savare uuiidlne dutlph standard royalties lias aliawn wonderful protcrefo in march the income woi 311- gfll31 amount required for divid end 333850 and lias lncreaaad as follows income far auust was c3534888 dividend requirements 533003 tiie income is over 4 times amount required for divid ends and twouilrds of uie uirnlus is belns relnvested in producliib royalties uiereby increaijnb uu revenue over t380o00a of um surplus income has been thus ln vested during uie last ftu monuis gee adva tn toronto olobe of cepl 10 and uie mali and kmplrj of september 8 you aliouid inwit now before uie price advances ii w dawson k o box 38 ssstamrlon district hepresentauve of mut7aalut iuaj cuwslba uie underwrlteni savage company jewellers china silverware lower wymlhfliu sl ilume s71 guelpn acton ontario the old and sellable granite and marble works wo ar manufacturers and dlr2 initorters of all klndalot uonumautaj anil llnadatane work w ajl dlr4 to our cubtonmri at wholaaal prlaaa thus savins our customers 40 par eat wo havd tha brat appllancaa and th only mechanics in th dominion wh rai operuta pnaumatlalopu properly wc can tflv nafranoit from hundreds uf our cuttamori in toronto and other li cob whero others hnv to hav uw aulta in oriler to collect w liav tlw liruoat and boat stock of oronlt llio dominion or mora than any thro jl oh lorn in tho west wo ar l-ltl- matn iliuilnra and employ nn agnta ami do nut annoy or past customers by bonitinff out isnorant ajrents solkrlt- inn oalnrs wa am ploy only machanlea ami dsfy compatltlon hamnton son quklph okit