muut salada time tables at actow nadunnationaw in remote and distant parts of the world fine teas are grown whorovcr they grow these teas are procured for salada blends the best the world produces is sold under the salada label millions know the satisfaction salada elves tenday tour to winning july 20ftfa30hh 192s going rail returning boat toi ovik attimmin iroquois iwxq cociiimnk 1cai u 1ca1no minaki etopovi u at iort frances fort william i out arthur qault cttt marie ui n it aii icl3 oi federation of women teacher a of the province of gnti r o 15000 a descriptive i older uiul p general inbsencer ariit ii c bouklier time is shokt make your reservation now 1 sunday only 10 41 ain ijlllj xcn r n l 7 51njo fllll txm i si rulnj 1ft 41b hi 1 llll iikh i i nli ml p m inl ixnp si n lay 5 00 ii m dully exn it till ulny 0 17pm i go no cast stinltj oil 7 011pm n tlh x i i i ti 1 i 7 win m till 1 x si ml i 1 157 a m in ij xi 1 1 ii 1 i 3 17 p m lllj xc i si n 1 i f 17 pm it h xnp u 1 y b 13 p m 1 anaoian nation 11 itaii ways 1 1 1 ctkif i tfretl tc april 11 he thou ml holly 1 dully 1 dully dally dilly dally 7 5 j a m 9 55 ajn 1155a m 1 55 p m 3 55pm 5 55 pm dilly dully 7 55 pm 0 55 pm daily 1224 am ij t bound dally xcepl kund iv a 00 am dally dally g 58 am 0 37 am dally dally 11 37jn 1 37 pm dally dally dally s dally 3 37 tun 5 37 pm 7 37 pm- 0 37 ppi dally 11 35 pan toronto terminal klf street anil sl clair avenue itelglit delivered by special express freight freight picked up utuny ad dress in toronto in do not receive propet foodjtstil j they rf icinir bim i hbn ulrcn who do nol receive proper joou i m who liavc not sufficient rcl wlio do not n 1 tj jplay out of doors art stunted physically t jvv uiul dulled mentally compared with what i tliey chould be i children should be vaccina led agalnt smallpox and immunized against diph theria before starting to echool jhls idiauld be done in the first year ol life but if it lias been neglected h utmild jmj done now questions concerning health addressed i to tlie canadian medical a oclntlan 104 college atrtctc toronto will be answer ed by letter questions ao to dlacnojl juid lrcalmcnt will not be answered f the mot influential tribe- the formed a dltlnct aristocracy red that saul israel s nril if tad to their tribe and uit y ozilly nnmitl their boy aft vfthc cac of saul of tarcu jjlcbrew oni hundred pe a phartjt tin irl that in ulwnunei of the mtuic twenty veahs ago frra uu issue of the thursday july 2 zeal i uomi pit- editor n urd tlil rlj htetiu through luu i prim i lucntli ill onlury iree prru of io0h jyv iauier peeny bo to ijtrun uuy to eo into retreat wtm the cc v r tlw dloecko ror a few dayn knox church sunday school wiilin and excursion ftl july u to berlin ancimiuiy drow ymokliin u hfty odd miles in less than un hours r p gundy of crin ima opened a new nrocery and pruvuuin store in the bxltlttlhlinj ina ite the domlnlun hotel riev j j lccny who for the past ten yearn and a hair has mlnltered to the conffrcbnalona of the toman catholic churches or acton qconjctown and oujsuc has been removed to the parish d oalcvllle and uurllnnton e day cvcnlnti representative m josephs church called upon tpccny and presented him with an addresa and purse of uold cuinpllmentary ad- drcccs and handnne ultts of uold were 4hilsa ii cnmrrcaailun of on satur- icn of bt- father made by the contfrccatlonj en ftursuv i he mot impor it hud had fur many i larn und inllucntlal jwlh clllclu a dl trlcl in south tu minor lxtuct n mount 4 tur iu muunlulns und uu dili city jerusalem ard of ood om of th i ti r- ol tm jtlh law t tin i nut rubbl hiiili and mi in j lli hular oj th uu itibban iil l men an j j4 r it mi or mllllary trl at i j la- thi itoman uin a mil hit harrlrfin of th il nui hls runic woi about lo uiodlrn mlonil v ii luiu uil prlvlliyej of nsiup i umii urn itnnian clthxn- thli hlj valuiu lureltntn could butn it only ujwin uuch ni incj or us u per l uu fcjni mr in recoi nl lllhtd mnlci a roman iil v hud btt n u ruin m bly bj in 0 uil lm lawrr rlflit doukltobor wamen cpln nln at their celllement in itrtllunt r i fine art mut aluaya be prtjduced by the ub licit of all machines which l thr human hand no machine yet con trlved or hm after eontrlvable will ever equal thr flnl machinery of the human ilncr john kukln fti counlrl con so readily and full demon trati tills formula oj canada de mon trate it today with her ever in crca lnj family of new canadian from ei cry cralt hre of ancient europe 1 r nn iii nux of r pralrl m i mij loecuijr in uc n m our kf ptaianuouv i to tin tu ni- of every poajint ijinb c inprntly the old canadian predicts lint ui- canada of tomorrow will calve i m r ciul problems whlcp- mre the unl- vlril dr pair of to day and nil c i it in i riat part by quietly tavlnn and lor ill li mi i- n wnp of prccnant j blind i tin missionary crafui pf uvote pr ilrli vh n mm f mj rl l und any 1 utj luilni ml lonary mltfranu who ract mil it ntd it noblj revtl ul i ni n iim themsclvui into her family th ir pt nil r ul in thr uiiiblm n cunudlans the flrnt canadian an 1 ilmpi hi irth for wintir du- uhire loll m and handicraft festival was uv i ii li ir iaitlii c it and bean i h d in wlniiljicc on june 10 23 this year dim inn i 1l uid ukruintun hunuurtau id pe nted a wealth of interest tint 1 1 l chord d vvu tin corridor melt hi i ry thn ituli tin rural horn i lin n p pimplr hirr th j find a blu k ludl muur extensions t i spek park lodge vrlll commence hl pastorate at oakvllle on saturday the new pjtor at utls parldi will be llev fatht r arnold who is a brottier of mr lhiiry arnold coal dealer i bramplou bull ttuin played in acton un saturday lat wtnulns the uamc by q to a i laingtlluiuiton al jjurllnulun vermont un llmnolay june j 1000 by itev dr drawn albt rl ulwurd lalnt of aclun to uli uertha flor ence thunuin ol uurllmjloii ver- munl utnj died walkek in tjln on june j charles it wttlkit aged m tar 100u freedom i rem asthma asthmu is one of the moat dlstreitiii troublr sudden in its attaclu and pruuinueu in tu auuule- krcquontly many iningi urt trlid but notlilnu sccmii to tut hope of rcllii the on upoo i wluiout bueccejtdo not fall onco a packaoe of thin uniformly tuceau- prrparatlon isw and niting j tbaueanil islarula hay fdooro enjoy uil levcky pine studded will fulfil your vrfect holiday i lu d ma erlntr place u worthy di liruunds lu rloni urcat fiuhtliii uju i are rvtady to man of any cajer ood u tbtmrt rum tlil tlnil ol jolali blfore clirlt until eopll huv rilurded 0 4 0 oo the co i 1 i or tttliityilv israel jlhovah is erne lia- been irt monies in byiu private dlvotufi atlon of tlic chosen the uiouuht that that he wuj peculiar sliuc tralnlnt othclst reality plous i hit exceedingly constituted be horribly or tlic jewish but iil never lther tlic ixu- od or disputed toverclinty over dllnltemw and hat alas are lotis bellafi o tdj rffffnohrillclc llicl 1 u vaguutful unreal and bicutui lo uumthlgua and unreal thiy look ilm him 4 on lnnocuoeu ijhctaior wfio ih- iu it her totfrrat nor inllurncc in the jfalrs of d illy llf we nted i hav our ptrll rallied und our fultli oulcl ld by it lo unple clear cut utu mice u a dtcluruut ii u as the blu ma or u rlnllnt id irird of ulam ilieie in ni tod but ciou htt 1 pride ttaul i f liirsus viai uj piout t lnu thliu i lu litt ol th was i is jitalh i un u ill in hi lltrled pun l uk did lralllti u idaiu if those niled uur- hi hud dri ntluinal itullauys aanit tile u of mlllirs worm imadirs in luultliy cldldren ui fur uu uu ueiili uttrlbutubh to wuriiui uru eon a hlilh mortullty ainoim ehil i u truceabll to worm ilu jiui ttnniful of infants so that thry are lo maintain tlic battle for life am uiccumb to vveukiilss llu pnpar- mi viivcu pninilu of health and uupa blj ijulti incuit lte hud lx en b rn thti too hi xultid of toronto cycskht splci viist wll i lit r i ukoivn d uhuq stohi ai ton monday july 9th onsi 1 hou lirun lt tation i hi i oam till 4 p jbpefy icave acton fur th wi t- 10 10 a m 3 10pm und ii 10 p m leave acton for qearietown uiiii louue- dircclo chevroletj star ford and owners look what have agolf club lioucc tliree new btma iowa one of winch la to accommo date partial travclhngvwitli a private staff of servant and extensions to the tril campn comprise the eprinij pro irram of buildinu at jaopcr purlt i ole tin tourist licadquartcrv of canaili a amnua rocky mountain park jisjier national park 5 300 square miles in irea to tlic largest national park in mcnca tlic extensions arc re quired to provide for the lieavieit tourist traffic westvan for ycim as it is uultcitett by the number of enquiries and requests for reccrva tions reaching the offices of the canadian national railways in caua da and the united states the golf club lioilsc marks the finishing touch of the jasper park toll courte acclaimed by travelers anil players alike to rank with the moot spectacular and sporting in the world the club house will face up the first anil eighteenth fairway offering splendid views of mount tck irra und the u lustier ranoc on this course m 1927 over 9 000 rounds were plavctl life added provisions being made fur trail riders include a new chald at like kinney on the w ty to deri iike behind mount kol ui i iue kiimry is set deep in the sli i of tliu mouarrh of the calialim tlio comer of the inn antl ounqjiiowb aland pynuuld avenue jasper park lodjto rockies i ikcwine the camps at shovel pass und muhnc and mcdi cine likes art huntf rfenilrtl ln iiik the pt teauiii oppron tily 0 00 eueats wtic c iretl fi ut j ii cr l ll t til ll lu 1 hit ii ilk c many othi ihlli uit iddition to tlic enlargement of the 1m1lc n thoroughly mttdern lwsil is being built in the vill ilc three miles may it is anticipated that this will lc ready fur the tourist season winch niiiiiinu 1 1 during the litter part oi mi jwr i irk i odjre l io lx lit led by niruibcrs of tlic canailulq ttiul ni ii qer n atvieiition aftsr ilu r 1 s i uvciituni at fcdmontofl e tin iprt itt t i man hi d no gooo at ftpilxlncj unnli phud its uai luimutu hud ul turbulint kirn k and had b hit had 1 1 r lum i ii rllhta and j i tlu iikiy wi to suj i ui uf cith bi uilllliirv olfl tw mu h tu i i uroiind of hl th a ih bo u h ul hint f i lu rlun r or i billlllid i rui i iilttfc s an old onk i hum vl a n jl uu ut llu bottom ol a lanilj fool ui ii la h duy he iiiiummd lo crav 1 i n lm 1 up fir thru fiit but ut uluht hi llpp i i j i back two fiet how many duy t did hi hi u iiatrlallc jew i tukr lilm tu kit out of tin utu hi it man illlzii ind i i ho r li ilithtrtti but try it on jon lhi lunnaii eniplru frknd und sir how few will lve u in mi world ltij cornllly naturally ut the mil of tin r tiuyi tuvrtiu tuth nltihl the snull haj gonu 17 1m fi win n i ut was up for hts unlvenlty tutrunce ttuainatliui ills intclurtual uttuln- sli urn known to be slight hut the rs that lw wt rxunxutiu lit pai him i waa a magnlllci ut ourrman aa a r ol fact he excelled in eviry kind itoirl jjj1 put down iuiiiethlng pkaded wiindrrftil hi k tulor write down unythlntt you uinlily itoiin v und well m t you through mini if un iu iml i ir otlur und lift lib pupil to it t u it 11 mi fc 41 1 lor two huurt uuzlng ut th ul whi win i mjur beturo him 1 tu u tu put all hum mil lui uiu word ijum b d v i d 1 1 tl on hu tutor i uim up to him i ui borrow tluui ang r can i iiuiui you lu tuitd dl what imp voll ve bib it it wrong i vleuirlniii is rukd th w vi i hu fcct n law and irdi r to the q th us ul tin chilled world i dawn tl un tiupin valer lliun i w en and thbi oung u ua u hniiiun all the i lltl t all tin mil lit and lath n hl ulo ik luid only plbv i iloniun und the rulcni liool i to lilm and amount uaxtd upol 111 tic with ung idiult in lho hack- in ught ll 1 no wond r ami d tlriuui it l un uial juul tuver wavered liyultli iu nt vt r iu lnrlous ait or it i hi i duy lie and of cm night reaches llu rue will ut slip 111 t aid l call utile thlni that ii doctor ctiimi i ullmuit niuy lu cured uu ill i uvullubli y u ktopptd by ihawln ii t ii ildlii it uj k iik a ii i rw ird to tiuiih th utav uiruiur tli vt lopmtnt lu thi in lit ral type ut public r lmprovlnu or otlu rul how litru uu on bort unity doei public school ti aclilnic as a life work otltr lor christian a rvlr itatly uradliira for next wreji i induy july llu drutli of titt plu i acl j 54 00 an duy july 3 laul the innrcutor 1 in fir th i in ut ii imisturtt nuturallj un ommanomi nts ol- i1uhiness 1 i3un t bt perfunctory every test 1 u tuk itnikinbii that the mewl scrvlc- ubk of all ilkb b nputatluu ihluk 1ructlce your mental dally i 1 1 xi rclst yi ininiltiutl m llkli jour llmi but b prrjtared u huld hiuded but mt hard boll- w 1 hard but di n t permit your- t ti iiirui u inaclilne ink un uiunst tn public affairs mi t jnjir fdidw man with confl- l 1 i ti ntittl in ahlmr pursc- iin lijuld in i i inn lntv dj ti i hi u tint wlir mil will l wort for stiff joints ui bn uliid i nil at acts 1 8 umi i hon illli to tlu loldul i al of th la nut ut tl u 11 intliiii ut llu utn pieullur- w ii nutloii iliruuluii to u widiu ttuy july 4 uyulty u ci k and oimtrj mutt j la j i hun 4iuj july 5 iliurinu clirul fulliilin i lhlir 4 1 10 i lildi july ii ilu hi ward of lutui lul willi lm llniolhy 4 1 u tmtuiilin july pruyliiu in out uuiuli mill 4j 4h uliitl ty july tl llouiirlng hut lu ion 111 hd bit ii ih of a ttuehir hi puhu 110 ij iu uld h bbli t i in- nl uh ii ill ai ul it ll fall when joint all ouicr iusa will jtiul allium only that u 4ii udlstd ui ui 1l for tore nit iniid rluumutk julnla i limine up tin ijluli t and milik i ly mili u lulu and tlritiditsla ovtry joints- l nults arr at k j 1 where a t we to offer any motorist who uses 30 x 3 or 29x440 tires every one a good year backed by goodyear- experience and resources and by our service vari ety in price and tread design h a coxe chuysltr and hudson psscx c alts telephone cc acton if tire trouble conies its handy to be a customei of ours savage superlar service guelphs complete optical establishment out of town patron e pcclally appreciate our lens mirfuct grind ipc plant which rnubka us to complete blast rt quired wldlc in 111- cltj not tin nean t we mloht havi in ntock but your exact pres crlptlon he operate the only lens sur are rlndtnj m irhlnrry lu tlic t liy a d savagl optomttruu and manufacturing opticians savui i itulldlnr tnoldh mark evey grave nothing l niuri laslluu or uioic appnipriutt to conuui mtirutt the mui i rj ol loud tint who hav tone bcfnri than b uillful ranlte ill c vd with our pn nl eiiulpuunt and fucllllk no pi mt t bt tir pnpar ld lo oiler bill r v ilui or it better lock it cliooe from thin can oe ecun d at our plant you owe it to tureir lo it our locl and bet iiotiitluna on muimmi nl murki r r corner btouts be fort pliclnji an acton monumhir woliks j nihil ihont 152 ildren cry for izzszca castoria mothkr ftgtcliers caslona is especially prepared to relieve infants in amib and children all ageb of constipation wind colic to sweeten stonnch flatulency diarrhea uejjtilate hovvllb aids in the asaimilatjon of 1 ood promoting c ill r f nine j ret oiul i natunil sleep without opuus to avoid imitations always look for the nature of o at u pm vni ihrei turns on e u h piik i r lliyliluus everywhere rcconuucuj jt free press ads bring results savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyiwllmni st ihonc 571 ulmmi the old and leelintiu granite and marbk wo r ley uo iro n iiulf it i or rs in j dlrsot ii porltrn of uil lilnii if muiiumentsl it i ii i iil mo will v mil dlrocl i our i iiiitunii in ul wholiauli prices ti un navlni our nil uu i a 4u i er cout ut luvu hit i mr up hint 1 1 and th ly miihiiulo in ho 1 nuliilou who i ojur uu i ileum til tuolj proprlr wt tail uvtt nfrima from liunilrsds ur ruutiiiut rn in loruut and other on wlmio utlitra liuvii t liavo lah i in onlti lo t ill t ue huvu th cut in i lum til it f tiruiilts in hit dominion or u ru hut un tlires hultui hi ho w ul ue on hultl uiiilo 1 alt in un i ui 1 ly no uitonts in i tlo in t li in t y or iml titstotnsr 1 j ni ll him uflt irn hit uiiolltn aollelt- ttxmlton sons ouulch ont