imumiday alitlh ii huh avuk o rarlh llnmrti inflly ilui night of i ill iik ulr i lull iniln hln nin ii i ash it daivn nf dnun ollv uir day i ph i til i uir oik nil or lraranr ilriiun nf llii thorn diwwtl irlhl awake and trt i i m ii brim i to thee llni triumph full rm the tsundav sciioou lesson lolt m1ni1a1 allliiu mitiiii iti tit it i ii id il rliik with rupture he of iiumnrtnlftyl mrlfil tht ro i nf fiiftly ovi r oilvi l twl nty vmiis afo mliy april t 1ioli lit vrral flocks of wild i in flying nnrthwartl din u rdaj an lie rttirm nntl platform lion i 111 into 1 ill rlult i d date 1 111 might purclm turn ii rli an ninnlni full again 11k mn uipn eialt tin liirifi r cli p i vi rv mm 1 how would it di hi mi so tliut tin i titmjicd by uutim know mr ii a hum mr john harwy i comer of church uid vlti the catchy all of ihi hi crrtwhllc popul ir in bummer rime but in u ethcart dnjn the round ha been laid ml or lit c c hcndi r on line m w lelnni at ihc comer or dmur aw nu unci willow h tree is i rich t bbi urc i oliut low ii in prlec io rnpldly thnt soon tun hio i who an moderately wealthy will be able to afford one occasionally john uml it i horn ii jlbj irxt 1 xpliinril nbbath i udi tl nl uiujui m vrj m u dull m mlriai m ifdalii wai probably mar lib hi now lnov ihi n i no nal vld ni i huwr with hi ui anointed je i with mary t martha and us iru lutg of mmj mm did limiti d to h r e xp rli nc nur u rd rn im ctlui a ii l j jit mi b itiirday uf mugdala mall vlllag i 1 m j tic i i lduulfy iili 31 uhi i not i flood old l ar old menem di ardmon chased tin tint rt robert luth at tin and wilbur blrec a co hnw pur dtm of the lati inriiir of church ilu y have occupied the properly for it vend yiarr mr henij arnold ha dlspo d of lib llitry builiu u mr w ii kullidgc of btrtctrvlllc mr kutlrdii wu hi the butcher btuliu i hen for enrol yearn back in tlu eighth and li thiriron will known mr arnold will dciotc his ut tcntlon to the coal and wood builneii and la arranging to erect sheds on thl holland lata north or tin g 1 h taut last july mr sunderland taylor and his family removed to st catharines i rcnuianowl4ot so eatls mnrlc ro faclpnrrvnyrlfd nnd mr tlnr hy twtunicd to- mrmuid mn taylor 11 111 mrll lttn tin linncn jin agni health service of the canadian medical association the road to health is paved with good prevention f jlllll shi mary uu mother rpuki n vlf na thi i ur john almo t everybody thinks lliat the other man has the cosier and tin better job there la a general tendency to ascribe succcsj to luclc in the same uuy many cominunltlc excuse their failure to cure health for their constituents beca of tome local difficulty and at the came time attribute the succcs1 of ouier communities to just luck it is true that every place ha it own problema nnd dilllcultle it ii cquully true- that the healthy community has cuccccded not becau of lucjjj but be cause its members did what wiu neee nary to overcome uiclr local dlflicultllt throughout canada you will nnd a nrcat variation as to health condltlona be tween places that may be fairly compar ed with each other there la of course a reason for thin tills reason l not hard to find it la a simple one where uie beat health worl has been done there- health conditions are best and to on down the scale the health of the community corresponds to the health work done by the cohimunlty every citizen chould enquire u3 to the health standtna of his home town or county find out liow it comparts wltli others ook thee questions of the local or prdvlnclal health departments licry citizen nhould then ielt himself wtilthcr or not he and hlu fellowcltlzena are pro vidina the money and other support necetnary to enable the health department to pave the health road of the commun ity with sound preventive measure im that the citizens may travel alone in hap plnewj rrct from the bumps of dlease tho result of lllhealtli the mdden un regarded crocilnss of cpldemlca and the unprotected precipices of preventable fatal illness questions oonccmlnc health address ed to the canadian medical association 104 collcae street toronto will be an- aworcduylcttur quuilinrnnib m diag nosis and treatment will not be an swered the oil or ille farmer a boltleor dr thorns lclectrlc oil in the rami houi will save many a journey for the doctov it is nut only i ood for the children when taken v 1th coitli and croup and for the mature who drier from pains and ache but then are directions for its ue on jck cattle ihere nhould always be a bottle of it in the liousc marl i li liht l probably thi ramr nf mary tin wifr of lop 1 1 n john 1u r i inn it a po iblllty ihatihi woi f mary tin inothi r of jt ut iblllty lie in lh uortl of j tin ii c re landing by tin in of j ui uli niolhet and lib mother i ii u r mary tin wife of clopien and miuy mai dal ui thin li how- iur no way to labll h the ei rtalnty an lo whitlnr in thi uilnu john wai u una thru worn n or four tuilolne ikbnw hhalom ii aei bhe wail likely un wife of eb die and the moihi r of the apo tit jami and john however thl l not u certainty bplleik frairant oll u ui for f nil umiiil purpo i i 2 larl on tin tint d ly hit morn- lni of the diy after the faahb ith the tomb it wa pnibably a natural cave uhleh had been artlliclally enlaruid and jlnl hid the tone i he hiavy tone which had beui plnced tin t the doorway of appiiu utly liny did not know that the authorltle had ealed the lone 5 a youni map an uiiki he inei-en- ii r luui aj i there win two angcb it 1 i uy ui uiidi r land that tin women i memory of tin llou might b tome- what eonfucd u 7 ihe word of the unnel are lien vi ry dlflerently by mark matthew ana lulc it milt jll 7 mark 10 b7 luke j j 7i ai t the general of tin niu ill howin r there l perficl agreement tr nrrffkttiety -praetlc- nlliblliwwdt jflholamajmit tte3t 1 rlalnul boot it l- probatjifc that uifl ifl pafla nf llw tvhfrlnftl imwifr of mark wa lot and that the prcenl con tusion mu written by rutlon at a iiinciihat later date a jmaclean in hu un ui dictionary p jfll dummcjow 73jf new 1 1 lament in greek we tcott and hurl appcqdl i id jo iheri iert t are a uummary of uke j4 14s3 lrsion the men appearances of the itleu lord- the iicoutili of our lord appearance and nftrence to nich uppi irunce un icat- tlred among larlous book in the nlw le tanteul no sine t writer mentlo is ill llil apjxaranee we may increase and rl irify our tnowledge by gathering the information that w havi uu this subject and miile for oun elvi to tn be t of our ability a liit of the octniloi on uhlcli the rl en christ appearid u iii follower the i icred writer uu 1 01 tin foil iwlni twi lv apiearaiice it l iitkmble howeur thai mi rat of uich may be uryint aceounlt of the hami eient it i praetlally eerlaln alo lhat there wcr additional apiiearuneej of which no aecount llui been preserved lste john jl j and aeli l j 1 ihe appearauee to mary magda lene john li mark lei u j to the women probably although nut certainly wlthuut mary magdalene matt 2h 0 3 to simon peter iluki j4 34 cor 15 5 4 lo two disciple on the road lnimauj luke 21 lb j to the amltlc wltliout thonioj john u 10 lull 24 jo 0 to thl apo ik- with tliuma john 0 g 7 to ucieii dlclplej by hie bea of galilee john 1 i j4 0 to the eleiin apostle on a moun tain in galilee imall 0 100 0 to meirii th m ilu hundred of hi- followers at oni time 1 cor 1j g to jurne tin brother of jeuj 1 cor lj 7 jojllej on the occasion of the oceiclun aeu 1 4 12 ho luul iacu 0 3 22 i jo 1 jl 1 col 15 u ihe certainly of the return ctlon the re urrectlon of jejiij christ tsrjne- of thijjwt attested tiicu hi ancient hlty iryindeed there arc many events in tin history eif the lit few feneration eieiil in the careers of wa hi rig ton num1loii even lincoln that are accept ed wltliout qui a lion ua htotorlcal on uil basis of le reliable testtmoiiy we have salada tllme tables at acton in remote and distant parts of the world fine teas are grown wherever they grow these teas are procured for salada blends the best the world produces is sold under the salada label millions know tho satisfaction salada elves imihaibstit mm qohio wat sunday only 10 41ilm dully xcopt minidav 7 in n m nilly ilxinpt hunday 10 4jam ilally- nitropt ftunday i illy fixe pi sunday koopm jjflily rxc pt fjundiiy a 17pjn going colt hunrhiy only 7 0b p m dull- h xi pi hunday 7 oh a in ialli t huikbiy 11 tvwtm 3 47 p m dally om enit hutnliiy uallyixrnpt miunlaj n 17 p nt uallj nxee pt hunday 8 13pm moutrcil metronolla ttf he dominion of cimel i n so fortumte n lliccity mi th itjt is but a few itcpn from tli ii attractiono in ovury lie i itin of the e ir mil for i r ii e in winter tunc it illor ti providing level wayn for llie i i un ly mil nwift rim fur tho e ilm w int thrill i mount roy il ban the t i ttsit i esi i ereit n ituril pi ly crnuml in tlie licart o lil of trult uid ommon i into iylv in rctrcitti in winter time it iffonlii nuiiierejun p itlm erytl ly matter of f mount roy d po for thenkl cnthum p further ih itinctinu of hcing forhidetcn to the qutoinnhili lit h timci i rum th point win n tin inn r i in in h ii loi li pur ruting i wide view of the city mil the mirrmiilj dltrn i m olit mm ible m uiufn tiirini- plinti in with the iipirtu ind ju t to the left of the middle ilrrt nice in fine- of noire dnili nuitnibtti wtfli i viut nriin l i itor at the niht liny be recti the grnt virion i jubilee limine onneliu tin u inl of montroal with llll suiii shun inn hie the st l iwrnao now covered with its winter in itle of ice ami mow cjii idun nation ii kulwayu pliotoir ipli testing children for defective hearing the production of clover med in northern ontario is incrimiilng iviry y ir many of the t iller are lludlin thi an excellent cash crop with which to kupplt in tnt tin n 1 1 mie oblalne d tnim uie salr uf live ttock and other fann product j no malur how tuecilul the farmi r may be in uie production of clover ice d hi cannot imp to obtain muxunuui n turnj unit vi this uid is properly cliamtl und trailed tm that it may bi- u ally told under tin lit eel control art ii it true unit the miiu of many or tin ukii that grow in nil mid il iki dour art of mich mj that they ne oinewhal dlf flnill to riinirtt by the live in an ord luury fannlul mill it li often po h tbh le obtain from tin munufacluiir a few npeclal mciij for thi work which will soon pay for them the in tmclnuy of the work done no ordinary fanning mill however can be expected to do as iuod wuhk in c it ailing the c small kli as u iirnix rly emilpjted and ejperattd klwer cle un r in any bcctlou when the production of elov ir stltl li being xralureil by the fuiiini the installing of one of the e machlius on a eooteratve bnih itiould print a ihk inn lulll ut at the dominion i xpcrlnnutul ht itlon icu-iuika- ing onuirlo whin one of uu i maihlneu li in tailed for eu tom ihau- ing it hai been found ui do nry i xn 11- mt work in hilling mall afur a funni r ha had his tloid ml properly thaued it l neceary to nnd i ample i of tlu mtd to the tit t d llrani h at ottuwa for grading winn the grade t rt i lived tin nd may be placed uu the ntarkel and will always bring nunli bitttr price than will thi unj radi d product as it conn from tht thrt hint mill lxneilmtnlal 1 arm nou the pergonal attestation uf peter or luul f john eiihccriilug thai which had come within their own experience we haiu in matthew and luke accounts of ent written while thoc who experl- iccd them were allic luul whoc mind x cartful ind accurate mid who bad a scientific appreciation of the value of tc lltuony hi tin hfteeuth chapu r of 1 corlnuilaiis written le than twenty- lx yean after uil resurrection sum murine the eildenct hi thli eonmiicliib lie i lun in the ien front of my ti aching i ale ou thi account vvlilch i luid my a if re e ive tl how that chrl t died fur our uii as tin ticrlpuiri had fore told that hi was burli d that on the ililtd day he wic r il tl fn m tin guni ui uu cilplurcj had fontoldi and hit hi appi net lei fell r hid tin 11 to uu twtll afuiuaitl hi appt an d lo uiuii ihau ui hundred of our bmlhern at one lime uk l of w hull al e itlll tillii thtiiu ii kiim hale i iiii l their re t lau r on hi apjuund tei jauu and th ii to all tlu apo th lit of all 11 uppiaretl to me alti 1 cor lo ju lv ctlulllj new lesullulll out iii lui 1oid ueciius i ihe oobl ualbing on thl 1altm gooe nillng l a vry irofltable ldc line for the farmer csscntlal to ucciia in this hue of poultry fanning are proper selection of bned and breeding stock and free range with an abunduicce uf jucculenl green food the breieli of gee e recommended few the farmer are toulouscj emblen or african u per linen ls conducted at uil experimental tarm ottawa have proven that uil toulouse ls the moot desirable breed bctcct out male and two or three lood iroiil females in the autumn and con in c the small flock in u suitable house during the winter months have all other gece nmoved from the bulldlnu if you arc iniikliil up a new mating i etd your geec moderately during the 1 lp it month t fin ifrntn of fund quality ul hall ilu illlll uf j uf uul in hi iplulik i in i hi chrl lliiu nl uu tn pliltii u per unallty f him lid lllis a ill l tin uhtch hiimaui m irj und mull thin i till i i illlu i till tlluitln i e ti r wu klllldimi rr llsi uhhii dfhn dyninli nrli u llflliu i clod i 11 till til ciple el m wo be plain il fur dally itrulii mark wi din i u april 10 it urrk ran tlj urutu i vi ion and 1 d ith jt hi day pil 11 1- 1 hut e i april i glory c ilo i in 1 1 ildij prll 1j til i i ui i u hi atuul ii ill hold in i 1 hrtui h i unr allinij too i he e it li at i iji j d kcllell i a ihm i itiuudy ik t t iiii thhig that 1 nu n ly to be hot d j l inn fcr it 1 to u immehd ileltl m fail abldliij j to bring relit f and lu uur oim luellild- i uul cair l will tto tin uiu u mil v i r it hat ik t n tin rurtv i of thli far faun tl no m t ltiuttly that e i ry euic illllidd kith uil nth hull dliaasu ouc- it to iluuuiu u try il i ui leuiovo l l thrrudlometcr for dctermininc the dotjreo of hearing rotalnod by dunf porions in ono of the re cent inventiona of hell telephone ueieurch eneinooro it hoo been found thnt to tout thi heunni of children in ttuuii rather than intiividunlly onrtbll i them to concontrato hotter on tho hearing tent after the tele phone re lelieni nave boun adjust tl on the right oara of tho children thtly aro told to write down an many numherj un tlioy cun hear ut tho phonograph uttcrn them thoy hoar numbers cominir from the telophonc reieucr the intensity of each tueecniilve number group being three sensation units leas than that of tlio rtrocutllnr group tho ruculv oru uro tlion chanced to tho left cam and the teat repeated childrcnu liearlnc can hu much bonollttid m hen defeclu ure ascertained before it ii too lute about half of the food given during the time snow is un the ground should be brecn food iuch as clover ur alfalfa hay which has been cut green well cured and t to rod so as to preserve the leuici gtesc take very kindly lo green food uud it pro i bulk to the ruuuu and us uls in keeping the birds from icttlug over fat during the winter a little extra feeding hi enrjy march ulll stimulate egg production laying shutild commence about march 15th ii uildlng the j prlng li beginning lo open up ciathcr the ttu regularly and keep them in a iiiudcrale lemik ralurn of about 500 winn uu goose become brimidy glie lu r ab nit le u eg and put the balance nodi r inn mol un uu tggi dally afut the hlti day tin jicrlod of intubdlon 1 ii diiys during that time lud and water uu bioody blrdi regularly dj not dl tnrb un looi at hutching time u4mi uu young brood for about two il is i iter hau hlng llai e a gn en oil niai the in si to jnduei them l slarl fiidlnit of llulr own uecurd water houlil al be iroiidid in a shallow pn glvi till losllngj moist breud crumbs th hist fiw feidlngi and then start ulth iiiulil nue h ltjuiil p irl coruihea barley meal bran uud shores make an exit hint mixture ind uu go ungi about five times dally lor the llrst month tin u three lime s tiiill good ui cultlit ituturi should alwui b available if goo e raising ls to be muifc profitable ubli ulnlss ol maps win n the art of prluung wa llrst utilize ti for the publication uf books onlj a small prpportlun of the ihipulallon in any of the then clvllued countrks of the world could read and in fact it wiei a long time afterwards before ieoplc gemrilly could use boote for lhcmselve nowadays more books are being sold than ever before but people buy them to read and use with better general education the greater u the demand for books ut all ithuln the name may pc snltt to be true of maps as more people leani to cue them so does the demand increase uud it 1 equal true that one mil t learn to read a mup uutt be able to ice ll juji as our mu it leum lo read words befure the printed page 1 ui any significance a map is not a word nlchirc nnr li it a nhtiltiirranh iillt indoitslmlnf although it contains i kmeiils of botl l pi clully 1 it true of uu topographic tnup which is the moit complete example of mup makers 4c hi uud serves man purposes it lj the record of the natural and rultural feature i of my area tuid one of llie mcuiu of aiding development buch a mup shows uie urablu lands lu dui trial ureua mineral ureas water lowir sites and storage buslns reclamation pro jtcts irrigation areas surface confonn- imp irt rli i f uu won ui with the lllllllll rubl a i rldt muuicr tid h r wit i nil i k i i chrl t- willi a fe ilm f th utmoit he took il to the bank lo l hett die the hand- t lu c i hi i took 11 ed it b ick polite lj lying will ou pit i e lndoi j- ll madam indoim it npiattd the bride puz zled ye at rrot i tlu biuk vou know re piled uu man loo busy to nutlet her bewlldeiment th biide c irrli d the clink lo a desk laid it lac doi uwtird and nibbled the ind ol a p n thoiuhtlully i hen inspir ation came and ihe wiou triumphantly os the 1 tur luu el 1mm uilir chn ttmnn utlol etc ii aa lolhlng reptillve in millirs rt und tin y arc u1 iniisaul iugar so that few cluldren one of tlu large map making organ izatluns of the dominion government is tin ropogruphlml burvey deparuneiit of tin interior durlni rttmt year uil birvlce iiua bttn iksiiih us raildly as in ible topo r iphlc mup of vurloii una throughout canada all belui co- ortllut it d in uu national iihgraphlc trie i tin eieulually the whuli louutiy will bi inuppdl without uvi r lapplnet or without any purt be inj iniijit mujiplng i howtitr a mow proot wi and ll will be many yen b fort th uhol i nintry will be thus liufudid a inch in w map is 1 in d nuiri kople an lu li n iu d in unit i to inform pi opu ut tlu maps unit at avallabli an itub x of mails and inilitlc illons is md by th 1p giaphleal liiirn will be ent trr uptin leipn i a aku loii uinl itijjmnhaui just lu died tie tnd 111 attendant to men and women from the united kingdom ore always pleasantly burpriaed when vioitinff citrtbfrfa to find in rod rose orange pekoe a tea which tho beat teas in the old country ennnot surpass they prefer red rose orange poltoo because it is a blend of tho finest tena grown put up and packed under the supervision of men trained in tho london tea markets ie sleepless nights bladder weakness relieved in 24 houps in some i vomiting thtough uu ir i uu d tteiiuath but tills lft tall in of their e le am indication lliat uuy ca ei they t lion in an ii only u lug xiwcr i hurtful llii him ti uhleh polllle d aid the be thoroughly dijw tided upon from uu system won an uni 11 iteii distinction old loliiieiin had bun dining out pn hrlstniin iv with wum friend win u lu left tt lo honn lu found that tint w us a 1 1 ri t hick fog 1 le prist rvi d huudit until at lo i h found tint in wu 1 1 mumbling iiiliiil u nartuu pithwui lu iri tntli round hln it utllt i a lib ht of t p lhat lu f mi i s n it ill ht and mi a h eon ii ir fi it uiu a ii nihng lu p tu id lanlou nu in ailii lo uu tllni hi u 1 ihntmli lf- i u lil nu alurt uu 111 l- cnuilnly ir n pile it iolii tly dlnetly lulo uiu juiit cofiid outl tteud f hitting iiuddt t out i lo ion mmti to ihlnk lur hlrl now uid wulu ii aeiortllng ui tht shirt i have will lie perqul ill who lay nu out and tlpit i rugged mu gootl tuoiigh for lltl lnt e ol mind ll 11 un l in n f t til li ui inuutiib 1lel tall hu hlulder uu una- ibl leh i h at any uod drug- ii peukauej iiii i r 1 ar sp rlally h mlt u in n n to thui0 who aic mi 1 hi ilat lucius iil n ind n ilk us nh nf i i nu y buck mt if hill itlsfuctory an milled t w nihil ll lllllle of ani good druggist faiilt ol rxaigi i nil in but not all who lud ti uu uf mind to rt a did a ei it ilu le e ilblni a loj agt i ii i i hi while cruising l t it pi ed an 1 land led with le b ti r hut lilt rrupli tl it im tilth iwnllli rruptid one of ilu gu t luhshi art n it nd until iiillit of touiw not npll d tin admiral nothing tlaunli d but thli mu a ol cantc island with boiling springs here is nirc jlxly you 1 iihw item i ookuift i irbighnlll m- ofa mcialuns umltii hainiltun anil wmnipou music makes the world go r ound and it certainly bnng happmeu to homej diat own 3 puno you can play yourself for your plcuure or for odiera for tinging and dancing your children will grow up widi a knowledge of miuuc udta malsoh 8c risch or hcmy herbert piano you ar ar if giiting the u til mi lnnwn for tw noniy cjttvw di mou importmr tmlaitti tn piiun uul fxilur fwa lirniiip in reuy motlckanr furwty hom and viy uu- till in tlv- cip mulung x olir modlyou r lntr4ud in nd w w mn y inotouuttn cimutki uul ir bpoltut soma miuk rvry dy mason rjsch 105 wyandotte strat gnelpli ontario adian national clcctric raiuwav0 dally dally dally daily dully dully dully dally dally dill dilly dally dally dilly i dally 1 dully dilly dally waatbound xt iiii sunday caalboui pi hunday 7 r5 m 0 hsu m 1 cr p m c ria p m 7 nd p m 5ec p m 12 24 pm 0 f8 turn r37nfti 1117nm 137 pm 5 37 p m 7 37pm 37 p m 11 jtpm toronto terminal t qtmat and ot clair avinut ht dnllvertnl by npeclal nxrirma preljht piclccd up an any ad- i toronto f fbrbps the beauty of per- tnalak lies not only in its colors but in its soft satiny finish the colors aro beau tiful the whole wide range of them and the finish is beautiful too so rich and lustrous the easiest of all finishes to apply and it dries in no time o lasses arc both efficient and becoming when scientifically fitted by the bavaoc establish ment eycstraln hi a direct drain on nervous system causing head aches nervousness and many ouier ailments par your healths sake dan t postpone the wearing of needed glasses thl home of dfttfr glasses a d savage i optometrists a ail mart ufuct urine i t oplleum uact building guolph brushin this thorougu little treatise on home decor- atina 1 full of idea tor brightening every room in the liouie free from your dealer or wntc directto thecompany ot uontreal p c b swackiiamer willow street attton ontakio j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will k1j at a t uiiowrrd dkeja stohu acton monday may 7th anyuna surtcrlnb from lye train defcctlvo vision or lleuidaelm nhould not nil tin thft opiortuntly ot consul i lug this uyeslirllt ape clalloc appoint ininti miy tu mudu with mr a t drown drucilsl conhdltation 1 hill offic hours 0 m till 4pm clean em up thin in uie tin our nlow iilcoui chan u we aro npedallut in comac tlonn 14 t un turn our ba i rtebia into hard cuuh wo are tlolnc thia for otlu rawhy not for you kelly aiken 11 khi3tlnt colilctqrh oranqcvillc qualph owan qountl 55ssz22 fi j rf 1 chiioreh so r castcibra motnir catona is especially prquicd to relieve infants in amis snd children all ajjes of j- conslipition wind colic lo sweeten stomach 1 ljlulency piarrliea rejjtil te iluwclb aidbin tlieimiml itluuof 1 enid promotmij literfuhiljb kctuul nituial slcqi wiihout opuitcb g 1 o avoid luutalun- jlways look f ir the iiijutmc e f cylat- privrn dim menu an rail inlti phyjiculls cvcxjwllcfc rrauilliltjltl it savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyruiluun sl phone g71 guelpn tho old mul reliable granite arul marble worus wa aro niutiufae furors and dlraat hi portern of all kludn of monumantal and lloadutona work wo anil dlrsat to our cuntoinors at whohvaajo prices thun saving our oustomors 40 por cont wo liavo uiu boat appllaneas tend tha only muchanlca lij tlia dominion who iiii oprruti pnuumutlc tools properly we- an glvo ruforrncua from hu nil rod of our cuuiomora hi ttiroiilo and othor plaiuu wlimu otiuiis hava to imvu law units lu ordu to collet i wo huvo tho urcnt and boat alo k of urunlte in xlumltiion ur miwu uian any thro we nr1 lnjiit iploy no ugonts ind do nut auueiy or poat i uatomora l ue udllig out it no runt ugniitusollnlt- liu ordi rwn ouuiloy only mohanlca an lok tonipot itlon v hamilton sons aloru in thee west dealrn und ti u to quelph omt