Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1928, p. 3

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ffijii arimt 3fivtt tyvew tmuiljtnav ijswiuauy 2j 1q30 mitak okntlv fjpeiilt itiiilly 11 in liclur fnr to rule by love tlinii cur dpeak ciiitlymrl nn liurnli words the iooil wo mill hi do itcrc uienli uciiuy in lln iln love he mire i tciicll it 111 hlifllb ii mny nut linn upcuk ditly id th orlcvf inn t in- i the muuli i lit r let miim in pen ihur eblld i ulii mill mid mild remain iijteil our ireworn hrart nearly run i ilcpilrt ilnclly la the poor h lone be hrard idiinh they muqt endun unkind word letters to the editor ilfcv drt pun8honand the metropolitan ciiuitch editor airtj fiu piium dear air i rcnd you uiesc few lini id day unit i missed tin kjom iltiam february 1u loon mid would bo vei fllad if you could end me n copy of ihftt number if ynu iinvr one to oporc niuct havu mbjlnld t ujmewherc twenty years b u lonjt time to look back but 11 nccimi like yeitcrdnylo me an i thin of father iycny tlcv jjlat4iherwi and many more of that period itov mr mucplickiun held tho anniversary or iciiojc cljurch on the oui and uiey were wonderful services on a beautiful day you are keeping tun iniui pjutiin up to 4t blub ntandard i tiave been a coil aumt reader from the flrat number to the prrjenl time it in like jj letter from the old home and i do no i wwil to rntna a olnjjle number i geo mr 11 p moore had a jotter in the toronto btar but week about dr punnhon und the metropolitan church i have ulwayu understood that dr pun nhon wan the means through which the metropolitan church won built i trot a cop of dr punsh o ae rm on an dlpo tjrcii recently for 50c the woman fror whom i bought ii said tlio ptcturca were worth the money and the aarmona and lectures were thrown in for goad meonurc she iald ihe had heard rev dr pun nhon prencli and lie wan a wonderful npeakcr lib lectures on john wccley aihtolluntmhen gud- r fjmiichsium him an he iuuiavvahderful- reputation but he la bcyomtmll my cxiwctslkiiw ilcioan wonderful com inicraerr niieonhe oremient orny ncc i urn one writer says ha took rank wlui charlei liaddon bpumoan and henry ward ileecher your ulncetely donald robertson 101 indian orovc toronto to the editor dear sir todayo papers quote mr t l church m p for north went toronto aa buying the speech from the throne uiu leaa than nothing why did mr church leave bo im portant a matter with only a simple com plaint why did he not move or amendment to the speech from tin throne and thereby inject into it tome thins or many ultimo worth while such tut restricting the export al oanadaa raw materials before being manufactured into flashed products which would immedi ately create two jobs for every man b canada instead or only half a job for each man as at present and double our population in a very short time and anil immediately colvo our lmmljrrpon problems this would have converted the further consideration of the speech from throne from lets than nothing to the most important speech ever made from tiro throne instead of permitting can adas mot important public in tercet to just drift h m m huvc lu mn doing latxut- thing of this kind later on or at the nest cession or wmo other future time lie need have no compunction about dealing with the matter immediately as his leader hud every opportunity to do the same thing buj he ommltted doing what many people expected but now mr church luui the equal opportunity and i trust in the best interests of canada he will make immediate use of it- if mr church falls to grasp the op portunity i trust some other honorable member will do bo of coune tlicrr will be later opportun ities but none quite oo good yours truly w o 8ealey hamilton ontario february 2 1030 thanks the thank habit is one of the best llftblla unit uc can form think for a moment did ue ever regret a thank you rece1rd from anybody did il ever make ua feci mciui dissatisfied out of goru lliu it ever brought to us feeling of nmorso for cervlce rendered all right then get the thunk habit it ts not necessary in express in men- wards at nil unit- our feeling of thank fulncs onci- ul the habit thoroughly and we will live it unconsciously thank- fuliien and hoiucii show in their cyrs and attitude thit they have the liahtt its the niut howy quality jtoslbk ito cuntugttiuui too oct the thank hublt wc meet u gruit inhuman being he performs some ervlce as though he lrr irt of mechanical device wc than him lie at once becomes human i ttiankfuljkiss uuu like a powerful stlmu- 1 lont both on ounelvca and upon other i people it transforms all days arc fine i dftjn all people are square jcofic all liappenlngj are for the best to the one i who has thoroughly mastered the thank hublt oct the thank habit 3t it always acknowledging a service i with a thuiik you if our clerk walur i kacretary partner or friend docs a ncr- i vlce no mutter how ft mail hand over i uu thanks mely with a broad healthy i smile itu u great uivcstmcut the i dividends limply roll back on us oet the thuuk habit uniihtl to travelling the ruiuliirtnr of u train runiilnu be itwrcn wishing tun and philadelphia itells u curliiils htory about tile ignoram of b pneiier on my lait trip h the conductor found u young colored girl in the train who when i approached hurriedly untied one turner of her handkerchief jld prenenutl money to pay her fare to philadelphia counted it out mid she had just bnougli when i told her there was nr change she beiiim o cry and said ihe buid come from charleston b o and jnud u go to uasuiti pa she knew mu oiw in phlhulelpiua and had no inoney left i felt burry for her and when we rrlvetl at philadelphia 1 took likr up to he ticket receiver u sec if he could pass mr on to esston lie was a lit lie skep- till and questioned lirr closrly ihc imld tihr had paid her fare on tld truiti all the time and the receiver her why she hadnt bought u at cliurletuin she said she hail siiere is if asked the nrrtver here u she leplled untying another corner if hdr handkerchief t ihcr u wus riuro enough good for tlio way fruni charliaton to eamon nd nlmdirt iwen punched once the wan redeemed and tlieru werr liwrul ddlliiii left afur the girl halt lutfut n tleliet for eostoil i jtiemoitirs or noyiiood w dear to my tum t if the tlilnti my ehlldhikid inemorv brill llnin in min all ill ii iircluinl ihe poineld hi rri patch wltdwuod u fallhrul old ilj and the sheep li the brook llirouuh hi- niradow ltl swimming hole in it the horses and cattle unit along its bank fed the school hmise the prl how i nevrfr could win it and ren the old hiikkj unit stood in shed the old covered biiitgy the hick- wheeled imcity the acton in at buitgy that uod the shed that trci lcuihloin d crrliie i hall r tiflcii retur ied from ttrpillttp ikht the field t loi i n d 1 1 n 1 pleosurr the purest mid nwerttsl llfi- yield how i liltftleri u it ititlrl die the hiithwuy to the tllline luid puilunire quickly i jjjci thrn a mile further yp uiruugh a date upntryway wutrulived tjjii tear k l l liiwit tiw old covered buyijy lilckry- zitjqpl0w g wllw4kjluiaot the actonmudc buna i left in the tiled the aldeopin door look lhut iihonc in those hours description how st tnc grectlnk and blbiful the her eyes how happy those momenta how ijcctlngl a tfan3cendln joy that defies but far now weve travelled life u rough road togetl and sigh for the friends mid uie loved ones long dead but that old comted buggy through fine and rough weather is still doing duty and stands in our shed the old covered buid the hlokry wheeled bugny the acton made buggy still stands ii our shed o llculcuood the genlotations are passing the going home of my friend jome snyder last week imprctad mc quite strongly again of the fact that tht cesslve generations of the pioneers of the community are growing fewer as the years pass when i was a lad and our family was umong the earlier settlers hereabouts uio snyder family of the f 1111 was a numerous and industrious element in the affairs of this section mr and mrs jacob snyder the par cntal head of the family here united empire loyalists who cume here from the nlaguru peninsula uwuy buck b the forties about the tlrne the bwack homers and the dcnnjs and the ryder come settled on lot u2 on the third line when- mr and mrs fred mcathur now reside mrs mearthur b a greatgrand daughter a daughter of james and he children are of the fifth generation win have resided on that old farm what a fine family there was of tht ild folks my old head cant now begin o remember them all but among jacobs sons were isaac and ell william and henry and adam mil sure but tlmt there wus u john and daughters there was u bunch uf them there were mrs huilncche and mrs stauner and mrs robert gibbons and others gradually they flitted from uiu old home until uie old fauicr and mother were alone agabi usal uie be ginning old mr snyder was not only a farmer but he was an expert weaver of carpets rag carpets of quite attractive designs and colorings were woien mid ue brides- tobe of the community ulwuytt ulmcd if they hud been persuaded to say yes long enough ahead tu have this old weuver make sufficient ru eiirct lur the new parlor or living room or i new tuiines and when uu wtttdlng over and the iuu couple was settled iii the j wi u- very proud wlileumr the callers ii about it rag carpets my u ixhlbll muyder w umiii tin- brldi fur this flitr o lor mary and we gut hitched uwuy buck there in the seventies it must be about fifty yearj since these uld pluneem were called to their reward ufitr long uci uf usefulness in the home the ruramuiilty the church mid in other helpful ciiutprties from some old school reeui ds w hlch have come inui rhy imwjssloii i iliul that old mr snydrr was one of the unit iruiues of actop school and that he was chair man of the trustee iluard in luij ft i gnat joy tti hun u see the ilrlck church on the second line at the a- questngfirln corner open- md dedicat ed in lu5 and he hud lu reasons for ids pleasure the first was of course jkiiltik of a church of 10s rurly thin u nilli- uf ills farm home holce nd the ci1 nd hud building tiudi uiui hud etinstructecl the as be ci thi- use jils st edifice e etlld ufc lrin mlw i lei she nit his and fumlly mr und mm w d frkk torontti and jo tint old famlllcj pui mid in innny ciises the iiood old pioneer family name pjwes out of the community at or nem the expiration of tin- first t lury of settlement in this new land 7l fca uncln thang looatcn wlllli- la irilnb in iiek to imvlf fowl unit uafely til u- duilj h n i till huh bum eh jiuf i last rnutuiu ljj ult- ujrtlprroldtt liul fact the eiclilbltloti lb lioujht o tee jt noj- uii-k- rtr fttllj jplffftious attjuh lh uld i-k- ilny illllnc 11 1 uf birds stroll along tipk hoaudu mit knjoy the colorful panorama of sprinj fashions in brlibt array atlantic city is thronged wlui tl who delight in catching u prcseu glimpse of the seasons vogue of course auailllc city of oliici attractions apart from uie world fashion it ls famous as u place celebrate the passing of winter llljlil now you cun mjoy riding golf mouirlni and uiu uieutres choice uf 5 holels asores every cominudutluii und every comfort canadian national olfers rapid er to atlantic city via philadelphia full ilifurmuuoli rates hotels etc ut canadian national itallways tli office till virtuta of iiuntv the natural itewiurces depuruuenl tlic mlnlnstry of uie interior has just issued a splendid little statement ujkjh tills very subject it is a remarkable fact tilts says that canadas two na tural awecta honey mid maple sugui arc boui higher in energy p rod uc big and hcalthftil qualities than the sugars wi import 1 tcopounful uf honey prod u ecu 101 caloric of energy 1 tcospoonful of inuplo sugar produce- 70 calories of energy i tcusjtoonful of corn sugar product caltirles of energy 1 lcosportiiful of brown tuijar produci bo rulurlca of energy i leuspuonful ni giunululed nurmr pro- lut es 50 calories of energy an apple a flay keeps the doctor uwiij o they say but w docs u dlsli of hoiiej i duy hoiny ls probably the only suiel hat is easily digested or lhut bus uatuiit uedlt luul quiillllcs und that la one ut in- reasons why the purchasing depart lunt of tht north west mounted police ius recently contracted for considerable opplles for use in their northern posts s u purtlul substitute fur jams and syruivi ii is u serious thing ui have lltnuu develop from bndly balanced rations in these outposts uf the umplie so lur removed from t the doctors only vlll e honey li a natural gets rancid or sour ls u and is valuable in thr out and chest uftic turns miles are approumulely us jreul us eod or imcfsteuk unit ligyproduclnii piulltlea are in iwli e lhoar of urmluluud oi sugar an annual lhut ieldoi nturul luxiillv eiillin f 11 nutritive p indian fjtoick fiiliiler intlliin piiildni of llu lufinils nininilwddiur hud reil miui irlolelmu uoifi trull hveu idiin- puln without or w liiclnjt he continued und irpurture filmi hit ntandiird of iei y jtgjinlrd us u conteinpllble i tiny uie i njiitly undemiui- i in theli expresilon of joy not hey uie not happy und lively in an ltiijiuvlve way then li minn- line 111 llu tijie br-ivi- whom no perlence ran rturtle inui any sign rxpresho ihuli u fuill y t tills npiisslvlty ii weekly fashion tjint 7i rtivbi isloii fest i irty urd of kverythiiq vwiv trnnte but what uiu ottered thepi mid low n with di siiernte gravity of them u pot of mustard wus ulpid himself llhenillv m trti io wed ijood riiiiful uf the mix- ure lplrlt ir the tornado i he uiulteretl nliig imilrlel what is which hie lis uhllt revuli1 ilk of tile trader hkind us lie slniigled to conital lib ngony but allhough in- hiirretided in avoiding any roiitortiou tin tnlure the tears to his unspeakable dlsuiist chased ther-i- selves in u stream down ills dttky cheeki whifl would he not have nlvrn for the opport unity of malpini the inunceiit octiulon or his trouble i meanwhile his discomfort hud npl eseiiped the keen i j es of an indian who nat beside him nodgliqt his tearful comrade he lnqtilied in low guttural arcenls the eause uf ills emotion sup pressing his mie the other answeud mlluhy i was thinking or ir who has latidy coin to ing ground whether tills expli gnrded by the queslli ratlsfaclory i lui y honored hither the hapiy hunl- natloi re- perfi f kuowlnf he did not however press hls inquiries any further nor does lie seem to have suspected that the content- of the little jar had hud anything in particular to do with the doleful uiemorus of his friend presently thr mustard come to him it was a compound all untried but the warrior wus u strange to fear he took tin- uoiidlnieul without inslulloii nnd hi- nwnnnwo it tteely fust once ah death find torments is he on fire will he die he is not quite sure buv 11 nipiires all hls sliength u keep quiet ihe blood mounts to hls head mitt the lean rush from ills bulgliig eyes ugh he growls that i should ploy unwniiiw tvfnrrjitl thti roiiipinij indian number one won an interested objc v liur cyei hud been ujioit the muauirdptil and ik had- nuluuy i torrrliititiiou come nbi rcyenno wan ut hand nudging his inwardly writhing neighbor he asked mildly my brother why do you weep 1 was uooplng thit fqrlous oufferer gently replied to think tluit when your f nther went hi the happy hunting- grounds he did not take you with him letting go of ill sort unit the uctciuiil of any ti tlvltv then is quia urn u uiuuuu lujuit of unv ihlni hut a peiiceuble nature a reiinl weildinn lij the uw n piesenl etl such itiiuijil feilliue that 11 w spoken i if with wimder li all tile in hahttull- i never w iliijthliii pu- oil j pretty mid uylill ir hilil atirl i wcddlni in al my day said one ol the hlvlted guilts a weel utter tlio well- dim whi then- tuunt a single uo- unity excepting llert tjmys mnftf- -p- nurvwreowjurnchiaiijniiaaraifiriijiit ttut- lit half trying ou know we did there didnt seem to be any wha ou might rail fanillj feeling- at lhut tedding unyhov kavi a comlolttallm tltlp to tiii wiht tolgel ihe 1 wmutli and iery convenli inr that muili in lall- i loading dill provide uimhliliil vllh tin- 1 urpo 1 lining loom se lee ill inak lilllir irjii to the wir l jr nit mid hi lt ti ting the nattouul havt luioulo nlglilly i li hi p m arriving in wlnnipei ut 10 iliel the eioihl iiioinlin it allows i short stopover just mine for liuimr- i lain liiiliu eugiicimenls hifoit imi- llntilni the western jnurihl ijqulpuieiil toivlt of eompiil 1 ineiit i library ob- ervumoli bullit lui uatltd tiindanl mid tourist sit i pei diner 1 ulitl roaches llekets and lnfirinit ion tnun any cmudliui nalloual tlekil aipnl jli i sjt much ivdndik liii ii r n r 1 1 i- ms hi- i- miin soft itiiislui is mitl up int tlie nn ml in i tuil i l r lel it ml i i hie utxr in i 1iil ml in it uullli ne il 1 i nillnml i- ban i ami i ihe iinh1 mi in nl if ii i vvilli vinl i iminlv ami imp hi iikiikc hi polua ltej t t tre iimimel with pi mi np sill anil trail- eiru lremli net the tiirnkidt tufli on llic hurt kitiumo sleeve urre- poul with the deep ihiw i 11 i lie adjustment is eltertel li me rihlmiu tirmrulr fastened al the left side medium iuc retpiu es ai inl jntnch lieirccltc anil i yird ilk a thmil iccasion there is a weslrn fiimllj feud and qua full good kxamlii surely miranda youre noi iolnn to marry uipilu when the lord just took hmith ye i shuah am replied mirmida as lung us tin law d liilcs em so do i instead f luloniiliuc on lib tht ivdiriil prlsom i with miirmui sllenl- l entered into the spun nf hi erllleat lluallon as ihey wen- iiiimmi to ste how far his inieiiuu tmbl usi1 him ntcfvenpc thtrdtd nnt toolr ripnrr tfttir- oodviet ils trii inublc he uls they wen- ore unit tlu- roiild top hbn should lhie be au pinpeel of 111 i cully ket- bii iuuy jnt as it uiej were aetlnu hl nort liny iilliwed jinn and i iii coulderute iniuiuli vitlniil i word uillnun umi twtv lonj h rrr n i trdcm 1 soldleh al oucmilul hi tho path of llu htlleutvirfcndrjprrrrnf thrrfcdcml olllren stood mi ful oul u to block their iirotiim movvnff you are no belter than deserters morcun will catch ou yet so soon us he and his fellow confed- erule hli phi d tin lasl souiuir ui their pavae lietw een the file ihey i turned and waved their hands u the prisoners and before thev tuld be either stopped or tired upon they leaped a fence ind vanished in the thltl woods that irew cloj at imud r thomas r oil 1jmcnt of man ami rtfnuw i 61 ion i 111 such fl c 1 canmof i if oijfjtl jilt a ijt7llltlday and i thl tlmc umln voj will nl 0 aching n money hack if muoiiuh kmfruld oil ifcuamt uo away willi all sureness swelling und dlstrtss in 21 hours i i ll mini mn if muqiici eiutlald qil i li m if ations alilichonianh ororije und jnl v hapillj und rained thelr family of fuut uojs mid 1 uilnk as many or iies- there now nurvlve but two david if liinmui and mk kiln of httniey cutk jmini inenl lib life in uili eonimunlty und uus thr last member t the liilydtjr naine u remain in the old lioine imciioii ills only son william e rutlwuy lefrestjjuejjl dlseuvtnji a niinof tin tb en express had bee rlou aeeldeiil plalind a man aluudhi vuiru bud hinlnofis m train iay u ueusthiy enli i a simelal tdlllim tun some one u the uiu nd uet llw i think wllllum on f jaeob the father of the fatnllv here i the lust urvlvlrit son of the family lie has had a notable career ifr liarued rail- roadlni und opeiutlnj and when a younf mini ius appointed uncut of the grand trunk hallway- nr wellington orey and uruci- as tlwaji lhen known- nd for between thirty und forty years was the itljieeled oeeupaiit of that re- slionslble position he nllrcd some years mid lluiiiitti batltj ulppld with imallsm ls enjylnn hit home and harden and durhii the munnier alwayii has one of the best of the latter town jane tinjdrr who was one of lathcr jacobs family tin dewileil wife of itobt olbboiv for many eari mid wlio tiled taken her hair u doen yeais or more alio tpent all hltliuly ii iw her ir in at tun und on the farm a mile ml mniwii oi so out towu her husband iurvlvi without le ijier mid now nildn with titu dauuhter luuweied jiuli nu piled the other i edition and uh the tit 1olt tat one if the bet am csmir copi laud uh larvaril b uie rfullowli jne daj he had occasion oine of hli slutleiils for coiulut lat lnw this is a class in knullsh c ytuiltliiii in- remarked with niren t an afuiuoou teu dotes about pro s resluiiliuj from ji o ipeetlnii ity mlliuh lute he dish this nun iilne hanilelll pallit tile help with ulth old dim i ho let i it ell and patch o iiuuluni thl mat blue will it take down the jailor itovu i et up llu rifdct ratoi wash he win tiidtlllil and put it awuv lay down i fins with moth balls papei the ti bidinom wilsh down the papei in liathroom wah hiul slaich uiul iron a put uwuy trie ramlly elnthes darn pal and sew on huttfn iwv dlhe liuee meals a day mid pat if j the hou sunday night after church iloth the iioiuiltmiii boys m fur uwuy from the oltl home llut huiiduy is still n vi ipeemi day oi liitlur and njothei fi ittij sooilay 1 if t ulttt lnii h tli t i- phoiit- bii riiiki und ih 11 folic know that om of tho btjyn f citlliitf them from tlio ilstunt city nurry rails nnr uck and fred tho next iotitf illtiitue is vvinleifnl for itcojuni funuly lin ttruiik- j i imp inuxpeiisivo to cjiii distant friend i for n few tniuute chut ant how welcome u uiu sound of thou- voice po iitttt call fricnils by ionf lulllcl tho kveiiinu itutc uflor hu is very low lather thxuliifss vljiitji the matter the hoije is fllkd with smoke mother i just heard whlle say lie had ilttsburi tin the uidlo ifttinti tiiitoikill on nlilvi in wartaie at li al uudut ity is n t lis adiu ill lis posor as ii did for col m tl- celebrated conf del at uerrl in iidveutui lhut m- i a 111 rlluv in urine uedi of confederal led by idle imh or tiiotiriiir 111 am ever a ilnhter joone f if iii niuie hi t mid the lali id hide hat dealh baiidaitd my i i i and forebore bade me creep past hrownlnc wh ivil ovo is not in him as ihe wij of tilt way and tost wlm never is film us llu- truth 1 i in alal error vn i- not in lllm m ih ujr is i sin jdllii hall itm ouiniand about the smitten 1 cuinmaiui ondiiiised into a i hilt is not ilnsl veiuieful ntullatloii impracticable dr wuybuul ly writ is a rivet to the affection untimely delayed is a rust dir flipper haiit fonthast i shall never mairy ih iluuld declar ed until i iiimt a dii who is my dlllt npptislte well lleinle mild mabel then- an a niuiibe til fnlclilccnl lihl hi thh iielchboiliood no longer a failure fliuimnl llloioiiuuiiin- if i wu a bump on a loir without purpno in 111 ollmitlrnni wlibout a jolt iiovr lu dlrfnrflnl im ilosidlilll tralnntv nnl aiiieibiil iftninuor with a larroilrmyoiifooenii tio auieeerji nam lilit puj mntnr tnoclumle buttery wnmlrirvuleidlniliooii fututrvjotirtcin ul vnlusblftliool ism wrllo trd school limited iot wiwl toronto mori mlccr both of wliun hud dlsipilsed themsilves in lederul uniforms wo iiaklni vllh a dozen prlsonen for the protection of ihe conred-rau- hues suddenly he found himself facini a body of two thousand bluecoats halt cried the omniuuili i us he rode forward olvi the eoiiiiterslnn i counurslii exeluinletl moriiin us- siimlnjl an all of lndliuatlon what do ynu mean bj deiiiaudlni the rounterslkii ot mi nier of my i mil order your lull apart di uii lllil th rough canadian homes is passed the word of a finer richer coftec a coitcc distin guished by mellow ed fragrance and more pleasing flavour gold medal coffee varieties selected from the worlds finest coffee planta tions blended with infinite care ground and roasted by the most approved or modern methods eatehralptghr tins make gold medal coffee the finest ever offer- ed to the canadian public atjpeur grocers inmi ill wholaula duuiboio jl cold medal coffee youll drmk it again iimmirmmifffrimm you ever stop to think ii iftlson it wiiile showncc oluuhumn that iievvsjiaper at vtrt isiiij i tlie diil worth while kind to pet quick ueliin anil the preatot returns for vour nn eminent that the amount of luisiiifm dtuie i a u oiieeni depend largely upon the aim mill of advertising they ml yin tin lull ini luivr jour tii mdri cl ull 1 iru 7 itl tin- ujiciu fuulil lauly uwuy j that inimiie eoniielitioii back aixl it i back strong and the merchant manufacturer or jobber who expects to get ahead nowadays has got to fight for busi ness anil light hard that anv business that expects new hi in m usi mivkktisk thai inv t oncern tllilt expect- to keep llu i iiiiii it now has must keep alvcr- tiing tha jcrhlieiiv is all pow crfiilncw i ii j m i advertising is best that advertising lias powcrthc btisi- i that ailvcrlises leads t in- nonailv rr- lici i ii i x rails along in a rut all the time i hat -lore- that are ready ill all limes in ineci the demand for durability pial- iv i 1 1 icliahililv let llic people know lki d kkiisk sloichoiilil be well light il it a id- much lo their attractiveness the oft lulling glow of llic wcll- liglitcil -lore- gives a restful enchanting lielinglo the buy els ipniln 17 free press advertising ill pay you well i j mmg iiviinirgiiii

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