19211 i 1 iiuuaiiy 1921 sun ma lur tld ill j 1 7 1 4 s r 7 n 9 10 12 ii 1 1 it h 17 in 19 70 31 12 iv 24 ix 26 xi i c lie arum jjuxr- inflb niuhiijav i luhuaby 23 lolfl miihtu aorh t it ii luij rlclu r in the ncnec til m r i r th it ttiry hold luti decpenn with tin iii n of tin ippd h ittit tin horn ahi i id i i t hln bearing an nil npntarn i ban of trouble i have bitter cup filled with laughter now i growing upt i hue duni with ynuthlitl pleasure but i turiud to other ultima and thin not u dui clod gum me but onu inii n i it brliign hit n i mm thing t tic watched for tin ri l ornithinic jul ahead borne i u irl i ti win to comfort rami hutitr l lm id a frlind ulin limy hi coming or a tank i unnl to do that i find n thrill in llvlns in a world that i vr nt w bo i glvi no igh for pleoauren that havi loil tin ir iutl for mc don it matter i m no longer young an once i ired to be that my football dayn arc ovrr in a foct i lung havi jcnoun but tiili llf in place of football glvi mi- otlu r joyi to own and i conn to every morning wit come up drlllit in store and 111 wtur lm juut na happy an i i vrr wan b fort edgar a ouent i u hiturduy nftcnuxui at hi i ud nf juli fciuihli rllen- dtnon or tin llurnicr packing company hud inured from hl hln may u r and down tin alidi n hilwiiu liic tortyflntoppi d di it loilnu a iiinliiiuntlilj pay invtlnpt loiarh wnrk- r in turn lm imn to mi abrupt halt before the init young mini nculed in tin fur eiiriu r of tin bright airy wi nlcrn ohice you half month n pay hldiard forty dollar i he nnld in a voice a trifle iu mi r than ti ual but it u my duly ui triform you that yqur utrvlcca will not be rtqulnd af u r to night and m turpld auny hli head and walked briskly buck to hli office find the man uiicd a loaded iwmc tnitli ad of mi cnvelopi on the dcnlc before lilm tom itlchardi could not have been nlrtlclf more nuddciily dumb with aston ishment than hl wai for at leant flvq mlnutci he nat almoil an rlflld an no much marble marina out of largo blip say dad ho till v like to be sick v f bay dad why do poraonn uko to bo oleic they don t dlclc oh yci they do dadl you can t have noticed lou of them braa about it every chance they act it a a regular game with wjmc of mothers frlcncu three or four of them draw their cnolw up logetnws und one o tarts telling how oleic alic wiula3t thursday another interrupts her to say that umt woe nothing to tlic apt 11 sho had two weeks ago sunday then i know rhen ilu a freeforall and everybody tulka at once and each one remains cumlnrxd that she waa br nearest dlaui a door and wondcra how tlic rest can miiki cuch a time over their allly utuc ailments then iou huvt noucd it dad yet you said that they don t like to be sick i they don l but they love to talk about it tin biat of them am after symiisuiy and admiration they hope to hear cmtum uiy roar dear mrs mcuarter certainly went throuflh a y frlqhtful ordeal but iujw brave sho wool the worat of them are aftor the thrill thai comes u tlic morbid when dltcucs- lna fevir and pain and dlscace and opcratloiui such peixons are abnomuu to they cck uil abnormal in conver sation toml queer quirk in their bralno molcea them that wuy they re a pent to every heallhyinlndcd person who can not avoid uiclr gruesome rcvelatlaab la it ulvmyj uil women dad not always but men aa a ciobd like to be thought btrong und healthy alter a terloui lllni u man may tell everyone he meets that ul come ntnr pfting out but unllas he i unmanly he won t booit of it thi mlerabli portion of humanity that uurru- and inla continually over 1u lacl of lnullh orten without uic kllghust naaiii -vn- call hypochondloca itcally theyri slightly drmrntcd and w must pity thiin but thoac uiey aflllct with their loim fuxes and doleful fon- bodlnga auirl more than pity they outflit to bi allowed to sue for damages they hurt themselves dad but they don t hurt u dun l tht y though if i in swing ing down tlu itrnt no mi fine crisp momlnu tiuppy just tu be alive and one of thol hark from -the- tomb in dividuals otupj me and poura lnu my ears tin history of hli latest six wocka at tin iui pltul elomng ills cheerful re marks with and the day before i was taken tturt n member i felt as well as you do lhl very minute docj life loolc as rusy no lr not until 1 vc walked far enough to drive the gloomy uioujhls from my mind by crowding in u lot of happy out k 1 hr old pcunilnlat has robbed me of half unhours joy and ought to b obliged to return h with interest mra lit nthi d wits telling iiuillirr ouier day what u tot of sickness there d been ui hir family i heard her say just as if it wlui unuethliig in be proud of there hit u iujul for three blocks on cither tjdi of the way that n held as much iukni ie ournt my husband cmi down with pin unionlu and as soon iw he wan wll tiylvln contracted typhoid lheu llobtiy hud a terrible attack of bcorli t fever and before hi wan out of bed i uuvi out and eairo wllhln an ac of dylnii tiotn in rvoua pruutratlun i gucqi jou ui vi r went thrtiuith such a fclcgc 111 tiiatl no nald mother w llnd 11 phaanur u kicp in such physl al condition uiut auwt get utue hold ujon ua your mothi r i jvokt in tliat way dicv licuum jht km w that the uimthcdjl cat uny old kind of food and too much of it tenslder exi ril u uire and duircgard the peei lurjf for plenty of bleep any one may u takin sick for wore men- arid iviry mtiiuti of the day and night bv mlllunw of dlsiila devils but remem ber thin dl x lev l abnormal it always btartn with imunni o wrung living if not tiurt and the txal lnsuronco ogalnit hi ultiu k l u clean body lnoidr and out u xn ibh amuunt of real tiourlilmit ul i xi r lm suftlclrnt to keen you- llinbi r i vi r ijjcli of iou warm unnhltu- pun air and a cheerful heart well l i mi t ii why a chapd want to brim iilumt hli btxlyn bilng out of order iu l it l proud of his cum for ever bnakliii down what a the idea it eoiiu i itom tin unhealthy dfaalru to tw thought a maityr iui i say ask undo lph how in was and hu alwuya liiado tho nun riply tiuiky null alls tkiii uijojhi to hialth to many yualui bull many yuulul f ljf 3uti irfb blavt btav i tommy ti1ktka1lkk liy ooail uui1an llouion i inphiilli iiri nt nut fun and ho mild h hilllntlvi with i i n vu tn wllllni- to in n ii tllnit loiini niiiili nipt rlntiiidi til tbiit thi junil of mil ul liny niiiv 1 oj w gray eyen straight at the oppailte wall finally the snap came ilbi muse lea relaxed he fell limp all over and hu realized that there were many palrc of eyen foitencd upon him fired i ho hoaraely whlnpored to him self in despair fired and dlngracedl then eighteen yearn of age though he was hot tears rruahed forth ran down bts flushed checks and dropped upon the recapitulation sheet on which he hud been working the whole day with some people to be fired la of such common occurrence that they rather pride lhcmjclvea on 11 we have icn young men and young ladles too who gloried in their umijtr huct tchuirl take no word from anybody not even the boon and who wouldn t have itay- cd another minute anyhow but tom richards as vvc have already ccn was not a fellow of that stamp disappointment humiliation chagrin were writte all over him aa he fo the remainlnb hours of that alfcrnaon leaned ovor his dealt and accomplished absolutely nothing ycv lurlna that lnti i w ally miirincrwotwnijabt it had worked for many n day though hcrctoforo the young man had dealt only with what his cyci fell upon results e tec la he waj now perforce sadly meditating upon a probable cause why la it he soliloquized from ume to time why am i not wanted dur lng the three months i ve been hero i vc oluayo come on time and 1 vc ncijcr left till five ive worked without nh irk inn ive done everything i woo told to do and i thought i was getting on all right finally he reached a conclutlqh there has been mime spite work i be muttered aa he left his denk and rcachi d for hln hat hanging on a nearby hook and i m going to find out about it thnc mjnulca later he was sitting in manager btcwarta office waiting for on opportunity to speak with the big dark man who at that time was deeply ennoncd in hln recordn meanwhile he was allowing hln mind to run headlong in tlic spite channel dick bummers one of his former class mates waa tom felt sure al the back of it ail since dick had got his position with the hornier packing company at twentyeight a week he had felt his oatb in a remarkable degree and had looked with contempt upon any and every one receiving omallcr pay than his own and especially upon tom whom he had always been successful in keeping under his thumb the truth was tom bc- llavod dlak jaaloun baaau0 he had man aged u secure u situation with the same firm even at a smaller wage and that dick with a naturally mean disposition had been doing same underhand work to oust him from hln place aa a result of these cogitations his face was gradually laklng on a more orubn hue moreover it was visibly lengthen tug and by the unit the manager had finished tils work for the day and was apparently ready to listen it assumed almost salt barrel dimensions why arc you dismissed repeated stewart wmtwhnt leuurcly for him aa turned in hln chair and leaned his elbow on lhe desk have you yourself the slightest suspicion as to the cause answered lorn cringing slightly under tho man s sieady gaze unices it s because because what because of oplte work returned the young man wi quickly lhal it mrprisud even himself atowart let looe a big hoarse laugh no richards he said and his heavy soled oxfords clicked uiijelher as ho kpoke you are mistaken my boy pile work hplu work does not go with this firm no tin eau- lie wluilly in yourself in myself yes in youracu wi ve hatched you very carefully from thi flmt hour you began work iiltc and we ve tome u iht conclusion that you re a trailer trailer lnquln d tom in amaze ment what do you mi an i mean a i ra il l it trailer icrhapi us you go along home yuu ii understand inu better and can t i conn buck on monday nof returned blew art decisively don l you know when you are dlachurg but jutpo mind th da nmtclir i no virlui mini out of t n until tli havi rubtxd up iiiiiilu it it 1 inl placi vi i wllliul hi vue ii truth r w it tvtr niiitwtp tr it lulnly not hi di maud by tin hanoi i iarkluit company iinllir trullt r th uppi nation nu i till a puz7li to him hi wu him i ii on lit a- b utnulv nhi ii iui aloiut down fourth avmuc in tin dlrrctlon of lioim in fart io linn vnei tin and mi ubirbid in hi in nn- elhly th night i that hi did not n hh ulitt r mamli approurhlnn on tli op posit i hide f tin trert qln wu a daliitjlihiklng young mlji of jilxlei ii or tin n about i und her bright wlnioim oting fucit wa ugow with in tilth und in tl ui ivlduitly tin h id left th copfi rllunery where rhe wfti working ami had com u m t lv r brother hollo rummy i come over ih ill cd mil in cltar tones he nrognlzid the vulci and a hout looking up f larted on a lope aero- the thoroughfare look out tom i sen umed thu ijlrl just in time to avert what undoubtedly would have been another fatal accident for thi yoflng man otartled by her shrill shriek stopped diud still ju it as a small but powerful motor car towing a reennd a hugi one in ft- wake dashed poil not two feel in front of him oh tommy what a sliepy ijoyl cx- clulmid miunli all of a trcmbli you might have b n hurled to your death but for yi but for you interjected her brother u lie vtcptied alaiigldl and louk her unn within his qwn whireuiwn thi two s t lelurtly inward their cottagi home but a few bloclu away when thi y had gone only a hhort dbitancq however lorn came up with a jerk and wild he mamie lis alwayi you who gets me out ouroiililc and i want lich you ltd somtrouhle with mc tonig an uio arm tliat waxtn use dropped to hu tttitlnb etde what la 1 1 tonffltsr6oy7sheoik playfully have you been lred yea mamie fired and his jau come together with a allele but how did you know it i uiu only fooling brother i realty never thought of such a thing ilu answered clinging tightly to the limp arm and at lhc uunc time bending for ward to gazu up into hl face surely you haven i b en dismissed ihe girls round blue cyc- were already welling up with tears of uympathy why tom becaeuc i m a trailer a trallcrl who said so yes u trailer und that s all i know about it the boai said im and whats u erallcr inquired hu sutcr disgustedly well come to think of h that big car liiat uas beliift towed along behind that small one just a few minutii ago would be called a trailer i suppo c a disabled street cor drawn by another is a trailer but what has that to do with nic i can l see that i m like a dl ublxd cur mamie young iej she was knew well her brothers weakness moreover hi was quick to perceive the similarly figuratively iiitcaktng between him and lhe trailers he hud mentioned and in i moment it flashed uon her that lh ilanner pocking company had dlsmum d hint jul boouuit ha uiu uko lue power less caii nevcrtlieless she did not wont to add insult to injury as he would term it and for a time she was mlmt but finally she tokc up in tym pathetic ioni i uiink i uiiderstojid jut what kind of mm thai company wanl do you ajjled her brother earnest ly well tell mc well since this hoj come up 1 re member reading just a few day ago an artu le by orison swell mardcn upon that very thing and no doubt mr stewart has been reading it too i tint t why he used tho iionio you know a trailer haa as he ays no motor no power gcnerolor or if it has it does not use- them it depcndi for ilu progiti altogether upon other curt chat havi power that have tlic go in them but here tom guvc vent to something akin to a groan lup mamlul 1 understand 1 he ex claimed i ve tumblud at lal ft pretty nearly totik a houu to foil on mc befon i got wise but thank cjod 1 under- blahd it was a good thing for nic after all thtiti can came along when uily did itky i clitj- enough to loin luehnrd io drlvt nil la seattend brain into oiu uirner 1 uc now what 1 lock to maki me valuable i ve alwoy i done what 1 uni uld u do i vc put in full lime and i ve kcpl buy hut i vt been working mmply for my twenty dollorj a week and lupixim- i iniveii l bet n turning oni it nuirc for the i in n than i utu paid d yit i ought ui for why nhould company hire o lot of men if they cannot lythlng uii their labor i v ndircd why some of lhr tueti art gi tuug iwintv light oi thirty dollani u er now 1 hi y urt i ivrulni mure than unit i hey arc interested in 1iul lni cuinniuiy di hut i ui glnd you i iiiur in yot i in thi i ivmliig whin jou cann ly ofllt i i wiii ruiprlmd nt your pi r ni i and ilneirlty nnd i nnuili n il to hill vi tint pirhapi you ii t of all a ood waking up 1 gin j mi ii hid it conn bid on monday ml i hitlivr jini 11 dm onu rmiri valuniiti u and lit mi till iou whin you do mill ii eel vi u fatli r p i i nvi lopi ilil lair of tin hulnd i ii a company n 1 1 ntly pn pari d nn lntiflllnff leaflet cnmllrd the- art nf cornet it a making approximately jf 00u 000 i up of te i are con unn d i wry day in canada und cl 11 1 doubt fill if qui uiuh of hu numb r 1 pn ir d with tin mc ary r iri to bring out tin full ltuvor of tin du liuf i that this llmiiluling anil n fn ihhig druil maydffthfiruuhliv ihuy tin follow i iif l from file art tit cornet tra r the kind ii t bli 1tgi or natori tnltn comtorting indulgenei one can ion the worrli of the day and foriiit tin fatlgmi f i tort iht full jtjy or a cup of thi graclou i bi veragi can only be riachid when fine quality tin li u i d und cinmonlal cure t xi rrj id in il pnpiratloii to draw from inch unv leal tin ivtnu ot flavor and tom ii chceki in i re now flushing hardly believed hlmat playing tiftunk ejfun of the bunu i iily ry spile of himself ulunb on thi look out for mhiii ihliif lb hr liud i qt w rfiuieuiliig valuable fiabh of dli ilnyvt got tin go tin powt r gen irotot in thejii while lm only a truili r yes i know when tin dltchurg d l go nlu n 1 m pullid uud ho farthn he said with con iderable nrmneika buim i m dead head leaner you havi aiino t inllmuled unit you i oh not ui bod os all that lommy would give mc time to think ovir what invitloiuilch put in the girl ui his i id iou meant by troller its not fair u i u uny luid natlnd tin ir honn mr stewart to dlrhargi u withuut u y ies bud at nil that he went on cliurer explanation than ou have given i hut uiunk o 1 1 ve found it out i ud btslilm r und yuuiige tm mothi lort i know you hov now riling from hi lug tom whom in linn t on the huuldt tmi 1 hapfitu to kn one half of the tin little girl haa ymi w ork olln i ve hi hi it w help sup job el not too lute i wiei pn tty aid the i nuiiam hair and upproucl patted a i ouplt r you v r aljj iw und if you had thui thu ild tt taiiig u i l 1 done i tortt i inr to do ulollltd ojile mori un ite really sreiin d iktformanee yen you have lhal big man luughid o enjoy him rt if in mil ufui u fahitm but ju l tin truuuli will iou hichanti ou u liuii ulriiljir but tay youe got some punk 1 st t l really surprised pirhnju ihcn la tvuun llitnii in you after all ou homo and think hard between now und monday jou don t know wtlut a trailer in by that time come in here and i 11 tell you if you paltnfy me that you mean bulnt i and would like u inakt yourself valuable to this firm well imirhapa give you an other chance but i u 11 yuu frankly up to thlo minute i bmlrvtd tin re waj no use o kid night ioni was not cognizant of the fart that while ho had turn dlschurgid be cause lie woo a trallt r hi had in thul interview displayed two qualities that had luvir bi fun in en brought out in him namely ju rnisttnei and a rial dislie to work and the truth was limt lm stnod hlglier in uio esuniatlou of stewart wluin liu loft the olllce than whin lio cnuired it jnglu ix nald that rum belonged to a ctrtulil elass of humanity wliuh m agnca deai coiiieroii tay u hjui pu ity kind of 1 go nut thin on hts houn uitiighl flay the game triflli r likid night i tally inula toi mid hall not n amoiift and loin hlrliard i llghtt r in art il hi in hroiwlrr mon all rt iki rit i iiwnj j havi oil p ti not eiriu gi il uf tin younp mini from lhe tlmi of hi rt in tali mint bit aim not only dllljri nt but in it n i ly intrri ti tl in tin bu int hh ullotttd ueile hi did in tin vi ry be t and pili in at inu un r po dbli nut in did tiiui h mon th in that tor it was noon ob t rvt d that hi wai qui honing tho i about him in wu making it til bildm a mpctent to nil the ihoi i ui lng un of the man above him bruin iximr that tin creutoi him to t vpn i it linlj in rtrong i vldi nn of hi coming n di ad of a trullt r hud gl vas hlvlni un altf ul makin1 ti a mr sfialdlui hlnrk it nth lllrl 11 hu lm uidowtd tij n hun in tin eminiric of tin 1 a i w in i e tin driiikim of ti u has i n u thou land jmr ur mon th object of fir paring tin ntf for on sumption has bteiinn a flm art and a c t remain llhlu lowing fntfi no 1 l 11 in it hill illy of bj u d i lie lea ul w urn i to yli 111 iht full itxidnt vi t no i hi quality of the wu ill aiiict th ilivor of tin ijevin ir ii hui ild d bubbly boll e bteii uilltd fiurirj i upli ti ly i hunt i tin lav uud i ui juil uill il 11 iou tliivor f tin i i is ul bt t iiui ft ill i llkew u imn id never be ulel d hi a un til lm hull huh no 4 i in t upot itiuiil id scilllll 1 l it vv ih txniu wuii und wlill it b niu n pi ul in it out it vi t a pon rul of tei foi i i h iui uule no i now imr i i txllll a titer on tin le lvt j ahw it lip in a uurm plu e for t vi mini un bllr ju l sufflelu tlv to dlftuoo th full sin in th of lie ten i in n pour tin lltluitl olf ul it iv s h to anotl ir heated till i immidlal ui tin ly will which i vi ii t isl uu will do unle t pi i vi tiled fn rleplng lea uiudo according se rulm all in frairant di lie iou u npli uly tiitlsfylnt illlnl i lit iv alls 11ft nutnii lilt litter uckunwledglug the peony ijuuili which hie prince of walt i hud diitilbuled uinughout canada lie t full ai a mnwento of his mitt that hii hoyat llighne ha rt qui sit d unit hi lomiul ftclnnwieflrmrnt to tnr hank of mnn tta h ltd lorwurdid to him hi lulct u u iou l lng u unit nil npjj il will be rcrnimbirid that hu 1 hlgtuirt uikid the bank to undirtaki tor him the distribution or cmiudian grown ptoiiy pliuit ui hu leell ney un oovi rutir linerul un irlmt militate mid member f hli cabinet tin i li u unant quitriiur nnd premiers of tin vim al liitiirporattd villui e i hi ill trlbutlon wi brain in of the bui u all i lilt ihriiughout caiiudu ilnltli hervlrr of the until un mnhril anorlillnn iuksh am in wintir ip un hi il ln h ulr 1 u mi i liy uu tut riiinnl n ui vmni wt i hit i w uu out idi b uiftriliu uud h i iiniforliililt that wuv otnl window iiin a a in ill w inn un ubuiiduiit t f ir h ulr dur ur tin i old vviulhi i pit t of tuj llim i pi ul indoors uiitl w fornt i llial in rib r to maintain our in tit li u it iiih niylliiit wi havi pi nly of fn h iuvv out na on firkln lrrrui u ih luinlx r nf iiiii of lommunlt ubli tit a i purtli ulurly of pm uinoiilu durlni h wliidr nn nlh i bit m un boil dan ul of fn h u rrrn tirrr ih i itli nil i all i j il i daltlm t floor i hi il i ilv iii iwimni in h lint mil nl un uu him unit i w olftfiln un bi t ah hit tin window i hi allowi r uli in and i m it to rlrcn uu iooi lult fn nally told wtatlnr during uu day timi un n u u nally iiilliiliiit uprninh of door anil iniimmeul in tin hou t to kttp uu air jool mid in niolltjie i 111 1 not o ut uli in 1 bin tin lion t i lill and uu air ln nun im rli at 1 mil uu uunl btilroom whitlow ihniild ul wayi bt opiiiitl ullli li ntly to imp tin olr of thi rtmim uml und in riuatlon how fur iht window nnd loin opt in d to arrnmpll h ihl di ml i upon how rtiltl it l uud upon uu illnietltiu of uu wind in h ulr tot nothing thin i no riaun why oil hould nut linn tlit ir ihun of it qui hon conet ruing hiultii iiddn til ui hit canadian medical a orlutlon lfm colltgi strut itronto will hi an i wind qui tlou ie to dlimnnli anil trialminl will not bt an wind n nrly all t hildn n ur ubji rt to vi n in unl m my un born with tin in sp in uu m ulfi ring by u dug omtht r onivi worm i xtt rmlnauir an i xei 1 li nl 1 1 nn dy havi oii haitlt oi thi 1 11w till altl iiwinc in till hici1lani1s- winter t lnidlng harm io tin high land or ontario viuutlimlt up thi n an writing about tht thrilling iporti tinrr- henlihy fiuithey urn having in cluli- and luniuli winter iiurl in lin htghlmldt is re favorite topic more thnrr rrwmrrrc group i of mirt loving peioplo art alnterlpg in uie co j eomforuibh lodge i of tin highlund i vrry day in tht crip iiivlrorntlnn olr tin y take their choict of r icllng kl- jorlng now hoe trump lohoggaiihlg and killing a di t riptivi foldi r and roniph u in foriiiatlon about the lodf i und rt trvu lion may bi obtain d from mil tun udtuu nullonal hallway auu j4 j will pun t th mllli r worm pttw ilomuch und ititi uni i uf wen in o if fecuvely and o easily uud pulnli ly that tin most dillru loin n h will not fitl any inconvi nli nn from their in lion liny ricommind llimlv l moth r n a pn parutlnn unit will n um tr m th und vigor in in ir ihlldrtu and prnlict tin m from tin di tjllluillng i iti ct whlrh n uil fnuii uu dipridallou ot ihitllty smok1 it ui abi nl ulan tnlerid a railway ar ma st mil nl uu uni occupant uud ih ti uulimtl iitqiiuliiluiut ihe un i h ul h ltltt li him ah i mind v miil i vi lulnn d tin ab i dunlin 1 no n in niber unit lint christina jt i it d in i llin ttgur mon ii wu u rami viu win tviu jkhi all ink a draw o it n tin tiuwtuilh r good bye astlima pi rsn ufti rtm fitiu that vriiiuly li v li iroubl known ic lelhiiiu know w hut ii i ui hunt with nil iht ir in ait ft r ivcupi u tiotu a iii ml ntvti do lb v know vluii an aj nd i um itunh uiiuliltl 1 vain willi lr i 1 killoju a thma it fm ill it hand h w v r ty ewi a gi m byi u th ir i in my unit tnjoy ik aiiulu it hi lp al u1ikhit nam 1 libit in lii vn d u neb u trlsp u lo bi w lnlll liudlbli drur aid tht wlft to inr linvl mil 1 m afraid un c kik liai burnid 1n baton you ii iniv i to be itl li d with u u fm beakfasl lhta blornllli a ilht refxjmld tin hu band 11 h i in stop ttir oukh t tllulllni 1 r ill d i tl i lti t it rt l di lodg olislnu tlou ui u mil from iiillunuu itli n of uu iiiueuuti tmmbiuiie inutmtiit with dr thonue lehctrlc oil will all ly th in naiuiuutlou and in iii pu ut uu toiiib will u uully atop try ii uud von will bt sallsflid t hank of uu vailou omniuii ui tpi un ojulty and 1 v t r bound in a unit oiu ijiltuli in mltti t bi ih liauk ol mtulrea adllulu ir 1 1 uij uiilxy couip if uu 1 inc o wales hull thou hi will it lit i fitiin li vtncin th mil 1 to th coiupliollr dot in h ud oillc bank ef mon ju it iuar lit jitt ompiuili d lb i have uu hy nor to forward t ult p rati ii vt r for the lij i o uu 1 toiul highlit tht irine 1 11 p ullfoll toiiuiliiliii pit 1 if ppmli ui ii uud ill fu ii r the lih of peony uliiau hi j a lltgl lll o hi it iou ly ml l f moiilnul uu lill to uu dominion luted tin fu 1 with th hint hi vie bt in ilvlllty i in wl ihowu into uu llbriry und ie ketl l to at hlmelf in u tiiiuforlubli ihulr i mr btiwurl h began oiii r than i i had hupid 1 huve found out win tralln 1 and i w mine ui u 11 yu y relumed- the big man wlj slight mill i in glad you n luiei iitliuint of lo lloj il ill hut j vincln1 ml ithlilh chainnun of uu board w 11 llluntd i ought to la 1 knot ki el down thui trailer and that lm id ilttlt m tti i uilve thi thing she told mardi n i urtlcli in tin uinl and 1 look tin troublt lu nwl it l undiriund 11 and it i tin truth 1 v beiii a irullrr uil right hut i b4u vt fiuni hi in i tilth if iou live me tin ihinu i inn maki good with you tllwkvl viiut now loukhui utrolgtit down iioudid li lstd for i w is aliuo l a cur lowing oik ot i went honn to night togi the r with u brlibt has hi lpi nn i about i world m sum ur l in iii si- il in auction sale in 1 kamdtia iownihii lly sl k i ii unit islini tl he ni h d uiiuut tlou fitiu j j tom j to s ii by ilibll an tl n ui hi firm i t i ii f lniiii a hun 1 on ul itli llu mill uib f fv rt u and oilli northtu t f u hi 1 n i lill itshlv maih ii i i i at link uhaip llu toll iw lng iioiuu- i tain f buy lilliu tl lni i unit h it ar t i n id pm hi t 1 brown pin lit iou io yt ui old ki i in rl pi iluriii mui i- h i l4utl y r id uud iuppikil t i in f 1 t n nt 117 7 i iii i i t l nd iiiun oils huvt tietn in ii vvlniii i ul loi nln and cm lph uw koaii iw dm in m ir ti uo i u 11 til 1 u dl 111 al iii lmi jiam wblli w du 1l tin f ill i i i i ul un in m um if mill il i 1 1 itl ii tl wlllt of ill u llllll of 11 d j i u t 1 i ow willi llll ul i hit iii ll v 111 i ni cow ibu april a ii v m in d cm tin muuti ii ii i viii 1 llluil cow din mirth 1 iiftd il m ur i 1 r iou bril li i uiilhii wt 11 u i id i jeui biliidl i mv li h li i t lai tullklu m ii il 1 ui bud hou ti ilh in mull it li i u i m i a iti i i 1 l i mk i 11 iiti i i tt i llu iui mill u ii li d jhuitlaiu unit nalv i in ul i luuilu in wlibl fnin oil itji u i uuo n munl c 1 11 l o n nib th rib ti t tl ir 1ii 1 t mlliil st 1 iprlng calvt i oxiohd iltll l j itiilstrnd ox toi 1 1 wt i i win i il mi fr ngi no tun all upp ii d t bi lu l uub ow llin br d v ui it low ilu mm ll oil fow dm mmili c oik l w dut muuh iii oiun rk sow du in manh uk iwi ilu in april ork hire i hunk 3 ynruiliirr how j will hlng i- lti i ml tl i i anl oil 11 ii irid it i i inllit ml i dur 1 mi lt 1 in w milium man 1 1 o il hi it i if f i 1 i 1 1 km u m nib i in n ii ii i fiiinlr liltm appn v d nut n i in iu i 11 ut ui ii ml 11 ink i 1 w il ii nt fm ii h tut itli anil iiuiii i f ii oil i ml limit i to li hoi iiimi1 1 iiitltuvr i llioiu i i o lrlu u u no j acton illliilllltllllliiilliiliiii 1 jliiiftuii iii2t j iu liiiiiiii ifiiuiiiiir i am the salesman io lhr ntonli ol tln rarth do nit lion 1 i am i lie herald of miecevi for mtn iiicrcliaul niimulacliinr iiiimifiialitits anil nations 1 h lortli to tell tlic world tin- itirajz of service mil sound miiiliaiiilisi iul tin- world listens lien i ptalv thrrc vn a day lon ao vvhtn bv heer wighl ol superior merit a business could riie above the toiiiinoii level witliout me but that day lias passed into oblivion for tho who have used me asllveirervant i have ualhertd untold mijjipilm into tlititrtotters fselhflore merchandise per dollar of salarv paitl me than any other aleman on the laee of the eartli the fuhled lump of maililin never ailed to the service of its master iiiun iiall so rich and powerful as i am lo the man in ho keeps me constantly on his payroll i hold the business of the s isoiis iii i lit- hollow of my hand i command the leaiqn- ot fashion mold the sivles and lead the mh1ii v ilhcrsocycr i sro 1 tlrivt unprincipled busi ness in over and sound the tleatliluiell of inferior lneicliaiulisf frauds are afraid of me because i ini i eli in lhe broad lijrlit of day whoever makes me their servant for lilt- likcs no chances on drawing ilov n divitlentls tiim mi untold treasures bestowed with a lavish hand 1 liive awakened and inspired natious sent mil lions o men to lilit the battles treedom beyond the seas mil raised billions of dollars o foot the lnlls niiioiis mu kiiis pay me homage and the hiisim uorld buws at inv iecl i nw luoail ileitis lm ion to nap a golden lutr- s i am the master salesman at your service advertising j i awaiting your command at ti4f j j jljlj free press t i llll i imillll n iwlllll lffllll lii1imlllllllllll lf