drsiivlrpf mi iroui or ml tattnu jkfic ukrsfil imi al ha hill i 11 ss rlrvn tlnrl rnmu jl mir lire irrs lltiiminc mill sum alon llntitu ilr mi1iritiliii pn jji vc u l4r lu tair i l jllil i ki ill rl i the untr n li jt i c the mr ill t ai1vjiu1mm ltris 1 i himii ui lir 1 rfivnlliriik111 ml in llieri iohlnm tl- lalrn will ir lu in i u i ral f ihimn ii- a ulf i s 1 hlr a 1 tv r1rl tbi i flic jsi1 s rllloiul 4111 llu-kir- illl itcaidrmc ijilt luvvmlmvni ill watvrc powtr the capital mvltctl irl tlit wiitcrpowtr industry in canada j nlitccd ut 00000000 or more tlluh lllil invested in miy oultr miilc mnnilfncliirinj in ilirtr in the dominion llu is an ncrurc incc ilkr of over doo per cent within the post three year i mo 000 000 li it i heen pcnt on wntcr power development the totnl turhme installation in can it dii i i 1w32 li p i his is certainly an inteteitmj tiitcnicnt nnd jjivc lvidencc of canadas crowing posslhilfties us a niaiiuraciurni tile united stjitoi dcilcru after our morl than so0 000 worth of cattlb from the fiirms of the province of alberta were exported to the united state between july i and november 0 i 27 iecordm- to the repo of i in am jean cqiihlll al cnljmiry the shipments in elude some 12 000 head comprising mockers feeders and butcher entile i he aiuerieiin markets at the present time are very invitinj to stockmen in western cntiildu lunl shipments hnve shown j renter activity during the past six months than in any similar period since 1022 the sunday school lesson ron sunday january 22 tl txt cvplnir tttlitijnr wtttni i nil in twlntv veahu ago itrom th hu of thq mr thursday january 23 1000 tli mlunl in tin attend mo in over urti thin rm uliul linn n uin ttiih tin prln hi flf llirk li ir ii i dm nlii in lv1 tliln flioot in l imlffm j in wm it nllfillj ilie at one time coplo could got only hulk toa tea ex posed to air hat flavour then en mo salada scaled hi tnotal fullflavourod fresh delici ous dustfroo how people use sallaba four grade 7so ta 105 per lb t 11 yiirilii llorth iillurjil a iixln mull tlnr f hi oiiolph innrnivnrmi ny r u thursday tvi ning january 10 i02h editorial the united statea presidential election until november 1 ncxrthc business equilibrium of the united stales will he more or less seriously dis turbed owing to the coming election of a president to succeed mr coolidge a liitlirik national weekly of new yo s beyond all question the cum pjigpwillrpiirk furruncpofnt inavncricaaj tory royniiclirttime luiccu-tntmiuatdb-t- ati republic the city folks outnumber the country men for the first time the city tenement is competing with the frontier cabin to produce a leader aspiring to the presidency the real issues before the country prohibition farm relief foreign relations divide both pur ties consequent l28 will inevit ably be a campagn of personalities the differences will be shadowy rather than clearly defined the prospects arc rather favorable tu the republican party if so the new president is likely to be secre tary hoover or governor lowdeu to lie or not to lie the fergus news record has in leceut weeks hud splendid articles on what status ihjl village should now assume 1 1 secins that hergus bus been grow ing nnd now has well over 2 000 population it is ns yet termed the village of i ergus in one article which wus quite lengthy m detail the points for and against were summed up and discussed looking ut it from u financial standpoint it would seem that the village bus it over the town the town gains in some respects and is the news record points out it would seem peculiar to term a municipality of 2500 people us u village acton is fast getting face to face with the same problem we ure still in the village population strictly speaking nnd just under the 2 000 population requirements but next years census will take in the large number of families that have moved to acton the past yeur and the census figures will undoubtedly reach pretty close to the town mark if it were really of great ad vantage the council could then by a very easy move attain the town standing by annexing beurdniore crdscent which is now in the township but if this pqpiumioji wcxuaicurcil jkquui at by wise to incorporate us a town as soon us attaining 2 100 population is it wise tu rush into the status of a town were inclined to be canny like fergus when 2500 of u population is secured it is plenty of time to move into higher company populations arc very fluctuating and it would not be a very comfortable position to be classed us a town and then have the population vlip back to under the required number u is the ease in numbers of small places acton will graduate from the village status in a very few years of necessity hut let us wait until we are full hedged before we tuke the step accidents and compcnuauon the figures of the workmen s compensation board of ontuno for 1927 show that boht738 05 wus uwurded in benefits which is an increase of 205 1kb 15 over the prior year included in the figures was 51 00 85 t 1 foi medieul uid this being the first yeur in ontario m which medical aid cojts have run over one million dollars there were 71 u7d accidents reported to the board in 1127 this being mi increase of gooj over 1120 and there were 1211 fatalities repqried in 1027 last year therefore stands out in the history of workmen s compensation in this province as the car in which there were more accidents repotted to the c umpeiisutipti board ulan in an other twelve mouth period up to the beginning of this ciir iiulusti in umaiiu has hud u full ttm ut11 ycjttb experience of workmens com pulsation in that period the compensation board has handled reports of bvm accidents including 5157 death cases and hus awarded the tuggepng sum of bj 410751 10 in giving out these figures r b morley geneiul man gcr industrial accident pre vention associations states that the experience for 1i27 alls for closer co opt ration in the- mullet of uccidcnt prevention work both employer und cm ployec ure kccnl interested in hidustriul safety and close- co operation will prevent many ueefdents mr morley stales that he has reports from plunts in ontario included in the membership of the indus trial accident prevention associations which opcr alcd for the whole of 1027 without a lost time ac cident showing that good accident experience is not a mutter of chance but calls for carefully planned work mail industries in ontario are now striving to make i2h an accident fiee ear stvfur as their plants aic cotktillcd unci the expnunce of i ik past cui iiidiiutts tli it an uilreaing jiumbei of plant will operutc this ycui without un lost tune accidents onesided ornamental shade tycch i he bell telephone tree trimming outfit hu been in town the pnst week or so and clearing the rces from their lines the trees on mill street huvc of course been the most serious sufferers ns the biggest lines pasi along tins street the outfit was to say the least moit thorough in their work in most cases where the trees were to one side of the lines the side next to the lines was cut off and several of our splendid shade trees along the main business street arc now very one sided affairs there is no doubt that lines should be cleared of the lrcoi but the butchery on several trees seemed very much overdone for the companys lines an excellent job wus done it could have only been improved upon by cutting the trees off close to the roots for the nppeurunce of the trees it could hnve been little worse and when the foliage comes out ncyt summer a marked changed will be noticed on mill street il mluiiu i ilrunlt oll hllth tin h 11 lli ir ilm fliuui t i hull- ynin imii lltm 111 mm l inti mil iii llrr1 imrtlnr f tin tin u hdilini clnl jnr tl in h 11 mi tui hihiy vnlri mi n n hi in nf ih mm tuill i tjtiviuitli tin winter wltlli tiiilulni luji utrct it a w time tables at acton dian nationalif gointi wat 1 illj i jil muiiiluy 7 t5 a m illy xcifit l 10 43kni 1 illy t xtvit kuititay l 2 29 p m linlly i in ill hutiflny 09 ji til goino cit fund iv only 7 db p irt hilly i 1h hunl y 7 08 ojm li lily- xi jit hiimliiy 11 c7 i illy xciit htlmlny 3 47 pm- i illy jit hiiiiiiy c 17 xtml dllj i x t suinliiy ullpm canadian national llccrmc farmers to honor memory of umpires soldiers railvvavo weithound mt lt uikl nl t ihrolnr n t nlirn kink luui 111 lllllll ul ii ullll lluill tnnnferrrml irlnr ox tall i ul i and acton vi it i ligiicy f filit father nnd nti r mr fjm linn a community asset otuxais -gcuexaly- 4ircdiicuijing the new rjalc proposition very thoroughly these days the big nnglr firmis tn hinrrr firniirtilthrractanilruiymfrnl lte venjuje down in winchester they erected a new rink last year winchester has a population of between 1200 and 1 100 the rink has been in operation this season only so that a linancial state ment cannot bo shown but in an editorial lust week i he winchester press made some points that should not be overlooked when talking the feasibility of the proposition over it says as a community assl t the new covcretl rink tn winchester is u good investment not in a financial way perhaps for n is too earl to calculate m dollars and cents but is a plan of innocent healthful pleasurable amuse in c n i for oung and old no investment could havi been made that uould better meet the demand the scene ut the rink on friday evening last when fifty oi more little children frmi the schools under the ire tf their teachers were enjoying the healthful and invigorating exercise of seating was a sight to gladden the heart of the worst grouch in town we understand the little ones are lo be given one or two afternoons each week the free use of the ice ihi3 is a splcrjdid move on the part of the directors ind u ill meet wiih gencrul approval and while the rink is a source of popular and healthful amuse uient during the winter months it will no doubt be in demand in the summer months for vunous com munity meetings in dollars and ceifts it may not be u very good investment that remains lo be seen but as a community enterprise nothing better hus been put through and the promoters and builders are to be congratulated on the success of their undertaking editorial notes in listowel the new council started off the year with having a writ served upon them irregular ties in the election arc claimed its rather poor encouragement for new men in office to start off their year under those circumstances the wealth of canada suys hon k b ben nett lies in the character ot its people there is no doubt about it that hon mr bennett is right its too bud all the provincial leaders do not be heve the same thing and practice their beliefs 1 t barn urn once said if you huvc ten dollars to put to good use put one up for the article and the other nine for advertising i can out talk any man but a printer the muu who can stick type and talk io several thousand people while 1 am talking to one is the muu i urn afruid of and 1 want him for my friend i ourth l state 1 he next session of the tederul parliament of canudu will open on 7 hursduy january 2ti l28 according io an olhcial announcement the parliu ment of canada is composed of the h6usc of com mons with 215 members elected by the people und the senate with oti members appointed for life by the government in power as vacancies occur i he totul uiea sown in canada to the principal held grams in 1027 wus si 072110 acres wheat occupied 22lb0is acres outs i 1 2mot acres barley 1 sos m acres und the remaining is 108 hio ki a wiricty of other crops such as i ye flaxseed corn pcus potatoes alfalfa mixed giains etc 1 he slogan canaduthe granary of the world is evidently no misnomer a report recently issued by tie cmiudian govern- n cut bureau of statistics shows thai in i 2t llicre vere 101 dairy factories in canada an increase over the preceding year of 02 and an increase over the year 2i of ill of the 1071 factories in operation lust year 1 287 were creameries i 111 cheese fuc tones 550 combmed imtter and cheese factories and cuiidenserics the announcement ot radio television mi up parutus by which persons eun be seen by radio as well as heard mat ks another slip in nidio achieve incuts it is to be hoped the broadcasting stutions for this new uppiniilus will not be allowed to be ctuik too numerous ikcuusl if tic pictuies get mind up ihi wuy the rlccptious do some evenings they will not be clear to say the icutt lutntlonn put tli thi iiirifi ham tiullihliiiu ut i uilr hnrt till him fi t hit ir fur uiu liuln m t ik lit ialiu lyw in lilt rii ut ii in 11 in li llllml in n in uun itu lin it i nuh iinl be l vllu ltutlf inui i liiuu uiuiu ilii aid vvjilcli in uic objiet uf la lo him law l niiil jutil ihcaim it in hi w n surd 1w it umy in droatl ml vail fair cini uikn ir jut r in or i i ill liliuul on ilm ii lh 11 i mi i i iitun l v hum n ii to cvr lulon or y or drjtwn nit ret icj i a naicr- ini tluy la uilnlni fron thlnlh day 1m trlvlul in it ntuliitlum ny wuy ik m ol tin hi sililn s id i l li i hi mlil u iijuirnil diuuia u nu 111 tl it mplll ltl in m i u i lilt r ii u mini iii i r 1 kaill ii li i t iln l f hlli1 tiiclr thiwci iltiirnu juni tl mil fur n i i1i 1 111 irl fni rninlinrtb nlitlitlliif hi hfrrirtllf uiiful in lriln inr vary fin inlnun ilurlni tho million ivid hrounhl him i ml nu 1 mink inn ntriimrn h i in i lower llrur i in iroirifin uil nihcijii i dm iii uuluji lluth loit rontildiriilil mil ii li fell hat imvf n ci vii in r uujt i h lit ii lr hln riiiiiidn nrl i in ii i to r in 1 mi i- mii 1 in ui un in 1 ikiurnllu urn i 1jhh joli ili u3rl tar mtluuij11 it n itohlri your horn mad icina cheat n nt h slun arl lioum hold rtnu i that uhould nlv ijb hi on hand jour home diui chv i j liiirtuh i hut dr thorn m it trlt oil it u 111 nlfold urn ruin aa n llnvtnr pnln nnil hi tltiiir nlrknrna kiiouii h nun y th uannlti throuieh i tli und al vub uut ur thonlaa lililc oh or rtl i- villi rhoutnutlt d iliuiil juiliio trtu line ri lhroatn 1 l hlhlb luui b hu rna uculdii cuta iihm uil upr ll a safe and sure pmh remedy for hffl ailing children millers worm powders cflt ho hjuuaric llbri tluaoihuilv ltwu ivin hh mt r wuul ararcu hh wttt a3 dut ww acids ih stomach cause indigestion t ll llkh irl add in tho nu i h iiiiiiir dleiallou tu unluyril and io upbkrrrilltt lltll bi a to ilttlll burtnrcr krntrntn i to uk nrrdnl in rrul liunu try ul lukrkt alia and lli- loin liny di ueunalu u ul ukn in ro ir iiiblrta in ittrr ull thl awrnl- iuli nrv mil ho o rin ii hilly oil illy ihy i ills hally inlly 7 gcam 0 gdtt m 1 1 c oiu 1 cdftjd 3 5g p to tisgptn 7 cc pn 0 titi p w 12 34 pm et -m- fl57 abt 1 1 37 sum 1 37 p ra 3 37 pn c 37 paa 737 pa- 0 37 pm 11 36 pja- honor to tho mfimory of thn cmpireb coldler dend will up offered by the mcmbcri of the canadian iarmerii marketing tour uhteh in now proceodinc ivorrriui undci the uuiipicou of tlm cmuulinn national liiuhvayn a huge u rcuth tix feet in diameter lcnutiful in dc ign anil bearing the crct- of each jirovuice intertwined with charnctcrii tie foliuit hu txtn made in montreal and will bi d posited at the t-eno- tapli in london thu month during tlie party viit thexe 1 in pictuu hov the vi n nth iwmg in perted by w i itohb vice- in uient of llu anadiun national ilnilwuj in charijo of colonizition umi hi icultutc before hie dpaiture of uic party from wontnil 43ntarioxf ficials joinmarket tour kaal i rrlnhl r l towinto tarminat uiraat and ct clair avnu it dellvrrtvl by npeeial nrprmi ivetirlit picked up an nny ad- torunto wiutlioun1- uuf nt acton at urn fur at 1 i ii a m 3 10 p tn iui1 h 10 p tn llant hound duo at acton at 0 20 a m z 20 p tn nnd ho p saturdays kundayn and iioll- ln inly includlnn january 1 tlio- loo thini wool lutund laavaa at 10 1u p m inotead of hq tlio- lanltiineitlmunl irsrymi t- lliil a kn u iicrmo of tho dcotrablllly of obtaining tirjtt liana infor mation on uiu nietiioda of lnarket- tnr of annillan producui aiurihiui and uio oprtortunlt ot cxtcudliu mirkcta for products ai will no a lnioftltdju or tin b it iioumii co opt rallvu uyiitcin in ttn wtirld h 1 1 ltd hon john mirtln mini t r of acrlcullun of tlu ontario govt rn in tit to nominate two off tri dn of hi i ut pvrtint nt to accompu ii the flrut hindi in lirim r marietta 1 our to croat ilrluiln and ucimi ii k orianizetl liy uiu imadlan nation il hullwuyu 1 ho oriicialo noniliutted hj hon mr mirtln an mi tiirs hi t s duncan left director of asrlrul turtil hi pre kiitjittvts of out trio untl 1 rinu i hart rljjit dint lor r tifwjrjeluu and ilailcla ftr the ontario dop trtnieiit of at ri ctilltirt in atltlllion lo itu u offl elal rt prtht iilitlvtiu of um lovoru- iiiinl thrto of the titiul rltul lunl hi prt tent itivih i ii alo joint d the tutir hu e ire mi irj h a dorrance count vjricul- tunil n pn sc at ilrinlford t iluchau ill acrlniltural hop- rcimtatlvu at 1ort aruiur and a i macviuincll acricultarai hepro- iii ntutlvo it ilctoa thu tour vyblch w 111 includo inori thin fift ujrlcultiirl iri frtmi ill pirtii on vii ul i will h v hall fax uu buiiouc jajiuari ith hi tbo sh uipliintl of the hid suir 1 lnt uid will lo a luoutli or more in hrieain and dtmiii irk ulun all ih lirie inarliiuiit ttntn i ire to be lilted with eonrornet i wltli miruetliik iiutliorltun th i niiilro tirltitinn iloird ttt und willi ip tiil iiilult ttlon of n op r ilivt ittmi in lni uud uud dtuimrli 1 h pirt 1j to im titilvil li thu irint of wilei tui luiuirv j und villi iittrtilud h uio laniltin it orpor ithn tin lord iluor of loiiloii hit utid mijo of livirpool on uird mivor of m nu in t r mil hit lrd nor oi 1 dllumillll dangerous varicose veins reduced or money back rhw simple home treatment la jiving amazing itcsultn j savage gpticiul service i is complete i ttlii ci ii i nly rl nt i i in mil i lnt rvlx to i oij r t ulll i nt r hmind to 1 1 u i in r inli i iiihu to uu uth i lh i ins r the f t s 1 s v u niiurtd j f itivln llu iianilin your j i liiliv i lain or lrral- or hoth j 1 1 mmlsin ailoimuhnt ad savage i optomotriata and manufacturings opticisna tia vaffc llulldlni quolph manufactured by mclaitens limited hamilton and wlnnipao rub cnlly and upward toward the heart as liluod in elaes mhh tlial wa emerald oil savage company jewellers china silverware cower wyiulham sl imione 571 guelph lllouran1 makimalu motttfp ostona is especially preiiareel to relieve infant ui iniii md children all if f onstipition wind colic to sweeten stomach matiilcncy ui lrrhci jveijiil ite- mowck aidb in the a smil itltm uf ihhki pmiiuitinj lucrf nine uebtond nitui il sucp without opiates toavudinutitimi alvaai ik k im the i iiilmeof ott tt j c 1 piovni dintiiiuis mi r u li vu k m ilijiicijiu everywhere rccununcnd it- hie old and iteliahle ranite and marble works we uru munuractumra and dtrsat iniiorttra of all it in in or uanumaaul and lit iduluiin work wo soli dlroot t i our i utitihtirrti m wholniuo prloaa ihun i our eunt oimira 40 par cant we hui th bruit aplt incca and th only nu han it n in th ik minion aba r iriu imuiiiatlr tuula proparly in kli ittinin from humlroda i r our irttumirii in loronto und other jiiih win r oiheri imvn to have law itolln in ordor to collet t wn have eh i 1 lint and bat otock of oranlt in tho ixomlnlm or more than any ihroa dultru in thr wrnt wo urn lojrltl- lliutn d uli ii unl tmploy no ftfianto ajlo t niiii peat ruiloimn in ii ndttik nut linoruiit ouunta aollctt- iiii oid in wo omidiiy only mnchanlcs it amilton ci sons quclph ont