Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1928, p. 3

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j 3tf llll momi llii acton 3vtv hjlrcgfl fill action i hi j 1111 ss thiiriy ciu il 1 r lr mill slrrcl atl i iim ii aivf u1isi tll1 lilnis i tit rial unl ii ihtxrsday evening january 5 l28 editorial wet neighbora people in the united states evidently do not con sider the liquor control provinces of canada in a very favorable light so fur as the sale and consump tion of intoxicating liquors are- concerned to them liqxi comrol pr nfcinvarlably placed m the wccoiuinn in uu editorial felzethlyheytttrrre peoples weekly of chicago says much is made of wc rmcxtnrttrhcsptrtrrstr iu ili the kycnmrri new ycarn mttware the following new year mesjage of premier king minds a cnll to all to build this canada of ohm iptht future on lints that will be lasting and up holding the- moral qualities and luhits of the past m our future building the dawn of 1128 has a special ignillcnnce tor canada it marks the close of one i enod in our history and the beginning of another behind ii lie sixty years of united effort in this time we have built steadily upon the foundations laid at confederation and have extended the boundaries c f the dominion from sea to sea forty years hence tn any now living will join in the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of confederation the happiness of that day will depend in large measure upon our labors in the new year and succeeding years as a result of the celebrations ot t hof vhm yoaiv wo tindotfitand morooloarly than lift lore the greatness ot the task of building a canadian nation we know that the dream of the fathers of confederation was not realized without courage and perseverance wc know too that natural unity in a country of different races and creeds is not achieved uithout charity and forbearance the true wealth of canada consists less in the abundance of our material j nsscssions than in those moral qualities and habits ot thought which have come down to us as an in hen t a nee from the past in the new period of ex pansion which lies before us it is our highest duty to conserve this inheritance for the benefit of those who will some day stand in our places so may it be said ot us as it was said ot those who created the do- tnnion providence being their guide they budded better thnn they knew as difficulties in enforcing prohibition in the united states shall a grent country like this be unable to cope with her wet neighbors treading on corns every publication serving the best interest of its field must perforce tread once in a while on the corns of some reader and lose as a result tempor only at least a valued subsciber the real power of a publication rests on its facilities for the disscmina hon of worth white information and news to readers its ability to expose extravagance and corruption icar of publicity in its columns nlone often prevent ing wrong doing unscrupulous men in public life dread the limelight whilst honest and straightfor ward citizens prize tie publication of tacts that often influence and shape u country destiny be it daily weekly or monthly truth ulone must be its guiding star if it seeks to shed its light successfully on civic provincial or national problems all rightminded ticdp1eirgfcirmulllie tocahrbr journalism should no more be sacrificed to the bigot or the narrow minded than to the advertising puff or circulation stunt yet how much easier it is to pursue a wait and see policy to pander to all shades of opinion by sidestep pine he vital questions of the day than to bring to light frankly and earnestly by tacts and figures the troth on situations uftecting the whole dominion questions such us the pulp and paper embargo the shipping subsidy the prohibition question the what not few papers can ufford to lose one subscriber but still fewer can afford to please every reader to be worth while to have no fear of the estimate of the world mutters and news dealing with the welfare cl a community must be discussed without fear or favor if the influence of the paper is to grow in the long rup it will be found that lovers of fair play the honest and far seeing will continue to rally round just as the easily peeved will continue to borrow from their friends a copy of the puper that in their hearts they admire or feur printer and publisher the pnht wan good the outlook la bright inits business summary for the month of novcm tier the bank of montreal gives canadians real cause tor optimism and a very satisfied feeling for the year 1027 it says generally speaking the year has brought expansion in most industries and has yielded 1 irger profits to producers and manufacturers a conspicuous feature has been tlje tendency to merg ng manufacturing and to a lesser extent trnding orporations as well as to public holding of these concerns through issue of capital stock forecasts ore being made of conditions likely to prevail in the coming ycaiurhcsc arc mainly optimistic nnd jis official estrtnutcpf- thjfjili of upon the horizon canadas field crops gjves assurance o sustained domestic tride that value being placed at 1141307- 000 or 35 830000 in excess of last year and only slightly below the value of similar crops in the banner year 1925 the foreign trade of canada in creased 7 000 000 in november over the correspond ng month a year ago and was 42200000 larger than in october exports at 1531 18000 were nearly 50 000 000 in excess of the preceding month prac tically the whole of the gain being in grain ship nents there was a favorable balance of trade of s8 8o7 0oo in november and of 80100000 in the elapsed eight months of the fiscal year through the port of montreal there passed in the season of nuvi gat ion which closed on december c the largest volume ot traffic in its history the immense quan tity of 310 000000 bushels of grain was handled being 58 000000 bushels in excess of the previous h gh record made in 1925 the number of ocean steamships entering the port 1240 was 108 more than last year a feature of the seasons business ns the large quantity of british anthracite coal bended 083140 tons this coal having come into i opulnr favor to the displacement of american an- ihracite while nova scotia bituminous coal is again finding u large market in montreal 1 503007 tons having been brought in by vessel during the season keeping the youthful mind clean the sessions of the older boys parliament that were held in toronto the past week brought many excellent point6 out one resolution that was carried makes newspaper people who have to do with the handling of crime stories at least think a little that this seventh ontario older boys parliament views with apprehension the detailed newspaper reports of crime and we believe it detrimental lo the plastic minds of youth many argunmts were advanced on behalf of both sides of the question noted among those in favor were references to the gruesome details published mconnocioit with recent murdets tht hickman case tn particular it wus also argued that the influence of newspaper reports upon the plastic minds of youth was such in to be hugely responsible for the great increase of crime of late among those of tenderer years anolhei speaker asked he mouse why the newspapers should he att ickcd und went on to express his opinion that some moving pictures were far nloic injiii ions to the plastic minds of outh than were the ilcwspupeis after nearly mi hour of heated discussion the motion was put to the house and eai i led by a standing vote of 80 to m will the time liiiiil when newspapers of cerium types will be considered as undesirable read ing and barred from youths by parents who him the welfare of the youth at hcui t and will certain movies be designated is unlit pi ices for youth to al tend j it almost seems- thai if the mind that craves the sordid details of these affairs is to be satis lied and supplied with their griiesomcness and the ollthfu mind is to be kept ele m there- will have to be a dividing line somewheic oi wouldn t it be ejsier to delete these humble things fuun j ublic press and serve up tips news m ti way ill apes can read it and allow the journal wh labelled for such things to h ivt the details dicti in nuiily cases youth will lound buying these sordid journals and feeding on the horrible pictuics and accounts given in these peiiodieals ncwspapeis nm movies can do much iuuiit and outh etui do nunc by lefusuig to it id tlu stulf oi to clamor foi ins news the that but canada the land of opportunity the nineteenth century was the century of the united states the twentieth century will be canadas century such was the declaration of the late sir wilfrid laurier while still prime minister ot the great dominion he wos no mere visionary as eents have proved nor was he prone to indulge in rhetorical flights of fancy he was a statesman of clear perception and he spoke whereof he knew as iht amazing progress of cnn at far m thia century- impressively confirms unquestionably the nine teenth century was the century of the united states for americas growth in population enterprise and wealth wcce without prior parallel in the world s history but the ratios of canadas progress in the twentieth century were never equalled in any equiva lent period of americas nineteenth century cxpan sion in the past two decades as mr u j barrett the managing editor of the financial times slows ui his introductory articles to our supplement canada s expansion in all material respects has been j rodigious that article and those contributed by canadian authorities may well astonish such as have not been uwarc ot what is happening m canada 1 ack of knowledge of this vital imperial concern is i nfortunately too common in the mother country canada s southern neighbors on the other hand arc keenly perceptive of the dominions portended great i ess and prosperity while there is a notable migra t on of americans from the middle western states to settle on he virgin soil of canada american indua tiialists and financiers are investing money without s in l in canadian enterprises and establishing many i ranch works m the dominion u canadian pros iccts be so alluring to americans who thanks to con tiguity and experience of like physical conditions arc likely to be best informed can british capital and tmctprsc afford to hold aloof certain big british i r ins it i true have established branch works in anada and the movement is spreading but the op oitunities are so great and the advantages so main lest that there is ample room for far more extended ciforis him we have yet seed london lnglund i mauciul 1 lines editorial notes i he settle d holidays and election- are over and now to un and get a grasp on lj28 ic announcements of new lines of cars for this c uis anything l2h will surely be known as year 1 he electors in a number of municipalities in the piovincc showed conclusively b their votes that they uo not desire a liquor store to demoralize their com mutiny biicebiidgc vanleck hill port rowun and ollni places voted against living a liquor dis ensary established within their borders wallace burg and alexandria gave faveirable volts they will veiy likely be sorry hamilton son

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