ckjg artmt 3ffm jrgjpg thxxxtsday october 21 1928 the country road tho cheerful road it sjlpb alone tor many a lazy mile tho moadows kooplnar pace with it tho go ldm rod its btnlle it dips and bctdn beneath the trees and turns a nhady way to umblo on past rippling brooks whcie little flfhes play tho wholesome road tho snuisf rinsed road from dawn to sunlit noon id follow it then on and on till ehono tho mellow moon t alix thorn october news from 0ver8ea8 a weeks gloanlng from tht acton england gazette the following interesting items ap peared in tho acton gaxetto or oc tober 8 tho death is announced of mr a mlmrod hibbert 69 cleveland road an old and wellknown acton resident- tho annual general meeting of the acton central old girls association will tie hold next monday at tho cent- ral school at 7 46 p xn school needs in hast cton made tho most pressing subject for the ac ton education committee last week at its first meeting after the vaca tion for- being drunk and incapable at gunnersburylane acton on sunday horace prior milk roundsman of ox fordgardens chiswick was fined 10s at acton police court op monday good progress is being mode with the arrangements for the acton hos pital festival dinner in the connaught rooms on tuesday october 26 and substantial sums have already teen promised including a donation from sir sydney skinner capt a bath a member of the mid dlesex county council visited acton last week to ascertain from col sword the methods in vogue to raise funds for the acton hospital louis a heu of highroad chis wick was fined 5 at acton on vyed- nesday for exposing for sales loaves of bread which did not weigh a pound or an even number of pounds mabel butler acton green was rather badly burned and scalded about the leers through a pot of glue being upset on tuesday while she was at work in the alpha factory acton hill the acton town council is com posed of 28 conservatives one liberal two labour men and one independent labour man tho conservatives are roughly divided into twenty orthodox and eight who aro either indepen dent conservatives or conservative independents tomorrow week the public of acton wiu have the opportunity of showing their gratitude for the great work car- rled out toy the sunshine homes for blind babies when a flag day will teheld in the locality under the di rection of mrs cecilo m talbot during the thunderstorm on tues day afternoon the roof of tho new- lands hartswooaroad wendall park road acton vale the residence of mr and mrs peacock was struck by lightning which dislodged p chimney pot and made a small hole in tho roof the old town bund remember tho band of olden tlmesv when you and i were boys when music to he sweet to us must drown all other noise when martial airs entranced our ears an every feellne fired when uniforms with golden braid was all our heart desired oh hov thoso fellows marched about on every holiday the commons filled with music sweet the streets with bright array the town folks all attended the country folks discreet with horses prancing to the tunes drove up and down the street the boys well you can easily gacss i shall not try tohlde whenever that old hand was out we proudly marched beside- wje kept the step the bandsmen did and hoped with all our might to hold some bandsmans nauslo at that concert thursday night perhaps that band wasnt perfect maybo some cornet blew a shade or two too high or low than it should rightly do perhaps cymbals and kottle drum sometimes were out of place or bass or trombone missed a note and tooted out of place r but what cored we when we were boys to our uncultured breast the bagpipes imitation was as good as sousas best our little chests would each expand s and to ourselves wed ay wfrd start to learn some instrument play in that band some day rvo heard many noted bands since then and all their mush rare ive heard them play their crashing march and dreamy waltzing air but never has my being thrilled with rapture more complete as when a boy with acton band parading down the street i upwards of 350 freemasons repre senting 118 lodges obeyed tho call of charity on sunday afternoon and sup ported the borough of acton lodge in a eraft service which it had arrang ed in st martins west acton on be half of the acton and freemasons hospitals and for their eoual bene fit tho offering was 51 the myor of acton has this year been many times to church where he has always been welcomed with be coming ceremonial hut he has not hitherto boen conducted from robing hall to church by a torchlight proces sion such a welcome awaits him at the church of bright ideas all saints south acton on sunday night one again the rector of acton la crying out fop help from the men of his parishu in his magazine for oe tnber he begs that some of the jmale member of his congregation will offer themselves for w among boys and young men what is wanted hesays is a tear awakening to the cah of scr vlce amongst mon who will seek topthclr progenitors help their younger brothers the meetings of the acton literary society will be held this year at the derwentwater jschool the opening meeting will be held next tuesday and will he devoted to the reading of extracts from tho works of charles kens thfcvstatement that three free church ministers decided to leave acton within three months reminds us that three church of england clergy- menjiavo also left the borough within three years including the former rec- t or this suggests a considerable change in tho personnel of our spirit ual pastors and masters and we trust it has been and witlbc beneficial to all conceraeav a prominent member of the acton salvation army corps mr william arthur 3 rose- cottages hnnwell was married on saturday in the congrega tional church to miss constance col lins daughter of mr and mrs collins 25 grove- place acton the rev r smith offlclalcd shortly before dusk on wednesday minnie paynter petersneldroad a ton was swinging lif acton park when she lost her balance and felt a dis tance of about three feet to the ground she was conveyed to acton hospital- where she was found te be suffering from fracture of the left ankle she was taken home after treatment acton bill wesleyan church was tastefully and lavishly decorated for the harvest thanksgiving services which were held on sunday and mon day flpwers fruit corn and vego- tables were freely used in the adorn- ment of the vestibule choir platform oommunion table organ gallery mem- orlalchnpol and windows and the general effect was strikingly beautli ful tho leading article in lost weeks issue of this journal on acton and gardening has excited considerable interest among local gardeners a coun ciller who is wehknownfor his keen interest in all matters horticul tural told me that ho thinks the coun cil should offer prizes for the beat- icept gardens in the borough and it is likely that he wjil call attention to tho matter at a councttmcetlng tho babies of the south jcfon day nursery bridgeroad were at home on monday afternoon to a large gath ering of offlolau and other friends they were at homoln the iheral sense for the nursery which is man aged by the child welfare committee of the acton town council is their dally home from 7 30 am to 6 so v m or for a shorter tme whilst their mothers are at work aid orange mayordesignat of aotort is a man who has jn his time pinyed many parts and though he is not yet in his sixth age and is far from his seventh he is full of wise saws and modern instances he has been a scoutmaster a sergeant of the special constables and since 1b00 a layreader he once conducted the ytjrkrood mission and has done sim ilar temporary duty at a mission hall insouth acton he tr hon treasurer of the 8t gabriels church building fund further ho is an old free- meson and one of the founders of the borough of acton lodge changing things in town the world do move changes from the old order- of things come from week to week i suppose because i am a citizen of leisure have lived in this community through a succession of generations have had opportuni ties for observing and remembering t c a they have come fr time to time through the years that i note them whon busier people natur ally pass them over without considera tion i noticed an item in lost ttac pjuess which said that ambrose mccann was building new coal sheds on bis lots at the corner of mill and toung streets that staterrent set ny old rememberer at work in two or three channels first i thought of those lots at the corner 6f mill and young streets when paddy kelly owned them and grew such flno crops of potatoes and other garden stuff for his big family of boys and girls away back forty or fifty years ago paddy as some of you know was an irish man and a cobbler and he knew how to grow praties bejabers i dont know but it was patrick kelly who introduced the popular irish cobbler potatoes to thlspnrt of the country mr kelly and his laxgo family gradu allyleft acton for outside points all are doing- well and are a credit to the eldest son dennis has a son who is rev father keuy and very popular in his parish the dear old father and mother have both gone to their just reward well this plot of lots has boen more than a potato patch it was a lumber yard one time then shortly after jim anderson came from eden mills ho opened a coal yard there later alex kannawin installed tanks for imperial oil and gasoline today it has coal yards and a lumber yard again has a gasoline- filling station weigh scales a business ufllco and still theres room in the rear for a potato patch and andy mccann ought to be able to grow good potatoes there too for he also descended from good hon est irish stock and this takes me back to the site pjltheold coal yards and weigh scales they were situated nf the coraelp of mill and wilbur street james brown bough that corner of the old com mons thirty five or forty years ago and built coal sheds and tut in weigh scales he rold out aund went to cali fornia where ho passed away a num ber of years ago john hill was his successor and for some tufenty years or more 3ohn sold coal and weighed cattle and turnips for the farmers whon john got tired atlu no he did well to continue the business until he was more than half way be tween sevonty and eighty years he aotdthe coal and weighing business but he didnt give up the citizens band and he plays occasionally in it yet but i can go back farther than the time james brown bought this corner for his coat business good deal far ther about a hundred years ago when zends adams surveyed the easterly section of his farm jnto subdivision of building lots which were to form that part of the coming town of acton south of mill street and east of main the commons which comprised six lots about an acre and a half was left as a place foecrea- tlon this purpose it served for many years there cricket was played in the early days when base ball was introduced this was where the young chaps learned td piny for years the nil despcrandums had their diamond thereand it was on this ground where the famoysi maples leafs of guelph whom ovroenl team had the audacity to challenge played the long- talked or match the score was 114 for guelph to 27 for acton some score that in the light of presentday scores thoso were the days when billy smith bill sunley jim coulson tom goldle and the rest of them were the maple leafvjendors it was on this commons the 24th of may was celebrated and in those days tho queens birthday always saw a full list of caledonian games it was here the orangemen met after their big l walks on the glorious twelfth io listen to the orators talk of boyne water and the battle of tho boytie it was here n 1868 that cap tain allan drilled his first awkward squad of company s of acton volun teers and with stentorian commands guided their evolutions- and the trtory of the old commons wan complete yheh acton brass band was organized between fifty and nlxty years ago nnd they beoamo sufficient ly advanced in their attainments ajrto march down mill stroet to tho com- mois and there discourse a program me of sirs which always deugbtedtho assembled crowd of citizens thorn wus the days when acton put on airs tho old commons was considered to be favorably situated as well as being a flno commodious recreation grounds it was just across the street from bill bells tavern where liquid refreshments were- plentiful and cheap especially when tom claf fey and captain burns were around to treat the crowd in the course of time the old cosv- mono began to be encroached upon ransom adams appears to have got ten a title ho it and began to pile cordwood on the east end of it by the thousands of cords which he sold ah nually to the grand trunk hallway for the woodburning locomotives which prevailed in that day then- alex f smith bought a couple of lota on the mill street front of the property and built himself a house and and implement shop for his aency stafford zimmermans boys bought the rear two lots and built a residonco for the family which was known as rose cottage and still is given that prettyname by john gibbons and his family who now own it finally robert little the old school master then school inspector for the county purchased the balance of the commons and built his splendid heme there the finest in town at the time i speak of mr little as the old achool- iraster he was old only to the school pupils of his day he died in 13b5 twelve years after he had give i up teaching inacton schools and was only fifty years of age at his death after mr littles death and mrs lit tles removal the house was tenanted for a number of years then mr w w heardmore secured it and had his residence there until the fine old prop erty was destroyed by fire twelve or fourteen years ago and now as i said at the outset the world do move changes come in remarkable succession the old commons front the shoe factory and the gibbons house westward is again a recreation ground nearly an acre in extent with the exception of the coal sheds at the ndrthwestly corner these are being removed now and in oil probability this site will be added to the property of acton athletic assor elation these recreation grounds are among the finest to be seen in any town anywhere they have bowling greens tennis courts both splendidly lighted for night playing large lawn and orchard hedges and a pretty club house on the corner changes and transformations and improvements are the order of the day to me they are most interesting as i look over the spread of the years for seven decades rleht here in this dear old town of acton weekly fashion hint 8toring honey l there is a right and a wrong place for everything and the leebox is the wrong place to store honey honey like other highly concentrat ed sugar solutions whl keep well far a long time with proper core aa t does not readily mould ferment or spoil i will however absorb mois ture and if exposed to a moist atmos phere may become diluted to the point where fermentation occurs it should therefore be kept in a dry warm airy so important m the atoring of extract ed honey wnere large quantities aro stored it is frequently necessary ow ing to the enormous weight to use the cellar which though it may be cool must not be damp the containers of extracted- honey- ought always to be tightly closed to exclude moisture and incidentally ants should they gain ac cess to the storeroom well ripened lioney will keep for years if stored where- it will not attract moisture where combhoney is kppt in quan tlty there should be a free circulation of air with this in view the store room is frequently located on the sun ny bide of the house or it is placed in the attle near the roof windows must he opened only in dry weather for ventilation la of no value unless the air admitted contains less mois ture than that already present var iation in temperature is tobe avoided as it causes condensation of moisture in the capplngs of the cells which in turn is absorbed by the honey to determine whether the place is suitable for the storage of honey test it with saltwhere salt will remain dry it may be stored with safety if kept at a low temperature honey wlh gronulato more readily aa many persons do not care for the granulatel honey it may be liquified by placing the pall containing it into hot water tho temperature of which ls-approxl- mately iso degrees f where moisture had caused honey to ferment ellghtly it may be restored by melting it over hot water when the ferments will escape with the foam a h w birch apiarist central ex perimental form ottawa hmstoh mn v i- 1 y l q jumper sports frock whether one engage actively in sports or enjojr them from the side line the jumper suit meets the demands of athletics from the standpoint of fashion here is pictured a design la plain damask cut in quite a novel way with a slash at thejieck and a soft jabot of linen there are tucks at the shoul ders the sleeves are of the epaulette genre and the cuffs and pockets both show distinctive treatments medium sire requires 314 yards 36inch rajah and ii yard linen for jabot c a womans tv lonely hours ask to see king radio 63 six tuba fully shielded single did station scleclorgtisoie station tmth a simple turn of a single knob beautiful tabmst in two- tone finish je two 8entrie8 fattening the surplus c0ckerel8 an improved quality article of diet increases consumption if all table poultry were properly conditioned be fore killing it would quickly result in greatly increased consumption it is a short sighted policy on the part of any poultry raiser to sell table poultry in a thin condition he is not only losing the profit which he miffht secure through an increased weight and an improved quality of flesh but ho is actually dlscouragm- the use of poultry by the poor quality he fs sup plying in experiments conducted at the central kxperhnental farm it has re peatedly been shown that the crate feeding of poultry pays it has also been demonstrated that a wide ration that is one rich in carbohydrates gave better results than a narrow ra tion one rich in protein it else jins been demonstrated that for the great est gains in both quantity and quality of flesh milk i some form is es sential thlsjs specially emphasised in a series of feeding experiments car ried out at the itnpuskaslng experi mental form where in every instance where milk was fed as part of the ra tion the gains were much better in both quantity and quality than where the ration contalficd np milk this aeries of experiments also brought out strongly that in parts of the country where corn can not be grown that home grown feeds wheat oat and barley may be used with good results but that the ration is made more ef ficient y the addition of corn espec ially where it is fed in conjunction with milk george robertson asst dominion poultry huspandman in an appeal for supplies that came one day to the paris offlce of the am erican fund for french wounded there was a request for a pair of py jamas for a soldier who was to get the croix de guerre and who had no garment in which to receive the decoration this is the story of that soldier on a night so foggy that the men could not see the wall of the trench three feet in front of them this man was doing sentry duty his dog crouched by his side with ears well forward and twitching nose was on the alert for any scent to all appearance there was nothr lng to disturb the fogenforced si lence but suddenly tho dog began to tremble with excitement and to lick the soldiers hand the sentry list ened but the fog was like cotton in hla ears he strained bis eyes but a ghastly whiteness barred bis vision- be shifted his position as he lpanpf against the wall of the trench and his thoughts wandered to his home in the north to his wife and children- but the dog again thrust his mus- le into his masters hand- and rub bed against his legs the sentrys wandering thoughts came backr with bayonet fixed and every sense alert he listened but he heard no sound the dog whimpered and then like a flash he was gone he ran like mad down the tortuous trench evidently in sheer terror the sentry was dumbfounded ap parently there was no cause to give an alarm mightherebeome mining- going on that he could not hear he stooped and laid his ear to the ground not a sound then all at once he un derstood the enemy was approach ingl soundless invisible it- came nearer and nearer the asphyxiating gas was- sluggishly rolling over the ground toward the trench the dog had scented it song ago and bad run fronf it in uncontrolled fear and now the sentry ran shouting to his sleep- ins comrades- to wake and pnt on their gas maffks in a second tho trench was in commotion then the enemy begah to fire a few shells burst overhead and hand grenades began to- fall but the awak ened soldiers were ready and nature for a moment came to their aid a puff of wind blew back the fog blew back the gas and gave a glimpse of the enemy injuring out of their trench and rushing tathe attack with tho wind now behind them the french counter- attacked and drove the enemy- back into their trenches silence fell again where is the sentry the captain asked he saved the regiment they looked for the sentry but he could not bo found that night or the following day in tho darkness of the second night the sentrys dog carao into the trencha whining and anxious he ate a fow mouthfuls ravenously and drank thirstily and hurriedly then he whined and paced nervously back and forth he would not be quieted and anally a sergeant said who will volunteer to go with mef fourj men rose running with their heads down and sometimes crawling on their stomachs they followed tho dog into the darkness of no mans land then halting at a shell hole the dog whined softly the sergeant groped about and touched a mans boot they rescued tho halfburied sentry and dragged him back into their own trench he- seemed dead but the dog knew that there was life in his body the stretcher bearers took him to the ambulance and he was hurried to the nearest hospital there he revived and seemed likely to live one day the general of the division came to see him you are to be decorated ho said with the croix de guerre what have i done you saved your comrades from cer tain death perhaps a hundred mon would have died except for your warn lng it was not i tho weak voice re plied it was my dog that saved them then your dog shall be decorated too a wan smile passed the sentrys lips where is my dog on the- steps of the hospital an orderly replied we cant drive him away bring htm tn said the general on the breast of the sentry the gen- oral pinned the medal of honor nnl on the collar of the dog too he fast ened the military recognition of faith fulness and courage king rapio most radio per dollar tv then father has gone to work and the chfldreh almost any t ish your neighbors will never have a vv to school the house aeems as big and empty as better radio than you if you have a king n auditorium aj xo then its great for mother to turn on the radio and pick up the things that are on the air every morning there are new menus talks on health marketing hints new ideas on housefurnishing and music to help her sing at her work heres a king radio 63 that will please mother immensely its a 3ixtube set which means distance and volume and tone quality and it has the new king singledial station selector bymeans of which mother can pick up the station she wants with a simple turn of a single knob no bothei nothing to know about electricity or radio just turn the knob and get the station she wants bat this king radio 63 ia something more than good radio it is a beautiful piece of furniture open qt closed f to twotone wharrnonke with small down payment- balance monthly we will place this king radio in your home let you try it three nights to prove to yourself that- king is truly most radio per dollar get the great parade of stations on the air and then youll never part with your king radio a small down payment gets the set the balance you pay in conven ient monthly amounts as you enjoy the set we do all the installing turn the king over to you show you in five minutes h6w to operate it tiien its youra to enjoy come in today and see this king radio bring your wife along pop you must te it as well as htitt it to really appreciate it or if you cant coma phone us and well have a king in your home before tomorrow night h a coxe acton -jgrnuv-i- wrcan you find the twins no they are not all twins two and only two are identical and ore the twins yon are asked to find c3m yon to be sure the 18 pictures all look alike but look closer how about their hats there are other differences ino only two girls are exact duplicates they ore twins can read the clues you find them clues a sadawlakttning 1 discouraging appreciation the niayorof the town had been asked says the torfcehlre post to assist n the annual entertainment given at christmas to the inmates of the pariah workhouse he consented wpth great complaisance and went made np aa father cbrlstniaa for a time hla antics and pranks were the dellsrht of the company a scrap of conversation he ojhanced to hear however put a damper on his enjoyment ainh he enjoy in hisaelft remark ed one old man to another wof fcf treat it la for the likes of he tit why cant they let nil the toonfe out the foreman of a construction gantf vaa walking along his section of the railway one jday when he came upon a laborer fast asleep in the shade of a fence eying the man with a stern smile he said slape en ye idle spaleen slajie on so long as ye slape yeve got a job but when ye wake up yere out of wurrkl at first glance all of tho pictures look alike but upon examination you will see that almost every ono differs in somo way from all the others in some the difference may be in the light or dark band on the brim of tho hat or in tho brimming on the hat or the collar or some may wear necklaces or ear rings or both only two aro exactly alike no its not aa easy as it looks you must search carefully just look closely make sure that you have tho twins then send in your answer some body who finds tho right twins la going to win a big prize make that somebody he tou lfrst prize 200000 oir3 maximum award on a nlght llk hilar well replied thfc other nwbbe aa and drusslstji anywhere they aint all ao lurmlwa m tluani ihunrold with hw uarimta no more piles l pile auiterera can only set quick ante and ituitlna relief by removing the cause baat mood circulation in the lower bowl outline end ealvai cant do this an internal remedy muat lie uaed rr leonhardts hem- hold a harmless tablet succeeds be cause it relieves this blood congestion end strengthen the affected parts hembold has a wonderful record for quick safe and lasting relief to file aulferera it will do the same for you or your money back e j has- sell this is one or tfctt greatest array of casu ptizca that ban ever boen offoced in a moll and empire puxyle contest thats what it la folkft aud you can bo a winner tho prises ranjro from 2 to 50 and from b0 to 2000 all lirlzea will be awarded in time to reach tho winners by christmas day think of ltl tag can win as much as 2000 yes sir 5 000 in cosh prizes may bo won in tnls interesting- puzslo- contest and will be awarded promptly after december lltli thero will be 60 winners and tho first jprlie tho rolden opportunity 2000 ik cash wont that be a wonderful christmas gift in tho event of tlee for any prise duplicate prises will bo awarded 1000 points wins first prise we will give you 950 points for finding the twins im mediately npon- receipt of tout correct answer jte twill send yon particulars of m word a contest in which if sncecsiful you earn the final 5q points required to win a 200000 first prise or one of the 49 other cash prises mail your answer today now find the twins write the numbers in tho coupon below fill in your name and address and mall it to tho puxxle manaarer get started for ho bis first prlxo puzzle hgr room 207 the mail and empire toronto canada 1 so cash prizes listed below are the maxlnuun prises yon can win 1st prbta ufloo 2nd prtse 1000 3rd prise 700 4th prisma 200 slh prise 20o 6th prise r uoo 7th prise floa slh prise 100 9th prise tloo 10th prise 100 iii tosothjertsum inclusivo tlo i twin puzzle coupon ipunle manager room j07 tlin mail empire toronto canada numbers and are the twins that i hive found if those aro correct pleaso give me tho 9e0 points and toll me how to sain tho final 60 points to win first prlso i name j i i pootofflco i dtroot or it r d no province ij the careful shopper analyzes every advertisement because they are guides to the best buy iyf zi 5yj ldi u s 3 yygs