i i shir artim m grgflb thursday october 81 m26 helping somewhere are you holping aomowhore in thlb world of woe that its heavy burdena may tho lighter grow is your linj a blesalnff wherosooer you go lovo and help aro needed everywhere aro you helping somewhere in this world ofcnro do you with your brother pain and sorrow bhoro you will and your burdena ugliter far to bear if you service render everywhere aro you helping somewhere in this world of sin do you seek that wanderers may bo gathered in thore are precious treasures which you thus may win by your faithful service everywhere love and help are needod all alongrlifob way service may bo rendered every passing day are some lives mado brighter by tho words you say io you scatter sunshlno everywhere fred scott shepard tr- thecobb8 listen in tho cobbs overslept that sunday morning it was no wonder they had had excitement enough the night before inxtho afternoon mr cdbto had with tho help of a friend installed his long hoped for radio and during the ovonlns they had enjoyed the lux ury of listening in they had follow ed tho course of time from the atlantic to tho pacific and it was early in- the morning before they anally took them- selves away from tho strains of jax music which floated in from the prem lor broadcasting station or the pacific coast by tho time that thoy had eoen the morning meal which was a good one with the cobbs it was too lato to at tend hurch that wasnt a very ser joua matter in itself they never at tended so regularly that their absence caused any comment and then be sides there was a new radio which would keep them interested in the homo for some time that is one ot the wonderful things about radio mr cobb it keeps one at home the family finds amuse meat recreation and profit within ate homo walls and they tell mo that they hear some wonderful sermons over the ra dlo added mrs cobb who had never completely outgrown her church af fections of childhood days vicell lets try a church service thin morning replied mr cobb i am sure that it will be something dif ferent than dr hyatt has been giving us at christ church he is awful tedious at times ob dr hyatt means well but ho wasnt cut out for a preacher sold the more tolerant mrs cobb so mr cobb gotrbusy with tho dials mrs cobb sat at the table ready for the worship in a few minutes they heard the voice of a minister in pray er mr cobb settled back then the volco faded out again he began to turn the dials ah now he bad a congregation singing faith of our ftathers he di like that hymn they didnt slfigtit enough at in pocket a by roe it uendrick i 0 t was niel bullockm third day us helper in the biff puvyjott brajfn elevator and ho- was just beginning to understand the nature of ms duties on monday the first day of hia em plbyment in tho elevator his work bad scorned exclusively to consist in running ui and down endless flights of stairs on numerous errands until his knees trembled and nip head swam with fatbjue then he had yearned ardently for the coming ot saturday tilbhtttnhaddtcrtnlnedrnqnittor what happened to adit the moment he drew his flrst pay check on tuesday however his work had been more interesting he had been put in charge of the receiving scales at the bottom- of ick a which car- fled the conveyer belt up from the railway siding- to the bis hopper over the s dock the scales weighed auto- matically every hundred bushels that passed and accounted for seven thousand bushels an hour his work iurwelghmaster kept kiel pretty busy but asthe scales were necessarily idle while an empty car was exebangedfor a full one he found the task easier than making a trip to the top of the building every few minutes so he was not pleased when norrla the foreman took him from the scales about nine oclock on wednesday morning and told nlxn to go to the basement to flu tue longnecked can with lubricating oil that upper drum on leg c is squeaking said norrls i could hear it clear at the bottom of tho shaft i guess dave newboldt didnt fill tho cups lost saturday- or the bearings wouldnt be dry now and while youre up there look at the other tups and fill them too if they need it niel got the can from a cupboard in the engine room then he went to the subbasement where the walls were damp with the moisture that ooxed through the harbor there he found the barrel of oll me filled the can to the brrin and started on the hun dredfoot climb to the upper tier of pockets the drum at the top of c leg oyer which passed an endless belt thickly set with metallic scoops was squeaking loudly the sound was aud ible even on the tier below when niel reached the top story he hur ried across the staging that served as a walk between the lines of hoppers climbed up beside the drum and filled with oil flrst one cup land then the other tho squeak stopped almost instant- xy but at the same time a thin cloud arose accompanied by an unpleasant odor the bearings were so hot that the nrst oil to reach them was literally cooked- tho boy waited for a couple of minutes almost expecting the oil to burst into flame but nothing of the kind happened and the smoke slowly wantedexperience in the course of seventeen month rena stone jbodiheld fourteen different positions thoy were good positions too itena was triumphant youre all mossgrown round hero she doctored poydng a flying visit to tho crowd in arnold yotmana look at you plodding on at the same old work month in and month out i dont see now you utund it why 1 have been in an automobile omcc sold stock for an ice company had a look in ut the roalestutebustncss received the patients of the famous dr roecoe und been at tho complaints desk in morris phelps to saying nothing of other kinds of offices im living nearer than the front where tho drum one of these days vu decide what 1 was mounted three yards seemefl nko best undthen- ill aettlo down and only a short distance to go but ho hud niuke a run for lkgtei but now im scarcely turned around when sudden u experience his rlsht leg was sucked under hi experience and experiences are not hod no sooner freed it than the other always the same thing rena marcla christ church but that too soon faded reception isnt as good in day- llsht samicr cobb another church service was soon brought in a minister was talking we will now receive tho olterinar he said mr cobb hastily turned his dial from that service that was too much like christ church they were al- ways taking offerings there but the next attempt was very suc cessful they tuned in on -tha- sermon tjoud and clear it came in such a voice that minister had it waa al most faultless in its enunciation but the bcnqon that was wonderful the minister was preaching on the prodigal son mr cobb always did llko that- story and such lessons as the minister drew herel tracyolng by a1dvfr vxmiut call him in to near this sermon mr tracy was another late riser he was glad to become a member of the diningroom congregation the minister by this time had even drawn the attention of the children who were listening intently when tney should havo been getting ready for sunday school the sermon over a hymn was an- npunced for the flrst time the- llsten- era felt freo to talk tell you tracy said mr cobb that was a sermon i wbsh that we had a man like that at christ church whats the use of wlshjnjr tbu know wo couldnt afford a man like that be probably is the pastor of one of uio largest churches in tne country what station is he talking from l wont know that yet we tuned in after the sermon had begun but believe me if his churcv isnt too far away im going to see and hear him beforo the summer is over humphl 1 it might be a thousand miles away for all you know where is your sunday paper that wljl give you an ideawho is speaking but mrs cobb had the paper whch she was reading during the-benedlc- tlon her face was becoming crim son better turnr it on now she ad vised her husband- i am sure-that- we have detained mr tracy long enough turn it off nothing said mr cobb 1 am going to hear who this preach er is- 1 want to hoar him- again p some time mrs cobb trlod to get his attention but sho ires nnsuecesntul the voice of the announcer came through the loud speaker this is station xyz the church service you have listened to were held in christ church with the bev t harold- hyatt officiating and preooll liur station now signing off until always called dr hyatt a good preachor myself mr tracy but 1 1 mus h to get to bible c103s mr cohfal had nothing to say at that time i it was ot lodge that he expressed himself on the situation 53po my mlna- churches would be a great ddal better off if they would tend to their preaching and cut out this noisy publicity stuff for onehlng i would cut out all this radio broad- canting of sermons it is ridiculous william h irfach early to rise the old proverb which implies that to dea and early to rise is the sole formula necessary for securing health wealth and wisdom is un doubtedly an exnggeratlon but the young fellow who lies abed in the morning as a concession to self-lndul- i unco is likely to be snorlbir whenop- portunlty knocks a days work is a days worjt any time la ili twemy- four lieura but the younc persons who have not sumelent cormnand of themel vja to gt otit of bed early will fln some other stumbling block in the way of self indulgence latetlntho day early rising has this advantage tmai it draws the une between he toay alia tho quitters and those h krpfwni to paythe price of sue- disappeared altouge the evil smelt remained vband d legs were also work ing but a at which he had been serving as welghmaster was now idle as he was filling the caps of the drum at j he heard loud cries beljw he scrambled across to a dustbegrlmed window and looked down niel had half expected to see a rlqt on the docks but the scene appeared peaceful although the shouts continu ed at first he could not discover the source of the shouts but after he had cleared away the dust and cobwebs from one of the window panes he saw that they camp from the upa of the mate of a big freighter the noon was having- tho ship warped to the rear of the pawlett dock the space was too small to permit the ship to use- her pro pel lor niel was unfanqlu jar wlthshlpsandldocks and wonder- e juat wbat was being done and why so much loud language was necessary he did not guess that the manoeuvre was the beginning of a matter of vital import to himself if he had bees an old elevator hand he would nave known that the freighter was working back preparatory to filling her hold with a load of wheat as the boy lingered at the- window he heard a complaining squeak xtajtm the bearings of b drum he horned back to ah the cupa which he found quito empty then he went across to a where he found one cup al most full and the other nearly dry he shrewdly guessed that davetsew- boldts supply of t had given out at that point and that the man had been too laxy to go to tho basement to reflu the can as he was screwing down the cap over tho second cup kiel became aware of a curious moaning sound that started from somewhere far be low- and seemed to approach rapidly as it came nearer it changed to the sibilant hush hush of swiftly flow ing kernels for a moment he was puxsted then the fguessed that the spout leading into the hold of the big freighter- bad been opened and that th ship was taking on a load of grain niel had never seen a hopper emptied and he now leaned forward and watch ed the surface of the wheat intently tho grain eloped gently back aram below thfl drum to the farther side of the pocket perhaps thirty feet away the surface of tho grain was at flrst smooth and even then niel no ticed a ripple at a point not more than a dozen feet from him in a couple of seconds a cupllko depression had formed from this centre concentric waves of motion spread to the grain in a few minutes there was a funnel not of any great depth but extending back in every direction to tho gently nverglng sides of the pocket tho sight interested niel it was like watching a whirlpool in a river but after a llttlp time ho gave himself shake and drew back ill get a calling down if i stand here all the- morning he muttered and reached for the oil can which he had set on the frame qt the drum his hand struck the can which rolled from the frame into the bin where it spun down the slope toward the vortex spilling oil upon the grain at every whirl niel gave a gasp at this unexpected result of his carelessness and without an instants thought plunged after the can ho was truly areenhorn or he would never have ventured upon sulci a perilous feat it did not occur to him that he was running any danger for he thought he could easily scramble out ho crawled down the incline on his leg was engulfed in the grain throwing himself flat upon his face niel worked his body along like n snake and strove desperately to climb the slope but every kernel of feraln seemed to be moving and he could not get any firm support it seemedl to him thatrheshppedbackafoot for every- twelve inches tout he gained however ho did make some headway arid aft several minutes of frantic exertion panting and choking from the- dust that rose from the moving wheat he threw out his free hand and touched the smooth aide of the pock et but since he had climbed into the bin the surface of the wheat bail uet- tled a foot or more before he could have lain upon his face and reached the top- of the pocket but now he would have to get upon his knees while shifting his position there was nothins to cling to for in the years since the bins had been built tho flhiftlnk grain had literally polished the inner walls of the pocket as niel strove to rise one leg slip ped back and then thq other he threw himself on his face again lly ing his toes and fingers like fins and worked his way forward then he- de elded o fling himself forward and with one leap clutch the edge of the bin before he could slip back when he judged the moment had come he flung up his left hand and at the same time sprang half upright- for a fraction of a second his anger tips brushed the edge or the board then ike snot baclcward in spite of his efforts he could not stop himself until he was at the centre of the pocket as he felt himself falling nvels heart came into his throat for he ex pected almost certainly to be sucked under he did not know whether his body would pass through the chute or not but he knew that in any case if he should be sucked under he would either be crushed or smothered hy tho grain instinctively he spread out his arms and legs and thus saved himself for the moment by keeping every limb in motion he found that he could swim on the surface of the slnlting wheat but he wast rapidly tiring and his lungs were filling with the choking dust he could not crawl back to the edge again and it would be folly to make the effort xor even shouldt ho succeed in reaching the sloping aide the top was now hopelessly beyond his reach he knew hat sooner or later but long before the bin was emptied his strength would give out or he would be ov by coughing the he would be quickly sucked under through all hia struggles he had clung without conscious thought to the oil can now he deliberately let it slip from ab hand in a moment it vanished it was too small to clog the chute but ho thought it might be seen and tnlght lead some one to investi gate five minutes passed and notblng happened niel had more and more trouble to keep afloat after a while he managed to kick off his low shoes which had impede us efforts they quickly followed the can at last in a frenzy he tore the front of his waistcoat slipped out one arm and then the other the waistcoat was quickly engulfed in the grain per- haps hut he was hardly able to do any thinking as he struggled blindly and djfsjwrately jtorjife stevens reminded her indeed they are not itena retort ed u lke tho difference between being the native of a twopenny own and being a oltlken of tho world you forget a proverb about- jack- of -all- trades jxjnakemetre goodnaturedly sie could afford to bo goodnaturedtfor she had just ob tulnedi a position the pay of which ex ceeded by ave hundred dollars a year tho pay of any girl at arnold yet mans youre afraid to leave your little dooryards goodbye come and see mo some time my address is thei world there were times in the next year or two when some of tho girls won dered wistfully whether rena were not right it must bo wonderful to have so many experiences and meet so many different kinds of people then something npppened mr har row of harrow daily wanted a private stenographer tho salary was unusual and the applicants were num erous among them was rena rena met mr harrow confidently she knew that her approach- and ap pearance wre exceptional she smiled to herself when she saw among tho applicants several of the girls whom she had known she was sure that they had no chance at all and for a moment it seemed so she clearly made a good impression but mr harrow was shrewd before rena realised it he had learned more of her varied career than she had ever told any other employer in ave minutes he snook his head i am sorry miss stone but i think you misunderstood our need what we ore looking for is a capable young woman who has had experience not experiences i feel that your career although doubtless dly have equip qualities of faith- ad thoroushness iaental to any real interesting could ped you with th fulness loyalty which are funda and lasting success stunned and- bewildered rena left the office she did not realise that mr barrow and marcla stevens had said the same thing a persian parable there was a a grain leveler known among his fellows as a dock wolloper has little time to exercise his imagination or train ills powers of logic so when budge noonan deep in the hold of the freighter saw an oil can come tumbling through he tossed it over the combing- of the nearest hatchway thinking if he thought at all that some elevator hand had been careless with his tools then he caught a glimpse of a shoe in the midst of jhe grain but it was burled beforo he could get bold of it and was soon lost from sight its mate did not appear at all several minutes later a fragment of cloth caught on the edge of ils scoop and he drew out a waistcoat l the foreman chanced to be looking so noonan tossed the garment across to him theres something in the thougnt the world was growing worse he was- always barking back to the good old times and was sure that the human race was degenerating men he said were all trying to cheat one another the strong were crush ing tne weak one day when he was airing his pessimistic views the calif said to him i i charge you hereafter to- look care fully about vou and whenever you worthy deed gtrto him and praise hint or write to him about it whenever you meet a man whom you regard as worthy to havo lived in the good old days tell him of your esteem and of the pleasure you have had in finding one so ex alted and i desire that you write an account of these good deeds for me that x may share your- joy in knowing of it so the man was dismissed but be fore many days he returned and pros truted himself before the calif- when ordered to explain his presence he walled forcing bulbs theforcink of bulbs in the houso in winter is so easy thut more people should experience the delight of huv- lliir hyaclnthh tulips daffodils und other bloom ntthut time the bulbil should be planted um noon usltoy can bo procured in the autumn its union a rood root nymtom is mado beforo ono tries to force most of tho bulbm the bloom will not bo satisfactory if good loumy soil cunnot bo obtained quite satisfactory results may bo hnd from coarse sand a soli that docs nut hake- ih dchlrablc kr hyacinths tu lips and duffodilh puns of llvo or six inch pots nro most hutlsfactory three tulips and daffodils bulbs do well in a ivc or six inch pot and ono more hyncintlj bulb per pot used de pending on the six of the pot whon plnnted in pans of six or more tulip bulbs are used provide drainage for pot by putting a piece or piccch of broken pot coal clinkers tor charcoal in the bottom fill tho pot with soil and shake it down by knocking tho pot against something do not press down the noil to accomplish this ns it will be too firm and tho bulb will lift out when it begins to root after jarrinkthqjbi on tho surface and press down until the up per side of tho bulb is lovel with tho surface then niuke tho soil- firm around the bulb with tho fingers to prevent its lifting after planting there should be not loss than three- fourths of an inch space between the surfneo of the soil and the top of the pot as if there is less it will be dl- flcult to give enough water tho pots should now bo put in a cool part ot the cellar but where tho soil will not bo froxen water thoroughly and see that the soil is kept moist until tho bulbs arc well rooted which will bo in six weeks or more and until they are forced if the soil becomes dry the roots will be injured and they will not force well frees las and the chinese sacred lily do not require to bo well rooted before forcing ono should not try to force tulips beforo january even though they show growth above tho soli as even if well rooted they will not force satisfac torily before this some good inexpensive varieties lor forcing are hyacinths roman ojgantea nor ma la grandesse enchantresa gen eral pellssler king of the blues narcissus paper white prlnccps golden spur emperor sir watklns lucifer king alfred madame do graaff madame plcmp tullpa early single gold pinch kelserskroon lady bored proser pine maes sir thos ltpton prince of austria duchesse do parma tulips early double murlllo couronne dor imperator rubrorum tullps-7- darwin tulips bartlgon clara butt parncombe sanders win pitt by w t macoun dominion horticulturist the line op least resistance a 8tory of african love an amusing incident is quoted by h t rinck in a recent volumo of prlm- myv and curious customs which lhdl- certaln man whtrfcates how easily utilitarian considera tions may gain tho supremacy among africans a traveller knew a girl named yan- jilkl who refused to marry a young kaffir suitor although sho confessed that she liked him i cannot take him she said as ho can offer only ten cows for me and my father wants fifteen the traveller observed that la was not kind of her father jto jet a few rows stand in the -tvay-ofhrhapp- ncss but the african damsel did not fall in with his sentimental views of the case business and vanity were to her much more important than in dividual preference and she exclaim ed excitedly what you expect my father to give me awqy for ten cowa that would be a nneaortofa bargain am i not worth morthan cllll for whom the tambukl chief paid twelve cows last week i am pretty r- 1 can cook sew crochet speak english and with all these accomplishments you want my father to dispose of me for ten have pity on thy servant and re- miserable cows oh sir how lhtle lease him from the necessity of com pllmentlng men upon their worthy deed o my master and o son of mohaxnmed i pray thee absolve thy servant from the duty of reporting to thee- ail toegood that is going on in the world and why o slave dost thou com to me with this prayer the calif asked since i have been looking for what is good the man replied i have had no time to do auht but compliment men for their splendid works so much that is glorious is all around me that i may not hope to be able to tell thee half of it my tasks lie neglected be cause i have no time go buck to thy work said tho calif i pcrrcelve that thou haat al ready learned thy lesson highbrow and low brow neither of these expressions ivhlch have attained currency in common speech la quite complimentary in its connotation lowbrow is obviously his work the foreman had not seen the oil can or the shoe but when he drew out a heavy open-face- sliver watci and sow the second hand wan moving he knew that something was wrong bounding upon the deck he signalled to have the flow of grain shut off then at the head of a small party of men he hurried up the long flight of stairs and peered down into hopper in the centre of the bin he savf a shoulder and an arm the rest of kiels body was burled in the wheat the flow of grain had been stopped just in time niel was unconscious when the men reached him they carried him into the open air and threw cold water over his face and chest and he slowly revived- nlel did no more work that week but when he appeared to draw bin pay cheok on saturday he did not resign as he had planned to do he had decided that working in a grain elevator is not so monotonous as he had thought hands and knees sinking into the grain not more than an inch or two and reached the centre just in time to clutch the can by the nan die as it was disappearing as he dragged it out his left arm upon which he was sup porting himself was sucked down mo below the surface in tho swirling grata ne asked it was the parting dfr and when he withdraw it he hearty fell upon his face for the kernels were rolling away from beneath his knees- niel was not rally frightened but he began to realise the power of the suction beneath him and the neossslty of haste if he was to get out of the bin he turned at right angles to his form er course and star the pocket which unnecessary generosity jose maria a spanish brigand who had received pardon of the govern ment on condition that he renounced his exciting and unlawful profession used to tell the most entertaining stories of his post on one occasion he said he had robbed an english gentleman and his servant of their horse and everything they possessed sayo their clothes the englishman was a pleasant at tractive youth and- submitted to the robbery with great good humor this appealed to jdse maria and- aa they wore forty miles from seville whither the traveller was going he jeter ml nod that he should not walk the distance and gave tylm back his servants horse and a doubloon sixteen dollars out of the two hundred he had taken the youth thanked the robber very warmly and added that he had still n great favor to ask will you riot return mo my watch r of afar dear father yow cktier fcuver- asked jose i v5nd does he love you very jhucfcrm ohytsc mtl the youth fc lives and ipfmvhkr should a phrase designed apparently t convey an idea that the person to whom it 1s applied is intelligent well- educated and generally a superior sort of a person be tinged with mockery the- reasoamayperhapslie in the fact that it is only a certahxtxpo of intelligent well educated and superior person who la called a nbrhbrow and that the word has come totoe as soclated with the idea not so much of superiority and intelligence tho priggish and supercilious person of cultivation la the highbrow itis unfortunate thuf a term apparently general in its meaning should be thus restricted in application for confusion results in many mind and prejudice against certain forms of education in creases a man who has a fondness for book learning and no taste for social inter course is an unsatisfactory human be ing men jnay be reserved without being unapproachable and men may be learned without being pedantic but when native tendencies and edu cation together result in making a man unapproachable and pedantic he is less useful in the would than a per son with bis equipment of scholarship ought to be jthe word high brow has roused in many minds distrust of idealism as wu as of scholarship high brow suggests idealist as well as a scholar and in that connection again the mocking connotation of the phrase does an excellent virtue a disservice an earnest interest in criticising other people for not being mentis tic is as much idealism as some persons ever show and high brow is the term that is applied to that unworthy sort of idealist you esteem me no no my father la right in refusing to yield in this mat ter indeed in my opinion he might boldly ask thirty cows for me for i am wort that much when we say of a person that he usually follows tho lino of least to- filstunce wo mean of couruo that hh c ha rue tor is wcuk and undovolopctl yot tho fact that u man iiomotlmon taken what ho regards tn the line of least reslntunce docs not necessarily raise a presumption against him tho expression is a vuguo ono and ncodh clarifying tho young man who linn a definite bent towurd somo profes sion or trade or urt and who consist ently follows it may bo ualcl to bo tuklng tho line of least rcslntanco yot in doing- o he may bo giving evidence of strength rather than of weaknetts in fact the persons who let circum stances and nccldents rather than their own tastes desires ambitions nnd purpone nhnpo their lives aro tho onos who follow the lino of least re- slstence however definite your bent may be however pronounced your tal ent however strong your ambition ttf direct your course 1n accordance with them is not to take the cosiest way through life it is to tako tho way that promises the richest satisfaction and the best returns if it is faithfully followed but it is roa1 ftn requires resourcefulness as well as pcraovcrance and toll for tho sur mounting of its obstacles even then though tho struggle will not bo with out its compensations thore is no cer tainty that it will end in any such attainment as tho pilgrim had hope fully in view when he started out on the other hand it is compara tively easy for anyone to slip into a routine job that even though it is un interesting provides a living and calls not only for initiative but for faithful- nests and mechanical performance and to go on with increasing ustlessnees about the work and the chances that life officers following the line of least resistance never leads to success al ways in the end to failure following your bent may lead you to success it assures you anyway of a constant and fresh interest in life the church reliability is an important attribute ot a good church member what ho undertakes he should carry through under all circumstances if conditions are hard or interest wanes that is tho time to keep steadily on often a business man is obliged to forego an unusually attractive pleasure because neslect of his business at just that time would be disastrous in the same way a good church member will not allow other things to interfere with the service that he has under taken t m imagine yourself the member of a club that you considered the best in the world one that numbered many of the best people among- its members one that was of- great- bene fits to you you would be proud to let others know of your membership you would stand up or the club if disparaging remarks were made about it a good church member belieet that he is a member of the best or ganisation in the world if he is enthusiastic about it others are en couraged to seek its benefits if ho does not show his loyalty when slight ing remarks are made about it obhers think he is ashamed of it whoso ever therefore who shall confess mo before men him will i confess also before my father which is in heaven but whosoever shall deny me beforo men him will i deny before my father who la in heaven alico m shepard apoqroottook fained 10 pounds in 22 days thats going some but skinny men women and children just cant help- putting on good healthy flesh when they take mccoys cod liver extract tablets chock full of vltamlnos the kind that are extracted from the livers of the cod tho kind that are a real help to frail rundown anaemic skinny rncn and women j try these sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days- if thoy dont help greatly you get your money back one woman gained ten pounds in twenty- two days sixty tablets sixty cents ask any druggist for mccoys cod ljver extract tablets directions and formula on each box get mccoys the original and genu ine safety rules for dtwall fires t ai jpsjs msrls t sbau ktj itopyfflilbfrfm wurfthr started ttr the 10 of loves femae4mtilm tore to gtn th l ws atxrat a ysjra oiiiisufirvs i not wit vi cj 1 dont build bonflres fov un 3 if you must build outdoor fires be sure that they are cold before you leave tliemi sxoht set dead trees nflre some times they will burn for days ut before lighting an open nro be sure that it is completely enclosed in a stout wire screen 6 keep children from playlno too near tlie fire soreen or no screen i dont throw large nieces of looso paper upon an open fire 7- make absolutely certain that the lire is out before going to bed at night dont say i guess it h allrlght thawfroien ptiws with hot water flats i made my first call home today two salesmen met in a small hotel said one do you know jim although i have been on the road over four years i never thought of tele- phonjpg home til twuyww always content to drop a hue every couple of days prom now on its going to be differ ent hy wife was so glad to hear my voice said it would brighten her whole day ill telephone her avery aecond night around nine oclock pr if i happen to be on the wain ill call around breakfast time shes uro to be at home then two hebrews father and son went to edinburgh with a view of locating in business while walking up one of the principal streets their atten tion was drawn to a farmer who drove up to the curb sot out and took tho bridle oilj the horse preparator t feedlngr the animal hur ndondaymeal after carefully attaching the feedba to the horses head he went to tho back of the wagon and took a chicken from a small coop tho chicken had a- string tied to its leg this was at tached to tho foreleg of tho horse so thut the chicken would eat trie oats that were spilled out of the bag ikey commented the elder visitor dls is no place for us to do business the advantage of an education junieh mulligan won tuo only man hi the viiiuku who could bo hired to miw and spilt wood or to uho a lawn linowor huy hmperh mnguzine ami ho never v lost u chance to impress the fact upon a cuhuii llntoncr ive got to pfpt this job through for your inn us rpjlk as ovor 1 can lio announced to the ftmall son of ono ot ills employ oth im lohlng sixty centh an hour rljht along every min ute im hero theres three people wallliik for mo now ami i dont know how thoy are kuwir lo ot along till tomorrow without me any ono of thorn wjiy mr mulligan suid the boy respectfully i dont seo how you ure losing hixty ccntb an hour when moth er pnys you twenty and you couldnt lein more than ono place at the same time and have you got as far ns gcomthry in your studies inquired mr mul ligan coldly resting his arms on the handle of the lown mower no admitted the boy you do youll understand a good many things thatshld from you nownnldmrrmuiiigiyircsumlnff his leisurely progress over the lawn keeping his religfon pure parson exclaimed ephralm van got llellon i tell you thats fine brother you ure go ing to lay ahlde nil sin yes sun youre goln to church yes suhree youre going to care for tho wid- owh sho am aro you golne to pay your debts suh dat aint liglon dats business 9 ttpawm tut babys own vsoap txt figlax ths tonic and vegetable laxstivs sure relief for constipation 25 and 50 cents at druggists send 25c for trial box fle- lax laboratories ettf wood stock oht internal and external pai are promptly relieved by thomas eclectric oil that it has been boia for mearlv fiftv vzam juio is tooay a qheateh seller than ever fore is a testimonial that speaks fob its numerous curative qualities i cdods have been mflmnft underwetat for outdoor iblklbr roitynone tjeantb 8ecuiethemjpitmideiwear make nuteupu see the label on everu garment you buy dodskratr underwear ewbcbeay eod8 every day many travelling salesmen are using long dis tance to keep in touch with the folks at home at slight ex pense they enjoy o tew mln- ntca intimate talk that means so much did you ever stop to thtixk by edsonr waite shawnee oklahoma that you cant expect business to coiiie your way unless you invite it that the business you will get to morrow depends a great deal on the way you invite it today that in evtery direction there are people who should be customers of yours that thtf only sure way of bringing them your way is by telling them who you are andwhere you are through the print ed page not once in a while but all the while that continuous advertising gives ihe appealing invitation that brings cus tomers in that the public knows that those who are continuous advertisers can fill their every requirement as to quality and service -3- that the public knows that it is to their advantage to buy from local dealers who advertise rather than roin faraway v concerns or peddlers x copyright 1920 v i failure to advertise continuously means loss of prestige and business i rrjaif cj mmmb i-a-