vvl jsl fiftysecond year no 47 thursday morning october 21 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morninq october 21 1926 single copies five centt the acton united church of canada miniatar rev r e zimmorman b a parsonage willow street 1100 a mwomcns missionary so- cloty sorvlco speaker miss sadio bpwesy -i-auperintendont- of hamilton prchbytcrial mo pm sabbath school session 700 p m the minister subject sortie romurkh on fergusons policy prayer service oh thursday at 730 1 m presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart mi a manse willow street 1100 m the minister subject christian humility 300 p m sabbath sch and bible classost- 700 pm tho minister subject out citizenship mjkjiay evening at8 oclock young peoples guild v strangers leaving address with the ashorb will called upon by ho pastor- the baptist church acton 1000 am sabbath school 1100 a m mr w j baiter 700 p m mr w j baxter thursday 746 p m prayer moot ing arid by p u ail welcome special notices advertisements in thin column cent per word minimum charge joe per inensoa found key pursb owner may recover same by applying nt free press office for sale ford sedan ok shape a great festivarbf iximacdonaidctxberralewhich ends next saturday october 23 autumn and winter wearthings for every member of the family needables forthe home a- whole host of op portunities to provide for these at immense savings for the family pocketljook you will find yourself richly repaid for a trip to guelph to macdqnaldsahis week these quotations are just a few examples- t morton farm wanted cash buyers want ontario forms write h webster 121 tenth plow westminister bc lost on tuesday night a parkor duofold pen initialed b l f binder pleoso return to free press offjce dre89makinq ladies and childrens dresses and gormonts of nil kinds prices reaa- onable apply miss b tmnder 16i 4 main stroet wanted board and room in private tamlly roonl must bo comfortable and warm table while plain must be of grood quality will pay any reasonable tirlcefor satisfactory accommodation sree -fress-box-m- 8tock for sale purebred yorkshire sow first ut ter 0 rood pigs also purebred york- shlro sow 4 months old also gcod work horaes cheap apply alex heath on premises lot 82 6th line esquosing or to jamssmartin brampton ont for 8ale pianoa holntzman co mason risen evans lonsdale williams -mo- sort also somo player pianos all in good- condition though used do not delay writing for prices and easy terms while they last to martins music house brampton ont ejyr ijr lr auction 8ale james farrell town lino erin and eramoao near mimosa wlll hold an extensive clearing sale of farm stocky implements hay and- grain on wod- ncdnosday iltfovomber r at 1230 vclock at 1230 oclock r j kerr j hefferan 172 auctioneers real e8t ate wo have alltrgo list of farmb for le ih vicinity of acton wo in- iu to look thhtln over before pur- cnabwp spoolals for the next two weokapv sores 2v4 miles- from i- acton near now highway 70acros under cultivation stone jiouoe sood barn ana stables now driving shed ldalry buildings price b000 lmme- j drotpoanea3lon10laoreb from acton largo barn and stables i oomftjtablo roughcast house good l soil neap school make us an offer i terms if- yfju wish at bm56 li- j a smith 5- tolphpna i5 i acton v- 10 men wanted at onco to qualky an auto mcohanics battery and welding exports brlck- layorat and- barbers earn as you lonrn act quick got th big pay sith an 8 hour day halrdreasing oura for ladlos write or call for tra oatalosue hemphills schools unpins w torontq storm wrndowp wrkrfl fsg8 raoisutt owsbn uoiinirorien ajto isuntdbbs enbutib wbitb vub ooa catalogue raiifj3at companyfyrp po box ci98hjnuton ont a wondeplant friday 6ct6berb2 tnie i son of a swejk with rudolph valentino aid ed by vllma bunuy in the bot pfctureof his canter comedy ltools luck cartoon felix ln-the- gym gems oakvllle or- cneatrnr prlcbs lbo and 3gc saturday october 23 adpdt lane a remnrkablo stqry of down troddon humanity starring viola dana anl robert aghow- coln- edy mr clridprella fot nowsj r vgsenhowe stiurlng jnok holt chapter 7 of wild wont comedy charioy my boy i coming v steele of the royal mounted v by jamos oliver- curwood i -j- ttje yankee senot with torn ml ondtony ugqt jftson v mans suits and overcoats worth up to 93500 the suits with two pairs of trousers in the october sale at 21 mens fine neglige shirts worth from 250 to 350 for 1j2 mans quality brand trousers tweeds and blues regular up to it50 for 1365 mens work shirts work trousers socks underwear sweaters r pyjamas irt tho october salb at similar itfinffs- wpmni silk dresses flat cropes und creipo back satins womens and hjbaesj3izeathreo october sal pricesfs 10 is cloth dresses- in sizes from 16 to 20 and 8 to 46 allwool poplin ottoman cloth arid char- meen thrbe october salo groups 895 1095 and 1295 flannel dresses in sizes 36 to 42 smart stylos salepricd at 575 new valve hats from new york secured at low prices for this event hundreds to choose from at 349 395 and 46 beautiful coats in womens and misses slses suedene and velour in ruat camel chanel red and navy blue with fur col lars and cuffs of mlnkonpsaum pejber sale price 24751 satin hats with metallic touches fashions newest offer- lng at two low flgtires 95 and 495 large head sizes represented by large numbers in the mlhln- ery specials velvets and the new satins with metallic trim mings 395 450 and 850 fabric gloves in the smarteat of new styles nt two october sale prices 69c and 89c silks wool dress qopds lin ings an enormous ust of savings in these too many to quote here underwear and hosiery many worth while savings in season- ablo needablea home staple goods wall papers draperies floor- cov erings a wealth of treasure say ings to reward thrifty folks who investigate right away 81st anniversary of knox church successful services last sunday with rousing sermons and goodjmusic guelpeps leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd dally cloilno sso pm excepting wednesday t 1z30 noon and saturday at 9 m pm an ies rve and six tube seta ranging in price from 13500 to 25000 complete supplies a band c batteries loud speakers tubes and power tubes a and b battery chargers battery testers l battery eliminators aerial equipment tinfnctj evorythlnflr needed for the radio 8ee our window display w d talbot phone 76 we deliver main street just around the corner the k our customers confidence is given to us more jreely because we have had years of specializing in the bet quality of groceries arid food products quality first has always beeftour motto we appreciate the confidence pur customers have placed in us and wo will endeavor tomalce our services worthy of the confidence of more customers in acton and surrounding country i- our qiijteiiistspeciat our phone 18 169 extra special fleischmans yeaat 3 yeast cakes for 1 1uc lpurady friday and saturday cor syrup 2 lb tins jjt 18t 4 m pqif sss uwwf10iyr for bread and pasky ioo lb bag cottar 475 24 lbr baoj -cjotton- i fajs i24 lh excelsior jw y coeoa- yi v- tin pure coeos regu lar 25 cetitp for per tin bulk coco perjb ise 15c golden yeflov corn of- meal 5 lbs forrrtid french castile soap special 3 bars for scpfch jojjt mei for qat me cakeg b lbs otz pt lawrence suggr feiine lfbs fov dry cooking onion ijiot chodolttte marshmaliov 66- iuita tegular 50c a for alw lard and shortening pure lard per lb aot shortening per lb 18c pure m 5c 7ur c k wt c we sbll quelph at we have guaranteed new laldeggg direct from the farm thescton produce grocery co lei8hmaji bl5c phone ie v rr- ur job printing at the uk the eluhtyflrolj anniversary of the founding otiknox church n acton ana ths of the erection and dcdicatlonof the present splendifjedlj flee was commemorated with very in teresting services the spleridhl aut umn weather ya an ele wh facilitated a very large attendance and the churiflk was ailed to capacity at both berjhoea rev a cstewort m ar tho pastor was tin charge he welcomed very cordially thevlsltors which included the conjrcsiition of tho baptist church iniuie rnornlng nnd thnfc nt tb ttnit- ed church in the evening rev w j baxter of the baptist church assist ed in tho devotional service in the morning and in tho eviting rev r e zimmerman b a led in prayer the apodal nitislc by the choir was much enjoyed- they rendered n anthem in the- morning and two hi the evening with a full choir at the morning service a fine- quartetto was sung by messrs john lewis a jack alex mann and james smith at the evening servicomr john lewls soloist sang a nltich appreciated solo accompanied by miss jean orr at the organ and the men of the choir rend ered a chorus remember me o mighty one accompanied by mr p j salt the organist of the church the preacher for tho occasion was rv w f mcconnellb a- of rtver- dale presbyterian church toronto his discburses were emphatic and rousing expositions u nd were calculat ed to press home the truths expounded the theme of the morning i sermon was building of the house of god and was based on the biblical story of the building of solomons temple as re lated in kings 5 7 and tho house when it was in the building was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool ofiroitneard in the house while it was in building this woo thle greatest event in the reign of klngp solomon davhl was grateful that his son was to build it and desired that he should know his god as the temple was built of prepared materials it was gods plan that we should be prepared in our lives for the temple of the liv ing god of which jesus christ is the chief corner stone we shouldbe hy ing stones of the temple of god rof- erence was made to peters vision of gods glory and pauls reference to gods followers being built upon the foundation of tho apostles and proph ets with christ as the chief corner stone the goal wo should be aiming at is to fee like christ by preparing to hblp otliora and save others we are preparing ourselves for the heavenly temple u whena hsmvhotnultituaetie was moved with compassion on thorn because they fainted and were scat tered abroad as sheep having no shep herd thls fruitful verse tn the ninth chapter of st matthews gospel was the text tor a very tender and sym pathetic sermon at tho evening aer ylce jesus saw multitudes indlyidu- ally when he was upon earth he saw a needy multitude he saw young men and women who neel guidance afflict ed and perplexed he saw the bur dens of the people who needed hib help ho sees today the needs- of the people on the fields where- our mis sionaries are working his go yems sounding everywhere he is always calling for dlsclpjea many are res ponding and consecrating themselves for services jesus needs every man woman and child he gve his life for usran w oa t e hfer ferguson policy government sale attorney general nickell proteeuv and resigns from the governmeiit hedied but he rose agalp there is death for those who love him but death la the gateway into heaven ask him to come into your lifo to give joy and gladness and life ever lasting a generous thanksgiving offering was given by tho congregation during the day the church was skilfully decorated with the seasons flowers the molachin plot located the other day jin john r kennedy called on tho lisbiutsa and said i havo discovered the grave ofhhe late old cemetery none of the directions given by those who wrote the ffesc piuras savlrig- where the grave would be found were correot if yob have time to walk over there with meril show you the editor accompanied mr ken nedy and sure enoughhe had located the mclaehlan plot and mrs mc- achlans grave it js 45 feet from the southerly boundary of ihe cemetery propertytho line of the present knox church property and 186 feet west erly from the entrance gate in rear of the location of the- old knox church av wellpreserved headstone now lies flat over the grave it bears the fol lowinginscription injdemoryof margajuct jbain tbebelovod wife of kbv johit mcliachxan wbodeparted this life 10th december lfttio aged 26 years 3 months blessed are the dead who die in the iiocd rov 14 m be thou faithful unto dcth and i will give thee a crown qf h sonte tblriyreirh yearago wr john comeron was walking about the olct comelory and pbsoryed that- the headstone at t grave of bis former nastftrv wife had fftllon- off tho base and was lying aoe down over the grve he turned the marblo slab oyerwlththofucvup iind ettledit firmly jn this horizontal position during the intervening years the shrubs v vines grew over th plot so rankly that the slab was completely covered but mrcfuneron never torgot its- location on tuesday ntorning the editor asked m cameron to acoom- psny him to the cemetery to see if he could siir locatehe plot with out any hesitation he walked directly to the place he was surprised hbw- ever to aee that the- undergrowth which hiidtaovered the slab for years las neatly cut away and that tho headstone had been carefully cleaned off bo- that tho inscription is now clcrirly legible stands erect it bears the initials it jr mci- t jchs4 ft ther slvcubsaro growing very rankly about the pot bit the gravel itself is al most comliletely covered with tho headstone nov lying prone upon it mrs molacblnn the daughter in law of deceased has bean apprised of the ociltlon of tho grave concerning which sho was so anxious tha park improvement copm rhu- bld a onioert uevy ovfen- oompleo the wrjjc qarrled- n ftl tho the lcaduig headline on tho front page of the sidiland empire on tues day morning was rather startling to the average resident of ontario it read annual uquott permits for auaduits inntario it proceeded to inform its readers that thih is tho policy upon which the ferguson government goes- to the country with the general elections on wednesday december 1st hon w f nickell k c attornpy- qencral disagrees with thlb ikilcy and reslgnshls offlcev i-tholetter- premier erguspn tendering his resig nation he says since the acceptance of tho port folio of attorney- generav i have en deavored to meet the reaulrements of the ofllco and tp render to the pro vince and tho government the servlco you had a right to expecti bolievo with a measure of success in my judgment often made known to you and emphasized the ontario temperance act has contributed sub stantially to the wellbeing of tho pro vince and while there are and would be difficulties to combat and over throw i am confident that the recog nition ty the trade and tho electors of the- determination- of governments to acknowledge- the fundamentals of the law and to require observance wouldeurely and steadily win respect andcompliance to you you say the difficulties of the situation seem insurmountable and you are convinced that the so- called government control will be more advantageous than steady pro gress which i believe practlceable- under the ontario temperance aot to wards sobriety and abstinence in my judgment it is a mistake again ip legalise in the province tho salo for beverage- purposes of ardent spirits and intoxicating liquors you are aware that i have for months carefully considered the prob lem meanwhile investigating the workings of the various legislative schemes alluring but deceptive of the other provinces and as the result and myself convinced that- the wise course does not lie in the direction you in tend to take hon mr nlckells resignation was promptly acceptod and hon w h price kc former provincial treas urer succeeds him t in mr nlckells retirement tho pro- vlnco loses one of the most able and conscientious- attorney generals who ever occupied the office acton and district choir meeting on friday evening all the members ot the united church choir are requested to be at the church friday evening at 730 oclock to welcome our new- choir leader light refreshments will be served h mccomb president meeting for agricultural short course a meeting ot those interested in the proposed short course in agrloutture tn mflton will be held in the council chamber of the town hall acton op wednesdays evenlngrpctobor 2t at s oclock aj1 those interested are re- quested to attend institute members plcaao note dr and mrs gollop st qtuwa dr and mrs cjofop left last week for ottawa where the dtv secured a lu crative dental practice this estim able young couple spent two years in aotoo and during xheir residence hero made many warmi friends the best wishes of air go with them ti their new homcatjho capital a womens service in the united church next sunday will be womens mis slonaryday in the united church tho morning service will be under thft charge of the w m s miss sadie bdwes superintendent of the hamilton presbyterial will deliver the address miss bowes-is- an experienc ed and very effective speaker paulln johnson and her poems tho united church young peoples society programme on monday even ing was enjoyed by alu tne v i s group provided a literary evening a camp fire scene was presented by tho nlomberb misses ivy llttley and moore gave interesting papers oh the lhte i arid work of pojuline john son- other- members read patriotic poems by the same writer mr a t brown featured thecloao of tho pro- grammo the sassone first real snowstorm the first blanket of snow of the season carne early monday morning corner of mill and main to be widened coopers store to be moved back to allow for semicircle corner peared like themanna in the wilder- jaess the fall of snow interfered for a time with farm work it- especially retarded the work of the pavement contractors on main street tlto com pletion of which is coming perilously near the frost line police cour news ftigigjgrltlh cotiy fl we should not tolerate such outlaws flouting the law in its face declared judge stubbs in refusing an appeal of a local cafe owner convicted by the police magistrate of an infraction of the manitoba temperance act judgo stubbs hot- only refused the appeal but increased the fine from 300 to 1000 or in default of- paymen- six months in jail this is the first time the maximum fine of lo0tt has been imposed on- an individual judge stubbs declared prison sentences wee necessary to curb the illicit selling of liquor and said every bootlegger should be in jail following his conviction on a chargn under the ontario temperance act oji tuesday sam sorbara who was sentenced to a months term in jah ahd in ad to p a fine of 100 out on bair of flooo was out on ball of until monday morning when crown attorney j m kearns- heard this he vigorously protested against sorbara being allowed any such privilege with the result tbau the ball was rev6kcd and sorbara taken into custody at his home and locked up in the county jail mercury joseph bbllons organiser of the klu klux klnn in guolp waabound bver- tpkeepthe peaoo by magistrate watt at wednesday mornings police court and ordered to remain in custody uvftll he provided- two securities off 1000 each boll one was charged with threatening persopal injury to m pentoldroidamrigetombprorwrtyr claude emersoitlwab charged y chief jackson of georgetown with driving past a stop sign in that town with a truck he pleaded guilty before police magistrate moore on wednesday arid was fined 100 and costs the young men charged with sun day shooting lri grin township came before police magistrate- moore plead ed guilty were fined 6io0 and costs and had their guns confiscated guelprfa pfe visit actoml lnsbllation jf and awlst st t woodgreens offerings a party of a round doaen of mem bers from royal city lodge no 72 sons ofenglan made ri fraternai visit to woodgreen lodge acton on friday oyertlngjaoj the visit sory- ed atwqfqiifl purjioseyhat of assist- lng in the installation of officers and of playing the nhtt round for the dis trict cup originally presented by the royal city lodge for supremacy in indoor games- and at present held by kitchener ith installation coro- monlch wqro performed by w d d bro eccleshallanhlbtcd by w p p bro t adtlns sr as s- g and bro orj tnyloras in g i following the installation a start was made with the chosen ritunee cribbage euchfo ondwhist and at the conclusion of twqhours of playv lodge royal city wore declared the winners having an aggregateof v tut of a possible six points t t- rof reshphohts wete served b acton brethren and after an hours social intercourse interspersed with songs the royal city tea returned to guelph af toe heartily thanking woodgreen- flor us hospitality kev dummctavish stricken iat ntttbnmrbrefoottomjstllf 4ffhinrrijm streke of apo- plexy at belleville 18th inst the earth and trees and public- spirited citizen and ready to buildings were well coyered but in h lartlclpate in changes which are few hours the snowy sheet had disap clearly in the best interests of the there are meddur elsewhere also orillla evidently has people who thinkut a joke to pull flso alarms of fire av well as acton the pdcket- timefrays the false alarm nuis ance is making his rounds again during the week the firemen respond ed to two calls which ended infrutt less huntd for the bhxke the person or persons who takes diversion in this form is reminded that there is a heavy fine or goal eentehoe for con victed iartles the provinolal elections the revis1ngofncrswlil holdsh- tingsln the different municipalities of the county on or about tho llth 12th and isth of november to hear appeals and complete list the hats of 1926 whether as printed or- already revised by tho judge will bo usedr all jiuall- fied voters should examine theso lists and if their names are not on either part i or part iii thereof an appeal in duplicate to be added should be made to the clerk of tho municipality for time to do this see large posters a settled minister again hev w jr baxter who has been supplying the- pulpit of the baptist church for the past month or so is now the settled pastor of the congre gation ho was called several weeks ago accepted the call and has taken up his residence in acton with his wife and babo mr baxter was pastor of the mount hamilton baptist church for some tin and under his minis trations the church grew- from a mis sion to a selfsustaining charge m baxter has not yot completed his theo logical caurse nt mcmaster university and will go to toronto for lectures for some time yet r a dry tea ona wet day notwithstanding the downpour of rain oh saturday afternoon and- tho continued drixxle which followed it the afternoon tea and sale of baking by tho acton w c t us was a ffrati- fying success ctjeawos seryed in the new rest- room which f1 who visited it during the afterooon considered aifl homestead seventy mlrably suited for the purpose for which it has been engaged tho sale of baking and homemade candy took place in the bar room and baleswero made over the old dominion hotel 4ar it was quite a transformation from thenxn originally transacted in that deportment the receipts of the after noon totalled about s0o there was anarrayofvcry emptingbaklng on sale and all was promtply disposed fatal accidrrt ti priwdi in dtrait thlasad meaaoo oamc to mr and ijra p k itocleary church street from detroit shliev clark ten- monthflold woa killed on monday and her jarentalr clark were injured probably fatally when tbe automohlle in which they wer rldjng crashed into- a peijjarquette engine at west warren avcnut tho police aay the apeedometer of tho bad ly wrecked car was axed at 45 mllea per hbiir a idter message came to any that mrs clark hod paused away but thu dr- clarks injuxlea wore not so aerloyiias woa nt flrat auapeoted dr clark la a nephew of mr co- clearyijthe bodtea mti takeii to toroht and- mi- and mri mcoloary went to the city oh tueaday after noon lortr dr clark has olao died as a result of the injuries he received thhuntina saafpn for big dame tjooal sportsmen are already laylnff pinna for a trl up north tor der fiuntliik a hundred acres of conjlnu ous woodlnndwuhsdon be the mecca of the followers- o big gamo aho0lnc tho hunting season for territory north ond w o the p ana mnttnwu rfefaia open from october j until november s0 for the dlstrlot lytni south of that only from noveniher 5 ontlknovein jofcaet t l moose and 170m flebr hcena wero issued to- residents unit lasl tlcmiaca bellavllle oncaotl vvw 8 motntlflh secretary of jpreaby- tcrlan synod of toronto nd knb- btonwblorr niocta thla week -lri- knox ho mnrsldnte thinieans thai ovor atinrch toronto is today critically 13109q yf4tat received for dlor and 111 tho rettult- o a mtrqke of apoplexy dr mctuvish liaa- bocn prorilnn a dry nrt vocate arid oflt tpfa inegforcea here in heferenfludv w hndl ialdpl3i to tattbatfortirnoj prt to-lnytrna- sny to liqdoubtjul hey dr sctavjah is a bivmvh 9 thelate aiobifqravljh ot actb and was brn at saaaaitweii ooao fleenses tlono while- the ret enuefttim jlcenwi for aft llnd qf hqoklnf w aver-mmp- thvhunjl ipb wp bealde be trig li njaito produocr far the government provides m3jjrcojnefr pprttpk4n4 aut- flttftig lttbluhmen it wa learned that initial exponas for equlppaent upltjfllng hoots and- rlftp about j100 hllfhftw itwlu be gratifying to cltticna gen erally to learn that negotiations have been concluded by which mrw m cooper has entered into an agreement with the municipal council to move his building back so as to permltvqf a radiua at the mju and slain slrcot corner the following resolution was passed at a special meeting of the council on tuesday evening resolved that william coopers of fer to sell that portion of his corner lot at the corner of mill and main streets required to rouhd the corner fox the new pavement for the sum of 10qo he to move the building from the said portion of the lot to accepted and that the agreement of said sale be prepared and bo executed by the reeve and clerk and tho corpora to seal of the corporation bo attached thereto this resolution v was carried unani mously this plan will permita rounded corner whicjyls se by bta at a poinlttwenty leeffrom the cor ner of both mill and main streets and describing a true segment of a circle this will give a wide space when the telephone post planted at the corner is- removed as it will be the space will bo further increased by aevexal feet tha new cement pavement and the curbing will greatly improve this cor ner a much finer facade will be pos sible for the new building whjch mr cooper will probably erect there and the whole contour of the street will be improved in appearance the safety for traffic at this busy corner was also an elemenuwhich in fluenced the council in making their negotiations for the proposed improve ment mr cooper is to be congratulated upon entering upon this agreement with the council the change pro vlded for will really enhance the value of his property and it will demon strata to the community that he is a dissolution oi the legislature nominations fixed for saturday november 20 elections wednesday december 1 tho pcoplo of ontario will go to tho polls for a general election on wednesday december 1st with nom inations on november 20th his hon or li ou tenant governor cocksriutt has signed tho ordorlncouncll which dissolved- the recent legislature the lethinrtfac provinces history and the- writs for tho new election have boon issued j tho grounds upon which the fer guson government is appealing to the electorsof pxts province are embodied in a manifesto which tho prime min ister issued tueaduy morning the document sots forth the intention of the administration if returned with regard to revision of the ontario temper an colact 1 tho policy of premier ferguson provides for a form ot government control to bo enforced by means of ft card system cords being issued on request to any citizen over 21 years of age for the purcbasb of liqiuor to be subject to cancellation for ahuseof their- privileges tho following is a synopsis of the inollcy upon which premier ferguson oes to the country government sale of liquor in-imuri- lciiautica not under local option in september 1916 provision for sale of boor in glass in standard hotels in wot munjcipau- ties- doctors scrips are wiped out vendors of poison alcohol will be jailed for first offenses consumers may buy liquor only if they provide themselves with an an- nual permit which will show each purchase municipal income exemption raised to 3000 pleasure car license fees reduced 6 amusement tuj off admissions bit 2c cents and loss extension ogcpa roads policy j town and also ready to facilitate the accomplishment of necessary improve ments obituary benjamin toxton while engaged in a conversation with a couple of friends near guolph post office on friday benjamin tol- ton one of ouelphs oldest and high ly respected residents was scucd with a heart attack and succumbod on tho street befoye neflli- nwwrhfrpfn ronni- ed him tho late mrtoiton woa born on february 2 18ed and was a twin brother to david tolton jf tolton bros tdmtted who ib tho only sur viving member of a family of fourteen all of whom were raised on the old homestead lot 15 concession 1 era- mosa township tho farm homestead which- is located ave miles from quelph and which mprltajton conducted suc cessfully for many yeursv waa deeded to his grandfather the late william tolton i 183 by the crown ninety- four years ago and was in possession oi tho fumlly until 1922 when it was sold mr tolton retired from forming in 1920 spending the remainder of his ilfo in guelph surviving aro his widow- who beforo her marriage was miss margaret yeates v edlnbur scotland and three sons philip b of stratford- wilfrid x at honiej and bertram b of klngsvlllc mr tolt ton was a brotherof george tolton who was a grainbuyer in acton for several years he attended acton fall fair a month ago- mnsckewsqn mcliatjghxik very suddenly death came to mrs crewsen mcliughlln malp street labt sunday evening tho previous wpekmrstolaiiglilln was enjoying iter usual health on tuesday sho walked down town and was about on wednesday late on wednesday af ternoon she took a chill and this was followed by a stroke she recovered consciousness nnj jn thursday and friday she lucid intervals on saturday tioweyr one lapsed into a state of coma from which she never rallied and on sunday evening a little before acven oclock her spirit took its flight mrs mclaughlin sptnt her life in this community she was the daughter of the late joseph cripps who lived on tho farm lot 32 sixth concession nassagaweya and five years ago in the year 1891 she married her sorrowing husband and they have lived in trie home whcro she died during an the- intervening years on child woa born r6 them rcd who now has a position tn long iqland mtar now york her affections went out in- larse moaauro to this dearly- lpvod aon mrs- mcxaughlin was a member of tho preabytcrlnh churcn and she valued hor membership very highly much aympathy la felt for the lonely huaband who has been in poor health 4or some months the funeral on tuesday afternoon was hold from knox church and was conduct ed by rev a c stewart si a in- tcrmontvas mado at alrvlew cem etery an evening of sweet music a very onjoyablo musical oventtxg was given in knox church oa tvea- dnyeyonlng under tho ausplcosof the young peoples- dutkk the program me throughout- was rendered by out- side artists each of whom excelled the repertoire of the ovonlng wqa as follows part i mnle quartette hlvor of life -mosara- church lovell patter and deacon of ferua organ a serenata lo maro b butterfly williams- miss hatto kelly guelph violin- berceuse godard miss evelyn demi quolph mala quartette come unto me fergus qoortette organ nearer my goof to thee miss kelly sopritno adtb in uwseilder- neas scott miss pearl morton of ouelph part n violin selected ctltla c tenor solo beauteous song mr lovell mole- quartette shepherda care uio fergus quartette soprano solo sundown carllale mlas morten organ offertory tn b flat ifo- burerwely miss kelly avpumber of- extra numbers were cowtylbntert- tho ptfitip- throng-h- oiit wero tory much enjoyed tho nurtlcico ajao appreciated the gener pua- goodwill and happy demeanor of thla exoejlent mnlji company m annual jiankoffering meeting inspiring address by mrs w gamble of quelph the annual thank- offering meeting of the womens missionary society of knox chiirch is always an occasion of special interest and themeetlng of last thursday was fully up to its pre decessors in all respects the atten dance was largo and included numbers of members of tho united church sor clety and of the baptist church tho president mrs a mcxavish cordially srectod tho visitors v the apeaker of the day was mrs w p gamble of guelph mr8aamble prefaced her address by saying that bhed4d notcome4o knoxchurch-a- stranger as alio vtros tjorn injacton and was given inj consecration tp the jrjasters aorvlce by her father the ldte x b christie and mrs christie when baptised tn tho church an inspiring ud dross on the value of mlssionn and the great opportunities for service which they offer was glv- en manjrtonpretopoints of inter- est were portrayed and mrs gamble by her emphatic presentation of facts figures and inoldent gave her bearers now visions and encouraged them to more effcotlvo borvice an interesting event of the jnceting was tho presence of mrs christie mrs gamblos mother for many years a member and worker of knox church the missionary lunch was a feature of tho aftcrnoonsv proceedings at its conclusion mrs a t brown moved atorcorjllalrosoluu tton for tho opport unities and prlyl- leges of tlio meeting every feature had been enjoyed especially the won derful address of mrs gambler mrs wans bro ugh seconded tho resolution and mrs mctavish fittingly replied the new rest rckm the chamber of commerce has succeeded in initiating this- convenience a special mooting of the chamber of commerco was held last thursday evening the main subject fofr con sideration was the report on the pro- gresh bei made with the new rest room mr j m mcdonald representative of tle chamber of commerce report ed that 100 had heen promised from the council for maintenance of the restrooui- he had raised the amount to 100 from the chamber of comr mcrce and tho womens iustltute sr ode jr x o de and tho w c t u had each promised 2g to further augment the funds necessary for operating tho rooms a meeting of all these societies was to bo held on thursday evening october 21 when officers would be elected to attend to all details 7 mr mcdonalds report wns accept- ed and ho was thanked for the inter est ho had taken in tho matter the secretary wras rcquestott to secure jpj formation from other towna regarding the operating of their rest- rooms -w- j itev a c stowartv on behalf of the boy spouts thanked the cliamher of commerce for tholr letter of approval of tho organisation thero was quite a discussion on the movo being made by the council to widen tho mill and main street corn- ertbr tho new cement payepient- tho following motion was passed that this chamber of commerce goes on record as fayoripg the proposed wid- ening of tho mill and main street corner a for by the plan for o somtclrclo comer and sanctions any expenditure tho council may find necessary to make in ihls corinectloh k field crop competitions conteata in potato in the fllld tho secretary of tho fail fair has rocelved tho report from tlio deport- mont of agrloulturo- toronto giving t tlioreaulu of judging for the standing held crop competitions in potatoes for v 1926 as follows 1st arthur griffin erin dooloys- 2nd peterjhntav brnv rjooteys obr llfttntifilstprljo 15 3rd rthur swackhamor of i brln- dopjeys cortincd pra6 it throbert korr erin doolfllra cer- hncd 03 prit ti gth- patterson nasaagaweya dooleys cortined 02 prise j8 llth leslie pearen erl dooleys certified 93 prizo 36 7th ttolu bros erin dooloye cortl- llod90h prlzo 14 thora were fourteen entries in the- competition i iv- v0- -j- mr qeorge ridley ot st marys has purchased from mr e decuo his twostory brick ronldonco at tho cor- r ncr of mill and wtelllngton streets j a smith renj estate agent erfect- a the auile tt